The Parametric Based Optimization Framework Daylighting and Energy Performance in Residential Buildings in Hot Arid Zone

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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2018) xxx, xxx–xxx

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


The parametric based optimization framework

daylighting and energy performance in residential
buildings in hot arid zone
Ahmed Toutou a,b,*, Mohamed Fikry a, Waleed Mohamed a

Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

Received 21 September 2017; revised 2 March 2018; accepted 14 April 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract This research aims at investigating the potentials of parametric design optimization pro-
Building optimization; cess over the residential building to achieve more sustainable design as well as the computational
Parametric design; design methodology in the design process to activate the role of the computer in the design process
Genetic algorithms; not just as a drafting or visualization tool. It also investigates the essentiality of computational
Building performance simu- design and the state of art computer tools like Grasshopper, Octopus, Energy plus, Open studio,
lation; Radiance and Daysim in achieving an optimized parametric design. A residential building consists
Daylighting; of five stories is studied to find the best parameters which lead to the optimum performance in day-
Energy modelling lighting and energy performance. Building parameters such as WWR, construction material, glass
material, shading device configurations are optimized through closed-loop framework which con-
sists of three main portions; Parametric modelling which depends on Grasshopper software, build-
ing performance simulation is performed via Ladybug and Honeybee plugins which depend on
Radiance and Daysim in daylighting simulation while uses EnergyPlus in energy simulation, and
genetic algorithm which is performed via Octopus plugin. The generations of solutions formed in
Octopus are studied one by one to clarify by how much there is development in optimization pro-
cess and when the optimization is ended. Also, the optimum solution is illustrated in addition to the
best daylighting and energy performance ones.
Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction the residential building sector is constantly growing. The resi-

dential sector consumed in 2008 more than 40,271 GWh from
In Egypt, the residential building sector is the largest energy the total national generated electricity. Between 2010 and
consumer by end use as shown in Fig. 1-1. The demand in 2015, electricity consumption for residential purposes has been
growing exceeding 7.8% as shown in. This is an important
* Corresponding author. indicator of the importance of residential building energy in
E-mail address: (A. Toutou). Egypt [1].
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria The considerable growth in household loads in comparison
University. with industry and other purposes was due to the expansion of
1110-0168 Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
2 A. Toutou et al.

Fig. 1–1 Energy consumption sectors in Egypt [1].

