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Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980

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The role of vaccination in risk mitigation and control of Newcastle

disease in poultry
Jo Mayers a,⇑, Karen L. Mansfield a,b, Ian H. Brown a
Virology Department, Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), Woodham Lane, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3NB, United Kingdom
Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Newcastle disease is regarded as one of the most important avian diseases throughout the world and con-
Available online 23 September 2017 tinues to be a threat and economic burden to the poultry industry. With no effective treatment, poultry
producers rely primarily on stringent biosecurity and vaccination regimens to control the spread of this
Keywords: devastating disease. This concise review provides an historical perspective of Newcastle disease vaccina-
Newcastle disease tion and how fundamental research has paved the way for the development of instrumental techniques
APMV-1 which are still in use today. Although vaccination programmes have reduced the impact of clinical dis-
ease, they have historically been ineffective in controlling the spread of virulent viruses and therefore
do not always offer an adequate solution to the world’s food security problems. However, the continued
development of novel vaccine technology and improved biosecurity measures through education may
offer a solution to help reduce the global threat of Newcastle disease on the poultry industry.
Crown Copyright Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and host. Clinical signs may include depression, inappetance, respi-
ratory signs, torticollis, circling, reduced egg production and paral-
Newcastle disease (ND), caused by virulent strains of avian ysis (Fig. 1.) Strains of AAvV-1 are classified according to their
paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1), which has recently been reclassi- mean death time (MDT), and are generally grouped into three
fied as avian avulavirus 1 (AAvV-1) [1,2] is regarded as one of the pathotypes on the basis of the clinical signs observed in infected
most important avian diseases throughout the world. ND remains chickens [7,8]. Lentogenic isolates of low pathogenicity cause mild
endemic in many countries with frequent epizootics occurring respiratory or enteric infections, viruses of intermediate virulence
throughout Africa, Asia and the America’s [3]. All strains of that cause respiratory disease are termed mesogenic, while viruses
AAvV-1 belong to the Avulavirus genus of the family Paramyxoviri- that are highly pathogenic are known as velogenic, as defined by
dae and are regarded as a single serotype [4], however, antigenic [9]. The virulence of NDV is dependent on a number of factors, with
variation between strains are frequently detected [5]. Although the F protein cleavage site sequence (amino acid residues 113–
the majority of bird species are considered susceptible to ND, the 117) being the principle determinant of virus virulence [10]. The
clinical signs observed may vary and are dependent on a number presence of multi basic amino acids at the cleavage site of virulent
of factors [6]. These include the strain of virus, host species, health viruses means they can be cleaved by proteases present within
and immune status as well as environmental factors. The intensive hosts tissues and organs allowing the virus to spread systemically
production systems employed by some poultry producers are often usually causing high mortality [11]. In contrast, lentogenic viruses
considered stressful and along with other associated environmen- of low pathogenicity are restricted in their ability to infect and
tal conditions e.g. high and low temperatures, or stocking densities, replicate e.g. cleaved only by trypsin-like enzymes located within
can increase the susceptibility of birds to disease. the respiratory and intestinal tract. However, it has been demon-
The clinical signs and pathology of ND in poultry encompass a strated that other regions of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV)
wide spectrum of disease, ranging from inapparent infections to genome contribute to the virulence and pathogenicity of the virus.
those associated with high mortality varying with both virus strain The V protein has been shown to play a role in virulence through
the antagonism of IFN-1 responses and may also be involved in
host restriction for NDV [12]. The pathogenicity of NDV strains
⇑ Corresponding author at: Virology Department, Animal and Plant Health has been determined on the basis of various properties such as
Agency (APHA)-Weybridge, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, United Kingdom. mean death time (MDT) in embryonated fowls eggs or intravenous
E-mail address: (J. Mayers).
0264-410X/Crown Copyright Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Mayers et al. / Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980 5975

Fig. 1. Chicken with torticollis and green diarrhoea characteristic of ND clinical signs. Photographs courtesy of Dr. Dennis Alexander.

