BNBC 2020 - Earthquake Load

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ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 oye 25 Earthquake Loads 25.1 General Minimum design earthquake forces for buildings, structures or components thereof shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Sec 2.5, Some definitions and symbols relevant for earthquake resistant design for buildings are provided in Sections 2.13 and 2.1.4. Section 2.5.2 presents basic earthquake resistant design concepts. Section 25.3 describes procedures for soil investigations, while Sec 2.5.4 describes procedures for determining earthquake ground motion for design. Section 2.5.5 describes different types of buildings and structural systems which possess different earthquake resistant characteristics, Static analysis procedures for design are described in Sections 25.6, 25.7 and 25.12. Dynamic analysis procedures are dealt with in Sections 2.58 to 2.5.11. Section 2.5.13 presents how seismic effects are accounted in the design and combination of earthquake loading effects in different directions and with other loading effects. Section 25.14 deals with allowable drift and deformation limits, Section 2.5.15 addresses design of non-structural components in buildings. Section 2.5.16 presents design considerations for buildings with seismic isolation systems. Design for soft storey condition in buildings is addressed in Sec 2.5.17 25,2 Earthquake Resistant Design ~ Basic Concepts 2. 1 General principles ‘The purpose of earthquake resistant design provisions in this Code is to provide guidelines for the design and construction of new structures subject to earthquake ground motions in order to minimize the risk to life for all structures, to increase the expected performance of higher occupancy structures as compared to ordinary structures, and to improve the capability of essential structures to function after an earthquake, It is not economically feasible to design and construct buildings without any damage for a major earthquake event. The intent is therefore to allow inelastic deformation and structural damage at preferred locations in the structure without endangering structural integrity and to prevent structural collapse during a major earthquake, ‘he seismic zoning map (Fig. 6.2.24) divides the country into four seismic zones with different expected levels of intensity of ground motion, Each seismic zone has a zone coefficient which provides expected peak ground acceleration values on rock/firm soil corresponding to the maximum considered earthquake (MCE), ‘The design basis earthquake is taken as 2/3 of the maximum considered earthquake. Ory ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 ‘The effects of the earthquake ground motion on the structure is expressed in terms of an idealized elastic design acceleration response spectrum, which depends on (a) seismic zone coefficient and local soil conditions defining ground motion and (b) importance factor and response reduction factor representing building considerations. The earthquake forces acting on the structure is reduced using the response modification/reduction factor R in order to take advantage of the inelastic energy dissipation due to inherent ductility and redundancy in the structure as well as material over-strength. The importance factor / increases design forces for important structures. The provisions of this Code for ductility and detailing need to be satisfied even for structures and members for which load combinations that do not contain the earthquake effect indicate larger demands than combinations including earthquake. The elastic deformations calculated under these reduced design forces are multiplied by the deflection amplification factor, C, to estimate the deformations likely to result from the design earthquake, The seismic design guidelines presented in this Section are based on the assumption that the soil supporting the structure will not liquefy, settle or slide due to loss of strength during the earthquake, Reinforced and prestressed concrete members shall be suitably designed to ensure that premature failure due to shear or bond does not occur. Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete members is of prime importance. In steel structures, members and their connections should be so proportioned that high ductility is obtained, avoiding premature failure due to elastic or inelastic buckling of any type. ‘The building structure shall include complete lateral and vertical force-resisting systems capable of providing adequate strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity to withstand the design ground motions within the prescribed limits of deformation and strength demand. The design ground ‘motions shall be assumed to occur along any horizontal direction of a building structure. The adequacy of the structural systems shall be demonstrated through the construction of a mathematical model and evaluation of this model for the effects of design ground motions. Characteristics of Earthquake Resistant Buildings ‘The desirable characteristics of earthquake resistant buildings are described below: ‘Structural Simplicity, Uniformity and Symmetry: Structural simplicity, uniformity and plan symmetry is characterized by an even distribution of mass and structural elements which allows short and direct transmission of the inertia forces created in the distributed masses of the building to its foundation. A building configuration with symmetrical layout of ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ore4 structural elements of the lateral force resisting system, and well-distributed in- plan, is desirable, Uniformity along the height of the building is also important, since it tends to eliminate the occurrence of sensitive zones where concentrations of stress or large ductility demands might cause premature collapse. ‘Some basic guidelines are given belo (® With respect to the lateral stiffness and mass distribution, the building structure shall be approximately symmetrical in plan with respect to two orthogonal axes. (ii) Both the lateral stiffness and the mass of the individual storeys shall remain constant or reduce gradually, without abrupt changes, from the base to the top of a particular building. (il)AN| structural elements of the lateral load resisting systems, such as cores, structural walls, or frames shall run without interruption from the foundations to the top of the building (iv) An irregular building may be subdivided into dynamically independent regular units well separated against pounding of the individual units to achieve uniformity. (¥) The length to breadth ratio (2 = Lmer/Lyin) of the building in plan shall not be higher than 4, where Imay and [min aFe respectively the larger and smaller in plan dimension of the building, measured in orthogonal directions. ‘Structural Redundancy: A high degree of redundancy accompanied by redistribution capacity through ductility is desirable, enabling a more widely spread energy dissipation across the entire structure and an increased total dissipated energy. The use of evenly distributed structural elements increases redundancy. Structural systems of higher static indeterminacy may result in higher response reduction factor & Horizontal Bi lirectional Resistance and iffness: Horizontal earthquake motion is a bi-directional phenomenon and thus the building structure needs to resist horizontal action in any direction. The structural elements of lateral force resisting system should be arranged in an orthogonal (in plan) pattern, ensuring similar resistance and. stiffness characteristics in both main directions. The stiffness characteristics of the structure should also limit the development of excessive displacements that might lead to either instabilities due to second order effects or excessive damages. Osby ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Torsional Resistance and Stiffness Besides lateral resistance and stiffness, building structures should possess adequate torsional resistance and stiffness in order to limit the development of torsional motions which tend to stress the different structural elements in a non-uniform way. In this respect, arrangements in which the main elements resisting the seismic action are distributed close to the periphery of the building present clear advantages. Diaphragm Behaviour In buildings, floors (including the roof) act as horizontal diaphragms that collect and transmit the inertia forces to the vertical structural systems and ensure that those systems act together in resisting the horizontal seismic action. Floor systems and the roof should be provided with in-plane stiffness and resistance and with effective connection to the vertical structural systems, Particular care should be taken in cases of non-compact or very elongated in-plan shapes and in cases of large floor openings, especially ifthe latter are located in the vicinity of the main vertical structural elements, thus hindering such effective connection between the vertical and horizontal structure. The in-plane stiffness of the floors shall be sufficiently large in comparison with the lateral stiffness of the vertical structural elements, so that the deformation of the floor shall have a small effect on the distribution of the forces among the vertical structural elements. Foundation ‘The design and construction of the foundation and of its connection to the superstructure shall ensure that the whole building is subjected to a uniform seismic excitation. For buildings with individual foundation elements (footings or piles), the use of a foundation slab or tie-beams between these elements in both main directions is recommended, as described in Chapter 3, 25.3 Investigation and Assessment of Site Conditions Site investigation Appropriate site investigations should be carried out to identify the ground conditions influencing the seismic action, ‘The ground conditions at the building site should normally be free from risks of ground rupture, slope instability and permanent settlements caused by liquefaction or densification during an earthquake. The possibility of such phenomena should be investigated in accordance with standard procedures described in Chapter 3 of this Part. ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 o3be ‘The intent of the site investigation is to classify the Site into one of types SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, $1 and S; as defined in Sec Such classification is based on site profile and evaluated soil properties (shear wave velocity, Standard Penetration Resistance, undrained shear strength, soil type). The site class is used to determine the effect of local soil conditions on the earthquake ground motion. For sites representing special soil type S1 or Sz, site specific special studies for the ground motion should be done. Soil type 1, having very low shear wave velocity and low material damping, can produce anomalous seismic site amplification and soil-structure interaction effects, For S2 soils, possibility of soil failure should be studied. For a structure belonging to Seismic Design Category € or D (Sec, site investigation should also include determination of soil parameters for the assessment of the following: {@) Slope instability. (0) Potential for Liquefaction and loss of soil strength. (©) Differential settlement. (d) Surface displacement due to faulting or lateral spreading. (@) Lateral pressures on basement walls and retaining walls due to earthquake ground motion. Liquefaction potential and possible consequences should be evaluated for design earthquake ground motions consistent with peak ground accelerations, Any Settlement due to densification of loose granular soils under design earthquake motion should be studied. The occurrence and consequences of geologic hazards such as slope instability or surface faulting should also be considered. The dynamic lateral earth pressure on basement walls and retaining walls during earthquake ground shaking is to be considered as an earthquake load for use in design load combinations 25.3.2 Site classification Site will be classified as type SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, $; and S, based on the provisions of this Section, Classification will be done in accordance with Table 6.2.13 based on the soil properties of upper 30 meters of the site profile. Average soil properties will be determined as given in the following equations: i & (6231) W a (6.2.32) Su = Tha da/ Sha St (6.233) 9330 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Where, Number of soil layers in upper 30 m 4, = Thickness of layer Va; = Shear wave velocity of layer i 1, = Field (uncorrected) Standard Penetration Value for layer ke = Number of cohesive soil layers in upper 30 m dg, = Thickness of cohesive layer i su: = Undrained shear strength of cohesive layer { The site profile up to a depth of 30 mis divided into n number of distinct soil or rock layers. Where some of the layers are cohesive, kis the number of cohesive layers. Hence". d; = 30m, while Yk; de; < 30 mf k a00 ~ - geological formation, including at most m of weaker material at the surface SB Deposits of very dense 360 - 800 >50 > 250 sand, gravel, or very stiff clay, atleast several tens of metres in thickness, characterised by a gradual increase of, mechanical properties with depth, ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 opa> Site Description ofsoll “Average Sol Properties in top 30 meters Geer protlenpen 30 Shear wave SPTValue, Undraned shear meters depth velocty, 7 (cn/s) (blows /30em) strength, (KPa) SC_ Deep deposits of dense 180 - 360 15-50 70-250 ‘or medium dense sand, gravel or stiffclay with thickness from several tens to many hundreds of metres, SD Deposits of loose-to- <180 <15 <70 medium cohesionless soil (with or without some soft cohesive layers), or of predominantly soft-to- firm cohesive soil SE _Asoil profile consisting - - - ofa surface alluvium layer with V. values of type SC or SD and thickness varying between about S mand 20 m, underlain by stiffer material with Vs > 800 m/s. Si Deposits consisting, or < 100 - 10-20 containing a layer at (indicative) least 10 m thick, of soft clays/silts with a high plasticity index (PI> 40) and high water content Sz Deposits of liquefiable - - - soils, of sensitive clays, or any other soil profile not included in types SA to SEorSi sy ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 254 Earthquake Ground Motion Regional seismicity Bangladesh can be affected by moderate to strong earthquake events due to its, proximity to the collision boundary of the Northeast moving Indian plate and, Eurasian Plate. Strong historical earthquakes with magnitude greater than 7.0 have affected parts of Bangladesh in the last 150 years, some of them had their epicenters