residential compounds and new communities in addition to the ‘simulation-based optimization’ [4]. Revelation and compar-
widespread use of domestic appliances especially the air condi- ison are the two main merits of the exploration of design trade-
tioners in the summer [1]. offs. Firstly, Tradeoffs clarifies issues you don’t take into your
In Egypt, the extreme sensitivity to changes in temperature consideration and in turn, future ways of exploration could be
(Gleick, 1991) caused an increase in electricity consumption to proposed by making new parts of the design solution space
put up with necessary cooling loads. This is evident in the fact attainable to further examination. Secondly, the computer
that the number of air conditioners used in Egypt has risen plays an essential role in realizing that the design satisfies speci-
from 700,000 in 2006 to 3 million in 2010 (MOEE, 2010). fic criteria which are better than others [6]. The possibility to
Air conditioners consume around 12% of the maximum pro- perform transformations that result in different configurations
ductive capacity of power stations. Resulting in a total con- of the same geometric components is also one of the principal
sumption of 22% of Egypt’s overall energy production in the advantages of a parametric model. This amplifies the effort of
building sector (see Fig. 1-1). These energy needs could be min- building a representation by providing an interpretation of a
imized by an intelligent choice of envelope materials [2]. The model as a typically infinite set of instances, each determined
proposed approach is developed by using the daylight and by a particular selection of values for the model’s independent
thermal simulation in Ladybug and Honeybee as the main dri- variables [6]. Parametric analysis is not a novel concept but
ven tool for the design development, and it will show the ben- automation and software availability has facilitated it to pur-
efits of using the parametric tools in the architecture design sue [7]. Parametric modeling is gradually adjusted to design
process in order to achieve a specific daylight and thermal practice by means of tools like Grasshopper, Dynamo, and
quality, then it explains the logic behind combining a validated Generative Components. The capability of adding many
analysis tool together with a parametric modelling tool in plug-ins to parametric modeling could be a practical approach
order to develop a closed-loop process between design and to ease holistic simulation support. Examples of plug-ins for
simulation which optimizes the architecture design based on the possibly most broadly used tool, Grasshopper, include:
the daylight and thermal requirements. (a) Honey- bee which links to Radiance, Daysim, Energy Plus,
and Open studio; (b) Mr. Comfy which facilitate interactive
visualizations of thermal simulations [8].
2. Literature review The combinations of independent parameters that generate
well-performing instances within the solution space of the
Optimization is the procedure of finding the minimum or max- parametric model could be searched by the evolutionary prin-
imum value of a function by choosing a number of variables ciples of genetic algorithms [6]. The complex natures of build-
subject to a number of constraints [3]. Many sciences, i.e. engi- ing simulation outputs, the scale of the problems, the expensive
neering, mathematics, economics, environmental science, com- computational cost, multi-objective design problems, and the
puter science, etc relate to building design optimization [4]. uncertainty of many factors during the optimization, including
The parametric simulation method is the way of developing design variables, environmental variables, model and con-
building performance. In this method, all variables inputs are straint uncertainty, etc are the essential problems in solving
kept unchanged except one variable to see its influence on BOPs by simulation-based methods [4] The increasing compu-
design objectives [4]. The using of parametric modeling cou- tational power available to process problems that were infeasi-
pled with optimization techniques has been noticed as a poten- ble previously increased the popularity of optimisation for
tial solution to give a smart searching approach for effective sustainable building design, and of multi-objective optimisa-
feedback [5]. To get an optimal solution to a problem (or a tion in particular [9]. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are a
solution near the optimum) with less time and labor, the com- common meta-heuristic optimization algorithm [9] and
puter building model is often ‘‘solved” by iterative approaches, stochastic search methods in which the natural biological evo-
which perform infinite sequences, of progressively better lution and/or the social behavior of species is simulated. These
approximations to a ‘‘solution”, i.e. a point in the search- algorithms have been developed to find the near-optimum
space that satisfies an optimality condition. These approaches solutions to large-scale optimization problems, which cannot
are commonly automated by computer programming. Such be solved with traditional mathematical techniques [10]. The
approaches are usually known as ‘numerical optimization’ or applications of evolutionary multi-objective algorithms have

