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Received: 10 September 2019 Revised: 29 March 2020 Accepted: 20 April 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6715


Bio-actives of betel leaf (Piper betle L.): A comprehensive

review on extraction, isolation, characterization,
and biological activity

Mitali Madhumita1 | Proshanta Guha1 | Ahnidra Nag2

Agricultural and Food Engineering
Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Abstract
Kharagpur, India Piper betle L., belonging to Piperaceae family, known as a traditional herbal medicinal
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
plant and used for several health benefits in Asian countries. Currently, demand for
Technology, Kharagpur, India
its products such as herbal drugs, medicines, and natural herbal formulations has
increased. The beneficial effects of betel leaves and its products have traditionally
Mitali Madhumita, Department of Agricultural
and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of exploited for the treatment of several diseases like bad breath, cuts, injuries, inflam-
Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, 721302,
mations, cold cough, indigestion, etc. Till now, a broad range of bioactive compounds
Email: including polyphenols, terpenes, etc., has been identified from the extracts and
essential oil (EO) of betel leaves. The structural and functional characterization of the
Funding information
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur extract and EO bio-actives has been derived by various advanced standard methods.
Most of the health-related benefits of betel leaves have been associated with their
bioactive phenolic compounds. The extract of this highly perishable product can be
used in organic synthesis, food, and beverage industry, pharmaceuticals, etc., to the
environmental issues. The present review provides information on extraction tech-
niques, identification of bioactive compounds, and their biological activities. That
apart, information on processing, preservation, and health benefits along with their
mechanisms has also been added.


bioactive compounds, extraction, microbial activity, Piper betle

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Dube, 2010). Malaysia is the origin place of Paan (Chattapdayay &

Maity, 1967). Based on its color, size, taste, and aroma, Piper betle is
Betel leaf (Piper betle L.) is a heart-shaped deep green leaf that grows on known by various types across the country and abroad such as Mag-
a root climbing vine. It is a medicinal, recreational, and horticultural cash adhi, Kauri, Venmony, Mysore, Salem, Bangla, Kapoori, Meetha, Sanchi,
crop. It is used as a traditional herbal medicine in Asian countries from Ghanagete, Kasi, Banarasi, Desavari, and Bagerhati (Warrier, Nambair, &
time immemorial (Khan, Bashir, Hussain, Kumar, & Ahmad, 2012). A Ramankutty, 1995). It is a perennial climbing vine with semi-woody
hundred varieties of betel leaf (local name paan in India) are found stem and short adventitious climbing roots. The leaves are glabrous
across the world of which 40 found in India along with 30 found in with aromatic odor and pungent taste and extensively found in damp
West Bengal and Bangladesh (Guha & Jain, 1997). It is widely cultivated forests. In Hindu culture, betel leaf and areca nut play an important role
in different states (Orissa, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and in various cultural, social, and religious occasions. The leaves, edible
Madhya Pradesh) in India along with other countries like Bangladesh, parts of the plant, are the most valued medicinal, religious, and ceremo-
Philippine Islands, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka nial plant part and consumed as a mouth freshener having a strong pun-
(Guha, 2006; Jayaweera, 1982; Kumar, 1999; Kumar, Misra, & gent and sweet taste with a strong aromatic flavor. The leaves vary in

Phytotherapy Research. 2020;1–19. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

taste, like very pungent to mild in Bangla, and Sanchi variety whereas
sweet in Meetha variety depending on nutritional composition, chemi-
cal compounds, and also varieties of leaves (Pradhan, Suri, Pradhan, &
Biswasroy, 2013; Warrier et al., 1995). The aroma of the betel leaf is
• Piper betle L., rich in nutritional composition, antioxidant
due to the presence of phenols and terpenes in essential oil (EO). Sev-
bioactive compounds.
eral studies have been conducted to identify the antioxidant from natu-
• Recovery of bioactive compounds by several extraction
ral sources which can be used to develop new nutraceutical products.
techniques was discussed.
These products can prevent oxidative damage in the body (Nouri,
• Useful in pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and cos-
Nafchi, & Karim, 2014). The phytochemicals or poly-phenolic com-
metic industries etc.
pounds present in plants can be used to regulate oxidation and stress-
• Bio-chemical characterization and antimicrobial activity
related diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Kwon, Apostolidis, &
was thoroughly explained.
Shetty, 2008). Betel leaf, rich in bioactive compounds possess several
• Increase the economic value, productivity, and decrease
activities like antibacterial, anti-cariogenic, anti-fungal, anti-larval, anti-
the waste and by-product utilization.
protozoal, anti-filarial, anti-allergic, anti-diabetic, antihelminthic, anti-
tumor, antibacterial hypotensive, respiratory, and depressant effects,
etc. (Chakraborthy & Shah, 2011; Choudhary & Kale, 2002; Majumdar,
Chaudhuri, Ray, & Bandyopadhyay, 2003; Ratnasooriya &
Premakumara, 1997; Santhakumari, Prakasam, & Pugalendi, 2003; bo (Wendy, Ghali, & Rukayadi, 2014), and many other novel products.
Santhanam & Nagarajan, 1990; Saravanan, Prakasam, Ramesh, & Moreover, a sago starch-based edible film (Nouri & Nafchi, 2014) and
Pugalendi, 2002). The chemical compounds present in betel leaves are two products from Aloe vera gel and potato chips (Arambewela,
extracted by a suitable extraction technique. The selection of a proper Arawwawala, & Rajapaksa, 2006) were developed by incorporating
extraction technique is important to perform an efficient extraction of betel leaf extract and betel leaf EO, respectively. Apart this, in the
phytochemical compounds. Several extraction techniques are adopted pharmaceutical industry, some novel products can be taken up like
to extract the bioactive compounds from the plant sources. Conven- food supplements for the treatment of cancer (Kudva, Rao, &
tional extraction methods (distillation and solvent extraction) and non- Rao, 2018; Shukla, Johri, & Srivastava, 2018). Because of the entire
conventional extraction methods (supercritical extraction and discussions, it may be concluded that the EO of betel leaf has a poten-
accelerated solvent extraction) are implemented in the recovery of nat- tial future in the world food sector.
ural antioxidants (Ali et al., 2018; Ali, Lim, Chong, Mah, & Chua, 2018; Taking into account the above discussed potential benefits prop-
Ali, Lim, & Wahida, 2018). The common solvents (methanol, ethanol, erties of betel leaves from both technological and nutritional point of
acetone, ethyl acetate, etc.) are used in extraction because of the view, the aim of the present review is focused on the extraction
advantages of biodegradability and ease of handling with very low tox- methods to obtain the chemical compounds as well as their biological
icity . Researchers have proposed the possible utilization of Piper betle activities. The current review aims to compile an updated comprehen-
as a source of natural antioxidants in various applications like medicinal sive literature analysis of nutritional composition, extraction of bioac-
industries, food, and pharmaceutical industries, etc., due to its efficacy tive compounds of extracts and EO by several adopted extraction
(Dwivedi & Tripathi, 2014; Venkadeswara et al., 2014). The leaves methods, phytochemistry, and antimicrobial activity of betel leaves
extract can be used as food preservatives to deliver important nutrients that covers all the valuable information.
to consumers' diets (Putnik et al.,2017).
Betel leaf has several characteristics such as nutritional, organo-
leptic, therapeutic, prophylactic, functional, antimicrobial, antioxidant, 2 | PI PE R BE TLE L.: A H OR TIC UL TU RAL
and other desirable qualities which can provide a challenging opportu- CASH C RO P
nity to the food scientists and technologists to develop novel food
products with enhanced food safety, extended shelf life. The leaf 2.1 | Botanical description
extract and EO having the above-discussed properties can also be
explored for manufacturing a large number of cosmetics, medicines, Piper betle is glorified as an important perennial dicotyledonous
pharmaceuticals, food product development in the food sector. creeper, belongs to Piperaceae family. Based on shape, size, brittle-
Several workers have attempted to explore the use of betel leaf ness, and taste of leaf blade, betel vine is divided into pungent and
extract and EO as food preservatives in food products like apple non-pungent varieties. The leaves of the plant are simple and alter-
juice (Basak, 2018a), tomato paste (Basak, 2018b; Basak & Guha, nate with acuminated apex. Mostly, the structure of the betel leaves
2017a, 2017b), food flavoring agents in novel ice cream (Bhoite, is heart-shaped, smooth, and shining (Figure 1). Moreover, the color
Kamble, & Patil, 2019), noodles (Nouri, Nafchi, & Karim), food cupcake of the leaves varies from yellowish-green to bright green. The leaves
(Roy & Guha, 2015), and other products, such as paan masala (spiced are long-stalked with two or three pairs of secondary veins with small
and processed betel leaf), cold drinks, gutkha (non-tobacco-based white flower spikes (Swapna, Ammani, & Saripalli, 2012). Generally,
chewable mouth freshener), suji halwa (Bhagath & Guha, 2014), chili the branches of the betel plant are strongly swollen at the nodes and

