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Drying is the
ve movaloç moistuie mm substonce (Solid s)
by suppyop heat and by making use of driving force or
mass hans
fer(pamal pressuie oç suyfoce and ar SUYface)
Example -salinewater = Salt +uwater +theat
Salts<than waBor watoy evaporates
CEvapovalion) +Sals(Nac1)
waler benzene + charcoal Not drying (ad Soption)
etsolid S dry solids dnying poceSS
Solids (dry)
zeolites, sands, Grons+ Cais)
X*-egu moistuUe
Drying is more about heak and mass LF(aiv,typeof solid)
transferSImu taneousy).
Heat hransfer -

hAT (ftux by coovection)


-KaT ( ux by cond ueti on)

OT furby radiation)
(moss hansfer- Ky aP (knudsen diçfusiuity
gi1) TYPe af solid s- Porus and non poYUs
thin sheet vs slab


bo rai r a yTYays

DICFexen¢e between dyin9 and evapovation.

Drying EvaPoration.
uateris temoved fiom, the -Vapounsaion of uao in
solids in relai vely fin the taige quantities homa
Smallquanhfies Solution
2 This operahio n is cowed out 2-Thi s 0Perahion oCCUYs at HHe
eattvely ak law tormpeiahures boiling point op the soluion.
3DTyi enployscamer gas 3water 1eaving ova poratov is
fov e moving uateyVapour. PUre waer
4Pepends ontypeoç solids. 5-00Rsnot depend on the natue
Of soluhon.

Drying equili brum

O00 O00

hiin fim op
hguid (mo isture)
P-Fwhere p°- oguilbnum
vapour pie ssu1e F
9diving fovce vapouY pressure ap pure wabe
P Flopetauting
conditio ns) (Pt)-F)
Vnyin9 Tuke is a
function of moistuye contents
EXperinent- Take a solid suspend ed
yénys and hot dUY
possed Shown. The yelo city pm
ny profle
file is as shouwn.solid
shouwn stlid
could be poyous OY NON POYOUS m
OASUYe its w 9ht by
thenograVimehmc mcthod
Themoqra vimehy


vel od hy PDfsle


r e e m o i s t u r e
P eg pamal
PYeSSure acwater
X= Kgof water vapounD Shea mn
Kg ofdny solid PT)=vapourpreSsure
(moistue COntent) H
oP pure water
tuilbnum panaJ pressure of woter vapouY is Same as
Vapoay prOssure oe Puve water{iniria
lly) Ps < P°CT)
Consideing the behavi oUY On drying,8olids may be
into two brdad
eatogen'e si

a Sranula or
cnystalline solids-Tonic solids iine (shed
Yock, titanjum
oxide,sand,catti ly s ts, socium phosphahes.
Amophg us b nus o¥9Re matenalS
-ONganic solids
üke wood, 1eatheYSOO P,Cotton,
StaYcb, wootetc.
Basic defnitions in drying

Moistue Content- Moisture contentof a

solida is expresa
is expreSsc

wet basis, which is the R9 op uwater

as weight penent ona
eontaned in 100 K9 Of the wet solid.Thus
uaker in solic
welght percent(wetbasis) egntof=

weightowetsol d
present in untt
U amount of Water
aueig htop wet solid
eight percent of moisture ondry basis is tHhe Kgof
moi shure aSsodated with loO Kg dry solid
Xis den ed as wt-of water in g associated ih one K9
dy solid.
X=weight of walerin solid
9 9j
weightof dry solicl
kgof a dny solid isassocated wih X k9 op water ov
(1+)K9 wet solid contcins X Kgmoisture.

EX A wet Solid weighs sohg and contains lokg noisture

Express he moisture concenhralion s n wetad dny aSis

SoE On wet basis w=

10 02 k9 watey ( &01)
Kg wet sO tid

X(Ondy basis)= I0 K9moisture

Kgdy solid

uweight =X x10000:2S xj00 20}
X 25

2 Equilibium moisture-The misture in the solid uhicn

COmes in equilibriu m uith the woter vapouy present in the

ai hence tnying stops iscalled euilibwum content [X*)

