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A blog post

First, I chose a photo with Aracely, my girlfriend, and Boby, my dog because they’re important
to me. I am living with Aracely, and Boby now, when I am not in house Aracely takes care of
Boby. We like animals, especially dogs. In the photo, he is walking in the park with us. He often
sits with us, and we watch movies together.

I am studying civil engineering at a university in Colombia, now, but I am from Peru. That’s why
I also chose Peruvian food. I like Aji de gallina, Arroz con pollo and I love El ceviche, I and my
girlfriend lunch in house on the weekend and we make soup for our dog . We remember to our
Peruvian friends when we are talking on the bed.

I chose civil engineering, because I love the construction of build, houses, bridges, etc. I work
construction of a new avenue in the downtown. I am working in an investigation project for my
title of civil engineer, so this investigation is a really important for me. Some people say I don’t
have free time, but I don’t agree with them. I want to be a structural engineer.
A story about problem travel

In 2015, George Meca was living in Amazonas. One night he was having dinner in a restaurant
with his friends, when he suddenly received a Juan’s message in his cellphone. It was an
invitation to “Estadio Nacional” of Peru, exactly in one week! So George Meca quickly booked
a flight to Lima and he was waiting anxiously the day of match, Peru vs Brazil.

The day before the match didn’t well. George Meca waiting patiently at the airport, but he
didn’t have his personal documents, accidentally he forgot them in his grandmother’s house.
So he couldn’t fly, he caught a later flight that night and arrived in Lima early the next morning,
but his cellphone was off and he couldn’t call a his friend.

He ran to his house desperately and charged his cellphone. Then he called to his friend and
they talking about of match. Rapidly he took a taxi to get to Juan’s house, because he was
delayed. Then they met and they went to stadium together. They were really exciting when
they got to the stadium.
Asking for advice

Hi Jorge,

How’s it going? Hope you’re well. I’m working at a build of bridge but I’m not very happy.
That’s why I’m writing . I want to ask you for some advice.

One of my colleagues, Santos, is really lazy. Also He is a little dishonest. He is opposite to me, I
am a hardworking person. Whenever there’s a problem, our supervisor always blames me!. He
sometimes doesn’t come to work and I must cover his occupation and I neglect my
responsibilities. I always speak politely to the workers, but my supervisor is extremely rude
with them. What do you think I should do?

Anyway , I saw an ad for a job in a construction of build the other day. If I star work there, the
salary will be lower and, but it’s a large chain, so there might be promotion pretty quickly in
the future. Do you think I should apply? Do you feel like getting together for coffee some time
this week so we can talk about it? Let me know when you’re free.

See you later


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