within the country. A brief description of the local geology, tectonic features and earthquake occurrence in the region is given in Appendix B. Seismic zoning ‘The intent of the seismic zoning map is to give an indication of the Maximum, Considered Earthquake (MCE) motion at different parts of the country. In probabilistic terms, the MCE motion may be considered to correspond to having a 2% probability of exceedance within a period of 50 years. The country has been divided into four seismic zones with different levels of ground motion, Table 6.2.14 includes a description of the four seismic zones, Figure 6.2.24 presents a map of Bangladesh showing the boundaries of the four zones. Each zone has a seismic zone coefficient (Z) which represents the maximum considered peak ground acceleration (PGA) on very stiff soil/rock (site class SA) in units of g (acceleration due to gravity), The zone coefficients (Z) of the four zones are: Z=0.12 (Zone 1), 2=0,20 (Zone 2), 2=0.28 (Zone 3) and 7=0.36 (Zone 4), Table 6.2.15 lists zone coefficients for some important towns of Bangladesh. The most severe earthquake prone zone, Zone 4 is in the northeast which includes Sylhet and has a maximum PGA value of 0.36g. Dhaka city falls in the moderate seismic intensity zone with 2=0.2, while Chittagong city falls in a severe intensity zone with Z=0.28, 3. Design response spectrum The earthquake ground motion for which the building has to be designed is represented by the design response spectrum, Both static and dynamic analysis, ‘methods are based on this response spectrum. This spectrum represents the spectral acceleration for which the building has to be designed as a function of the building period, taking into account the ground motion intensity. The spectrum is based on elastic analysis but in order to account for energy dissipation due to inelastic deformation and benefits of structural redundancy, the spectral accelerations are reduced by the response modification factor R For important structures, the spectral accelerations are increased by the importance factor £ The design basis earthquake (DBE) ground motion is ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 expe selected at a ground shaking level that is 2/3 of the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motion, The effect of local soil conditions on the response spectrum is incorporated in the normalized acceleration response spectrum Cy, The spectral acceleration forthe design earthquake is given by the following equation 5,-22 6230) 3 Where, Sq = Design spectral acceleration (in units of g) which shall not be less than 0.676215 B= Coefficient used to calculate lower bound for Sq. Recommended value for f is 0.11 Seismic zone coefficient, as defined in Sec T= Structure importance factor, as defined in Sec R= Response reduction factor which depends on the type of structural system given in Table 6.2.19, The ratio = cannot be greater than one, Normalized acceleration response spectrum, which is a function of structure (building) period and soil type (site class) as defined by Equations 6.2.35a to 6.2.35d. 1.2 sn) for 027 st, — (6.2.35a) sTsTo (6.2.38b) Tp <1 Tp (62.350) Ty eT shee — (6235d) ¢, depends on Sand values of Ts Tc and Tp (Figure 6.2.25) which are all functions of the site class. Constant CG; value between periods Tp and Tc represents constant spectral acceleration. Soil factor which depends on site class and is given in Table 6.2.16 Structure (building) period as defined in Sec Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration, branch given in Table 6.2.16 as a function of site class. Tc= Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch given in Table 6.2.16 as a function of site class sd ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 To= Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral displacement branch given in Table 6.2.16 as a function of site class n= Damping correction factor as a function of damping with a reference value of =1 for 5% viscous damping, It is given by the following expression: n= Jl0/(S+2) 20.55 (6.2.36) Where, fis the viscous damping ratio of the structure, expressed as a percentage of critical damping, The value of 7 cannot be smaller than 0.55. ‘The anticipated (design basis earthquake) peak ground acceleration (PGA) for rock or very sti sol (site class SA) is 22. However, for design, the ground motion is modified through the use of response reduction factor Rand importance factor I, resulting in PGA, =3(#). Figure 6.2.26 shows the normalized acceleration response spectrum C; for 5% damping, which may be defined as the 5% damped spectral acceleration (obtained by Eq. 6234) normalized with respect to PGAyocx. This Figure demonstrates the significant influence of site class on the response spectrum. Design Spectrum for Elastic Analysis For site classes SA to SE, the design acceleration response spectrum for elastic analysis methods is obtained using Eq. 6.2.34 to compute Sy (in units of g) as a function of period T. The design acceleration response spectrum represents the expected ground motion (Design Basis Earthquake) divided by the factor R/l Design Spectrum for Inelastic Analysis For inelastic analysis methods, the anticipated ground motion (Design Basis Earthquake) is directly used. Corresponding real design acceleration response spectrum is used, which is obtained by using R=1 and /=1 in Eq, 6.2.34. The ‘real design acceleration response spectrum’ is equal to ‘design acceleration response spectrum’ multiplied by R/ Site-Specific Design Spectrum For site class $; and Sz, site-specific studies are needed to obtain design response spectrum. For important projects, site-specific studies may also be carried out to determine spectrum instead of using Eq. 6.2.34. The objective of such site-specific ground-motion analysis is to determine ground motions for local seismic and site conditions with higher confidence than is possible using simplified equations. are CCD, ALAR, CRUE 99, 20RD one Bangladesh Selemic Zones f wna § é § a ah Bow Bam) $ vanes | Ize | gar 75 | | 460 | Data Saurco: anne =— a o Figure 6.2.24 Sefsmic zoning map of Bangladesh osee ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 ‘Table 6.2.14: Description of Sefsmfc Zones ‘Seismic Selsmfe Zone Intensity Coefficlent, Z Setsmle ct Location 1 Southwestern part including Barisal, Khulna, Jessore, Rajshabi 2 Lower Central and Northwestern partincluding Noakhali, Dhaka, Pabna, Dinajput, as well as Southwestern comer including Sundarbans 3 Upper Central and Northwestern part including Brahmanbaria, Sirajgan, Rangpur 4 Northeastern part including Sylhet, Low 2 Moderate 0.20 Severe 028 VerySevere 036 Mymensingh, Kurigram Table 6.2.15: Seismic Zone Coefficient Z for Some Important Towns of Bangladesh ‘Town Z | Town Z [Town Z | Town Zz Bogerhat 0.12) Gaibandha 0.28) Magura 0.12] Patwakhali 0.12 Bandarban 0.28] Gazipur 0.20] Manikganj0.20| Pirojpur 0.12 Barguna 0.12] Gopalgany 0.12] Maulvibazar 0.36] Rajbari (0.20 Barisal 0.12] Habiganj 0.36] Meherpur 0.12) Rajshahi 0.12 Bhola 0.12} jaipurnat 0.20] Mongla 0.12] Rangamatl 0.28 Bogra 028] Jamalpur 036] Munshiganj 0,20] Rangpur 0.28, Brabmanbaria 0.28] Jessore «0.12 Mymensingh 0.36] Satkh 02 Chandpur 0.20} jhalokati 0.12) Narail 0.12] shariatpur 0.20 Chapainababganj 0.12] Jhenaidah 0.12] Narayanganj 0.20] Sherpur 0.36 chitagong 0.28] Khagrachari 0.28] Narsingdi 0.28 Sirajganj 0.28, Chuadanga 0.12] Knuma 0.12) Natore 0.20} stimangal 0.36 Comilla 0.20] Kishoreganj 0.36] Naogaon 0.20) Sunamganj 0.36 Cox's Bazar 0.28] Kurigram 0.36] Netrakona 0.36] syi 036 Dhaka 0.20] Kushtia 0.20 Nilphamari 0.12) Tangall 0.28 Dinajpur 0.20} Lakshmipur 0.20] Noakhali 0.20 Thakurgaon 0.20 Faridpur 0.20} Lalmanichat 0.28] Pabna 0.20} Beni 0.20] Madaripur 0.20) Panchagarh 0.20] Figure 62.25 Typical shape of the elastic response spectrum coefficient ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 oxea ‘Table 62.16: Site Dependent Soll Factor and Other Parameters Defining Elastic Response Spectrum Soll type s TAs) Te) To(8) SA. 10 0.15 0.40 20 SB 12 05 0.50 20 145 0.20 0.60 20 1.35 0.20 0.80 20 14 05 0.50 20 5 | PGB. G55, . Period, T (see) Figure 62.26 Normalized design acceleration response spectrum for different ste classes. 255 Building Categories Importance factor Buildings are classified in four occupancy categories in Chapter 1 (Table 6.1.1), depending on the consequences of collapse for human life, on their importance for public safety and civil protection in the immediate post-earthquake period, and on the social and economic consequences of collapse. Depending on ‘occupancy category, buildings may be designed for higher seismic forces using importance factor greater than one, Table 6.2.17 defines different occupancy categories and corresponding importance factor. ‘Table 6.2.17; Importance Factors for Bufldings and Structures for Earthquake design ‘Occupancy Category Importance factor I Ln 1.00 un 1.25 w 150 sd ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Seismic design category Buildings shall be assigned a seismic design category among B, C or D based on seismic zone, local site conditions and importance class of building, as given in Table 6.2.18. Seismic design category D has the most stringent seismic design detailing, while seismic design category B has the least seismic design detailing requirements ‘Table 6.2.18: Selsmic Design Category of Bulldings Site | Occupancy Category |,andIll | Occupancy Category IV Class [Zone1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone4|Zone1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone 4 SA B co pf[c pb vd oD SB B cD p|c pb pb oD sc B cD p|c pb pd od sD c Dp oD p |p bp pd oD SES.S] DDD p |v pp op Building irregularity Buildings with irregularity in plan or elevation suffer much more damage in earthquakes than buildings with regular configuration. A building may be considered as irregular, if at least one of the conditions given below are applicable: 2.55.31 Plan irregularity: Following are the different types of irregularities that may exist in the plan of a building, (Torsion irregularity To be considered for rigid floor diaphragms, when the maximum storey drift ( a8 shown in Figure 6.2.27(a), computed including accidental torsion, at one end of the structure is more than 1.2 times the average (Aao9 tints) of the storey drifts at the two ends of the structure, If Bpax> 148g then the irregularity is termed as extreme torsional irregularity. (ii) Re-entrant corners Both projections of the structure beyond a re-entrant comer [Figure 6.2.27(b)] are greater than 15 percent of its plan dimension in the given direction, 2. ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 eae (iii) Diaphragm Discontinuity Diaphragms with abrupt discontinuities or variations in stiffness, including those having cut-out [Figure 6.2.27(c)] or open areas greater than 50 percent of the gross enclosed diaphragm area, or changes in effective diaphragm stiffness of more than 50 percent from one storey to the next. (iv) Out- of-Plane Offsets Discontinuities in a lateral force resistance path, such as out-of-plane offsets of vertical elements, as shown in Figure 6.2.27(d). (v)_Non-parallel Systems ‘The vertical elements resisting the lateral force are not parallel to or symmetric [Figure 6.2.27(e)] about the major orthogonal axes of the lateral force resisting elements, 2 Vertical Irregularity: Following are different types of irregularities that may exist along vertical elevations of a building. oO iy Stiffness Inregularity - Soft Storey A soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of that in the storey above or less than 80% of the average lateral stiffness of the three storeys above irregularity [Figure 6,2,28(a)]. An extreme soft storey is defined where its lateral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the storey above or less than 70% of the average lateral stiffness of the three storeys above, Mass Irregularity The seismic weight of any storey is more than twice of that of its adjacent storeys [Figure 6.2.28(b)]. This irregularity need not be considered in case of roofs. ii) Vertical Geometric irregularity Tis irregularity exists for buildings with setbacks with dimensions given in Figure (6.2.28(c)]. (iv) Vertical In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Elements Resisting Lateral w) Force An in-plane offset of the lateral force resisting elements greater than the length of those elements [Figure 6.2.28(4)]. Discontinuity in Capacity - Weak Storey ‘A weak storey is one in which the storey lateral strength is less than 80% of that in the storey above, The storey lateral strength is the total strength of all seismic force resisting elements sharing the storey shear in the considered direction [Figure 6.2.28(¢)]. An extreme weak storey is one where the storey lateral strength is less than 65% of that in the storey above, 200 ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 2.5.54 Type of structural systems ‘The basic lateral and vertical seismic force-resisting system shall conform to one of the types A to G indicated in Table 6,2.19, Each type is again subdivided by the types of vertical elements used to resist lateral seismic forces Accombination of systems may also be permitted as stated in Sec ‘The structural system to be used shall be in accordance with the seismic design category indicated in Table 6.2.18, Structural systems that are not permitted for a certain seismic design category are indicated by “NP”. Structural systems that do not have any height restriction are indicated by "NL", Where there is height limit, the maximum height in meters is given. The response reduction factor, R, and the deflection amplification factor, Cy indicated in Table 6.2.19 shall be used in determining the design base shear and, design story drift. The selected seismic force-resisting system shall be designed and detailed in accordance with the specific requirements for the system. Seismic force resisting systems that are not given in Table 62.19 may be permitted if substantial analytical and test data are submitted that establish the dynamic characteristics and demonstrate the lateral force resistance and energy dissipation capacity to be equivalent to the structural systems listed in Table 62.19 for equivalent response modification coefficient, R, and deflection amplification factor, Cy values. = Hy aoe i (@) Torslonal Irregularity (B) Re-entrant corners (A/L>0.15) ae ad — |e) | )\ open A, fy 4 (© Diaphragm discontinutty ART rr REARS, CRETE Dy 2089 ROD © ma wAL—> mene eon sm (@ Out of-plane offsets of shear wall (©) Non-parallel systems of shear wall Figure 62.27 Different types of plan iregulartties of buildings STOREY STFNESS FORTHE BULONG hy * srr toREV RE my Near bet i, ORleas (atta @ Softstorey mf 1 Fe [nase] rae ft ul ws a smssar0 ses ENED pam (@) Mass rregularty (© Vertical geometric regulary (setback structures) 9208 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 NSS STOREY STRENGTH (LATERAL) Fa Fa-1 Fao | [es al [E~ -, sass Fs ik o = vd sahemammee WEAK STOREY IN-PLANE DSSCONTINUTY VERTICAL ELEMENTE WHEN Fico.8 Fist (@ Vertical in-Plane Discontinulty fn Vertical (@Weakstorey Elements Resisting Lateral Force Figure 6.228 Different types of vertical irregularities of buildings ‘Table 6.2.19: Response Reductfon Factor, Deflection Amplification Factor and Helght Limttations for Diferent Structural Systems Response System | Detection | Seismic Seismic Selemic Reduction Overstrength| Amplification Design Design Design Selmi Force Resting System Factor, Factor,0, | Factor,cy [Category Category Category ec Height imi) A. BEARING WALL SYSTEMS (no frame) 1. Special reinforced 5 25 5 NL ONL OSO concrete shear walls 2, Ordinary reinforced 4 25 4 NL NL oONP conerete sheat walls 3. Ordinary reinforced 2 25 7s | NL so oNP masonry shear walls, 180 NP NP 4, Ordinary plainmasonry | 15 | 25 shear walls ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2208 Response System | Detection | Seamie Satmic Seismic Reduction Overstrength| Amptiaton| Design Design Design SelamicForce-Resistng System Factor Factor, | Factor,cy | Category Category Category ee) Height mit) B,BUILDING FRAME SYSTEMS (with bracing or shear wall) Steel eccentrically braced 8 2 4 NL NL frames, moment resisting connections at columns away from links 2, Steel eccentrically braced 7 2 4 NM ONL 50 frames, non-moment- resisting, connections at ‘columns away from inks 3.Spocial steel concentrically 6 2 NLOOML 50 braced frames Ordinary steel 3.25 2 32s | NL ML oa concentrically braced frames Special reinforced concrete 6 25 5 NLOOML 50 shear walls 6, Ordinary reinforced 5 25 42s | NL NL NP conerete shear walls 7. Ordinary reinforced 2 25 2 NL 50 NP masonry shear walls, 8, Ordinary plain masonry 1s 28 18 NP ONP shear walls ©, MOMENT RESISTING FRAME SYSTEMS (no shear wall) 1. Special stel moment 8 a ss | NL NLM frames 2, Intermediate steel moment 4.5 3 ‘ NL ONL 35 frames Fl frames Oninary steel moment | a5 | 2 a [om | wi | Ne 9208 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Response System | Detection | Seismic Seismic Selsmic Reduction Overstrength|Ampliication| Design Design Design Seismic Foree-Ressting System Factor, Factor,0, | Factor,cy |Categon Category Category eco Height mit) 4 Special reinforced concrete 8 3 55 | NL NL ONL ‘moment frames 5. Intermediate reinforced 5 3 4s | MLN oONP concrete moment frames 5, Ordinary reinforced 3 3 25 | NL NP NP concrete moment frames , DUAL SYSTEMS: SPECIAL MOMENT FRAMES CAPABLE OF RESISTING AT LEAST 25% OF PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES (with bracing or shear wall) 1.Stecleccentrically braced 8 25 + NLOONL ONL frames 2,Special steel concentrically 7 25 55 | NL NL ML braced frames 3.Spocial reinforced concrete 7 25 ss | NL NLM shear walls 4. Ordinary reinforced 6 25 NL NL ONP concrete shear walls E, DUAL SYSTEMS: INTERMEDIATE MOMENT FRAMES CAPABLE OF RESISTING AT LEAST 25% OF PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES (vith bracing or shear wall) Special steel concentrically braced frames Special reinforced concrete shear walls Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls 6 25 NL ONL 65 28 NL ONL ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ere Response System | Detection | Seismic Seismic Selsmic Reduction Overstrength|Ampliication| Design Design Design Seismic Force Rossing Systom Fast, Factor,0, | Factor,c, [Category Category Category eco Height mit) 4, Ordinary reinforced 5528 4s | NL NL oONP conerete shear walls F.DUAL SHEAR WALL- 25 4 NL NP ONP FRAME SYSTEM: ORDINARY REINFORCED CONCRETE MOMENT FRAMES AND ORDINARY REINFORCED CONCRETE. SHEAR WALLS G, STEEL SYSTEMS NOT 3 3 3 NL NLP SPECIFICALLY DETAILED FOR SEISMIC RESISTAN Notes: 1.Seismic design category, NL = No height restriction, NP ‘Number represents maximum allowable height (m). Not permitted. 2,Dual Systems include buildings which consist of both moment resisting frame and shear walls (or braced frame) where both systems resist the total design forces in proportion to their lateral stiffness. 3,See Sec. 10.20 of Chapter 10 of this Part for additional values of R and Cy and height limits for some other types of steel structures not covered in this Table. 4, Where data specific to a structure type is not available in this Table, reference may be made to Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-05. 5 Combination of structural systems Combinations of Structural Systems in Different Directions: Different seismic force-resisting systems are permitted to be used to resist seismic forces along each of the two orthogonal axes of the structure, Where different systems are used, the respective R and Cy coefficients shall apply to each system, including the limitations on system use contained in Table 6.2.19. e308 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Combinations of Structural Systems in the Same Direction: Where different seismic force-resisting systems are used in combination to resist seismic forces in the same direction of structural response, other than those combinations considered as dual systems, the more stringent system limitation contained in Table 6.2.19 shall apply. The value of R used for design in that direction shall not be greater than the least value of A for any of the systems utilized in that direction, The deflection amplification factor, Cg in the direction under consideration at any story shall not be less than the largest value of this factor for the R factor used in the same direction being considered, Provisions for Using System Overstrength Factor, Ny Combinations of Frames. Elements Supporting Discontinuous Walls or Columns, beams, trusses, or slabs supporting discontinuous walls or frames of structures having horizontal irregularity Type IV of Table 6.1.5 or vertical irregularity Type IV of Table 6.1.4 shall have the design strength to resist the maximum axial force that can develop in accordance with the load combinations with overstrength factor of Section The connections of such discontinuous elements to the supporting members shall be adequate to transmit the forces for which the discontinuous elements were required to be designed. Increase in Forces Due to Irregularities for Seismic Design Category D. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D and having a horizontal structural irregularity of Type La, Lb, I, Il, or IV in Table 6.1.5 or a vertical structural irregularity of Type IV in Table 6.1.4, the design forces determined from Section 2.5.7 shall be increased 25 percent for connections of diaphragms to vertical elements and to collectors and for connections of collectors to the vertical elements, Collectors and their connections also shall be designed for these increased forces unless they are designed for the load combinations with overstrength factor of Section, in accordance with Section Collector Elements Requiring Load Combinations with Overstrength Factor for Seismic Design Categories through D, In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category € or D, collector elements, splices, and their connections to resisting elements shall resist the load combinations with overstrength of Section ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 9204 2.55.64 Batter Piles. Batter piles and their connections shall be capable of resisting forces and moments from the load combinations with overstrength factor of Section Where vertical and batter piles act jointly to resist foundation forces as a group, these forces shall be distributed to the individual piles in accordance with their relative horizontal and vertical rigidities and the geometric distribution of the piles within the group. 25.6 Static Analysis Procedure Although analysis of buildings subjected to dynamic earthquake loads should theoretically require dynamic analysis procedures, for certain type of building structures subjected to earthquake shaking, simplified static analysis procedures may also provide reasonably good results. ‘The equivalent static force method is such a procedure for determining the seismic lateral forces acting on the structure, This type of analysis may be applied to buildings whose seismic response is not significantly affected by contributions from modes higher than the fundamental mode in each direction. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied in buildings which fulfill the following two conditions: (a) The building period in the two main horizontal directions is smaller than both 4 7 (Te is defined in Sec and 2 seconds. (b) The building does not possess irregularity in elevation as defined in Sec2.5.53 25.7 Equivalent Static Analysts ‘The evaluation of the seismic loads starts with the calculation of the design base shear which is derived from the design response spectrum presented in Sec 2.54.3. This Section presents different computations relevant to the equivalent static analysis procedure. Design base shear ‘The seismic design base shear force in a given direction shall be determined from the following relation: V=S\W (6237) Where, Sq= Lateral seismic force coefficient calculated using Eq. 6.2.34 (Sec 25.4.3). It is the design spectral acceleration (in units of g) corresponding to the building period T (computed as per Sec2.5.7.2). W= Total seismic weight of the building defined in Sec oro" ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Alternatively, for buildings with natural period less than or equal to 2.0 sec, the seismic design base shear can be calculated using ASCE 7-02 with seismic design parameters as given in Appendix C, However, the minimum value of S$, should not be less than 0.044 Sps/ The values of Sys are provided in Table 6.C.4 of Appendix C. 25.7.2 Building period ‘The fundamental period 7 of the building in the horizontal direction under consideration shall be determined using the following guidelines: (@) Structural dynamics procedures (such as Rayleigh method or modal eigenvalue analysis), using structural properties and deformation characteristics of resisting elements, may be used to determine the fundamental period T of the building in the direction under consideration. ‘This period shall not exceed the approximate fundamental period determined by Eq, 6.2.38 by more than 40 percent. (b) The building period 7 (in sec) may be approximated by the following formula: T= Cellhy)™ (62.38) Where, hy = Height of building in metres from foundation or from top of rigid basement. This excludes the basement storeys, where basement walls are connected with the ground floor deck or fitted between the building columns, But it includes the basement storeys, when they are not so connected. C, and m are obtained from Table 6,2,20 (© For masonry or concrete shear wall structures, the approximate fundamental period, 7 (in sec) may be determined as follows: (6.2.39) (62.40) ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2208, Where, Ay area of base of structure A= height of shear wall “? A;= web area of shear wall “i” x = number of shear walls in the building effective in resisting lateral forces in the direction under consideration, D,= length of shear wall “i ‘Table 6.2.20: Values for Coefficients to Estimate Approximate Period Structure type Gim Concrete moment-resisting frames 0.0466 0.9 | Note: Consider moment resisting frames as frames Steel moment-resisting frames 0.0724 og | hich resist 100% of Eccentrically braced steel frame 0.0731 0,75] enclosed or adjoined by components that are more rigid and will prevent the All other structural systems 0.0488 0.75] forsee from defectng under seismic forces, 2. 3 Seismic weight Seismic weight, W, is the total dead load of a building or a structure, including partition walls, and applicable portions of other imposed loads listed below: (@) For live load up to and including 3 kN/m?, a minimum of 25 percent of the live load shall be applicable. () Forllive load above 3 kN/m?, a minimum of 50 percent of the live load shall be applicable, (© Total weight (100 percent) of permanent heavy equipment or retained liquid or any imposed load sustained in nature shall be included, Where the probable imposed loads (mass) at the time of earthquake are more correctly assessed, the designer may go for higher percentage oflive load, e330 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2.5.74. Vertical distribution of lateral forces In the absence of a more rigorous procedure, the total seismic lateral force at the base level, in other words the base shear V, shall be considered as the sum of lateral forces F, induced at different floor levels, these forces may be calculated as: why Lwin yoV (6241) Where, B, = Part ofbase shear force induced at level x vw; and wy = Part of the total effective seismie weight of the structure (W) assigned to level jor x ‘hand hy = the height from the base to level for x k 1 For structure period <0.5s for structure period > 25s ear interpolation between 1 and 2 for other periods. n= number of stories Storey shear and its horizontal distribution ‘The design storey shear Vz, at any storey x is the sum of the forces F in that storey and all other stories above it, given by Eq. 6.2.42: Y= 55 (62.42) Where, F; = Portion of base shear induced at level i, as determined by Eq. 6.2.41, If the floor diaphragms can be considered to be infinitely rigid in the horizontal plane, the shear V, shall be distributed to the various elements of the lateral force resisting system in proportion to their relative lateral stiffness. For flexible diaphragms, the distribution of forces to the vertical elements shall account for the position and distribution of the masses supported, Allowance shall also be made for the increased shear arising due to horizontal torsional moment as specified in Sec ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 98d 2. 