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Guidelines and Tables

Machine Drawing
KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy

E EF F FG G H KMNP Zero line Cl)
(a) Holes (Internal features)
C 0
0 Cl.
u.. -~ "iii
iu u
z bl 'iii
~ (b) Shafts (external featu res)
GUIDELINES ‐‐‐ CLEARANCE FITS Combinations recommended in BOLD

Hole‐Shaft Combination Description Uses

H11/a11, H11/c11, H11/c9,  Fits with great clearances with parts having great  Pivots, latches, fits of parts exposed to 
H11/d11, A11/h11, C11/h11,  tolerances. corrosive effects, contamination with dust 
D11/h11 and thermal or mechanical deformations
H9/C9, H9/d10, H9/d9, H8/d9,  Running fits with greater clearances without any special  Multiple fits of shafts of production and 
H8/d8, D10/h9, D9/h9, D9/h8 requirements for accuracy of guiding shafts. piston machines, parts rotating very rarely 
or only swinging.
H9/e9, H8/e8, H7/e7, E9/h9,  Running fits with greater clearances without any special  Main fits of machine tools. General fits of 
E8/h8, E8/h7 requirements for fit accuracy shafts, regulator bearings, machine tool 
spindles, sliding rods.
H9/f8, H8/f8, H8/f7, H7/f7,  Running fits with smaller clearances with general  Main fits of machine tools. General fits of 
F8/h7, F8/h6 requirements for fit accuracy shafts, regulator bearings, machine tool 
spindles, sliding rods.

H8/g7, H7/g6, G7/h6 Running fits with very small clearances for accurate  Parts of machine tools, sliding gears and 

guiding of shafts. Without any noticeable clearance  clutch disks, crankshaft journals, pistons of 
after assembly. hydraulic machines, rods sliding in bearings, 
grinding machine spindles.

H11/h11, H11/h9 Slipping fits of parts with great tolerances. The parts  Easily demountable parts, distance rings, 

can easily be slid one into the other and turn parts of machines fixed to shafts using pins, 
bolts, rivets or welds.

H8/h9, H8/h8, H8/h7, H7/h6 Sliding fits with very small clearances for precise guiding  Sliding fits with very small clearances for 

and centring of parts. Mounting by sliding on without  precise guiding and centring of parts. 
use of any great force, after lubrication the parts can be  Mounting by sliding on without use of any 
turned and slid by hand. great force, after lubrication the parts can 
be turned and slid by hand.
KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
GUIDELINES ‐‐‐ TRANSITION FITS Combinations recommended in BOLD
Hole‐Shaft Description Uses
H8/j7, H7/js6, H7/j6, 
Tight fits with small 
clearances or 
Easily dismountable 
fits of hubs of gears, 
negligible  pulleys and bushings, 
interference. The  retaining rings, 
parts can be  frequently removed 
.,> Bl assembled or  bearing bushings.
iii Ii.

,1,11~~~ KM N P Zero line

'0 ., H8/k7, H7/k6,  Similar fits with small  Demountable fits of 
&~g> K8/h7, K7/h6 clearances or small  hubs of gears and 

interferences. The  pulleys, manual 
(a) Holes (Internal feah.-es) parts can be  wheels, clutches, 
assembled or  brake disks.
without great force 
-"' using a rubber 
g if mallet.


'l:,? .
Zero l ne

,1iH~~~ ~~~''''"'""
f fg g h

H8/p7, H8/m7, 
H7/m6, H7/n6, 
Fixed fits with 
negligible clearances 
or small 
Fixed plugs, driven 
bushings, armatures 
of electric motors on 
u. .t JS
l., M8/h6,  interferences.  shafts, gear rims, 
z b ~
N8/h7, N7/h6 Mounting of fits  flushed bolts.
using pressing and 
light force.

(b) Shafts (external features)

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Combinations recommended in BOLD
Hole‐Shaft Description Uses
H8/r7, H7/p6, H7/r Pressed fits with  Hubs of clutch disks, 
6, P7/h6, R7/h6 guaranteed  bearing bushings.
.,> Bl Assembly of the 
iii Ii.

,1,11~~~ KM N P Zero line
parts can be carried 
out using cold 

'0 ., H8/s7,  Pressed fits with  Permanent coupling 
&~g> H8/t7, H7/s6,  medium  of gears with shafts, 

H7/t6, S7/h6, T7/h6 interference.  bearing bushings.
(a) Holes (Internal feah.-es)
Assembly of parts 
using hot pressing. 
Assembly using cold 
pressing only with 
g if
-"' use of large forces.


