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The B field will be circularly polarized when h = κ.

The time average of the poynting vector is given by

1 1 1
hSi = Re[E ∗ × H] = Re[ E ∗ × B] (31)
2 2 µ0
1 ∗ −i(hz−ωt)−κx 1 −(hz−ωt)−κx
= Re ŷE0 e × √ (hx̂ + iκẑ)E0 e (32)
2µ0 c h2 − κ2
|E0 |2
=− √ e−2κx Re [ŷ × (hx̂ + iκẑ)] (33)
2cµ0 h2 − κ2
|E0 |2
=− √ e−2κx Re [−hẑ + iκx̂] (34)
2cµ0 h2 − κ2
1 h 0
= √ |E0 |2 e−2κx ẑ (35)
2 h2 − κ2 µ0

Jackson 7.2
Consider a plane wave incident normally on an a setup of three nonpermiable materials.

Since these plane waves are incident to the planar interface we can choose to only analize one particular linear polarization
since the perpendicular one will behave exactly the same, and we are free to combine them since this whole problem is linear.
Thus from the solution to a particular polarization, the general solution follows.

We choose to orient the ẑ axis normal to the interface and pointing to the right. The incident light wave is chosen to be
linearly polarized in the x̂ direction with wave vector k. The x component of the E fields in the three regions are given as

Region I
EI = E0 ei(kz−ωt) + E00 ei(−kz−ωt) , k = ωn (36)
Region II
0 0
EII = E1 ei(k z−ωt) + E10 ei(−k z−ωt) , k 0 = ωn0 (37)
Region III
EIII = E2 ei(k z−ωt)
, k 00 = ωn00 (38)

Where, by the symmetry of the problem, we have inferred that the left moving wave vectors in the first and second region
are the negative of the right moving wave vectors. The y component of the B field is given by dividing these fields by c, and
putting a − sign in front of the leftmoving waves, since their wave vectors point in the opposite direction.

Now we must simply impose the boundary conditions on the E, D, B and H fields at each interface. That is, the normal
component of D and B are continuous, which is trivial since there is no normal component of the fields, and the parallel
components of E and H are continuous. These conditions, at t = 0 give

E0 + E00 = E1 + E10 , E 0 − E00 = (E1 − E10 ) (39)
0 0 00 0 0 n00 00
E1 eik d + E10 e−ik d = E2 eik d , E 1 eik d − E1 e−ik d = 0 E2 eik d (40)
Solving these equations gives total transmission and reflection coefficients

|E00 |2 −4nn02 n00 + n2 (n02 + n002 ) + n02 (n02 + n002 ) + (n2 − n02 )(n02 − n002 ) cos(2dn0 ω)
< = =R (41)
|E0 | 2 4nn02 n00 + n2 (n02 + n002 ) + n02 (n02 + n002 ) + (n2 − n02 )(n02 − n002 ) cos(2dn0 ω)
|E2 |2 16nn02 n00
< = =T (42)
|E0 |2 (n + n0 )2 (n0 + n00 )2 + (n − n0 )(n0 − n00 )((n − n0 )(n0 − n00 ) + 2(n + n0 )(n0 + n00 ) cos[2dn0 ω])

The coefficients are plotted below for the case d = 1.

Figure 1: This plot shows the transmission and reflection coefficients for d = 1 (in each case, the transmission coefficient is the
one that starts out the larger of the two). The horizontal axis is the frequency which is plotted from ω = 0 to ω = 2πd = 2π
so as to show a full period for both R and T . From left to right this gives plots where (n, n0 , n00 ) = (1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 1) and
(2, 4, 1).

When n00 = 1 the reflection coefficient reduces to

R=1− (44)
n2 + (1 + n(4 + n))n02 + n04 + (n − n0 )(n + n0 )(n02 − 1) cos[2dn0 ω]
If we can get cos(2n0 ω) = −1 the requirement that R = 0 reduces to

n2 + (1 + n(4 + n))n02 + n04 − (n − n0 )(n + n0 )(n02 − 1) − 8nn02 = 0 → n0 = n (45)

Thus, if we choose n0 = n and d = (m − 1/2) √πnω with m an integer, the reflection coefficient will be zero for the
frequency ω.

Problem 6
Ohms law gives
J~ = σ E
~ (46)
Thus, even in the sourceless maxwell equations, we get nonzero cources for B and thus E

∇·E =0 (47)
∇·B =0 (48)
∇×E =− (49)
∇ × H = σE +  (50)
Taking the curl of the third and fourth equations, using a vector identity from the front of Jackson, and plugging in for
the divergence and curl temrs, we arrive at

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