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Generali: Sống Như Ý – Live The Life You Desire

Source: MMA Smarties, Gold, Vietnam, 2020

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Generali, an insurance company, increased brand awareness and growth by launching a campaign
centred on music and film during the Vietnamese new year festival Tet.

Generali was a new face in Vietnam and faced the challenge of a small customer base and low
market share and brand awareness.
There is a great emphasis on prosperity and success during Tet in Vietnam, wishes are
exchanged, and research revealed that modern adults favour unconventional wishes over
traditional ones (which focus on prosperity); Generali leveraged this to create the strapline Live as
You Wish.
Generali used music and film and centred its campaign on video platforms; it released teaser
trailers, followed by a short film on YouTube and other video platforms and integrated the film into
a TV show on New Year's Eve.
The campaign garnered 74m views, increased brand awareness by 37% and led to 57% year-on-
year growth.

Campaign details
Brand: Generali Vietnam
Agency: dentsu X
Region: APAC


Despite having a strong heritage of over two centuries globally, Generali – an Italian based premium insurance
company – is new face in Vietnam. With nine years of presence, Generali's customer base was still low and far
behind its competitors with market share at eight over 17 players, brand awareness at 25% and brand
performance was stagnant for more than one year.

The past two years has been a tough time for Generali when other players increased their media investment
significantly (268%) and FWD, a three-year-old brand in Vietnam, aggressively challenged Generali in term of
brand equity.

As the market perception has long been driven by representative agent, the challenge is to have a break-
through approach to win the heart of the increasingly powerful middle upper class aged 25–45, who constantly
look for added values on top of their basic protection needs.

Our mission was to establish "Generali as a life-time partner of Vietnamese".

Our objective is to rank #6 in market share with brand awareness of 40% by end of the year 2020.

Target Audience

Our primary target audience are those aged 25–45 years old. They constitute nearly 80% of the new middle
class heading towards upper class in a few years. Growing up mostly as millennials and enabled by the massive
technology boom with maximum exposure to the world's endless resource of information, they always seek true
purposes to live their life to the fullest, in any given moment.

The insurance brand they trust, therefore, needs to exhibit the same or more, that it cares about and looks
beyond their protection needs with an honest desire to fully support that colorful and dynamic life.

While others promise to take care of an unknown future, Generali is the only brand that empowers its customers
to live the now. And that transpires from and beyond our brand purpose, "to enable people to shape a safer
future by caring for their lives and dreams."

Creative Strategy

Our strategy is to deliver the brand message "Sống như ý – Live the life you desire" with greatest possible
emotional impact by musical storytelling tactic. In the most comprehensive way, "Sống như ý – Live the life you
desire" is to live every moment as meaningful as you wish, without any hesitation.

With that meaning, Generali provokes TA emotional reactions by picking out the most burden issues in today
society and show how Generali is supporting TA to be ready & have strong preparation for their "Sống như ý –
Live the life you desire" journey.

To ensure even greater impact, we launched this campaign during Tet season.

Traditional mindset of "Như Ý" in Tet is prosperity, a happy family, successful career, affluent children… all
typical for the social expectations imposed on our target audience's lives and which prevent them from fully
enjoying Tet. Generali tapped in these moments to show our encouragement and our belief that everybody
should be supported along their "Sống như ý – Live the life you desire" journey.
Wishes are also exchanged during the Tet holiday. Our research shows that modern adults favor
unconventional wishes over traditional ones, which are mostly about health and prosperity. Leveraging this
insight, we associate "Sống như ý – Live the life you desire" with a New Year wish (Live the life you desire)
and Italian origin (To Live Like Italians) to make the brand message more memorable.

A musical approached was also used cleverly to bring more entertaining values. The core asset of the campaign
was music and film and the entire media plan was centered around YouTube and video platforms to spread the
film widely to the target audience.


With this campaign, Generali reinforced and enhanced the GenVita's "Sống như ý" platform which was launched
from 2018. Generali is the only brand that empowers its customers to live the now. With the breakthrough
concept and excellent execution, for the first time ever the whole year's KPIs were achieved in only six weeks.

Overall Campaign Execution

Overall execution

To connect with consumers, we leveraged video format and music as centerpieces of the plan.

We picked the biggest burden of Tet which is confronting "scrutiny" questions around work, life, success and
gifts brought back home. Those difficult questions are not only the obsession, but also a symbol of the
prejudices about "success and a happy life" and parents' expectations that are imposing on young people.

The short film evokes different emotions: from humor to a happy ending. Three different types of music were
used to imply different messages:

Turkish march classical music: symbolizes old stereotypes and social prejudice;
Black rap music: reveals the voice of young people;
Italian folk music: implies happiness and a "Sống như ý – Live the life you desire" moment when whole
family finds a common voice and fully enjoys Tet.

We also use the song "Bella Ciao" at the end of the film to subtly spread the the Italian happy and optimistic
lifestyle and remind the viewers about Generali's original country – Italy. Now we had a musical film that
presented our brand message clearly and in an entertaining way.

The campaign was launched in three phases:

Phase 1: teasing with six trailers, supporting with social seeding and PR;
Phase 2: massive launch of the short film on YouTube and other video platforms; and
Phase 3: integrate short film into the "Sóng 2020" TV show on New Year's Eve and re-broadcast on

Mobile Execution

Using digital at heart of the campaign, we got the audience excited by releasing six mobile-friendly teasers and
using contextual targeting tactics to tease the message of "supporting your beloved ones to live their desired

On top of that, we used social seeding in different interest groups to trigger the discussion around "Sống như ý
– Live the life you desire" in the Tet topic.

After two weeks of teasing, we then launched the film on YouTube, the most popular video platform in Vietnam
and then extended to other video platforms with a roadblock strategy to make the film appear on music charts
and entertainment recommendations, ready to play on our consumers' playlists.

To maximize the campaign reach, we tactically sponsored one part of Sóng 2020. The program was then re-
aired on YouTube and helped to generate millions of views organically.

Business Impact (Results)


Generali brand health was stagnant in the past year, with average brand awareness at 25%, brand
consideration at 11%, brand preference 1.6% (*), the "Sống như ý – Live the life you desire" campaign has
transformed the brand story in Vietnam three months after its launch.


Using a musical storytelling approach, with digital lead and tactical TV sponsorship generated historical growth
for Generali:

Generali won over FWD in brand health and is rapidly closing the gap with Dai-ichi Life;
Market share (vol/value): ranks #6 in market, having previously ranked 8th;
Business growth in value: 57% year-on-year growth;
Brand awareness: 38%, increased +13pts vs pre-campaign;
Brand consideration: 25%, increased +15pts vs pre-campaign; and
Brand preference: 6%, increased +4.2pts vs pre-campaign.

The music video reached:

Reach: 22m unique visitors;
Top 13 YouTube videos in APAC in Jan 2020;
20m views in earned media from the re-broadcast of "Sóng 2020" on YouTube;
Film view-through rate: 55% vs market benchmark of 45%;
Staggering 50,776 buzz on social;
110,026 engagements; and
Earned media: US$ 105k, which is equivalent to 44% media investment.

Market Impact

With the right creative and media strategy, Generali – a brand that did not seem not relevant during Tet –
provoked a strong emotional connection with Vietnamese people and stood out from more than 100 Tet
campaigns to earn its own voice and make a positive impact on brand and business results.

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