The solid camot be dned below this moisture Equilibn um
moisture tontent sets the limjt to which mateial can be

died under speaificied set oç conditions

3. Freemoisture -The mois tuye in excess Of the equilibnum

m0 sture-
mois ture content x*hak can be died is alled free

EX-wcod containing initiar1y 35wt // istue

mo on dy

basis (x-0 3$) using 601 RH at a 8K

4he hee mois ture o 35-0 13=0-337 R9/Kgd solid
23-7 Mgof waker is vemoved fiom 10okgof dny solid, whichis
neany 63Of wakOY OY1giNa 11y present in wet sotid

4 Bound moisture and unbo und moisture-he moisture in

the Soid that exevts full vapUY pressue forall the
concenNalion and is removed frst in dhjing opeiaion
is caued unboud moisture ( excess). ony unbo und moistune
con be removed uhen solid fs sujeced to satuiated ai

Bound noisture exe¥rs pavha pressure less than the

vapaur pressure of puYD Water and vemains in equilibriu m

with unsatuiated air Solids Hat contain aundwaler are

caled hygoscopi substant es The point uhere the highest
moisture content g Solid hat can exist in eguilibnum with
noist unsatuiated air is catted fibre saturation point.
5 Hystens in drying.

hds Ovptia3n



Moistue content>
I f the ongiml mois ture content op the solid uhich wOS
exposecd to on alr sheom isless than eQuilibrium moisture
content X",the maenad willgoin mo istUre om air il
moi s ture concenhafon in soli d reaches eguilibrium
vOUue-THe matenal gains by soption
oY a given femperature and relafive humidity o¢ a
theeguilibnum mossture content reached by desovp hon
(x) isgenerally 9reater than a.
To preyent the moisture vgain of dn'ed product whP
expo sed to moist aY,it would be hecessany to stove E
mate nals in artight containers
If dned product is likely to be exposod to ai1of e etain

elatively humidity.dnying the matena to a moistune


cootent belouw fne ads0 ption eguilibyiu m yalue s

Of ro uSe.
6-Soluble solid s
water of hydation in inoganIC solids is an exome of
bound moisture held chemicany by solids

EX*hDres wim an initfal total wgtey content of a01 on wetbasis

ane dned i n a tunnel dnyer operating at 101 3 KPO-Jp the

PTDaueis leaving the dnyer are in euilibnum oith aiiGf Yeldnve

humidity of so at aq8K.detenoine Kg of moisture evarared

pey Kgof bonedny fbres The eguilibnum moisture cOnrenE
a e s uln relah ve hu mídity Of an as given bel o

1RH data)

solE Plot the daa and locate horiaonta une at s0

wege x* = O«09u Kg water/kgdny solid

201. wt (uek) ineans dcKg uakorin ookqwetsolids

X 20 =0.2S
water removed= 0. aS-0-09u= 0-IS6 Kg uaer
Kgdry solid
2 A ek solid containing 33| misture isto be dnied othe
CuwentGf aivop so7 RH The eguitbium moisturo <ontent oc

ectidis lo Od hig hest concenhotion o moistue that a

soi d con existinegh u9h uns atuiated al is a8t. AI the
inoisture (ontentsdveondny basis- Detemine free moistuYe,
bound mgi sture and anbound moistup

Given X = 0:33
K9/kgdry solid x= 01 K9/k9 dy
hee moistuve
G.33-0-10- 0 d 3 K9 mGisture/

BOund moistuie 28 Kg/10oKg dny solids

unbound moistue 28-23- 5 K9/100M9 dy soids.

1 0 0 :



h e emoisfure

O-10 0-28 1 0-33


Genetoal Drying Behaviour.

Bakch drying testis conduched to study its be
A somple of wetmalevial is
SUspend ed fhoma balance
Kopt tn side
catnet oy endosure ond
beaBed ains
OSsSed ocr0ss he suiface.
n d e constant dying condilions tem 1e, humid1h
yelouty and diPclion of flow aie mantained
eghin9 Sampleis then detemined as a funt1o
time om uhich noistue coptentis calulated
agaunst time.
The ate Of drying Ris de hned as unit mass of moisture

evaporatedin unit dnying time from unrt area op the surface

expo sed to dying.

