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Open source technology is defined as the production and development philosophy of allowing end
users and developers to not only see the source code of software, but modify it as well. The Linux
operating system is a one of the best-known examples of open source software technology. Open
source code is made available free of charge to the general public. The rationale for this is that a large
community of developers who are not concerned with proprietary ownership will produce more useful
and bug-free product for everyone's benefit. The open source concept relies on community members to
find and eliminate bugs in the program code, a process which commercially developed and packaged
programs do not utilize. The process of eliminating bugs and improving the software happens at much
quicker rate than through the traditional development channels of commercial software. The
information is shared within open source community and does not originate or channel through a
corporation's research and development department.

Keywords: Introduction, History, Terms , Security.

Some open source licenses meet the requirements
of the Open Source Definition. Some open source
Introduction software is available within the public domain

Open source software is very often developed in a

Open-source software (OSS) is computer
public, collaborative manner. Open-source
software that is available in source code form for
software is the most prominent example of open-
which the source code and certain other rights
source development and often compared to
normally reserved for copyright holders are
(technically defined) user-generated content or
provided under a software license that permits
(legally defined) open content movements.
users to study, change, improve and at times also to
distribute the software. A report by Standish Group states that adoption of
open-source software models has resulted in
savings of about $60 billion per year to consumers


The free software movement was launched in  Transparency

1983. In 1998, a group of individuals  Perpetuity
advocated that the term free software should  Interoperability
be replaced by open source software (OSS) as  Localization.
an expression which is less ambiguous and
more comfortable for the corporate world
Software developers may want to publish their
software with an open source license, so that
anybody may also develop the same software
Criteria of Open Source Code
or understand its internal functioning. Open
source software generally allows anyone to
create modifications of the software, port it to 1. Free Redistribution
new operating systems and processor The license shall not restrict any party
architectures, share it with others or market it. from selling or giving away the
Scholars Casson and Ryan have pointed out software as a component of an
several policy-based reasons for adoption of aggregate software distribution
open source, in particular, the heightened value containing programs from several
proposition from open source (when compared different sources. The license shall
to most proprietary formats) in the following not require a royalty or other fee for
categories: such sale.

 Security
 Affordability

distribution of software built from
modified source code. The license
2. Source Code may require derived works to carry a
different name or version number
The program must include source
from the original software.
code, and must allow distribution in
source code as well as compiled form.
5. No Discrimination Against
Where some form of a product is not
Persons or Groups
distributed with source code, there
must be a well-publicized means of The license must not discriminate

obtaining the source code for no more against any person or group of

than a reasonable reproduction cost persons.

preferably, downloading via the

Internet without charge. The source 6. No Discrimination Against
Fields of Endeavor.
code must be the preferred form in
which a programmer would modify The license must not restrict anyone
the program. Deliberately obfuscated from making use of the program in a
source code is not allowed. specific field of endeavor. For
Intermediate forms such as the output example, it may not restrict the
of a preprocessor or translator are not program from being used in a
allowed. business, or from being used for
genetic research.
3. Derived Works
7. Distribution of License
The license must allow modifications
and derived works, and must allow The rights attached to the program
them to be distributed under the same must apply to all to whom the
terms as the license of the original program is redistributed without the
software. need for execution of an additional
license by those parties.
4. Integrity of The Author's
Source Code 8. License Must Not Be Specific
to a Product
The license may restrict source-code
from being distributed in modified The rights attached to the program
form only if the license allows the must not depend on the program's
distribution of "patch files" with the being part of a particular software
source code for the purpose of distribution. If the program is
modifying the program at build time. extracted from that distribution and
The license must explicitly permit used or distributed within the terms of

the program's license, all parties to under terms that do not violate the
whom the program is redistributed OSR.
should have the same rights as those 2. Availability: The standard MUST be
that are granted in conjunction with freely and publicly available (e.g.,
the original software distribution. from a stable web site) under royalty-
free terms at reasonable and non-
9. License Must Not Restrict discriminatory cost.
Other Software 3. Patents: All patents essential to
The license must not place restrictions implementation of the standard
on other software that is distributed MUST:
along with the licensed software. For o be licensed under royalty-free
example, the license must not insist terms for unrestricted use, or
that all other programs distributed on o be covered by a promise of non-
the same medium must be open- assertion when practiced by open
source software. source software
4. No Agreements: There MUST NOT
10. License Must Be be any requirement for execution of a

Technology-Neutral license agreement, NDA, grant, click-

through, or any other form of
No provision of the license may be paperwork to deploy conforming
predicated on any individual implementations of the standard.
technology or style of interface. 5. No OSR-Incompatible
Dependencies: Implementation of the
Open Standards Requirement standard MUST NOT require any
for Software other technology that fails to meet the
criteria of this Requirement.
1. No Intentional Secrets: The standard
MUST NOT withhold any detail
necessary for interoperable Open Standards Compliance
implementation. As flaws are
inevitable, the standard MUST define
a process for fixing flaws identified
during implementation and Compliance Levels

interoperability testing and to

To assist governments and other bodies in
incorporate said changes into a
recognizing and adopting
revised version or superseding
standards that conform to this Requirement,
version of the standard to be released
the OSI defines two levels
of compliance:

OSR Compatible  The end-user of Open Source code
has the ability to change and modify
This indicates that the owner of the source to implement any extra "features"
standard has self-certified of security they may wish for a specific
that their standard complies with this use, which can extend to the kernel level if
Requirement, and all Compliance they so wish.
Criteria. Anyone may ask the OSI to review an
OSR Compatible standard;  It is assumed that any compiler that is
if the OSI finds that the standard is used creates code that can be trusted, but it
incompatible, the owner must either has been demonstrated by Ken
modify the standard or stop using the OSR Thompson that a compiler can be
Compatible mark. subverted using an eponymous Thompson
hack to create faulty executables that are
OSR Conformant unwittingly produced by a well-
intentioned developer.With access to the
This indicates the OSI has reviewed a
source code for the compiler, the
standard, as submitted by the owner,
developer has at least the ability to
and certified that it fully conforms to the OSR.
discover if there is any mal-intention.
The OSI may charge a fee
to offset the costs of this certification.  Kerckhoffs' principle is based on the
idea that an enemy can steal a secure
military system and not be able to
Open Source Software Security.
compromise the information. His ideas

 More people can inspect the source were the basis for many modern security

code to find and fix a possible practices, and followed that security

vulnerability. through obscurity is a bad practice.

 Proprietary software forces the user to Conclusion.

accept the level of security that the
Although open source software is often free to
software vendor is willing to deliver and
download and use, open source licenses rarely
to accept the rate that patches and updates
transfer any ownership of the software to the
are released.
end user or developer. Open source is not
limited to software. Open source philosophies
have been applied





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