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Im my panel there was only one lady. First she asked me to introduce myself.

Then asked if I like programming or not. I said yes.

1.she asked me to write the program to find if a number is even or odd.
2.Then she wrote the following program :
Main ( )
{ int i =7;
printf(“%d”, i ++ * i++);
also for the above program printf(“%d”, ++i * ++ i); diff between i++ and ++i.
3.diff between binary tree and AVL tree. Asked me to draw diagrams and explain. How
to make a binary tree an AVL tree.
4.what is dynamic binding.
5.What is polymorphism. What are the diff types of polymorphism in c++.
6.Then she wrote the following :
char func( int a, int b);
char * func( int a, int b);
and asked me if it is an example of function overloading or not. a class with the data name, age and salary and write three functions one to set
the data, one to get the data and anotjer to display the data.
8.what is a universal gate. She sketched a NOT GATE with feedback from the output to
the input line ( one input and one output line ) and asked me to identify the device and
draw its truthtable.
9. what is the diff between compiler and interpreter.
10. what are the diff phases of a compiler.
11.what are syntactic and semantic errors. Give an example and explain.
12. she wrote on a paper “I eat horse” and asked me what kind of error is this.
13. asked me that a program consists of 10 lines. There is an error in the 5th line , how
would the compiler and interpreter behave.
14. what is deadlock.
15. deadlock detection and deadlock prevention which one is better.
16.what is normalization.
17. what is an entity.
18. what are the diff types of relations between antities.
19. what is DDL, what is DML.
20. how many bit-processor is the 8085 microprossesor.
21. the memory space that 8085 microprocessor can address.
22. conversion of a number from decimal to hexadecimal.
23. define waterfall model(classical) . tell me its advantages and disadvantages. many layers are there in ISO/OSI model.
25. how many layers are there in TCP/IP reference model and their names.
26. diff between TCP and UDP.
27.what is protocol.

These are all the questions I was asked. I couldn’t clear the Tech round because I felt
very uncomfortable with the compiler part with which she spent a lot of time. And also
the digital logic part, I couldn’t identify the device and couldn’t draw the truthtable.
Also I told the diff between TCP and UDP is TCP is connection oriented and UDP is
connectionless, she said that’s not the only difference but I couldn’t remember others
Though in the form I mentioned my fav subjects as C,C++, OS, Datastructure, Software
Engineering, I was asked questions from other subjects too as you can see here. I couldn’t
answer all those confidently. I would like to suggest you to be prepared for all kinds of
I hope this mail will help you.
Best of luck.

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