F I G U R E 1 Images of (a) betel leaf

and (b) betel plant (Source: Guha, 2006)
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

entirely glabrous (Arambewela, Arawwawala, & Ratnasooriya, 2005; the gum, conserve the teeth, sweeten breath. The leaf juice also works
Arambewela, Kumaratunga, & Dias, 2005). Male and female spikes are as a medicine that is generally used for the treatment of endo-parasites,
cylindrical dense and pendulous, respectively (Sengupta & fever, cough, fatigue, asthma, indigestion, and skin and eye diseases
Banik, 2013). The female spikes are 2.5–5.0 cm long, and the female along with to disinfect wounds externally in children (Arambewela,
plants are found to rarely produce any flower or fruit in the Indian cli- Arawwawala, & Ratnasooriya, 2005; Arambewela, Kumaratunga, &
mate (Dassanayake & Fosberg, 1987; Jayaweera, 1982). Dias, 2005; Jayaweera, 1982). Mouthwashes and tablets made from
betel leaves were also used for curing diseases like dental and peri-
odontal diseases. Not only the leaf but also the natural medicinal ingre-
2.2 | Nutritional composition and health benefits dients contained in the betel oil are found to be very useful to health.
The EO derived from the betel leaf contains betel phenol, diastase,
Betel leaves are very nutritive and contain some vitamins, minerals, sugar and Kavikol, anti-oxidation, and anti-fungal properties. The oil
protein, enzymes, EO, and beneficial bioactive compounds for the treat- also inhibits the growth of the deadly bacteria that cause typhoid, chol-
ment of liver, brain, and heart diseases (Pradhan et al., 2013). Fresh green era, tuberculosis, etc., and used to treat several traditional remedies like
betel leaves contains water (85–90%), protein (3–3.5%), fat (0.4–1.0%), stomach ailments, respiratory catarrhs, infections, etc., (Chopra, Chopra,
minerals (2.3–3.3%), fibre (2–2.3%), chlorophyll (0.01–0.25%), carbohy- Handa, & Kapur, 1982; Kumaratunga, 2003; Taukoorah, Lall, &
drate (0.5–6.10%), nicotinic acid (0.63–0.89 mg/100 g), vitamin C Mahomoodally, 2016).
(0.005–0.01%), vitamin A (1.9–2.9 mg/100 g), thiamine (10–70 μg/100 g),
riboflavin (1.9–30 μg/100 g), tannin (0.1–1.3%), nitrogen (2.0–7.0%),
phosphorus (0.05–0.6%), potassium (1.1–4.6%), calcium (0.2–0.5%), iron 2.3 | Cultivation, yield, processing, and
(0.005–0.007%), iodine (3.2–3.4 μg/100 g), EO (0.08–0.2%), respectively preservation
(Guha, 2006). Polyphenols, alkaloids, steroids, saponins, and tannins were
also found in the Piper betle leaves (Anonymous, 2004). Moreover, the Piper betle L. grows in the tropical as well as subtropical climatic regions
leaves also contain diastase and catalase enzymes (CSIR, 1969; Gopalan, (Rai et al., 2011) and requires high rainfall and a shady place for its vigor-
Ramasastri, & Balasubramanian, 1984; Guha, 2006; Guha & Jain, 1997). ous growth. This plant grows at altitudes of 150–1,400 m in the high
Several value-added products (powder, leaves pieces, extract, and land, moist (soil rich in moisture), with a rainfall of about
EO) derived from the betel leaves have great benefit to human health. 2,250–4,750 mm along with 40–80% of relative humidity and 15–40 C
Betel leaf pieces and powder having analgesic and cooling properties of temperature (Guha & Jain, 1997). It is cultivated in two different ways
are used for headaches, arthritis, joint pain, treatment of sore throat like under forest ecosystem and artificially created with shade condition.
and nervous pains, nervous exhaustion, and debility (Guha, 2006). The Betel vine requires loamy or sandy, soil with good organic matter which
leaves are also supposed to prevent bad breath (halitosis), indigestion, is rich in humus and having best elements of soil with sufficient
bronchitis, cough, asthma, etc., and improve the vocalization, harden moisture-holding capacity, sufficient drainage arrangements and laying

on elevated sloppy lands formed an ideal soil for betel vine plantation which petioles are removed by which weight of leaves is reduced to
(Dasgupta, Sengupta, & Jha, 1993; Patil, 2016). Red loamy soil, both light 10–25% (Madan et al., 2014) to delay the senescence and minimize
and heavy with good soil depth (fertile soil and excellent drained) and pH the post-harvest losses. These losses can also be minimized by a mod-
(5.6–8.2) is most suitable for the growth of betel plants whereas saline, ified packaging called Modified atmospheric packaging (MAP) in which
alkali soils and waterlogged areas are unsuitable (Pradhan et al., 2013). the atmospheric gas composition surrounding the leaves is modified
Open and closed systems of cultivation of betel vine are practiced in to delay the senescence process and to hold the quality attributes of
India. The closed system of cultivation is called borojs made by an artifi- the leaves (Madan et al., 2014; Pradhan et al., 2013).
cial rectangular structure with bamboo or jute sticks. These structures Moreover, recent studies also emphasize the potential use of
are made up to a height of 2–2.5 m and covered with thatched coconut plant extract and EO as ingredients in the food and non-food sectors.
leaves or straw (Guha, 2006). Borojs are normally made on slightly slopy Besides, these leaves having high nutritive value can be an important
nearer to a source of irrigation at a higher level than the adjoining source, not only for food, but also for animal feed industries which
area for quick drainage of excess water. Its cultivation is highly labor- can be very applicable for the development of rural areas (Chiesa &
intensive and offers employments to millions of people (Kaleeswari & Gnansounou, 2011; Contreras et al., 2019; Raman, Alves, &
Sridhar, 2013). Gnansounou, 2018). This scientific-based concept which enhances
Depending on the cultivation of betel vine, planting season varies the benefits of agri-food biomass having nutritional, bioactive and
from state to state in India, but the onset of monsoon and October techno-functional properties, and also for the reduction of the envi-
are the correct time of planting season for cultivation. The peak ronmental impact. Several authors have used the extract of highly
harvesting season extends from May to January. The usual productive abundant different natural feedstock like rice straw, banana peel, etc.,
life span of a betel vine is 12–15 years. Betel leaf can be plucked five as a biodegradable medium for developing greener cross-coupling
times a year from a vine. To make the betel leaf plants available to the reactions instead of using synthetic media. Boruah, Ali, Saikia, and
society in a large number, its widespread cultivation must be Sarma (2015) and Saikia, Borah, and Barua (2015) prepared the water
engineered. The production yield of this crop is about 60–70 leaves/ extract of rice straw ash and banana peel ash, respectively, which was
plant and 6–7 million leaves/ha in a year (Guha, 2006). used as an alternative green medium in cross-coupling reactions at
Generally, highly perishable products are naturally wasted due to room temperature. This result enhanced the utility of the newly devel-
several environmental factors. Therefore, the application of these oped compounds which suggest a new dimension to the chemistry
products in research work and industries like organic synthesis, food, and increase the economic benefit as well as reduce the environmen-
and beverage industry, pharmaceuticals should be improved to avoid tal impact. Keeping all these described techniques in mind, the unsold
those environmental issues. Moreover, the extract of the natural feed- betel leaves which are being wasted by several external factors can
stock which is environmentally friendly can be used in the chemical become an alternative green medium in the research industry. There-
industry without purification as well as characterization. However, fore, the present review discusses extraction techniques that have
these methods are very challenging and appealing. Plants and deriva- been adopted to recover the bioactive compounds and also focuses
tives have been explored for their unlimited applications like providing their biochemical characterization worldwide.
food and animal feed, cosmetics, therapeutics, and energy, etc. Betel
leaves and their applications were explored through a literature
review. Betel leaves are highly perishable in nature. Therefore, during 2.4 | Economic status
storage and transportation period, these can easily spoiled due to
microbial infections, pest attacks, and discoloration. Betel leaf involves The economic status of betel leaves in the worldwide market depends
a good deal of post-harvest processing, that is, storing the harvested on the physical nature of the end products. Betel leaf and its products
leaves over some time (Caburian & Osi, 2010; Sugumaran in different forms such as powder, liquid, capsules, etc., are highly
et al., 2011). Traditionally, harvested betel leaves carried by farmers remarkable due to its various medicinal applications. Several types of
are kept on banana leaves or cotton material, and water is sprayed on value-added products are available in a wide range in the market as die-
the leaves to make them look fresh (Haider, Khair, Rahman, & tary supplements, food and beverage products, pharmaceuticals, oral
Alam, 2013). It cannot be stored for a long period; as a result, a large care, and cosmetic products. The value-added products have been
portion of the leaves remain unsold or sold in the rainy season. These manufactured in industrial level namely betel leaf oil, betel toothpaste,
post-harvest losses of betel leaves (35–70%) can be reduced if proper and powders, paan masala, perfumes, mouthwash, betel ointment,
preservation methods are adopted like drying the leaves, extracting shampoo, face cream, instant betel quid and pellets, antiseptic lotions,
EO from the leaves, controlling senescence by different chemical different medicinal and cosmetics products (Guha, 2000; Guha, 2007).
treatments, bleaching, and curing of the leaves, and adopting better The above-mentioned products have gained a good export potential
packaging materials, etc. (Guha, 2006; Madan, Balan, & Barma, 2014). and earned some foreign exchange through exports. India exports betel
All drying process such as solar drying, shade-drying, hot air drying, leaves to many countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia,
thin-layer drying experiments has been practiced for removing mois- Burma, and Thailand. The marketing cost of betel leaves mostly
ture from betel leaves. This removal of moisture helps to reduce depends on packing and transportation costs. The annual turnover of
microbial spoilage, deterioration, etc. Depetiolation is the process in betel vine is estimated at Rs. 10,000 million (Kumar, 1999). The cost of

