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a fashion company the Philippines went at festivals $ and appearances val of Girona 2 DH 3 Workin aption. Where 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and read the is the festival? Which adjectives do you think deseribe it? boring colorful crowded exciting fun loud —noisy popular. quiet relaxing 1n to a visitor at the Dinagyang Festival. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 The speaker went toa festival in Manila ae 2 The festival is on the fourth Sunday in January. 1, F 3, People wear colorful clothes and make-up. TF 4. The music is in one part of the city yr t F 5 The visitor enjoyed the local food. pairs. Discuss these questions. Use the adjectives in Exercise 1 1 What is an imps When is it? 2 What do people do on the day? Do they eat special food? 3 Do people wear special clothes or make-up? isa popular festion! in my country There's loud music and dancing in the streets, People wear colorful clothes. jortant day or festival in your town or city? Escaneado con CamScanner E 8a Global fashion Vocabulary clothes 41 Workin pir. Match these words with the photos ail ter cco reer Tice teers gteggings rai “hoe. j-anens.— kstitF soc = see or ree ‘a an" a ve fi 2 Penton ana Pee tt ay tnd cet ey ¥ gait sy sy 5 shorts a 2 shows /s/ /5/ 6 a 9 shire sy og ih ; 4 shiek 467 p5) i age wer the questions. 3 Workin groups. Answer the q 1 What cltes do you wear every day 2. What clothes do you only we 2 What clothes do you only wearin the wine, {When do people wear suits? 5. When do women wear dresses? ar in the suey Reading (6 Wek in pac, When you go shopping fo ad iach et tle GAARET iro epee ot acest eat nad rarer an ee to4 (1 = most important, 4 = least important) * theprice 2 * the brand | * thecolor = + thecountryirs from ; 5 Work in pars. Read the article below about fashion company. Answer the questions 1 Which country ae the bs ? the bags from 2 Where does the company sell the b Read the article again and complete the si wit thse people: Ones used ice feshion desire Vocal workers eet tarted Rags2Rish= LES make the produc eta good sli G23 Work withthe com GLoBaL FASHION 1 2 3 4 Te neeaTeN ne pot emai ma Company Ragas Compan Reese Ferandec sco foos! renee Rata sate Workers ae 8 0 growing. thas abos reg more pence Theme ate Bosse te, aoe meaner se iar = oo ee Escaneado con CamScanner Grammar present continuous information and practic, see page 172 ar box, Answer 7 Werk in pats. Look at the 3 the questions. 1 Whatis the form of the main verb inthe present continuous? 2 What auniliary forms do we use? 4 Whattime expressions do we use present continuous? 1 Compete these sentences withthe present ‘continous form ofthe verb 1 cop chop) at tremor! 2 Weasttchcrqnot work) in the ofc today 9 Hes saldiag (hold) a brown backpack 1 Thecompany 2a -m2"ic{not make) ay spe atthe moment BAe you us withthe (wear) a suit? 9 Work in pairs. Describe what clothes: you are wearing today. + Your partner i wearing + your teacher is wearing 10 Tell your partner what someone in the clasts vweating Dot say the person’ name. Can Your partner guess who you ae describing? Grammar simple present and present continuous Te to sonar nt it ar maing be They we rte py Rapa Fox mere ireratn od ace eT 411 Work in pairs. Look tthe grammar box. Answer these questions 1 Which tense do we use fr a fact ora routine? 2 Which tense do we use fran action now or round the ime of speaking?” 12 Cine the sot pts tgcomple the serene 1 Rt the moment! ie ints 1 emiy ate om om 7 = ey Nyse othes and fashion. «eagles Se alco o ( & Beggs 13 Mach te gusto aly war ee pprmay wear ers Dey mee Cy nem yourtown Stings weeping th Wve 908 withthe answers (0 orm? hep met 7 Escaneado con CamScanner face and body be cost place on the picture tr bead ge fost hale hand heed eg mouth shoulder ‘Complete the sentences with these p arms legs hale reyes 7 head fears hands neck nig 1 My sister has long, dark 2 Themusi ae 3 Ws very cold out keep your hss and 4. Youmed strong moun cling sound and spelling BIA Workin pairs. Match the wor words with the same vowel sound i 8" check, and repeat head! shoes 2 beards or GD cae head — leg fears jeans 1e9 a Es Wesdau wie Madna Escaneado con CamScanner Listening 4 Workin pairs. Look from the ste fost questions atthe two Photos on the a in Spain the lft nswer these 1 What are the peop doing? 2. What clothes are they n> § DEB Listen to 9 fonder photos. Number the phot people talk about them 6 DMID Words or paso te ean en fre missing fom these sentences Tr toe POLY words Then ten asin and check = the 1 Thepeopl tthe botom put around each other. ‘ Other people push them forwan. [2 Sherrer with 3 Then four people lim up and sta wih Acct on the other people's. ied 4 People atthe bottom havetobe sting tons onto the other people's veg =" 5 These dancers were wearing cstumcs with ig mass over their a I The faces ar amazing. They a ope 7 Hedoenthave any har but he has big back a Grammar be vs. have geeyes 7 Workin pairs. Look at dhe sentences inthe rmarbox. Answer thse questions E Ihave + adjective + no 2 i: lappeeras rerent 5). Stet ie abt Boh have questions, do you answer Yes, Iw 7 ae Se short. b He's well-built. 