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Raw materials for the fermented pork.

2.1 Lean pork.

This is the main raw material to make the product.

The chemical composition of the meat varies depending on the position of the piece on the
animal's body, the animal's body weight, and the breed of the animal.

Table 2.1 : Basic nutrient information in 100g lean pork.

Nutrition Quality
Water 53%
Protein 25.7g
Fat 20.8g
Saturated 7.72g
Monounsatur 9.25g
Polyunsatura 1.87g
Vitamin A 2µg
Vitamin B1 0.71mg
Vitamin B3 4.21mg
Vitamin B12 0.54mg
Calcium 22mg
Iron 1.29mg
Magnesium 24mg
Selen 35.4mg
Sodium 73mg
Postasium 226mg

Protein is the second most abundant ingredient in meat, the protein composition of muscle
meat is divided into:

• Extracellular proteins (binding proteins): collagen, elastin, keratin and connectin.

• Intracellular proteins: myoglobin, albumin, globumin, actinin, troponin.

Lipids are also an equally important ingredient in meat, often found as free between small
muscle clusters in successive layers or in muscle fibers.

In addition to the above ingredients, meat also contains a variety of vitamins in significant
Figure 1 : Lean pork used for fermented pork.

Lean pork requirements for fermented pork production.

Pork used to produce spring rolls must be carefully selected, meeting strict requirements:

- Use freshly slaughtered pork, which is pink in color, the exterior is dry and bright, and
the meat must be firm and have high elasticity. Do not use meat that is old, dark or has a
strange odor.

- Do not use meat for more than 5 hours after slaughter because of its water-holding
capacity will decrease. Usually, freshly slaughtered meat has a temperature of about 38-
39 ℃, pH = 5.6 -6.2

- Meat must be supplied from meat sources that have been tested according to
regulations, and do not carry pathogens

- Ham-leg and rump -meat: Lean meat requirements for sour roll production are very
strict. Not any lean part of a pig's body can be used as fermented pork. The part to be
used must be lean ham or rump, because lean meat in these parts is soft, less tendon, fat
affects biochemical changes of fermented pork during fermenting process to create
quality of fermented pork. If the meat has fat, it will affect the ability to create gel in the
future. At the same time, it also reduces the time to process raw materials.

- Do not wash through water: An important step in the initial handling of meat is that it
should never be washed with water. When the meat is washed, it will create conditions
for microorganisms to enter from the water source or if the source is sterile, after
washing, we also increase the water content in the meat. The goal is to minimize
The role of meat in fermented pork production

• Provides protein and other nutritional values

• As a forming agent, that is to give the product shape, condition along with its consistency,
toughness and elasticity

• Ability to fix various odors through Van der Walls interactions or through electrostatic and
covalent bonds, contributing significantly to the creation of colors and scents.

Table 2.2 Fresh meat quality standards

Criteria Standard
Physicoche -PH 5.5- 6.2
mical - NH3 content ≤ 35mg / 100gr
- Qualitative reaction Negative
of dihydro sulphide (H2S)
Microbiolog -Total aerobic ≤ 1,000,000 / gr
y bacteria ≤100 / gr
- E.Coli ≤100 / gr
- B. Cereus ≤ 100 / gr
- Staphilococus Not available
aureus Do not allow
- Salmonella
Sensory -Status - The surface is dry, clean,
free of feathers and impurities.
Having elasticity, pressing on
the meat leaves no mark on the
surface of the meat when the
hands are removed. The
marrow is firmly attached to
the canal wall (if any).
-Color - Typical color of the
-Odor - Typical odor of the
product, no strange smell

2.2 Pork skin

Pork skin has a lower nutritional value than lean meat. Pigskin is composed of 2 proteins:
Collagen and elastin

Collagen is a protein with a fibrous structure, insoluble in water, dilute salt solution, dilute
alkaline solution, inelastic thus protecting the body against stress.
The base unit of collagen is tropocollagen, which is cylindrical (about 300 nm long, 1.5 nm
diameter) coiled by three polypeptide chains into a double helix.

Elastin is a yellow protein, also a protein with a fibrous structure. The molecule consists of
elastin and elastin connected by covalent bridges.

From raw pigskin material after slaughter, washed and then boiled, picked out and then
rinsed with cold water, shaved, air-dried, de-fat, cut to shape. Pigskin is natural yellow color, do
not use bleach.

Figure 2: Pork skin

The role of pigskin

• Are fillers.

• Adhesives particles in muscle tissue

• Shaping the product

• Increasing the sensory value, increasing the crispness and toughness of the finished spring

Selection criteria

• Use fresh pigskin that is peeled right after slaughter.

