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Specification: DSTV+

NC-Data-format to transfer nested parts

Alterations during version changes ......................................................................................................... 2

General .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Header ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Part Data.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Example 1 DSTV+ FILE ............................................................................................................................. 5
Alterations during version changes
Date Version: Notes
17.02.05 1.0 Basic version
23.06.05 1.1 PI: Pos-field, field added at the end
18.07.05 2.0 Fields position,lot,batch,load added in PI-Block
10.07.07 3.0 Specifications of field length, o,u,v,h for material
26.07.07 3.1 Adjustments number of characters

Changes are written in italics

In this document you can find information for the DSTV + format used for a description of a nested
beam or flat bar.

The files are written as ASCII data. Multiple fields in one line are separated with a semicolon.

The format is based on the DStV format of steel products for NC control (July 1998 Version 7)

The name of the data-file is free, the recommended extension is *.BA

The Block identifier BA indicates that the file is a description for a nested beam or bar and is followed
by the information for the beam or bar. The information after the block identifier PI describes the
nested parts. Each file consists of a description of only one nested beam.

Explanation of the field‟s lot, batch, load

Batch = grouping of parts for production – a “production batch”
Lot = normally used to define the individual erection groups
Load = actual shipment number that the assembly is planned to be delivered on

2x 2xSpace
a ASCII-Text, see the particular fields for the allowed size
i Integer (whole numbers, eg 123)
f float-number (eg 123,45)
(Optional) Field must be created, could be without data

1 Nesting name 2x,a16 (only A..Z, 0..9, „-„, „_‟)
2 Run_number nesting 2x,a40 (only A..Z, 0..9, „-„, „_‟)
3 Machine Identification 2x,i (only 1..9)
4 Steel quality 2x,a16 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
5 Numbers of bars required 2x,i (Number of bars in one production run)
6 Profile type 2x,a16 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
7 Profile code 2x,a2 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
8 Length nested bar 2x,f
9 Profile height 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
10 Flange height 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
11 Flange thickness 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
12 Web thickness 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
13 Radius 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
14 Meter weight 2x,f (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
15 Information line 1 2x,a80 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
16 Information line 2 2x,a80 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
17 Information line 3 2x,a80 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
18 Information line 4 2x,a80 (optional when DSTV-file is specified in PI-Block)
19 Cut width 2x,f
20 Filler size 2x,f
21 Way of process 2x,a1;f;f;a1

(a1=v,h; v= rest piece in front, h=rest piece at end, n=not known).

(f1= minimum front piece to be respected)
(f2= minimum end piece to be respected)
(a1= s,f, v, u, h, o)
s = nesting across web, f = nesting across flange
The four new characters v, u, h or o are accordingly to the format specified in the DSTV document
chapter „the coordinates system of the piece“. This way of view v = front face, u = bottom
face, o = top face, h = behind face determines the way the profile must be transported into the
Filler size: This trim piece must have a specific length so that it can be clamped by the horizontal
clamp correctly.

F = Filler size
L = Length of the part

Part Data

All fields are semicolon separated.
- 2x,a80;a22;a16;a16;a16;a16;i;a1;f;f;f;a16;a16;a16
- Allowed characters for project, drawing, phase, position, lot, batch and load ; A..Z, 0..9, „-„, „_‟

2x = 2x Space
a80 = path DSTV part (optional, valid pathname when filled)
a22 = Filename DSTV part (optional, valid filename when filled)
a16 = project (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
a16 = drawing (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
a16 = phase/part (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
a16 = position (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
i = required numbers
a1 = x,y,z turn or mirror function for the posnumber in the nesting acc. to the figures
f = length of the part (point to point) (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
f = front-angle (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
f = end-angle (optional when single DSTV-file is found)
a16 = lot (optional)
a16 = batch (optional)
a16 = load (optional)

Total number of characters easily fit in one „line‟ of 254 characters

Optional for beams, if empty the information from the standard dstv file description is used)

turn around X-as turn around Y-as turn around Z-as

The x-y-z turn does not determine the position of the nested length!

If the „path DSTV part“ and „Filename DSTV part“ in the PI block are filled, mostly all the information in
these DSTV-file(s) will be used. All the information in the BA block (except nesting name, run_number
nesting, machine identification, number of bars and the length of the nested bar) will be ignored. Also
the information in the PI block (except, required numbers and x-y-z turn) will be ignored because the
plain DSTV file will have all the correct information. The profile data in the subsequent files have to be
the same!!
When the path and filename do not exist, the information in the BA block and PI block has got to be
present and valid, conformingly the DSTV standard. The field “path DSTV part” and “Filename DSTV
part” do have the highest priority, in case these are not filled the information has to be read from the
BA block and PI block. When this also is not present or valid, an error must be raised.
Example 1 DSTV+ FILE
(All the necessary information is in the BA and PI block)


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