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MCQ RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 10. Male, 30 years old, come with SOB.

Physical Examination, you found that the
FK UPH 2014 movement of his right chest is slower than
the left one, Hipersonor and Decrease
Vesicular of the right chest. What would the
doctor do?
A. Nasal Cannulaà O2 60-79, saturation
A. Increase intrapleural pressure
B. Decrease intrapleural pressure
B. Venturi Mask
C. Increase Intraalveoral pressure
C. Non Rebreathing Mask
D. Decrease Intraalveoral pressure
D. Rebreathing Mask
E. Increase Intrathoracal
2. A Traffic Police. Datang ke temannya dan
12. Female, 67 years old with Chronic Cough,
mengeluh bahwa Ia takut terkena penyakit
productive sputum particularly in the
paru karena terlalu sering hirup DUST,
morning after wake up and while change
ENGINE SMOKERS, etc. Temannya bilang
position, she has recurrent respiratory
material-material itu Fail to reach Lungs.
infection since young and inadequate
What is the protective mechanism to that
treatment. What do you found on chest X-
ray ?
A. Action of epiglottis
A. Ring nodule à ring shadow
B. Ciliated Mucous lining the nose
B. Increased Vesicular marking
C. Abundant blood supply to nasal mucosa
C. Gohn
D. Porous Structure of turbinated bones.
D. Honeycombà ini CT scan
3. Seorang lecturer, menjelaskan kalau ada
abdominal muscle, khususnya traversus
sama oblique, sama latisimus dorsi untuk
bernapas. Penjelasan yang tepat untuk
[KELLY 16-30]
menjelaskan kegunaan dari otot tersebut
16. Total Lung Capacity = E. 6650 ml?
TLC= maximum volume of air that the lung can
A. Normal inspiration
hold= VC+RV= VC+ (IRV+TV+ERV)
B. Normal inspiration and expiration
C. Forced Expiration
17. You were attending a music concert which
D. Normal Expiration
was crowded with fans. This concert held
E. Shallow inspiration
was in a close auditorioum with poor
ventilation. What the process which
happening in this condition ?
5. Gejala malam 2 kali per minggu. Ada asma
A. Decrease O2 and H+ cerebro spinal
setiap hari. FEV 60% (?). Variabilty 30%.
Termasuk golongan asma? afalin tabel
B. Increase O2 and H+ cerebro spinal
A. Mild Intermittent
B. Moderate Intermittent
C. Decrease CO2 and H+ cerebro spinal
C. Mild Persistent
D. Moderate Persistent
D. Increase CO2 and H+ cerebro spinal
E. Severe Persistent
E. Decrease O2 or CO2 Cerebro spinal
6. 23 years old man punched in the chest. He
felt suddenly breathless and extremely
difficult to breath. Neck vein severely
18. 65 years old come ED with Severe
congested, peripheral pulse could not be
Breathlessness. Dulunya adalah heavy
felt. What is the diagnosis?
smoker dengan 2-4 packs per day. Sudah 3
A. Rupture Lung
minggu berhenti. Obat apa yang cocok?
B. Paradoxical respiration
A. Oral aminophylline
C. Hemo-Pneumothorax
B. Oral albuterol
D. Cardiac Tamponade
C. Inhaler budesonide
E. Tension Pneumothorax
D. Inhaler Salmeterol
E. Inhaler Ipratropium
7. Acute Bronchiolitis
19. 16 years old boy presented with sudden years old, as it requires a deep, rapid
onset of left localized pleuritic chest pain inhalation to get the full dose of
while having lesson at school. There was no medication.
history of trauma and recent infection. • Nebulizer. A nebulizer turns medications
