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Name :…………………….

Class : VIII ( DELAPAN) A ,B,C

A.Choose one of the most correct answers!

1. Reza : “we go to malang the day before yesterday , we spent our time for shopping”

Zaki :”So, what do you think about Malang?”

Reza : “….”

a. I hope malang will be more famous in the world

b. I think Malang is a comfortable city
c. I agree that you should go to Malang
d. I don’t agree with you

2.Yogi : “…..”

Mikho:”What ‘s that”

Yogi : “Mrs.Wulandari said that the final paper should be submitted tomorrow afternoon.”

a.Good Morning b.Good afternoon c.Do you know mrs.Wulan d.Attention, please

3.Fredo :”….”

Bono : “your goal to run a business on restaurant field is agood idea.”

a. I have a plan to open my second café

b. I have a plan to open a small craft and presents business
c. I have a plan tu run a small business on book publisher
d. I ha ve a plan to run a small restaurant

4. Santi :”What do you think about taking an English lesson ?

Monic :”I think it is a good idea for sour achievement”

The underlined sentences expresses….

a. giving opinionb. giving permission c. asking for item d. asking for opinion

5. Mrs Shella :”Attention please!Do the question number 3 and 4and we will discuss after

You finish”

Student :” Yes, Mrs.Shella.”

Mrs.Shella says the underlined expression to…..

A. Ask for attention b. show care c. asking for apology d. asking for suggestion

6. Arista : “I think the English lesson was very interesting.”

Windu :”….”

a. I suggest you to study harder c. that exactly

b. why don’t d. I hope that the English

7. Putri :”Her complexion is fairer than me.She must be pretty in this light green gown.What do you

Nilam : “You pick the right colour for her.”

What does Nilam think about putri’s choice?

a. She thinks that putrid is bad

b. She thinks that putri give the best gown for her
c. She thinks that putri choose the best gown for her

d. She thinks that putrid is good with the gown

8. Vina :” Is your handmade jewelry?”

Yogi :”Of course I made it for two weeks.”

Vina :”….”

Yogi :”Not really.”

What is the best response for the dialogue above?

a. It look so perfect c. I think its weird

b. What a nice song! D. It tastes so bad

9. Aliyah :”….”

Belinda :”Thank you. My mother designed and sewed it for me.”

a. What a nice necklace

b. I like your new haircut
c. That’s beautiful dress you’re wearing
d. What a big house

10. Mrv.Patricia : “ Nikita, are you with me so far?”

Nikita :”….”

Mrs.Patricia :” I m very sorry, Mom”

What is the best responses for the dialogue above ?

a. I’m sorry I forgot to bring my homework’

b. I know that you mean
c. I’m not sure I get your point .Mom
d. I’m not sure that answer

The following dialogue is for number 11 to 17

Rosa has made some fruit kebabs. She wants Andro to taste them.

Rosa :” Hi, Andro.Care to taste this?”

Andro :” What is it? It looks so delicious .”

Rosa :” Well, I can this fruit kebab.

Andro : Oh I see.How do you make them?”

Rosa : “Its easy .I saw the recipe in my mom’s magazine.”

Andro :” Did you made it by yourself?”

Rosa :”Yes , of course.”

Andro :” great ! “I II taste it?”

11. What has rose made?

a. Cookies b. Fruit kebab c.Juice d.Snack

12. Andro’s expression to show complimenting is….

a. it looks so delicious c. What’s that?

b. how do you make them? D.Oh , I see

13. Andro’s expression to show his attention is….

a. did you make it by yourself? C. it looks so delicious

b. oh, I see d. great!

14.Who accompany rosa is making the kebab?

a.No one b.His frien c.Angga d.Her mother

15. “ It looks so delicious .” The similar meaning of the underlined word is….

a. acrid b.delightful c.bitter d.virulent

16. “Great” Of course I’ II taste it”.The opposite meaning of the underlined word is…

a. wonderful b.splendid c.pitiful d.terrific

17. “ I saw the recipe in my mom’s magazine.” What is the meaning of the underlined word?

a. A handbook that instructs on how to use a particular device or piece of software

b. A particular course of action intended to achieve result

c. Directions or series of act especially foods and drinks

d. A process of series of act especially of a partical or mechanical nature

Read for question number 8 and 9!



18. The signed places at the cover of electrical devices what does the text mean?

a. Electrical shock will make us experienced

b. We must be careful to open the cover of the radio

c. It is hazardous to open the body of electrical apliance

d. It is forbidden to open the cover of the radio

19. The word “risk”in the sentences above his similar meaning with….

a. tolerate b.suffer c.danger d.endure

20. Mr.Mahmud :Attention , student! I’d like to show a map of Indonesia!

Why does Mr.Mahmud ask for students attention?

a. Because the students need explanation

b. Because Mr.Mahmud Would like to show something to the student
c. Because Mr.Mahmud would like to draw a map
d. Because the student are asked to read a map

Complete the following dialogues for question number 21 to 25!

