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Wedding Dance Script

By Amador Daguio
[In the house Lumnay is sitting]
sfx: background music
Awiyao will enter the house quietly.
sfx: stop
after some moments listening to the darkness
sfx: gangsas beat
Awiyao: I'm sorry this had to be done. I am really sorry. But neither of us can't help it.
[Lumnay will not answer]
[Awiyao will crawl like he was finding something, he found the stove and will blow the stove,
the coal will start to glow, puts pieces that will bright up the house]
sfx: fire
[Awiyao will see Lumnay and he will just stay near the stove]
Awiyao: Why don't you go out, and join the dancing women? {worried and regretting}
You should join the dancers
as if--as if nothing had happened.
[Awiyao will look at Lumnay huddled in the corner, leaning in a wall] sfx: fire
Awiyao: Go out- go out and dance. if you really don't hate me for this seperation, go out and
dance. One of the men will see you dance well; he will like your dancing, he will marry you.
Who knows but that, with him, you will be luckier than you were with me."
Lumnay: I don't want any man
I don't want any other man
[A little smile of Awiyao for he is relieved]
Awiyao: You know very well that i won't want any other woman either. You know that don't
you? Lumnay, you know it, don't you?
[no answer from lumnay]
[Awiyao will sit]
Awiyao: You know it Lumnay, don't you?
Lumnay: Yes, I know
Awiyao: It is not my fault, You cannot blame me; I have been a good husband to you
Lumnay: Neither you can blame me. {about to cry}
Awiyao: No, you have been very good to me. You have been a good wife. I have nothing against
[He will set some of the burning wood in place][he will go back]
Awiyao: It's only that a man must have a child. Seven harvests is just too long to wait. Yes, we
have waited too long. We should have another chance before it is too late for both of us.
[Lumnay stretches her right leg and bent her left leg in. She wound the blanket more snugly
around herself
Lumnay: You know that i have done my best
I have prayed to Kabunyan much. I have sacrificed many chickens in my prayers.
Awiyao: Yes, I know.
Lumnay: You remember how angry you were once you came home from your work in the
terrace because I butchered one of our pigs without your permission? I did it to appease
Kabunyan, because, like you, I wanted to have a child. But what could I do?
Awiyao: Kabunyan does not see fit for us to have a child
[He stirred the fire]
[Lumnay starts to look down and unconsciously starts to pulll at the rattan that kept the split
bamboo flooring in place. She tugged at the ratttan flooring]
sfx: rattan, gangsas beat.
[Awiyao will go to the corner where lumnay sat, paused before her, will look at her. Will look at
the jars and will get a coconut cup and drink from the jars.
Awiyao: I came home because I did not find you among the dancers. Of course, I am not forcing
you to come, if you don't want to join my wedding ceremony. I come to tell you that
Madulimay, although I am marrying her, can never become as good as you are. She is not
strong in planting beans, not as fast in cleaning water jars, not as good keeping a house clean.
You are the one of the best wives in the whole village.
Lumnay: That has not done me ant good, has it?
{Lumnay will look at him lovingly, about to smile}
[Awiyao will put the cup aside on the floor and will get closer to her, he will hold her face and
will look at her, but Lumnay will not look at him]
Awiyao: This house is yours
I built it for you. Make it your own, live in it as long as you wish. I will build another
house for Madulimay.
Lumnay: I have no need for a house. {Slowly}
I'll go to my own house. My parents are old. They will need help in the planting of the
beans, in the pounding of rice
Awiyao: I will give you the field that I dug out of the mountains during the first year of our
You know I did it for you. You helped me to make it for the two of us
Lumnay: I have no use for any field
[Awiyao look at her then looked away, silence...]
Lumnay: Go back to the dance
It is not for you to be here. They will wonder where you are, and Madulimay will not feel
good. Go back to the dance.
Awiyao: I would feel better if you could come, and dance-- for the last time. The gangsas are
Lumnay: You know that I cannot
Awiyao: Lumnay,
Lumnay, if I did this it is because of my need for a child. You know that life is not worth
living without a child. The man have mocked me behind my back. You know that .
Lumnay: I know it
I will pray that Kabunyan will bless you and Madulimay
{Lumnay will bite her lips, shook her head wildly, sobbed}