'l:,? .
Zero l ne

,1iH~~~ ~~~''''"'""
f fg g h

H8/u8, H8/u7, 
H8/x8, H7/u6, 
U8/h7, U7/h6
Pressed fits with big 
Assembly using 
couplings of gears 
with shafts, flanges.
u. .t JS pressing and great 
l., forces under 
z b ~
temperatures of the 

(b) Shafts (external features)

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15.6. Types of fits with symbols =d applications

Type of fit Sijimbol of fit Example:s of applic:ation

lnte:rferen.c:e fit
Shrink fit H8/u6 W'heeI sets , tyres, bro.nze crov.ns on 'Mlrm wheel
Heavy driw fit H7/s6 h ubs, couplings tmder certain, ,et.c.
Press fit H7/r6 Coup,ling on shaft ends, bear:ing bushes in hubs, valw
Medium press fit H7/p6 seats, gear wheels.
Transition fit
Light press fit H7/n6 Gears and worm wheels, bearing bushes, shaft and
wheel assembly with feather- key.
Force fit H 7/m6 Parts on machine tools that must be ehanged without
damage, e.g., gears, belt pulleys, couplings, fit bolts,
inner ring of ball bearings.
Push fit H 7/k6 Belt pulleys, brake pulleys, gears and ,couplings as
wen as inner rings of bal.l bearings on shafts for
aw:rage loading conditions.
E .a sy push fit H 7/j6 Parts which are to be frequently dismantled but are
secured by keys, e:_g., pulleys, haru:1-wheels, bushes,
be aring shells, pistons· on piston rods, change gear
Clem·on.c:e fit
Precision sliiding fit H7/h6 Sea.ling rings, bearing covers, milling cutters on
milling rn andrels other easily removable p.a rts .
Close running fit H7/g6 Spline shafts , clutches, movable g'j! ars in ch~ gear
t.raii'IS, et.c.
No,r mal running fit H7/f7 Sleeve bearings with high revolution, beru-ings on
rn a.chine tool spindles .
El acy running fit H8/eS s ieeve bearings with medium revolution, grease
lubricated bearings of wheel boires, gears .sliding on
shafts, sliding blocks.
Loose running fit H8td9 Sleeve bearings with low revolution, plastic material.
bearings .
Slide l'l.llMing flt HS/ell Oil seals (S:immerrinl!'$) with metal housing (fit in
housing and contact surface on shaft), multi-spline
shafts .

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15.1 F,mdamental t.oleranres of grades Cll, 0 and 1 bl l6 (values of tolerances in microns) (1 micron= OJllll mm)

Duin 'el r Toleror:ce Gmde ·

ftteps in mm
01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,s, 11,S* 16*
To, n in 3 0.3 0.5 0. 1.2 2 s 4 6 10 1-4 2_o~ 40 00 100 140 250 4,00 600
Over 3
To, and! ini; 6 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2.5 4 5 8 12 18 30 48 75 12,0 180 300 480 750
I Over 6
To, and inc 10 0.4 0.6 1 Ui 2.5 4 6 9 15 22 36 58 90 um 220 360 680 900

I Over 10
To and ini:: 1 0.5 0.8 1.2 2 3 5 8 11 1 27 43 70 110 180 270 430 700 1100
Over l
To, anrll inc 30 0.6 I 1.5 2.5 4 6 9 13 21 33 52 84 130 210 380 520 84(1 13(10
Over 30
To, and im: 50 0,6 1 1.5 2,5 4 7 11 16 25 39 62 100 160 250 390 620 lOOO 1600

I Over 50
To and ine 80 0.8 ll.2 2 3 5 s 13 19 30 46 74 120 190 300 460 740 1200 1900
Over 0
Toandim: no 1 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 15 22 35 54 87 140 220 350 540 870 1400 2200
Over 120 I

To anrll ini.: 180 1.2 2 3.5 5 8 12 18 25 40 6.3 lOO 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500
Over 180
To and in.11: 2-50 2 a 4.5 7 10 14 20 29 46 7.2 115 185 290 460 720 :U50 1850 2'900
Over 2:50
To, and inc- 315 2.5 4 6 8 12 16 2:3 32 52 BI 130 210 320 52(1 810 moo 2100 8,2(10
Over 315
ITo, in ,oo 3 5 7 9 13 l 25 36 57 89 140 230 360 570 890 1400 2300 8600
Over 4®0
To anrll inc- 4 6 li 15 20 27 40 63 97 155 250 400 63(1 970 1sso 12soo 4(1(10
* pto 11. mm, Gni.tles 14!-to 16 are not pru\oided.
KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15..2 Fund.amen tal deviations for shafts of types a to k of sizes upto 500mm (contd.)