cultivation of betel vine from boroj varies, that is, about Rs 1–2 lakh/ha has become the most popular method because of several advantages
in the first year (Chattopadhyay, 1981; Guha, 2006; Jana, 1995). like simplicity, easy repair and maintenance, cheapness, and purity of
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the betel the extracted oil. Clevenger's apparatus is commonly used for the
leaf farming yield variation depends on the region, vine, season, etc., extraction of betel leaf EO, but it has several drawbacks such as slow
and net income may be Rs. 735 per 150 square feet (14 m2) of betel extraction process, long extraction time (3–8 h) duration, poor cooling
farm every 6 months. However, the economic stability of the farmers efficiency, etc. (Arambewela et al., 2006; Arambewela, Arawwawala, &
decreased due to the fluctuation in the price of betel leaves. To over- Ratnasooriya, 2005; Arambewela, Kumaratunga, & Dias, 2005; Das
come these problems, a well-regulated marketing system should be et al., 2016;
developed (Guha, 2006). Guha 2010; Jantan et al., 1994; Periyanayagam et al. 2011; Preethy,
Elsy, & Beena, 2017; Saxena, Khare, & Saxena, 2014). To avoid these
drawbacks and to improve the efficiency of the extraction process and
3 | ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION the yield of EO, other modified techniques were adopted like betel leaf
OF COMPOU NDS oil extractor (modified Clevenger's apparatus, Guha, 2007, 2007b
and 2010), microwave-assisted hydro-distillation (Amaresh, Guha, &
Extraction of bioactive compounds from medicinal herbs is a compli- Khan, 2017), ultrasound-assisted hydro-distillation, (González-Centeno
cated process used to find out the bioactive compounds that may be et al., 2015; Tomsik et al., 2016), etc. Recently, the use of ultrasound in
applicable in pharmaceuticals, food, beverage industries, etc., this pro- the recovery of desired compounds has been proven as an effective and
cess involves various steps such as, selection of plant species, collec- efficient extraction technique in terms of garnering more yield with
tion, and identification of material, unit operations, extraction, and reduced solvent usage and extraction time. Ultrasound-assisted extrac-
characterization (Chikezie, Ibegbulem, & Mbagwu, 2015; Patra, Das, tion (UAE) relies on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation and mechani-
Lee, Kang, & Shin, 2018). The selection of plant species are based on cal effects for the extraction of compounds from plant sources. The
the available literature, chemo-taxonomical studies, age and maturity collapse of the cavitational bubbles on the plant matrix's surface causes
of the plant, traditional and medicinal properties, and uses. Before the the cell walls to rupture, resulting in higher and faster penetration of the
extraction process, a unit operation like drying (sun drying, cabinet solvent into the plant material. Thus, due to enhanced overall mass trans-
tray drying, foam mat drying, freeze-drying, refractive window drying, fer, the extraction of the desired compounds is accelerated (Tomsik
superheated steam drying, radiation drying, etc.) was followed et al., 2016). The bioactive compounds identified by the extraction
depending on the research work. After drying, the dried materials are methods are characterized through several chromatographic techniques
subjected to the different extraction processes, which involve separa- such as thin-layer chromatography, column chromatography, high-
tion and identification of the bio-active compounds present in plant performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography–mass spec-
materials (Zhang, Lin, & Ye, 2018). For an efficient extraction, it is nec- trometry, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, Fourier transform
essary to optimize the processing conditions, such as extraction time, infrared spectrometry, etc. (Chikezie et al., 2015; Patra et al., 2018).
temperature, solid–liquid ratio, type of solvent, etc. Different types of
extraction processes, such as the common extraction technique and
advanced extraction techniques are followed (Brusotti, Cesari, 3.1 | Extraction of bioactive compounds from
Dentamaro, Caccialanza, & Massolini, 2014). Common extraction betel leaves
techniques including percolation, digestion, boiling under reflux, infu-
sion along with maceration are the simplest extraction processes The demand for bioactive compounds identified from natural plant
which take a long time for extraction. Advanced extraction techniques materials and its products is increasing day by day and used in various
including soxhlet extraction, sonication (ultrasound-assisted extrac- sectors such as food, beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical indus-
tion), accelerated solvent extraction, hydro-distillation, steam distilla- tries, etc. Piper betle L. is selected based on the review of their medici-
tion, microwave distillation, and supercritical fluid extraction are nal benefits, presence of major bioactive compounds and their
adopted to avoid the drawbacks of common extraction technique. isolation, extraction, and characterization. Nowadays, the market
Conventional extraction methods such as distillation and solvent demands healthy and functional products that can be helpful for con-
extraction (maceration, soxhlet, percolation, infusion extraction) and sumers. Bioactive compounds, isolated from both the extract and EO
non-conventional methods including supercritical fluid extraction, of betel leaves are discussed along with structural formation
accelerated solvent are typically been implemented in the recovery of (Figure 2). Compared to the extracts resulting from betel leaves using
natural antioxidants (Azwanida, 2015) from plant sources. As effective the different extraction method, EOs has received much less atten-
as they may be, high solvent and energy consumption and prolonged tion. The extraction of EO and their compositional analysis is far more
extraction period make them undesirable from economical perspec- extensive due to the volatile nature. All the bioactive compounds
tive (González-Centeno, Comas-Serra, Femenia, Rosselló, & derived from the extract and EO by different extraction method is
Simal, 2015). Among the distillation techniques (hydro-distillation, presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
steam distillation, microwave-assisted hydro-distillation, ultrasound- The bio-active compounds of Piper betle L. isolated by several
assisted hydro-distillation, vacuum distillation, etc.), hydro-distillation authors were briefly discussed in Table 1. The extracts of betel leaves

and stalks possess strong nitrogen oxide scavenging effect and free extract contain saponin, phenol, alkaloids, amino acids, tannins, flavo-
radical scavenging effect using different assays like di(phenyl)-(2,- noid, steroid, and other compounds. Two of the eight components
4,6-trinitrophenol) iminoazanium (DPPH), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), (3-ρ-coumaroylquinic acid and 4-ρ-coumaroylquinic acid) were identi-
superoxide radical and hydroxyl radicals (Jagetia & Baliga, 2004; fied by HPLC/electrospray ionization mass spectrometric (ESI-MS)
Rathee, Patro, Mula, Gamre, & Chattopadhyay, 2006). The phyto- using solvent extracted betel leaves (Ma et al., 2013). In another
chemical analysis of P. betle leaves revealed the presence of terpenes study, compounds like 27.81% of 4-chromanol (Piper betel aqueous
and phenols (Bajpai, Sharma, Kumar, & Madhusudanan, 2010). extract), 61.15% of phenol 2 methoxy 4–(−2 propenyl) acetate (etha-
Besides, the phytochemical analysis performed by Chakraborthy and nol extract), 20.37% of eugenol and 27.81% of 4 chromanol (aqueous
Shah (2011) and Sugumaran et al. (2011) showed that the betel leaves and ethanol extract) were identified by gas chromatography–mass

