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Stock Market for Dummies

Candle Sticks
Trading for a Living
the bogleheads' guide to investing
The intelligent investor
Swing Trading for Dummies
Margin of Safety
Warren Buffet Way
Security Analysis
You can be a Stock Market Genius
Remeniscens of a stock operator by Edwin Lefevre
Speculation as a fine art by Dickson G Watts
Options made easy by Guy Cohen
Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas
Technical analysis of the financial markets by John J Murphy
A complete guide to volume price analysis by Anna coulling
How to trade stocks by Jesse Livermore
The alchemy of finance by George Soros
Common stocks and uncommon profits by Phillip A. Fisher
Keeping Score in business by Robert Follett
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets
Real Estate for Dummies
Peter Lynch
Garrett Sutton
The Four Pillars of Investing

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