Funde.m'l!.11lal de,1Jialit:m in micron.s l micron c::: 0.001 mm)

Di.«meter pp r devialfo11, (es) Lower de1.1iatio11 (eO

step inmm js,+
a· b C d e f g h J h
aver upto All grades 5.6 7 8 4 to 7 ~ 3,> 11
- •a - 2'10 - 140 - 00 - 20 - 14, - 6 -2 0 -2 - 4 -6 - 0 - 0
3 6 - 210 - 140 - 70 - 3@ - 26 - 10 - 4 0 - 2 - 4 - 1 0 I

6 IO - 0 - 150 - 00 - 40 - 25 - 13 - 5 0 - 2 - 5 - +1 0

10 14 - WO - 150 - 95 - ·I - 52 - 16 - 6 0 IT/2 -8 - 6 - +1 0

14 I
l 24 - 300 - 160 - 110 - 65 - 40 - 20 - 7 0 - 4 - 8 - 2 0

.24 3()1

a .«)1 - 3,10 - 170 - 120 - 80 - 50 - 25 - 9 0 - 5 - 10. - + .2 0

0 501 - 320 - 180 - 130

50 65 - 340 - 190 - 140 - 100 - 60 - 30 - 10 0 - 7 - 12 - 2 0

65 8{11 - 360 - 200 - 150

60 100 -a o - 220 - 170 - 120 - 7.2 - 36, - 12 0 - 9 - 15 - 3 0

100 120 - 4 10 - 240 - 1 0

120 140 - 460 - 260 - 200

140 160 - 520 - 0 - 210 - 145 - 85 - 43 - 14 0 - 11 - 18 - +3 0

160 l 0 - 680 - s· o - 230

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15.2 Fundamental devfa.tion.s for shafts of types a to k of sizes upto 500mm (contdJ

Fu11darmm.tol de iotiOll fo micnir:.i; (l m·cro "'0.00·1 nu .l

Diameter Upp r deviation (es) Lower deuiatum (ei)
rGtepsinmm js+
a b C d. f! f g h j k

ouer upto Allgrodes 5.6 7 8 4 t-0 7 S-3.,> 7

180 2ta1 - 660 - 340 - 240

.200 .225 - '11.ffl - 300 - 260 - 170 - 100 - 50 - 15 0 ± IT/2 - 13 - 21 - +4 0

225 2501 - :w - 420 - 280

2'50 280, - 900 - 480 - 300 - 190 - UO -56 -17 0 -16 -26 - 4 0

2" 315 - 1050 - 540 - 330

315 355 -1200 - 600 - 360 - 210 - 125 - 62 - 1S 0 - 8 -28 - +,& 0

356 400, - 1350 - 680 - 400

400 450 - 1.500 - 700 - 440 - 230 - Ul5 - 68 - 20 0 - 20 - 32 - +5 0

~m 50@1 - 1650 - 840 - 480

11 c deviations of shafts of t;ypes a and b not provid@d for upt o 1 mm

+ For typ@Sj:s in the particular Grades '1 to llT the two ,s ym.momcal deviations~ IT/2 may possibly bo roundi!d, if tho rr Vfillli, in microns
is an odd va]ue; b:r replacing it by the e,ren value immediately below.

