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Latoya Moon

ECE 232

Date of visit: 5/8/17

Caregiver Interactions with Children 

During snack time, all the children were sitting in their chairs at a child-sized table, eating

cereal and pears. The teacher sings a song to encourage the children to eat.  The song also

provides the children with language and describes what they are eating. “I like to eat, eat,

eat, cereal and pears”.

The teacher also verbally tells the children, ‘I heard you crunch your cereal, crunch,

crunch, bring awareness to sound around them.

The teacher encourages the child to put away their own cup. Afterwards offers a high five

when the child can complete the task.

It is clean up time after snack and the teacher asks one child to throw their pears in the

trash. The teacher picks up one piece of pear and throws it in the trash can. Then the child

proceeded to throw away the rest of pieces of pear and stated, “All done”

Caregiver encouraging social awareness/interaction between children 

 Teacher uses sign language and asks if the child wants “more” putting her four fingers together

towards her thumb motioning them back and forth.

Teacher asked the child if they would like to pour it? The hands child the small measuring cup

and turns the cup over and the kicks fall onto the table in front of her.

The child rubs his hand across his chest and the teacher replies, “Please”

The teacher asks the children, “who is our friend over here?”, and then says the child’s name

 Teacher encourages the child to pat, pat, pat, pat, the baby dolls back, pretending play is also

encouraged at this center. 

Caregiver using Guidance/discipline techniques

The teacher unbuckles the child to take him out of the chair and the child buckles it back.

The teacher said, “Do you want to work on your bucket today?” The teacher assists the

child at their pace.

Teacher asks the child if they want to help wipe the table, hands the child a wipe and starts

wiping and singing, this is the way we wipe the table, this is the way we wipe the table, and

the child starts to wipe the table.

 Child stands on a block and the teacher doesn’t think this looks like a safe balance. The

teacher walks over to the child and helps direct him down off the block and doesn’t yell or

even say no. She tells him, “That’s a different way to stand”.
The child is trying to get behind a tight space behind the pack and play and is squeezing

through. The teacher moves the pack and plays forward and says, looks like you’re trying

to get by, let me help you”. The child gets to his desired spot for that moment.

Teacher asks the child to wipe their hands after snack time and hands the child the wipe.

Child wipes her hands.

Teacher promoting social/emotional awareness

Teachers encourage pretend play and talk to the child through washing her doll in the toy

sink. Teachers say, bubbles, bubbles, bubbles as the child places her doll in the sink. After

the bath is done the child wraps the doll and sits at the rocking chair with her doll. The

teacher says, “are you rocking the baby, sh, sh, sh, sh”.

 Child gets up and walks over and hands the teacher the doll. The teacher asked if she was

going to rock the baby? The child shakes her head no, the teacher asks if the child was

going to wash her baby? The child shakes her head no, the teacher asks if she is all done

and the child motions with her hands, all done.

The teacher had painted plates with different emotions on them. The teacher was showing

a child what each one was. As the child grabbed a different plate the teacher would say the

emotion, “silly, mad, I’m mad”. One child pointed to the eyes on the plate and said eyes

and the teacher acknowledge the child and repeated eyes.

 Teacher assists the child with washing their hands in the bath room as they are verbally

walking them through everything, and hands the child a paper towel, asks him to dry his

hands and throw away his trash. The child follows directions and is helping himself.

Overall evaluation

This child care development center was awesome and refreshing! There was a warm loving

feeling in the atmosphere and everyone looked like they wanted to be there. The environment

was very homelike and comforting with lots of variety of different objects and toys to explore. I

enjoyed these little tots and the interactions between the teachers and children. The teachers

placed themselves on different parts of the room allowing them to work with small groups. This

makes it a bit easier to complete activities or just play without a fight. Language is very rich and

encouraged in this classroom setting as well as explanations being vocalized. Children are simply

able to be children and can enjoy the time spent away from their loved ones.

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