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CHAPTER 3. EXAMPLES BASED ON BNBC 2015 3.1 DESIGN OF A 6-STORIED ACADEMIC BUILDING 3.1.1 Building Information + Building Location: Dhaka + No of Storey: 6 stories Building Plinth Area: 690 mi’ (7431 A); Total Area: 4140 m? (44586 1) + Total Height of The Building: 24.70 m (81 ft) + Use of Phe Building: Institutional + Pile foundation connected by grade beam. + Type of Structure: Moment Resisting Frame System without Shear wall. ‘The columns have constant, cross sections throughout the height ofthe building and the bases of the lowest storey are assumed fixed. The plan and elevation of the considered building are shown in the Figure 3.1, 3.2 and Figure 3.3 Design example shown both for SI unit & FPS unit. Since professions are familiar with FPS system, so analysis and design have been done for FPS unit and corresponding SI unit is shown, ” Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 Roof q Ele 3 = ee a + 2 Eb “ aoe Figure 3.3 Elevation of The Considered Building (along Short Dir 3.1.2. Member Dimensions Columns: C1: 300 mm % 760 mm (12"% 30") C2: $00 mm * 500 mm (20" > 20") C3: $00 mm * $00 mm (20" « 20") (C4380 mm * 760 mm (15"» 30") (C5: $00 mm * 1000 mm (20" 40") C6: 500 mm * 760 mm (20" x 30") Beams: 450 mm * 900 mm (18" x 36") and 450 mm * 600 man (18" *24") ‘The stiffness properties of the members were input assuming cracked sections, The following cracked section properties were used: + Beams: fuy= 0.5%, Columns: y= 0.7, Shear Walls: yO. sl, Where J is the gross moment of inertia of the section. {BNBC 2015, §] [ACT 318-11, § 101041] 80 Chapter 3, Example Based on BNBC 3.1.3 Design Data + Material Properties Compressive strength of concrete: f. = 25 Nimm? (3,625 psi) Yield strength of steel: f,~ 400 N/mm? (58,000 psi) = Service Loads Live Loads: roof = 1 kNim? (20 psf) Floor = 3 kN/m’ (60 psf) average live load considered. (BNBC 2015, § 2.3.5) 3.1.4 Seismic Design Data + Zone Coefficient, Z = 0.20 (BNBC 2015, Figure 6.2.24 & Table 6.2.15) * Occupancy Category: II (BNBC 2015, Table 6.1.1) Importance factor, = 1.25 (BNBC 2015, Table 6.2.17) + Site Class based on Soil Investigation data SC (BNBC 2015, Table 6.2.13) + Scismie Design Category C (BNBC 2015, Table 6.2.18) 3.15 Selection of Structural System According to BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.19 for Seismic Design Category C, this building can be designed as intermediate reinforced concrete moment frames, But code allows it can be designed as special reinforcee cconerete moment frame. In this case, this building is designed as special reinforced concrete moment fraine, For this structural system, response reduetion factor, R= 8 and the deflection amplification factor, Cy=5.5 whieh are given in BNBC 2015 Table 62.19. 3.1.6 Design Base Shear ‘The seismic design base shear force in a given direction is de Fg, 6.2.37 ¥ SW 1) Where, 5; is the Design spectral acceleration and Wis the total dead load of the structure including partition ‘walls, and applicable portions of other imposed loads as indicated in BNBC 2015, § dead load of the building ineluding partition walls = 49600 kN (11150 kip) and 25% of Live Load = $783 KN (1300 kip) In SI Units |W = (49600 + 5783) KN= 55383 kN In FPS Units W=(11150-+ 1300 ) kip 2450 kip ‘The building period is approximated by BNBC 2015 Equation 6.2.58 In St unit | in FPS unit Building beight f= 24.70 m Building height he =81 y= 0.0466 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.20) C,= 0.016 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.20) m=0.9 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.20) m= 0.9 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.20) T=C(h,)" T=Chy 0466 * (24.7) 016 = (81) = 0.84 see | = 0:84 sec. 8 Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 f oil type S#1.15,7,: 6 see.,T,=2 see. (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.16) ‘The normalized acceleration response spectrum C, is determined by BNBC 2015 Equation 6.2.35¢ Where, ~ 1.15 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.16) 1) 1 for 5% viscous damping 0.6 sec. (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.16) T= 0.84 see. ‘The design spectral acceleration S, is calculated by BNBC 2015 