8 Complete t Pete this description of dancers ta festival orhine withthe correct ecto of $ 9 Wiritea short description ofthe appearance of famous person you knows sing Rand he Wie 504060 words You can write about hese things height eyes, hair clothes 10 Read your description to your partner Does your partner think your description acc Speaking A 11 Work in pairs. Pay tis game the las, but dont Student A: Choose a person in the aay ois Answer Student Bs questions ‘Student B: Ask Stusent A questions and us the person, ‘Then change Ashi prs bbe steis a feos i y roles an ply the game again female? uns soos @ Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner, 1 Jeongmee Yoon is a South Korean phot. Mee dag Scwen atin gees” el tn Snow teiripnicte ne secase Saga tue eat etree Scowoo inher bedroom withallher possesion, jun St WYS‘erseing + There were plastic toys animals tebe ean _‘Seongmee’spnk and blue photograph show. Gates joey ake and things for ehe ooungcejngres wonder tpn ie re sttins wes pink and children buy’ products foe children in these The photograph gave Jeongmeean idea. She colors because they see them on television and in asked parents ifshe could photograph their _advertsements 2 daughters with their possessions: Many of The historian Jo Paoletti of the University of BL these girls were like Seowoo and had lots of 4g Maryland says “pink for girls and blue for boys” isc eceresn wo ‘as rin the pas nt henry, ‘snot unusual. Most other little girls in people wore diferent colors, so'men United States and South Korea love pink clothing jo wore pink and women wore blue. eongmee Sand toys.” also noticed thatthe color children prefer often B Nex, Jeongmee photographed boys with their changesas they ge olde. possessions, and noticed a difference in the color ‘of objects they showed: the boys’ objects were blue. The types of objects were also different. Unit 8 Appearance Escaneado con CamScanner i 8d The photos of Reinier Gerritsen Real life talking about pictures and photos my 41 Workin pars Do you tak alot of photos on your phone or with Trpoto snows Deamon What do you often phot Feansee Location 2. Workin pair Look atthe photo. Discuss the questions Ta ie 2 e mile 1 Where ae these poopc? What are they ding? How do they fe?” In hemi 2 Tene acti aninereting photograph Why or why no? (atthe fonfack “The people (appearance and acon) 3 DEEED Work in pis. The phot by Reine Gerritsen Listen De bats happynadborednens CE Wk Tec himand is photopaphy Answerthe ——_Helgreadnghiepnatineg. guests (rn 1 Whereare the poplin this photo? Tine 2 Why does the pron ike Rees photos? Tike ecase 9 3 Meester tas abut the people athe photo. Number the Jape in th order he peer lk about them. _. a 4: DRED Listen again ard match tne bepionings fhe sentences RE Listen to these words Wh TT aes Jeter sient? Listen again a 1 Hisptows 0 a Sconsof everyday ite repeat : 2 Theyeenshow 070. b arevery interesting 3 Thssene ©, © € themanand woman ar inteceing sometimes een taking fitening” blonde cosy 4 Othe right od iswatching her 5 Theother bende b © abitaad 6 Workin pairs. You are going 9 roman on the et ff dot rormally lok at fsacrRtteotocsien.ty hele 6 Steloats ¢ peopl ery cone Geren. Look a page 157 and 7 Lookattheotter O-/ © & attheback follow the inatructos woman 3 ison the New York 5 Tike he phono sb Escaneado con CamScanner 8e Short and simple Writing short messages © 1) Work in pairs. Do you use these symbols when you send online ‘messages? What do they mean? i @ a" 0 636 occas Potent kon eo 4 Getrenremerecomnt ects ‘costume! C_ 3 I'mat the train station but the train isn’t here. Its late again! 2. 44 Thanks forthe invitation tothe movie. Yes,('d love to come. ZS. 5. Itwas nice to see you over the weekend, 3 Writing skill the KISS rules (keep it short and simple) 1a Read the KISS rues for writing short messages. "Bb Now compare the pairs of sentences (I) Circe the sentence (a.orb that lows « KISS rule Work n pais and discuss, Which files does the simpler sentence follow? Bae ie cl ee mace Wn you tat es octest an younactme now nthe ee cetaceans 25 Knope tntngih nan ey abt “es yeteeier terres S 4 Vesktorwardsovcing you sein ins mony # Veda bye a eth ‘back when you read this? pan¢ ines © Read these sentences and rewrite them as short and simple messages. 