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KBC Team 1 customers than the lounges at Lotte, or lounges that were

Fall 2018 KBC made by other big companies.

The Shinsegae food encourages healthy and fresh foods that

promote the overall quality of foods in the lounge while
following the right fit of food for the trends. Since 2011, the
company is making 3.9% of profit per year on average. By
2020, it is assumed that they are going to make a profit of 7.7
trillion. By the increase in profit, globalization could be put to
actions by the Shinsegae Food for the purpose of spreading
healthy foods cultures not only to Korea but also to other
countries as well.

Executive Summary Industry Analysis

In recent times, the global trend has been shifting to health and Shinsegae Food has been the leader of the South Korean food
well-being. This trend has been growing especially here in industry for about 20 years. It has been cooperating with
Korea. According to the Medical Observer, a Korean online E-mart and other top food industries in South Korea.
newspaper, Korea had the highest level of interest in health Shinsegae food conducts a wide range of food manufacturing,
within the G20. To follow this trend, Shinsegae Food will restaurant business, food distribution, and etc. Using the
introduce a premium lounge that will have fresh foods and mentioned branches, Shinsegae supplies food to a wide range
encompass a relaxing atmosphere. This will provide Shinsegae of customers. It’s positioned on the top of Korea’s food
Food with adequate competition against other food industries brands and aims to create new and healthy food to make a
and allow them to have a firm position within the global trend. better food culture. Shinsegae Food owns six food plants that
provide fresh food to consumers. Not only are they gaining
Expansion Proposal profit from preexisting food branches, but they are also
By opening Shinsegae up to local farmers, Shinsegae Food focusing on developing a premium image upon their
will be able to improve its image and also increase the company which would further advance the Korean food
sustainability of the local farmers. It will aim to maintain and industry.
develop healthy food experiences. This will also keep the Shinsegae Food seeks globalization for its business around
corporate social responsibility of Shinsegae Food. Shinsegae the world. Since 1979, their influence has been expanding
Food will strengthen the relationship between farmers and through time. In 2002, the company won the Grand Prize for
customers by having seasonal displays of farmers’ fresh Food Safety Management Awards. It was ranked top in the
quality ingredients through farmer’s markets. Moreover, the 2012 Korean Standard Service Quality Index and recently
lounge will have a relaxing environment that can be accessed received recognition from the Food Safety Center. Thus, the
by any customers wishing to spend time in the lounge. Shinsegae Food emphasizes and seeks the high quality of
Farmers will be allowed to sell their freshly cultivated foods to consumers.
ingredients directly in the lounge or have the company buy The main goal of the Shinsegae food has always been
their products. The lounge will have active videos of the creating new healthy foods for not only customers but also to
process of cultivation of fresh food by the local farmers to large companies in order to maintain an overall high-quality
increase the customers' awareness of where Shinsegae Food food industry in South Korea.
got its resources from. This will also enhance the image and
fulfill the goal of Shinsegae Food by gaining trust from SWOT Analysis
customers and providing them with healthy foods. Strengths
Shinsegae will also enhance its existing relationships by The strength of Shil is the ability to provide customers with
donating 5% of its profit to support local farms and quality foods freshly delivered from local farms.
companies. It will also focus on building strong relationships Shil is eco-friendly in that it provides consumers with
by improving schools and educational systems. biodegradable plates and silverware. This will allow Shinsegae
to develop a more positive image. The use of environmentally
Company Description friendly silverware Shinsegae would now seem like a company
With the Shinsegae Food being the biggest food distributor in that cares about the world as well. In addition to this, through
Korea, it has a big advantage of supplying food for SHIL, receiving a direct supply of food from contracted farmers, Shil
with fresh and good quality food. With the advantage of is able to control the quality of food provided in the Nutrition
supplying foods, the food department will never run out of Lounge.
food supply, and have limited resources for cooking and Another strength would be that the cost/price will be stabilized
providing fresh, and natural goods with Shinsegae Food since Shil will be controlling the production. Labor costs will
Distribution. With the addition of having Shinsegae farm also be minimized compare to other companies because few
foods to the lounges, it will be a much better experience for laborers will keep the lounge sanitized.
Weakness inevitably compete with Lotte’s Peninsula Lounge and Sky
As Shil will be focusing on the freshness and quality of the Lounge.
food served to consumers in the lounge, a challenge that can
become a weakness of the business is sustaining the freshness Finance
of food products coming from the farms that Shil will make The major part of finance is the reduction of costs in labor. As
contracts with. a lounge more specified to sell beverages, Shil decided to
Another weakness is that Shinsegae has never tried getting a reduce the number of labors in the morning and increase in the
direct supply of fresh food from farmers. This can potentially evening. The crucial part which makes this idea possible is our
cause disruptions within the process of the contract. Since lounge’s unmanned system. By maximizing the use of
there is no past data on how these processes are done, dispensers in both food and drinks, the customers will be able
Shinsegae needs to try trial and error within certain processes to obtain products without the help of workers.
such as the longevity of the contract or picking farmers from The startup cost of this business will be estimated to be
which area of Korea. Since trial and error is needed, Shinsegae 200,000,000 krw. Also, another 10,000,000 krw will be used
will need to face short-term losses. to advertise our Shil lounge by gaining the help of
Shinsegae’s internal ad management. Excluding these costs,
Opportunities the rental fee will be around 5,000,000 krw and the labor fee
As Korea’s agricultural technology and productivity are is estimated to be 16,800,000 krw. Therefore, we estimated
advancing, shifting their focus on strengthening relationships that the total cost would add up to 24,088,523 krw monthly.
with local farms will provide a bright future to Shinsegae However, keeping in mind the monthly total variable cost and
Food. Since transporting fresh food from farms is not the profit, a total of 100,000,000 krw would be used as a
frequently done by local food industries, this unique maintenance cost hence making the break-even point at
connection to local farms will attract more customers, leaving around 2 years.
a greater amount of revenues to Shinsegae Food.
Shil will also provide newly released Shinsegae Food products
to customers. These customers will have full access in
advance. This will please the customers as they will be the
first ones to experience new products from Shinsegae Food.
Furthermore, this act is equivalent to advertising Shinsegae
Food. The fee advertisement fee will be reduced due to the
impacts of the customers. The concept of the lounge will also
be a strong appeal for Shil since consumers will be able to stay
and enjoy themselves for a long period of time.

