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3 The t-Distribution and Testing Hypothesis about the mean for small

The Decision Tool (THE TEST STATISTIC) In order to perform the hypothesis
test, we first determine the the value of the observed statistic of our
sample. Many hypotheses are tested using a statistical test based on the
following general formula:

There are two cases:

 If the sample used is large, then the distribution used for testing the
hypothesis is Z. The standardized observed test statistic is given by:
x  0
Z (we discussed this case in the previous section)
s/ n

 If the sample is small (n<30) and the population is normally

distributed then the distribution used for testing is T. The
standardized observed test statistic is:
x  0
s/ n

Properties of the t-distribution

 The t-distribution has a symmetric bell-shaped density centered at 0, similar to the

N(0,1) distribution.
 The t-distribution is “flatter” and has “heavier tails” than the N(0,1) distribution.
 As the sample size increases, the t-distribution approaches the N(0,1) distribution.


Find the critical t value for  =0.05 with d.f. = 16 for a right-tailed t test.
Find the 0.05 column in the top row and 16 in the left-hand column. Where the row
and column meet, the appropriate critical value is found; it is +1.746

Let’s Do It!

Find the critical t value for   0.01 with d.f. = 22 for a left-tailed test.

Find the critical values for   0.10 with d.f. =18 for a two-tailed t test.
Example Hospital Infections
A medical investigation claims that the average number of infections per week at a
hospital in southwestern Pennsylvania is 16.3. A random sample of 10 weeks had a
mean number of 17.7 infections. The sample standard deviation is 1.8. Is there enough
evidence to reject the investigator’s claim at   0.05?

When you test hypotheses by using the t test (traditional method), follow the same
procedure as for the z test, except use The T-test using Table F.
Step 1 State the hypotheses and identify the claim.
Step 2 Find the critical value(s) from Table F.
Step 3 Compute the test value.
Step 4 Make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.
Step 5 Summarize the results.

Let’s Do It! An educator claims that the average salary of substitute teachers in
school districts in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, is less than $60 per day. A random
sample of eight school districts is selected, and the daily salaries (in dollars) are shown.
Is there enough evidence to support the educator’s claim at   0.10?
Let’s Do It! State and Local Taxes

The U.S. average for state and local taxes for a family of four is $4172. A random
sample of 20 families in a northeastern state indicates that they paid an annual
amount of $4560 with a standard deviation of $1590. At   0.05, is there sufficient
evidence to conclude that they pay more than the national average of $4172?

Let’s Do It! Doctor Visits

A report by the Gallup Poll stated that on average a woman visits her physician 5.8
times a year. A researcher randomly selects 20 women and obtained these data. At
  0.05 can it be concluded that the average is different from 5.8 visits per year?

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