Nonsmoker and nondrinker and has into a fine mist your child breathes in
enjoyed well past health. On physical through a face mask. A nebulizer can
examination patient was alert and in deliver larger doses of medications into
respiratory distress, vital sign stable, the lungs than an inhaler can. Young
reduced air entry in the left chest with children often need to use a nebulizer
resonant percussion. Breath sound was because it's difficult or impossible for
vesicular and no trachea deviated. Heart them to use other inhaler devices.
sound was normal and no murmurs. What is
the most likely diagnosis? 22. Media untuk grow mycobacterium
A. Atelectasis tuberculosis? Jensen Lowenstein agar
B. Asthma attack
C. Pulmonary edema 23. Normal person dtng ke emergency
D. Pulmonary embolism department cause accidentally a piece of
E. Spontaneous Pneumothorax steak stuck on trakea. Likely to occur:
A. Po2 alveolar = po2 mixed venous
20. 25 y.o. men/women went to emergency unit B. High v/q
because of shortness of breath. Radiology C. Po2 areterial will rise
shows pleural effusion. The doctor D. Po2 alveolar = po2 atmosfer
undergoes thoracentesis to determine
pleural fluid and it shows exudative. Which 24. 23-year-old man datang keluhan SOB, feels
of these criteria to determine this fluid? weakness. Mukanya edem, lengan edem,
A. Protein content > 2.0 g/dL ada jvp. obstruksi dimana? Superior Vena
B. Serum protein > 0.5, LDH>707, LDH Cava
serum ratio>0.6
C. Serum LDH < 0.6 25. 55 years old man, smoker, 2 packs a day,
D. Lupa come with progressive 6 months SOB,
E. Lupa cough, and hemoptysis. Doctor said lung
tumor. What is the gold Standard for
21. 15 years old with asthmatic attack came to diagnosis Lung Tumor?
Puskesmas. Dia ga bisa ikutin intruksi dari A. Lateral Chest X-rat
dokternya. Mendingan dikasi yang pake B. Contrast CT-scan
cara apa? C. Sputum examination
A. Dry Powder di nasal cavity D. USG
B. Hold and use Metered Dose Inhaler E. Bronchoscopy
when take a deep breath
C. handheld nebulizer with mask 26. A normal healthy person is come to
D. administer asthmatic attack emergency department after having a steak
E. insert directly into trachea stuck in the trachea that causing a complete
airway block. What is likely to happen?
Pembahasan A. Alveolar PO2 is equal to mixed
• Metered dose inhaler. Small hand-held venous PO2
devices, metered dose inhalers are a B. arterial PO2 will rise
common delivery method for asthma C. High V/Q
medication. Along with his or her inhaler, D. Alveolar PO2 is equal with atmospheric
your child will probably also need a PO2
hollow tube (spacer) with a mouthpiece.
If your child is younger than 4 27. 36 years old woman come with Semi-
years old, he or she may need a face Comatose state. ABG: pH 6,96 (7,35-7,45) ;
mask. This device attaches to the spacer PCO2 25 (35-45) ; PO2 85 (75-100) ; HCO3-
and delivers medication while your son 5 (22-26). What type of this Acid-Base
or daughter breathes normally. Imbalance?
• Dry powder inhaler. For certain asthma A. Metabolic acidosis
medications, your child may have a dry B. Metabolic Alkalosis
powder inhaler. This device is not C. Respiratory Acidosis
generally used in children younger than 4 D. Respiratory Alkalosis