6 Horizontal torsional moments Design shall accommodate increase in storey shear forces resulting from probable horizontal torsional moments on rigid floor diaphragms, Computation of such moments shall be as follows: In-built torsional effects: When there is in-built eccentricity between centre of mass and centre of rigidity (lateral resistance) at floor levels, rigid diaphragms at each level will be subject to torsional moment M,. Accidental torsional effects: In order to account for uncertainties in the location of masses and in the spatial variation of the seismic motion, accidental torsional effects need to be always considered, The accidental ‘moment Mya is determined assuming the storey mass to be displaced from the calculated centre of mass a distance equal to 5 percent of the building dimension at that level perpendicular to the direction of the force under consideration. The accidental torsional moment Mzqj at level {is given as: (62.43) Meai = aiFi Where, qi = accidental eccentricity of floor mass at level i applied in the same direction at all floors = +0.05L, 1; = floor dimension perpendicular to the direction of seismic force considered. Where torsional irregularity exists (Sec for Seismic Design Category € or D, the irregularity effects shall be accounted for by increasing the accidental torsion Mzq at each level by a torsional amplification factor, Ay as illustrated in Figure 6.2.29 determined from the following equation: Ap= eet <30 (6.2.44) Where, Sinax = Maximum displacement at level-x computed assuming A, = 1. Savg = Average displacements at extreme points of the building at level-x computed assuming A, = 1, ORE ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 The accidental torsional moment need not be amplified for structures of light- frame construction. Also the torsional amplification factor (A,) should not exceed 3.0. Design for torsional effects: The torsional design moment at a given storey shall be equal to the accidental torsional moment Me, plus the inbuilt torsional moment M, (if any). Where earthquake forces are applied concurrently in two orthogonal directions, the required 5 percent displacement of the center of mass (for accidental torsion) need not be applied in both of the orthogonal directions at the same time, but shall be applied in only one direction that produces the greater effect. a Figure 62.29 Torsional amplification factor Asfor plan irregularity. Deflection and storey drift ‘The deflections (6,) of level x at the center of the mass shall be determined in accordance with the following equation: Cade 6.2.45 7 (6.2.45) Where, Cq= Deflection amplification factor given in Table 6.2.19 Szq= Deflection determined by an elastic analysis I= Importance factor defined in Table 6.2.17 The design storey drift at storey x shall be computed as the difference of the deflections at the centers of mass at the top and bottom of the story under consideration: Ay = 8-84 (6.2.46) ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 eRe 2. 8 Overturning effects ‘The structure shall be designed to resist overturning effects caused by the seismic forces determined in Sec At any story, the increment of overturning moment in the story under consideration shall be distributed to the various vertical force resisting elements in the same proportion as the distribution of the horizontal shears to those elements. The overturning ‘moments at level x, M, shall be determined as follows: My = SAA) (6247) Where, Portion of the seismic base shear, V induced at level i hy, hy = Height from the base to level i or x. ‘The foundations of structures, except inverted pendulum-type structures, shall be permitted to be designed for three-fourths of the foundation overturning design moment, M, determined using above equation, 2. 9 P-delta effects ‘The P-delta effects on story shears and moments, the resulting member forces and moments, and the story drifts induced by these effects are not required to be considered if the stability coefficient (@) determined by the following equation is not more than 0.10: PA VihexCg e (6.2.48) Where, P, = Total vertical design load at and above level x; where computing P,, no individual load factor need exceed 1.0 A= Design story drift occurring simultaneously with V, V; = Storey shear force acting between levels x and x ~ 1 hax = Storey height below level x Cy = Deflection amplification factor given in Table 6.2.19 ‘The stability coefficient 0 shall not exceed Ojuay determined as follows: Cmax 2>-<0.25 (6249) BG Ca 238 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Where, f is the ratio of shear demand to shear capacity for the story between levels x and x — 1. This ratio is permitted to be conservatively taken as 1.0, Where, the stability coefficient @ is greater than 0.10 but less than or equal £0 Opn the incremental factor related to P-dela effects on displacements and member forces shall be determined by rational analysis. Aleratvely ti permitted to multiply displacements and member forces by =. Where, 0 is greater than max, the structure is potentially unstable and shall be redesigned, Where, the P-delta effect is included in an automated analysis, Eq. 6.2.49 shall still be satisfied, however, the value of @ computed from Eq, 6.2.48 using the results of the P-delta analysis is permitted to be divided by (1+ 6) before checking Eq. 6.2.49. 25.8 Dynamic Analysis Methods Dynamic analysis method involves applying principles of structural dynamics to compute the response of the structure to applied dynamic (earthquake) loads. Requirement for dynamic analysis Dynamic analysis should be performed to obtain the design seismic force, and its distribution to different levels along the height of the building and to the various lateral load resisting elements, for the following buildings: (@) Regular buildings with height greater than 40 m in Zones 2, 3, 4 and greater than 90 m in Zone 1. (b) Irregular buildings (as defined in Sec with height greater than 12 min Zones 2, 3, 4 and greater than 40 m in Zone 1. For irregular buildings, smaller than 40 m in height in Zone 1, dynamic analysis, even though not mandatory, is recommended, 25.82 Methods of analysis Dynamic analysis may be carried out through the following two methods (@ Response Spectrum Analysis method is a linear elastic analysis method using modal analysis procedures, where the structure is subjected to spectral accelerations corresponding to a design acceleration response spectrum. The design earthquake ground motion in this case is represented by its response spectrum. (il) Time History Analysis method is a numerical integration procedure where design ground motion time histories (acceleration record) are applied at the base of the structure. Time history analysis procedures can be two types: linear and non-linear. are CCD, ALAR, CRUE 99, 20RD one 25.9 _ Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) A response spectrum analysis shall consist of the analysis of a linear ‘mathematical model of the structure to determine the maximum accelerations, forces, and displacements resulting from the dynamic response to ground shaking represented by the design acceleration response spectrum (presented in Sec Response spectrum analysis is also called a modal analysis procedure because it considers different modes of vibration of the structure and combines effects of different modes. Modeling (RSA) A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed that represents the spatial distribution of mass and stiffness throughout the structure, For regular structures with independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting systems, independent two-dimensional models are permitted to be constructed to represent each system, For irregular structures or structures without independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model incorporating a minimum of three dynamic degrees of freedom consisting of translation in two orthogonal plan directions and torsional rotation about the vertical axis shall be included at each level of the structure. Where the diaphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system, the model should include representation of the diaphragm's flexibility and such additional dynamic degrees of freedom as are required to account for the participation of the diaphragm in the structure's dynamic response. The structure shall be considered to be fixed at the base or, alternatively, it shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness of foundations, In addition, the model shall comply with the following: (a) Stiffness properties of concrete and masonry elements shall consider the effects of cracked sections (b) The contribution of panel zone deformations to overall story drift shall be included for steel moment frame resisting systems, Number of modes (RSA) An analysis shall be conducted using the masses and elastic stiffnesses of the seismic-force-resisting system to determine the natural modes of vibration for the structure including the period of each mode, the modal shape vector @, the ‘modal participation factor P and modal mass M. The analysis shall include a sufficient number of modes to obtain a combined modal mass participation of at east 90 percent of the actual mass in each of two orthogonal directions. oye ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Modal story shears and moments (RSA) For each mode, the story shears, story overturning moments, and the shear forces and overturning moments in vertical elements of the structural system at each level due to the seismic forces shall be computed. The peak lateral force Fy induced at level ‘in mode k is given by: Fi = AebinPeWi (6.2.50) Where, Ay, = Design horizontal spectral acceleration corresponding to period of Vibration T, of mode k obtained from design response spectrum (Sec25.43) ix = Modal shape coefficient at level {in mode k Py = Modal participation factor of mode k W, = Weight of floor i Structure response (RSA) In the response spectrum analysis method, the base shear Vj; each of the story shear, moment, and drift quantities; and the deflection at each level shall be determined by combining their modal values. The combination shall be carried out by taking the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) of each of the modal values or by the complete quadratic combination (QC) technique. The complete quadratic combination shall be used where closely spaced periods in the translational and torsional modes result in cross-correlation of the modes. The distribution of horizontal shear shall be in accordance with the requirements of Sec It should be noted that amplification of accidental torsion as per Sec is not required where accidental torsional effects are included in the dynamic analysis model by offsetting the centre of mass in each story by the required amount. A base shear, V shall also be calculated using the equivalent static force procedure in Sec 2.5.7, Where the base shear, ¥,, is less than 85 percent of V, all the forces but not the drifts obtained by response spectrum analysis shall be multiplied by the ratio 22 ‘The displacements and drifts obtained by response spectrum analysis shall be multiplied by Cy/Ito obtain design displacements and drifts, as done in equivalent static analysis procedure (Sec The P-delta effects shall be determined in accordance with Sec ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 224 25.10 Linear Time History Analysis (LTHA) A linear time history analysis (LTHA) shall consist of an analysis of a linear mathematical model of the structure to determine its response, through direct numerical integration of the differential equations of motion, to a number of ground motion acceleration time histories compatible with the design response spectrum for the site. The analysis shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of this Section, For the purposes of analysis, the structure shall be permitted to be considered to be fixed at the base or, alternatively, it shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness of foundations, The acceleration time history (ground motion) is applied at the base of the structure. The advantage of this procedure is that the time dependent behavior of the structural response is obtained. Modeling (LTHA) Mathematical models shall conform to the requirements of modeling described in Sec, 2.5.10,2 Ground motion (LTHA) At least three appropriate ground motions (acceleration time history) shall be used in the analysis. Ground motion shall conform to the requirements of this, Section, ‘Two-dimensional analysis: Where two-dimensional analyses are performed, each ground motion shall consist of a horizontal acceleration time history selected from an actual recorded event. Appropriate acceleration histories shall be obtained from records of events having magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the maximum. considered earthquake. Where the required number of appropriate ground motion records are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion time histories shall be used to make up the total number required, The ground ‘motions shall be scaled such that for each period between 0.27 and 1.5T (where T is the natural period of the structure in the fundamental mode for the direction considered) the average of the five-percent-damped response spectra for the each acceleration time history is not less than the corresponding ordinate of the design acceleration response spectrum, determined in accordance with Sec ca ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ‘Three-dimensional analysis: Where three-dimensional analysis is performed, ground motions shall consist of pairs of appropriate horizontal ground motion acceleration time histories (in two orthogonal horizontal directions) that shall be selected and scaled from individual recorded events, Appropriate ground motions shall be selected from events having magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the maximum considered earthquake, Where the required number of recorded ground motion pairs are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion pairs shall be used to make up the total number required. For each pair of horizontal ground ‘motion components, an SRSS spectrum shall be constructed by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the five-percent-damped response spectra for the components (where an identical scale factor is applied to both components of a pair). Each pair of motions shall be scaled such that for each period between 0.27 and 1.5T (where T is the natural period of the fundamental mode of the structure) the average of the SRSS spectra from all horizontal component pairs is not less than 1.3 times the corresponding ordinate of the design response spectrum, determined in accordance with Sec 25.4.3, 2.5.10. Structure response (LTHA) For each sealed acceleration time history, the maximum values of base shear and other structure response quantities shall be obtained from the tne history analysis. Fr thse dimensional analysis, arthogotal pair of scaled motions are applied simultaneously. A base shear, V; shall also be calculated using the equivalent static fore procedure described in See 25.7, Where the maximum base shear, Vx copied by linear tine histry analysis, less than all response quantities (storey shear, moments, drifts, floor deflections, member forces et) obtained by time history analysis sll be increased by multiplying with the ratio, 7 mutaber of earthqake records (or pas) used in the analysis is less than seven, the maximum structural response obtained corresponding to different earthquake records shal be considered asthe design value. the miter sat least seven, then the average of maximum stricta responses for diferent earthquake records shal be considered as the design value The displacements and drifts obtained as mentioned above shall be multiplied by © to obtain design displacements and drifts, as done in equivalent static analysis procedure (Sec ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 cs 25.1 Non-Linear Time History Analysis (NTHA) Nonlinear time history analysis (NTHA) shall consist of analysis of a mathematical model of the structure which incorporates the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the structure's components to determine its response, through methods of numerical integration, to ground acceleration time histories compatible with the design response spectrum for the site. The analysis shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of this Section, For the purposes of analysis, the structure shall be permitted to be considered to be fixed at the base or, alternatively, it shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness of foundations. The acceleration time history (ground motion) is applied at the base of the structure, The advantage of this procedure is that actual time dependent behavior of the structural response considering inelastic deformations in the structure can be obtained. 