pathogenicity index in six-week-old chickens. However, based on role in permitting the transmission of the virus and their ability to
international agreement, a definitive assessment of virus virulence provide adequate protection against contemporary circulating
is based on the intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) in day-old strains [15,16], especially in cases where avirulent strains have
chicks (Gallus gallus). The variation in pathogenicity of different mutated to a virulent form resulting in disease outbreaks [17]. This
AAvV-1 isolates is reflected in the index range, from 0.0 (avirulent) review offers a concise evaluation of the role of biosecurity and
to 2.0 (highly virulent). Strains are defined as virulent if they meet vaccination measures to protect against ND along with the consid-
one of the following criteria, (i) the virus has an ICPI score in day- eration of advances in new vaccine development technology which
old chicks of 0.7 or greater, or (ii) the virus has multi basic amino may offer improved strategies to help eliminate the burden of this
acids at the C-terminus of the F2 protein and phenylalanine at resi- disease.
due 117 [3]. ND is an OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)
designated disease and detection of virulent strains of the virus
requires reporting to the OIE [3] for the purposes of trade. How- 2. History of Newcastle disease vaccination
ever, due to the variability in disease presentation and the wide-
spread use of live vaccines, differential diagnosis of AAvV-1/NDV Vaccination for ND in domestic poultry was first proposed in
is required before ND can be confirmed e.g. presence of a virulent the early 1930s shortly after its identification [18,19] and has been
cleavage site or ICPI > 0.7. This highlights the need for careful diag- used extensively ever since, making it one of the most widely used
nosis, which is necessary for the purposes of international trade, veterinary vaccine in the world. A timeline for the development of
control measures and policies. ND vaccination since the 1930s is summarized in Fig. 2. The iden-
Newcastle disease continues to be a threat and cause an eco- tification of less virulent strains such as Hitchner B1 and LaSota
nomic burden to the commercial poultry industry and backyard [13,14] has been instrumental in the development of these vacci-
flocks throughout the world. Since there is no effective treatment nes and these strains are still in use today. Much of the NDV vac-
for ND, the poultry industry relies primarily on stringent biosecu- cine development work that was carried out during the 1970s
rity regimens and vaccination procedures for the control of this has been fully described in the handbook entitled ‘’Newcastle dis-
devastating disease. Since the 1930s, live vaccines have been ease vaccines: their production and use’’ by Allan et al. [20], with
developed to help protect flocks from the disease [13,14]. These many of the protocols still practiced today. ND vaccines have been
vaccines are licensed in many parts of the world and are even obli- propagated in embryonated fowls’ eggs for decades; however,
gatory in many countries. Although live vaccines have been useful developments in vaccine technology have led to genetic engineer-
in the control of clinical ND, concerns have been raised about their ing techniques where partial antigenic components are used to

Fig. 2. Schematic summarising the timeline of ND vaccine development.