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15.2 F\nndament al deviations for shafts of type.,; m to zc ohizes upto 500 mm (mn:td.}

Fmulamental chviation in microns U micron"' 0.001 mm

Dia.met r Lmu~r ~l.!iatfor-w (ei)

rief}S in mm
m n p r 11 t 11 I.I X :; z za zb .:c

Ouer Upto Ail gra,de.s·

I - 3 2 4 +6 + 10 + 14 - + I .· - + 20 - + 26 + 32 + 40 + 00

3 ij, +4 + + 12 + 15 + 19 - + 23 - + 2:8 - + S5 +42 + 50 + so

6, 10 +6 + 10 · 15 . 19 23 - 28 - + 34 - 42 52 + 67 + 97

I 0 14\ +'7 12 + 1- + 23 + 28 - + 33 - +40 - + 50 + 64 + 90 + 130

I 14 18 39 45 - 60 77 + 108 + 150

l 24 15 + .22 + .2 +35 - + 4l + 47 + 54 + 63 + 73 I
+ 9B + 100 + 188

24 30 - l 8 56 64 75 88 + 11.S + 160 + 218

30 40 +9 + 17 +26 +34 +43 +48 +00 +68 +80 +9'4 + 112 + 148 200· +274

0 50 64 70 +S +~7 + 114 + fffi, I

+ 180 + 242 +325

50 65 +n + 20 + 32 + + 53 + 166 + 87 + 102 + 122 +l + 172 + 226 + 300· + 405,

65 0 +43 +59 + 75 + 10.2 + 12,() + 146 + 174 +210 + 274 +300· +400·

0 100 + 13 + 2.3 + gi + ij + n +91 + l~-4 + 146 + 178, + 214 +266 +33:5 +445 +585

1001 120 54 + 79 104 144 + 172 210 +254 +310 +400 +525 +690

I um 140 + 63 I
+92 + l 22 + l 70 + 20.2 +248 +300· +365 +470 + 620· +800·

I 140 160 + 15 +43 + 100 + 134 + 100 + 228 +28.0 +340 +415 + 535 + 700· + 900·
;,, 16 5

1001 I
IM + 68 I
+ l 08 + l 46 +210 + 2, 2 +310 +300· + 465 I
+600 + 7&0 + 1000

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table l :5.2 Fundamental deviatiom fur :ihafls of types m to • of sm-s upto 500nun oontd.)

F,mda1:rumtal chtl"iation in microns (l m it:ron "' 0.001 mm)

Diaml!te.r Lowe.r dR.uiatfo:ns (ei)

tep m mm
m n p r s t u !} X y z ~a zb ~c

Over Upto All

I I 200 + 77 + 122 + 166 + 236 + .274 + 350 +425 +520 +6-70 +880 + 11.)0 1

24)0 225 - 1'1 3ill + 50 + 80 + 130 + 180 + 258 + 310 + 385 + 470 + 575 + 740 + 960 + 1250

225 2'50 84 + 140 + 100 +2 + 340 +425 +520 +640 + 820 + 1050 + 1350

2uo 2 I) . 94 + 68 +28 +3 6 + 386 + 76 +580 +1 0 + 920 + 1200 + 560

280 315 T 20 + 34 + 56 + 98 + 170 + 240 + 350 + 425 + 525 + 650 + 790 + 1000 + 1300 + 1700

3 15 3 5 + 108 + 190 + 268 + 390 + 476 + fi90 + 730 + 9-00 + l 50 + 1500 + 1900

355 00 21 . S'i + 62 +114, + 208 + 294 + 435 + 530 + 660 + 820 + 1000 + 1300 + 1650 + 2 00
4001 450 + 12'6 +232 +330 +490 + 595 + 740 + 920 + lIOO + 1450 + 185(1 + 2400

450 frOO 23 +40 + 68 + 132 + 262 +360 +640 + 000 +S20 + 1000 + 1260 + 1600 + 2 00 +2600


KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
T.aole l .3 Fu:ncla:mental de,,-iations or holes of types A t.o for s:ize.s upto 500 mm (oontdJ

u.Jtdam al d.t iotio i, mierons U mkro.n. - ]. DUll I


Diamil!i e:, Lowe, diwiatwm rElJ Upp •r devlati.or~ (ES)

'µeps - mM

... 1J D I! F G H Js J K M J.

r Upta All grt:1.iffif G 7 > :ii ,:j: :> g :> 8"' S7

- ~
... .7 0 +Hr0 l +oo .....' 0 +M + ' Cl +-4 +- . 0 0 - - 2 -..t, -4

3 6 210 ' l. 70 0 20 10 4- II) 5 6 10 -1 ,1 - - 4 A- ti -8 /!J. 0

6 1 I
280 um ! 80
4- 25 l.3 5 0 - s 12!-1 Ii - -6 A -6+~. -1 A 0
l I l 200 + 100 + 5 + -o + 32 +1 6 0 + ij + 10 + lo - l+ - -'i + A -7 -12+~ 0 t--
l 1 l"J 2l

