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Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—

One Atom at a Time
Darleane C. Hoffman and Diana M. Lee

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements— 332 In keeping with the goal of the Viewpoints series of the Journal
One Atom at a Time of Chemical Education, this article gives a 75-year perspective of
the chemistry of the heaviest elements, including a 50-year retrospec-
Outline tive view of past developments, a summary of current research
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

Historical Perspective
achievements and applications, and some predictions about excit-
ing, new developments that might be envisioned within the next 25
Theory years. A historical perspective of the importance of chemical separa-
Experimental Techniques tions in the discoveries of the transuranium elements from neptunium
Production of Heavy Element Isotopes (Z = 93) through mendelevium (Z = 101) is given. The development
Downloaded via on February 19, 2021 at 17:42:13 (UTC).

for Chemical Studies of techniques for studying the chemical properties of mendelevium
Detection and Analysis and still heavier elements on the basis of measuring the radioactive
Chemical Separation Methods
New Instrumentation Group
1 18
Studies of Chemical Properties 1 2
H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He
Earliest Studies
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Renaissance and New Results
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Future 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

More “In-Depth” Chemical Studies Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al Si P S Cl Ar

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Chemistry beyond Seaborgium?
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba L a* Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Other Material Related to 87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Nuclear Chemistry in This Issue Fr Ra Ac* Rf Ha Sg Bh Hs Mt
(113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118 )

90 91
Nucleogenesis! A Game with Natural Rules 349
Th Pa
for Teaching Nuclear Synthesis and Decay 92
Donald J. Olbris and Judith Herzfeld 89 U 94
Np 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Act i ni des Ac Pu
Before There Was Chemistry: The Origin 353 Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
of the Elements as an Introduction to Chemistry 58
Neil Glickstein 57 Ce 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
L ant hani des L a Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Periodic Tables of Elemental Abundance 356
Steven I. Dutch

A Different Approach to a 3-D Periodic System 359

Including Stable Isotopes Alexandru T. Balaban decay of a single atom (“atom-at-a-time” chemistry) and combining
the results of many separate experiments is reviewed. The influence
of relativistic effects (expected to increase as Z2) on chemical prop-
erties is discussed. The results from recent atom-at-a-time studies of
the chemistry of the heaviest elements through seaborgium (Z = 106)
E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has made are summarized and show that their properties cannot be readily
available videos, still images, and excerpts from inter-
views with nuclear chemists who have discovered and
predicted based on simple extrapolation from the properties of their
studied the heaviest elements. These materials can be lighter homologues in the periodic table. The prospects for extend-
found on JCE Online at ing chemical studies to still heavier elements than seaborgium are
Journal/issues/1999/Mar/abs331.html. considered and appear promising.

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry is supported by a grant from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 331

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time

Darleane C. Hoffman and Diana M. Lee
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, and Nuclear Science Division, E. O. Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720*

Historical Perspective nuclear fission, E. M. McMillan and P. H. Abelson in 1940

chemically isolated and identified the new element neptunium
Ever since ancient times, humans have been fascinated (Z = 93) in the products of neutron irradiation of uranium (2).
with trying to understand the composition of the world Shortly thereafter, in December 1940, G. T. Seaborg, E. M.
around them. The Greek philosophers considered the problem McMillan, J. W. Kennedy, and A. C. Wahl (3) identified an
“theoretically”, and as early as the 4th century B.C.E., Aristotle isotope of plutonium, and in February 1941 the first chemi-
proposed that all matter consisted of varying proportions of cal separation of plutonium was performed by Seaborg’s first
the four “elements”—air, earth, fire, and water. Within the graduate student, Art Wahl (4). Although these experiments were
next few hundred years humans isolated and used a number conducted as academic research and without governmental
of elements such as gold, silver, and tin, which were found financial support, the discoverers voluntarily withheld publica-
relatively pure in nature, and removed others such as sulfur, tion until 1946 because of wartime security concerns about
lead, and mercury from their ores. In medieval times, alchemists the fissionability of plutonium.
isolated and discovered additional elements and dreamed of By 1961 the elements through lawrencium (Z = 103) had
turning lead into gold using secret formulas and incantations, been discovered, thus completing the actinide series. Since
but to no avail. With the development of experimental science then, nine transactinide elements have been produced and iden-
and the scientific method in the 18th century, the pace of tified, so the elements through 112 are now known. Figure 1
discovery of new elements accelerated rapidly. But uranium, shows the 1998 periodic table; the 24 elements discovered since
discovered in 1789 in pitchblende from Saxony, Germany, 1936 are shaded. Table 1 gives the names and symbols for
by Martin Klaproth, was to remain the heaviest known the transfermium elements approved by the International
chemical element for more than 150 years. Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in August
Beginning in the mid-1930s, the new breed of nuclear 1997, ending a long period of dissent and confusion. It also
scientists, including both chemists and physicists, became ended use of the unwieldy “provisionary” names unnilquadium,
intrigued with the possibility of synthesizing new “artificial” unnilpentium, unnilhexium, etc., which had begun to appear
elements not found in nature. The ancient alchemists’ dream on periodic tables in our classrooms, though they were never
of transmutation was finally realized in 1937 when the first used by researchers in the field! IUPAC is now considering
man-made element, technetium (Z = 43), was synthesized by claims to priority of discovery of elements 110, 111, and 112
C. Perrier and E. Segrè (1). At Berkeley, in experiments designed and will request suggestions from the discoverers for names for
to investigate the newly discovered (1939) phenomenon of these elements. To avoid confusion, we shall continue to use
hahnium (Ha) for element 105 in this article because hahnium
* and was used in all our previous publications on the chemistry of

1 18
1 2
H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al Si P S Cl Ar Figure 1. Periodic table from 1998,
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 showing the 112 known elements.
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Elements discovered after 1936 are
in blue; undiscovered elements are
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
in parentheses.
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
(113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118 )
Fr Ra Ac Rf Ha Sg Bh Hs Mt

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
L ant hani des Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Act i ni des Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

332 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Pu
Table 1. CNIC/IUPAC Compromise Recommendation
for Names of Transfermium Elements
(Approved August 30, 1997, Geneva, Switzerland)
Element Name Symbol
101 Mendelevium Md
102 Nobelium No
103 Lawrencium Lr
104 Rutherfordium Rf
105 Dubniuma Dba
106 Seaborgium Sg
107 Bohrium Bh
108 Hassium Hs
109 Meitnerium Mt
aIn this paper, the name hahnium (Ha) is used for element 105.

element 105, having been approved by the American Chemical

Society in 1994 before the IUPAC approval of the compromise
names shown in Table 1. Figure 2. Time line of the discovery of the transuranium elements.
A time-line for the discovery of the transuranium elements
is shown in Figure 2. “Gaps” in the time-line can be noted,
usually due to the need to develop the new techniques and At the time this was believed to be a “wild” hypothesis, but
concepts needed for the production, separation, and identi- Seaborg’s group was unsuccessful in identifying elements 95
fication of each successive group of new elements. For example, and 96 until they performed chemical separations designed
before Seaborg’s proposal of the actinide concept and his to separate them as trivalent homologues of the lanthanides
proposed periodic table (Fig. 3) published in Chemical & Eu and Gd.
Engineering News in 1945 (5), it was believed that thorium, Another example of the actinide concept in the de-
protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, and the next scription of heavy element chemistry is the so-called “actinide
elements, 95, 96, should be placed as the heaviest members contraction”, analogous to the lanthanide contraction in
of groups 4 through 10. But, based on the actinide concept, which the radii of the M3+ (and M4+) ions are observed to
the new series should start with actinium as a prototype and decrease as the positive charge on the nucleus increases with
end with the filling of the 5f electron shell at element 103. The increasing atomic number. This is because, as successive
heavier actinides should then be extremely difficult to oxidize, electrons are added to the inner f shell, the imperfect screening
and according to Seaborg would be trivalent homologues of of the nuclear charge by the added f electrons gives rise to a
the lanthanide series in which the 4f orbitals are being filled. contraction of the valence shell. The trivalent actinides and

1 2
H He

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Figure 3. Representation of Seaborg’s
periodic table showing an actinide 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
series, published in Chem. Eng. K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
News, Dec. 10, 1945. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po Rn
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
Ra Ac (Th) (Pa) (U) (Np) (Pu) ? ?