25.111 Modeling (NTHA) A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed that represents the spatial distribution of mass throughout the structure, The hysteretic behavior of elements shall be modeled consistent with suitable laboratory test data and shall account for all significant yielding, strength degradation, stiffness degradation, and hysteretic pinching indicated by such test data, Strength of elements shall be based on expected values considering material over-strength, strain hardening, and hysteretic strength degradation. As a minimum, a bilinear force deformation relationship should be used at the element level. In reinforced concrete and masonry buildings, the elastic stiffness should correspond to that of cracked sections, Linear properties, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 5 shall be permitted to be used for those elements demonstrated by the analysis to remain within their linear range of response ‘The structure shall be assumed to have a fixed base or, alternatively, it shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness and load carrying characteristics of the foundations consistent with site-specific soils data and rational principles of engineering mechanics. For regular structures with independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting systems, independent two dimensional models shall be permitted to be constructed to represent each system. For structures having plan irregularity or structures without independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model, incorporating a minimum of three dynamic degrees of freedom consisting of oxo ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 translation in two orthogonal plan directions and torsional rotation about the vertical axis at each level of the structure shall be used. Where the diaphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system, the model shall include representation of the diaphragm’s flexibility and such additional dynamic degrees of freedom as are required to account for the participation of the diaphragm in the structure's dynamic response. Ground motion (NTHA) ‘The actual time-dependent inelastic deformation of the structure is modeled. For inelastic analysis method, the real design acceleration response spectrum (Sec is obtained using Eq. 6.2.34 with R=1 and The real design acceleration response spectrum is the true representation of the expected ground motion (design basis earthquake) inchiding local soil effects. and corresponds toa peak ground acceleration (PGA) value of 225 At least three appropriate acceleration time histories shall be used in the analysis, Ground motion shall conform to the requirements of this Section, ‘Two-dimensional analysis Where two-dimensional analyses are performed, each ground motion shall consist of a horizontal acceleration time history selected from an actual recorded event. Appropriate acceleration histories shall be obtained from records of events having magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the maximum considered earthquake Where the required number of appropriate ground motion records are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion time histories shall be used to make up the total number required, The ground motions shall be scaled such that for each period between 0.2 7and 1.5 7(where Tis the natural period of the structure in the fundamental mode for the direction considered) the average of the five-percent-damped response spectra for each acceleration time history is not less than the corresponding ordinate of the real design acceleration response spectrum, as defined here. ‘Three-dimensional analysis Where three-dimensional analysis is performed, ground motions shall consist of pairs of appropriate horizontal ground motion acceleration time histories (in two orthogonal horizontal directions) that shall be selected and scaled from individual recorded events. Appropriate ground motions shall be selected from ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Ray events having magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the maximum considered earthquake. Where the required number of recorded ground motion pairs are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion pairs shall be used to make up the total number required, For each pair of horizontal ground motion components, an SRSS spectrum shall be constructed by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the five-percent-damped response spectra for the components (where an identical scale factor is applied to both components of a pair). Each pair of motions shall be scaled such that for each period between 0.2 and 157 (where Tis the natural period of the fundamental mode of the structure) the average of the SRSS spectra from all horizontal component pairs is not less than 1.3 times the corresponding ordinate of the real design acceleration response spectrum, 2.11.3 Structure response (NTHA) For each scaled acceleration time history, the maximum values of base shear and other structure response quantities shall be obtained from the nonlinear time history analysis. For three dimensional analysis, orthogonal pair of scaled motions are applied simultaneously. If number of earthquake records (or pairs) used in the analysis is less than seven, the maximum structural response obtained corresponding to different earthquake records shall be considered as the design value. If the number is at least seven, then the average of maximum, structural responses for different earthquake records shall be considered as the design value. Since real expected earthquake motion input and model incorporating real nonlinear behavior of the structure is used, the results as obtained are directly used (no scaling as in LTHA or RSA is required) for interpretation and design. 25.114 Structure member design (NTHA) ‘The adequacy of individual members and their connections to withstand the design deformations predicted by the analyses shall be evaluated based on laboratory test data for similar components. The effects of gravity and other loads on member deformation capacity shall be considered in these evaluations. Member deformation shall not exceed two thirds of the smaller of: the value that results in loss of ability to carry gravity loads or the value at which member strength has deteriorated to less than 67 percent of peak strength. oe ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2.5115 Design review (NTHA) Special care and expertise is needed in the use of nonlinear dynamic analysis, based design, Checking of the design by competent third party is recommended. A review of the design of the seismic-force-resisting system and the supporting structural analyses shall be performed by an independent team consisting of design professionals with experience in seismic analysis methods and the theory and application of nonlinear seismic analysis and structural behavior under extreme cyclic loads. The design review shall include the following: (i) Review of development of ground motion time histories (ii) Review of acceptance criteria (including laboratory test data) used to demonstrate the adequacy of structural elements and systems to withstand the calculated force and deformation demands (iii) Review of structural design, 25,12 Non-Linear Static Analysis (NSA) Nonlinear static analysis (NSA), also popularly known as pushover analysis, is a simplified method of directly evaluating nonlinear response of structures to strong earthquake ground shaking, It is an alternative to the more complex nonlinear time history analysis (NTHA). The building is subjected to monotonically increasing static horizontal loads under constant gravity load. Modeling (NSA) A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed to represent the spatial distribution of mass and stiffness of the structural system considering the effects of element nonlinearity for deformation levels that exceed the proportional limit, P-Delta effects shall also be included in the analysis. For regular structures with independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting, systems, independent two-dimensional models may be used to represent each system, For structures having plan irregularities or structures without independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model incorporating a ‘minimum of three degrees of freedom for each level of the structure, consisting of translation in two orthogonal plan directions and torsional rotation about the vertical axis, shall be used, Where the diaphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the seismic-force-resisting system, the model should include representation of the diaphragm flexibility, Unless analysis indicates that an element remains elastic, a nonlinear force deformation model shall be used to represent the stiffness of the element before onset of yield, the yield strength, and the stiffness properties of the element after yield at various levels of deformation. Strengths of elements shall not ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Ro exceed expected values considering material over-strength and strain hardening, The properties of elements and components after yielding shall account for strength and stiffness degradation due to softening, buckling, or fracture as indicated by principles of mechanics or test data, ‘A control point shall be selected for the model. For normal buildings, the control point shall be at the center of mass of the highest level (roof) of the structure. 2.2 Analysis procedure (NSA) The lateral forces shall be applied at the center of mass of each level and shall be proportional to the distribution obtained from a modal analysis for the fundamental mode of response in the direction under consideration. The lateral loads shall be increased incrementally in a monotonic manner. At the j® increment of lateral loading, the total lateral force applied to the model shall be characterized by the term. The incremental increases in applied lateral force should be in steps that are sufficiently small to permit significant changes in individual element behavior (such as yielding, buckling or failure) to be detected. The first increment in lateral loading shall result in linear elastic behavior. At each loading step, the total applied lateral force, Vj the lateral displacement of the control point, 5, and the forces and deformations in each element shall be recorded, The analysis shall be continued until the displacement of the control point is at least 150 percent of the target displacement determined in accordance with Sec2.5.12.3. The structure shall be designed so that the total applied lateral force does not decrease in any load increment for control point displacements less than or equal to 125 percent of the target displacement, 2.5.12,3 Effective period and target displacement (NSA) Abilinear curve shall be fitted to the capacity curve, such that the first segment of the bilinear curve coincides with the capacity curve at 60 percent of the effective yield strength, the second segment coincides with the capacity curve at the target displacement, and the area under the bilinear curve equals the area under the capacity curve, between the origin and the target displacement, The effective yield strength, Vy corresponds to the total applied lateral force at the intersection of the two line segments. The effective yield displacement, 6, corresponds to the control point displacement at the intersection of the two line segments, The effective fundamental period, T, of the structure in the direction under consideration shall be determined using Eq. 6.251 as follows: | M/A Wid Tan (62.51) O38 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Where, %,6;, and 7, are determined forthe first increment of lateral load, The target displacement of the control point, 6; shall be determined as follows: 2 fr =Cy05,{ Jo (6252) 2a, Where, the spectral acceleration, S,, is determined at the effective fundamental period, T., using Eq. 6.2.34, g is the acceleration due to gravity. The coefficient Ca shall be calculated as : Swe (6.2.53) Where, 1w,= the portion of the seismic weight, W, at level i, and $1= the amplitude of the shape vector at level i. Where the effective fundamental period, T., is greater than To (defined in Sec., the coefficient C; shall be taken as 1.0. Otherwise, the value of the coefficient C; shall be calculated as follows: (62.54) 25.124 Structure member des ign (NSA) For each nonlinear static analysis the design response parameters, including the individual member forces and member deformations shall be taken as the values obtained from the analysis atthe step at which the target displacement is reached, ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 o22e ‘The adequacy of individual members and their connections to withstand the member forces and member deformations shall be evaluated based on laboratory test data for similar components. The effects of gravity and other loads on member deformation capacity shall be considered in these evaluations. ‘The deformation of a member supporting gravity loads shall not exceed (i) two- thirds of the deformation that results in loss of ability to support gravity loads, and (ii) two-thirds of the deformation at which the member strength has deteriorated to less than 70 percent of the peak strength of the component model. The deformation of a member not required for gravity load support shall not exceed two-thirds of the value at which member strength has deteriorated to less than 70 percent of the peak strength of the component model. 