FIGURE 2 Structures of important compounds isolated from Pipre betle L


FIGURE 2 (Continued)

TABLE 1 List of bioactive compounds identified from leaves extract of Piper betle L.

Sl. No. Piper betle leaves extract Isolated bioactive compounds References

1 Dried leaves extract using ethanol by Hydroxychavicol (66.55%), eugenol (11.92%), Ali, Chong, Mah, et al. (2018), Ali, Lim,
ultrasound assisted extraction isoeugenol (2.90%) and 4-allyl- Chong, et al. (2018), and Ali, Lim, and
1,2-diacetoxybenzene (3.21%). Wahida (2018)

2 Leaf extract var. haldia using chloroform by 1-n-dodecanyloxy resorcinol (H1) and Atiya, Sinha, & Lal, 2018
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) desmethylenesqualenyl deoxy-
analysis cepharadione-A (H4)

3 Dried leaves extract using ethanol by Hydroxychavicol, eugenol, isoeugenol and Ali, Chong, Mah, et al. (2018), Ali, Lim,
ultrasound assisted extraction allylpyrocatechol 3,4-diacetate Chong, et al. (2018), Ali, Lim, and
Wahida (2018)

4 Dried leaf extract var. Meetha and Banarasi Proximate analysis highest phyosterols Sarma et al. (2018)
paan using distilled water, hexane,
acetone and ethanol solvent extraction

5 Soxhlet extraction Hydroxy chavicol (69.46%), 4-Chromanol (24%) Muruganandam, Krishna, Reddy, and
and Eugenol (4.86%), 1-phenylpropene- Nirmala (2017)
3,3-diol diacetate (0.923) and 4-allyl-

6 Ethanolic extract of red betel leaves by Neophytadiene, propionic acid, and elemicin Anugrahwati, Purwaningsih, Rustina,
soxhlet extraction Manggalarini, Alnavis, Wulandari, and
Pranowo (2016)

7 Dry leaf extract maceration extraction, TPC, TFC and tannin Taukoorah et al. (2016)
phytochemical screening

8 Leaf extract using hexane, ethyl acetate 4-Allyl-1,2-Diacetoxybenzene, chavicol and Choopayak et al., 2016, Murata et al. (2009),
and ethanol eugenol and Venkadeswaran, Thomas, and
Geraldine (2016)

9 Betel leaf extract powder using Soxhlet Alkaloids, fatty acids, phenolic compounds, Foo, Salleh, and Mamat (2015)
apparatus with 70% deionised water alcoholic compounds, flavonoids
and ethanol compounds, terpenes compounds, coumaran
compounds and organic acids

10 Solvent extraction (methanol) and TPC, TFC and CQAC Tan and Chan (2014)
microwave treatment

11 Solvent extraction method using four Higher polyphenolic contents Nouri et al. (2014)
different solvents (methanol, ethanol,
acetone, and ethyl acetate

12 Leaf extract Tannins, anthraquinones, flavonoids, alkaloids, Kumari and Rao (2014) and Rekha, Kollipara,
terpenoids, saponins, cardiac glycosides, Gupta, Bharath, and Pulicherla (2014)
glycosides, phlobatanins, hydroxychavicol
acetate, allylpyrocatechol piperbetol,
isoeugenol, anethole, stearic acid, methyl
eugenol, carvacrol, chavicol, and

13 Betel leaf extract phytochemicals Hydroxychavicol Gundala et al. (2014)

14 Solvent extraction and HPLC/ESI-MS–MS Eight components with major compounds 3-ρ- Ma et al. (2013)
coumaroylquinic acid and 4-ρ-
coumaroylquinic acid

15 Piper betel aqueous and ethanol extract 4-chromanol, phenol 2 methoxy 4–(−2 Deshpande and Kadam (2013)
propenyl) acetate, eugenol,

16 Chavibetol and eugenol Akhtar and Naveed (2012)

17 Spray dried powder of leaf Phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids Arawwawala et al. (2011)
steroids, and alkaloids

PBL extract Eugenol, a-tocopherol, b-carotene, Rai et al. (2011)

hydroxychavicol and ursolic acid
18 Crude aqueous extract Hydroxychavicol, Hexadecanoic acid, Lakshmi and Naidu (2010); Thurairajah and
Octadecanoic acid,2,3- bis(hydroxy)propyl rahim (2007)
ester, Benzeneacetic acid, Eugenol

19 Chloroform extraction of Hydroxychavicol Ali et al. (2010)

the aqueous leaf extract

TABLE 2 List of bioactive compounds identified from Piper betle L. EO

Sl. No. Piper betle leaves EO Isolated bioactive compounds References

1 EO of leaf by microwave extraction Phenylpropene compounds Agarwal and Gupta (2018)
(modified microwave oven with clevenger
2 EO of leaf var. Bangla, Bagerhati, 43 compounds with major compounds Karak et al. (2018)
Manikdanga, Meetha, Kalibangla, eugenol acetate and eugenol
Chhaanchi and Ghanagete
3 EO of leaf var. Tamluk Meetha 46 compounds among with major Basak and Guha (2015)
compounds like chavibetol (22.0%),
estragole (15.8%), β-cubebene (13.6%),
chavicol (11.8%), and caryophyllene
4 Essential oil of leaves var. magahi hydro- 32 chemical compounds with Eugenol Prakash et al. (2010)
distillation using Clevenger's (63.39%) and acetyleugenol (14.05%)
5 EO of leaves by Clevenger-type apparatus Eugenol (36.2%), chavibetol acetate (16.9%), Row and Ho (2009)
4-allylphenyl acetate (9.4%) and
6 EO of Piper betle L. Fourteen chemical constituents chavibetol Ghosh and Bhattacharya (2005) and
(53.1%), chavibetol acetate (15.5%), Rimando, Han, Park, and
allypyrocatechol diacetate (0.71%), Cantoria (1986)
camphene (0.48%), chavibetol methyl
ester (methyl eugenol 0.48%), eugenol
(0.32%), ß-pinene (0.21%), a-limonene
(0.14%), safrole (0.11%), 1,8-cineole
(0.04%) and allypyrocatechol
7 EO of Piper betle L. Eugenol, hydroxychavicol Bhide, Zariwala, Amonkar, and
Azuine, (1991), Garg and Jain (1996),
Ramalakshmi, Sulochanamm, Rao,
Borse, and Raghavan (2002), Rawat,
Tripathi, Khan, and
Balasubrahmanyam (1989), and Sankar,
Sridevi, and Babu, (1996),
8 EO of Piper betle L. (cultivar: Galdalu, Major compounds like safrole, Arambewela, Arawwawala, and
mahamaneru, Kudamaneru, Ratadalu, β-phellandrene, 4-terpineol, eugenol, Ratnasooriya (2005), Arambewela,
Nagawali, and Malabulath) chavitol acetate, allylpyrocatechol Kumaratunga, and Dias (2005), and
diacetate Gundala et al. (2014)
9 EO of Piper betle L. 4-allyl-2-methoxy-phenolacetate (31.47%), Apiwat et al. (2006)
3-allyl-6-methoxyphenol (25.96%), and
4-allylpheny acetate (5.21%) with other
minor compounds

