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Q4 Being the first mover in "check-out free" convenience store, how can Amazon Go maintain its

competitive advantages in  the long run? How can Amazon avoid failures such as the diaper
brand it introduced in 2014and make Amazon elements successful? How should Amazon
differentiate the products it offers via Amazon elements from the products of other suppliers on its

Ans. Amazon can maintain its advantage by spreading brand awareness and doing innovative marketing
as in the words of jeff bezos reflects the importance of brand awareness :“You can have the best
technology, you can have the best business model, but if the storytelling isn’t amazing, it won’t matter . .
. Nobody will watch.” The company has implemented marketing techniques like giving away 4500
bananas for free like Walmart and video teasing technique which was successful in crearing a buzz in
public and in my view amazon can provide discount offers or deals as marketing technique which may
further increase their brand awareness and it can also maintain the advantage by introducing new
features for customer convenience like return policy, cashback or free shipping etc and lastly there
should be more of the policy that focus on customers and innovation and introduce features that create
easy ness for the customers.It would be more flexible to introduce the brands in their store by first
experimenting and by customer voting or pollings this will help company choose a product that would
avoid failures like diaper brand that failed in 2014 and the other thing it could do is try to analyze the
faults lying between the company and the customer .Amazon offers a wide variety of products and it has
quality products, fast delivery ,it is open for individuals for opening their stores in the company and the
reliability of selling which makes it different from the competitors

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