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iis) Er cuuiencser - Rrra yas Pres Nematoda, ‘Acanthocephala, Enfoprocts, Rotifers, Kinorhynchat org aa, COAF- GIF FA (L.00 loa) eR CTIED Deg Chonda gee oe. CHE (Metaphire posthuuna), + (Culex pipiens), 7 Sah (Astcrias vulgaris), 2% (Tenualosa ilisha) Serf | Carbon mar C. Nitrogen oxide 1D. Sulphur dioxide Solvay = tom site were rt Carbon dioxide (CO,) ARR ae | AB Siete Ome Saft ag af aa Sta ARTS MTN ELH CHL, TE HAR ls ermine er | A. Astronomy B. Anthropometry €, Hlectromaisnstism B, Thermodynamics Welygy = taraia secre Rene: i. SRT (Mechanics) ~arofe (Heat) “AISWTA (Souind) iv. Stersfrary (Light) BRR (Magnetism) Electricity) vi (Electromagnetism) vii (Thermodynamics) ix. GearfefSr (Astronomy) % Resi (Electronics) Xi, SHOAPSET (Relativity) xii, RSiey omnear, ‘FSSEH (Nuclear physics) (Quantum physics) ‘A. Loneliness B. Childhood Purity D.Faisly Ea) AE Noun aM a xm Adverb- ae ater | Sanh or, ere cer Tea set Gi es ood, ty, ship, tion, sion, ence, - down, -ment, = ANCE EETE Sullex ICE CreeM Noun. ret Kindness, happiness Mateo, moheciood, childhood, Lonelines, purity, beaut hee Sey Fiiendship, kingship, ownership, Judgement, defence, wisdom, freedom, argument, ert (Slug) : 2107, Na,CO, war ensfes e, m=23%2)+124 | Sdlyg : etenrer erst omy ata eta Cre Ta TEA RT ACT: 2b AB > PNT $034 TET GA 9 cb aR PET So ce ATCT S| ia OTR ahomta a rreNE Ca ERTS mee eae | a) GBA Rey GCE GIST CH TH 92 [SONA 2050 mem Se CORD Fras sat ee. Tem -aeeRT MAC B.0.74 M C047 M D. 098M. (16x 3) =106 85) foo <5 2, S “ss wa" B. Repiilin A. Amphibia D. Aves C.Actinopteryait (Sree sal TTS, OTIS, cHceTaTs, SSS Ae, “spmie ams Fert ii, Repillla: Tierer, Beh, eet, i ee EE aT ili, Actinopterygii; 24 i. Amphibi odiim carbonate ATs D. Caustic soda serra : Wolyg): worerets sham cot site wet Se ee Note: Fx woven were cororaTece: [arora afi} 2 at > fia ret scree ei Atat- Cal’, Mg? AD’, Fe a | > Resta ge: ers, Gi, SOs, COs, CO, S, BREET | “RPE ee © wv. pe Wider, fice vii wili: Ne: Ne + attr: (fafea ones) > cre ermal Fe it ena! wh et ra eH RATE AM | i Hine ii ts, tie Wi. eu, en iv. Witt, Wha, Sice wee IN witicr tine vin Siig, ae ‘iit Mar, fk, Seu fe afore (Fee corn) —> cae sraretar SRDS steer ate fey Gd oreeT) ee MCT Beret fe, etter sree sion 40m i tite fi TtNa, Be vi RK, 269, (CL vi IC IN vii TH tHe viii: Si, te, HS, eo itcrtan (aftr) > crate sraraign FAB Epercone resale Meet Se eT Hoe aria fey tors sera ve @ comtka wta wont Cop ECHR CIONET vrRocarE aT RCaratTE 0m 1 CWT RTE (corm a “9°) FPR ate fe. i pata! wee “ere) a or fee) aera | ates | lpn wee of an macitew one | ‘A Iisa matter of right B, Serve hit right. [tis sich a fut chad it wll ight itself 1D. He is the right mun for the job, Sig: righ’ ut see (A) Ce Noun, CD) SHH (C) 6 Veer se eH {D) 6 Adjective EME OARS ECHR | . | te [seca eae Am Sar Tage ane wee a8 sft“ The Law of Motion.” = Sronia Sret Sree Se | werent ay nf Te cre eT GPCI STOTT fire any Fecencontiem arora SEPA mrcaen = acer o aeea TafeRrreT oeee es | > ioe eae COT RTT afore FC ey © Just, Just now, Ever, Yet, Already’ => You ever (be) to New York. = Have you ever been to New York? © No sooner had.....than, Searcely had, bad... before/when #70" 9% Verb 1 3H Verb ® Past form FaTe EH | CM + he knew