57 58 59 60 61 62
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
L an t h an i d es
L a Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

89 90 91 92 93 94
62 95 96
Act i n i d es Ac T h Pa U Np Pu • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 333

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

lanthanides are generally eluted from a cation exchange column Experiments conducted in 1980 by Hulet et al. showed
in order of the radii of the hydrated ions, with the largest that, in elutions from anion exchange columns, the chloride
hydrated ions eluting first. Thus Lr is eluted first, Md next, complexes of Rf also behave like those of the tetravalent group
etc., and similarly for the lanthanides—Lu, Yb being first and 4 elements rather than those of the trivalent actinides (10).
the rest following in order. This concept was utilized to perform Some gas-phase experiments were conducted on Rf and Ha;
separations of the individual actinides by elution from cation but the atomic number of the species whose radioactivity was
exchange columns with a variety of complexing agents, one being measured was not definitively established, so the results
of the best being ammonium α-hydroxyisobutyrate (HIB). are somewhat suspect. No studies of the chemical properties
In the 1955 Md discovery experiment, 1.6-h 256Md was of Ha in aqueous solution were reported until 1988.
separated and chemically identified (6 ) by its elution with HIB Recent experiments have shown that although elements 104
from a carefully calibrated cation-exchange resin column in and 105 generally seem to belong to groups 4 and 5, they
the predicted position for trivalent element 101. also show unexpected deviations in chemical properties from
By the end of 1970, the actinide concept had been further trends based on extrapolation from their lighter homologues
validated by chemical studies of the properties of No, Lr, and in the periodic table. In fact, Rf and Ha have been found to
Rf. According to the actinide hypothesis it was expected that behave more like the pseudo-homologues Th(IV) and Pa(V)
No2+ might exist by analogy to its homologue Yb, which can be under some conditions. On the other hand, preliminary studies
reduced from 3+ to 2+ with strong reducing agents. However, of Sg show that it behaves as the group 6 elements Mo and
it was among the early surprises that not only was the 2+ state W, and not as the pseudo-homologue, U(VI). Recently,
of No achievable, it was actually the most stable oxidation state periodic tables similar to the one shown in Figure 4 have been
in aqueous solution! Thus the earliest report of the discovery proposed (11–13). The first five actinides are shown in a stair-
(7) of nobelium, based on separating it as a trivalent actinide, step arrangement leading from Rf down to the trivalent
could not have been correct. The chemical separations used actinides Am and Cm, to reflect the similarities in chemical
would have separated No3+ but not No2+, which would have behavior between the early actinides and the elements in
been present under the conditions of the experiment. groups 4 to 8. This arrangement shows Th and Pa as pseudo-
First studies of the solution chemistry of Lr and Rf, homologues of the group 4 and 5 elements and, to a lesser
performed in 1970 by Silva et al. (8, 9), showed that for Lr extent, shows U, Np, and Pu as pseudo-homologues of the group
the trivalent state was again the most stable. Experiments with 6, 7, and 8 elements. Assessment of the validity of such a
Rf showed that the 4+ state was the most stable in aqueous representation must await the results of more detailed studies
solution. Its properties were similar to those of Zr4+ and Hf 4+ of the chemical behavior of the transactinide elements.
and different from those of Lr3+ and the other trivalent actinides. As illustrated in Figure 2, the definition of “heaviest
These experiments thus confirmed that Lr actually did complete elements” changes with time as new, still heavier elements
the actinide series and that Rf was the first transactinide ele- are discovered. In discussing the atom-at-a-time chemistry of
ment and the first member of a new 6d transition series. Rf was the heaviest elements, Md is a natural place to begin. It was
positively identified by measuring the radioactive α-decay and discovered in 1955 and is the last of the heavy elements to be
half-life of about a minute of the well-known isotope 261Rf. identified initially by direct chemical separation techniques,

1 18
1 2
H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne

Figure 4. Periodic table showing 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

early actinides resembling group Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al Si P S Cl Ar
4–9 elements to a decreasing 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
extent. K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba L a* Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
(113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118 )
Fr Ra Ac* Rf Ha Sg Bh Hs Mt

90 91
Th Pa 92
89 U 94
Np 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Act i ni des Ac Pu
Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
57 Ce 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
L ant hani des L a Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

334 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Am
and it is the first of the transuranium elements to be identified chemical separations for measurement and identification of
using “one-atom-at-a-time” chemistry (6 ). That is, it was isotopes whose half-lives are minutes or less and that have
chemically identified by performing many chemical separations very small production rates. A single atom must be detected
in which a total of only 7 atoms of 256Md (half-life about 30 by measuring its known radioactive decay properties. For
min) were detected on a one-atom-at-a-time basis by measur- example, in the chemical studies of Rf, only one atom was
ing the radioactive decay of single atoms. An additional 8 detected in about every ten one-minute chemical separations,
atoms of its radioactive decay product, 256Fm, were also sepa- resulting in detection of several atoms per hour. In recently
rated and measured. The 256Md was produced at the 60-inch reported studies of the 7- and 21-s 265,266Sg isotopes, only
cyclotron at Berkeley by helium-ion bombardment of only 15 atoms were detected during weeks of running time. Con-
about 109 atoms of the very radioactive target, 20-day 253Es. sequently, chemical separation procedures that come to equi-
The heavier elements from nobelium (Z = 102) through librium rapidly and are valid on an atom-at-a-time basis must
112 must be produced in irradiations with heavier projectiles be used. Personnel trained in techniques of handling radio-
than helium ions and were identified first by physical techniques. activity and in nuclear and radiochemistry are essential. Such
Many controversies developed concerning the discoveries of facilities and capabilities exist at only a few laboratories in
elements 102, 103, 104, and
105 because of the very low
Half-life Range
production rates, the half-lives 277
of minutes or less, and the ne- 112 0.24ms
cessity for developing new tech-
10ms to 1s 272
niques other than chemical 111 1.5ms
separations for positive iden- 1s to 1m α
tification of atomic number. 267? 269 271 273
The currently known isotopes 110 4 us 0.17ms
1.1 56 0.1 0.1
ms ms s ms
α α α α ?
of Md through Sg are shown
in Figure 5 (bottom). Atom- Mt 266 268
109 3.4ms 70 ms
at-a-time chemical studies α α
have now been performed on Hs 263 264 265 267 269
all these elements; the first 108 ?
0.8 1.7
0.5ms ms ms 33ms 9s
studies on Sg were reported α α,SF? α α

