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Kingdoms and Classification

1. Early classification:
When Aristotle grouped everything into simple groups such as animals and plants.

2. Classification:
A process that scientists use to arrange organisms into groups based on their shared
observable characteristics.

3. Taxonomy:
The science of identifying and classifying organisms into groups.

4. What do taxonomist use to classify things:

Taxonomists use physical characteristics as well as DNA, genetic information, to classify

5. Why is classification and taxonomy important?(both)

Classification and taxonomy are both important because they classify and arrange
organisms into groups.

6. What evidence is used in modern taxonomy?

In modern taxonomy, evidence used are embryology, chromosomes/DNA, biochemistry,
physiology, evolution, and behavior.

7. What is the binomial nomenclature and what are its characteristics:

The binomial nomenclature is a system for classifying organisms. It’s characteristics are
that it names an organism with two Latin words, the name is made up of the genus and
species of the organism, the name being written in italics with the genus capitalized and
the species in lower case with the genus going first then the species going second.
Kingdoms and Classification

8. What is a dichotomous key and what is it used for? (both)

A dichotomous key is a tool used to identify organisms, it is used to identify organisms.

9. What is a branching diagram? (book)

A branching diagram is a treelike diagram that shows the relationship between certain
species of organisms based on specific characteristics.

10. What are the three (3) domains, their characteristics and examples:
Domain characteristics examples

Eukarya ● Eukarya are

eukaryotic cells.
● Have membranes
composed of
● Not all eukarya
possess cell walls,
but the ones that do
● Are resistant to
antibiotics, but are
sensitive to most
antibiotics that
affect eukaryotic
● Are plants, fungi,
animals, and

Bacteria ● Bacteria are

prokaryotic cells.
● They have
composed of
● The cell walls
● Sensitive to
Kingdoms and Classification

antibiotics, but are
resistant to most
antibiotics that
effect Eukarya.

Archaea ● Prokaryotic cells

● Has membranes
that have a different
molecule structure.
● The cell walls do
not contain
● Are not sensitive to
antibiotics that
affect bacteria, but
are sensitive to
antibiotics that
affect eukarya.
● Often live in

11. List the 6 kingdoms, describe each and provide and example. Both
Kingdom characteristic example

Plants ● Made up of plants

● Are autotrophs
● Make their own food
● Are eukaryotes
● Divided into two groups, vascular and

Animals ● Made up of animals

● Are heterotrophs
● Obtain food by eating it
● Are eukaryotes
● 35 phyla are divided into two groups,
vertebrates, and invertebrates
Kingdoms and Classification

Fungi ● Made up of mold, yeasts, and

● Are heterotrophs
● Absorb their food
● Yeasts are one celled, while mold and
yeasts are eukaryotes
● Their cells have a nucleus, cell wall, and
no chlorophyll
● Most fungi are decomposers

Protists ● Made up of organisms that can’t fit into

(Protista) the plant, animal, or fungi kingdoms
● Either one celled with a nucleus or
simple multicellular organisms
● Some are autotrophs and some are

Archaebacteri ● 3 billion years old

a ● Archae means ancient
● Lives in harsh conditions

Eubacteria ● Most of the thousands of bacteria on

● Both good and bad
● Can cause illnesses, help aid digestion,
and used to produce foods.

12. What are the seven levels of the Linnaeus system from the largest grouping to the
smallest (both)



Kingdoms and Classification





A. The levels are arranged from the most broad, Kingdom, to the most specific, Species.
B. King Philip Could Only Find Green Socks is one mnemonic way to remember the order
of the levels. Another is King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti.
C. Create your own mnemonic device to help remember the classification orders.
K - King
P - Phil
C - Came
O - Over
F - For
G - Ginger
S - Stew

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