• Take skin that is fresh, thin, attached to meat, firm, and free from loose and loose skin.
• White color, not stick or hair, not dirty.

2.3. Sugar.

The characteristics of spring rolls such as sour taste, firm structure ... are due to lactic
fermentation by the activity of lactic bacteria available in meat, the raw material that bacteria use
to ferment is sugar. Sugar is the substrate for fermentation so it is the instrument that regulates
the fermentation process.

Light brown sugar and white sugar are two types of sugar commonly used in spring rolls,
often light brown sugar is used more because the price is cheaper and helps to color the product.
The essence of these two sugars is sucrose. Saccharose is a non-reducing sugar (hydrolysis
produces a reducing sugar and fructose).

Increased sugar consumption leads to the production of more lactic acid, but if the sugar
content is too high, it will inhibit microorganisms that are beneficial for the fermentation process.
Depending on the typical taste of each region, the amount of sugar is suitable: for example, 10-
15% in the North, 20-30% in the South.

Table 2.3 Sugar Standards

Criteria Grade A Grade B

Sensory - Status White crystals, relatively uniform size, dry,
free of clumping.
- Taste Sugar crystals or sugar solutions have a sweet
taste, do not have a strange taste.
- Color White crystals, Ivory white to white
diluted in distilled crystals, mixed in
water to obtain a clear distilled water to obtain a
solution. relatively clear solution.
Chemistry - Pol (oZ) >99.7 >99.5
- Reduced <0.1 <0.15
sugar content,%
-Conductive <0.07 <0.1
-Color <160 <200
- Impurity <60 <90
insoluble in water
(mg / kg)

2.4 Salt

Table salt is an important raw material in production, salt not only ensures the salinity of the
product, but also limits the effects of acidic and rotten microorganisms so the product can be
preserved for a long time. In addition, the ions in the salt also participate in the crystal lattice to
create the gel structure of the spring rolls, making the gel structure more durable.

The main ingredient is NaCl. There are also dissolved inorganic salts such as MgCl2, CaCl2,
MgCO3, CaCO3, and some metals such as Al, Fe, Ca, and Mg.

Salt has a quite different chemical composition depending on the production facility, while in
the storage process, because salt is easily absorbable, the composition changes, the production
facilities check again to have the NaCl content meet the requirements.

The amount of salt used is about 20-30g / kg of meat. If too high a content is used, it will
reduce the sensory value of the product.
Figure 3 : Salt
 Purpose:

Processing: flavoring, contributing to gel structure

- Preservation: limit acid-causing microorganisms and cause rot

2.5. MSG

MSG is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. The name of MSG is Mono sodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is used to enhance the taste of food, creating a Umani flavor. In
addition, MSG also participates in the synthesis of many amino acids, affecting the glucide and
lipolysis cycle, positively affecting the activity of the central nervous system, combined with
NH3 to create glutanin (glutanin is used to detoxification of A.Fenilacetic in the body, cure nerve
diseases, heart, muscle atrophy ...)

The maximum dosage used is 10g / 1000g of ingredients

Figure 4: MSG
 Purpose:

Finishing: flavoring the product.

 Selection criteria:

Table 2.4 Standard of MSG in processing (TCVN 1459: 2008)

Name of indicator Request

Status Crystalline powder or crystalline
Color White
Odor Odourless
The pH of the solution 6.7 - 7.2
Sodium glutamate content ≥ 99%
NaCl content <0.2%
Lead <0.001%

2.6. Garlic

The garlic has a spicy taste, in addition to its use as a spice, the garlic's ingredients also have
a strong antibiotic effect. In garlic there is a little iodine, the main ingredient of garlic is the
antibiotic alixin C6H10OS2, a sulfide compound that has a very strong bactericidal effect against
Staphylococus, typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, cholera, and cholera. diphtheria, garlic bacteria.
Figure 5 : Garlic

 Purpose:

Finishing: creating a strong flavor and characteristic odor for the product.

Preservation: kill some unhealthy microorganisms, increase storage time.

 Standard:

Garlic does not have mold, does not sprout, must throw away the green usually green garlic
germs that can lie deep in the garlic cloves.

2.7. Pepper

Use pepper. Pepper has a characteristic spicy and fragrant flavor. In addition to its use as a
spice, it is also a medicine to stimulate digestion, increase gastric juice, pancreatic juice, and eat
delicious food.

In pepper there are essential oils and 2 alkaloids (resin 8-10%), in addition to a number of
other substances such as cellulose, mineral salt. Essential oil is about 1.5 - 2.2% (containing
pinene, limonene, phellandren ...). This essential oil is concentrated in the peel, in the middle of
the pepper, there is less essential oil. In addition to essential oils and alkaloids, pepper also has
8% fat, 36% starch and 4.5 ash. The effect of piperin and piperidin is to disinfect and kill

C17H1903N + H2O = C12H10O4 + C5H11N

Acid piperic Piperidin

 Purpose:
- Improving: creating a characteristic pungent flavor for the product.