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 3

been used more commonly in the engineering and scientific 3. Methodology

trends. However the architecture field is not one that has com-
monly been inherent to these techniques, there are diverse The optimization framework used in this paper is a self-
automated ways of optimization including genetic algorithms automated process as a model, simulation, the Optimization
and evolutionary algorithms that contribute a search space evaluation would be performed automatically on one canvas.
for discovering architecture design alternatives that meet cer- This parametric framework is held mainly in Grasshopper
tain criteria. These can be used for complicated design prob- plug-in canvas. Many software and simulation engines have
lems that architects find that require many iterations, a role in this process as Grasshopper will be responsible for
produce a myriad of variations and tradeoffs and provide parametric modeling while Ladybug and Honeybee will be
graphical methods of evaluation [7]. Genetic evolution ideas an umbrella for building performance simulation and visual-
have been inserted into the artificial world as bases for forming ization process in which Energy-Plus and Open studio are in
computational models such as genetic algorithms and genetic charge of energy simulation while Radiance and Daysim are
programming these evolutionary models use adaptive methods responsible for daylighting analysis. After parametric model-
based loosely on the processes of biological organisms. They ing and simulation, genetic algorithm will be ready to optimize
have fundamentally been applied to solve optimization and solutions via Octopus plug-in which has the ability to perform
search problems, showing some outstanding capabilities of multi-objective optimization.
search and merits over many traditional search methods [11]. The main problem that researcher aims at solving it is the
The building performance optimization could be achieved contradictive relationship between daylighting and energy per-
through integrating BPS with parametric modeling such as formance (see Fig 3-1). There are many parameters seen in
[12] in which the researcher aims at maintaining the daylight- Table 3-1 which effect on building performance. The combina-
ing performance in school class in Cairo desert by using shad- tions of parameters such as (WWR, glazing material, wall con-
ing louvers. WWR, louvers count, rotation, angle, depth and struction material and shading devices) lead building to
material reflectivity. The used daylighting metrics were different performance in daylighting and energy. There are
(sDA300/50%) and (ASE1000/250h). Grasshopper was used many indicators from which the performance could be evalu-
in parametric modeling while Dive plug-in which uses Radi- ated. For daylighting spatial daylighting autonomy ‘‘SDA”
ance software in daylighting simulation. There were 1600 alter- will be used, while Energy Use Intensity ‘‘EUI” will be used
natives which were arranged and scheduled in tables, charts, as energy indicator. Spatial daylighting illumination
and graphs to find the relationship between different parame- ‘‘SDA300/50%” is a daylighting metric which represents the
ters and their influence on daylighting performance, in addi- percentage of floor area having 300 lx of illumination for at
tion, to reach to the optimum shading design. Another way least 50% of the occupied hours from (8 am–6 pm) throughout
is through integrating BPS and parametric modeling with the year [12]. EUI metric represents the energy consumed dur-
GAs like [13] in which the researcher used ParaGen tool which ing the year per unit area [7].
combines parametric, BPS and GAs together with a database. The framework begins with creating case study zones (3
The design of large roof structure was optimized to enhance its bedrooms and 1 reception room) with all parameters. Then,
environmental performance. As well, in [7] the research inves- the energy and daylighting simulation settings will be set. In
tigates the capabilities of passive performance optimization turn, Octopus obliges BPS tools to perform many simulations
framework (PPOF) which used the combination of parametric with different combinations while optimizing the two indica-
modeling, PBS and GAs in a closed loop cycle using Grasshop- tors. The Pareto front appears in Octopus canvas and the opti-
per canvas as a platform. The researcher depends on building mum solutions will be calculated from the objective function.
geometry, WWR, shading devices, orientation and location as In this Section, the setup of the whole parametric based opti-
independent parameters to achieve the optimum performance mization workflow is discussed step by step. The workflow is
of daylighting and energy using (USDI 100-2000) and EUI divided into six sequential phases: site location, climate and
as indicators. Grasshopper is responsible for parametric mod- weather data, geometry creation, which include creating
eling while Ladybug and Honeybee are for BPS in addition to masses, installing windows, adding shading devices and setting
using Octopus plugin works as a GAs operator in an optimiza- materials, energy simulation, daylighting simulation, and opti-
tion framework. mization (see Fig. 3-1).



Fig. 3–1 Parametric based optimization workflow in Grasshopper (By Researcher).

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4 A. Toutou et al.

Table 3-1 Building parameters adjusted during the optimization process.

Parameters Attributes No. of values
WWR (10–50% with an increment of 10%) 5
Glass material 4
Wall construction Variety compositions of thickness and materials 6
Shading width (75–150% with an increment of 25%) of the window height 4
Shading count (2–10 with an increment of 2) 5
Shading rotation (75°–‘‘75°” with an increment of 15°) 11

