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Name:Dug-a,Princess Dianne Student No.

1820063 Field of Study: BS Chemical

 Course: CHE 507 - ChE Laws, Ethics, Codes and Standards

Assessment :PICHE Assignment

I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment and that this
work is my own.
Signature over Printed Name/Date

Discuss PICHE history in bullet form?

As early as 1938, Filipino technical men in industry, realizing the need for stimulating the members of a young profession to the needs of
industrialization in our country, envisioned an association of chemical engineers. In 1939, the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers, otherwis
known as “PIChE” for short, was formally an organization whose members were, to mention a few, Rafael Aguilar, Angel S. Argueles, Amando
Clemente, Timoteo T. Dar Juan, Felix V. Espino, Ramon T. Feliciano,   Roque Garcia, Vicente Lava, Benito Legarda, Moises Lucas and Francisco
Quisumbing. They formed a cohesive group of chemists and chemical engineers geared to meet the challenge of industrialization.
The PIChE was inaugurated in 1939 at the National Development Company. Mr. Jose C. Espinosa, one of the early chemical engineering graduate
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was installed as the first president of the Institute by Dr. Manuel Roxas. Dr. Timoteo T. Dar Juan,
being the oldest among the Institute members, administered the oath of office. The other officers were Dr. Vicente Lava, 1st vice president; Moise
Lucas, secretary; Roque Garcia, treasurer, and Isaac L. Santos, auditor. The board of directors included Dr. Angel S. Arguelles, Dr. Amando
Clemente, Dr. Timoteo T. Dar Juan, Felix V. Espino, Dr. Ramos Feliciano and Benito Legarda.
The PIChE, born in 1939, counted with only In line with its vision and mission, the PIChE
forty (40) members. It stands today as continues to serve the Chemical Engineers in
formidable and united organization composed the country through the continued support from
of about 1, 800 members registered under its its members.
many chapters located all over the country.  It is
conscious of its task in the development and PIChE celebrated its Diamond year in 2014
stimulation of the chemical engineering recognizing its glorious past and preparing it for
profession, in consolidating its stand with the challenging future.
schools, with industries, and with related
professional organizations in militant efforts to
reap wider recognition for the Filipino chemical
engineers in our economic, industrial and social

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