Dialogue 1

Andin : “Hi Maya, What a nice dress! You Look (21)… that

Maya :”Thanks, Andin. I like this , too. My aunt (22)…..this from Japan.”

Andin :”Is that so?” I must say your aunt knows what suits you best.”

Maya :” Of course. She is a fashion (23)…….”

Andin :”No wonder then. That suits you so well .Do you know how much the dress costs?”

Maya :” I m sorry I don’t Know . I didn’t ask her about it.”

Dialogue 2

NIa :” May I come in, Sir?”

Mr.Tan :”Please come in , Mrs.Anna.”

Nia :”The project proposal has already been (24)….., Sir.”

Mr.Tan :”Really ?Great ! That was real Fast (25)……..Mrs Nia

21. a. wonder b.wonderful c.wonderer d.wonderfully

22. a. brought b. bringing c. bring d. to bring

23. design b. designate c. designer d. designation

24. did b. does c.done

25. work b.worked c.working d.workable

26. Afgan : “ Will you win the competition?”

Bayu : “ I have a lot of experience in facing such competition.”

The second speaker thinks he is……to win the competition.

a. doubt b. pessimistic d.eager

27. The following expression used to express capabity , except…

a. I will win b. I am not sure I can do it c. Is ni thing to worry d.take it easy I am

28. Indra :”….”

Rio : “ Your purpose to preserve our local herbal plant is brilliant.”

a. It is my ittention to make herbal medicine plant garden

b. It my intention to pick up more herbal medicine plant
c. It is my intention to have more plants on this place
d. It is my intention to preserve herbal medicine plant by planting it

29. Putra :” Next month we are going to have a guest from Australia.He will do some observation

About this school.”

Gatra :” Tell me more about it.”

a. Well b.Hi c.Pay Attention, Please! D.Come here!

30. Farah :”Listen to me! I am admitted at a famous restaurant in Jakarta.”

Rita : “What”?

Based on the underlined sentence we know that farah is….

a. Asking for opinion

b. Giving opinion
c. Agreeing with Rita
d. Asking for attention

31. The following text is for number 21-23

“ Danger high voltage don’t open “

Why can’t we open the cover?

a. To avoid the high voltage

b. To prevent electric shock
c. To keep it in danger
d. To danger the user
32. The word “ high” has opposite meaning as….

a. hazardous

b. low

c. harmful

d. good

33. Ida : Can you manage to come at four ?

Tantri : I can make it “ we know that tantric ….. to come at four

a. Sure
b. Optimitist
c. Able
d. Satisfied
34. Dhani : Do you know where are the cups , yudi ?

Yudi : They are…………..the table

Dhani : Oh , I see

a. In
b. On
c. Behind
d. Under
35. There ………..a beautiful house near the village

a. is

b. were

c. was

d. are

36. Akhsan : Hi, edo , what are tou doing ?

Edo : Well . I am ( 36)…………….my whatsapp

Messenger account.

a. saw
b. see
c. seeing
d. seen
37. Reza : “………………..throw the rubbish in the dustbin.

Jerry :’ Oops, I am sorry

a. Don’t run
b. Don’t litter
c. Don’t say
d. Don’t be lazy
38. Father : I need some , will you continue this work?

Son : All right , Dad. Just give me ten minutes to finish it

Why does father ask his soon to continue his work?

a. He feels healthy
b. He does not have any idea to work
c. He feels tired
d. He is lazy
39. The teacher : “Alright student lets start the quiz”.

The student : Excuse me. Sir . Can we open our book?

The teacher : No,………….. are you ready?

The student : Yes , sir.

a. Come to me
b. Explain to me
c. Close your book
d. Open your book
40. Dear Lusi

This card comes with living wiches , especialy for you

To wish you lost of happiness today and all year throught

Happy new year 2020



The word “ wish” in the text nearly means……

a. See
b. Look
c. Hope
d. Want
41. The purpose of the text above is……

a. to remind some one about new year

b. to greet some one for the new year

c. to inform everyone about new year

d. to invite some one to

42. To wish you lots you lots of happiness today The word has the same meaning


a. Gloominess
b. Felicity
c. Sorrow
d. Lugubriousness
43. The receiver of the greeting card Is….

a. Lusi

b. Susan

c. Lusi’s sister

d. Susan’s Sister

44. In our living room ………………four chairs and a table

. we have breakfast there every morning.

a. There is
b. There are
c. There was
d. There were
45. There……………….a lot of syrup in the bottle

a. is
b. are

c. any

d. not

46. There ……… some cake

a. am

b. will

c. do

d. is

47. There…….. pencils on my table……..

a. is

b. are

c. did

d. do

48. There is a garage on the left side of the house. A garage is a shed where……

a. a driver sleeps

b. cars are stored

c. cars are washed

d. household appliances are kept

49. Ani : Where is the bowl ! Dyah ?

Dyah : It is……….. ( gelas disamping Mangkuk)
a. Under the glass
b. In the glass
c. Behind the glass
d. Beside the glass
50. There ‘s living room . Living room meaning……
a. bathroom,
b. waiting room
c. bedroom
d. sitting room

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