3.1. Site despite the average summer temperature is nearly 27 °C with

minimum 19 °C and maximum 34 °C without any rainfall,
The apartment block is a part of an urban planning project for the average winter temperature is 13 °C with minimum
109.26 feddans seen in Fig. 3-2 in a new city called ‘‘6th of 6.5 °C and maximum 19 °C [16].
October” which based in the south west of Cairo, 32 km from
Cairo downtown and 17 km from Pyramids district. This pro- 3.2.1. Weather data file
ject which belongs to General Authority for Construction and The used weather data file in this research is downloaded from
Housing Cooperatives was designed by Alfekrah consulting the US Department of Energy website. Unfortunately, there is
engineering supervised by professor Hythem Mohamed Abde- no weather data file associated with 6th of October specifically
latief in 2016. instead there is Helwan file is available and is going to be used
which is 41 km far.
3.2. Climate and weather data Data extracted from Figs. 3-3 and 3-4 shows that the aver-
age summer temperature in Helwan city is 27.6 with a relative
Geographically, Egypt is a part of the mid-latitude global humidity of 52.3 while the average winter temperature in is 15
desert zone and its climate is considered extremely hot and with a relative humidity of 56.7. The previous readings seemed
dry according to Köppen Classification (Group B) [14]. The to be very near from data capture from October city.
only exception is the north region adjacent to the Mediter- Fig. 3-5 shows that the most common wind direction is north
ranean Sea, which is considered as hot and humid climate which has 16.5% frequency and a maximum speed of 9.24 m/s.
due to the effects of the sea [15]. The weather patterns in 6th As well, WNW, NNE and NE directions have nearly the same
of October city are characterized by being desert which is frequency with 12% and a maximum speed of 9.24 m/s.
extremely hot and dry [16]. In desert climates, there is a uni-
form daylight distribution and excessive heat gain as spaces 3.3. Geometry
are exposed to direct solar radiation. The clear sky conditions
that can be found in the desert climate can effectively con- The case study block is a 5-story building every story consists
tribute to the utilization of daylighting However, this may of 4 apartments. As seen in Fig. 3-6, each apartment is an 84
cause visual discomfort or excessive heat gain; this is especially m2 area and contains 3 sleeping rooms, living room, kitchen,
the case in a city like Cairo, which is characterized by having a corridor and 2 bathrooms. Due to simulation time and build-
sunny clear sky throughout the year [12]. As shown in Fig. 3-4, ing symmetry, the single apartment was chosen to perform the

Fig. 3–2 Case study location (Alfekrah Consulting Engineering).

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The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 5

Fig. 3–3 Sun path diagram (By Researcher).

Fig. 3–4 Dry bulb temperature of Helwan city (By Researcher).

3.3.1. Massing

1. First, Zones of case study apartment were created via

Rhino as shown in Fig. 3-7, then these zones were
exported to Grasshopper. Zones were separately
exported as sleeping, reception, baths, kitchen, and
2. All of these zones were sent to (Honeybee _ Intersect Mass)
component as seen in Fig. 3-8 which splits their surfaces to
ensure that there are matching surfaces between each of the
Adjacent surfaces. This is necessary to ensure that the con-
ductive heat flow calculation occurs correctly across the
surfaces in an energy simulation.
3. Every zone category produced from the previous compo-
nent was sent to (Honeybee _ Masses2Zones) component
to turn them into Honeybee zones with all properties
needed to run them through an energy simulation. As seen
Fig. 3–5 Wind rose of Helwan City (By Researcher). in Fig. 3-8 within this process zone program was defined as
mid-rise apartment from (Honeybee _ Bldg Programs) and
illustrated framework. Reception and sleeping rooms are the (Honeybee _ List Zone Programs) components. As well as,
main targets of this study as they are located directly on the Zones status to be conditioned or not was set to true. Also,
envelope. Zones names were set.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
6 A. Toutou et al.

Fig. 3–6 Study apartment plan (Alfekrah Consulting Engineering).

2. In this stage, Zones were ready for glazing creation from

(Honeybee _ Glazing Based Ratio) component which could
generate windows based on the window to wall ratio as
shown in Fig. 3-10. Two parameters ‘‘WWREast and
WWRWest ” were set as slider from 0.1 to 0.9 with 0.1 incre-
ment. You should note that HB zones were divided into
two categories before sent to this component:
A. Optimized category: This consists of (3 bedrooms and
reception). This category was set to be on focus in the
optimization framework.
B. Neutral category which consists of (2 baths, kitchen, and
corridor). WWR was set as default to 0.3 and was not
subject to optimization framework.