by Schädel et al. in 1997 (12, Bh 261 262 264

8 0.1
107 12 ms ms s 0.44s
13). The known isotopes of Sg α,SF? α α
through element 112 are shown Sg 258 259 260 261 263 265 266
in Figure 5 (top), which clearly 106 2.9ms 0.5 s 4 ms 0.2 s 0.9 0.3
s s
7s 21 s
shows that the half-lives de- SF α,SF? α,SF α,SF? α,SF? α α
crease rapidly with increasing
152 154 156 158 160 162 164
atomic number, and that the
candidates for chemical studies N
beyond Sg are relatively few Half-life Range
and will depend on the discov-
ery of longer-lived isotopes. < 1s
The production and study Sg 258 259 260 261 263 265 266
1s to 1m 106 2.9ms 0.5 s 4 ms 0.2 s .9s .3s 7s 21 s
of the heaviest elements requires SF α,SF? α,SF α,SF? α,SF? α α
special facilities and capabilities 1m to 1h
Ha 257 258 260 261 262 263
and presents unique challenges 1h to 1d 105 1.3 s 4.4 s 1.5 s 1.8 s 34 s 27 s
α,SF EC,α α,SF α,SF EC,α SF,α
to the chemist. These include
> 1d Rf 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263?
special facilities for preparation 47
104 0.05 ms 0.02 ms 1.4 s 7 ms 4.8 s 13 ms 3s 20 ms 78 s ms 2s
and use of radioactive targets; SF SF α, SF SF,α α,SF SF,α? α,SF SF α,SF? SF SF SF
an accelerator that can furnish Lr 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
high-intensity beams of light 103 1.3 s 13 s 22 s 26 s 0.65 s 3.9 s 6.1 s 3 m 39 m 3.6 h
α α α,EC α,EC α,EC α α,SF α,EC SF EC
to heavy ions; provision for
No 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 262
preventing contamination of 102 0.3ms 0.6s 2.3 s 1.7m 55s 0.3s 3.1m 2.9 s 25 s 1.2ms 58 m 106ms 5 ms
the accelerator should a radio- SF α α,SF α α α,SF α SF α,EC SF SF
active target rupture; methods M d 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
for rapidly and efficiently 101 3 s 7 s 24 s 50 s 4m 2m ~6 m 30m 10m 27 m 1.3 h 5.5 h 57m
EC α
52 d 1.6 h 27.8 d
α EC,α α,EC EC,α EC,α EC,α α EC EC EC,α EC,α EC,α SF SF
transporting the desired prod-
ucts from the hostile radiation 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160
environment associated with the
production site in the accelera- N
tor beam line to a facility out- Figure 5. Chart of the known transfermium isotopes as of 1998. Top: Seaborgium through element
side the radiation field where 112. Bottom: Mendelevium through seaborgium. Modes of decay are indicated as follows: α =
chemistry can be performed; alpha-particle (4He2+) decay; SF = spontaneous fission; EC = electron-capture decay.
and selective and efficient • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 335

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Figure 6. Valence orbital eigenvalues

of group 6 metals.

the world. These include the Lawrence Berkeley National For example, in 1975, Pitzer reported the striking conclusion,
Laboratory (LBNL)1; Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung based on initial results from Hartree–Fock relativistic calcula-
(GSI) near Darmstadt, Germany; the Joint Institute for tions, that elements 112 and 114 as well as 118 (eka-Rn) might
Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia; and the Paul be volatile, relatively inert gases (18). Relativistic atomic cal-
Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland. culations also led to predictions that the transactinides would
With all the difficulties and challenges involved, why should be members of a 6d transition series and show similarities to
we go to so much effort to study the chemical properties of the 4d and 5d transition series elements.
the heaviest chemical elements? These investigations are In a 1988 review of relativistic effects on structural
among the most fundamental in all of chemistry in that they chemistry, P. Pyykkö summarized the primary relativistic
are the only means for obtaining the information required to effects on atomic orbitals as (i) contraction of the radius and
place the heaviest elements in the appropriate group or series in energetic stabilization of s and p electronic orbitals; (ii) spin-
the periodic table and to compare their properties with those orbit splitting of the l > 0 orbitals; (iii) a resulting increase in
of their proposed lighter homologues. It was recognized rather the radii and energetic destabilization of the outer d and all f
early that the increasingly strong “relativistic effects” (14–17 ), orbitals (19). As mentioned earlier, these effects can give rise to
predicted to increase proportionally as Z 2, would lead to ever drastic changes in the chemical properties of the heaviest ele-
larger deviations from the periodicity of the chemical proper- ments. The diagram shown in Figure 6 of the nonrelativistic
ties of the heavier elements based on simple extrapolation of vs relativistic Dirac–Fock calculations (20) of the valence
these properties from those of their lighter homologues. As the orbital eigenvalues for the group 6 elements, Mo, W, and Sg,
atomic number, and hence the positive charge on the nucleus, illustrates the large differences due to relativistic effects.
increases, there is a contraction of the s and p electronic In recent reviews, Pershina (21, 22) gives excellent
orbitals. This can give rise to changes in the electronic orbital summaries of the development of and recent improvements in
configurations, even extending out to the valence electrons. various computational methods for making more accurate rela-
Consequently, changes in ionic and atomic radii, ionization tivistic atomic calculations of heavy-element atomic properties.
potentials, most stable oxidation states (redox potentials), and However, she points out that although these atomic calculations
complexing ability are predicted. Experimental studies of the give some general guidance for experimental research, they
heaviest elements provide the unique opportunity to compare do not predict the behavior of molecular species, especially un-
actual experimental results with theoretical predictions in der particular experimental conditions. This still more difficult
order to assess the magnitude of the influence of relativistic and complex theoretical problem was undertaken by Pershina
effects on chemical properties at the very highest atomic and coworkers in conjunction with our initial international
numbers, where the effects should be largest and could collaboration of scientists from the USA, Germany, Switzerland,
drastically change chemical properties. and Russia to perform experimental studies of the compounds
of the heaviest elements. Systematic theoretical studies of heavy-
Theory element compounds using relativistic quantum-chemical
calculations were combined with fundamental physicochemical
Studies of the chemical properties of the heaviest elements considerations to make detailed predictions (23, 24 ) of the
are extremely challenging for theorists as well as for experimen- volatilities of the halides and the partitioning of the trans-
talists. The Schrödinger equation is no longer applicable and actinides and their lighter homologues between aqueous and
fully relativistic calculations must be performed. Fundamental organic solvents for specific experimental conditions.
predictions of the properties of the elements through Z = 172, Pershina and Fricke (25) have recently completed a review
based on atomic relativistic calculations, were reported more than of theoretical studies of the molecular properties of the trans-
25 years ago (14–17) and indicated the deviations in atomic actinides. Except for a very few early publications, most of
properties that might be expected owing to relativistic effects. these studies were initiated in the 1990s, indicating the

336 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Cm
increasing interest of theorists in this new field Table 2. Isotopes Used in First Chemical Studies, Elements 101–106
which was sparked by the recent acquisition of ex- Isotope (Half-life) Reaction Year Reference
perimental data on Rf, Ha, and Sg. Relativistic 256
Md (1.3 h): 253
Es + 4He → 256Md + n 1955 Ghiorso et al. (6 )
molecular codes have successfully described the 255
No (3.1 min) 244
Pu + 16O → 255No + 5n 1968 Maly et al. (27 )
electronic structure of compounds and predicted mo-
lecular properties for the gas-phase compounds of
L r ( 26 s ) 249
C f + 11
B → 256
L r + 4 n 1970 Silva et al. (8 )

