FLUP Checklist For Review and Outline Guide

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Step 0. Pre-formulation Activities
1. Secure Letter of Intent from LGU addressing their interest in preparing their
2. Creation & Orientation of DENR FLUP Team / TWG – DENR Special Order
3. Coordination and Orientation of SBs, Barangay Councils, IPOs & other
Stakeholders – Minutes of Meeting
4. Creation of Municipal FLUP-TWG – Executive Order signed by Mayor
5. Secure SB Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to sign the MOA for the
Formulation of the FLUP
6. Signed MOA for the Formulation of FLUP

Step 1. Data gathering and Map Collection

A. Municipal Socio-Economic profiling
B. Thematic Maps -
1) Administrative Map
2) Forest Cover (2000, 2003, 2010, 2015)
3) Land Classification
4) Slope Map
5) Hazard Map
6) Erosion Map
7) Susceptibility Map
8) Geologic Map
9) Elevation Map
10) Climatic Map
11) Drainage Map (River System)
12) Road Network
13) Watershed Map (Subwatershed Map)
14) Tenure Map
15) DENR Project Map (Old Refo, CBFM, ISF/CSC, FLGMA,
16) Mining Tenement Map
17) Issues Map
18) Population Map
19) Existing Land Use Map (Agricultural, Built-up, Infrastructure, Nature
based tourist spots)
20) Proposed Land Uses Map
21) Allocation Map (Production Zone, Protection Zone and/or Multiple use
22) Other maps

C. Status of Forest and Forestland (FFL) assets and their uses
D. User of FFL or the stakeholder
E. Inventory of existing and planned development projects within the FFL
F. Issues, problems and threats affecting resources assets
G. Opportunities or potential for development
Step 2: Situational Analysis
A. Current Situation and recent trends in FFL
B. Conflicting and complementary interest among stakeholders on FFL
C. Extent of open access areas in forest lands
D. Improperly-managed of abandoned allocated FFL
E. Institutional Gaps in the management of FFL
F. Relationship of FFL with other ecosystems using the ridge to reef approach

Step 3. Prioritization of Subwatersheds and Allocation of Forests and Forestlands

A. LGU Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives in the management of FFL
B. Highlights in illegal activities within the FFL, boundary and resources conflicts,
causes of forest degradation and deforestation, and trends in losses or increase of
forest cover
C. Strategies on zoning the FFL into production and protection zones; allocation of
open access areas and sub-watershed prioritization
- Indicate approximate area per zones
Step 4. Plan Preparation
A. A draft plan containing all the thematic maps, Analysis conducted within the
FFL, prioritization of subwatersheds and its allocation of open access FFL into
appropriate management zones, etc.
B. A short -term plan (1-year work and financial plan) and a medium-term plan (5-
years Work and Financial Plan.
Step 5. Legitimization
Step 6. Approval of FLUP by the RED
Step 7. Plan for Implementation

Suggested Municipal Forest Land Use Plan Outline


 Highlights and summary of the plan

 Recommendations and plan of action on:

- Key targets and closure of open access forests and forest lands
- Key targets and putting effective management on allocated forests and forest lands
- Resolving or reducing conflicts in forests and forest lands
- Support systems, incentives, financing
- IEC, advocacy, and formation of multi-sectoral organizations
- Enforcement of forestry rules and regulations
- Implementing structure and operational strategy
- Capacity building for the implementing and supporting organizations
- Collaboration and complementation of support systems
- M & E including participation of civil society groups in annual assessment
- 5-years -Total costs, sources, and uses of funds for implementing the FLUP
- Priority sub-watersheds for increasing/improving forest cover – investments in
rehabilitation, protection, enforcement, tenure processing, support systems.

1.0 Background

1.1 Rationale of the municipal forest land use plan in the context of improving forests
and forest lands management at the LGU level
1.2 FLUP in the context of its historical, socio-economic, biophysical, life support
systems, agricultural, industrial, and political importance.
1.3 FLUP in the context of the present and future consumption and production of
food, fiber, and water. Relate this with the location and area (with location map)
of the LGU.
1.4 Discussion on how the plan and its implementation respond to the current PINOs
(problems, issues, needs, and opportunities) in forests and forest land
management within the LGU.

2.0 LGU’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives on its Forests and Forest Lands

2.1 Vision and Mission (See Discussion Note)

2.1.1 Improve the socio-economic condition by ensuring sustainable production

of food, fiber, and water in the locality
2.1.2 Maintain ecological balance and biodiversity through effective
development and management of forests and forest lands in each sub-
2.1.3 Protect communities, public and private investments from environmental
hazards such as damages from sudden floods and landslides
2.1.4 Manage the forests and forestlands for tourism, aesthetic purposes, and
well-balanced clean environment.

2.2 Goals and Objectives

Based on transparent and participatory approaches and clearly defined goals,

standards, and centers of responsibility and accountability,

2.2.1 Determine priority sub-watersheds for planning and allocating limited

resources for development and investments;

2.2.2 Determine and recommend optimal allocation and management of forests
and forest lands following biophysical, socio-economic, legal, and
political criteria;
2.2.3 Recommend measures to facilitate resolution or reduction of conflicts
arising from the governance of forests and forest lands.
2.2.4 Provide a baseline to monitor and evaluate key criteria and indicators for
the implementation of legitimized FLUP to achieve sustainable
environmental and forests and forest lands management.

