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Jannalyn Bauers Spring 2021

Student Name: _______________________________________________ Semester:__________________

EDUCA 1100 Field Experience Log

Directions: This Field Experience Log is to be maintained by the student. At the completion of the field
experience, total the field experience hours, have your cooperating teacher complete the bottom portion and
submit the log to your professor.

Date Time Time Time Brief description of activities for each day
In Out Spent

02-04 7:15 12 4.45 hrs They worked on some math, spelling, and writing. Their words today are“will'' and“not"

02-09 7:15 11 3.45 They worked on vowel sounds and sang lots of songs, and did phonemic awareness activities.

02-18 7.15 11 3.45 They celebrated 100 day, and made bead necklaces and other fun activities.

02-25 11 1:15 2.15 They worked on math pages and used pictures of animals to help them visualize.

03-02 11 1:15 2.15 Kindergarteners are learning the foundations of math, language arts, and science.

03-04 11 1:15 2.15 Kids made lot of sentences using their sight words, and had to draw pictures.

03-08 11 1:30 2.30 Did workbox activities and learned new words. I went to Mrs. Cluskey's lesson planning

Total Hours Completed _________

Cooperating Teacher’s Information: Please print legibly

Name and Position: __________________________________________________________________________

Professional Educator License (PEL) Number:_____________________ Expiration Date:_______________

School Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Observation Guidelines
To pass EDUCA 1100, you must complete 20 observation hours in a public-school K-12 classroom. While observing, look for the following
indicators, provide examples, and reflect on your observations. You may not see all indicators throughout your observation time, and that’s okay. If
you do not observe these indicators directly, have a conversation with your cooperating teacher to understand more about the indicators you do not
observe. This document must be completed and submitted with your observation log.

Classroom Setting
Indicators Examples Reflection
Classroom Atmosphere
Teacher-student interactions
student-student interactions

Classroom Procedures
Groups, materials, supplies,
transitions, routines

Classroom Behavior
Expectations, rules, monitoring,

Classroom Layout
Arrangement of furniture,
resources for student use,
technology integration
Indicators Examples Reflection
Learning outcomes,
expectations, directions,
explanation of content, use of
Questioning and Discussion
Bloom’s taxonomy, pedagogical
cycle, wait time

Student Participation
How are they participating?
What is required of them?

Differentiated Instruction
Student interests, culture,
incorporated into activities and
assignments; examples of
multiple intelligences/ learning
Grouping of Students
Whole class, small groups, pairs,

Gaining attention, transitions,
reflection, closure, wait time
Lesson Planning
Indicators Examples Reflection
Student Background
Concepts, skills, prerequisites,
student abilities, learning styles,
level of need

Learning Outcomes
Linked to standards within and
outside of discipline

Learning Activities
Design, enhancement of student
learning, challenging,
multicultural, supportive of
group learning, supportive of
diverse student population

Formative, summative, aligned
to learning outcomes that drive
planning and instruction
Indicators Examples Reflection
Criteria, how is it communicated
to students?

Monitoring student learning

How does the teacher monitor
student learning? How do
students self-monitor?

Timely, substantive,
constructive, teacher proximity,
guidance, reflection

Classroom Layout
Arrangement of furniture,
resources for student use,
technology integration

Assessment Style
Formative, summative

Traditional, standards-based

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