the transactinides and their complexes in aqueous so- 261

Rf (75 s) 248
Cm + 18O → 261Rf + 5n 1970 Silva et al. (9 )
lutions. Especially promising are predictions of ac- 262
Ha (35 s) 249
Bk + 18O → 262Ha + 5n 1988 Gregorich et al. (28 )
tual equilibria of reactions. The agreement between 265,266
Sg (7 s, 21 s) 248Cm + 22O → 265,266Sg + 5n,4n 1997 Schädel et al. (12 )
calculations (24 ) and experiment (26 ) “confirmed
the necessity for doing relativistic molecular orbital calculations fuses with it, were used to produce neutron-rich products near
and the unreliability of the straightforward extrapolations of the atomic number of the target in high yield. For example, stud-
properties within the chemical groups”—4, 5, 6 of the peri- ies of Lr chemistry utilized 259,260Lr produced by transfer of 5,6Be
odic table. Additional theoretical calculations and new meth- fragments from 22Ne projectiles to the rare (currently available
ods must be developed to treat the still more complex chem- only in microgram quantities) target nucleus 276-d 254Es.
istry expected for elements 107 (Bh) and 108 (Hs), which like In current studies of chemical properties, 3-min 260Lr,
their lighter group 7 and 8 homologues should exhibit a much 75-s 261Rf, and 34-s 262Ha produced in reactions of 18O
larger variety of oxidation states, but with preferential stabil- projectiles with 249Bk (320 d) and 248Cm (3.5 × 105 y) targets
ity of the lower ones. are normally used. These reactions have cross sections of a
few nanobarns.
Experimental Techniques
Detection and Analysis
Production of Heavy Element Isotopes for Chemical Beginning with Md, methods were devised for removing
Studies the desired reaction products from the hostile irradiation site
Although Md and No were initially produced and iden- in the accelerator, rather than removing the highly radioactive
tified in atom-at-a-time studies, they can now be produced and difficult to prepare targets and chemically dissolving and
in much larger—although still not weighable—quantities by processing them to remove the desired isotope. Owing to the
irradiation of larger targets of radioactive isotopes such as momentum imparted to them during the nuclear reaction, the
Es and 249Cf. But beginning with Lr, owing to the very desired reaction products (along with many of the unwanted
short half-lives of the isotopes and/or low production rates, all recoiling reaction products) will recoil out of the relatively
chemical experiments have been conducted on a one-atom-at- thin targets and can be collected in a variety of ways
a-time basis. Normal chemical analysis techniques are usually In the earliest studies, they were deposited on a thin
not applicable and the atoms must be detected by measuring “catcher” foil placed directly behind the target in the produc-
the radioactive decay of a single atom at a time. tion chamber of the accelerator. The foil can then be removed
Typically, the longest-lived known isotope of the element manually or remotely shuttled to a detection system, without
is used for chemical studies, if it can be made with a “reason- disturbing the accelerator vacuum, and analyzed directly for
able” production cross section2 and if the appropriate target its α and spontaneous fission (SF) activity with appropriate
material and projectiles are available. The isotopes used for radiation detectors. Alternatively, the collector foil can be
the first chemistry performed on each of the transfermium removed and chemically processed. In any case, the valuable
elements, together with their half-lives, production reactions, target is not destroyed, and considerable decontamination from
and the year of the experiments, are given in Table 2. These are all of the activity remaining in the target itself is achieved.
all “compound” nucleus reactions, which means that the in- Later, gas transport systems were developed and utilized
coming projectile and the target atom completely fuse to form to rapidly and efficiently transport reaction products attached
a highly excited nucleus, which then can de-excite in a variety to various aerosols (e.g., water vapor, NaCl, KCl, MoO3, and C
of ways—fission being one of the most probable for the heavy clusters) to collection foils or automated systems for chemistry
elements. The desired reactions constitute only a small fraction or direct measurements of radioactivity. A schematic diagram
of the large variety of unwanted reactions that occur. of the target system and the helium (KCl aerosol) gas transport
system used by our Heavy Element Nuclear and Radiochemis-
try Group at the LBNL 88-inch cyclotron is shown in Figure 7.
It can be used to transport reaction products to a manual
collection site as shown, or to automated chemical processing
systems, directly to γ- or X-ray spectrometer systems, or to our
rotating wheel system, the Merry Go-Around (MGA) (Fig. 8)
Cartoon of Compound Nucleus Reaction for measurement of α and SF activity.
One of the major problems in the determination of
As can be seen from Figure 5 (bottom), considerably longer- chemical properties is to make sure that the detection method
lived isotopes of some of these elements have now been synthe- can positively identify the activity being measured as belonging
sized. In the case of the transnobelium isotopes, the production to the desired element. A technique that can provide this
cross sections are nanobarns or less, while those for fission or proof and has been widely used in the identification of new
other competing reactions may be barns or millibarns. heavy elements is measuring the known half-life and the en-
In some later studies, “transfer” reactions, in which only a ergies of the α-particles of the isotope being studied and the
portion of the projectile is transferred to the target nucleus and time relationships between its α-particles and those emitted • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 337

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Figure 7. Schematic of target system and helium (aerosol)

gas transport system to 4-position collection site used at
the 88-inch cyclotron by the Berkeley Heavy Element
Nuclear and Radiochemistry Group.

Figure 8. Darleane Hoffman and Diana Lee at the LBNL 88-

inch cyclotron with the Merry Go-around (MG) rotating
wheel system, which is outside the cyclotron irradiation site
and shielding. During an experiment, aerosols containing
the recoiling reaction products are transported about 10
m from the target chamber to the MG via the helium gas
transport system through a capillary (shown next to
Hoffman’s right hand) and deposited successively on thin
polypropylene disks in the 80 collection positions around
the periphery of the wheel. The wheel is then stepped at
appropriate time intervals for collection of the desired ac-
tivity and the disks are positioned between detectors above
(shown) and below the wheel for measurement of α and
SF activity.

Figure 9. Ken Gregorich and Darleane Hoffman demonstrat-

ing the simple setup for the “manual” chemistry performed in
the first studies of the solution chemistry of Ha. The fume hood
is outside the cyclotron shielding and the Lucite enclosure con-
taining the collection wheel, shown schematically in Fig. 7,
can be seen in the corner.

338 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Bk
from its known daughters and even granddaughters. Since the plates, but specially designed solid-state silicon detectors are
atomic number (Z ) and mass number (A) of the daughter now typically used to measure the energies and decay of both
nuclides are known, the parent atomic number and mass num- SF and α-activities.
ber will simply be that of the daughter plus an α-particle;
Chemical Separation Methods
that is, Z = 2, A = 4. This technique was used in the discovery
and identification of Sg (element 106) in 1974 by Ghiorso The chemical procedures used in atom-at-a-time studies
et al. (29) and in the confirmation of that discovery by must be rapid enough to accomplish in times comparable to
Gregorich et al. (30) in 1994, using the production reaction the half-lives of the isotopes used in the studies. Furthermore,
Cf + 18O → 263Sg + 4n. The α-decay sequence shown below the chemistry must give the same results for only a few atoms
was used to positively identify 263Sg using this method, which as for tracer and macro amounts. This typically limits the
is usually referred to as the “α-α correlation technique”. techniques to ion exchange and gas chromatography, solvent
extraction, and other procedures with fast kinetics in which
the atoms rapidly undergo many identical chemical reactions
between two-phase systems in which equilibrium is attained
rapidly. Adloff and Guillaumont (31) have thoroughly discussed
the validity of conclusions about chemical behavior obtained
from very small numbers of atoms. They defined an equilib-
rium constant for such reactions in terms of the probabilities
of finding the species in one phase or the other and concluded
that it is valid to combine the results of many separate one-
atom-at-a-time experiments in order to get statistically sig-
nificant results (32, 33).
Both manual and automated systems have been used to
perform atom-at-a-time chemical separations of the heaviest
Diagram of 263Sg α-Decay Chain elements. In the manual separations, after deposition of the
% of α or SF decay is noted in the box for each nuclide; energies of the
activity-laden aerosol on one of the disks positioned on the
major α groups are given underneath. The most intense group is underlined.
collection wheel shown in Figure 7, the wheel is rotated and
Although the SF fragments can be measured with great the disk is manually removed. Subsequently, rather standard
sensitivity, such measurements do not provide positive iden- chemical procedures, usually liquid–liquid extractions or ion-
tification of the element that fissioned because the process exchange column separations, are performed very rapidly with
itself destroys the original nucleus. The nucleus divides into 5–10-µ L volumes of solutions. The photo of the rather
two large fission fragments, which then de-excite by emitting ordinary looking chemical fume hood and equipment (Fig. 9)
neutrons, photons, and β-particles until they reach a long- shows the Lucite housing containing the collection station
lived or stable nucleus. for the aerosols in the corner. This hood is outside the cyclotron
vault and shielding, some 10 m away from the radiation field of
the production chamber and beam line. The simple equipment
shown was used in the first studies of the aqueous chemistry
of Ha, which established that it behaved similarly to the penta-
valent group 5 elements and that its most stable oxidation
state in aqueous solution was 5+. A similarly simple setup with
the addition of stoppered mini-test-tubes and a centrifuge
was used in liquid–liquid extraction studies of Rf. The success
of such “manual” studies depends on the dexterity, speed, and
endurance of the graduate students and staff who perform them,
rather than on expensive, computer-controlled automated
systems. However, although the automated systems are not
necessarily faster, they usually give more reproducible results
Schematic of Spontaneous Fission Process and are more appropriate for around-the-clock experiments
lasting weeks at a time.
A wide variety of mass “splits” is possible, and the Z of
each of the two original fission fragments must be determined New Instrumentation
for each different split in order to determine the Z of the A comprehensive review of the instrumentation for atom-
atom being studied. It has so far not been possible to measure at-a-time chemistry of the heavy elements up to 1996 is given
the Z and A of the fission fragments to infer the Z and A of in ref 34. Among the systems used in studies of the aqueous
the fissioning nucleus from atom-at-a-time measurements. chemistry of the heaviest elements is the Automated Rapid
Half-life measurements are insufficient to provide positive Chemistry Apparatus (ARCA II, mini-ARCA) developed by
identification because the SF half-lives of the various elements scientists at the Institut für Kernchemie, Johannes Gutenberg-
overlap and cover an extremely wide range of values from Universität Mainz and the GSI, Germany. Figure 10 illustrates
4.5 × 109 years for 238U to milliseconds and microseconds the complexity of the equipment compared to that for the
for many of the isotopes of the transfermium elements shown manual experiments! ARCA II is used to perform rapid, repeated,
in Figure 5. In early measurements, SF activity was detected high-pressure liquid chromatography column experiments on
from the “tracks” made by the fragments in mica or glass the seconds time scale. The flow of various solutions is directed • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 339

