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Assignment on Christian Formation

Submitted by : Ador A. Perez, BS REM

Date : Oct 31, 2020
Submitted to : Rev. Enrique Ronquillo, Professor

The Bible - the Main Source in the Study of the Christian Faith
A Reaction Paper

The Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. What started with a small group of believers, theologians & historians believe that the
spread and adoption of Christianity throughout the world is one of the most successful spiritual
missions in human history.

One key medium that made Christian Faith a success, is the Bible. A book that has the only
authority that tells much about what we should know about God, and His Son Jesus Christ’s life,
teachings, trials, and tribulations.

Faith is a relationship of trust with Jesus Christ built on a promise that Christ is our redeemer.
The One who shall save us, forgive us of our sins, and give us a new life. And keeping the faith
is where the Bible comes highly instrumental to keep us closer to Christ. The Bible is our source
of strength and comfort when we go through good & tough times, a source of life-giving love, a
source that provide us renewal & strength into our hearts. It gives us hope, grace & healing

The Bible, therefore, strengthens our Faith and relationship with Jesus. And it does that
because a strong faith makes us receive bountiful blessings from Jesus Christ, himself.

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