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Financial Management Practices and the Profitability of

Businesses Operating During Pandemic

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Disagree Disagree
The measure The measure The measure The The
describe in the describe in the describe in measured measured
item is observe item is observe the item is describe in describe the
at all time. in majority of observe in the items is item is not
the case. many but no observed in observed at
in majority few all.
case. instances.

Financial Management 5 4 3 2 1
Cash Management Practices
The business has a bank account
The business normally experience cash shortage
The business sells goods or services by cash
The owner is involved in preparation of the cash budget
Cash budget is helpful in decision making
The business sets the minimum cash balance based on
owners experience
The business sets has a set minimum cash balance
There is monthly reconciliation of cashbook with the bank
Temporary Cash surplus is invested in marketable
The business reviews the cash budget
The business prepare cash budget
The business has an internal control on cash
There is separation of cashier personnel from accounting
The business normally experiences cash surplus
The business uses computer assisted software in preparing
a cash budget

Account Receivables 5 4 3 2 1
There is a control over sales to employee

The sales are reconciled with inventory change

The business reviews the levels of percentage ob bed debt

The business has a set credit policy in place

The business applies the set credit policy while extending

The reviews the level of receivables

The business computer assisted software in managing


Inventory Management Practices 5 4 3 2 1

There is

Inventory invests are determined based on owner’s

There is use of standard costs

There is periodic review of overhead

There is a proper authorization for purchases

There is a periodic inventory accounts

There is a use of inventory requisition

The business investigates
The business reviews inventory levels
The business prepare inventory budget

Investment 5 4 3 2 1

The business has cash

The business invests in non-current assets
The business utilizes fully the non-currents
The business uses net present value to assets the
The business uses Payback period to assets the
The business invest without evaluating the investment
The business invests in real estate
The business reviews the investment projects after a
certain period
The business invests in shares on the stock exchange

Financing 5 4 3 2 1
The business internally generated cash resources only

The business has easy access to bank loans

The business internally generated cash and borrowed


The business sets the capital structure based on the


The business use borrowed funds only

Financial Reporting and Analysis 5 4 3 2 1

The owner is involved in preparing financial statements

The business prepare the income statement

The business follows accounting principles

The business prepares balance sheet

The business performs financial analysis

The financial statement are prepared semi-annually

The business regards the current financial reporting as


Accounting Information System 5 4 3 2 1

The owner/ manager is in charge of recording transactions
The business system is informal
The business accounting is formal
The accountant is in charge of recording transactions
The computer use computer assisted software in recording
The financial statements are prepared annually

Monthly Capital Monthly Gross Monthly Profit Profit Percentage

Risky Financial Behavior of TVPI Employees

Direction: Below are the statements measures the risky financial behavior of
employees. A true reflection of your opinion on each question is extremely
important. Please respond to the following statement by putting check ( ) on
the column that correspond your answer using the following scale. Be aware
of the negative questions. Please do not skip any item.

5 Strongly Agree The measure described in the item is observed at all


4 Agree
The measure described in the item is observed in
majority of the case.

3 Moderately Agree The measure described in the item is observed in many

but not in majority case.

2 Disagree The measure described in the item is observed in few


1 Strongly Disagree The measure described in the item is not observed at


Adopted from the study of : Zheng, Yiiong, “The development of the risky financial behavior scale:
A measure of financial risk tolerance “(2013), Electronic Thesesand

Financial Related Behavior 5 4 3 2 1

I usually have right control over my budget for there might

overspending in the coming year.

I do not change my loan interest plan once I’ve made a higher

purchase, like a house.
I usually do not accept any types of loans (car or college tuition) for
personal and family purposes.

I don not like taking high interest interest loans mainly because they

I’ve never spent my income on buying Mega Million lottery tickets.

Regardless of my financial situation, I would pay attention to how
much I’ve spent with my credit card.
I never overspend with my credit card.

I would rather live in a small apartment than a bigger apartment with

higher rent.

Before taking a any financial loans. I do a lot of financial search.

I have no plan for how to handle financial risk compared to other


I always pay off all my credit card all my credit card debts higher than
just the minimum payment.

Even if I had to take loans, I am paying off my mortgage, loan, credit

card bill as fast as I can.

Before I make a financial decision, I would consider my

I keep my monthly credit card spending below my budget.

I always keep track of how many times I spent with my credit card
every month.


Most of the time, I do not feel like handling any investment involving
I am not interested in making fast money (usually involves high risks at
the same time).
Because I don’t believe in luck , I never buy lottery tickets or gamble

I am more comfortable with living a life does not involve high financial
If it involves money, I prefer not to bet with friends on any event

I am very responsible for the financial loans I took.

I constantly worry about where I spent my money in the past month

When it comes to the best opportunities of making money, I can be
very patient.
My gut feeling tells me to avoid financial decisions with high interest
When it comes to my daily spending, my friends say that I am
financially conservative
When it comes to my daily spending, I always try to save as much as I
My nature, I am not risk seeking person.

When making big financial decision, I am very cautious person.