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Figure 10. Photo of microcomputer-controlled ARCA II

(mini-ARCA). The two cartridges containing the 20 tiny
chromatographic columns can be seen above the Teflon
capillary, which delivers the eluting solution to Ta disks
held on the circular sample collector on the hot-plate. A
heat lamp to aid in drying the samples is just behind the
cartridges; in front of it is an arrangement for blowing
cool gas on the already dried disk before placing it in the
solid-state detector system.

through small chromatography columns by microcomputer made to reduce the time between production of the isotope
control of a series of pumps, valves, and mechanical sliders. and final detection by miniaturizing and cooling the aerosol
It is equipped with two “magazines”, each containing 20 mini- reclustering chamber so that isotopes with half-lives as short
chromatography columns (1.6 mm i.d. × 8 mm long). The as 1 to 4 s can be studied.
activity-laden KCl aerosols from the gas transport system are A schematic diagram (34) of the SISAK apparatus (40,
collected by pumping the carrier gas through a glass frit. After a 41) is shown in Figure 13. This is a microcentrifuge system
suitable collection time, the KCl aerosol is dissolved in a small for performing liquid–liquid extractions on the seconds time
volume of solution and the flow is directed to one of the scale, coupled to a continuously flowing liquid scintillation
columns. The eluting solution is pumped through and the system (LISSY) for detection of α-α correlations. It has been
desired fraction is collected on Ta or Pt plates held in positions used in studies of the transactinides, but improvements in
on the hot-plate. A heat lamp and gas stream are also used to sensitivity are needed to make measurements of nuclides
speed evaporation, but it still takes approximately 35 s before produced with cross sections of nanobarns or less.
the samples are dried and ready for a-spectroscopy measurements.
Both thermochromatographic and isothermal methods Studies of Chemical Properties
have been used to study gas-phase properties. These are Earliest Studies
especially suitable for studies of short-lived isotopes because
the time-consuming step of evaporating a liquid sample is E. K. Hulet reviewed the results of studies of chemical
avoided. I. Zvara et al. (35, 36 ) at Dubna pioneered the use properties of the transeinsteinium elements as of 1983 (42).
of the thermochromatographic method to study the halides By the late 1970s chemical studies had established that the
of Rf and Ha. Unfortunately, in these early studies only SF most stable oxidation states of the transfermium elements in
activity was measured, so the identity of the element being aqueous solution were Md, 3+; No, 2+; Lr, 3+; and Rf , 4+; and
studied is uncertain and the results cannot be considered de- the redox potentials shown in Table 3 had been measured.
finitive. The use of automated isothermal systems, such as The volatility of Md metal had been compared with that of
the On-Line Automated Gas Analyzer (OLGA) for studies other actinide metals and because of its high volatility it was
of the volatilities of the halides of the heaviest elements was believed to be a divalent metal. No experimental verification
pioneered by Gäggeler and his group (37) at the Paul Scherrer of the electronic structure of Md had been attempted, but it
Institute in Switzerland. In thermochromatographic systems, was calculated to be [Rn]5f 137s2.
the chromatography column has a temperature gradient to Although early gas-phase studies of the halides of Rf and
deposit different species along the column according to their Ha (35, 36 ), suggested that they behaved like their lighter
volatility. By contrast, in an isothermal system, the entire quartz group 4 and 5 homologues, only SF activity was detected,
column after the high-temperature halogenation position is
kept at a constant temperature. A series of temperatures is Table 3. Reduction Potentials
then run and the amount of the given species passing through Half Reaction ( E°/ V)a
the column at each temperature is determined. An improved III→II III→0 II→0
isothermal system, the Heavy Element Volatility Instrument Es (99) ᎑1.55 ᎑1.98 ᎑2.2
(HEVI), built at LBNL by B. Kadkhodayan et al. (38), gave Fm (100) ᎑1.15 ᎑1.95 ᎑2.37
better separations and more uniform isothermal temperature
Md (101) ᎑0.2 ᎑1.7 ᎑2.4
profiles. A schematic diagram of the HEVI isothermal gas-
phase chemistry system is shown in Figure 11 and a photo No (102) 1.4 ᎑1.1 ᎑2.35
of HEVI, just after its completion, is shown in Figure 12. Lr (103) < ( ᎑0.44) ᎑2.06 —
Recently, in OLGA III (39), further improvements have been aRelative to the standard hydrogen electrode.

340 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Cf

Figure 11. Schematic diagram of the on-line isothermal Halogenating
Chromatography Recluster
Agent Chamber
Heavy Element Volatility Instrument (HEVI). Recoiling reaction Column
products attached to suitable aerosols are transported into the Beam
inlet of the quartz chromatography column and mixed with
the halogenating agent at 900 °C to produce the halide spe- Quartz Wool Temperature Profile
cies and decompose the aerosol. Products that are volatile
at the programmed isothermal temperature pass through and
the column. After separation, the volatile species are again Gamma
attached to aerosols and delivered to a suitable detection Detection
instrument via a gas transport system. 0
Column Length

Figure 12. B. Kadkhodayan demonstrating the

features of the newly completed HEVI. Among
the major improvements are a longer
chromatograpy column, which gives better sepa-
rations, and four split-shell furnaces with a
graphite/ceramic arrangement and individual
controllers to maintain uniform isothermal tem-
perature profiles.

Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the

Short-Lived Isotopes Studied by the
AKUFVE technique (SISAK) system and
the Liquid Scintillation System (LISSY).
The centrifuge system SISAK allows a
continuous separation of nuclides with
half-lives down to ~1 s by fast multistage
solvent extractions using specially de-
signed mini-centrifuges for phase separa-
tion. The system consists of a degasser
in which the carrier gas and the reac-
tion gases are separated from the solu-
tion, a mini-centrifuge for solvent extrac-
tions, and LISSY for the measurement of
α- and SF activities in the continuously
flowing organic solution. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 341