Equation 6.2.34: 2ZIC, 3R Seismic zone coefficient Z= 0.2 Structural importance factor, Response reduetion factor, R = 8 2 0.2«1.25 Ss 2.05 3 0.043 » 0.67Z18=0.67 «0.2 * 1,25 «0.15 =0.03[8 =0.15, BNBC 2015, §] So, from equation (3.1) In $, Units In FPS Units V=SW Ves = 0.083 + 55383 0.043 « 12450, 382 KN 535 kip 3.1.7 Vertical Distribution of Lateral Forces, The base shear V, shall be considered as the sum of lateral forces F, induced at different floor levels. Part of base shear force induced at level x is calculated by BNBC 2015 Equation 6.241 wh Down’ 2 Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 In SI Units For T=0.84 sec., (BNBC 2015, § Base shear, = 2382 kN Swat 061 * 3.66" 9061 « 7.32!" + 10449 * 10.97" + 9804 »15,55!"7 + 10983 x 20.12!" +6027 24.69 In FPS Units For T= 0.84 sec., = 1.17 (BNBC 2015, § Base shear, V = 535 Kip 1037 x 12! 4 2037 « 24! + 2340 x 367 + 2204 x $117 4 2469 * 6647 + 1355 * 81! = 1059892 = 1174562 Now Equation 3.2 Now Equation 3.2 F,= (53511089892) « yh!” F y= (2382/1174362) «wih! 0.0005 = wi," 8.3) 0.002 xi! 63) | From equation S1R.6KN ————~_ iis kin) astm %, as.) 7264N (166 Kip) 186 KN 9 Kip) 3.66m | | (2.07) B3kN (9 Kip) 3.66m (207) 0 Figure 34 Base Shear Foree at Different Floor Levels According to BNBC 2015, To compare the base shear of BNBC 2015 with that of BNBC 1993, total base shear in the same direction is determined by BNBC 1993 as follows: Part of base shear induced at level x, W=Fwh, Dok TThe total design base shear in a given direction is determined by BNBC 1993 Eq, 2.5.1 (Part 6) 83 Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 Seismic zone coefficient, Z= 0.15 Structure importance coefficient, [= 1,0 Response modification coefficient, R = 12 The total seismic dead load, 17" =49600 KN 1.258 (BNBC1993 Bq, 2.5.2) Site Coefficient, § = 1.35 [Average value of S2 and $3 is considered, Because soil profile is judged in between two.) ‘Ch “(BNBC1993 Bg, 2.5.3) 0.033 24.7 m Cig® 073 (24.7)"* 81 sec. c=125* 97 251,350.81)" 94 <2, So, Base Shear, 7 (ZIC/R)W =0.15»1.01.94+49600/12 1203 kN For structural design this base shear shall be multiplied by @ overload factor 1.4025 (ve. 1.1°1.7%0,75)faccording to load combination: 0.75(1 4DLH.TLL+1.1*17 B)] So, Design base shear = 1.4025 « 961 1687 kN 07 TV since T>0.7see 07 081 * 1687 =96kN cy In FPS Units Seismic zone coefficient, Z=0.15 Structure importance coefficient, = 1.0 Response modification coefficient, R= 12 ‘The total seismic dead load, # = 11150 Kip (BNBC1993 Eq, 2.5.2) Site Coefficient, § = 1.35 [Average value of $2 and $3 is considered, Because soil profile is judged in between two] T= Chg) (BNBC1993 Eq, 2.5.3) C= 0.03 0.03 * (81)* 0.81 see s 125% 87 1.25%1,35i(0.81)" =194 <2.75 So, Base Shear, V=(ZICIR)W =0.15*1,0%1.94* 1115012 = 270 Kip For structural design this base shear shall be multiplied by a overload factor 1.4025 (Le. 1.1%1.7*0,75)faccording to load combination: 0.75. ADLALTLL1.19.7 B)] So, Design base shear = 1.4025 * 27 F.=0.077V since T>0.7see 0.07 0879 215 kip 379 kip Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 457m (so) 457m (15'0") 3.665 m 02.07 366m / ae 72 kN (6 kip) 365m 2-07) ‘0 Figure 3.5 Base Shear Foree at Different Floor Levels According to BNBC 1993 3.8 Storey Drift ‘The displacements 5,, obtained from the three dimensional static, elastic analysis using the design seismi 3.1, The table also contains design earthquake forces in the N-S direction are summarized in Tabl displacement 5,computed by BNBC 2015 Eq. 6.2.45: Ball Deflection amplification factor, Cy Importance Factor, I= 1.25 5 (BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.19) Table 3.1 Lateral Displacement and Inter-storey Drifts due to Seismic Forces in N-S Direction Storey be = Ciba A=. bes 6 312mm(123in) | 1374mm(.4lin) | 54mm (0.61 in) 5 27.7 mm(J.09in.) | 121.9 mm(480in) | 246mm (097 in.) 4 22.1 mm (0.87 in) | _97.3mm(.83in) | 312mm (1.23 in.) 3 15.0mm (0.59 in.) | 66.0mm(2.60in) [23.6 mm (0.93 in) 2 89mm(0.38in) | 424mm(167in) | 234mm (0.92 in) 1 43 mm (0.17 in) 19.0 mam (0.75 in) 9.0 mm (0.75 in) The design storey drift at storey x shall be computed as the difference of the deflections at the cent ‘mass at the top and bottom of the storey under consideration: A=6,-6. (BNBC 2015 Eq. 6.2.46) The