I do agree with the idea of taking loans for further education

When it comes to making a financial investment, I prefer safety to risk

I think the biggest mistake one can make is taking risks beyond what
one can handle.
I understand risk may be good, but I like to associate it with negative
I think people can make a big fortune without having to take much risk

I believe there is no such thing as a free lunch

I do not agree with the idea that greater risk leads to a higher rate
The amount of return has nothing with willingness to take risks

In my world, risks and return can never be balanced

I am happy with my financial investments as long as the risks is minimal

A high return investment plan sounds risky to me

I would rather give up the money I already spent on a bad investment

than putting in more money and hoping it can eventually help me make
Minimizing my financial risk level is a strategy of making money
Regardless of if I am in a losing or winning situation, I do not take risk all

I believe most wealthy and successful people don’t like to take great 5 4 3 2 1

I do not believe I have the talent to manage my money investment(s).

I am not optimistic about my financial investment(s).

I am not constantly second guessing the long-term impact of my

financial choices.
I wish someone else could help me choose the test language.

All my investments start to go bad; I do not know what to do.

I prefer consulting experts in managing my financial investments than

doing it by myself.
I do not feel confident making financial decisions, even when I have the
knowledge to do so.
When I need to make a tough decision about a financial investment, I
cannot sleep well at night.
I am afraid of making financial decisions no matter how spend I think
my decisions are.
I have never tried to make a financial investment.

I believed I am less skilled in managing my money than other people .

When making decisions involving money. If I am not 100% sure about

my decisions. I do not make any more.
I am not confident in planning my financial budget for the coming year.

Regardless of my experiences in financial management, I get easily

influenced by others opinions.
I am not optimistic about making big money.
Financial Literacy of Minimum Wage Earners During

Demographic Profile:

AGE: 25-45

SEX: Male


Secondary Level
Tertiary Level

Financial Literacy of Minimum Wage Earners

Below are the statements which measures your financial literacy.
Direction: Please check the box which is the most applicable to you.

5 – Always
4 – Most of the time
3 – Sometimes
2 – Seldom
1 – Never

If you do not have an answer or response. You may

Financial Literacy in terms of Budgeting

Item Statement: 5 4 3 2 1
I frequently budget my labor-worked money
I consider the benefits over cost
I consider the value of the thing I acquire
I compare any previous expenses with the expenses in
I keep records of my income and expenses
Financial Literacy in terms of Savings
Item Statement: 5 4 3 2 1
I am saving
I properly spend my money in every transaction
I consider how much I save and spend last month
I keep a record of all my daily savings regularly
I am frequently saving than spending

Financial Literacy in terms of Investing

Item Statement: 5 4 3 2 1
I am aware of the business world
I am frequently dealing with money management
I make any business if in case I have extra money
I properly manage the time and money
I make decisions for future expenditures and savings
Risk Management and Productivity of selected Tenants
in Gmall of Digos During Crisis

Part I. Personal profile

Business Name: ______________________________________________
Type of Business: Sole Partnership Corporation
Number of Employee: _________________________________________
Years in Operation: ___________________________________________
Part II. Productivity
Estimated Monthly Sale: Please check the box
20,000 below 21,000-30,000 30,000-40,000
41,000-50,000 51,000-60,000 Above 60,000
Part III.
Direction: Below are the statements describing certain risk management
of selected food business. Please respond to the following statement by
putting check (√) on the column that correspond your answer using the
following scale. Please do not skip any item.
5 Strongly Disagree The measured described in the item is observed at all item.
4 Agree The measured described in the item is observed in many but
not in majority case.
3 Neutral The measured described in the item is observed in many but
not in majority case.
2 Disagree The measured describes in the item is observed in few
1 Strongly Disagree The measured described the item is not observed at all.

Market 5 4 3 2 1
1 The market risk strategy set by the
Managers are effectively transformed and
communicated within the food business
shape of policies and procedures by the
top management.
2 The food business has an effective risk
management framework (infrastructure
process, and policies) in place for
managing market risk.
3 The management overall market risk
exposure is maintained at prudent levels
and consistent with the available activities
4 The management adopts multiple risk
measurement methodologies to capture
market risk is various business activities.
5 The management regularly prepares
periodic report of market risk

Liquidit 5 4 3 2 1
y Risk
1 There is proper set of rules and
guidelines, for managing liquidity risk,
available in the food business.
2 The liquidity risk strategy set by the
Managers are effectively transformed and
communicated within the food business
shape of policies and procedures by the
top management.
3 The food business has an effective risk
management framework (infrastructure,
process, and policies) in place for
managing liquidity risk.
4 The food business regularly prepares
periodic report of liquidity risk.
5 Application of liquidity risk management
techniques reduce costs or expected

Operationa 5 4 3 2 1
l Risk
1 There is proper set of rules and
guidelines for managing liquidity risk,
available in the food business.
2 Managers and executive management of
the food business recognizes,
understand and has defined all
categories of operational risk
management policy.
3 Senior management of the food business
transforms the strategic direction given
by the board though operational risk
management policy.
4 The food business has contingence and
business continuity plans to ensure its
ability to operate as going concern and
minimize losses in the event of severe
business disruption.
5 The food business regularly prepares
periodic report of operational risk.

Credit 5 4 3 2 1
1 The credit risk strategy set by the
Managers are effectively transformed and
communicated within the hardware in the
shape of policies and procedures by the
top management.
2 The food business has an effective risk
management framework (infrastructure,
process, and policies) in place for
managing credit risk.
3 The food business has a credit rating
framework across all type of credit
4 The hardware monitors quality of the
credit portfolio on day to day basis and
takes remedial measures as and when
any deterioration.
5 The hardware regularly prepares periodic
report of credit risk.
National Minimum Wage Increase: Impacts to Business Firms
in Digos City

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