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

and therefore the identity of the species being measured could solution. We postulated that Ha might have a 7s26d7p2 valence
not be positively attributed to element 104 or 105. No studies configuration, rather than 6d37s2 as expected by analogy with
of the aqueous properties of Ha (Z = 105) had been per- the 5d36s2 valence configuration of its lighter homologue,
formed at all. The longest-lived known isotope of Sg was Ta(V). It was conceivable that relativistic effects stabilized the
263Sg, which had a half-life of only 0.9 s and no chemical 7s2 electrons sufficiently that the most stable state of Ha in aque-
studies had yet been attempted. ous solution might be 3+ rather than 5+—unlike its lighter
group 5 homologues, Nb and Ta, for which 5+ is most stable.
Renaissance and New Results
Gregorich et al. used so-called “glass chemistry” to perform
After the pioneering studies of the chemical properties of the first aqueous chemistry experiments on element 105, using
Md, No, Lr, and Rf came a rather long hiatus extending from 35-s 262Ha (28). KCl aerosols were deposited on glass cover
the 1970s until the late 1980s, when there was a “renaissance” slips held on the collector wheel (Fig. 7) in the Lucite enclo-
of interest in Lr and the transactinides. This was sparked in sure shown in Figure 9. The cover slip was removed and
part by predictions (summarized by Keller [43] in 1984) that placed on the hot-plate, where 3 µL of concentrated nitric
relativistic effects might cause qualitative changes in electronic acid was added to dissolve the KCl and then fumed to dry-
configurations such that the valence electron structure of Lr ness. Nitric acid was added and fumed to dryness again; the
might be 7s27p1/2—rather than 6d7s2, as would be expected cover slip was washed with dilute nitric acid, dried, and trans-
by analogy with the 5d6s2 valence configuration of Lr’s homo- ferred to a detector for measurement of its radioactivity. The
logue Lu. Similarly, Rf and Ha might also be expected to energy and time distribution of the α-decay and the detec-
exhibit stabilized 7p1/2 orbitals. These relativistic effects might tion of time-correlated pairs of α-particles from the decay of
result in chemical properties significantly different from those 262Ha and its 4.3-s daughter, 258Lr, provided positive identi-
predicted by simple extrapolation of periodic table trends. fication of the Ha. From 801 such manual separations, taking
Our Heavy Element Nuclear and Radiochemistry Group at 51 s each, 26 α decays from 262Ha were positively identified.
LBL, composed largely of graduate students from the Chem- These results showed that, indeed, Ha sorbed on glass sur-
istry Department of the University of California, Berke- faces after fuming with nitric acid, as did its group 5 homo-
ley, set out to investigate these effects on the chemical prop- logues, Nb(V) and Ta(V). The tetravalent group 4 elements,
erties of the elements at the end of the actinide series and Zr and Hf, and the trivalent actinides were tested under the
the beginning of the transactinide elements. Descriptions of same conditions and did not sorb. These experiments con-
a few representative recent studies follow. firmed the group 5 character of Ha and indicated that it
Although 3-min 260Lr was discovered in 1971, it was not should be placed in the periodic table as the heaviest known
used for studies of Lr chemistry until 1987, when we used it member of group 5.
in manual studies designed to deduce the ionic radius of Lr3+. Manual liquid–liquid extraction experiments were then
The position of Lr3+ in elutions from cation-exchange resin conducted in which anionic fluoride species of Ta(V) extracted
columns with ammonium HIB was compared with those of into methylisobutylketone from mixed nitric–hydrofluoric
trivalent lanthanides. The time from production of 260Lr to acid solutions; but surprisingly, Ha(V) remained in the aque-
the beginning of the measurements of its α decay was 5 to 6 ous phase with its lighter homologue Nb(V), which does
minutes. Although only seven α-events were detected in more not extract. This was the first indication of differences in the
than 20 separations, we found that Lr3+ eluted in nearly the same behavior of Ha from its heavier group 5 homologue Ta(V) and
position as Er3+, showing that they had similar ionic radii was the impetus for a long series of experiments to elucidate
(44 ). Later, a long-lasting collaboration was initiated when the chemical behavior of Ha.
the GSI/Mainz group brought ARCA to LBL to conduct more Chromatographic separations of Ha using ARCA II were
experiments on Lr chemistry. Our earlier result was corrobo- then conducted at the 88-inch LBL cyclotron jointly by the
rated and its statistical significance was improved (45). From GSI/Mainz, PSI/Bern, and LBL/Berkeley groups in 1988 and
the ARCA experiments, Lr3+ was inferred to have an ionic 1990 (48). These showed that Ha was eluted promptly from
radius of 0.0881 nm. This result was unexpected because it cation exchange columns with HIB together with pentavalent
gives a difference of only 0.0015 nm between Md3+ (0.0896 Nb, Ta, and Pa, whereas trivalent and tetravalent ions were
nm) and Lr3+, which differ by 2 Z. This difference is much retained. Again, this provided proof that pentavalent Ha is
smaller than the 2 Z separation of 0.0021 nm between the the most stable oxidation state in aqueous solution. How-
homologous lanthanide ions Tm3+ and Lu3+. Attempts to reduce ever, Ha again exhibited non-Ta-like behavior in elutions of
Lr3+ with V2+ and Cr2+ in dilute HCl were unsuccessful (46 ), pentavalent Ha, Nb, and Pa sorbed on columns composed
and the resulting limit for the reduction potential of the of the liquid anion exchanger triisooctylamine on an inert
Lr3+/Lr1(2)+ couple was found to be more negative than ᎑0.44 V. support. Ha behaved more like the pseudo-homologue, Pa(V).
In 1988, discovery of 39-min 261Lr and 3.6-h 262Lr by Nearly 2200 collection and separation cycles on a one-minute
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/LBL collaborators time scale were carried out with ARCA II! The results, showing
permitted longer chemical procedures to be performed (47 ). extractability in the order Ta > Nb > Ha > Pa, were consistent
Attempts to reduce Lr3+ with Sm2+ and coprecipitate Lr1+ with with calculations of complex formation, but calculations of
Rb1+ tetraphenylborate or chloroplatinate were unsuccessful. extractability gave the reverse order (23). The discrepancy was
The Lr3+/ Lr1+ couple was estimated to be even more negative attributed to multiply charged F ᎑ or mixed F–Cl complexes
than ᎑1.56 V, making it unlikely that Lr1+ can exist in aque- (23). New experiments with single halide systems were sug-
ous solutions. gested for easier comparison with theoretical predictions based
Since no experiments on Ha in aqueous solution had yet on considerations of hydrolysis vs complex formation, from
been performed, we also began experiments on Ha in 1987 electronic structures calculated with an improved relativistic
simply to determine its most stable oxidation state in aqueous code and Born’s theory of metal-ion extraction (24). These

342 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Es
-60 should have the highest covalency and lowest effective charge of
the group 5 bromides, which should make it the most volatile.
It may be that the less volatile oxybromide was formed. Addi-
ZrCl4 tional experiments on the oxybromides are needed to clarify this.
Preliminary results of the first chemical separations of
-80 Sg conducted with OLGA and ARCA in 1995 and 1996 have
∆H°ads / (kJ/mol)

