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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person &
First Aid for Common Unintentional Injuries

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section:
0 ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
I-What I Need To Know

In this module you will learn:

The proper techniques in carrying and transporting the victims of an intentional injuries to
safer place. And you will also learn the proper first aid procedure for common unintentional injuries.

The following activities will provide you the necessary knowledge and skills in helping or
reaching out to people in times of calamities or unintentional injuries. In this module, you are
expected to attain the following objectives:

a. Demonstrate proper techniques in carrying and transporting an injured person;

b. Demonstrate proper procedures for common unintentional injuries;

II-What I Know

Activity: Diagnostic Assessment

Test I – Matching Type
Instruction: Match the pictures in Column A with Column B. Write the letter only.

a. Piggy back


b. Fireman’s Carry


c. Hammock Carry


d. Pack Strap Carry


e. Shoulder Drag


Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
_________ 1. Sprain is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to accidental tearing or
_________ 2. Food poisoning results when foreign object blocks the throat.
_________ 3. Dislocation is a break or crack in a bone.
_________ 4. Drowning happens when air cannot get into the lungs because of water.
_________ 5. Chemical burns may occur when electricity passes through the body.

III-What’s In
Why is it important to follow the proper procedures in assessing emergency situations and in doing
basic life support (primary and secondary survey of the victim)?

Why should we use dressings and bandages on wounds?


IV-What’s New

Activity 1: “How Will You Bring Me to A Safe Place?”

Instruction: An injured person needs your help. You are to bring her to a safe place. How are you
going to do that? Study the situations and determine the kind of transport that should be used.

Different Kinds of Transport

Situations . . .

No. of Available Status of Injured Person Must Do Kind of

First Materials Transport
1 None Unconscious
Has no injury on arm, leg, rib,
neck and back
1 None Unconscious Pass underneath a low
1 None Unconscious Transport the victim up the
1 Malong Experiencing a very serious
injury and should not be lifted
1 None Unconscious
Very small
1 None Unconscious
2 Classroom Unconscious Carry the victim down
chairs and stairs

tables No injury on neck, back or
2 None Unconscious
3 None Unconscious Injured person will be
carried on his back or face
3 None Unconscious First Aiders will have to
stay on one side of the
injured person
Activity 2: First Aid for Injuries

Instruction: Choose from the pictures below the correct type of injury for the specified first aid

1. If you have to move the person, immobilize the broken part by splinting.
2. Check his mouth. If obstruction is not cleared, repeat the back blows and abdominal thrust.
3. Give him plenty of flavorless fluids to drink and a bowl to use if he vomits.
4. Compress the injured part.
5. Incline his head to the affected side and place a towel on his shoulder to absorb any

V-What Is It

Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person

Transporting an injured person to a safer place requires great care. A first aider must undergo
proper training. When doing this, a first aider must consider the following factors:
a. Weight and height of the victim
b. Status of the victim (conscious or unconscious)
c. Environment (safe, floor is smooth, narrow or wide)
d. Special need considerations (injuries of the victims)

One-man Transport

Fireman’s Carry Piggy Back Pack Strap Carry

Shoulder Drag Fireman’s Drag Blanket Drag

 Fireman’s Carry – the easiest way to transport a light and smaller victim
 Piggy Back – when the victim is conscious
 Pack Strap Carry – when the victim is smaller than the first aider
 Shoulder Drag – used when the floor is smooth, short distance transport
 Fireman’s Drag or Tied-hands Crawl – used when first aider and victim must crawl
underneath a low structure
 Blanket Drag – used when the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted.
Two-man Carry

Chair Carry

 Chair or Seat Carry – when there are two first aiders and a chair is available
Three or More-Man Transport

Hammock Carry Bearer Alongside

 Hammock Carry – when there are three first aiders
 Bearer Alongside Carry – carriers will stay on the uninjured side of the victim
 Six Man Lift and Carry – when there are six first aiders

First Aid for Common Unintentional Injuries

Guide Questions:
1. What are the things to consider in transporting a victim?

2. Why is it important to give correct first aid?


VI-What’s More

Activity 3: Fully Packed

Instruction: Draw a cartoon/comic strip showing a person ready to help other people through his/her
knowledge and skills in first aid. Write or draw the things, qualities, information, skills that s/he
should have in applying first aid.

Criteria: Clarity – 30%; Completeness – 30%; Creativity – 40%

Activity 4: Let’s Try This!

Instruction: Choose any of the situation below. Write the importance of applying the proper first aid
procedures to the chosen situation.
Criteria: Content - 40%; Organization and Style – 30%; Grammar – 15%; Spelling – 15%

Situation: _______________________________

VII-What I Have Learned?