3.3.3. Exterior shading devices

Fig. 3–7 Apartment zones poly surfaces created in Rhino (By Horizontal shading devices were created in the south elevation
Researcher). to restrict direct sunlight penetration into zones. Three param-
eters were set (Honeybee _ Energy Plus Window Shade Gener-
3.3.2. Windows ator) component:

A. Shading depth: set to be (0.05–0.3 m) with 0.05

1. (Honeybee _ Solve Adjacencies) was the next step to certify increment.
that all adjacent surfaces needed to be one surface to repre- B. Shading count: set to be (2–10) with 2 increments.
sent an interior wall as shown in Fig. 3-8.

Fig. 3–8 Convert case study Breps to zone (By Researcher).

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 7

C. Shading angle: set to be (75° to 75°) with 15° B. Wall construction was defined to be the 4th parameter.
increment. Six constructions were defined (single red brick wall,
double red brick wall, Bulk cement wall, hollow cement
Distance to glass was a constraint which set to be 0.05 m. wall, single brick with insulation, double brick with insu-
Output shading Breps were sent to (Honeybee_ EP Context lation). These materials were defined as the most com-
Surface) component which was in turn processed in Honeybee mon construction materials in residential buildings in
context in the final simulation stage. Egypt by Shady Atteia.
C. Roof construction was set as a constraint for all
3.3.4. Surrounding context conditions.
To form surround context seen in Fig. 3-9 in simulation pro-
cess the remaining geometry of block building was created.
In addition, the buildings surround case study building was 3.4. Energy simulation
created. All of those Breps were exported to Grasshopper. In
turn, These Breps were added to (Honeybee_ EP Context Sur- 1. After that, Zones were sent to (Honeybee _ Set Energy Plus
face) component. Zone Thresholds) component in which cooling and heating
setpoint was assigned as 24 and 21 respectively. The mid-
3.3.5. Materials rise apartment does not have cooling or heating set back.
All zones in both categories were sent to (Honeybee _ Set EP Cooling set point is effectively the indoor temperature
Zone Construction). Within this component in Fig. 3-10, con- above which the cooling system is turned on, while the heat-
struction materials were set to walls, floors, and windows: ing setpoint is effectively the indoor temperature below
which the heating system is turned on.
A. For window materials, five materials were defined (single 2. The next step is (Honeybee _ Set Energy Plus Zone Load)
clear, double clear with argon gab, double clear with an component. In which equipment load per area, lighting
air gap, double low-E with an air gap and double low-E density per area and number of people per area were set
with vacuum gap). All of these materials were created in to (14 w/m2, 8 w/m2, and 0.04 ppl/m2) respectively, other
‘‘Window 7.5 ” software which is which created and inputs are the default.
developed by Barkley Lab. Then IDF files were exported 3. All zones were assigned to (Honeybee _ Assign HVAC Sys-
to GH to define materials through (Honeybee _ Import tem) component in which HVAC system was assigned to
Window IDF Report). PTAC ‘‘Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner” as seen in

Fig. 3–9 Case study surrounding context (By Researcher).

Fig. 3–10 Set energy plus materials (By Researcher).

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arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
8 A. Toutou et al.