5976 J. Mayers et al. / Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980

stimulate an immune response [20–22]. Research undertaken on effective and convenient delivery method. Unfortunately, field con-
NDV has enabled the understanding of its genome structure and ditions are often sub optimal due to stocking densities and varying
replication [10,23,24]. This, together with advances in the develop- uptake rate with vaccine success rates reduced to 53% in flocks
ment of molecular techniques especially in the form of genetic through aerosol dissemination and 60% when delivered through
sequencing and phylogenetics, has allowed the distinction water drinkers [35]. However, labour in some developing countries
between different field strains and their virulence [25]. Further- is often inexpensive which means that individual vaccine adminis-
more, they have shown that AAvV-1 strains continue to evolve tration can be economically feasible, although due to the nature of
and have been associated with vaccine failure and escape mutants these mass application systems, flock immunity can vary [36,37].
[16,26,27]. Numerous vaccination studies have been undertaken However, it was not until the 1990s that a technique to vaccinate
over the decades with varying success, and it is often difficult to via the in ovo route was developed, as previous attempts had either
compare the experimental results due to the variety of protocols killed or weakened the embryo. Techniques have since been devel-
and ND strains used. However, vaccination continues to play an oped, which involve treating the virus with ethyl methanesul-
important role in the control and eradication of ND throughout fonate [38], or through the preparation of virus/neutralizing
the world, and remains in debt to the fundamental scientists antibody complexes which attenuate the virus and make it suitable
who conducted its early research and development. On this basis for in ovo application [39]. Such in ovo regimens in the hatchery
the most widely used vaccine strains are La Sota and Hitchner B1 offer an additional benefit to poultry producers and are currently
(lentogenic strains) and remains the basis of many of the commer- practiced for Mareks disease, fowl pox and infectious bursal dis-
cially available vaccines produced today [3]. ease by administration at day 18/19 of incubation [40]. In addition,
the use of live vaccines may mask clinical signs when infections
with NDV occur in vaccinated populations, or on occasion cause
3. Current Newcastle disease vaccines and practices
disease, but in contrast they are inexpensive to produce and can
be administered on a large scale to induce mucosal immunity.
Since ND was first identified, there have been a number of
Inactivated vaccines are usually administered to layers and breed-
review articles published summarising the current status of ND
ing flocks as these types of vaccines are known to produce high
and the different control strategies available, however, ND still
antibodies titres, with longer duration and have the added benefit
remains a threat to the poultry industry and backyard producers
that since they induce very high antibody titres they can pass the
today [28–34]. A number of NDV strains have been cultivated
immunity to their offspring for a limited period through mater-
which form the basis of many commercial vaccine seed stocks,
nally derived antibodies (MDA).
and these include a range of avirulent, lentogenic and mesogenic
The decision to vaccinate does not always lie with the farmer,
strains (Table 1). ND vaccines are available in the form of live, inac-
but may arise from national or international policies that are in
tivated or attenuated and are licensed for use in many countries
place to focus primarily on trade legislation and compliance with
around the world. However, there are many factors that influence
the OIE regulations. The different vaccination programmes
the design of a vaccination programme for the control of ND, with
employed throughout the world for the control of ND are depen-
the aim of any vaccine control programme to ultimately protect
dent on a number of factors such as regional infrastructure, current
the birds from infection and avoid any adverse reactions that
disease status, state veterinary structure and climate, all of which
may affect the production of the flock. Although current vaccines
pose an economical and logistical burden on the poultry producer.
do not provide sterilising immunity, the use of vaccination pro-
The use of prophylactic and emergency vaccination is permitted
vides birds with an increased resistance to natural virus challenge,
within the European Union (EU) according to community measures
therefore a higher virus dose would be needed to establish infec-
for the control of Newcastle disease directive [41] and also widely
tion. The main areas of consideration involve the age and breed
around the world. Vaccination policies can also vary at country
of the birds, other endemic infections such as Infectious Bursal Dis-
level. For example currently the Netherlands enforces a compul-
ease (IBD) which can weaken the birds immune system, and the
sory vaccination policy on their poultry producers whereas other
type of production system e.g. broilers, breeders, layers, turkeys,
European countries such as Ireland, Sweden and Norway prohibit
back yard or pet birds – racing pigeons, parrots [34]. A variety of
the use of vaccine for routine preventative use. However, in the
vaccination regimes are employed in poultry flocks and vary
event of an outbreak of ND in these countries a ‘ring vaccination’
depending on the local circumstances, level of protection required,
policy followed by stamping out may be employed to prevent
current immune status and the type of strains circulating in the
the spread of this disease [42]. In developing countries such as
area. However, the main strategies used are to either vaccinate
many parts of Africa, where the disease is endemic and ND poses
the birds with a live lentogenic strain at 2–4 weeks when they
a huge economic burden on poultry producers, the use of vaccina-
are fully susceptible, or when they are a day old. The latter is then
tion regimens are routinely practiced [43]. Booster vaccinations
followed by a revaccination at 2–4 weeks and again at 10 weeks
using live mesogenic strains such as Roakin, Mukteswar and
with an inactivated lentogenic or mesogenic strain [3]. Mass vacci-
Komarov are administered to increase immunity, however, they
nation techniques are favoured by large scale poultry producers
have since become prohibited in many countries where ND is con-
using aerosol equipment or via the drinking water as it is a cost
sidered exotic due to concerns about the spreading of virulent
virus and causing disease outbreaks since by definition many of
Table 1
these strains have ICPI values >0.7. However, in countries such as
Table summarising the main AAvV-1 strains utilised in current ND vaccine
production. Egypt, India and Pakistan where ND is considered endemic, live
mesogenic vaccines are licensed for use in poultry [44].
Virus strain Pathotype Vaccine type Origin
F Lentogenic Live or inactivated India
Hitchner B1 Lentogenic Live or inactivated USA
LaSota Lentogenic Live or inactivated USA
V4 Avirulent Live or inactivated Australia 4. Immune response to infection and vaccination
V4-HR Avirulent Live (Thermostable) Australia
I-2 Avirulent Live (Thermostable) Australia The main aim of any vaccination programme is to generate ster-
Mukteswar Mesogenic Live (Booster) India ilising immunity where all individual birds are protected from a
Komarov Mesogenic Live (Booster) Israel
specific disease or at least protect flock health. However, due in
J. Mayers et al. / Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980 5977