R S dx
A de Hh
wheie s mgssof dy solids
A oreaofdying

c n h c a l moistue content


euilfbnum Mois tuve content

two distind regicns.
pQying yate cunes ae chavocren'sed by
PeNod op
nihial adjustmen-
Falin9- cOn
Yate penod rate pen'od

A s t u ec o o t e n t



x X, moustue content (dny basis)

tw0 dishinct
The drying cuyes are ch aracrensed dy
he fallino
Yeqionszthe constant Yafo peñod (BC) and 9
Tate penod CE).
Intially the soljd is wet with rnoistuYe Ond evopor0 hin
Occurs om suraçe of solid ct constant Yate.
when the mojstuye content of Solid &onYea ch os thos
conesponding to pointc in the ngure the canstant rato
penods ends and the rate begins to decrease along
the cune eE
moisture content of solid at which constont rate
Peniod ends andd nying rate begins to dedease is
Known as cnhcal moisture X¢).
uhen moisture content reaches eguili b rum value (*)
dning becomes zero and no evaporatio n taes Plore.

:COnstant RaBe pe1 od

The rae op drying remoins Constant a
The capillanje s and interstices Of solid can deliver moistule
4o the
suPoce as ast itis vapon's ed ion the
Since eVaporahiOn Of moistuo
gbso1bs atent heat he
tiquid suoce atains a
steady state temperahure uhen
the rate op heot
Plow fom gas to surace i's exadiy
euol to YaBe op totent heak
The temperature ottained by suvFace wil be equd t0
uBTOP gas.
Re Ry(Hs-H)
ahere Rc= ConStunt
rateor dnying Ky MTC
o 90
Humidity in buiK s=Saburaion humidity P
Ky Temains constant aslog as velodty aFd dne chon o

Aouor 9asis not altered

Reds ha (T6-Ts) here As= heat of vapon'sahion of
TG PBT Ofgas mois fure at temP Ts
(Hs-H)= hG (TG-TS
2-Fatng Rate Peiod
As the average moisture content oç solid aPP Yoaches tne

ciical value the 1Quid aveiable at suiace be comes

nsupft nt to maintoi n a continuous Alm oyer enhye aea
avanable or drying the surface vemans wer by vedeving
tde moistuze bronsPomOd fom the intenoY OP solid by

Copillony (movement Or liquiddiffusion.

Ex-A uet coke is being died ina bay dner. bryng occuIs om

the tof surface by cdssaYlahon of I0-- saturated airat

Cpressureoç iol-3KPa and temperaturp oç 3SIK.THe

average yeoary o f aaY Pass ed acdss the wet solid is

ums-.Theiniti ol water content op wet mete nal is 25 .
and cni al moisture tontentis 101. "HIl matsture conton ts

aR ondrybasi s éstmate the iale 9f diying in the tonstant

Tate penod iç ine HTC ar the surface fsgven by

he--0 2ouG° m K uhere Gisin Ko/h

sot Gwen Xc=0l K9 Ikg dny sord X0-1SK9/k9 dyoild
y= 0:04S yikgdy ai
TG 35IK, Ts : 317K

As 2397 K3/Kg

hG 0-0 20uG°*

V 8 31y

9 00u5
O 3
V = 065u m° Kgdnyair

P +Y ous0-980

065 Kgm-
Pu= 0180*4x 3600 =1l|2 03 kg

dG 0 0 20 [tuu-3)
bG:4a-6 2 WK

Rbs (TG-Ts)
Empincol method oç Estimating dying fime
e kngw
d S dx
8S dx dr
ri Dng in con stant rare penod, X c<Xz<X

() DayIn9 n he falli
ng rate penod andl the rote is lineaar
thughoub, Xc>X, >X2*
Rc Xc -X*
R- ReX-x*
Xc-x* 7 h

S dx S(-x*)
A dx
ARe X2-*


ARc -x¥,
M) Dying incucdes both constant rate and falling ahe penocd s.
S (Xc-x*)o X-x*
Rc A
f SA dx
dx i TRPis not
by grayhic integraion.

X-Xc)+ (Xe-x*) In (X -x* 11
Numerical EXamples an pYn9
from inihad moisture
.A wct matena) isto be dned

10). both moisti

Giasto the Anal codtenahon df
e9m Moistue conten
Contents on dny basis. Assume that
is negtioible.The area of drying surface is (m 7kg dhy

Sold Therafe oc drying vales wih Morstu e conte nt

as tollows

(K9gdny solid) k9Im°'h K9lkgd ysolid
S 2 S &8
2 S G35 O 66

0-8 25 52
2 O.2 33

-6 3 O-18

0-4S 122

aPlote the dnying íarecuve

Derer9 Ine ofe ofd 1yngîn cm sto nt rae penod

C)poremine toraJhme of drying.

