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Verbs Followed by

Acknowledge Gerund
Admit(to) Gerund
Advise Gerund and infinitive(object)
Afford Infinitive
Agree Infinitive
Aim infinitive
Allow Infinitive(object)
Anticipate Gerund
Appear Infinitive
Appreciate Gerund
Approve of Gerund
Argue about Gerund
Arrange Infinitive
Ask infinitive
Attempt infinite
Avoid Gerund
Be able Infinite
Beg Infinite
Begin Infinitive = gerund
Believe in Gerund
Bring Infinitive(object)
Build Infinitive(object)
Buy Infinitive(object)
Can’t afford Infinitive
Can’t bear Gerund = infinitive
Can’t help Gerund
Can’t stand Gerund = infinitive
Can’t wait Infinitive
Care Infinitive
Care about Gerund
Cause Infinitive(object)
Celebrate Gerund
Challenge Infinitive
Choose Infinitive
Claim Infinitive
Command Infinitive
Complain about Gerund
Complete Gerund
Concentrate on Gerund
Condescend Infinitive
Confess to Gerund
Consent Infinitive
Consider Gerund
Continue Infinitive = gerund
Convince Infinitive(object)
Dare Infinitive(object)
Decide Infinitive
Delay Gerund
Demand Infinitive
Deny Gerund
Depend on Gerund
Deserve Infinitive
Detest Gerund = infinitive
Direct Infinitive(object)
Disapprove of Gerund
Discontinue Gerund
Discourage from Gerund
Discuss Gerund
Dislike Gerund = infinitive
Dream about Gerund
Enable Infinitive(object)
Encourage Infinitive(object)
Endure Gerund
Enjoy Gerund
Escape Gerund
Excuse Gerund
Explain Gerund
Expect Infinitive(object)
Fail Infinitive
Fear Gerund
Feel like Gerund
Finish Gerund
Force Infinitive(object)
Forbid Infinitive(object) = gerund
forget Infinitive not = gerund
Forget about Gerund
Forgive Gerund
Get Infinitive
Get through Gerund
Give up Gerund
Go Infinitive, gerund
Grow Infinite
Happen Infinitive
Have Gerund = infinitive(object)
Hate Gerund = infinitive
Help Infinitive
Hesitate Infinitive
Hire Infinitive(object)
Hope Infinitive
Hurry Infinitive
Imagine Gerund
Intent infinitive
Interest in Gerund
Insist on Gerund
Instruct Infinitive(object)
Invite Infinitive(object)
Involve Gerund
Justice Gerund
Keep Gerund
Lead Infinitive(object)
Leap Infinitive
Learn Infinitive
Leave Infinitive(object)
Let Infinitive(object)
Like Infinitive = gerund
Long Infinitive = gerund
love Infinitive(object)
Manage Infinitive
Mean Infinitive
Mention Gerund
Mind Gerund
Miss Gerund
Motivate Infinitive(object)
Need Infinitive
Neglect Infinitive
Object to Gerund
Offer Infinitive
Ought Infinitive
Order Infinitive(object)
Pay Infinitive(object)
Permit Infinitive
Persuade Infinitive(object)
Plan Infinitive
Plan on Gerund
Postpone Gerund
Practice Gerund = Infinitive
Prefer Infinitive
Prepare Infinitive(object)
Prevent (someone) from Gerund
Pretend Infinitive
Prohibit Gerund
Proceed Infinitive
Promise Infinitive(object)
Propose Infinitive
Quit Gerund
Recall Gerund
Recollect Gerund
Recommend Gerund
Refuse Infinitive
Refrain from Gerund
Regret Gerund
Remember Infinitive not = gerund
Remind Infinitive(object)
Report Gerund
Request Infinitive(object)
Require Infinitive(object)
Resent Gerund
Resist, Resume Gerund
Risk Gerund
Say Infinitive
Seem Infinitive
Send Infinitive(object)
Shoot Infinitive
Spend Gerund
Start Infinitive = gerund
Stop Infinitive not = gerund
Strive Infinitive
Succeed in Gerund
Suggest Gerund
Support Gerund
Struggle Infinitive
Swear Infinitive
Talk about Gerund
Teach Infinitive(object)
Tell Infinitive(object)
Tend Infinitive
Think about Gerund
Threaten Infinitive
Tired of Gerund
Tolerate Gerund
Try Infinitive not = gerund
Understand Gerund
Urge Infinitive(object)
Use Infinitive
Volunteer Infinitive
Wait Infinitive
Want Infinitive(object)
Waste Gerund
Warn Infinitive(object)
Wish Infinitive
Worry about Gerund
Would like Infinitive
Yearn Infinitive

Verb + Verb +Preposition +Adjective Verb +
+Infinitive or
Gerund +Gerund +Preposition  Infinitive

acknowledge adapt to be accustomed to agree attempt

admit adjust to be afraid of aim begin

advise agree (with) on be angry about afford can/can't bear

anticipate  apologize for be ashamed of appear can/can't stand

appreciate approve of be capable of arrange cease

avoid argue about be certain about ask continue

be concerned
consider ask about care forget

defend believe in be critical of  choose go on

be discouraged
defer blame for claim hate

be enthusiastic
delay care about consent like

deny complain about be familiar with dare love

detest consist of be famous for decide neglect

discuss decided on be fond of decline prefer

dislike depend on be glad about demand regret

endure disapprove of be good at deserve propose

enjoy discourage from be happy about desire remember

escape engage in be interested in expect see

excuse forgive for be known for  fail start

feel like give up be nervous about guarantee stop

finish help with be perfect for happen try

go inquire about be proud of hope

imagine insist on be responsible for intend

involve interfere with be sad about know

keep keep on be successful in learn

mention look forward to be suitable for manage

mind (object
object to be tired of need

miss participate in be tolerant of  offer

need (passive) persist in be upset about plan

omit plan on be used to pledge

postpone prepare for be useful for prepare

practice profit from be worried about pretend

prevent prohibit from promise

quit put off refuse

recall result from resolve

recollect succeed in seem

recommend suffer from tend

regret talk about struggle

resent take part in swear

resist there's no point in volunteer

resume think about wait

risk warn about want

suggest work on wish

tolerate worry about would like


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