spectrometry (Deshpande & Kadam, 2013). Kumari and Rao (2014) were declined for both blanched leaves. Comparing both treatments,
with Rekha et al. (2014) reported the presence of major chemical microwave-treated extract has a significant increase in tyrosinase inhi-
compounds like chavicol, carvacrol, methyl eugenol, isoeugenol, bition (4,974.0%). Nouri et al. (2014) is also reported the solvent
hydroxychavicol, etc., along with other constituents in P. betle. extraction method using four types of solvent (ethanol, methanol, ace-
Gundala et al., 2014 identified the most abundant phytochemicals, tone, and ethyl acetate) with five different concentrations of 30, 50,
that is, hydroxychavicol in betel leaf extract that contributes to the 70, 90, and 100% (vol/vol) in deionized water and 100% deionized
antiproliferative efficacy of leaf. Tan and Chan (2014) studied the anti- water. The results revealed that among all the solvents, higher antioxi-
oxidant properties along with antityrosinase and antibacterial proper- dant activities and polyphenolic contents were found in 90% of etha-
ties of Anacardiumoccidentale (cashew) and Piper betle (betel) fresh nol and methanol extracts. Foo et al. (2015), identified some valuable
and processed leaves through a solvent (methanol) and microwave bioactive compounds by GC–MS analysis from betel leaf extract pow-
extraction treatment. They found that total phenolic content (TPC), der using the Soxhlet apparatus with 70% deionized water and etha-
total flavonoid content (TFC), and caffeoylquinic acid content (CQAC) nol. The bioactive compounds like phenolic, flavonoids, alcoholic,

terpenes, alkaloids, fatty acids, and organic acids were identified. In varieties of betel leaves (Meetha and Banarasi paan) extract using dis-
another study, the ethanolic extract of red betel leaves contained tilled water, hexane, acetone, and ethanol as solvent. The results rev-
neophytadiene, propionic acid, and elemicin compounds were ealed that among the extracts, ethanolic extract of Banarasi paan had
obtained by the soxhlet extraction method. Propionic acid and the highest antioxidant (89.46%).
elemicin significantly inhibited the microbial growth (Anugrahwati, Besides leaf extract powder, EO extracted by different extraction
Purwaningsih, Rustina, Manggalarini, Alnavis, Wulandari, and methods, and its chemical composition was also presented in Table 2.
Pranowo, 2016). Taukoorah et al. (2016) reported the phytochemical The first study describing the composition of EO of Piper betle
screening of dry betel leaf extract obtained by the maceration extrac- L. was carried out by Rimando et al. (1986) and Ghosh and
tion method. The statistical results revealed that tannin content Bhattacharya (2005). Fourteen chemical constituents namely, 53.1%
(R2 = 0.9971), TPC (R2 = 0.9881) and TFC (R2 = 0.9981) was found to of chavibetol, 15.5% of chavibetol acetate, 0.71% of allypyrocatechol
be significant. Recently, Muruganandam et al. (2017) studied the opti- diacetate, 0.48% camphene along with other compounds (methyl
mization of Soxhlet extraction conditions to obtain the maximum yield eugenol, eugenol, α-pinene, ß-pinene, α-limonene, safrole, and
(10.94%) of Piper betle extract using Box–Behnken design at the opti- 1, 8-cineole) were identified. Rawat et al. (1989) studied the identifi-
mized condition: material quantity of 2 g, the solvent quantity of cation of volatile constituents of EO extracted from five landraces of

281.4 ml, the temperature of 72 C and extraction time 3 hr. They also betel vine. Fifty-one compounds were isolated, and eugenol was
reported FT-IR and GC–MS analysis of optimized extract to find out found to be highest in all landraces. Hydroxychavicol, a phenolic com-
the presence of chemical groups and compounds. GC–MS revealed pound, with other compounds of less percentage present in extracted
valuable compounds such as 69.46% of hydroxy chavicol, 24% of EO of different varieties were also reported which possess several
4-chromanol and 4.86% of eugenol, 0.923% of 1-phenylpropene- activities like antioxidant, biological, and anticarcinogenic activity
3,3-diol diacetate and 0.765% of 4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene that (Bhide et al., 1991; Garg & Jain, 1996; Ramalakshmi et al., 2002; San-
possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and antimicro- kar et al., 1996). Row and Ho (2009) revealed the chemical composi-
bial activities. Moreover, FT-IR analysis of betel leaves extracts tion of betel leaf EO and its fractions that were analyzed by GC–MS.
obtained by ethanol solvent confirmed the presence of alcoholic GC–MS analysis of the crude oil revealed an abundance of
groups with respect to major peak areas like amines (3,311.78/cm), allylphenolic compounds and 36 compounds were identified, rep-
monomeric alcohols, phenols (2,927.94/cm), carboxylic acids resenting 98.1% of the EO. Among them, 36.2% of eugenol, 16.9%
(1,707.00/cm); alkanes (1,367.53/cm); ethers (1,045.42/cm), and of chavibetol acetate, 9.4% of 4-allyl phenylacetate and 7.2% of
esters and alkenes (879.54/cm), respectively. In another study, com- 4-allylphenol were found as major components, comprising 69.7% of
pounds like eugenol, 4-allyl-1, 2-diacetoxybenzene, and chavicol pre- the oil. In another study, because of the presence of eugenol, EO pos-
sent in betel leaves extract are found to be responsible for anti-fungal sesses the antibacterial, antifungal activity, and many pharmacological
medicinal activity (Murata et al., 2009; Venkadeswaran et al., 2016). activities (Lakshmi & Naidu, 2010; Thurairajah & Rahim, 2007).
Ali et al. (2010) reported the major phenolic compounds like Prakash et al. (2010) investigated the chemical composition and anti-
hydroxychavicol (66.55%), eugenol (11.92%), isoeugenol (2.90%) and oxidant properties EO of betel leaves var magahi. Out of 32 constitu-
4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene (3.21%) from the optimized ultrasound- ents, 63.39% of eugenol and 14.05% of acetyl eugenol were
assisted extract of Piper betle leaves using three levels Box–Behnken identified as major components of betel leaf EO. The EO also
design. A maximum extraction yield of 13.71%, 289.05 mg GAE/g exhibited strong antioxidant potential showing IC50 value (3.6 μg/ml)
d.w. of TPC, 21.50 mg RE/G d.w. of TFC and 94.99% of was found at that was close to 3.2 μg/ml of ascorbic acid, 7.4 μg/ml of butylated
the optimized conditions: 51.60 C of extraction temperature, 78.74% hydroxytoluene (BHT) and 4.5 μg/ml of butylated hydroxyanisole
ethanol concentration and 1:21.85 g/ml of solute to solvent ratio. (BHA), respectively. Moreover, chavibetol was found to be another
Ali, Chong, Mah, et al. (2018) reported some phenolic compounds organic chemical compound that contributes to its spicy odor,
like eugenol, hydroxychavicol, isoeugenol, and allylpyrocatechol whereas eugenol as a principal constituent of betel leaf EO possesses
3,4-diacetate of dried betel leaves extract that stored in different stor- antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects (Akhtar & Naveed, 2012).
age temperature conditions for 6 months. The best stability with Dwivedi and Tripathi (2014) stated that betel leaf EO mainly com-
100% retention was found in hydroxychavicol, whereas moderate sta- posed of terpinen-4-ol, safrole, allyl pyrocatechol monoacetate, euge-
bility was found in eugenol and isoeugenol through the entire storage nol, eugenol acetate, hydroxyl chavicol, eugenol, cadinene carvacrol,
period. Ali, Lim, and Wahida (2018) also studied ultrasound-assisted allyl catechol, p-cymene, caryophyllene, chavibetol, cineole, estragole,
extraction and maceration extraction of Piper betle leaf powder using etc. Sugumaran et al. (2011), identified 65 chemical constituents in
ethanol and water as solvents. The results revealed the highest and betel leaves EO that extracted using the hydro-distillation method.
lowest phenolic content was found to be 840 mg GAE/g (95% etha- The predominant chemical constituents were 5-(2-propenyl)- 1,3
nol) and 460 mg GAE/g (50% ethanol) along with 200 mg GAE/g benzodioxole (25.67%) followed by eugenol (18.27%) and 2-methoxy-
(water), respectively. The Piper betle var. haldia, leaves extract using 4-(2-propenyl) acetate-phenol (8.0%). In another study, the major
chloroform contained 1-n-dodecanyloxy resorcinol and des- compounds like 22.0% of chavibetol, 15.8% of estragole, 13.6% of
methylenesqualenyl deoxy-cepharadione-A (Atiya et al., 2018). Sarma β-cubebene, 11.8% of chavicol, and 11.3% of caryophyllene were
et al. (2018) focused on evaluating antioxidant activity of two selected found in Tamluk Meetha variety of betel leaf EO among 46 identified

TABLE 3 Different biological activities of Piper betle L.

