NEET 2021 21th April: - 90 DAYS Mon-Sat

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NEET 2021

21th April

Dr. Bakul Dev Ankit Sir Dr. Shivani Rohit Chotai Archana Mam


7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM

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Special Class (Via Unacademy Learning App)

Time - 2 pm
Decoding NCERT series
Topic - Animal Kingdom

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Molecules of
the cell

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Nucleic acid molecule is a long chain polymer composed of

monomeric units called nucleotides.

Each nucleotide consists of :

A. Nucleoside and (sugar molecule and a nitrogenous base)

B. Phosphate group

The nitrogenous bases are of two types :

(a) Purine :
They are 9 membered double ring nitrogen bases which possess
nitrogen at 1', 3', 7' and 9' positions e.g., adenine (A), guanine (G),

(b) Pyrimidine :
They are 6 membered single ring nitrogen bases which posses
nitrogen at 1' and 3' positions e.g., Cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Uracil (U).

In DNA thymine is present whereas in RNA uracil is present


The pentose sugar are of two types :

(a) Ribose :

(b) Deoxyribose :
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Enzymes are proteinaceous substances which are capable of catalysing the

metabolic reactions without undergoing any change in themselves.

They are also called as “organic catalysts” or “Biocatalysts”.

Over 2000 enzymes have been recorded so far.

Enzymes are synthesized by living cells only.


Most of the enzymes remain inside the cells and function within the cell in
which they are produced.

These are called Endoenzymes.

On the other hand, the enzymes which leave the cells and function outside
the cells are called Exoenzymes.

Digestive enzymes belong to this category.

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Chemical Nature of Enzymes

All enzymes are proteinaceous in nature with the exception of ribozyme and
ribonuclease-P which are not proteinaceous.

Thomas Cech (1981) reported first RNA acting as enzyme.

He called it Ribozyme.

It was isolated from Tetrahymena thermophila (Protozoan) which removes

introns from newly formed RNA.
Chemical Nature of Enzymes

Sidney Altman (1983) reported enzyme Ribonuclease-P (RNAse-P) which is

used in separating tRNA from hn RNA.

A large number of enzymes require an additional non-protein group for their

efficient activity. Thus there are two types of enzymes.
Simple Enzyme :

Enzymes which are purely made up of proteins only are

called simple enzymes e.g., pepsin, trypsin, amylase, urease.
Conjugate Enzyme :

These enzymes are made up of two parts viz.

protein part called apoenzyme and non-protein part
called cofactor .

The complete conjugate enzyme is called Holoenzyme,

e.g. dehydrogenase, hexokinase, decarboxylase.

Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Cofactor


Cofactor can be separated from enzyme by dialysis.

Cofactors can be inorganic or organic and are of 3 types (Lehninger, 1993)

(a) Coenzymes (organic cofactors)

(b) Prosthetic group (organic cofactors)
(c) Inorganic cofactors (metal activators)
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Characteristics of Enzymes

1. Proteinaceous nature

2. Amphoteric nature

3. Colloidal nature
4. Reversibility
5. Molecular weight :

Enzymatic proteins are substances of

high molecular weight.
Peroxidase, which is one of the smallest enzymes,
has a molecular weight of 40,000 whereas catalase,
one of the largest enzymes, has a molecular weight
of 250,000 (Urease 483,000).
6. Specificity of enzyme:

Enzyme malic dehydrogenase removes hydrogen atom

from malic acid and not from other keto acids.
The specificity of enzyme is determined by sequence
of amino acids in the active sites.
7. Unchanged form :

Enzymes are in no way transformed or used up in the chemical

reaction but come out unchanged at the end of reaction.
8. Chemical reaction :

Enzymes do not start a chemical reaction but increase the rate of

chemical reaction.

They do not change the equilibrium as well.

However, they increase the rate of chemical reaction and bring

about equilibrium very soon.

Carbonic anhydrase is the fastest acting enzyme.

In absence of any enzyme this reaction is very slow, with about
200 molecules of H2CO3 being formed in an hour.

However, by using the enzyme present within the cytoplasm called carbonic
anhydrase the reaction speeds dramatically with about 600,000 molecules
being formed every second.

The enzyme has accelerated the reaction rate by about 10 million times.
9. Efficiency :

Efficiency of an enzyme is judged by its ‘turnover number’

i.e., number of substrate molecules changed per minute by
a molecule of enzyme.

It depends upon the number of active sites present over an enzyme,

precise collisions between reactants and the rate of removal of end

The optimum turnover number for enzyme carbonic anhydrase is 36 million,

catalase 5 million, enzyme sucrase or invertase 10,000 and flavoprotein 50.
Classification of Enzymes :
According to International Union of Biochemistry (IUB),
the enzymes are classified into 6 classes or categories
on the basis of type of reactions they catalyse.

A. Oxidoreductase : Succinic Dehydrogenase

B. Transferase : Glutamate Pyruvate transaminase
C. Lyase : Histidine decarboxylase
D. Ligase : Acyl CoA synthetase
E. Hydrolase : Lipase, Amylase
F. Isomerase : Epimerases, mutases
Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

A. pH
Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

B. Temperature
Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

C. Substrate concentration
Competitive inhibition

sulpha drugs inhibit the

synthesis of folic acid in
bacteria by competing
with p-aminobenzoic

dehydrogenase enzyme
activity is inhibited by
malonic acid by
competing with succinic
Competitive inhibition
Non Competitive inhibition
Non Competitive inhibition
Feedback inhibition
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