SoF PIOE X vs R{K9/mh and delem ne Xc

ongroph X 0 Re25 kg/m*h

ARe X12.5 11hgdvy

e (12S-0 8)= 0 018h
k9/kg y solnd
ifa9tp 1s18io11fit
A dx

X 0 O-10 6 0 0 S0 0.uS 0:40 035 0-3 02 0T

R2-S 2-t0 13 i39 122 0 88 066 d 52 033 C1

.4162 G S 78 0-1 1q 0919 d-136 151s I92 303 SSS

X2 R

S S dr
R -0180-1078 h

Tofal time regured to dyy 9c+ p

0 12 5 8hr.

an bath dyin9 Of Shee maten al
2. From expenments

the rate oç dnying in the con stant Yate penodis

is oundto
moisture content is 33-|. and tbo
be 3 kq /nh he cii cal
SheetsS Of Siao
eQuilidnum moistuve content is neglig1ble.
Sm x12m* S0mm aeto be dnied fom Sof.
fo S-moisture.All moistue contents are on dy basis.

Thednying ocars fom both sides and under the same

dymg conditionsas in erpenment. Tf the mahehal has

a bone d ny S = 1200Rgm* colouJake time requived foY

dnyirg AsSUming thak FRP IS lidear

Sofr GNen Rc-3kg/nh Xc= 0:33 =0
frea: 2x(1SXl:2)= 36 m
yE0 S X=0 0S
S $0XIO x1 S X2x ]200
S I08 K9

R -Xc)+ (K¢- x*)n X1- x

36x3 S-033)+ (0 33)in [:S


9103h ihr s6 min

2.Tt takes qhouNS fbv G pOduS Solid turodu re the mois tu re

eontent om US to 10( wnen died ina þatch diyei undey

constont dy ng conditions-The coticol moisture as fbund
to be as and egm moisture 31. AN Moisture conten ts oR on

dnybasis Assuming thoat the rate oç dnying duong FRPis

0po ionad to free moisture content, hou long it would fake
to dya sample of sane soid fom 25 to s- under same

daying copditons?
SOl caseu)
X OuS kg/ k9 dry solld X=o-10 K9/ Kgd y solid4
Kc 0-25 hg[ kg dny soiid X=0-03 h9 Rgdysolid

S LX-Kc)+(Xt -x*)inc-K*
0 S19$

casi)Xc= 0-25 K9kgdy.solid x =0-03Kg|fgd1y solid


X0 35hg/K9dysolid X=0.dS kg/k9 drysoljd

- 06275 S

6 12-Soh.
Materialand Heat BalanceS for hhuous Dyers
dy in9gasin

wetsolic- prysohd nd uict
eed s,X1, Hs1TsI S, X2, Hs 2/ Ts 2'
wherp yhumidity ofair in kg moisture/hgdiyo
s PMou raes opdny sotiga s
S moisture fee sod n9|)
X- moi stureconte nt o solidin h9moistu e/
T-temperature netheatl0ss 6om
Henthalpy drye
Marenal balance fvr moisure
CRA 186KT.
SX +Gs Y= SKz+GsY
Cs = I005 +
sX-X2) =Gsly,-Y1)
Hat bolo nce over dye
SHstGsHg1: Stist§sHst
enholpy of wetseltd,
Hs Cps(Ts-To)+ XCpaCTs-To) toH
Cps-heat capacity oçdny sotid S Ts0° DHn=integra hedt
of wetting o adsoption
Cg- humid head KT
HG CsTG -To+Ydo ao=2502 kJ]K9
h adiabai c operanon Gs0 .-Ve i heat suppied
dndnieris nektesS Of heat ost fondryer.
EX A YOtdy counter cunent dnyev is tv beused to dry sooook9
wet sond fom s0l moisture to a51 Moisturo on wet basis
The aiis admittod at uoOK wih hunidity of O-001K9 /K9d A
and it 1eaves at 32SK.The wet sa nd enterS at 29SKand

teaves ar 31 K. Heat Iosses fom dnyer amount to 25k5/Kgdyair

Speune heatof dry sand is 09 KJ/K9k° SpeCa fe eat op
diyaiv is i 005 KJ /K9 h ad speci hc healoç waterva pouris