design storey drift must not exceed the allowable storey drift 4, from BNBC 2015 Table 6.2.21. For Occupancy Category Ill, As = 0.015 fi 85 (Chapter 3. Example Based on BNBC 2015 Where, ig is the the storey height below Level x In SI Units In FPS Units For Ground, 1", 2" Floor For Ground, 1", 2" Floor hog = 3.66 ml ho= 128 A, = 0,01543.66% 1000 A, = 0.015*12%12 35mm =2.16 in, For other floors For other floors Here, jig = 4.57 m Fig = AS RE A. =0,0154.57%1000 Ae = 0.015% 15%12 69 mm 2.7 in, Iris evident from Table 3.1 that forall the stories, drifts are less than A. 3.1.9 P-A Riffect According to BNBC 2015, §, the P-lelta effects need not be considered if the stability coefficient (@) determined by the following equation is not more than 0.10 PA *VhiCy (BNBC 2015 Fg, 6.2.48) > the design storey drift occurring simultaneously with F Y= the storey shear force acting between levels x and x | dic the storey height below level x G he deflection amplification factor The stability coefficient (6) shall not exceed @nar determined as follows: Oo = 05 $0.25 (BNBC 2015 Eq. 6.2.49) mm BC, Where, =ratioof shear demand to shear capacity forthe storey between levels rand y=1. Conservatvely pelo. Inthe N-S diretion, In $1 Units _ InFPS Units Level} fce(m) | Pe(KN) | ¥.(KN) |4(mm) | 8 Level] Fixe (ft.) | P,(kips)| V.(kips)) A(in.)} 8 | ast | oar [sa [isa foo] | [6] 1s | ss | ne foot [ooo 5 487 [17010 [1250 [246] 0013] | (s_[ 18 | saz | 2m | 097 [001s «| ast | aosia [736 [312 | 002] | Ca as | ears | 392 [a3 002 3 | 366 [37263 | 2090-[236[ 002] | [3 [12 | e377 | 470 To9s| 002 2 | 3466 | 6304 | 2266 [234] 002] | [2 -| 2 [v0Ha| 32 Tos | 002 1 [3.66 ['ss3as | 2349 | 90 | 002] | [1] 12 | iaast | s30_ [075] om Itis clear that P-delta effects need not be considered at any of the floor levels, However, If 0.10 < 8 < Oya the incremental factor related to P-delta effects on displacement and member forces shall be inereased by rational analysis or multiplied by a factor 1.0/(1 ~ 4). (BNBC 2015, § ‘Where fis greater than ya, the structure is potentially unstable and shall be redesigned Where the P-delta effect is included in an automated analysis, BNBC 2015 Eq. 6.2.49 shall still be satisfied, however, the value of @ computed from BNBC 2015 Eq, 6.2.48 using the results of the P-delta ‘analysis is permitted to be divided by (| + 6) before checking BNBC 2015 Eq, 6.2.49. 86 Chapter 3. Example Based on BNC 2015 3.1.10 Soft Storey According to BNBC 2015, §, a soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of that in the storey above or less than 80% of the average lateral stiff irregularity, An extreme soft storey is defined where its lateral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the storey above or less than 70% of the average lateral stftiess of the three stories above, This irregularity type is needed to be checked for building only assigned to SDC D. of the three stories above However, this requirement will be omitted when no storey drift ratio under design lateral seismic force is greater than 130 percent of the storey drift ratio ofthe next storey above, Using the data in Table 3.1, check ey satisfies the storey drift ratio requirement. {sts 7 tn FPS Units | 24.6 i 5s — Soe 1.23 $584) _(__246 _) 9, oor, | Pes 0068 | (seats) oe At ( hy } (3) o (25) 0.007 | at3 for, 1.3 28. 3.66%1000 { 0397) _ 9.097 15%12 Thus, check for soft storey irregularity is not necessary. If soft storey exist then, designer will follow the provisions of BNBC 2015, § 2.5.17, 3.1.11 Load Combinations Basie strength design load combinations are given in BNBC 2015, § Us 14D G4) U=12D+ 160 85) 12D+10E+L0L 3.6) 09D~1.0E an According to BNBC 2015 § 2.5.13, these load combination given below need to be considered US(L2 D+ £,)+ LOE ~ LOL 88) U=(9D- £4 10E G9) U=(.2D+E) + 1.01 + 0B (X) £038 (1) G.10) 1.2D+E)+1.0L~ 106 ()+03E() (G11) (0.9D-£,)+ 1.08 (4) £0361) G.12) U=(0.9D- £)~ 1.08 (1) #03E () 3.13) Where, D. L, E are the effects due to dead, live & seismic loads, respectively & the vertical seismic load effect £ is calculated by BNBC 2015 Eq. 6.2.56 E,=0.5(a;)D 4, = expected horizontal peak ground acc 2/3) x 0.2 * 11S =015 ration for design = (2/3)ZS E,-0.5(a)) D E,=05*015*D E,=0.078D a7

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