The Problem and Its Background: Person Who Is Bullied Is Affected

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Rationale of the Study

Bullying is an action to treat someone abusively, to hurt somebody and is a threaten a weak

person. Bullying is the use of forcing somebody, intimidate and kills them mentallyand

physically. Bully victims are the one who are suffering in this kind of tragedy, they are the

one who are targeted by the bully master.

Most common places where you can encounter bullying is in the school based, where commonly

victims are some weak students, Bully masterloves to hurt a weak one who cannot defend

themselves. Bully sometimes may be a verbal that will trash some bad words or bad comments to

a victim or may be a physical that involves, hitting, shoving, pushing, tripping, and other kinds

of force. Sometimes bullying results could be absenteeism, where mostly victims are students

that afraid to go to school caused by the bullying. Bully may be encounter sometimes in

workplaces where the victims are the poor workers, or the other workers who is in a low

position in the company may be a janitor, janitress, messenger and other workers who has low


In our country Philippines this bullying issue is what we are facing today, Especially kids

who have many Roles that can kids do, but because of bullying by others they can’t make some

move Or way to do what they deserves. Did you know that the person who is bullied is affected,
and the bully can also grow up to develop different social disorders or have higher chances of

engaging in criminal activity. So we need to make some move on how to protects those

victims in this case of tragedy and also the cause of bully. Sometimes bullying may be also

aCyberBullying, where bully abusing someone using  the Internet, interactive and digital

technologies or mobile phones. This form of bullying can easily go undetected because of the

lack of parental or authoritative supervision. Because bullies can pose as someone else, it is the

most anonymous form of bullying .As of now many people are using facebook, twitter and

other social media sites, to hurt somebody mentally, by bashing them, trash some bad

comments, name calling and to bother someone by chattingthem uneccesary things.

Bullying issue is a one of a kind topic that we concern for youths, parents, school staff and

Other people who are involve in this kind of issue or we say problem of our society because

Children and adolescents who are victimized of bullying issue will results by the sign of

Distress and adjustment problems. But we all know that bullying is such a kind of difficulties

In our life, Because sometimes people who is victimized of bullying was commited suicidal

Where people will choose to die than to face this issue or to survive with this issue.

There are some concepts why bully master loves to threaten weak person because their mind

Think that they are the superior, and sometimes caused by the insecurities or favoritism in

Their class. Sometimes it may caused by the anger or it’s just a tripping to somebody, and

Ofcourse lack of parental care and guidance. Some people they bully because they are

Once who bully victims before. Others just want attention from their friend so they Will

makeuneccesary things to become superior in other’s eyes. Bully victims can have the

distress and trauma where bully victims can’t sleep tightly because they are wondering so

much. And thinking on how to survive in this kind of issue some are choosing to
transfer in different schools or choosing not to go to school. Bully victims was teasing

because of their skin color, culture, religion, Being skinny or fat. Bully master judged

and teasing based on what they see through physical appearance of somebody. And even

in the family also affected in this issue. Sometimes bully loves teasing somebody who

is under of him/she. They also affect bully victims life, parents occupation, religion

and mannerism. So we cannot stop this kind of issue if we also including ourselves

to be a bully one. Bully affects our lives so much. So be aware and concerns in this kind

of issue.

Statement of the Problem

The Study seeks to find out the perceptions and level of awareness of Senior High School

Students of University of Luzon on Bullying. Specifically this study will answer the

Following questions.

1. What is the student’s profile in terms of:

a) Age
b) Sex
c) Strand

2. What is the first tghing comes to SHS students mind regards to Bullying?

3. What are the possible causes of why Bullying occur between the two opposing sides?

4. As a SHS student of University of Luzon, How are they going to prevent stop, and
reduce bullying?

5. Who do you think are the responsible personnel who can help reduce the numerous cases
of bullying?
Dagupan City
S.Y 2016-2017

BULLYING: How to Conquer in

a Justifiable Manner
(Practical Research 1)





Leader: Sunshine Villamil

Members: Kobe Kyle Gela

John Dember Pasua

Josefa Roy

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