part to the nature and the large scale production of the poultry 5. Considerations for vaccine development and use
industry, this has yet to be achieved by ND vaccines.
NDV targets the epithelial cells of the respiratory system and Vaccination of poultry against NDV has been used extensively in
depending on the pathogenicity of the virus can spread systemi- many parts of the world to limit disease and enhance global food
cally to other essential tissues within the bird causing high levels security. However, these vaccines, produced from live or inacti-
of mortality. The incubation period and onset of clinical disease vated lentogenic strains such as Hitchner B1 or La Sota, have histor-
ranges from three to six days, subsequently inducing active immu- ically been ineffective in controlling the spread of virulent viruses
nity (cell-mediated, humoral and mucosal) [8]. However, innate [58,59], nevertheless, they have been effective in preventing clinical
immunity, including the interferon system, is considered one of disease. As all NDV strains represent a single serotype, any ND vac-
the first lines of the host response against viral infections through cine should potentially induce protection from any virulent NDV
the inhibition of viral replication to limit the spread of virus within viruses. However, small antigenic variations between strains can
the host before the induction of specific immunity [45,46]. A num- induce variation in vaccine efficacy and viral shedding [26,59].
ber of in vitro studies have shown that NDV induces expression of a Although ND vaccination has reduced the burden of clinical disease,
number of innate immunity genes, including IFN-a, IFN-b, IFN-c both experimental and field observations have shown that, in par-
and the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-1 ticular, sub-optimal vaccinated poultry are not immune to infec-
[47]. These genes were also shown to be among those up- tion, and on occasion disease, allowing these birds to shed virus,
regulated during in vivo studies, along with a number of chemokine thus contributing to the establishment of endemic NDV infection
genes suggestive of immune cell recruitment [48]. However, in vitro in a poultry population. The inability to prevent virus shedding in
studies have shown that NDV also has the ability to antagonize IFN vaccinated poultry when infected with NDV may be intensified by
responses as well as possessing host tropism qualities. Further- poor vaccine match with current circulating strains [26,59–61].
more, it has been demonstrated that avirulent strains are unable Several vaccine variant viruses have been identified in poultry
to overcome the host’s immune response whilst virulent strains stocks across the EU following disease investigations, and have
demonstrate the ability to antagonize the IFN pathways (Mayers, been reported to the EURL on an annual basis, demonstrating a
Unpublished data). Although there has been considerable progress continued trend of vaccine-like detections in EU member states
on the development and understanding of avian immunology, there that routinely vaccinate their flocks (International Reference Labo-
are still many areas that have not yet been explored especially the ratory for ND, Weybridge – Personal communication). This high-
precise role of cellular immunity against NDV. lights the problems live vaccines pose on poultry keepers which
With regard to the humoral response following infection with have financial implication as they will remain under restriction
NDV (or vaccination with a live vaccine), antibodies have been until it has been characterised. Furthermore, wild bird surveillance
shown to be detectable from approximately six days after infection studies have been undertaken which have detected ND vaccine-
or vaccination [49]. Protection through the use of vaccination to derived isolates from 17 species across four continents. These
generate neutralising antibodies is considered an essential compo- detections of low genetic differences in non-target species have
nent for the protection against NDV, inhibiting the virus from suggested they are a spillover from live vaccines, and has the