now been reported (12, 13). Isothermal gas chromatography

experiments on the oxychlorides were conducted with OLGA

followed by unambiguous detection of 265+266Sg via the α-
HfCl4 decay chains. On the basis of 15 atoms of 265+266Sg, it was
possible to show that Sg formed a volatile oxychloride, pre-
ZrBr4 sumably SgO2Cl2, of volatility lower than or equal to that of
-110 WO2Cl2. This is consistent with Dirac–Slater discrete varia-
tional calculations (56 ) and also with predictions based on macro
amounts, which show the species MO2Cl2 to be the most
volatile. The half-lives of 265Sg and 266Sg (SF < 80%) were
found to be ~7 s and ~21 s, respectively, and their production
-130 cross sections were estimated to be ~240 and ~60 picobarns
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
for the reaction of 121-MeV 22Ne projectiles with 248Cm.
Atomic number The α-daughter decay chains from 3 atoms of 265Sg were
detected over the course of more than 5000 chromatographic
Figure 14. Adsorption enthalpies, ∆Ha , on SiO2 for group 4 tetra-
chlorides and tetrabromides.
column separations conducted with ARCA. They showed that
Sg is eluted promptly as a negative or possibly neutral species
from cation exchange columns with 0.1 M HNO3/0.0005
calculations indicated the extraction order should be Pa >> M HF. This behavior is similar to that of the group 6 homo-
Nb ≈ Ha > Ta. First experiments conducted at LBNL by logues, W(VI) and Mo(VI), but unlike the pseudo-homologue
Paulus et al. with a pure HCl system and anion exchange U(VI), which forms [UO2]2+ ions under these conditions.
chromatographic separations using ARCA II confirm these There are several reviews of the chemistry of the trans-
predictions of an inversion of the trend in properties in going actinides (57–59) and an extremely comprehensive, very recent
from the 5d to the 6d elements (26 ). More experiments will review by Kratz (60), which compare experimental results for
be performed with HBr and HF. elements 104, 105, and 106 with theoretical predictions and
Our group at LBNL has performed manual studies to discuss the prospects for extending studies to heavier elements.
compare the extraction into tributylphosphate (TBP), These should be consulted for additional detailed information.
triisooctylamine (TIOA), and TTA from aqueous solutions
of 261Rf with its lighter homologues Zr and Hf, and the Future
pseudo-homologues Th(IV) and Pu(IV). These experiments
show that Rf generally behaves as a group 4 element, but un- More “In-Depth” Chemical Studies
der some conditions, its behavior is more like Pu(IV) or Additional more detailed investigations of the chemistry
Th(IV) (49, 50). of Sg should be undertaken to see if there are unexpected
The isothermal gas systems OLGA and HEVI, described differences within the group 6 elements as there have been
earlier (Figs. 11, 12), have been used to perform isothermal within the group 4 and 5 elements. Techniques for studying
chromatographic gas-phase studies (51–53) of the volatility shorter-lived isotopes with ARCA are being developed so that
of the halides of Rf and Ha. Again, these studies showed the parent Sg itself, rather than its daughters, can be measured
marked deviations from predicted behavior based on simple directly. Improvements to SISAK-LISSY are continuing in or-
extrapolations of the properties of their lighter group 4 and der to increase its sensitivity so that nuclides with production
5 homologues. The adsorption enthalpies on SiO2, calculated cross sections smaller than nanobarns can be investigated.
from Monte-Carlo fits to the measurements of relative yields General methods for increasing overall production rates, such
as a function of temperature between about 100 and 600 °C as possible multiple-target and gas-transport systems, must
for the tetrachlorides and tetrabromides of Rf, Hf, and Zr, be devised.
are shown in Figure 14 (52, 53). A dramatic break in the Detailed experimental investigations of the elements
sequence for the adsorption enthalpies of the tetrachlorides lighter than Sg should also be performed for comparison with
is found, whereas that for the bromides is more modest. But the theoretical predictions, which are now much better devel-
for both chlorides and bromides, the Rf species is more volatile oped. For example, additional attempts should be undertaken
than the Hf species. In general, the adsorption enthalpies3 to prepare No3+ (Z = 102), perhaps in nonaqueous solvents,
calculated for the chlorides are less negative (indicating greater in order to measure its ionic radius. It would be of great in-
volatility) than for the bromides, as predicted by Pershina. terest to see how its radius fits between Lr3+ (Z = 103) and
The volatilities of the Zr4+ and Rf 4+ halides are nearly the same Md3+ (Z = 101), whose radii differ by only 0.0015 nm. More
for bromides and chlorides, and greater than for the Hf species. studies of the complexing ability of Rf with a variety of ligands
In contrast to the group 4 elements, data from Gäggeler et are necessary to clear up some ambiguities in the results and
al. (54) for the group 5 bromides show very low volatility for to compare them with theoretical predictions. Although these
Ha relative to Nb(V) and Ta(V). This is in disagreement with experiments may not appear as glamorous as pushing on past
relativistic molecular calculations (55) predicting that HaBr5 Sg, they are certainly worthy of attention. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 343

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Chemistry beyond Seaborgium?

In order to discuss the prospects for chemical studies Table 4, together with those commonly used today to produce
beyond Sg, the probability for the existence of longer-lived elements 103 through 106 for such studies. The longest-lived
isotopes of these elements needs to be considered. A topo- known isotope of element 107 is 0.44-s 264Bh, but it is
logical map of the known isotopes as of about 1978 and the predicted that both 266Bh and 267Bh will have half-lives of
predicted doubly magic spherical region of long-lived about 10 s and decay by α-emission, and could be made with
SuperHeavy Elements (SHEs), which has never yet been similar cross sections using a 249Bk target. The production
reached, is shown in Figure 15. The heavy isotopes beyond cross sections for 254Es targets are much higher, but it is doubt-
the known region that have been discovered since then have ful that the required 30–40 µg will be available for target
been added to the plot. Now, new theoretical calculations of preparation. In addition, special precautions for handling this
nuclear stability predict stabilization of nuclei near 270Hs, a highly radioactive target are required. The chemistry of Bh
doubly magic deformed nucleus with 108 protons and 162 is expected to be similar to that of the group 7 elements Tc
neutrons (61, 62). It is predicted to decay via α-emission with and Re. Preliminary on-line tracer experiments have been
a half-life of ~6 s, which is long enough for chemical studies. performed with OLGA on volatile oxy- and hydroxy-compounds
Recent discoveries of unexpectedly long-lived isotopes with of 182,184Re. It appears that the speed and sensitivity of the
neutron numbers near 162, such as 265,266Sg and 266Hs, tend present OLGA III system is adequate, but the sensitivity of
to support the predictions. To produce longer-lived isotopes SISAK is not yet sufficient to make measurements of products
for chemical studies, attempts will be made to synthesize whose production cross sections are only 30 picobarns.
isotopes with neutron numbers near the predicted deformed The known 9-s 269Hs is certainly stable enough for
nuclear shell at 162 neutrons. chemical studies and could be produced together with 270Hs
Some of the reactions predicted to be best for production from the same targets as shown in Table 4, with a similar
of elements 107 through 109 for chemical studies are shown in cross section of a few picobarns. The 248Cm(26Mg, 4n,5n)

Figure 15. Plot of heavy element topology from

1978. New heavy element isotopes discovered since
then are shown with the following symbols denoting
half-life ranges: + = 0.1 ms to 0.1 s; o = 0.1 s to
5 min; • = > 5 min.

Acknowledgment customarily expressed in units of the barn (b) = 10 ᎑24 cm2, which
is approximately the geometrical section of a nucleus of mass num-
This work was supported in part by the Office of Energy ber (A) =100. The prefixes pico (10᎑12), nano (10 ᎑9), micro (10᎑6),
Research, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemi- etc. are used as appropriate.
cal Sciences, Heavy Element Program, U.S. Department of 3. In experiments in which only single molecules can be stud-
Energy, under contract DE-AC030-76SF00098. ied, the sublimation enthalpy, ∆Hs, cannot be determined directly.
The adsorption enthalpy, ∆Ha, on the chromatographic surface is
Notes deduced from the gas chromatographic experiments using a Monte
Carlo code, which generates the yield of the volatile species as a
1. The name of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) function of temperature and includes the influence of the carrier
was officially changed to the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley gas flow, the half-lives and molecular weights of the investigated
National Laboratory (LBNL) in June 1995. species, etc. For each isothermal temperature, the transport through
2. The probability of the occurrence of a specific nuclear reaction the column is modeled for a large number of sample molecules.
is expressed in terms of the concept of cross section. Interactions Curves of yield vs temperature for each value of ∆Ha are obtained
of the projectile (neutron, accelerated He ion, or heavy ion) take and the value that best fits the experimental volatility curves is de-
place with individual target nuclei independently of each other, so termined by a least-squares method. A linear correlation between
it is useful to refer the probability of a nuclear reaction to a spe- ∆Ha and ∆Hs has been developed empirically. Thus, ∆Ha is the
cific target nucleus. The cross section (σ) gives a measure of the quantity used to compare the volatilities of the transactinide com-
reaction probability per single target nucleus. It is a fictitious area pounds with those of their lighter homologs.