1 ~ ..... 00 +- 160 +no + - + .O +- "- 1 8 +-12 20 -2 +- - -8 +- .0. - - 15+- 0 :)II

2-1, 3
3 310 + Jl"" 5:0 + 2ii 9 1· 24 - 2+~ - 9+A - 1 +A 0
l.:Z + 14 9
320 ]._ l.3 ...
00 65 -0 + 100 M 100 +60 +- 3 • 10 13 + 28 -2 + - -11 6 -11 - .20 +- 0 i;;:
65 - :300 + +I5 -

1 I 380 220 I l.W 12 I 72 36 12 0 16 22 84 -S ,1 - - 13 ll -18 -23 A 0

llOO 120 410 240 :ll,8_

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table ] 5.3 Fundamental devia ·110:s for holes of types A to for sizes uptn 500mm (contd.)
Fumla,,umlai ck111wtion iii rnic.rons (J micron - 0.001 mm)

Diameter La,1.1er deomtion.~ (ElJ Upptw deviatiollll (ES}

IIle~ m mm
A* "B C D E p G H Js+ J M N
0 Upt~ All gr.odes 6 1 8 ~s >8 :s 8 t >8 :i;S > 8" s. 7
1.20 14 460 + 2fiol!) +2

140 Ifill + 15 0 +280 + 2H!I +- 145 + 8-'l + 43 14 0 + 18 +26 + 41 -8 +-tl - - 15 + ti -lfi - 27 + ti 0

100 18 5 0 +3UI + 23
100 2 660 +34(1 +24 i,.

000 225 + 740 + 300 + 200 170 + 100 + 51.1 + 15 0 + 22 +SO + "j -4+ A - - 17 + ti -17 - 31 + ti 0 tl
22.':i 200 820 + 20 + I ~ ...
~ ,g
200 28 +9•:20 4&11 300 190 +110 + 56 + 17 0 -I + 25 36 + 55 -4+ A - -20 + A - 20 -34 + A 0
2&l) 915 1050 + 54!0 -1-33 .:i

315 355 1200 OOlil +360 I 210 + 125 1+ 52 ·• l 0 + 29 39 I + 60 - 4+ A - - 21 H1l - 21 - 37 + ti 0 l

355 4 1350 + lii80 + 400I ~
4,00 450 1500 + 700 +4UI 230 +135 + 68 + 20 0 + aa +43 + 66 -5+ - -28 +6 - 23 -40+ ~ 0

400 6 -.- 1650 +SW +-4

* The deviatiOD ufhul! uf typiit; A El!lld B m Elli; >8 are not fur diB.llll1ten; uptu 1 mm.
+.F or the ho e o:i t.ype Js in t!be .~des 7 arul! 11, the t ·o symmetrical ± deviations [T.12 may poss:ib.]y rounded. [f the IT vs.Jue in microns u;, an odd val.u
IH!place it bjr the even value immediately below.
t at e! For the bole MG, E = from 250 lo 315 (ins d of - lU.

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Tab .e l!i.3 FuoilWl!len devi3! iOD.5 fo:r holes of types P to ZC for sizes npto 500mm Conld.)

F1,uuf.o.m IJlal d.ev.iotion in microns ll mi ron = J)i.ll mrol

DinmRI r.8lep, Upp _r d,vint~ <ESJ

1n mm

p R T u V X z ZA ZB 2 A i11

(J r plo >'i J 4 5 6 7 8

- 3 -6 -10 -L - l-1 -
I -2
- -26 -32 - 0, -6 11 = 0

3 6 -12 -15 -1 - 1-23 -

I -2
- -3 - - 2 -50 - 0 1 I 1-5 ] 3 4 6

6 1(1 -15 -19 -2:S - -28 - I -34 - - 4-2 -52 -67 -97 1 1.5 2 6 7

1 1 -18 -23 -2 - -33 - - - -50 -64 -90 -130 1 2 3 7 9

l 1 - 39 - 45 - I
00 - 77 - 109 - 150
1 :w -22 - -
-3 -,
- - _l - _7 -5 - 63 - 73 - 3 -100 -1 1..-- 2 3 12