everything Past perfect tense ®0 | T= = > The patient (die) before the doctor came + The patient (die) after the doctor (come) = The patient died after the doctor had come. = You had better go hoiie. A. fafa corti C. creveuen vantt => wants Conc ACHTATED OH | > Seefigcs MaTEEAT FT TOT ATT | > Sani g acre i eee eT TP SoH Bt Present Perfect tense KH! CT: © Before «ra of 74 Past perfect terise AR after UF = The patient had died before the doctor came. ii, feats a1 freeway ii, CS EE, TR + No sooner had I reached the station than the tain lef => Scarcely had Irreached the station when the train left > Hardly bad I reached the station when the train le © AS if, As though WaT 8 Clause Te Er indefinite S046 3H fF Past indefinite 1 CRT Het ‘+ Had better, had rather, would better, would rither, let need, dare Berita 1 74 verb 4 present form 77) “arm | CHE: You had better (to go) home. Solu cre te ey nO mS FC MT fro 5 sai (oeaieers 4 era TeMEAAS catty) Cat era G > oe 7 [> eneace Faeec crerte err ore ort — cosas >. girs teed ena me oi > xref ses fbeeth seer came mone oe > mcs famcect anerorcs ere Gif ore | ‘A, Ammonia B, Nitrogen peroxide ©, Nitriciacid D, Nitrous acid PSO t yy = Feo tent ever eas | [> re, Feotae sntote Senet [ars fire Ritual ‘fray Fas, OIG (F;, Ch, Bra | HEME, A aI, 11), 01. KMnO4, K.Crs waits, eats 6 wien ee (KCl, KNO) SiEsaRs (MnO, PbO;), H,0; oe Bs It IE oN Na;S:0s. Hy, C, CO, 14S, Hl, Hie ser GMPTIE (F<0, FeCl (FeCl), SnCL), (KMnO4+KOH) @ | SaCh), |:SO4) 4) (K:C,0;+H,S0,) at Ret, Feet, exreart fifern, era srarts, ores | Saree far efre @ abs 6 were met! TOE MT BH =F Good cholestrol lipoprotein ca ar Fea tem ere Fad Wola): ssicaitaee (NHL) ence score ates cor soremr an “otaaas (NHOH) FH ss | A817 28917 WB oiog : RR ore ec a Ree are | ar OnE ae TP FT R09 ET IRE OT OIC as FEE eH B2K717 D.28317, > eR eet eres o Fone Fectce Ter CH NO, IINO>, SO3r 0, } A, ss } Bree er ctor iH Conate D. emo {1 Seg < ere fo cee cree ce at SAT, | aereetir o aymat Sarr GATS owl ME STF PS, caren. cei Bf CHIE SHARE| ‘AOL mpl C.0,001 mg/l Fy, Ch. 03.0), SOx. NOs. Bis, HsO>, HNO, 180. » Tei many years since I (moet) her tat. | his many years singe I met her last » Tk was many years sinee I (meet) her last ‘vas many years since T had met her last Would you mind, mind, cannot help, with a view to, look forward to Bates a 74M verb 470% ing OTT SH, CA = “> Would you mind (to take) a cup of 2? = Would you mind taking a cup of tea? © This high time, It is time, fancy, wish Sanh wm verb at 97% past form #M | CoReT = => itis high tine we (to take) some steps = Its high Lime we took some stops fe If + Subject + were srmem Ct verb tafe might, could, would 129 | Cm > If were a bird, I (fly) J= 181 were a bird, would fly 1s 1f+ ‘present indefinite + future indefinite, CO + J» IFy ou study Fatt, you (pass) inthe exam le If you study hurd, You will pass in the exam > vara, If + past inde! + past conditional + (Subject + would mightould +394 verb 4 Past fort) Gr + <> If went, tie (Come) = IEL went, he would come © warata, If + past perfect * perfect conditional (Subject + ‘would have/might have/could tiave + verb 4 Past Participle form) <4 + |» If you had started earlier, you (catch) the bus, = Ifyou had started earlier, you would hav A Cs Sly : afore