attaching to the host cells and preventing viral spread. Humoral potential to transmit across several avian orders and continents
immunity is usually generated after 6–10 days post vaccination, undetected as there is no evidence of any epidemiological link
with studies demonstrating that some of the highest antibody between isolates. The most frequently detected vaccine-derived
titres are achieved via ocular and nasal routes or through the use virus corresponds to the most widely used ND vaccines (LaSota
of inactivated vaccines or mesogenic strains [50]. However, vacci- and Hitchner B1). From these observations, it is apparent that the
nation in day-old chicks is largely ineffective due to MDA and recovery of vaccine-derived viruses from both samples submitted
should be considered a preliminary measure rather than a fully to diagnostic laboratories and wild bird detections have been
protective procedure. The vaccination of young birds with live vac- negated in the past since they do not meet the international agree-
cines whilst their MDA levels are still high can lead to inhibition of ment of ND reporting [62]. Lentogenic strains, such as LaSota, may
the vaccine virus and interfere or delay the immune response to even induce clinical signs such as mild respiratory disease and
vaccination, resulting in up to 55% of unprotected birds post- decline in egg production [52], placing premises under restriction
vaccination [51–53]. Therefore, in flocks with high MDA titres, vac- until an ICPI assay and statutory sequencing of the cleavage site
cination at three weeks is undertaken to provide a better protec- can be performed to differentiate vaccination from infection with
tion [20]. Applications with live vaccines have the added wild type NDV. Additionally, they require stringent administration
advantage of triggering cellular and humoral immunity and reduc- regimens and suitable cold chain facilities (often a problem in hot
ing virus replication at the mucosal sites as mucosal immunity climatic conditions such as Africa), potentially interfering with
plays an important role in the protection against ND infections surveillance, and can be compromised by MDA.
[54–57]. Alternatively, inactivated vaccines offer the benefit of easier stor-
In order to monitor the host immune response produced by vac- age and they do not cause disease, however, application on mass
cination, the most frequently used method for the detection of scale is more challenging. Although inactivated vaccines generally
antibodies is the haemagglutination inhibition test (HI), which uti- produce high antibody levels and long lasting protective immunity,
lises a panel of appropriate antigens and controls as outlined in the they are generally expensive and labour intensive to produce since
OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Ani- they require relatively large amounts of antigen. They are often
mals [3]. Previous studies have been conducted using enzyme administered to layers and breeding flocks to provide long lasting
linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to monitor the antibody immunity antibody levels that can be passed on to their off-spring
response against NDV infections, and have demonstrated that [49], although their main disadvantage is that they require individ-
IgM was detectable approximately 4 days after primary inocula- ual administration by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection,
tion, whereas IgA and IgY were detectable after 7 days [49]. which is extremely expensive and labour-intensive. This would
Although these kinds of studies only provide information on anti- minimise their usage in certain large commercial poultry units,
body production they do not necessarily correlate with the level of and particularly in resource-limited settings. Therefore individual
transmission of the virus. Therefore, further research is warranted vaccination is generally limited to small back yard or smaller breed-
to improve our understanding of avian immune responses to NDV. ing flocks where vaccines may be easily applied.
5978 J. Mayers et al. / Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980