VIII-What I Can Do


1. Can a grade 9 student be a first aider? Why and how?
2. Can any member of your family be a first aider? Why and how?
3. Can an ordinary citizen in your community be a first aider? Why and how?
4. Can we all be first aiders? Why and how?


Multiple Choice
Instruction: Read and understand each statement carefully. Write the letter of your correct answer.

_______ 1. How will you carry the victim if he/she is conscious?

A. I will carry him/her using the piggy back
B. I will carry him/her using the lover’s carry
C. I will carry him/her using the blanket drag
D. I will carry him/her hammock carry
_______ 2. When will you use the “Fireman’s Drag”?
A. If the first aider and the victim is inside the building
B. If the first aider is smaller than the victim
C. If the first aider and victim must crawl underneath a low structure
D. If the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted
_______ 3. Which of the following pictures demonstrate the Pack Strap Carry?
A. C.

B. D.

_______ 4. How will you remove the victim who is underneath a low structure?
A. I will remove him/her by crawling using the piggy back
B. I will remove him/her by crawling using the fireman’s drag
C. I will remove him/her by crawling using the hammock carry
D. I will remove him/her by crawling using the blanket drag
_______ 5. Which of the following statement demonstrate the “Bearer Alongside Carry”?
A. If the injured is unconscious, the first aider stay on the uninjured side
B. If the injured is conscious, the first aider stay on the uninjured side
C. If the injured is unconscious, the first aider stay on the injured side
D. If the injured is conscious, the first aider stay on the injured side
_______ 6. How will you apply first aid to a person experiencing Heat Exhaustion?
1 – Check for vital signs
2 – Transport the victim to a cool place
3 – Seek medical help
4 – Give him/her plenty of water
A. 4-3-1-2
B. 2-4-1-3
C. 3-1-2-4
D. 1-2-3-4

________ 7. Rest the injured part, apply ice, compress the injured part, elevate the injured part are
the first aid applied to the following injuries EXCEPT
A. Choking C. Strain
B. Sprain D. Both B & C
________ 8. Which of the following statement describe “FRACTURE”?
A. is a partial or complete displacement of the bones
B. is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to tearing or overstretching
C. is an injury to the muscles which is a result of improper use of muscle
D. is a break or crack in a bone, it can be open or close
________ 9. How will you apply first aid to a victim suffering from “DISLOCATION”?
1 – Call for help immediately
2 – Splint the affected part
3 – Do not try to move a dislocated part
4 – Apply ice on the injured part to reduce swelling
A. 1-2-3-4
B. 4-2-1-3
C. 1-4-3-2
D. 3-1-4-2
________ 10. The following first aid is applied to a victim of food poisoning EXCEPT
A. Help the person to lie down and rest
B. Give him plenty of flavorless fluids to drink and a bowl if he vomits
C. Call for medical help if the condition worsens
D. Check breathing and open the airway

X-Additional Activity

ACTIVITY: Campaign for Safety

Instruction: Create a slogan that will encourage people in the community to join in the First Aid
Criteria: Content – 40%; Relevance – 30%; Persuasiveness – 30%


5. TRUE 5. B
4. TRUE 4. C
3. FALSE 3. E
2. FALSE 2. A
1. TRUE 1. D
Test II – True or False Test I – Matching Type




Writer: Crisanta S.J. Labadlabad

Claribel O. Dispo
Language Editor:
Proof Reader:
Illustrators: Kevin B. Delica
Layout Artist: Kevin B. Delica

Management Team:
Julieto H. Fernandez, Ed. D., CESO VI
SDS-Isabela City
Maria Laarni T. Villanueva, Ed. D., CESE
ASDS-Isabela City
Henry R. Tura, CID Chief
Elsa A. Usman, LR Supervisor
Jani P. Ismael, EPS-MAPEH, Module Coordinator

Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land

Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise and sunset
The liberty forever Stays, Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX
Hardworking people Abound,
Here the Badjaos roam the seas
Every valleys and Dale
Here the Samals live in peace
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
With the Yakans in unity
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land
Region IX

The Footprints Prayer Trees by Joyce Kilmer

One night I had a dream. I dreamed I think that I shall never see
that I was walking along the beach A poem lovely as a tree.
with the LORD.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
In the beach, there were two (2) sets Against the earth’s sweet flowing
of footprints – one belong to me and breast;
the other to the LORD.
A tree that looks at God all day,
Then, later, after a long walk, I And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
noticed only one set of footprints.
A tree that may in Summer wear
“And I ask the LORD. Why? Why?
A nest of robins in her hair;
Why did you leave me when I am sad
and helpless?”
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
And the LORD replied “My son, My Who intimately lives with rain.
son, I have never left you. There was
only one (1) set of footprints in the Poems are made by fools like me,
sand, because it was then that I But only God can make a tree.

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