344 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 •

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Fm

Hs reactions could also be used, but again, the cross Table 4. Reactions for Chemical Studies
sections are estimated to be only a few picobarns. Hassium is Z Reaction σ/pb t1/2 /s Decay
expected to have a volatile tetroxide as do the group 8 elements 103 249
Bk(18O,α3n)260Lr 9000 180 α
Ru and Os.
104 248
Cm(18O,5n)261Rf 5000 75 α
The reaction 254Es (22Ne,4n) would be the best for pro-
ducing 272Mt (~1 s) for chemical studies, as it has the largest 105 249
Bk(18O,5n)262Ha 6000 34 α
estimated cross section; but again, 254Es is required. The cross 106 248
Cm(22Ne,5n)265Sg 250 25 α
sections for the other reactions shown are smaller and the
Cf(18O,4n)263Sg 300 0.9 α
Cf(18O,4n)264Sg 200 2 α, SF
half-lives of the products are shorter. The newly constructed
107 249
Bk(22Ne,4n)267Bh 30 10 α
Berkeley Gas-filled Separator (BGS) will be used to investi- 254
Es(18,16O,xn)268-266Bh ~100 ~10 α
gate the best production reactions and determine the half- 108 251
Cf(22Ne,4n)269Hs 2 9 α
lives and nuclear properties of Bh, Hs, and Mt isotopes be- 252
Cf(22Ne,4n)270Hs 2 5 α, SF
fore chemical studies are attempted. However, to perform 238 36
U( S,4n)270Hs 2 5 α, SF
chemical studies of Hs and Mt, significant increases in the 109 249
Bk(26Mg,4n)271Mt 0.3 0.2 α
production rates (perhaps by using multiple targets and gas
Cf(23Na,4n)271Mt 0.1 0.2 α
Es(20,22Ne,xn)270-272Mt ~1 ~1 α
transport systems) and in the efficiencies and speed of the
various chemical separation techniques must be achieved.
Another possibility under consideration is to use the BGS as
a pre-separator to quickly separate the desired species from a These might allow us to gain access to the doubly magic
host of unwanted activities prior to chemical studies. superheavy element (SHE) region. Discussions of some of
Smolanczuk recently calculated that 298114 should de- these reactions as well as reactions with 26Mg and 36S projec-
cay by α-emission with a half-life of only about 12 min, in- tiles are given in refs 64 and 65. Transfer and deeply inelas-
stead of the 109 y predicted 20 years ago (63). However, he tic reactions in which only a portion of the projectile is trans-
predicts half-lives as long as years for isotopes of element 110 ferred to the target, resulting in a nucleus with lower excita-
(50 y for 292110), months for 112, and minutes for 114 with tion energy, which is less likely to fission, are also being re-
neutron numbers near the spherical shell of 184 neutrons. It considered. Among the new techniques proposed for produc-
is no longer expected that these spherical nuclei around the tion of SHEs is the use of extremely neutron-rich, unstable
doubly magic spherical nucleus will form an island in a sea of (“radioactive”) beams (66 ), but increases in the intensities
instability, but rather that they belong to an extended penin- of these beams are still needed.
sula of relatively long-lived nuclides (62). One of the most It appears likely that we will be able to study the chemistry
exciting future experiments will be to look for the doubly de- of Bh in the near future. Then improvements in production rates,
formed lighter isotope 270Hs, to see if the theoretical predic- using different beams and targets, and increases in the efficiency
tions are correct. If so, a whole new vista of longer-lived iso- and speed of chemical separations should permit chemical
topes opens up before us. BGS might be used to separate and studies of Hs and Mt within the next 20 years. Although
“stockpile” longer-lived isotopes on a collector plate for fu- it now appears probable that a host of isotopes of elements
ture chemical separations. 110 through 114 can exist that are sufficiently long-lived for
Some potential compound nucleus reactions with 48Ca chemical studies, imaginative new production reactions and
projectiles and targets of the neutron-rich, very-long-lived ingenious ways to study still smaller numbers of atoms must
isotopes 244Pu, 248Cm, and 250Cm are shown in Figure 15. be devised in order to enter this new frontier region.

General Reading
The Robert A. Welch Foundation, Fifty Years with Transuranium Ele- Seaborg, G. T.; Loveland, W. In The New Chemistry; Hall, N., Ed.;
ments; Proceedings of Conference on Chemical Research Cambridge University Press: New York, in press; Chapter 1,
XXXIV, October 22–23, 1990; Welch Foundation: Houston, The Elements Beyond Uranium.
TX, 1990. Symposium on Transuranium Elements—A Half Century; Morss, L.
The Robert A. Welch Foundation, Transactinide Elements; Proceed- R.; Fuger, J., Eds.; ACS Books; American Chemical Society:
ings of 41st Welch Conference on Chemical Research, Octo- Washington, DC, 1992.
ber 1997; Welch Foundation, Houston, TX, 1997. Hoffman, D. C. Chem. Eng. News 1994, 72 (May 2), 24–34.
Katz, J. J.; Seaborg, G. T.; Morss, L. Chemistry of the Actinide Ele- Seaborg, G. T.; Hobart, D. E. Summary of the Properties of the
ments, 2nd ed.; Chapman and Hall: London, 1986. Lanthanide and Actinide Elements; In IANCAS’ Frontiers in
Seaborg, G. T.; Loveland, W. D. The Elements Beyond Uranium; Nuclear Chemistry; Sood, D. D.; Reddy, A. V. R.; Pujari, P. K.
Wiley: New York, 1990. Eds.; Perfect Prints: Thane, India, 1996; pp 69–94. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 345

Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Literature Cited 34. Wierczinski, B.; Hoffman, D. C. In IANCAS’ Frontiers in Nuclear

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l. Perrier, C.; Segrè, E. J. Chem. Phys. 1937, 5, 712. dia, 1996; pp 171–191; LBL-37473 Preprint June 1995.
2. McMillan, E. M.; Abelson, P. H. Phys. Rev. 1940, 57, 1185. 35. Zvara, I.; Chuburkov, Yu. T.; Tsaletka, R.; Shalaevskii, M. R. Sov.
3. Seaborg, G. T.; McMillan, E. M.; Kennedy, J. W.; Wahl, A. C. Radiochem. 1969, 11, 153, 161.
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4. Seaborg, G. T.; Wahl, A. C.; Kennedy, J. W. Phys. Rev. 1946, Yu. S.; Shalaevskii, M. R.; Shchegolev, V. A.; Yussonnua, M. Sov.
69, 367. Radiochem. 1974, 16, 709. (b) Zvara, I.; Belov, V. Z.; Domanov,
5. Seaborg, G. T. Chem. Eng. News 1945, 23(Dec 10), 2190. V. P.; Shalaevskii, M. R. Sov. Radiochem. 1976, 18, 328.
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Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—One Atom at a Time Md
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Viewpoints: Chemists on Chemistry

Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements—

One Atom at a Time
Darleane C. Hoffman Diana M. Lee
Professor of the Graduate School, University of California at Staff Scientist
Berkeley, Faculty Sr. Scientist, Nuclear Science Division, Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory & Charter Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
G. T. Seaborg Institute for Transactinium Science, M.S., Nuclear Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1972
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory B.S., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1961
Ph.D., Physical (nuclear) Chemistry, 1951
B.S., Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1948 Diana M. Lee has participated in research in nuclear and
radiochemistry at the Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-
Darleane C. Hoffman is an internationally recognized tory since 1961. She developed charged-particle nuclear ac-
leader in the development of “atom-at-a-time” techniques for tivation analysis techniques for sensitive analysis of a host of
investigating the chemical and nuclear properties of the heavi- elements throughout the periodic table, which were applied
est elements and in the education of students in nuclear and in a variety of fundamental investigations. In recent years,
radiochemistry. She came to Berkeley in 1984 as professor she has been involved in investigations of spontaneous fis-
of chemistry and under her direction, 13 students have re- sion properties, heavy element production mechanisms, and
ceived Ph.D. degrees, three have received M.S. degrees, and the search for superheavy elements, and in development of
three more will receive degrees in 1999. During her tenure “atom-at-a time” studies of the chemical and nuclear prop-
at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1953 to 1984, she erties of the heaviest elements.
and her coworkers discovered 244Pu in nature, per-
formed pioneering studies of the spontaneous fis-
sion process, and developed rapid radiochemical
separations for short-lived fission products. In ad-
dition, she has investigated the behavior and mi-
gration of radionuclides in the environment. In
1997, she received the President’s National Medal
of Science for the discoveries of 244Pu in nature and
symmetric spontaneous fission of heavy nuclei, for
pioneering studies of elements 104, 105, and 106,
and for outstanding service to education of students
in nuclear chemistry. • Vol. 76 No. 3 March 1999 • Journal of Chemical Education 347

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