Sl. No. Extraction of Piper betle leaves Activities References

Antimicrobial activity
1 Leaf extract using ethanol Antimicrobial activity using micro-organisms Ali, Lim, and Wahida (2018)
like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus,
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus
2 Red betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav.) Antimicrobial activity using Staphylococcus Hartini, Diaseptana, Putri, and
leaves aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis or Susanti (2018)
Eschericia coli.
3 Leaf extract Antimicrobial activity using Vibrio Othman, Saad, Yusof, and
alginolyticus Abdullah, (2018)
4 Leaf extract using ethanol (EE), ethylacetate Antimicrobial activity using Staphylococcus Taukoorah et al. (2016)
(EAE), acetone (ACE), and aureus
Dichloromethane (DCME)
5 Leaf extract var ambadi using methanol and Antimicrobial activity using E. coli, Kleb. Jayalakshmi, Raveesha, Murali, and
chloroform pneumoniae, B. subtilis, B. cereus, Salm. Amruthesh (2015)
typhi, Ent. aerogenes and Staph. Aureus
6 Leaf extract Antimicrobial activity using 5 g positive Nouri et al. (2014)
bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus,
Staphylococcus epidermis, Bacillus cereus,
Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes)
5 g negative bacteria (Escherichia coli,
Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella
enterididis, Kelebsiella pneumonia,
Pseudomonas aerogenosa)
7 Leaf extract by microwave extraction Antimicrobial activity using B. brevis, M. Tan and Chan (2014)
luteus, S. Enteric, P. aeruginosa, S. cohnii
and E. coli
8 Leaf extract using ethanol Antimicrobial activity using Escherichia coli, Hoque et al. (2011)
Vibrio cholera, and Staphylococcus aureus
9 Leaf extract var. Desawari, Desi, Antimicrobial activity using Pseudomonas Agarwal, Singh, Shukla, Waris, and
Bangladeshi, and Jaleswar using cold aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Gujrati (2012)
aqueous, methanol, ethanol, and ethayl Escherichia coli
10 Spray dried leaf powder Antimicrobial activity using Escherichia coli, Arawwawala et al. (2011)
Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus aureus,
and Pseudomonas aeroginosa
11 Leaf extract using water, methanol, ethyl Antimicrobial activity using Streptococcus Chakraborthy and Shah (2011)
acetate and petroleum ether pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus
vulgaris and Escherichia coli
12 Leaf extract using aqueous and ethanol Antimicrobial activity using three garm Kaveti, Tan, Sarnnia, Kuan, and
positive bacteria (acillus subtilis, Baig (2011)
Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus
luteus), and two negative bacteria
(Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
13 Leaf extracts using ethanol and methanol Antimicrobial activity using pathogenic Khan and Kumar (2011)
bacteria namely, Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Staphylococcus aureus
14 Leaf extract using ethanol Antimicrobial activity using Pseudomonas Datta, Ghoshdastidar, and Singh (2011)
aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus
vulgaris and Staphylococcus aureus
15 Leaf extract using water, methanol, ethyl Antimicrobial activity using Chakraborthy and Shah (2011)
acetate and petroleum ether Streptococcuspyogenes, Staphylococcus
aureus, Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia


TABLE 3 (Continued)

Sl. No. Extraction of Piper betle leaves Activities References

16 Aqueous leaf extract using chloroform Antimicrobial activity using124 fungal Ali et al. (2010)
17 Leaf extract var. magahi Antimicrobial activity using A. flavus Prakash et al. (2010)
18 Leaf extract using methanol Antimicrobial activity using C. albicans, and Row and Ho (2009)
M. pachydermatis
19 Leaf extract using ethanol Antimicrobial activity using Candida albicans Trakranrungsie, Chatchawanchonteera,
(yeast), Microsporum canis, Microsporum and Khunkitti (2008)
gypseum and Trichophyton
mentagrophyte (zoonotic dermatophytes)
20 Leaf extract using aqueous and methanol Antimicrobial activity using10 gram Nair and Chanda (2008)
positive, 12 gram negative bacteria and
one fungal strain, Candida tropicalis
21 Crude aqueous extract Antimicrobial activity using Streptococcus Thurairajah and rahim (2007)
22 Leaf extract using ether Antimicrobial activity using Aspergillus fIauus Parmar et al. (1998)
23 Cured leaf EO var. Bangla Antibacterial activity using Mycobacterium Madhumita et al. (2019a)
smegmatis, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
24 Leaf EO var. Meetha Antimicrobial activity using Aspergillus flavus Basak (2018b)
and Penicillium expansum
25 Essential oil of P. betle Antimicrobial activity using E. coli, P. Aumeeruddy-Elalfi, Gurib-Fakim, and
aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Acinetobacter Mahomoodally (2015)
EO of betel leaves Antibacterial activity using E. coli, P. Arambewela, Arawwawala, and
aeruginosa, S. epidermidis, S. aureus, S. Ratnasooriya (2005)
Other activities
1 Hot water leaves extract Gastroprotective activity Pradhan et al. (2013)
2 Piper betle plant extract Antifertility activity/ female rats Pradhan et al. (2013)
3 Methanolic extract of betel leaves Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity Alam et al. (2013)
4 Ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaves Antidepressant activity Meti Vinayak et al. (2012)
5 Aqueous and ethanol extract of betel leaves Antibacterial activity using B. subtilis, S. Kaveti, Tan, Sarnnia, Kuan, and Baig
aureus, and M luteus, E. coli, and P. (2011)
aeeugonisa using agar diffusion method
6 Piper betle spray dried powder Antidiabetic activity for the treatment of Sujatha, Menuka, Rajapaksha, and
type 2 diabetes patients Ariyawansa (2011)
7 Aqueous extract of betle leaves Antioxidative and antihemolytic activity Chakraborthy and Shah (2011)
using microorganisms like Streptococcus
pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli
8 Piper betle leaf infusion Skin antiseptic/pre-surgery cataract Amallia and Sitompul (2009)
9 Crude ethanolic extract of betel leaves Antidermatophytic activity using yeast like Trakranrungsie et al. (2008)
Candida albicans
10 Piper betle leaf extract Antihepatotoxic effect induced liver injury Young et al. (2007)
in a rat model
11 Methanolic extract of the Piper betle Immunomodulatory activity Kanjwani et al. (2006)
12 Petroleum ether and methanol extract of Insect attractant property in a cornfield Yusoff et al. (2005)
betel leaves
13 Ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf Radioprotective activity Bhattacharya et al. (2005)

compounds (Basak & Guha, 2015). Agarwal and Gupta (2018) rev- leaves and GC–MS analysis revealed the presence of valuable com-
ealed an improved microwave extraction (modified microwave oven pounds which possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial
with Clevenger apparatus) method for the distillation of EO from betel and antifungal activities. Also, Karak et al. (2018) reported the