- Preservation: limit the growth of microorganisms

- Stimulating digestion

Figure 6 : Black pepper

 Selection criteria:

Table 2.5 Technical Standards for Pepper for Processing

Name of indicator Request

Status Dry, no impurities.
Color Grey
Taste Natural spicy, characteristic aroma
Mold, worms Not available
Moisture content <13%
Extractable volatile dry matter (% by <6%
weight of dry matter)
Evaporating essential oil (ml / 100g dry > 1%
Piperin content (% dry weight) <4%
Total ash (% dry weight) <6%
Acid insoluble ash (dry mass%) <1.2%

2.8. Chili pepper

Chili pepper is a spicy spice that enhances the sensory value of food. In 100g of chili pepper
has about 91% water, 1.3% protid, 5.7% glucid, 250mg vitamin C, 10mg carotene. The amount
of essential oils in chili pepper accounts for a relatively high rate of 12%, including capsisina,
casaicine (alkaloid), and casanthiac. Also in chili also has vitamin K, some minerals.

Alkaloids create the aroma and also the substance that creates the spicy taste in large
concentrations. In addition, the essential oil of chili peppers also has a phitocide antibiotic.

Figure 7 : Chili pepper

 Purpose:

- Finishing: Creating a characteristic flavor for fermented pork. Create spicy, color, provide a
variety of vitamins

 Selection criteria:

Chili fruit: choose chili to ripe red evenly, not to drop stalks, cut off the stalk, wash and dry

2.9. Banana leave

Banana leaves are wrapped on the outside. Banana leaves are broad, easy to pack. When
choosing a leaf, we can try it by breaking the stem but the leaves are not ripped. Banana leaves
used to wrap spring rolls often use the leaves of the Musa balbisiana leave . Musa balbisiana
leaves will keep the green color for a longer time than other banana leaves to increase the
sensory value of fermented pork .

Before wrapping, the banana leaves are blanched with boiling water to create a soft, chewy
texture, when the package is not exposed.
Figure 8 : Banana leave

2.11. Additives

2.11.1. Nitrit sodium

 Purpose

- Finishing: Creating a natural red color for meat (nitrite combines with myoglobine to form
nitrosohemoglobine with a red pink color). Add flavor and texture to the product.

- Preservation: Destroying and inhibiting microorganisms in acidic environment, inhibiting

the growth and production of toxins of Clostridium Botulinum. Inhibits lipid oxidation.

The advantage of using nitrate salts is that it produces a natural and fast color, in addition to
its strong microorganism-killing ability, so it is often added to increase the shelf life of the

 Concentration and dosage used:

- Nitrate concentration used in Vietnam is less than 0.022%.

- For humans, the content should not exceed 0 - 0.4% mg / kg body weight / day, and for
food, it must not exceed 125 ppm.

2.11.2. Vitamin C
- Helps to prevent oxidation of meat during processing and preservation because vitamin C
reacts with O2, preventing O2 from coming in contact with meat components.

- Reducing the amount of excess nitrite (if any), preventing the formation of nitrosamine,
increasing the nutritional value of the product. It is an essential vitamin for the human body
despite being as small as 500 mg / kg.

- Occupying O2 in the air, preventing the growth of aerobic bacteria.

- Prevents oxidation of myoglobin and nitrosomyoglobin, thus having a color stabilizing


- Vitamin C used in food must be in crystalline form, white in color. One gram dissolves in
3.5 ml of water or in 30 ml of ethanol, insoluble in grease.

- Dosage used: <500 mg / kg.

2.12. Breed (starter strain)

 Use pure lactic acid bacteria for the purposes of:

- Shorten fermentation time

- Speed up the ripening process

Eliminate the dangers caused by other microorganisms.

- Eliminate undesirable microorganisms and pathogenic microorganisms.

- Increase product quality.

- Making products more stable and preserved.

- Contributes to bring characteristic flavor

LAB strains selected as starter in spring rolls must meet some of the following criteria:

- Must be able to compete effectively with ontological LABs.

- Must produce a lot of lactic acid.

Must be resistant to NaCl and be able to grow at a high salt concentration (possibly 6%).

Must be able to withstand NaNO2¬ and be able to grow at a concentration of at least 100mg /

Must be able to grow between 15-40 ° C, optimal at 30-37 ° C.

- Must be homogeneous fermentation strain.

- Does not generate H2O2 in large quantities.

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