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Good evening ladies and gentlemen particularly on the business segment, and today I would be

introducing to all of you, a business where both mother nature and business people can profit off.
Firstly we would be discussing the Societal problem description.

Now the reason why I said that our environment can profit off of this business of ours is because
we tackle the societal problem known to be environmental degradation on waste lands. These are
mostly degraded and unutilized lands which are ignored by society. They are economically
unproductive, serving no use for business and economy. Leaving such land on their own could
cause great damage to the society and to the environment itself which is why we decided to focus
on this.
Brief business description
Now for a brief description of what we do is us utilizing organic wastes to be used and made as
fertilizers for these so called “degraded lands” in which after such time we use these lands to
plant and raise natural and organic products like reusable bags or fruits and vegetables. We also
sell these organic fertilizers which prove to be very useful on any type of soil. Having such
products that focuses on environmental friendly uses proves to be useful on the part. Our
company also stand as a beacon for promoting the usage of packaging made from papers and
boxes which as a fact also lessens the cost of the overall business.
Now for our demographic for the customers are comprises of local businesses, farmers and
agricultural businesses. Mainly businesses that buy in bulk for their needs in their own business.
We offer quality and organic materials which would be perfectly suited for farmers and
businesses suited in the agricultural faction. Having a business that supports agricultural works is
a big win, considering that agriculture does not change that much.
Value proposition
Let’s tackle the big guns. Why should you be doing business with us? Well let me tell you then.
Our business Is environmentally friendly considering our products help the environment. We do
not sell hazardous products that could damage the quality of other peoples business. Like
organic packaging that after opening your product, you could still use our package for another
time, or how our fertilizers do not damage the taste and grow of the fruits and vegeatables that
farmers would be using. Another feature for our pacakaging is that it naturally decomposes for a
period of time which does not cause problems for our environment

We would be using online platforms such as facebook, Instagram, twitter, and many more to
advertise our product. It’s a faster and more safe route considering we would not be using
posters, tarpaulins bulleting boards, that would need paper, plastic, and many other materials that
could post a threat to the environment. Customers could also visit our website if they want to
know more about us like what our products are made of, or our location near their place.
Customer relationship
Now of course, regarding our customers,since there is a ongoing pandemic that is a real hurdle
towards our business, people could reach to us, with our given info on our website, fb page,
twitter and insta accounts. It could also mean as a promotion in online shopping, instead of
physical interaction which could expose us to the pandemic.

Key resources
The main activities that we would be doing is to collect natural materials and wastes such as
bamboo skin and bamboos, and water hyacinth. These kinds of products are mainly wastes in
provinces that prove no use to them, which is why we buy them in order to also help people and
encourage their usage of natural raw materials.

Key partners
Our key partners are mostly restaurants, farms, and farmers where we get our resources from.
Restaurants use a lot of vegetables and fruits and their peelings would just be thrown away. We
collect them from them to be used as natural fertilizers, just like farms where we also collect
manure from animals that are a rich resource for fertilizers since they mostly eat grass and
pellets. No for the farmers, they would prove to be a useful advertisement for our business,
further rocketing our stand as an eco- friendly company
Cost structure
As a business that is mostly about collecting and delivering, one main cost would be the
maintenance for trucks, motors, and other vehicles that would use gasoline or maintenance of its
parts. There are also machines that are used to transform our product as it is today, which is why
we a lot for maintenance of those machines as well. Salaries of employees is a given for the cost,
but since this is a fast and easy business, we do not a lot that much since we have few staff. And
other minor costs such as water, electricity, and the like.

Revenue stream
As for the revenue, it would be the profit we gain from selling our products to our different
demographic of customers.
And that would be the cycle of our business, an eco-friendly, yet low risk, high reward stake for
I’d like to thank you all for coming, and I hope you saw the value and worth of our company.

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