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María José Paz Ruiz 843-18-8496

ENGL 4021-M03 Dr. Pier Angeli LeCompte Zambrana

“Cirugía General & Laparoscopía”

Date: January 29, 2021

To: Dr. Pier Angeli LeCompte Zambrana
From: María José Paz Ruiz
Subject: Report on “Cirugía General & Laparoscopía”

On Friday, January 29, 2021, I attended a seminar about “Cirugía General &
Laparoscopía”, which was held remotely via Zoom video conference. The seminar convened at
7:00 p.m. and it was prepared by the program “Online Shadowing Puerto Rico”. The presenter was
Dr. Christine Jiménez-Dávila, MD FACS, general surgeon at Manatí Medical Center. She talked
about the process of becoming a surgeon. The seminar adjourned at 9:00 p.m. This report
highlights the important details of what I learned in the seminar.

Becoming a Surgeon

The process of becoming a surgeon is extensive, laborious, and involves a lot of sacrifice.
From the professional aspect it consists of 4 years for a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, a positive
result in the MCAT, Medical School acceptance and 4 years to complete training there, and 5 years
of surgery specialty training. From the personal aspect, it implies reading and studying regularly,
numerous paper and journal presentations, and lack of sleep.

Things to have in mind in the process

A balance between personal and work life is necessary to perform well on the job and be
able to go on with everyday life. An efficient balance can be achieved applying five
1. No obsessing
2. No comparing
3. Consistent self-care
4. Self-awareness of needs
5. Recognition of self-worth.


The seminar “Cirugía General & Laparoscopía” was very helpful given that being a
surgeon is one of the most demanding careers and gaining the insight of one can inform students
who are thinking of pursuing said career of the challenges they are about to face. It can also
serve as further inspiration for those who are convinced it is what they want for themselves and
are confident about it, and as a survivor’s guide for the ones who are in the process and are
having a difficult time managing their time, studies, and life.

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