chemical composition, enzyme inhibitory and cytotoxic properties of extracts exhibited a clear zone of inhibition against all the bacteria
seven local varieties of betel leaves such as Bangla, Bagerhati, Man- because of the high concentration of sterols. Also, the crude ethanol
ikdanga, Meetha, Kalibangla, Chhaanchi and Ghanagete. Eugenol extract of Piper betel showed potent antimicrobial activity against Pseu-
(23.60%) and eugenol acetate (35.77%) were found to be highest domonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vulgaris, and Staphy-
among 45 EO constituents with good cytotoxic properties and lococcus aureus (Datta et al., 2011). Khan and Kumar (2011) evaluated
β-glucuronidase inhibitory properties. Moreover, Madhumita, Guha, the antibacterial properties of Piper betle leaf extracts (ethanolic and
and Nag (2019a, 2019b) worked on the EO of cured betel leaf (var. methanolic) against pathogenic bacteria namely, Escherichia coli, Pseu-
Bangla) extracted by the HD method and found 33 volatile com- domonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The results revealed
pounds, representing 98.41% of EO. that methanolic extract showed maximum zone of inhibition of 25 mm
against S. aureus, by a zone of 17.5 mm against P. aeruginosa, and
15 mm against E. coli. The methanolic extract was found to be more
3.2 | Biological activities effective than ethanolic extract against the used pathogens. Besides
this, three gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus
3.2.1 | Antimicrobial activity aureus, and Micrococcus luteus), and two gram-negative bacteria
(Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were selected for the
Several studies have been conducted aiming at its various antimicrobial antibacterial activity of aqueous and ethanol betel leaf extracts. Ethanol
activities of Piper betle L. as shown in Table 3. The EO, extracted from extract showed more significant and effective antibacterial activity
betel leaves, possesses strong antimicrobial activities that reduce the than aqueous ones due to the presence of alkaloids, tannins, phenolic
adherence of early dental plaque bacteria (Punuri, Sharma, Sibyala, substances, and glycosides, etc. (Kaveti, Tan, Sarnnia, Kuan, and Baig,
Tamuli, & Utpal, 2012). Eugenol, an important compound extracted 2011). Moreover, the antibacterial activities of different varieties of
from Piper betel exhibited strong antifungal activity against Aspergillus dried betel leaves (Desawari, Desi, Bangladeshi, and Jaleswar) extracts
fIavus (Parmar et al., 1998). The extracts of the betel vine parts (stalks were tested against pathogenic bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
and stems) and the EO extracted by leaves also exhibited strong anti- Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli using agar well diffusion
fungal activity and found to be effective at 450 μg/ml concentration method. The dried leaf extracts were obtained by cold aqueous, metha-
(Bandyopadhyay, Pal, Bhattacharya, Ray, & Roy, 2006). Moreover, the nol (80%), ethanol (70%), and ethyl acetate (80%) solvent extraction
aqueous and methanolic Terminalia catappa L., Manilkara zapota L. and method. The results revealed that Bangladeshi and Jaleswar varieties of
Piper betel L. leaf extract were selected to analyze the antibacterial betel leaf extract were an effective and good source of herbal drugs
activity against some selected microorganisms that are described in having strong antibacterial activity (Agarwal et al., 2012). Ethanol
Table 3 and the methanolic extract was found to be more effective to extract of betel leaves showed excellent potential to inhibit the growth
inhibit the microbial strains (Nair & Chanda, 2008). Trakranrungsie of foodborne pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholera, and
et al. (2008) worked on the antimicrobial activity of crude ethanolic Staphylococcus aureus (Hoque et al., 2011). Tan and Chan (2014)
extracts of betel leaves against some zoonotic dermatophytes like worked on microwave treated A. occidentale, and P. betle leaves to eval-
Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton men- uate the antibacterial activity against B. brevis, S. enteric, P. aeruginosa,
tagrophyte and the yeast-like Candida albicans. The results of the anti- S. cohnii, M. luteus, and E. coli. The antibacterial activity of treated leaves
microbial activity analysis revealed that betel leaves extract exhibited against B. brevis, E. coli and S. enteric was found to be stronger than M.
more effective antifungal properties having an antioxidant activity of luteus and P. aeruginosa, and remain unchanged against S. cohnii. Nouri
average IC50 values that ranged from 110.44 to 119.00 lg/ml. Row and and Nafchi (2014) found that betel leaf extract using four solvents like
Ho (2009) studied the antimicrobial activity of EO and solvent extract ethanol, methanol, acetone, and ethyl acetate exhibited good antimi-
(methanolic and aqueous extracts) of P. betle against the selected crobial activity against five gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella
yeasts like C. chromatography-mass, and M. pachydermatis using disk typhimurium, Salmonella enterididis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas
diffusion method. The methanolic and aqueous extracts, along with EO, aeruginosa) and gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus, S. epidermis, B. cereus,
exhibited strong activity against the yeasts. Prakash et al. (2010) inves- B. subtilis, L. monocytogens) except P. aeruginosa. Additionally, the anti-
tigated the antifungal activity of magahi variety of betel leaf EO. The microbial properties of EO extracted from P. betle along with other
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the EO obtained from betel eight medicinal herbs were studied against 18 microorganisms. P. betle
leaves was found to be 0.7 μL/ml against A. flavus. The volatile com- EO showed a synergistic effect against E. coli and Staphylococcus epider-
pounds such as propenylphenols, allylpyrocatechol diacetate, mis (Aumeeruddy-Elalfi et al., 2015). Jayalakshmi et al. (2015), studied
chavibetol, chavibetol acetate, chavicol, and hydroxychavicol, identi- antibacterial properties of ambadi variety of methanol and chloroform
fied from the chloroform extracted betel leaves extract had a significant betel leaf extract against E. coli, Kleb. pneumoniae, B. subtilis, B. cereus,
fungicidal effect (Ali et al., 2010). Chakraborthy and Shah (2011) stud- Salm. typhi, Ent. aerogenes and S. aureus. Methanol betel leaf extract
ied the antibacterial activities of betel leaf extract using water, metha- showed a good scavenging activity with a strong antibacterial activity
nol, ethyl acetate, and petroleum ether as a solvent against the selected than chloroform extract. Taukoorah et al., 2016 investigated the
pathogenic bacteria like Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, antibacterial activities of ethanolic, ethyl acetate, acetone, and dic-
Proteus vulgaris, and Escherichia coli. The results found that all the hloromethane extracts from P. betle against six bacterial strains like

E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, P. acnes, S. epidermis, and S. pyogenes. gastroprotective activity which helps in preventing gastric ulcers
Among all the extracts, ethyl acetate and acetone extract exhibited a (Namburi, Omprakash, and Babu, 2011; Arawwawala et al, 2011).
strong antibacterial activity against all the selected bacteria except S. Also, to prevent dental caries, betel leaves have been traditionally
aureus obtaining the lowest MIC value (0.25 μg/μl). Singh et al. (2018) used as a mouth freshener in India and other Southeast Asian coun-
reported a hydroxychavicol compound present in betel leaf extract that tries. Nowadays, diabetes disorder is becoming common in human
induces bacterial cell death by DNA damage and inhibition of cell divi- beings. It is a heterogeneous and metabolic disorder of carbohydrate,
sion. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity of Piper betle leaf extract was lipid and protein metabolism characterized by high blood glucose
studied against Vibrio alginolyticus, isolated from Asian sea bass, Lates levels due to the absolute deficiency of insulin. Due to this deficiency,
calcarifer. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated by the disc diffusion body cells do not respond properly to insulin. Therefore, some anti-
method, and 100 mg/ml of the extract exerted a significant (p < .05) diabetic drugs, as a medicine, are used to control the increased blood
effect with the largest inhibition zone (19 mm) compared to other con- glucose level in the body. Some of the researchers reported that the
centrations (Othman et al., 2018). Hartini et al. (2018) discussed the oral administration of leaf suspension of betel leaf at 75 and 150 mg/kg
antibacterial activity of betel (Piper betle L.), and red betel (Piper of body weight for 30 consecutive days to streptozotocin-induced dia-
crocatum) leaves using a paper disk diffusion method, against gram- betic rats caused a significant decrease in blood glucose and glyco-
positive and gram-negative bacteria. The results revealed that the com- sylated hemoglobin levels. Administering betel leaf to diabetic animals
bination of betel and red betel showed lower antibacterial activity than is also reported and in this report, it was found that glucose-
betel or red betel alone against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus 6-phosphatase and fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase levels decrease in the
epidermidis, and Eschericia coli. Basak (2018a, 2018b, 2018c) discussed liver with an increase of hexokinase levels (Madan et al., 2014).
the modeling effect of betel leaf EO var. Meetha on germination time Betel leaf has a great role in the anti-inflammatory activity which has
of Aspergillus flavus, and Penicillium expansum spore population. Experi- been used as a household remedy for the inflammation of the oral
mental data of the spore germination rate was significantly fitted cavity (Dohi, Terada, Anamura, Okamoto, & Tsujimoto, 1989). Anti-
(R2 = 0.95%) to the asymmetric model. Minimum inhibitory concentra- inflammatory is the activity that helps in the treatment of inflammation
tion for spore germination of A. flavus, and P. expansum was found to be or swelling. Inflammation is considered a part of the complex biological
0.65 and 0.54 μl/ml. Ali, Lim, and Wahida (2018) evaluated and com- response of vascular tissues to dangerous stimuli such as pathogens,
pared the antimicrobial activity of added and without added P.betle damaged cells, etc. It is also reported that the ethanolic extracts of betel
extract in commercially available three types of toothpaste (Colgate leaf possess anti-inflammatory activities at non-toxic concentrations, in
total, Paradontax, and Darlie) against S. aureus, E. coli, S. mutans, and S. the complete Freund's adjuvant-induced model of arthritis in rats.
salivarius. Among 95% ethanolic, 50% ethanolic and water extract, the Eugenol, a principal compound of betel leaf, also possesses anti-
highest TPC and growth inhibitory effects for the gram-negative E. coli, inflammatory effects in different animal models of studies with
with a MIC of 5 mg/ml were found in 95% ethanolic extract. This similar different inflammogens (Azuine, Amonkar, and Bhide, 1991). Besides
result was also found by Khan and Kumar (2011), where methanolic eugenol, HC and α-tocopherol, also enhance the levels of Glutathione
betel leaf extracts showed antimicrobial activity with a MIC of 8.196 (GTH) in mouse skin and liver. This compound acts as an important anti-
and 0.0021 mg/ml for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. The reason oxidant in the human body (Bhide et al., 1991). Due to the presence of
behind this difference depends on the cellular structure of bacteria hav- high flavonoid content of betel leaves, the anti-ulcerogenic activity has
ing a thicker cell wall in gram-positive bacteria and a thinner outer also been attributed. Betel leaf extracts can cure gastric ulcers and pep-
membrane in gram membrane bacteria. In another study, antimicrobial tic ulcers (Chaurasia and Johri, 1990). The betel leaf is used as a house-
activity (antibacterial and antifungal test) of Piper betle extract was hold medicine for inflammation alone or with other medicinal plants,
tested using ethanol, distilled water, hexane and acetone solvents like turmeric and sandalwood paste.
against four pathogens viz. B. subtilis, E. coli, A. niger, and S. cerevisiae.
Among the solvent extracts, ethanolic extract showed maximum inhibi-
tion zone against E. coli followed by S. aureus (Sarma et al., 2018). 4 | FU T U R E R E S E A RC H