When designing a vaccination program for a poultry flock, sev- vaccines or trained administrators, enabling mass immunization
eral factors need to be taken into consideration such as age, mater- without the need to handle individual birds [81]. However, many
nal antibody level, breed as well as the presence of other infections of these new applications have not been produced on a large scale
and likelihood of infection. Whilst current vaccines are able to pro- by commercial vaccine companies or fully utilised for backyard
tect from disease, they do not prevent infection or control the purposes due to the high production costs associated with these
shedding of the virus with potential consequences for onward technologies and limitation of cold chain facilities. Additionally,
transmission to susceptible birds. Therefore, there is a need for they appear to offer no perceived financial benefit to vaccine man-
the continual improvement of control strategies for ND, through ufactures compared to current live vaccines that are available,
enhanced vaccine design and biosecurity practices to reduce the which are cheap to produce and offer good immunity.
burden of ND on the poultry industry and developing countries.

7. Biosecurity
6. New developments in vaccine technology
Biosecurity plays a crucial role in preventing the introduction
and spread of NDV and other avian diseases. Although ND is con-
Advances in vaccine technology have allowed the development
sidered the single most significant disease of poultry throughout
and utilisation of novel strategies to help improve vaccine efficacy.
the world, this has been overshadowed recently by the emergence
These have included the mapping of antigenic properties of viruses
of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) of multiple H5 sub-
that are routinely circulating to develop new seed vaccine viruses.
types including H5N1 [82–85]. Nevertheless, control measures
This employs a computational technique called ‘antigenic cartogra-
adopted by large scale commercial poultry producers remain sim-
phy’ which can play an important part in understanding the effi-
ilar. The development and implementation of procedures that help
cacy and long term use of vaccines. These tools have played a
reduce the risk for introduction and/or transmission of such patho-
crucial role in understanding the antigenic drift in viruses such
gens to susceptible flocks are the major principles for disease con-
as influenza where vaccines are tailored to offer protective immu-
trol. The main components of poultry biosecurity includes the
nity against circulating field strains [63]. Other novel develop-
protection of bird houses, feed and water containers to prevent
ments have included the evolution of DNA vaccines that utilise
access from wild birds, the quarantine of all new stock separated
nanoparticle technology as a delivery system to improve the effi-
from the main production birds, the sourcing and storage of feed
cacy of DNA vaccines [21,64–67], recombinant vaccines utilising
that is free from contamination with wild bird faeces, the cleaning
reverse genetic systems such as baculovirus and expressing a small
and disinfecting of poultry houses (and any equipment used
proportion of the NDV protein (F or HN) that provide immunogenic
therein) prior to re-stocking, and the adherence to stringent onsite
properties have been explored by [68,69], viral vaccine vectors
protocols that prevent personnel introducing or transmitting dis-
such as Modified Ankara Vaccinia (MVA) vector systems which
ease between poultry houses [30]. The use of approved disinfec-
are encoded with immunodominant proteins [22,70,71] that are
tants is a highly important factor, as well as the contact time
designed to stimulate cross-reactive T-cell responses that provide
viruses are exposed to disinfectant, to ensure sufficient inactiva-
cross-protection against different strains. In addition, NDV itself
tion in the disinfection process before the introduction of new
has been a useful virus vector for the development of new vaccines
birds [86], Warren et al.; unpublished data) together with ongoing
and has been successfully applied in the development of vaccines
sanitation of footwear, equipment and clothing. Wild birds pose a
for human and veterinary applications [72].
significant risk to domestic poultry as they have been reported to
The development of multiplexed vaccines that offer protection
carry a number of avian diseases that can have huge economic
against multiple pathogens within a single immunization provides
implications for domestic poultry. Protecting poultry housing from
several advantages to the poultry industry [73–75]. These include
the potential introduction of wild birds or their excretions, espe-
vaccines which protect against ND as well as Mareks disease, Infec-
cially those of the Columbiforme family, is essential for controlling
tious Bursal Disease or avian influenza. During the 1990s, vaccines
spread of this disease, particularly as pigeons are known to be
were developed utilising the herpes virus of turkeys (HVT) as a
infected with a variant of AAvV-1 known as pigeon paramyxovirus
vector to express the NDV F protein offering protection against
(PPMV-1) which has been demonstrated to be the cause of many
NDV and Marek’s Disease [76,77]. The basis of this work has led
NDV outbreaks throughout the world [32,87–90]. Therefore, a
to the development of commercially available bivalent recombi-
multi-faceted approach involving strict management protocols
nant HVT vaccines, which are now licensed in many countries
combining the use of quarantine, stringent hygiene practices and
around the world. Whilst they offer many benefits to poultry pro-
vaccination are adopted to provide a suitable disease prevention
ducers such as in ovo administration, limited affects from MDA,
and control programme. Once an outbreak of ND has been identi-
and the provision of long term immunity, they require strict cold
fied, the infected premise is required to undergo strict control mea-
chain facilities and take four weeks until full protective immunity
sures, which include depopulation, restrictions on the movement
is achieved [78]. DIVA vaccines are required to enable differentia-
of birds and associated products, in addition to stringent cleaning
tion between vaccinated and infected poultry and help eliminate
and disinfection protocols. These restrictions have a significant
problems associated with premises undergoing disease control
economic impact for the farmer, so therefore it is essential that
restrictions due to vaccine detection. DIVA vaccines have been
vaccine-induced clinical signs are differentiated from those
developed by [79], employing recombinant chimeric technology,
induced by active wild type viral infection as quickly as possible.
in addition to [69], which utilised the HN protein of APMV-4 that
However, vaccination of susceptible poultry flocks against ND
does not cause disease in poultry.
may also contribute to the biosecurity measures in place by
To overcome the problems associated with the lack of cold
increasing resistance to infection by requiring exposure to a larger
chain in developing countries where ND continues to be a huge
infectious dose should virus breach the other measures.
economic burden on the poultry industry, thermostable strains
have also been explored, and a range of avirulent Australian strains
have been assessed for their thermostable properties to help elim- 8. Summary
inate the need for cold chain facilities [80]. Additionally, other
novel ideas have been developed with the use of vaccine coated The optimal requirements of a ND vaccination program are to
cereal grains that eliminate the need for temperature controlled induce a lifelong immunity with a single vaccine at the earliest
J. Mayers et al. / Vaccine 35 (2017) 5974–5980 5979

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