E. Mixed Acid Base Imbalance 32. Ada anak asma diberikan Salmeterol dan
Formoterol. Ibunya menolak, maunya obat
28. (Intinya) pada penderita emfisema oral aja. Mending kasih apa?
mekanisme apa yg terganggu? A. Cell Mast stabilizer
Macem macem volume yg terganggu B. Montelukast
29. Cowo 25 tahun datang dgn keluhan D. Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor
worsening cough and pleuritic chest pain,
hasil lab menunjukkan gambar: 33. A 66 years old Female with SOB, left sided
chest pain aggravated on deep breathing. 2
tahun yang lalu melalui Colectomy colon
cancer. Increase D-dimer
A. Acute myocardial infarction
B. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
C. Pneumonia
D. Pneumothorax
E. Pulmonary Embolià D dimet untuk

34. A man with overdosed nacrotic drug

brought to you by his family. RR 7x / menit.
A. Paralysis of Intercostal muscle
B. Damaged Respiratory Center
C. Parasympathetic Hypertonic
D. Sympathetic Hypotonic
Anggap aja gambarnya ini E. Suppress Respiratory Center
[kalo di soal tahun lalu sih harusnya criptokokus
lol, pokoknya bulet bulet kaya tt] 35. A man 22 years old with cough, SOB, fever
since 5 days ago. The doctor diagnosed
Diagnosisnya apa? him with Empyema. X-ray Finding; Blunting
A. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia of Costophrenic Angle
B. Aspergilosis
C. Paracoccidioidomikosis 36. Pasien HIV (+). GIEMSA staining shows
D. Cryptococcus budding yeast within macrophages. Culture
E. Histoplasmosis Yeast at Temp 37 degree, Hyphae at temp
25 degree. What is the most likely
30. Patient experience weakness, dyspnea, pathogenesis?
nausea, diarrhea, bowel movements 5-10 A. Cryptococcus
times a day, and is watery. GCS 10. BP B. Aspergillus
85/50 ; pulse 125 ; RR 32 ; Temperature C. Cocci diodes
37.8oC ; SO2 98% ; pH 7,29 ; paCO2 25,6 ; D. Blastomyces
PaO2 98 ; HCO3- 14. What is his condition? E. Histoplasma capsulatum
A. Metabolic acidosis with compensated
Respiratory alkalosis 37. Seseorang pernah kena TB. Sudah
B. Metabolic acidosis with uncompensated dinyatakan sembuh. 3 Tahun kemudian TB
Respiratory alkalosis lagi. Tergolong kasus apa orang ini?
C. Respiratory acidosis with compensated A. Kasus Baru
metabolic alkalosis B. Kasus Relaps
D. Respiratory acidosis with C. Kasus Gagal
uncompensated metabolic alkalosis D. Kasus Drop Out
E. Mixed
[ZEVAR 31-45] 39. Male, 48 years old, complain fever and
31. A man 20 years old, alergi, tambah parah chills 24 hours with episode rigor. He is
saat hujan. Obat apa yang dikasih? COPD and Smoker 75 packs/year. He also
Second Gen Anti Histamine complains increase dyspnea. Pulse 120 ;
RR 40 ; pH 7,64 ; PHCO3 14 ; PaCO2 30 ;
PaO2 58.

A. Metabolic alkalosis with compensated HR 120 ; BP 100/80. BGA: pH 7.2 ; pO2
Respiratory acidosis 50 ; pCO2 82.5 ; HCO3 28. Blood routine
B. Metabolic alkalosis with uncompensated exam : WBC : 11.000, Hb : 17.8, Ht : 51,
Respiratory acidosis platelets : 420.000, natrium : 135, kalium :
C. Respiratory alkalosis with 5. He is unconscious. Why?
compensated metabolic acidosis A. Severe hypoxemia
D. Respiratory alkalosis with B. CO2 narcosis
uncompensated metabolic acidosis C. Sepsis
E. Mixed D. Hyperkalemia
E. Hyponatremia
40. A 67 years old man, heavy smoker, was
diagnosed with Bronchogenic Carcinoma 44. V/Q mismatch patient hypoxemia. Treated
arrived at the ED. Doctor found facial with supplemental O2. Will supplemental
edema, Upper extremities swelling. O2 be more helpful if the the type of V/Q
Abdominal Vein distention was also noted. mismatch is
What is the possible affected vein? A. Dead space
A. Inferior Vena Cava B. Shunting
B. Jugular Vein C. Low V/Q
C. Superior Vena Cava D. V/Q = ∞
D. Pulmonary Vein E. V/Q = 0
E. Bronchial Vein
45. 40 years old female came to ED with
41. 32-year-old come to pulmonology shortness of breath. On physical
department with complains of progressively examination the doctor found dullness and
shorted of breath and productive sputum. decrease vesicular on both side of the
Actually she often got this kind of condition lungs. Pleural fluid analysis shows Glucose
but not severe and relieves after inhaled 110, LDH 160 blood analysis hb 12, WBC
albuterol which it given by her doctor. She 7000, Erythrocyte 5,06, albumin 1,8. What
always used medication as needed. She is the pathophysiology of this case?
said in this last several days, she used that A. Increase hydrostatic pressure
albuterol inhaler nearly every day and B. Iincrease oncotic pressure
several times a day. She used that inhaler C. Hydrostatic pressure is equal to oncotic
but it seems not working anymore. Which of pressure
the following is the most likely cause of her D. Decrease hydrostatic pressure
problem? E. decrease oncotic pressure
A. Down regulation of receptor
B. Buying an inequality drug [LITA 46-60]
C. Decrease of patient compliance 46. A 60 years old male with batuk produktif,
D. Development of antibody SOB udah lama. 3 hari yang lalu makin
E. Hypersensitivity to the lung parah. Dia heavy smoker. PF nya ada
clubbing finger, widening intercostal space.
42. You ask a severely smoking patient to do Radiologinya ada hyperlucent dan
forceful exhalation in respiratory checkup, hyperinflation. Inflamatory cells yang
what muscle involved in that process? berperan?
A. External costal muscle, abdominal A. Eosinophil
muscle B. Neutrophil
B. Internal intercostal muscle, abdominal C. Limfosit
muscle D. Monosit
C. External intercostal muscle,
sternocleidomastoideus muscle, sclenic 47. A 36 years old female, height 158 cm,
muscle Weight 35 kg. AFB positive for 3 times test.
D. Internal intercostal muscle, Tuberculin test = 4 mm. WHY?
sternocleidomastoideus muscle, sclenic A. Secondary infection
muscle B. Immunocompromised
E. Internal intercostal muscle and C. Allergic Reaction
diaphragm D. Chronic Disease
E. Hypersensitivity
43. Patient is heavy smoker and shortness of
breath. On Physical Examination, RR 42 ;