25.125. Design review (NSA) Checking of the design by competent third party is recommended. An independent team composed of at least two members with experience in seismic analysis methods and the theory and application of nonlinear seismic analysis and structural behavior under earthquake loading, shall perform a review of the design of the seismic force resisting system and the supporting structural analyses. ‘The design review shall include (i) review of any site- specific seismic criteria (if developed) employed in the analysis (ii) review of the determination of the target displacement and effective yield strength of the structure (lii) review of adequacy of structural elements and systems to withstand the calculated force and deformation demands, together with laboratory and other data (iv) review of structural design, 25.13 Earthquake Load Effects and Load Combinations The seismic load effect, & shall be determined in accordance with the following: 1. For use in load combination S in Section 2.7.3 or load combination S and 6 in Section 2.7.2, # shall be determined in accordance with the following equation, Ext & 2. For use in load combination 7 in Section 2.7.3 or load combination 8 in Section 2.7.2, Eshall be determined in accordance with following equation, E=By- E where, total seismic load effect y= effect of horizontal seismic forces as defined in Sections 2.5.7 or 2.5.9 Ey= effect of vertical seismic forces as defined in Section oe ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Horizontal earthquake loading, Ey The horizontal seismic load effect, £, shall be taken as the horizontal load effects of seismic base shear V (Sec 2.5.7 or 2.5.9) or component forces F- (Sec 2.5.15). The directions of application of horizontal seismic forces for design shall be those which will produce the most critical load effects, Earthquake forces act in both principal directions of the building simultaneously. In order to account for that, (a) For structures of Seismic Design Category B, the design horizontal seismic forces are permitted to be applied independently in each of two orthogonal directions and orthogonal interaction effects are permitted to be neglected (b) Structures of Seismic Design Category C and D shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements of (a) for Seismic Design Category B and in addition the requirements of this Section. The structure of Seismic Design Category C with plan irregularity type V and Seismic Design Category D shall be designed for 100% of the horizontal seismic forces in one principal direction combined with 30% of the horizontal seismic forces in the orthogonal direction, Possible combinations are *£100% in x-direction +30% in y-direction” or £30% in x-direction 100% in y-direction” ‘The combination which produces most unfavourable effect for the particular action effect shall be considered. This approach may be applied to equivalent static analysis, response spectrum analysis and linear time history analysis procedure. (© Where three-dimensional analysis of a spatial structure model is performed as in 3D time history analysis, simultaneous application of accelerations in two directions shall be considered where the ground motions shall satisfy the conditions stated in Sections or, 25.132 Vertical earthquake loading, Ey The maximum vertical ground acceleration shall be taken as 50 percent of the expected horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA). The vertical seismic load effect £, may be determined as Ey = 0.50(a,)D (62.56) ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 2V9 Where, ay = expected horizontal peak ground acceleration (in g) for design = (@2y3yzs D = effect of dead load, = site dependent soil factor (see Table 6.2.16). Combination of earthquake loading with other loadings When earthquake effect is included in the analysis and design of a building or structure, the provisions set forth in Sec 2.7 shall be followed to combine earthquake load effects, both horizontal and vertical, with other loading effects, to obtain design forces etc. 25.134 Seismic Load Effect Including Overstrength Factor Where specifically required, conditions requiring overstrength factor, 2, applications shall be determined in accordance with the following, 1. For use in load combination § in Section 2.7.3 or load combinations 5 and 6 in Section 2.7.2, F shall be taken equal to Zn as determined in accordance with the following equation, En = Ens Ex 2. For use in load combination 7 in Section 2.7.3 or load combination 8 in Section 2.7.2, Eshall be taken equal to £,, as determined in accordance with the following equation, Ey = Eni ~ Ev where Ey = total seismic load effect including overstrength factor Fn = effect of horizontal seismic forces as defined in Sections 2.5.7 or 2.5.9 including structural overstrength, ffect of vertical seismic forces as defined in Section The horizontal seismic load effect with overstrength factor, Amy shall be determined in accordance with the following equation: Eni = QBs Where, 2, is the system overstrength factor as defined in Table 6.2.19. Like Ei, directional combinations as defined in Sec, is also applicable for calculating Zn. The value of Fn» need not exceed the maximum force that can develop in the structure or element as determined by a rational, plastic mechanism analysis or nonlinear response analysis (static or dynamic) utilizing realistic expected values of material strengths. oa ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Allowable Stress Increase for Load Combinations with Overstrength Where allowable stress design methodologies are used with the seismic load effect defined in Section applied in load combinations 5, 6, or 8 of Section 2.7.2, allowable stresses are permitted to be determined using an allowable stress increase of 1.2, This increase shall not be combined with increases in allowable stresses or load combination reductions otherwise permitted elsewhere by this standard, 25.136 Minimum Upward Force for Horizontal Cantilevers for Seismic Design Category D In structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, horizontal cantilever structural components shall be designed for a minimum net upward force of 0.2 times the dead load in addition to the applicable load combinations of Section 2.7. 25.14 Driftand Deformation 25.141 Storey drift limit ‘The design storey drift (4) of each storey, as determined in Sections 2.5.7, 2.5.9 or 2.5.10 shall not exceed the allowable storey drift (4,) as obtained from Table 6.2.21 for any story. For structures with significant torsional deflections, the maximum drift shall include torsional effects. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C or D having torsional irregularity, the design storey drift, shall be computed as the largest difference of the deflections along any of the edges of the structure at the top and bottom of the storey under consideration, For seismic force-resisting systems comprised solely of moment frames in Seismic Design Categories D, the allowable storey drift for such linear elastic analysis procedures shall not exceed 4,/p where p is termed as a structural redundancy factor. The value of redundancy factor p may be considered as 1.0 with exception of structures of very low level of redundancy where p may be considered as 1.3, For nonlinear time history analysis (NTHA), the storey drift obtained (Sec 2.5.11) shall not exceed 1.25 times the storey drift limit specified above for linear elastic analysis procedures. Diaphragm deflection The deflection in the plane of the diaphragm, as determined by engineering analysis, shall not exceed the permissible deflection of the attached elements, Permissible deflection shall be that deflection that will permit the attached element to maintain its structural integrity under the individual loading and continue to support the prescribed loads. ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ORD Table 62.21: Allowable Storey Drift Limtt (4, Structure Occupancy Category Land It m1 v Structures, other than masonry shear wall structures, 4 stories or less with interior walls, partitions, ceilings and exterior wall systems that have been designed to accommodate the story drifts 0.025h., — 0.020hg, —0.015hgx Masonry cantilever shear wall structures 0.010hgy 0.010 0.010 gy Other masonry shear wall structures 0.007h, —0.007h, 0.007, All other structures 0.020h., —_0.015hg, —_0.010h,, Notes: ‘uhiggis the story height below Level x. 2.There shall be no drift limit for singl partitions, ceilings, and exterior wall systems that have been designed to accommodate the storey drifts, story structures with interior walls, 3,Structures in which the basie structural system consists of masonry shear walls designed as vertical elements cantilevered from their base or foundation support which are so constructed that moment transfer between shear walls (coupling) is negligible. 4.Occupancy categories are defined in Table 6.1.1 Separation between adjacent structures Buildings shall be protected from earthquake-induced pounding from adjacent structures or between structurally independent units of the same building maintaining safe distance between such structures as follows (@ for buildings, or structurally independent units, that do not belong to the same property, the distance from the property line to the potential points of impact shall not be less than the computed ‘maximum horizontal displacement (Sec of the building at the corresponding level. 9220 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 (i for buildings, or structurally independent units, belonging to the same property, if the distance between them is not less than the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) of the computed ‘maximum horizontal displacements (Sec of the two buildings or units at the corresponding level. (iil) if the floor elevations of the building or independent unit under design are the same as those of the adjacent building or unit, the above referred minimum distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.7 25.144 Special deformation requirement for seismic design category D For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, every structural component not included in the seismic force-resisting system in the direction under consideration shall be designed to be adequate for the gravity load effects and the seismic forces resulting from displacement to the design story drift (A) as determined in accordance with Sec Even where elements of the structure are not intended to resist seismic forces, their protection may be important. Where determining the moments and shears induced in components that are not included in the seismic force-resisting system in the direction under consideration, the stiffening effects of adjoining rigid structural and nonstructural elements shall be considered and a rational value of member and. restraint stiffness shall be used, 25.15 Seismic Design For Nonstructural Components This Section establishes minimum design criteria for nonstructural components that are permanently attached to structures and for their supports and attachments, The following components are exempt from the requirements of this Section, (1) Architectural components in Seismic Design Category B, other than parapets supported by bearing walls or shear walls, where the ‘component importance factor, J. is equal to 1.0, (2) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category B. (3) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category where the importance factor, I. is equal to 1.0, (4) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category D where the component importance factor, . is equal to 1.0 and either (a) flexible connections between the components and associated ductwork, piping, and conduit are provided, or (b) components are mounted at 1.2 m or less above a floor level and weigh 1780 N or less. ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2299 (S) Mechanical and electrical components in Seismic Design Category C or D where the component importance factor, fc Is equal to 1.0 and (a) flexible connections between the components and associated ductwork, piping, and conduit are provided, and (b) the components weigh 89 N or less or, for distribution systems, which weigh 73 N/m ores. Where the individual weight of supported components and non-building structures with periods greater than 0.06 seconds exceeds 25 percent of the total seismic weight W, the structure shall be designed considering interaction effects between the structure and the supported components. Testing shall be permitted to be used in lieu of analysis methods outlined in this, Chapter to determine the seismic capacity of components and their supports and attachments, 2.15.1 Component importance factor All components shall be assigned a component importance factor. The component importance factor, J, shall be taken as 15 if any of the following conditions apply: (1) The component is required to function after an earthquake, (2) The component contains hazardous materials, or (3) The component is in or attached to a occupancy category IV building and itis needed for continued operation of the facility. All other components shall be assigned a component importance factor, . equal to 1.0. Component force transfer Components shall be attached such that the component forces are transferred to the structure. Component attachments that are intended to resist seismic forces shall be bolted, welded, or otherwise positively fastened without consideration of frictional resistance produced by the effects of gravity. A continuous load path of sufficient strength and stiffness between the component and the supporting structure shall be verified. Local elements of the supporting structure shall be designed for the component forces where such forces control the design of the elements or their connections. In this instance, the component forces shall be those determined in Sec, except that modifications to fy and Ry due to anchorage conditions need not be considered. The design documents shall include sufficient information concerning the attachments to verify compliance with the requirements of these Provisions. OXOR ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2.5.15. Seismic design force ‘The seismic design force, F., applied in the horizontal direction shall be centered at the component's center of gravity and distributed relative to the component's ‘mass distribution and shall be determined as follows: anole 6257 Re u « Z Where, O.75a,Wele S Fe S$ 1.50,Wele @, = component amplification factor which varies from 1.0 to 2.5 (Table 6.2.22 or Table 6.2.23). ay, = expected horizontal peak ground acceleration (in g) for design 0.6728 W, = weight of component R. = component response reduction factor which varies from 1.0 to 12.0 (Table 6.2.22 or Table 6.2.23) eight above the base of the point of attachment of the component, but z shall not be taken less than 0 and the value of z/h need not exceed 1.0 A ‘oof height of structure above the base ‘The force F, shall be independently applied in at least two orthogonal horizontal, directions in combination with service loads associated with the component. In addition, the component shall also be designed for a concurrent vertical force of £05a,We Where non-seismic loads on nonstructural components exceed F, such loads shall govern the strength design, but the seismic detailing requirements and limitations shall apply. 