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The Monthly Buzz

" For t h ose of you w h o can n ot be w it h f am ily t h is

Th an k sgivin g, please r esist t h e u r ge t o br ag." - An dy Bor ow it z

Th e 3r d Issu e

2043 Sanders Rd., Stem, NC

(919)528 - 5530 | ctrl.customz
In f or m at ion
- Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 26. Lets be
- Our VEI dress week is November 16-20. Dress up on
a day that you are home, NOT WEDNESDAY.
- We have some sales for this month.
- What are our associates, Executives, and CEOS'
family traditions for Thanksgiving?
Calen dar / Im por t an t Dat es

- Nov. 3r d- No School - Nov. 25t h -27t h - No

- Nov. 10t h - Early school
Release - Nov. 26t h -
- Nov. 11t h - No school, Thanksgiving Day
Veteran's Day - Nov. 30t h - VE
- Nov. 16t h -20t h - Dress Economy and Peer
Week (besides Evals due
- Nov. 23r d- Payday
Cu r r en t Even t s
Cor on a Vir u s Updat es: Wor ld Wide
- November 6th: Italy announced harsh restrictions,
adding a curfew and closing all restaurants at 6 pm. This
decision followed the country tallying its highest
numbers on Covid infection and deaths in a 24-hr
- November 8th: scientists with the companies of Pfizer
and BioNTech announced that they have a covid vaccine
that stops 90% of cases through the 43,500 people in six
different countries that took part in testing.
- November 20th: Mexico has surpassed 100,000 covid-19
related deaths. Only the US, Brazil, and India have
surpassed this milestone so far.
- November 20th: Toronto moved back into lockdown as
the country is experiencing an overwhelming number of
new Covid cases.
- November 30th: Canada announced that they will spend
$77billion to kick-start the economy as a pandemic relief
measure. This is the largest economic bailout for the
country since WWII.
Cu r r en t Even t s Con t in u ed
Cor on a Vir u s Updat es:USA
- November 1st: Dr. Fauci gave an interview that the US was "in for
a whole lot of hurt" regarding Covid-19. The US has recently
recorded over 230,000 deaths and 9 million confirmed cases due to
the pandemic.
- November 11th: Josh Hopkins University declared that Texas
had become the first state to surpass 1 million confirmed
Corona Virus cases since the pandemic started. Followed by
California on November 13th.
- November 15th. Josh Hopkins University has announced that
the US has surpassed 11 million confirmed covid-19 cases.
- November 23: The US has entered its 20th day of 100 new
confirmed civic-19 cases in a 24 hr period.
Riot s
- North Carolina Shooting on November 13th.
Elect ion Resu lt s
- November : Portland police declared a riot after many
businesses were broken into during a new protest.
- Joe Biden President Elect
- November 16: four more states had dropped lawsuits in
attempt to stop President Elect Joe Biden from moving into
office come January.
- November 26: President Trump continues to taunt election
fraud despite the laws of his lawsuit in Pennsylvania.
M ar ket Tr en ds
Market Trends for phone cases, tablet cases, computer cases,
screen protectors, and chargers are all set to have a percentage
growth within the next few years. As new technologys arrise there
was already a growth for protection cases, chargers for electronics,
and privacy and protection screens for phones. But due to the
covid-19 pandemic with more people being stuck out of the office
and at home the numbers are set to inclime more now due to the
matters of peoeple now needing the technology required for their
carrer in their own house.

Being online gave us the biggest advantage ever. Our target

audience is the younger generation who thrives on social media
platforms. This gives us a chance to promote our business in an
effective way with Instagram, Snapchat, our website, etc. Virtual:
Our business is based online, therefore even when creating a
business we thought of everything that could possibly go wrong or
right. We have no physical stores to look in, all of our sales have
been done online and will continue to be online.
Products: Phone cases, Tablet cases, Computer Cases, plastic/Glass
screen protectors, Privacy Screens, 6 & 16 ft chargers.

Vir t u al Tr en ds
Pr of ession al Developm en t
Spr in g 2021

Accou n t in g an d Fin an ce
Excel Sh eet s

Design & IT
Bu ildin g a Websit e

Sales & M ar k et in g
M ar ket in g Br och u r e

Hu m an Resou r ces
Recr u it m en t f or n ext year
o n s
a d it i
i v in
n k sg
Th a ?I don?t think there are any traditions that are specific to
my family, but the kids always do the sweet potato
casserole, and we all just get together and prepare all the
dishes, even if it?s chaotic, that?s what makes it fun!?-

?My family makes cherry cream cheese pie every

year for Thanksgiving.?- Mackenzie

?My family always throws a big party and we cook for the
entire day. Nobody is supposed to eat breakfast or lunch?
to save extra room for the huge meal LOL!?- Kaitlyn

?My entire family would go to my grandparent's house

on my father's side to eat a large meal. So many people
come, we usually have tables set all throughout the
kitchen and living room.?- Ellie

?Me and my whole entire family come together at one

house and eat and play games.?- Trinity

?Every year my whole family watches the

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and rotates
who hosts the family dinner between my house
and both of my grandparents houses.? - Jessica

?Always. Watch. Football. Then eat and hang

out with family and play some family games.
But football is a key thing.? - Uriah
Tr adit ion s Con t in u ed
?Going out of the state and going to arcades.
I?m the go kart champion.? - Cathryn

?In my family we invite our family and

friends to eat, catch up, show our
gratitude, and eat even more. The
staple dish is always the turkey.? - Saul

?My grandpa tries to shoot a bird out of

the sky and sit it in a tree as if it was
real.? - Tyler

?Me and my sister used to sneak out while our mom

started cooking in the morning to go to Bojangles for
breakfast. Usually everyone in the family wakes up
to start cooking. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins and
grandparents meet at one house for lunch and the
parade and then we go back home for dinner...and
put our Christmas tree up!!? - Maddie
Em ployee of t h e M on t h

Jessica Belt r an

"Keep Calm and .... Oooooh ...a

new book."
but seriously
Keep Calm because hard work
pays off.

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