4 -41 - - -5 -64 - 75 - -11 - 16 -21

-2 -M - -4 -&'.I -68 - -94 -11 -14 -2 -274, 15 a it 5 14

5 - 64 - 70 81 7 - 11 - 136 - 18 - 24:2 - 32

5 65 - 32 - 1 - 53 - 65 1- 1 - 10:2 I - 122 - 144 - 172 - 226 300 - 40 - 2 3 5 6 11 1•6

:j, - '-I -00 -75 - ]!1)2 - 20 -1 ' 6 -17 -210 -21 - 300 - - 0

I - l'i' '
(I 00 -31 -5 -71 - .1 -124 -1 -214 -2~ -335 - - 5 1 ]::I 19
100 120 -54 -7 -1 -144 -li2 I -21 -254 - 1 -40 -6,2 5 -690

121) 140 -63 -92 -122 1-170 -202,1 -248 -3 -865 -470 -620 -800 3 4 6 7 15 23

l 160 - 43 I - 65 - 1 - 134 - 190 - 22

I- 2 - 34 - .1-15 - 535 - 700 - 900

160 I - -1 -1 -21 - ,z - 31 -38 - •I - - -780 - 1000 1

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table 15..3 Fnndam.e ntal deviations for h oles of types P to ZC for sizes u;pto 500mm (Contd.)
P toZ

Fwulam~nial d'euiatmn in mienms (I micrn.n "' 0.001 mm )

Diamner stl!ps Upper deviatwr~ {ES}

p R T u V X .z Z..o\ ZB zc A in microns,.

0-oer Upto >7 3 4 5 6 7

1 200 - 77 -12 - 166 -236 - 84 -350 -426 -520 - 670 -880 -1150

200 2'25, -511 -80 -130 -1811 -256 -310 -385 -470 -575 - 740 -960 -1250 3 4 6 9 17 26

225 250 -84 -140 - 196 -284 -340 -425 - 520 -640 - 820 -1050 -1350

25 280 -56 -94 -15 - 21 -3 5 -3 5 - 'j;j -!j 0 -710 - 920 - 200 -1550 1 9 20 29
26 315 - -170 - 240 -350 -~5 -52:'i -600 -790 -1000 - 300 -1700
315 3.55 -6 -108 -1 0 - -390 -475 -fi 0 - 780 -900 -IHiO -1500 -1900 4 5 7 11 21 32

355 400 -ll4 -20 -294 -43.5 -530 -650 - 820 - 1000 - 1300 - 16.'j0 - 2100

00 0 - 68 - Jl.26 - 2"32 - 3311 - 490 - 95 - 740 - 9211 - llOO - 1450 1- 1850 - 2400 5 5 7 13 23 34

II 500 - ]_!32 - 252 - 300 - 540 - 600 - 820 - 1000 - 125(1 - 1600 - 2100 - 2600

¥In d ~ g K, 1, upto grade 11nd P to ZC upto gn1d 7, tak the .ti v3l u from the wJu.mru on the ri!lht
Example: For P7, Crom d!iameten; 18 to 30 mm, & : S; hf!nilet ES : - 14.

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy
Table il.5.4\ Formulae for fundamental deviation for shafts upto 500 mm
Upper deviation (es) Lou,"'l!.r deviation (e.i)
Sha:fi In mic.rons Shaft In mic.rons
designation. (for D in mm) designatwn (For D in mm)

a = - (265 + 1.3D) k4 to k7 =0.6 Un

for D ~ 120
=-3.5D kfur = □
for D > 120 grades S: 3
and ~ 8
b "' - (140 + IOl.85 D) m = + OT 7 - IT 6)
for D :i l60
"' -LSD n = + 5 no.:u
for D > 1:60 p = + IT7+0 t.o5
C = - 5.2 yi.J r = geometric mean of values
for D :!i 40 ci for p ands
= - (95 + 0.8D) .s =+ IT8+l t.o4
forD>40 for D s 50
d =- rnll'-'4 = + IT7 +0.4D
e =- ll yi.u t =lT7 + 0.63 D
f =-5.5 DUl u = + IT7+D
g =-2.5 Du" V = + IT 7 + 1.25 D
h =0 X. =+ IT 7 + 1.6 D
y "'+ IT 7+2D
iZ = + IT 7 -+ 2.5 D
za = + IT 8 + 3.l5 D
zb = + [ 9'+4D
j5 to jS m formula l2C =+ 1Tl0 +5 D

For Jis : the· two deviations m'\e equal! to :!: 1;

KL Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkata Reddy

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