+88 4 KGK9K.aBent heatopvopoisation ot 23h is 2502S]9k

Callate the amou Ms Ofdly air passed through dyer ano

humidityofaiv leoving drye


Ss, V2 HG2T62
SX Hs2iTs
Given Je= So00o k9/hr
S= 0-SxSO000 2SOo o R9/hr
X2 0-02S 0 02S6 - 2SKS
X S -1 -0-025
9 dyair

G29O0K Y2= 0 001 K9 moisture TG318K

Ao250 2 KS/K9 To 213K Cps= 0 9 KJ/g K

Cpa I-005 KT/k9K CPW =I8$u K3}k9k

bvmoisturo Tsi 2 SK Ts1=31fK
matonia balance

SK2 t+ Ssy
25000 (-0-0256)=Gs(Vi-0-004) D
matenal balanre for heat

SHSIt GsHGa SHs2+ 9stlG, +6,

HsI=(Cps +X1CpA) Tsr To)

Hs (o-q+ u-186) (29 5-243)
Hsi: 111.91RS/9

Hs2(Cps+ ¥ Cpa) Ts7-To)

0-+0 026xu186)(318 -213)
Hs2 S-37KSK9
HG Cst (TG1-To)+Y, Mo
CS I00s+|-88uYe
Cst: -00S+188yY

CS I00St88uxg-00
HG2 1018 2(u00-13)+ 0-007 250
Hg 16-8 3 KS)kg
HG 52-76+ 2600Y
Onsowin9 Gs=1-2xios k9/h
Y:0-02729 K9 water Kgdnya
2:A wet grdhulay Solid is to be dned from o ouKg noisturef
kg d toa 0-002R9]kq dry sold in CGntinuous Counter
CUMPnt dnyer at yate oç soo kg dy solid/bt Thed S6ld has

heat capa ury of 1-S KSKgk

The solid Senter at 300 K and are to be disch arged at 330K:
Heaing cY entors at 36j uith humidity Gf O.0 lo KolKgdA,
and leaVeS at 31IKThe heaB loss is negligible.caluulatee
dyauy OW tate and outlet air bumidity
)Repeak pavt (a) given that sotid enters at 290Kand
e avesat 33SRThe gos enteIs at 360k and (eaes at 30SS

Heatlosses is esimaled tobe 3000w

G s , H G Y G


S,XTsI, Hs SX2$2,Hs2-
K9 dny3olid/h Cps=t5
Given S S00
X0-0 K9/ Kg dnysoid X20002,k9/kgdny solid
TSI: 300K Ts2-336R T6 2-361K T$2= 367K
TG1: 311K V2= 0 010 K9/kg drya .
Baiance for mcistuve, CPy-1t6 KT|k9K
So0 )Co 0u)+ Gs (0-01) = Soo (o-002) + GsY
19+0-01Gs= GsY 0
Enthatpy bala nce


Hs Cps+ X Cpa) Tg-To)

Hs S + a-0ux4-186) (300-a13)
HS= S020 R/Kg

Hs2- Cps+XCPA) CTs1-To)

HS-1S+ 0-002x 4-16) (336-213)

Hs- 95.027 K3|K9
-Cs (TG-To)+ Ydo
CSI 0OS+ 188yY

Cs 1-00S +188 u Y-
HGIE (1 00S+188y Y1)(311-273)+Y( 2s02
G=(-00s 88uy1) (38)+ 502Y

HG 38.19+7LS92Y +2$ 02 Yi
HG 38-19+2S135921D
HG sa(TG1-To)+Yd o
Cs 1-005 +1-88y (0-010)
Cs2 0233 KgK
HG (l.023 8) (367-293) + (0-01) 25 02)
HG2 121.2S1 K3 Kq
SO0) (uS-02) + (G s) (121253) {s00)(25 2
+s (38 19+2973 39 9)
21-2S+Gs 25o03 S+3819Gs+GsYl2513 9)
83067Gs= 2§003.S+2s13.S9 Gs Y>9
bUt Gs= 19+0-G1Gs

83061Gs 25003.S+ (2S73 $9)L17+0 01Gs)

83-067Gs 25003 S+ uS898-21 +2513SGs

ST332s= 19 139017 1 wo
Gs 1289 K9|h

1 0-0zu7 kg uaBer/Kg dnya



mode Op opeiahon modeoheat hansfor solid handling


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