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Q1) Were Amazon's diversifications through Amazon Go and Amazon Elements appropriate,

given the company's resources and capabilities? Were such diversifications risky strategic

Ans. yes the diversifications were indeed beneficial for the company, the Amazon Go which sold
staple food was convenient for the customers as there was automatic process of online payment
before the customers left and Amazon Go also provided the best possible customer experience
because of which the brand awareness was also increased and the things worked in companies
favor. Whereas the other diversifications like Amazon Prime (for shipping service) and Amazon
Webservices (for inexpensive cloud computing) and its own brands such as Amazon kindle(a
tablet for ebook reading), Amazon locker(for secure delivery) and Amazon Video direct (a video
streaming platform), acquiring companies including GOODREADS and LOVEFILM proved to be
beneficial as the amazon was being globally recognized for these diversifications and wide range
product offerings and ir surpassed it’s competitors and amazon go and Amazon’s own grocery
products were becoming a serious threat to Walmart.

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