Fig. 3-11. This System is familiar to be used for residential 5. Hence, Energy simulation process has been ended and the
purpose. As well as, Heating, cooling and air details were next stage was the optimization process. Before thinking
set to default. about optimization EUI was calculated by summing all
4. After all, the final station in energy simulation was reached. output loads generated from (Honeybee _Read EP Result).
Through (Honeybee _ Export to Open Studio) component This cooling, heating, electric lighting, and fan electric
in Fig. 3-11, HB zones were exported into Open Studio and loads were calculated monthly then summed to generate
run through Energy Plus. Otherwise, there were other EUI.
inputs needed to be assigned to this component:
A. HB Context which outputs of step 6 and 11 were sent
to it. 3.5. Daylighting simulation
B. Weather data file which contains all weather data
about specific location. Helwan EPW file was set as it Energy simulation model was exploited to setup daylighting
is the nearest location from 6th of October city which simulation process.
had weather data file.
C. Analysis Period, which was assigned through (Lady 1. Output zones from glazing component in step 5 in energy
bug _ Analysis Period) component from January to simulation setup were sent to (Honeybee_ Set Radiance
December. Material) component in Fig. 3-12 in which the materials
D. Simulation outputs, which was assigned through were set as follow:
(Honeybee _ Generate EP Output) component. This
component has controlled the type of calculation which A. For walls, floors, and ceilings, off-white plaster wall,
was performed and if these calculations were hourly, grey floor tiles and white paint room ceiling respectively
yearly or monthly as in that case. were placed as Constrain materials.
E. Filename, which is very helpful to find a specific simu- B. For window material, Radiance glass materials were
lation reports and results from hundreds of designed to match EP materials which were placed in
simulations. Energy simulation process.
F. Working Directories, is the path of Energy Simulation 2. Analysis Recipe was prepared to be processed in daylight-
files. ing simulation via (Honeybee_ Annual Daylight Simula-
G. Write OSM and run Simulation which is responsible tion) component in which points, vectors, and meshes of
for running energy simulation. test surfaces were added from (Honeybee_ Generate Test

Fig. 3–11 Set energy plus settings and run simulation (By Researcher).

Fig. 3–12 Assign radiance materials and set daylighting simulation settings (By Researcher).

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 9

Points) component. The test surfaces were 0.076 m above 7. Shading Angle slider: (0–10) with 1 increment which rep-
finishing ground and 0.75 m * 0.75 m grid size. As recom- resents (75° to 75°) with 15° increment.
mended in LEED V4. In addition, weather data file of Hel-
wan was processed in recipe component. Octopus plug-in was running for 72 h on a laptop with
3. (Honeybee_ Run Daylight Simulation) is the main compo- (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50 GHz (4 CPUs),
nent to generate a daylighting analysis. Output zones from 2.5 GHz) processor and 16 GB Ram. During this period
step 1 and Context buildings and Shading Breps which were many daylighting and energy simulations were running. About
output from step 6 and 11 in Energy simulation setup were 300 daylighting simulations and the same range for energy sim-
added to HB Objects. As well, analysis recipe, working ulation were run to form 6 generations which represent Pareto
directories and the number of CPU were set to this front in Fig. 3-14. The two axes Pareto front represent EUI on
component. the X-axis and SDI on Y axis. The fittest solution should be
4. Analysis results were converted to SDA values via (Honey- located near the Pareto optimal front curve which seen in
bee_ Read Annual Analysis Results) component. Fig. 3-14 as the two axes, a cross point represents the theoret-
ical optimum solution of this front. Due to the contradictive
relationship between Daylighting and energy performance,
3.6. Optimization there are many solutions which have high performance in
one objective but don’t have any an effective result in the sec-
In the process of optimizing for daylighting and energy con- ond objective and so on.
sumption, there are many conflicting parameters which are
interactive with each other and Octopus is trying to find the 4. Results and discussion
logical balance in between. The whole optimization Process
was performed via Octopus plug-in. As shown in Fig. 3-13, 4.1. Objective function
there were 4 inputs to be processed in Galapagos component
to run optimization: The following fitness function was used before by [7] to accu-
rately find the optimum solution in Pareto front while EUI and
A. Phenotype: it represents the geometry of zones used in SUDI were the objectives of this study:
the optimization process.
B. Objectives: EUI and SDI values were processed in this y ¼ ðsUDIi  sUDImin ÞC1 þ 1ðEUIi  EUImin ÞC2 ð4-1Þ
C. Parameters\Genomes: 7 sliders were set to this where:
component: i = result of iteration,
1. WWRsouth slider: (0.1–0.9) 0.1 increment. min = minimum value of optimization set and
2. WWRsouth slider: (0.1–0.9) 0.1 increment. max = maximum value of optimization set
3. Window material slider: (0–4) with 1 increment which
100 100
represents the chosen five window materials. C1 ¼ ; C2 ¼
sUDImax  sUDImin EUImax  EUImin
4. Wall construction slider: (0–5) with 1 increment which
represents the six chosen wall construction materials. The values of fitness function were calculated for some solu-
5. Shading Depth slider: (0–5) with 1 increment which rep- tions of the Pareto front which represent varied cases of the
resents (0.05–0.3 m) with 0.05 increment. performance of daylighting and energy. These values were
6. Shading width slider: (0–4) with 1 increment which rep- arranged by descending in Table 4-1 which explains also the
resents (2–10) with 2 increments. objectives and parameters of these solutions.