25.154 Seismic relative displacements ‘The relative seismic displacement, D, for two connection points on the same structure A, one at a height hy and other at height hy, for use in component design shall be determined as follows: De xa Oya (6.2.58) ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 9299 D; shall not exceed De max given by: 5 lmtp (62.59) Where, 5,4 = Deflection at level x of structure A 5,4 = Deflection at level y of structure A Baa = Allowable story drift for structure A hhc = Height (above base) of level x to which upper connection point is attached hy = Height (above base) of level y to which lower connection point is attached, hhar= Story height used in the definition of the allowable drift A: For two connection points on separate structures, A and B, or separate structural systems, one at level x and the other at level y, De shall be determined as follows: (6.2.60) Deshall not exceed Demix given by; yaa (6.2.61) Where, bye = Deflection at level y of structure B Ags = Allowable story drift for structure B ‘The effects of relative seismic relative displacements shall be considered in combination with displacements caused by other loads as appropriate, 25.16 Design For Setsmically Isolated Bufldings Buildings that use special seismic isolation systems for protection against earthquakes shall be called seismically isolated or base isolated buildings. Seismically isolated structure and every portion thereof shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of provisions presented in this, Section. 9x8 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 General requirements for isolation system The isolation system to be used in seismically isolated structures shall satisfy the following requirements: (1) Design of isolation system shall consider variations in seismic isolator material properties over the projected life of structure including changes due to ageing, contamination, exposure to moisture, loadings, temperature, creep, fatigue, etc (2) Isolated structures shall resist design wind loads at all levels above the isolation interface, At the isolation interface, a wind restraint system shall be provided to limit lateral displacement in the isolation system to a value equal to that required between floors of the structure above the isolation interface. (3) The fire resistance rating for the isolation system shall be consistent with the requirements of columns, walls, or other such elements in the same area of the structure, (4) The isolation system shall be configured to produce a lateral restoring force such that the lateral force at the total design displacement is at least 0.025 W greater than the lateral force at 50% of the total design displacement. (S) The isolation system shall not be configured to include a displacement restraint that limits lateral displacement due to the maximum considered earthquake to less than the total maximum displacement unless it is demonstrated by analysis that such engagement of restraint does not result in unsatisfactory performance of the structure (©) Each element of the isolation system shall be designed to be stable under the design vertical load when subjected to a horizontal displacement equal to the total maximum displacement. (7) The factor of safety against global structural overturning at the isolation interface shall not be less than 1.0 for required load combinations. All gravity and seismic loading conditions shall be investigated. Seismic forces for overturning calculations shall be based on the maximum considered earthquake and the vertical restoring force shall be based on the seismic weight above the isolation interface. (8) Local uplift of individual units of isolation system is permitted if the resulting deflections do not cause overstress or instability of the isolator units or other elements of the structure. ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ox0¢ (9) Access for inspection and replacement of all components of the isolation system shall be provided, (10) The designer of the isolation system shall establish a quality control testing program for isolator units. Each isolator unit before installation shall be tested under specified vertical and horizontal loads. (11) After completion of construction, a design professional shall complete a final series of inspections or observations of structure separation areas and components that cross the isolation interface, Such inspections and observations shall confirm that existing conditions allow free and unhindered displacement of the structure to maximum design levels and that all components that cross the isolation interface as installed are able to accommodate the stipulated displacements. (12) The designer of the isolation system shall establish a periodic ‘monitoring, inspection, and maintenance program for such system. (13) Remodeling, repair, or retrofitting at the isolation interface, including that of components that cross the isolation interface, shall be performed under the direction of a design professional experienced in seismic isolation systems. ‘Table 62.22: Coeffictents a, and R, for Architectural Components ‘Archftectural Component or Element Interior Nonstructural Walls and Partitions Plain (unreinforced) masonry walls 104s All other walls and partitions Lo 25 Cantilever Elements (Unbraced or braced to structural frame below its 25 25 center of mass) Parapets and cantilever interior nonstructural walls Ghimnesand sacks where aera braced or supported by the strucral 5575 Cantilever Elements (Braced to structural frame above its center of mass) Lo 25 Parapets 102s Chimneys and stacks Lo 25 Exterior Nonstructural Walls e308 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 ‘Archftectural Component or Element at [Exterior Nonstructural Wall Elements and Connections Wall Element 10 as, Body of wall panel connections Lo 25 Fasteners ofthe connectingsystem 12510 Veneer Limited deformability elements and attachments 10 as. ‘Low deformability elements and attachments 1015; Penthouses (except where framed by an extension ofthe building ame) 2535 Ceilings all Lo 25 cabinets Storage cabinets and laboratory equipment 102s ‘Access Floors Special acess floors 1025: All other 1015 [Appendages and Ornamentations 252s Signs and Billboards 2525 Other Rigid Components igh deformability elements and attachments 1035 Limited deformability elements and attachments 1028 tow deformability materials and attachments 1015 Other Flexible Components, Ligh deformability elements and attachments 25 45 Limited deformability elements and attachments 252s. Low deformability materials and attachments 2515 +A lower value for acis permitted where justified by detailed dynamic analysis. The value for ta shall not be less than 1.0. The value of te equal to 1.0 is for rigid components and rigidly attached components. The value of a equal to 2.5 is for flexible components and flexibly attached components, ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 ‘Table 6.2.28: Coefficients a and R, for Mechani “Mechanical and Electrical Components Ali-side HVAC, fins, air handlers, ir conditioning unis, eabine! heaters, sir distribution boxes, and other mechanical eomponents constructed of sheet mital framing Wetside HIVAG, boiler, fumaces, atmospheric lanks and bins, chillers, water heaters, heat exchangers, evaporators, ar separators, manufacturing or process ‘equipment, and other mechanical components constructed of high-deformability materials Engines, turbines, pumps, compressors, and pressure vessels not Supported on of Chapter 1S. supported pressure vessels Elevator and escalator components Generators, bateres, inverters, motors, transformers, and other cletrical components const eformability materials ‘Moior conitol centers, panel boards, switch gear, instrumentation eabine’s, and ther components constructed of sheet metal reming Communication equipment, computers, instrumentation, and controls Roofsmounted chimneys, slacks, cooling and electrical towers laterally braced below their center of mass ‘Roofmounted chimneys, stacks, cooling and electrical towers laterally braced above their center of ‘Other mechanical or elesrical components Vi Components and systems Wolated using neoprene clements and neoprene isolated floors with built-in or separate elastomeric snubbing devices or resilient Perimeter stops ration Isolated Components and System Spring isolated components and systems and vibration isolated floors closely restrained using built-in or separate elastomeric snubbing devices or resilient perimeter stops Tnernally isolated components and systems ‘Suspended vibration isolated equipment including in-line duct deviees and suspended intemally isolated components, Mechanical and Electrical Components ‘A-side TIVAG, fans, air handlers, ie conditioning unis, cabinet heaters, ait distribution boxes, and other mechanical components constructed of sheet metal faring Wer-side HVAC, boilers, furnaces, atmospheric tanks and bins, chillers, water heaters, heat exchangers, evaporators, ait separators, manufacturing or process equipment, and other mechanical components constructed of highe deformability materials, and Electrical Components a 25 1 23 1 10 25 Lo 25 ro 1 1 25 25 10 2208 60 25 25 25 25 60 25 15 15 25 20 25 (Components Engines, turbines, pumps, compressors, and pressure vessels not 10 skirts and not within the scope of Chapter 15, ‘Skiresupported pressure vessels 25 Distribution Systems Piping in accordance with ASME B31, including in-line components with joints 2.5 made by welding or brazing Piping in accordance with ASME BSI, including ia-line componenis, 25 constructed of high or limited deformability materials, with joints made by threading, bonding, compression couplings, oF grooved couplings, Piping and tubing not in accordance with ASME R31, including in-line 25 components, consiructed of high-deformabiity materials, with joints made by welding o brainy Piping and tubing not in accordance with ASME B31, including incline 25 components, constructed of high- or limited-deformabilty materials, with joints made by threading, bonding, compression couplings or grooved couplings. Piping and tubing constucted of low-deformabilty materials, such as cast ton, 2.5 lass, and non-ducile plastics, Ductwork, including in-line components, constructed of high-deformability 25 materials, with joints made by welding or brazing, Ductwork, including inline components, constructed of highe or limited) 25 deformability materials with joints made by means other than welding or brazing Duciwork, including in-line componens, constructed of low-deformability 25 materials, such as cas iron glass, and noneductile plastics Electrical conduit, bus dues, rigidly mounted cable tay and plumbing, 10 “Manufacturing or process conveyors (nonpersonne!), 25 Suspended cable rays, 25 120 60 90 90 60 30 60 * lower value for ae is permitted where justified by detailed dynamic analysis. The value for ac shall not be less than 1.0. The value of ac equal to 1.0 is for rigid components and rigidly attached components, The value of cc equal to 2.5 is for flexible components and flexibly attached components © Components mounted on vibration isolators shall have a bumper restraint or snubber in each horizontal direction, The d gn force shall be taken as 2 ifthe nominal clearance (air gap) between the equipment support fame and restraint is greater than 6 mm. If the nominal cletrance specified om the construction documents is not greater than 6 mm, the design force may be taken as 28.162 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 od Equivalent static analysis The equivalent static analysis procedure is permitted to be used for design of a seismically isolated structure provided that: a Q o © D or SE site; The structure is located on Site Class $A, SB, SC, The structure above the isolation interface is not more than four stories or 20 min height Effective period of the isolated structure at the maximum displacement, Tus is less than or equal to 3.0 sec. The effective period of the isolated structure at the design displacement, To, is greater than three times the elastic, fixed-base period of the structure above the isolation system as determined in Sec. ‘The structure above the isolation system is of regular configuration; and The isolation system meets all of the following criteria: (@) The effective stiffness of the isolation system at the design displacement is greater than one third of the effective stiffiess at 20 percent of the design displacement, (b) The isolation system is capable of producing a restoring force as specified in See., (©) The isolation system does not limit maximum considered earthquake displacement to less than the total maximum displacement, Where the equivalent lateral force procedure is used to design seismically isolated structures, the requirements of this Section shall apply. Displacement of isolation system: ‘The isolation system shall be designed and constructed to withstand minimum lateral earthquake displacements that act in the direction of each of the main horizontal axes of the structure and such displacements shall be calculated as follows: (72) Sag| To 2. Dp= (62.62) 9380 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Where, Design spectral acceleration (in units of g), calculated using Bg, 62.34 for petiod Tp and assuming R (See 2.5.43) for the design basis earthquake (DBE). g seceleration duc to gravity Bom damping coefficient related to the effective damping ofthe isolation system athe design displacement, asst forth in Table 62.24 Tp = effective period of seismically isolated structure at the design displacement in the direction under consdertion, os preserved by Ea, 62.63 cw Tp =22}- (6.2.63) OO Vong Where, W = seismic weight above the isolation interface own = minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system at the design displacement in the horizontal direction under consideration. Table 6.2.24: Damping Coefficient, Bp or Bu Effective Damping, fr or fu ** (0) Bor, <2 os s Lo 10 re 20 Ls 30 uw 40 Ls 80 20 * ‘The damping coefficient shall be based on the effective damping ofthe