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 SEMESTER Autumn-2020

Subject: HUMAN BEHAVIOR                       Total Marks: 30

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Exam Date: 29-12-2020 (TUESDAY)
Google Class Room Code:                                             EMAIL: AMMARASHEIKH@HOTMAIL.COM
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Marks Obtained/total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the Teacher: AMMARA SHEIKH
Who taught the course:  Signature of Teacher/Examiner:

To be filled by Student
Student’s Name: Qasim Jahangir Wariach Father’s Name:
Jahangir Akthar Student’s MIS ID: 26189
Enrollment No: Class Section: BBA 3 B Session Morning
Student’s Email:  
WhatsApp No. 03405860517


1. Explain the A-B-C MODEL OF BEHAVIOR with the help of your own real life
example. 5

 A-B-C three stage model, to explain how irrational thoughts could lead to depression.
A: Activating Event
An event occurs, for example, you pass a friend in the corridor at school and he/she
ignores you, despite the fact you said ‘hello’.
B: Beliefs
Your belief is your interpretation of the event, which can either be rational or
C: Consequences
According to Ellis, rational beliefs lead to healthy emotional outcomes (for example,
I will talk to my friend later and see if he/she is okay), whereas irrational beliefs lead
to unhealthy emotional outcomes, including depression (for example, I will ignore
my friend and delete their mobile number, as they clearly don’t want to talk to me).
2 What is the seventh habit of highly effective people and how it plays a pivotal role in
ensuring other seven habits are maintained? 10


7 habit of highly effective people.

Be Proactive

Begin with the End in Mind

Put First Things First

Think Win-Win

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood


Sharpen the Saw

These days, people look for quick fixes. They see a successful person, team, or
organization and ask, "How do you do it? Teach me your techniques!" But these
"shortcuts" that we look for, hoping to save time and effort and still achieve the
desired result, are simply band-aids that will yield short-term solutions.
That's where the seven habits of highly effective people come in

Habits 1, 2, and 3 are focused on self-mastery and moving from dependence to

independence. Habits 4, 5, and 6 are focused on developing teamwork,
collaboration, and communication skills, and moving from independence to
interdependence. Habit 7 is focused on continuous growth and improvement and
embodies all the other habits.
3 How does human behavior help in team making, aptitude assessment, career selection
and development? 10

Successful Behaviours For Teamwork – 7 Effective Behaviours You Need To


1. Collaborate. This means to cooperate with one another. ...

2. Constructive Criticism. ...

3. Park Ego Outside. ...

4. Energetic And Enthusiastic. ...

5. Empathy. ...

6. Integrity. ...

7. Balances The Role Of Leading And Following.

Our Behavioral Tests and Aptitude Tests can help you make the optimal hiring decision.  Each test
or profile question has been developed by industrial psychologist who study the competencies that
make an employee successful in a specific role.  Because of a candidate's prior work experience,
you may know they have the necessary skills and experience. But will their mindset and thought
processes allow them to succeed in the job? Skills assessments only tell part of the story.
Aptitudes and behaviors are equally important in determining whether an individual is a good
match for the job and organization. Career Development is a series of activities that a person
does throughout his/her lifetime. This along with career planning is a part of a person’s
career management.
The employee is the person who is most involved in his/her career development. He/she is
the person who is best known for his/her skills, values, aptitudes, interests and abilities.
The employee should be willing and proactive partner in the carrier development
process. He/she is required to participate completely in the career planning process,
and then only he/she will be able to carry out the career development process

4 According to Stephen Covey, what is wrong with the idea of ‘going with the
flow” Which habits focus on not going with the flow and how do they offer you
independence? 5
Ans : His seven habits are not just a random list of habits that will make you
more effective if you start implementing them into your life The seven habits are
designed to help you move sequentially through the stage of personal


Through personal development your become more independent and take

responsibility upon your self.

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