Fig. 3–13 Octopus plugin inputs.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
10 A. Toutou et al.

4.2. Base case analysis

The current state of design is simulated and analyzed then it

was found that: The low value of fitness function comes from
the frustrated results of daylighting simulation seen in Fig. 4-2
while more than half of the simulation area cannot achieve 50
in SDA results. In addition, the rest half cannot perform very
well. Building parameters seen in Fig. 4-1 are the main reason
for this frustrating results in SDA values as there are no any
fenestrations located in the eastern elevation while the south-
ern elevation has small WWR.
As well, there are not any shading devices in the south-
ern elevation. The only parameter side with SDA calcula-
tions is glass material which permits the majority of
direct and reflected sun rays to penetrate building spaces.
In contrast, energy simulation achieved reasonable results
by 171.91 kW/m2. Because of small WWR in southern ele-
vation and zero WWR in the western elevation in addition
to the low R-value of a glass material, the fitness function
of base case achieved a very low value which needs to be
Fig. 3–14 Pareto front.

Table 4-1 Fitness function values of varied solutions of Pareto front.

Y SDI EUI WWR WWR Glass material Wall Construction Sh. Width Sh. Count Sh. Angle
East East
85.5 84.1 166.0 0.2 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.1 45
85.2 84.1 166.1 0.2 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.1 4 45
85.0 84.0 166.1 0.2 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.05 2 45
84.9 83.8 165.9 0.2 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.15 2 45
83.0 84.7 168.3 0.3 0.8 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.1 4 15
82.9 82.3 164.6 0.2 0.6 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.05 4 0
82.6 84.4 168.2 0.3 0.8 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.15 4 15
82.5 82.0 164.3 0.2 0.6 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.2 4 15
81.7 84.7 169.1 0.3 0.8 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.1 2 30
80.5 81.2 164.2 0.2 0.6 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.2 4 15
77.2 84.2 171.1 0.5 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with air 0.05 4 30
76.00 79.4 164.1 0.2 0.6 Double low-E (vacuum) Double red brick with Isolation 0.2 4 0
73.2 84.1 173.3 0.3 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) 0.2 m red brick wall 0.1 2 45
71.6 84.0 174.1 0.4 0.7 Double low-E (vacuum) 0.1 m red brick wall 0.1 2 30

Fig. 4–1 Base case model and parameters.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 11

4.3. Pareto front tion after generation 5 and 6 however, there is still improve-
ment in the density of Pareto optimal front region and
While generations of genomes were produced, every generation Pareto optimal front curve. Due to time limitation and there
contained genomes which are fitter than included in the previous is no improvement appeared in the optimum solution during
ones (see Figs. 4-3 and 4-4). As seen in Fig. 4-1 fitness function generations, Octopus optimization process was stopped at gen-
for the base case was 42.78. In turn, a great improvement was eration 6.
reached during generation 1 and 2 while there were solutions As seen in Table 4-1, the top ten solutions have similar
whose fitness reached up to 83.11. After generation 3 and 4 were characteristics which qualified them to have higher fitness
produced, the density of genomes in Pareto optimal front region function. However the WWR of southern elevation varies
and on Pareto optimal front curve became higher. between (0.6, 0.7 and 0.8), WWR of eastern elevation varies
As well, there is an improvement in the optimum solution between 0.2 and 0.3. In turn, the wall construction material
by 2.8%. There is not any improvement in the optimum solu- is two layers of 0.1 thickness red brick separated by

Fig. 4–2 Daylighting energy simulation results of base case model.