[flashback: 2nd Lumnay and Awiyao]

[Lumnay is happy with Awiyao, travelling with Lumnay, they crossed the river, runs until they
were on the mountain near the river, watching it, they drank from it and travels again.] [They
will walk and will meet villagers and they will laugh, Lumnay will put her hands around Awiyao
and will smile at him proudly] [walking out away from the set happily]

[present][Lumnay crying]
Lumnay: Awiyao, Awiyao, my husband
I did everything to have a child
Look at me
Look at my body. Then it was full of promise. It could dance; it could work fast in the
fields; it could climb the mountains fast. Even now its firm, full. But, Awiyao, I am useless. I
must die.
Awiyao: It will not be right to die
[Awiyao will hug her]
[Lumnay's head is in Awiyao's neck and her hands are on his shoulders]
Lumnay: I don't care about the fields
I don't care about the house.
I don't care for anything but you. I'll have no other man
Awiyao: Then you'll always be fruitless.
Lumnay: I'll go back to my father, I'll die
Awiyao: Then you hate me, if you die it means you hate me. You do not want me to have a
child. You do not want my name to live on in our tribe.
Awiyao: If I do not try a second time, it means I'll die. Nobody will get the fields I have carved
out of the mountains; nobody will come after me.
Lumnay: If you fail-- if you fail this second time
No-- no, I don't want you to fail
Awiyao: If I fail, I'll come back to you. Then both of us will die together. Both of us will vanish
from the life of our tribe.
sfx: gongs
Lumnay: I'll keep my beads
Awiyao let me keep my beads {half whispered}
Awiyao:You will keep the beads. They come from far-off times. My grandmother said they come
from up North, from the slant-eyed people across the sea. You keep them, Lumnay. They are
worth twenty fields.
Lumnay: I'll keep them because they stand for the love you have for me
I love you. I love you and have nothing to give.
[Lumnay will took herself away from him]
[people are outside]
People: Awiyao! Awiyao! O Awiyao! They are looking for you at the dance!
Awiyao: I am not in hurry
Lumnay: The elders will scold you. You had better go
Awiyao: Not until you tell me that it is all right with you
Lumay: It's all right with me.
[Awiyao will hold Lumnay's hands]
Awiyao: I do this for the sake of my tribe
Lumnay: I know
[Awiyao will go to the door]
Lumnay: Awiyao!
[Awiyao will stop and will turn to her painly]
[2nd Lumnay and Awiyao will enter]
Voice over of Lumnay: I have been wonderful to him. What was it that made a man wish for a
child? What was it in life, in the work in the field, in the planting and harvest, in the silence of
the night, in the communating with husband and wife, in the whole life of the tribe itself that
made man wish for the laughter and speech of a child? Suppose he changed his mind? Why did
the unwritten law demand, anyway that a man, to be a man, must have a child to come after
him? And if he was fruitless-- but he loved me.

Lumnay: Awiyao
The beads!
[Awiyao will walk in up to the corner of the room in the trunk. He will put the beads to Lumnay.
She suddenly clung to his neck as if she's not letting him go.
Lumnay: Awiyao! Awiyao, it is hard! {crying}
[Lumnay will close her eyes and hugged him]
People: Awiyao! Awiyao! We're waiting for you.
[ Lumnay will lost her grip, Awiyao will leave, Leaving Lumnay, she sat in the darkness, out of
mind. Then she went to the door and opened it.
[As she stays outside, the gangsas sound louder]
sfx: gangsas
Lumnay: It is not right. It is not right!
How does she know? How can anybody know? It is not right.
Nobody will take Awiyao from me
I am going to tell the elders, the chief, that it is not right!
[Lumnay will go to the dance]
[The people are dancing in circle]
[She will run but she will stop as if it was calling her, but she will run again, crossing the river,c
kimbing the mountain and seeing the wedding dance at the top.]

[flashback: The first time they met Lumnay is filling his jars but then, He met Awiyao and gave
him a drink]

[Many times had pass]

At the mountain, her parents will hug her

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