1m visting forthe day, 0 ‘would you ike to meet me in town? 2. Tm sorry but 'm staying with friends this week, s0 fm not at home. 3. Thope you havea good time, I look forward to seing you in the summer 4 Work in pais. You want to arrange tormeet this week. Look at these instrations and write the fist message. Exchange your messages, read your partner's message, and writes reply. Berle (Gee ire | eae Workin pairs. Read and check all ‘Your messages again, * Aveall you I messages sho and simple? j * Di ou fallow the KISS rues ‘each message? a *+ Can you improve any of menage? Before you watch 1 hp ate 1 What are the mani 2 What fest Photo and end the caption Discuss rics wearing inthe pre? ‘special events in your city have music? 2. Key vocabulary Match these words withthe pictures (1-7) sors Seo ee es cower these questions about the cjetin Fae 2 Tel he hs {Which ofthese things can you ce in your county? ‘When do you sce th? em at estas at pec ven) hile you watch (CRIED Wath the video. Ther are five photos inthe video and (GIEE shows a festival ora special event Cre the things you ‘Son seein each photo- 1 Fine Festival: Gakei 2 Redes Cake 3 Pande Se 5 CD workin pi, Watch he widen again Answer ene a Photos 2 Seal etme penae re Fevalin? ScoHiatel {hoy he as pct? Yee Photo2 3 Whereis the clown from? 4 she making the aon ls fo gh ois Htening 106 rational anthem? fe 0S Proto r sec parade in? PLGA, & Mow dost spss debe me! Protos 7 Where is this photo? | ee het 1 What olay can yous 2 Tansee pint, BlVEr Ne re eae Bung yeu After you wate! 7 HONG NON 99 Cen antral eu rows ANA White coloe ry in context Wc the clip rom sont complete the sentence Vocab secrets hte rpc rome a ig sanartuteet = : ernie | Swe rent es Peat FED Work in pairs. Play the Frc agin withthe sound OFF ‘Take tame boing the narrator Describe each photo when tis theseeen Tak about here itis 1 Minar youtike about it ea tis email Which event in > eniae tie the person writing aout? Five Festal ‘Were having a great ime in Solon Lat night we went {Sir fetal Thee were lt of people ana they neve ern Trerening costumes and white makeup One woman od 9 ‘tie cre aan ama {itt erenone carte Bye for now! fn agyiies tear Oe tot Write an cmailoa pond end. scott Then exhange sal sia jer Can you Escaneado con CamScanner Exercises 41 Write present contin seas. 8 sentences using these 1/ wear / my favorite shirt today. you / stay / at a hotel downtown? r She / not work / this morning, We / wait / for our train now: ‘Claudia and Matin / watch / TV? 7 not go / to dass at the moment. ‘They / not stay / here for long. poesia eine 8 he/ learn / anew language? ss | ier enh 2. Complete the sentences withthe present ‘Continuous form ofthese Phrases wait ‘ain ouside | talk to someone ese , at home today we , browse the internet t fo = ee Nierrck doesn’ foe well ao = 3 Complete the conversation with the simple present Sr present continuous form ofthe ver. (do) here? ‘Ghop. ‘Ac HH What HT A: That's nie. 1 Ona Saturday! Why? ‘A: Oh, Lalways (go) to work! (work) on ectaay! tusually start at Tam. and * irish at 3 ps 1b. Oh Thats ters Za ooo pet So, did you buy some new clothes! & oughta new bag! Here 100K ee rewfyou / ke) i ‘jul ior A cD (want t0 buy more things! 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of Fe ore. 11 “The boys in my ciao _— tall 2 She long lens. 3 Rs peclormers —_—_— aakerapion toa faces 4 Hlisskin__ tanned. 5 1_____blueeyes. 6 He webu 5 Write questions or answers to complete the ‘conversations. Does he have a round face’? No 2 A lone hae? B: Yes, Ido, 38 short? 1B No, they aren't 4 As she thin? B: Yes, Escaneado con CamScanner 1/ weat / my favorite shirt today. ee you / stay / ata hotel downtown? She / not work / this morning a We / wait / for our rain now. (Claudia and Martin / watch / TV? 1/ not go / to class at the moment ‘They / not stay / here for long. ihe / eam / a new language? 2 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form ofthese phrases. wait for her ‘computer not work ‘wear a Tahirt live with my parents 1 2 3 rain outside talk to someone else stay at home today ‘browse the internet We ean’t go out because it Ws hot today, sof ____—____—— He can’t speak to you now because eae a tm bor oleave now becuse het oO fiend ga pace tlive atthe moment 50 1 ek dan Ta wes i 3. Complete the conversation with the simple present ‘or present continuous form ofthe verb A: Hit What! (do) here? BHD — chop). A: (g0) to work! B Ona Saturday! Why? A: Oh, always! ___ (work) on. Saturday! Tus . (nish) at 3 pam. B: Oh, That's terrible! ‘A: Tknov! So, did you buy some new clothes? B: Not clothes bought a new bag! Here, look ce you / ike) it? A: Of, love it?7____—(you / 0) home now? 1B No,T" (want to buy more things! ‘Complete the sentences with te correct form of be or hve. 1 The boys in my class __ tall. 2 She Tong legs 3 Theperformers. make-up on their faces. 4 Hisskin tanned. 51 ‘blue eyes. 6 He ‘well-built ‘Write questions or answers to complete the conversations. 1. A: Does he have a round face? B: No, : 2&: Tong hair? B: Yes, To, 3k: short? B: No, they aren't 4A; Isshe thin? B: Yes, Escaneado con CamScanner

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