Fig. 4–3 Genomes generations produced in octopus.

Fig. 4–4 The optimum solution model and parameters.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Toutou et al., The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance in residential buildings in hot
arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
12 A. Toutou et al.

Egyptian glass wool isolation material with 0.05 thickness. In 4.4. The absolute optimum solution
addition, double low-E glass separated by a vacuum is the
material for glass construction. For shading devices, how- The optimum solution in Pareto front characterized by the bal-
ever, most of the louvers count differ between 2 and 4, their ance in the performance of daylighting and energy consump-
depth doesn’t have a definite pattern as it varied from 0.05 m tion. So, it achieved the best value of fitness function by
to 0.2 m. Louvers rotation angle is one of these two values 85.45. This genome was produced during the fifth generation
45° and 15° except for one solution which has a zero and remains the absolute optimum genome in Pareto front
rotation angle. during the sixth generation also. As seen in Fig. 4-5 energy

Fig. 4–5 Daylighting energy simulation results of the optimum solution.

Fig. 4–6 a comparison between energy and daylighting genomes.

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arid zone, Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
The parametric based optimization framework daylighting and energy performance 13

use intensity achieved 166.01 kWh/m2 with 3.42% improve- 5. Conclusion

ment in energy conservation from the base case and lower than
the most optimum value for EUI by 2.69%. This paper focused on representing the details of parametric-
The distribution of EUI all over the case study spaces is based optimization using genetic algorithms in Grasshopper
analyzed in Fig. 4-5. The daylighting simulation in Fig. 4-5 canvas. A residential case study in the sixth of October city
showed that SDA achieved a value of 84.11 which exceeds was introduced to develop its daylighting and energy perfor-
the of SDA value for the base case. The higher numbers of mance. The used metrics for daylighting and energy perfor-
EUI and SDA for this genome supported it to achieve the mance were (SDA300/50%) and EUI respectively. There
highest fitness function value. The balanced parameters were many parameters to find the optimum design such as
assisted this genome to perform better, as there is a large WWR, a glass material, construction material and shading
WWR (0.7) in the southern facade but with installed shading devices. Nearly 300 solutions were produced in 6 generations.
devices while the eastern facade has a small value of WWR Each generation is considered as more optimized from the pre-
(0.2) to protect it from heating penetration. As well the wall vious ones. All of these solutions have formed the Pareto front
construction and glass material had high R-value which helped which contained the optimum Pareto curve that optimum solu-
in resisting heat transition into building spaces. tion locates on it. All of the solutions which are laying on this
curve were analyzed to find the optimum solution. While illus-
4.5. The optimum daylighting and energy performance genome trating the optimum solution, it’s found that the objective a
value of 85.45 was scored as there is a balance between day-
The optimum solution in daylighting performance was pro- lighting and energy performance. SDA value was 84.11with
duced during the second generation and there are not any nearly 110% development from the base case design and
other genomes in the following generations exceeded its value EUI was 166.01 kWh/m2 with about 3.5% reduction. The
of SDA (86.74). Daylighting simulation seen in Fig. 4-6 two best solutions in daylighting performance and energy con-
showed a high quality daylighting distribution through case servation were also investigated. The daylighting solution
study spaces despite the low performance of the deeper area achieved 57.7 in the objective function compared with energy
in the reception space because of its depth as well as there is solution which scored 33.2. The best daylighting solution
no ability to open any fenestrations in except for the southern achieved a high value of SDA equal to 86.74 while the best
facade. The large WWR in the southern facade in addition to energy solution consumed 161.54 as EUI.
the single clear glass material assisted the daylighting to per-
form higher the than base case by a 117% and by 3.13% more References
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