sere ace reece 3316 CAB eM aT acnfien | Notes cuca ar Pex wary ee: >. syfeearoea srr ag sewnces cme se 9 Daa, 145) PONTE FR = carer, BARI St o afi, fieceratie- ore so are, Tea, a CHT aE e Gh aes, ara Sree Siw, starsat Clete 3078 vee 9 Bier Bey Com 35 7 > soccer ran Bre a anf OTR Ghee Reem MIT Jp: afrce ates ora efecae stce once Riecaer caf > Sirens cer afer ge war 3 ies 5b a> WSOlygg : Amr confers (Na) cr yer ecw $9 | FEO AO} B.CFC C.CO; D.CHy > Wolyg) : ews shogtea rr eT CO; Note: Seq Sta aber Pre *reeAT fey: [TET 10a sat A, $99,692,758 “B, 299.792 458 C.499 992 638 1D, 399 892 $53 So hyig) aren a eters efector wan mp aT 2907 458 OM BOF (2) Ppa A DNASE A. Cemeare tor ft C, Miers catere B, faprotaer Doe (Solyg) : ort ata DNA ¢ RNA ortarors Sates: (Sioa {DNA Starr. 1 etary, Serr, cere ‘onfeom, TIV afecorerttr Parem Se ih RNA SieEE TMV, HIV, 6, CTS, REF, ADT SRA, OITA CTO, CHA, SIRT carers, Aone, Fraert, Saucrer-B, BS ei Del caf ltr sacs fairs HH A RCS A NaF neu ert (Na) Seam ea RorePT ACT 92 Py) ‘A, Biometric attendance B, Xemy, C. Magnetic Resonance Imagini, D, Ultrasound [Ore ea ae ee en ca (FREE 9983) [Bret cover ery eravene are feet Gren ‘ABST HTT ORO! TAR > Oats secre core Piiee Pico ace AT > RAW GIO UE site ta 8S Pligg etrecae sree secs orn oT EE | Gres ste surement ste: [Te] |» ARCA ea 6 FTIS aes EOE STE SIA | + -SiIeiBemncre a 0. gum seme STE o,Sjum te ae Sie wa tatire wire a | |» siisfeennices etibra carat sears sie ea > 20 Fae are METI Ada TEST Sat OF eT | => SCR RH eI. Ao-ho MATTE STATA SM ECG 100 faites ace cole acare Simeone acmcE [cp sro far | A, ORR Cust ontart D.zen8 fester Wolyg - eres ert wart ores, Fe is ne we CreaeuInn CHIT Saree | a A. STARR Corns ca D. RES core WBokyg) : ee ATs THEE © TRACE so tat erpat ee: [sera armor orewiics at 6 unbae ate aire A.Don't make so much noise, Iwas trying (0 work B. Don’ tmake so much noise, | tried to work. ©. Don't make so|much noise, I had tried to work. D, Don't make so much noise, Tam trying to work. PS0ligs = Soret’ c bbsiect 10 Future Continuous Subject-+ shallwill + be Vy Gna) 7 objet 11, Fonure Perfect Subjest +shallwill-Phave + (PP. form) = object 12, Fatre Perfect ‘Subject shalliwill + have been + v (i object ‘Contirmouis AO B.AB CB DA PSolig) : ORY 14 ‘Blood group! we Ry oy YT eT: | Set amSoUER sos orem goer Teea cetera ac > sare were 8 fared si Fat SAE A,B, AB sO, ii, area one eee wae ic mrairapiy aie. fora oer nei: cs HCI ae wf cers ret mee OPT AIT EH 9.0% 0.956 Sa, 0D TN AT Fa TE RN SRE D00-)aoofEM Me SET TEL 255 vy frat one Foal eT eT Sear ane aaE MOTE Ne MEH eT sf ome scree apart i wt det 8, oe inset et cto + cont can + cece iver SES com rece HCI Peps eu exrereo cate cee URES GoM ae 90% Fo, 0 S0% Steen st, 0 80% TM SOR OTT TR APN POE OE OE ofa wor concer craiag mie arate sre SST GY 10m /10°> 10" GET BR ESE AICS AS Ma 1 \1eV/ eV: encdamncan fe axe 0,70V oes OTN nT SES Lars om Seer Reon oe fee afteters 6 oT MAA ee ne REP TE Ses Be Ae a eh oeaeeE aS om vidi, BE etree Serery Free omnes aft ears ait aR ores e AE ome i GA RET 6 CER OTST TOT TES | eV TR Serer fires, orcs, arsfeee arrotes, sera SITES | B. Resting spore D. Hypnospore ‘A. Aplanospore © Zoospore Solvay = ese Serer ser af: i yanceenfetls Come > Aplanospore Hi, eee ofarare sepa WATE Cm > Resting spore: iii, BENT Cm —+ Zoospore iv, Coenrare ConeiTeNeD oa eSieaTe Crm — Hypnospore B. Vanadium D. Mangiiese ‘A.Chromium €. Nickel Stainkess steel I SSVCHe SCE ATES ARIS: Fe-73%, Cr-L8%, Ni-8%, C-1% ‘A300 Bt B. 3000 8 C.30¥0 D.s¥o ®t [Roly = nie ice “ea, W—= Fs mes = 209.800.2520, (oly, eae on ee Tero Toy EER | “eat fami ame oe 3 ere ACE MER THAR 30 sifeoars wrainit cote aOR Me Ie4e MoM So wIgut fet ARUN tera eA DRT oy TE A Ee ge EEE do 90 Te 98 orgie FEF. “aRPre afebT cet \ Oe ATO 90. CoTCH FO RCH PRET sOe aint fens cert yi Soa ra 29 TE SE FERUE SE OS OE TT Home res MRA COTO TA feta acts weet fei ExSer! mre eee 2 ay Ir FOF“ TEER (RR) RES, So¥9 STO 20 Ce BATE AE TES FOF FTE | AAS Bex Sexe Deas Silk: He one ateae aests a oremomtt Sars Covet GTA mH) BRU acer er om Se Tr ens eee aaa Zaid [Notes Cr G8 ercane eg EH wer: | sifsaras eee strorew afte en. ancy ance > SHRI Trg er rer eee cre act. x6 TIE, Sous [> SRSA ete stem GH ert feet. oe omy > CN aaa merce “arag Sort ory earTOr ceric ere [> tileaics sey ars after fiaoa aH. Shao sen 4 ore [> ae carr rote often Rater er soe0 aon ya Fiore > ree ors aes mee “efor were’ feos come sar ma OFT, Seas ‘ Doe Soligy : at acyr ax wap waOleR | orm SE OR eH RG SOR HAC CoM ICR, ca se STE TITER ee TE RAD reas ST SIC TH ICR | A CTE ‘siireasrcican San ‘A. Metliylalcoko! B, Acetylene Ethyl formate D. Methane WSolug) : eraieate Ss + CHCI, + KOH SO) + KCI+H.0 ‘ Feiter strona ts R-CO-GHisaxyrawon Ay © -NEA)CH,CO- ere ARR, 41) CH CH CO- Sere a, (Gort: CH\CHSON, siTerrI> Ry] ) Reni ee Fest crm | 0, ror feenas faftamte CH ~CO oH +4111) 28's CHiCHI,CH + Ko os, one Fara: 211CHO+NsOH-HCOONe+CHLOH (aren) rare a6: c aittarcey Fy GaN aye FAG or SHE. HCHO, (CE) C-CHO Tene A. ate Bre? C. fr. D. cart WBolie) : cree ate ore ererzcen: (eraser) i pew - om, ory, hE ii, SAPO - aI, oer, Gg, sao =, et = S121, FR, Se, fe = Hin, sta, 2, Ee Sgn dem 1 Se — a, 9 Bie afr x. WET xi, Fem = bt, stereo xi oe sii, 3OreT seer, se, fe xiv afer Xv, CT SAG, FT WSolyg) 2 a ah sires verarg coy ere eT CHIC MT AWA TO HH, OT (Covalent bond) #0" | 2 BD TESTO TL GA ATE . Light Amplification by E ‘D. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emiision of El Radiation: Solve) : LASER aa (AT ‘Light Amplification by Stimulited Emission of Radiation ‘A. Archegonium B. Gametantium G. Sporangium: ¥ ‘D. Amtheridium: VSoizg, <1 ertathe Since setae eeeniam at | ‘Seats SHTCaSTeRTy ACT | I Noue-stemre tr ore Sere Ca oar sel 5 rere acai, Sarma esa Sia feres tes > arr GFR ATT RROPRTRS: Me TES a ores FH, AS © OTT (SES SA TTA) > ee ere RE eLTAY ATSIC SIS | > crerancerrerteat Bear Free tbe ae caren ere Bop CFE | Ly rare enna ee TT TE a FCAT ATT # cs wet Sora epee one is ere SAT ee Se GFE ATE | > aang Recor ARE | Gprecea eae ATEN SCHAAR) >. Ss SST ST | 5 cacnen Sis ona aorerate ah BD, OTs ST Ree cece Sits oft sere war force Sree Fer > cre yaa, RTC Te crm Fer a> cs Spe em AT aT a ea mt cmt Sev oT Decide against — COM ROE fewree Pers CMT -Freuse from/of— Ft # Exhausted with — #1 Glance over — OY FAA Glance at ==rTCAT a GaSe, Ne, Ar, Kr Xe Ro) Ge, Bi, Si, As, Sb, T3B ete a * = sin see Din | Solygy : 7% Soe ser74°C° WAS 107. Notes crate acct PE preposition : = 8AM Js Abide in <4P1 #1 © LeV=1.6% 10) © Lkw=134 HP © 1 Kwh =36 x10°J= 3.6 10 