48. Female, 67 years old with Chronic Cough, A. Thorax X-ray
productive sputum particularly in the B. Thorax CT-scan
morning after wake up and while change C. Acid Fast Bacilli Sputum Examination
position, she has recurrent respiratory D. Gram staining Bronchial Lavage
infection since young and inadequate Examination
treatment. On chest X-ray found E. CBC and ESR
Honeycomb appearance. What do you
expect from Spirometry? 54. A normal person lies down to her left side
A. FEV1/FVC normal and breathes normally. Her left lung, in
B. Decreasing FVC comparison to her right lung, will have
C. Increasing FEV1/FVC expected:
D. Increasing MVV A. Higher PAO2 and lower PACO2
E. Decreasing FEV1/FVC B. Lower Blood flow per unit volume
C. Lower Ventilation per unit volume
49. Female 76 years old, came with high fever, D. Larger Alveoli
cough, SOB, since 3 days ago. On Physical E. Lower V/Q ratio
examination : Dull percusion on the right
lung, Vesicular naik, croase crackles di right 55. Pasien TB, ada intermittent Join Pain. Obat
lung. Blood test : hb 12 ; WBC 14560 ; apa yang ga boleh dikasih? Pirazinamide
erythrocyte 5600 ; thrombocyte 234000 ; X- Efek samping obat = numbness di tangan.
ray ada consolidation. Bakteri apa yang ada Efek samping dari obat apa?Isoniazid
di sputum?
A. Streptococcus pneumoniae 56. Female, 20 years old, experiences SOB
B. Legionella suddenly after lifting a very heavy box. No
C. Hemophilus Influenza history of lung disease and no propr
D. Klebsiella pneumoniae symptom of Respiratory disease On
E. Pseudomonas aeruginosa percussion the doctor found hypersonor on
right side of the lung. Chest X-ray showed
50. A 67 years old male with Index Brinkman avascular area and the pleural line on the
400 came to you with SOB. On Physical right lung. What is the MOST likely
Examination, You can see Intercostal diagnosis for patient?
Widening, liver border on 7th intercostal A. Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
space, accessory muscle (+), prolonged B. Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
expiration, and pursue-lip breathing. Diffuse C. Traumatic Pneumothorax
wheezing can be heard. What is the D. Iatrogenic Pneumothorax
enzyme that has to be blocked to maintain E. Catamenial Pneumothorax
airway open regarding to this case?
A. Adenylylcyclase 57. Ada anak bekas TB, ada bloody sputum,
B. Guanylylcylaseà bromide dan ada honeycomb. Apa yang rusak?
C. Fosfodiesterase à theophyline A.(lupa)
D. Proteinase B. Main Bronchus
C. (lupa)
51. 25 years old with Chronic cough, sering D. Terminalis Bronchioles
SOB at MIDNIGHT. Father has the same E. Respiratory Bronchioles
symptoms. Awalnya FEV1 = 63%, setelah
diberi Bronchodilator FEV1 = 78%. 58. 67 years old. Empyshema. Abnormal
What is the cell plays a role? Physiological Testing?
A. Eosinophil A. Decrease total lung capacity
B. Basophil B. Increase Vital capacity
C. Lymphocyte C. Decrease volume residual
D. Monocyte D. Decrease lung diffusion
E. Neutrophil E. Increase Peak Flow Examination