Traditionally, P. betle leaves, treated as medicines having valuable bio-

3.2.2 | Other biological activities active compounds, are extensively used in India and elsewhere
because of their low cost and easy accessibility. This can be used as
There are other several biological activities like antioxidant, antican- an additive or individually to treat alcoholism, bronchitis, asthma, lep-
cer, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, etc., besides antimicrobial activity rosy, and dyspepsia. The extract of P. betle leaves contains a large
(Table 3). Betel leaves contain high amounts of phytochemicals, which number of bioactive molecules like polyphenols, alkaloids, steroids,
can help fight cancer although betel nuts having the risk of cancer. saponins, and tannins (Chakraborthy and Shah, 2011). Moreover, the
Moreover, it can help fight oxidative stress and eliminates free radicals leaf extract has also been reported to exhibit biological capabilities of
by which it can prevent cancer (Rai et al., 2011). Ascorbic acid, as an detoxification, aromatic, stimulant, carminative, astringent, antiseptic
excellent antioxidant, is very useful to reduce the free radicals in the antioxidative and antimutagenic activities. The principal chemical con-
body and thus prevents cancer. Extracts of betel leaves have a stituents of P. betle were found to be polyphenols like eugenol,

chavicol, carvacrol, chevibetol, catechol, and allyl pyrocatechol, and activities, to develop preservation techniques, and to decrease the
vitamin C, which were reported to exhibit strong antioxidant activity waste and by-product utilization, etc. The economy and employment
(Chakraborthy and Shah, 2011; Pin, Chuah, Rashih, Mazura, & opportunities will develop if the above-discussed limitations are solved
Fadzureena, 2010). Further, these polyphenols exert their protective by the effort of farmers, traders, scientists, technologists, researchers,
activities through their superior radical scavenging and immune- administrators, and policymakers, etc. This should include greenhouse
modulating potentials (Prabu, Muthumani, & Shagirtha, 2012). P. betle cultivation in industrial scale, product development, cool storage struc-
leaves also contain significant amounts of antioxidants like tures, continuous curing machine, medical aspects, and marketing, etc.
hydroxychavicol, eugenol, ascorbic acid, and b-carotene. The leaf pos-
sesses antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, hypotensive, respiratory
depressant, antihelminthic, cardiotonic, antiplatelet, antifertility, anti- 5 | CONC LU SIONS
tumor, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, and radioprotective activities
(Prabu et al., 2012). Betel leaves are credited with several activities It is quite evident from the above-discussed review that betel leaves are
like wound healing, digestive and pancreatic lipase stimulant activities, an important herbal cash crop from botanical, export potential, economic
which have also been proved in experimental animals (Prabu status, pharmacological, chemical, and industrial application point of
et al., 2012). Each compound having the above-mentioned activities, view. This review paper explored the information of betel leaf and its
extracted from the leaves, can be used in various sectors such as food, products, bioactivity, biological properties, etc. Betel leaf is an abundant
cosmetics, perfume, pharmaceutical, etc., and the research is going on. source of phenolic compounds that possess a lot of therapeutic values
In India, about 66% of betel leaf production comes from West Ben- and responsible for many health benefits. Therefore, there is a growing
gal out of which 10% of the gross production remains surplus because interest to utilize betel leaf extract and EO in various industrial applica-
of the rainy season, forced marketing (distress-selling), improper pro- tions such as food supplements, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries,
duction method, poor post-harvest handling, packaging, storage, etc., etc. The demand for the bioactive compounds identified from betel
(Guha, 2007, 2007b). Waste material, a primary product that is thrown leaves and its derived products is increasing worldwide, which is highly
away or needed to be thrown away, while by-products are secondary effective. Furthermore, this review also reports on the recently adopted
products acquired from a process that can be useful and marketable or extraction methods and characterization, which are highly significant for
can be used in a secondary process to produce high-added value and the development of the economic value of the product. The isolation,
marketable products. Due to the perishable nature of betel leaves, it extraction by common and advanced technologies, and characterization
cannot store for long term storage. So, in the market the surplus leaves of bioactive compounds from betel leaves should be considered. Due to
are thrown away or used as cattle feed; in this case, the shelf life of the limited information available in discussed literature focusing on the
leaves should be increased by adopting advanced research techniques. proper modern preservation techniques and phytochemical properties
Moreover, during cultivation, betel vine is affected by different dis- of those treated betel leaves extract used as traditional medicine, future
eases and insects that result in serious loss to the farmers. Also, during research should concentrate on the identification of more bioactive com-
storage and transportation, betel leaves can easily get infected by pounds. Considering the above discussed biological activities like antimi-
microbes, pests, etc. Therefore, waste utilization in processing indus- crobial activity, antioxidant activity, antidiabetic, anticancer activity, etc.,
tries is one of the important and challenging jobs around the world. it concludes that betel leaf has tremendous importance which has to
Here the green betel leaves could be of importance as a by-product due come out as a future green medicine.
to their abundance and possible utilization as an extract or volatile EO
that obtained by the extraction process. Very few reports are available ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
about the utilization of leaf extract/ EO that is discussed in the above The authors are grateful for the support from Indian Institute of Tech-
section. Given this situation regarding the paucity of research in this nology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
area, we have aimed at its possible utilization by various processes such
as in food application, pharmaceutical industries, cosmetic industries, CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
etc. The post-harvest losses of betel leaves can be minimized by The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
adopting advanced preservation methods that can be helpful and appli-
cable in the industrial future. More innovative technology and scientific OR CID
research are required to reduce these losses of betel leaves. Most of Mitali Madhumita
the people depend directly or indirectly on each unit operation (produc-
tion, processing, packaging, handling, transportation, and marketing) of RE FE RE NCE S
betel leaves in India which adequately justifies its nomenclature as the Agarwal, K., & Gupta, S. K. (2018). An improved microwave extraction method
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