eam Beer C.aRene Der Stig) < rare scat ceo een: sere, Cote, CATO e SIT | ‘As They are biilding a new road in the city, B. The room has been cleaned . Somebody lias cleaned the room D. Somebody is using the computer now WS6lygy. : Se’ ax Sentence- ® Passive forms SE ‘ aS dt Note: CIN Ne FeeIM Active voice Tena caer Beet or chh a eeer ott em | f= Hewas killed by himself a Js Wemade himcapiain ae Si Si Soe fe eee |= He was elected captain by us sd SiC, CORT, iat Sore ret ire | 5 => mer cifire. cir AL Boe < Cary D fer sp ererctins a: eater | Sly «ne, wnat een fea ag neyo | > eens va warece aferen oc serery erefiee) erat acgarm atfy | — RE follies) coon waver eter | SH TR ERD, Tey, Hoe Cate Doar Say = 4° errata ere aes ca 4°C cece es AUGEAT aT ATCT UTE OR A oes ns ware ee | ‘ iLO. B. UNESCO, WHO D.UNDP * FSi: UNESCO's ure cafteder @f8 sn54 omer arora a9 vox ARTE ONS cite MRE BUSS em oR aT nany schools in many sebools. C, She said that she taught in many schools. D, She said she had education in many schools WSolyg) : SPB’ ewe SG Sentence-Pe Indirect Speech; GHAI. Direct speech 4 Reporting verb "past indefinite tense =H STE Indirect speech “# Reporting specch a= tense ® past perfect & | Note: ORY Als Direct specels C&C Indirect 7A IAF Reported speceh a Tense Seal Fafea ARO: +> Present indefinite => Past indefinite |-> Present continuous => Past continuous |-> Present perfect => Past perfect |-> Presemt perfect continuous = Past perfect continuous |-> Past indefinite => Past perfect > Past continuous = Past perfect continuous > Past perfect => No change ee I> Past perfect continuous => No change > fa Mo auxiliaries present form (shall, will)= 4 i= past form £4 (would, should) past form (sould, should) STREET CHT REN SEAT > efit ver orate eon ores steam oR iter cormmrere cere Se Rem ies irene afore ‘A. IFT won the lottery, I shall buy a big house: B. If} won the lottery, I will buy house. If win the lottery. I shall buy a big) , If won the lottery, bought a big house: FSolug) : Su ‘Ct Sentence ® Correct Sentence @AR IN win the lottery, I shall buy a big house, AUIS BOeae D frome WSolyg) : Cyeas" ee er ere ara Note: OIC #16 ‘Cycas' rite ffoy wan [emer 9 Ceaser are ATT) “> Cyvasne coremers a re Berean Fer > Gyeance thes ery oree > core Serer fox oat) => Cyeas eth ye Be > erie hehe ey (ob) senor Ces pecnga > Cheat OAS AH Cyeadacens | =) Ceara af attomemaetfon 0-2 OLR wet => Cysasne Ober eerie <> mie 2.02 coca ¥cE cee OTR is CH | Cyeas tT RE TTT | tras Ceaser ef &R Cons Sa core, > aon 9 yeas 4 mo RT ‘Kt => Cyeas revoluta 63 fm ar Ore TEREST! Gea pwns Sone afer a OEE THRE TE | Soun A Wa C.dB D.DB Sa, Dispulsed:— Preposition we “Haars su cere rere <1 | + Itis (0 O'clock ("= of) => The poor man, went a begging (a=0n) ‘A, SreMTEePy 3, fees C. oranbian Doerr ONC aMEDN NaN AT CTE MAO HOOT HTH | ‘A, NaCl + AgNO} —- NaNO) +AgCI B,2H,S+S0; 21,0 +38" z €. CaCO, + Ca0+ CO ‘D, HF +KOH KF + 11,0 ofr (aie adcara free fiom, ory) fee, eae fee Saree oa es SoeronS fos 4, aoe eret are a tte | Te ANSWER: MBBS ADMISSION TEST: 2010208 lec (nD. [s.A_ [9D 168 ]17.G 8e 30) Rep Re [28c [20) ep [37.0 [s8e 46.0 [47.0 [48a OB sein [57.8 SRA [omc orn [68 laz.a [PRD SD. [eA aD) yk lord [ee [96.A es eg

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