Shil’s food lounge allows customers to stay for as much time
as they want to. As the lounge’s purpose is to be served as a The number of customers is estimated to increase 5% every
resting place for the customers, they have the ability to stay year, however, taking into account various circumstances
without having to purchase products. Compared to the time such as the traditional Korean holidays, it seemed appropriate
spent in the lounge, the sales volume may not be as high. to estimate that in Quarter 1 and 3, profit would decrease
Inactivity within the lounge will negatively impact the Shil’s around 20%. Through researching restaurants similar to our
revenue. Shil lounge (Ashley, D’Maris, Greats), we developed an
Additionally, Shil would be very sensitive to natural disasters estimation of the buying price of the products. Based on this,
because of the need to keep products fresh and harness high even though our markup on food is below the average,
quality. If a natural disaster was to happen, Shinsegae would valuing 200%, we decided to maximize our profit through the
inevitably have a loss due to the fact that the foods served are markup of drinks: 500%. With an average markup around
directly provided by the farmers. industry standards for top-shelved and fountain drinks, we
concluded that we would be able to earn 22,000,000 krw on a
Competitors monthly basis.
There are currently numerous other food companies that have
taken part in the business of creating a cultural space where Marketing and Sales Strategy
consumers can enjoy not only entertainment but also food. The lounge will be marketed through both advertisements in
For example, Lotte has already established lounges that subway stations and online, these operations will be held by
provide simple beverages and food for its VIP customers. the advertisement team of Shinsegae. With the advertisement
Users of this service would most likely continue to use this team taking part in our marketing, they will utilize various
service because Lotte is one of the biggest and most methods in order to make more profit throughout seasonal
influential companies in Korea, and they already have a changes while reducing costs. The food provided in the
preexisting premium image for their lounges. Creating a lounge would have been transported directly from farms
premium Lounge would mean that Shinsegae would need to contracted with Shinsegae. As farmers will sell their food to
Shinsegae Food, 5 percent of the profit that the farmers
earned will be donated to the local farms. This will allow Citations
Shinsegae Food to build strong relationships with local farms
while having fresh and high-quality food guaranteed from ● “Semiannual Report (반기보고서
many farms. Furthermore, since the Shinsegae Food is one of 24기)” 전자공시시스템 - 대한민국
the biggest food distributors in Korea, it will be able to 기업정보의 창, Dart, 29 Dec.
differentiate itself from other big companies such as 1969,<>
Smoothie King and J-one. Since Shil is independent from ● "Financial Information - SHINSEGAE FOOD."
other companies, it is able to only focus on itself, thus, it will Shinsegae Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2018,
be able to maximize profit. Lastly, seasonal displays of <
freshly harvested crops produced by farmers will be held by e/status.sf>
Shinsegae Food. This will not only prove that Shil serves ● Lim, Sol. “한국인 건강 관심 G20 최상위권.” Medical
high-grade food, but also enhance the image of Shinsegae Observer, 8 Nov. 2010,
For Shil, the target audience would mainly be wealthy adults 68.
who wish to enjoy a healthy diet or consume healthy foods. ● 주식회사 부산롯데호텔. 투자설명서. Rep. N.p.:
Recently, many people started to consider their health, thus 주식회사 부산롯데호텔, 2018. Web. 15 Oct. 2018,
Shil would be a welcoming place for them. The main targets <
by the Shinsegae Food lounge will focus on people who are 2000192>
an age of over 20 years to sustain a luxurious and high quality ● In-Depth월간 컨슈머 전략. 신세계푸드 (031440).
within the lounge. In order to assure customers that the Rep. N.p.: K-IFRS 연결 기준, KTB투자증권, n.d.
served foods are healthy and are in high quality, a seasonal Web.
farmer’s market will be held. Shinsegae Food will invite <
farmers from some which they have contracted with, and pdf>
allow them to bring their food for a showcase. Perhaps the ● Yeonhwa, Shin. 식품 제조를 통한 한 단계 도약 .
foods can be cooked on a spot where customers can actually 유안타증권, 2017, 식품 제조를 통한 한 단계 도약 .
see and experience the process of how foods are created. This <
will earn the customer’s trust upon the quality of food and pdf>
maintain the overall goal of Shinsegae Food. ● 신세계푸드:식품제조 비중 확대로 안정적인
실적향상. KTB투자증권, pp. 48–50,
Long-Term Development 신세계푸드:식품제조 비중 확대로 안정적인
Since Shinsegae Food is seeking maximum profit, the 실적향상.<
primary goal is to make our customers stay longer and visit 17/05/29/20170425_ktb.pdf>
more frequently. Once Shinsegae Food has gained interest ●,Bloomberg,
from the current generation by offering a variety of healthy <
foods to choose from, Shinsegae Food must ensure this ot.asp?privcapId=12189326.>
implementation to be long-lasting for future generations. It is
important for a company to develop a likable image with the
use of fresh and quality food.

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