52. 59. What is the function of External Intercostal

53. 53 years old female, come to lung clinic with Muscle? ELEVATION OF RIBS FOR
hemoptysis (one dining spoon every cough) INSPIRATION
since 2 weeks ago. She feel weight loss,
SOB, night sweat, sub febrile fever. What is 60. Seorang anak kecil perempuan menelan
the first diagnostic procedure for this? kancing metal dan menjadi shortness of

Breath. Ia dilarikan ke rumah sakit dan pada E. Obstruction of lymphatic drainage
PF ditemukan Stridor paling keras
terdengar pada Right anterior Inferior Lobe. 88. soal nya ttg ph ph gitu
Penjelasan yang memungkinkan?
A. Tracheal deviasi [JASON 91-100]
B. Bronkus kanan lebih vertikal 93. Anak umur 3 tahun ada wheezing. Udah
C. Ia supine saat inhalation diobatin tp gak sembuh2. Kebiasaan: main
di karpet sama kucingnya. Penyebab nya
[STACEY 61-75] A. Cryptococcus
63. Pekerja datang ke GP dengan komplain B. Histoplasma
Fatigue, Dizziness. Ia kerja di basement C. Dermatophagoides pterynissinus
parking. Kira-kira Pollutionnya apa? (jawaban!)
A. Nitric Oxide D. Aspergillus
B. Sulfur Dioxide
C. (lupa) 61. A 35 years-old male with inferior left sided
D. Carbon Monoxide pleural effusion is examined in the standing
E. Carbon Tetrachloride position. The pleural fluid is MOST LIKELY to
collect in this patient in the :
[NOVI 76-90] a. Oblique fissure
76. Premature baby was born and suddenly b. Cardiac notch
shortness of breath. What is the cell that c. Costodiaphragma recess
influence? d. Costomediastinal recess
A. makrofag e. Horizontal fissure
B. goblet cell
C. type ii alveolar 66. Male 30 years old : short of breathing.
D. eusinofil Physical examination : vesicular breathing &
E. mast cell coarse crackles di paru kanan. Acid fast bacilli
positif, ada oral rush di mulut. Beberapa tahun
80. Seorang anak umur 15 tahun ada lalu dia drug abuser. Exam berikutnya?
wheezing. Ada runny nose klo g salah. A. Liver function
Orang tuanya punya riwayat rinitis. Apa B. CD4 count
pathogenesisnya ? C. Ureum creatinin
A. Bronchus muscle contraction D. Tuberculin test
B. Degranulasi mast cell E. CT Scan
C. Mucousal swelling
D. Increase production of mucous 70. Left pleuritic chest pain .left hyperlucent.
E. Destruction of alveolar Dyspnea. Thorax deviated to the right.

83. ada orang TB, trs dokternya cek cairan 73. A boy 6 month old with cough wheeze and
pleura nya. apa yg di temukan di sna ? sob. History of dec. Appetite and sneezing.
A. LDH : serum rasio > 0,5 Temperature 38,4 and rr 35/mnt. Have clear
B. glucose > 600 rhino, nasal congestion, and nose flaring. What is
C. LDH < 0.5 the pathogen?
A. Adenovirus
85. orang asma stabil dateng ke kita. nah B. Influenza
gimana ngecek nya? C. Rhinovirus
jawab nya yang metacholine test itu D. Respiratory Synctitial Virus
challange test untuk E. Strep. Pneumococcal
86. Pasien bapak" increasing dyspnea he has a
history of uncontrolled hypertension, bp
150/90 pulse 90 dyspneu worsen when
lying down pf: decreased tactile fremitus,
decreased breath sound, dullness to
A. Decreased oncotic pressure
B. Increased hydrostatic pressure
C. Increased vascular permeability

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