3.0 Scope and Limit of the FLUP (in the context of the comprehensive land use plan of a
municipality or province)

4.0 Methodology

4.1 Orientation on TAP-enhanced FLUP process, formation of the FLUP team, action
4.2 MOA (DENR and LGU) with ordinance or resolution from MDC and SB.
4.3 Community profiling and mapping (Sources of information – maps,
socioeconomic and biophysical information)
4.4 Preparation, validation and revision of draft community profile and thematic/
composite maps
4.5 Map overlays, analysis, consultations with various stakeholders (communities,
NGAs, private sector, members of civil society, LGU leaders, SBs, MDCs)
4.6 Criteria for prioritizing sub-watersheds and allocating open access (unallocated
and unmanaged) forests and forest lands
4.7 Cross visits – lessons learned and observations
4.8 Community mapping and field validation of recommendations for the allocation
and management of the forests and forest lands
4.9 Visioning, drafting, and revising the final FLUP
4.10 Legitimization (MDC and SB ordinances or resolutions or resolutions from civil
society groups or PO groups)
4.11 Endorsement and approval of FLUP by the LCE and DENR
4.12 Preparation, validation and signing of MOA for implementation – investments in
infrastructure, extension services, tenure application and processing, community
organizing, preparation of resource management plans, IEC/advocacy, creation of
MENRO, etc.

5.0 Municipal Profile

5.1 Biophysical Profile – Total area, topography and slope, climate, recent vegetative
cover, sub-watersheds and drainage, hazard areas.
5.2 Socio-economic and cultural profile – Political subdivisions (barangays & sitios),
demography, Ethnic composition, major livelihood sources, social and
infrastructure services
5.3 Major livelihood sources, social and infrastructure services

5.4 Institutional profile – Describe how the different resource institutions collaborate
in managing the forests and forestlands

6.0 Conditions of Forests and Forestlands Assets (Identify the FFL assets, determine the
extent or area/ volume, their locations, users and uses, conditions/trends and threats to
these assets and opportunities)

6.1 Forestlands – area of timberlands and alienable and disposable lands tenure
holders and extent of open access.
6.2 Natural forests
6.3 Plantations
6.4 Grasslands and brushlands
6.5 Cultivated lands
6.6 Water bodies and water production areas
6.7 Biodiversity resources
6.8 Nature-based tourism assets
6.9 Mineral resources
6.10 Other resources

7.0 Key Stakeholders (Discuss here results of the stakeholder’s analysis)

7.1 Water users
7.2 Upland farmers
7.3 Investors
7.4 NGOs
7.5 LGU
7.6 Forest-based Industries
7.7 DENR
7.8 Others

8.0 Institutional Assessment (Discuss the capabilities of key institutions (at least DENR
and LGUs) in terms of personnel, budget, organization, equipment, etc.)

9.0 Summary of Key issues, conflicts, problems, needs, investment/socio-economic


A. Problems, issues and needs

9.1 Expanding agriculture in forestlands?
9.2 Declining natural forests?
9.3 Forest fires?
9.4 Lack of institutional collaboration
9.5 Degradation of water sources
9.6 Boundary conflicts/ conflicting land claims
9.7 Others

B. Opportunities
9.8 Tourism opportunities
9.9 Potential areas for plantations
9.10 Private investors
9.11 PES potential
9.12 Others

10.0 Recommended Strategies

10.1 General Strategies

a. Zoning
b. Allocation of open access forestlands
c. Prioritization of sub-watersheds

10.2 Specific Technical Strategies

a. Delineation of protection and production forestlands
b. Protection of existing natural forests
c. Rehabilitation and development of Grasslands, brushlands and cultivated
d. Conservation and development of water production areas and biodiversity
e. Nature based tourism development
f. Recognition of IPR
g. Developing the priority sub-watershed
h. Cross cutting strategies (IEC/ advocacy, enforcement, Marketing the
FLUP through investment fora, crafting, implementing, and administering
user fee systems)
i. Others

11.0 Organizational Structure and Operations in Support of FLUP Implementation

 Creation and/or strengthening the MENRO

 Extension support systems – DENR, LGUs, collaborative arrangements, facilities,
and financing support for smallholder operations
 Forging partnership agreements or arrangements

12.0 Periodic Monitoring and Evaluation of FLUP Implementation

 Multi-sectoral and interagency periodic assessment, analysis, and reporting in

support of the FLUP
 Participation of a multi-sectoral groups to monitor compliance to commitments
and MOA under the FLUP.
 Periodic assessment of key FLUP indicators – forest cover, reduction of open
access forests and forest lands, etc.
 Annual tenure holders assessment
13.0 Estimated 5-Year Financial Requirements for Implementing the FLUP

 Total Costs of Personnel requirements, Maintenance and Operating Expenses,

Capital Outlay
 Sources of funds – LGU, rentals, taxes, grants, counterparts of DENR and other
government agencies, income from joint venture agreements, private sector
investments, etc.
 Uses of funds – personnel, MOE, investments, support for smallholder upland
farmers/groups, facilities such as nursery, capacity building activities,
coordination costs, etc.
 Strategies for meeting the total FLUP implementation financial requirements

 First Work and Financial Plan for Implementing the FLUP – details of specific
activities, who is responsible, target date, how much will it cost, etc.)


a) thematic maps
b) appendix tables
c) appendix figures
d) minutes of meetings, validations, public hearings, and consultations
e) resolutions and adoption by the MDC, civil society groups, Pos, private sector groups
f) resolution and approval by the Sangguniang Bayan
g) signed MOAs (for FLUP preparations; and for FLUP implementation)
h) Approval of the FLUP by the LCE and DENR

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