isolation system * “The damping coefficient shall be based on linear interpolation for effective damping values other than thse given ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 1038) ‘The maximum displacement of the isolation system, Dy, in the most critical direction of horizontal response shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula: 2 = Saad i (6.2.64) Where: Sua = Maximum spectral acceleration (in units of g), calculated using Eq. 6.2.34 for period Ty and assuming R=I, I=1, n=1 (See 2.5.43) for the maximum considered earthquake (MCE). By= numerical coeflicient related to the effective damping By of the isolation system at the maximum displacement, as set forth in Table 6.2.24, Ty= effective period of seismiceisolated structure at the maximum displacement in the direction under consideration as prescribed by: w Ty =2")} (62.65) Vie mind Where, ky min = minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system at the maximum displacement in the horizontal direction under consideration, The total design displacement, Dip, and the total maximum displacement, Dixy of elements of the isolation system shall include additional displacement due to inherent and accidental torsion calculated considering the spatial distribution of the lateral stiffness of the isolation system and the most disadvantageous location of eccentric 2, Lateral seismie forces: The structure above the isolation system shall be designed and constructed to withstand a minimum lateral force, Vs, using all of the appropriate provisions for a non-isolated structure. The importance factor for all isolated structures shall be considered as 1.0, also the response reduction factor Ry considered here (for computing design seismic forces) is in the range of 1.0 to 2.0. V, shall be determined in accordance with Eq, 6.2.66 as follows: (62.6) 9383, ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Where, Kpmax = maximum effective stiffness of the isolation system at the design isplacement in the horizontal direction under consideration. Dp = design displacement at the center of rigidity of the isolation system in the direction under consideration as prescribed by Eq, 6.2.62. R= response reason factor rated fo the typeof seismic frcesesiting syslem above the ioition system, Ryall be based on the wpe of seimio-force-resising system used forthe structure above the isolation system and shall be taken as te lesser of 2 (Table 62.19) or 2.0, ut need not be ake less than 1.0 Inno case shall V, be taken less than the following: (1) The lateral force required by Sec 2.5.7 for a fixed-base structure of the same weight, W, and a period equal to the isolated period, Tp; (2) The base shear corresponding to the factored design wind load; and (3) The lateral force required to fully activate the isolation system (e.., the yield level of a softening system, the ultimate capacity of a sacrificial wind-restraint system, or the break-away friction level of a sliding system) multiplied by 1.5. The isolation system, the foundation, and all structural elements below the isolation system shall be designed and constructed to withstand a minimum lateral force, V using all of the appropriate provisions for a non-isolated structure. V, shall be determined in accordance with Eq, 6.2.67 as follows: Vp = komaxDp (6.2.67) Inall cases, Vp shall not be taken less than the maximum force in the isolation system at any displacement up to and including the design displacement. 2.$.16.2.3 Vertical distribution of lateral forces: The total lateral force shall be distributed over the height of the structure above the isolation interface in accordance with Eq. 6.2.68 as follows: (6.2.68) ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 2280) Where: wa Total seismic lateral design force on elements above the isolation system. hishe = Height above the base, to Level i or Level x, respectively. Wi,W_ = Portion of W that is located at or assigned to Level i or Level Xx, respectively, At each Level x the force, F shall be applied over the area of the structure in accordance with the distribution of mass at the level. Stresses in each structural element shall be determined by applying the lateral forces, Fy at all levels above the base to an analytical model. Storey drift: The storey drift shall be calculated as in Sec except that Cy for the isolated structure shall be taken equal to Ry and importance factor equal to 1.0, The maximum storey drift of the structure above the isolation system shall not exceed 0.015hs. Dynamic analysis Response spectrum analysis may be conducted if the behavior of the isolation system can be considered as equivalent linear. Otherwise, non-linear time history analysis, shall be used where the true non-linear behaviour of the isolation system can be modeled. The mathematical models of the isolated structure including the isolation system shall be along guidelines given in Sections and, and other requirements given in Sec 2.5.16. The isolation system shall be modeled using deformational characteristics developed and verified by testing, The structure model shall account for: (i) spatial distribution of isolator units; (ii) consideration of translation in both horizontal directions, and torsion of the structure above the isolation interface considering the most disadvantageous location of eccentric mass; (iii) overtuming/uplift forces on individual isolator units; and (iv) effects of vertical load, bilateral load, and the rate of loading if the force-deflection properties of the isolation system are dependent on such attributes. A linear elastic model of the isolated structure (above isolation system) may be used provided that: (i) stifliness properties assumed for the nonlinear components of the isolation system are based on the maximum effective stiffness of the isolation system, and (ji) all elements of the seismic-force-resisting system of the structure above the isolation system behave linearly. 9388 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 Response Spectrum Analysis: Response spectrum analysis shall be performed using a modal damping value for the fundamental mode in the direction of interest not greater than the effective damping of the isolation system or 30 percent of critical, whichever is less. Modal damping values for higher modes shall be selected consistent with those that would be appropriate for response spectrum analysis of the structure above the isolation system assuming a fixed base. Response spectrum analysis used to determine the total design displacement and the total maximum displacement shall include simultaneous excitation of the model by 100 ps ground motion in the perpendicular, horizontal direction. The design basis t of the ground motion in the critical direction and 30 percent of the earthquake shall be used for the design displacement, while the maximum considered earthquake shall be used for the maximum displacement. The maximum displacement of the isolation system shall be calculated as the vectorial sum of the two orthogonal displacements. For the design displacement, structures that do not require site-specific ground ‘motion evaluation, shall be analyzed using the design acceleration response spectrum, in accordance with Sec The maximum design spectrum to be used for the maximum considered earthquake shall not be less than 1.5 times the design acceleration response spectrum. The response spectrum procedure is based on an equi lent linear model, where the effective stiffness and effective damping is a function of the displacement, this formulation is thus an iterative process. The effective stiffness must be estimated, based on assumed displacement, and then adjusted till obtained displacement agree with assumed displacement, The design shear at any story shall not be less than the story shear resulting from application of the story forces calculated using Eq. 6.2.68 with a value of ¥ equal to the base shear obtained from the response spectrum analysis in the direction of interest. 2.5.16: procedure is performed, not fewer than three appropriate ground motions shall be ibed below. 2 Nonlinear Time History Analysis: Where a time history analysis used in the analysis as de ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 08 Ground motions shall consist of pairs of appropriate horizontal ground motion acceleration components that shall be selected and scaled from individual recorded events. Appropriate ground motions shall be selected from events having ‘magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the maximum considered earthquake. If required number of recorded ground ‘motion pairs are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion pairs shall be used to make up the total number required. For each pair of horizontal ground ‘motion components, a square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) spectrum shall be constructed by taking the SRSS of the 5 percent damped response spectra for the sealed components (where an identical scale factor is applied to both components of 2 pair). Each pair of motions shall be scaled such that for each period between 0.5Tp and 1.25Ty (where Tp and Ty are defined in Sec the average of the SRSS spectra from all horizontal component pairs does not fall below 1.3 times the corresponding ordinate of the design response spectrum (Sec, by more than 10 percent, Each pair of ground motion components shall be applied simultaneously to the model considering the most disadvantageous location of eccentric mass. The maximum, displacement of the isolation system shall be calculated from the vectorial sum of the two orthogonal displacements at each time step. The parameters of interest shall be calculated for each ground motion used for the time history analysis. If at least seven ground motions are used for the time history analysis, the average value of the response parameter of interest is permitted to be used for design. If fewer than seven ground motions are analyzed, the maximum value of the response parameter of interest shall be used for design, 2.$.163.3 Storey drift: Maximum story drift corresponding to the design lateral force including displacement due to vertical deformation of the isolation system shall not exceed the following limits: 1. The maximum story drift of the structure above the isolation system calculated by response spectrum analysis shall not exceed 0.015hg,. 2. The maximum story drift of the structure above the isolation system calculated by nonlinear time history analysis shall not exceed 0.020h. The storey drift shall be calculated as in Sec except that Cy for the isolated structure shall be taken equal to Rrand importance factor equal to 1.0. 9388 ARETE CCE, ARATE, CRBPUPE 9D, 2089 25.164 Testing The deformation characteristics and damping values of the isolation system used in the design and analysis of seismically isolated structures shall be based on test results, of isolator units. The tests are for establishing and validating the design properties of the isolation system and shall not be considered as satisfying the manufacturing, quality control tests, The following sequence of tests shall be performed on isolator units for the prescribed number of cycles at a vertical load equal to the average dead load plus one-half the effects due to live load on all isolator units of a common type and size: (1) Twenty fully reversed cycles of loading at a lateral force corresponding to the wind design force. (2) Three fully reversed cycles of loading at each of the following increments of the total design displacement-0.25Dp, 0.5Dp, 1.0Dp, and 1.0Dy where Dp and Dy_ are as determined in Sec (3) Three fully reversed cycles of loading at the total maximum displacement, 1.0D. (4) Not less than ten fully reversed cycles of loading at 1.0 times the total design displacement, 1.0D1m. For each cycle of each test, the forve-deflection and hysteretic behavior of each isolator unit shall be recorded. ‘The effective stiffness is obtained as the secant value of stiffness at design displacement while the effective damping is determined from the area of hysteretic loop at the design displacement. 25.165 Design review A design review of the isolation system and related test programs shall be performed by an independent team of design professionals experienced in seismic analysis methods and the application of seismic isolation, Isolation system design review shall include, but need not be limited to, the following: (1) _ Review of site-specific seismic criteria including the development of site- specific spectra and ground motion time histories and all other design criteria developed specifically for the project; ARATCRM CCD, OFSTS, CREA 99, 2029 0289 (2) Review of the preliminary design including the determination of the total design displacement of the isolation system and the lateral force design level; (3) Overview and observation of prototype (isolator unit) testing (4) Review of the final design of the entire structural system and all supporting analyses; and (5) _ Review of the isolation system quality control testing program. 2.8.17 Buildings with Soft Storey Buildings with possible soft storey action at ground level for providing open parking spaces belong to structures with major vertical irregularity [Figure 6.2.28(a)]. Special arrangement is needed to increase the lateral strength and stiffness of the sofvopen The following two approaches may be considered: (1) Dynamic analysis of such building may be carried out incorporating the strength and stiffness of infill walls and inelastic deformations in the members, particularly those in the soft storey, and the members designed accordingly. (2) Alternatively, when system overstrength factor, 4, is not included in determining seismic load effects, the following design criteria are to be adopted after carrying out the earthquake analysis, neglecting the effect of infill walls in other storeys. Structural elements (e.g columns and beams) of the soft storey are to be designed for 2.5 times the storey shears and ‘moments calculated under seismic loads neglecting effect of infill walls. ‘Shear walls placed symmetrically in both directions of the building as far away from the centre of the building as feasible are to be designed exclusively for 1.5 times the lateral shear force calculated before. 2.818 Non-Building Structures Calculation of seismic design forces on non-building structures (e.g, chimney, self. supported overhead water/fluid tank, silo, trussed tower, storage tank, cooling tower, ‘monument and other structures not covered in Sec 2.5) shall be in accordance with Chapter 15: Seismic Design Requirements for Non-Building Structures, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-05" complying with the requirements of Sec 2.5 of this Code.

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