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Paper 2 models

Q2: BICYCLES model:

You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question.
Both sources describe the similar ways in which drivers behave.
Use details from both sources to write a summary of what you understand about the similar behaviour of the
drivers. [8 marks]
4/8 8/8
In Source A, the drivers go too fast. Both drivers behave in inconsiderate ways that put cyclists lives at
They drive ‘very closely and at speed,’ risk. One driver in Source A ‘decided to overtake my bike very closely
which is dangerous behaviour. In and at speed,’ which shows he behaved in a reckless way, risking the
Source B, there are drivers who like other person’s safety. In Source B, the drivers behave in a very
chasing other people on their bikes, similar and inconsiderate way towards cyclists, as they ‘love to share
which is very similar to Source A, as it your handle-bars and wheels, passing so close,’ showing they are not
says ‘love to share your handle-bars behaving very respectfully or carefully to drive so close to the cyclist
and wheels, passing so close.’ This
shows they think it is fun to scare The driver in Source A who ‘decided to overtake’ shows behaviour
them. which is irresponsible but rational. He makes an assessment of the
risk in passing ‘very closely and at speed’ and does not intend any
The similarity is that they both harm, although he knows that the odds are stacked in his favour,
behave dangerously towards cyclists ‘cocooned’ as he is in his car where he will not get hurt. On the other
as the drivers in Source A don’t care hand, the drivers in Source B are intentionally targeting cyclists by
if they hurt someone and the drivers ‘passing so close,’ for ‘sport’ which suggests behaviour which is equally
in Source B just think it is for fun. irresponsible, as they too know they are protected by their relative
size to the bicycle, and are unlikely to get hurt, but their behaviour is
irrational and immoral too because it is planned.

It is perhaps unsurprising that the cabmen who are ‘chasing the lady,’
and targeting the female writer, seem particularly hostile towards
women who ride bicycles, as the second text was written in the 19 th
century when attitudes to women, especially who act independently,
were largely sexist.

 2-3 differences/ similarities between the texts

 Support ideas with short quotes
 An inference about why the texts are similar/ different

Q3: model:
You now need to refer only to Source B from lines 8 to 18.
How does the writer use language to describe her first experiences of cycling?
[12 marks]

Riding on a track began to bore me as soon as I had learnt to balance, but I remained steadily practising until I could turn easily,
cut figures of eight, get on and off quickly on either side and stop without charging into unwelcome obstacles. This done,
burning to try my fate in traffic, and yet as nervous as a hare that feels the greyhound’s breath, I launched my little bicycle early
one Sunday morning in July into the stormy oceans of Sloane Street, on my way to visit a sick friend who lived about four miles
off. The streets were really very clear, but I shall never forget my terror. I arrived in about two hours, streaming and exhausted,
much more in need of assistance than the invalid I went to visit. Coming home it was just as bad; I reached my house about
three o’clock and went straight to bed, where I had my lunch, in a state bordering on collapse. I only recount this adventure in
order to encourage others who may have had the same experience as myself, but who may not have tried to conquer their

5/12 12/12
The writer wants to convey that she The writer uses a series of images to present her experiences of
was scared by her experience of cycling as an epic and dangerous adventure in which she is a vulnerable
cycling in London. victim.

The writer uses a simile to describe The writer uses a pattern of words and images to present her cycling
how she feels as she got ready for experience as an epic adventure. Firstly she compares her bicycle to a
her first experience of cycling in boat by using the verb ‘launched’ which means to set sail and then
traffic. She says she ‘was as nervous reinforces this image with the metaphor of the street as a ‘stormy
as a hare’ which shows us that she ocean’ which makes me think of the beginning of a grand quest in
was scared. She compares herself to which the plucky hero embarks into dangerous waters. The writer
a hare because a hare is a self-mockingly continues this semantic field of an epic quest by
frightened animal, like a rabbit, so describing the experience directly as an ‘adventure’ and suggesting
she is saying that she is frightened that others should ‘conquer’ their nervousness. The verb ‘conquer’
too. makes me think of success in a battle or against an enemy. It is almost
as if the writer is the protagonist of a grand quest and the other road
The writer uses the word ‘terror’ users are the antagonists to be defeated.
and ‘nervousness’ which also
suggests she was afraid of the The writer also uses the imagery of hunting to portray herself as a
experience. vulnerable victim on the roads. She uses the simile ‘as nervous as a
hare that feels the greyhound’s breath’ to describe her fear of being
The writer also jokes that she ‘was hounded. The image is a reference to greyhound racing, where the
much more in need of assistance delicate hare races for its life ahead of a much larger, faster and
than the invalid she went to visit.’ In more aggressive dog, emphasising how intimidated and vulnerable the
other words the experience of writer feels as she sets off, unprotected, on her fragile bicycle, with
cycling made her feel sick because much bigger and potentially life-threatening vehicles breathing down
she is feeling worse than the sick her neck - a victim of a cruel sport, for the sake of another’s
person she was visiting in the first entertainment.

 Start with a summative sentence about what the writer wants to convey (the what). Be specific.
 Then analyse the methods used (how). 2 – 3 specific examples explained in detail: How does the
word/phrase/feature/technique make me FEEL, IMAGINE or THINK?
 Say a lot about a little. 4 sentences of explanation per quotation.
 Imagery (similes and metaphors) is the richest language to write about.
 cross reference – look for patterns of words/ imagery

For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A, together with the whole of Source
Compare how the writers convey their similar perspectives on cycling in the city.
In your answer, you could:
• compare their similar perspectives on cycling in the city
• compare the methods the writers use to convey their perspectives
• support your response with references to both texts.
[16 marks]
Mark: 7 Mark: 16

The writer’s perspective in Source Plan –

A is that cycling is very dangerous Source A – cycling is dangerous – serious + moralistic tone
and that car drivers should take - personal anecdote
more care. Similarly the writer’s - gambling imagery “roll of the dice with my chances”
perspective in Source B is also that - exaggerated language modifiers = ‘terrifying’ ‘alarming’
cycling is very dangerous but the ‘appalling’ ‘pathetically’ “waging war”
writer in source B is less serious. - Facts + stats – “it’s simple physics.+ “1,200 joules of kinetic
In Source A Walker argues that
drivers should take more care and Source B –
behave less riskily. At the end of - Sarcastic + jokey tone – describing the aggressive actions of
the article he says ‘remember that driver sas a sport + ‘prey’ being hunted’ + the metaphor of
these are human beings’ which is avoiding being made into a ‘sandwich’
addressing the reader directly to - Also exaggerates but for comic effect – ie I arrived ‘streaming
persuade them to be more careful. and exhausted’ ‘bordering on collapse’ and describing drivers as
‘inflicting torture’
This is similar to Source B where - Imagery of adventure - ‘skirmishing jungle’ +’dolphin around an
the writer thinks that the drivers ocean liner’ boat in a ‘stormy sea’
are all out to get her. She says - Ends on a joking rhetorical question. , ‘what is your life worth ‘if
‘cycling in the streets would be your new white gloves are ruined?
nicer… if he’d not try to kill me’
which is making a joke about being The writer’s of these two sources use very different tone to convey
killed by the hansom cabman. This similar ideas. More specifically in source A, Walker conveys his
shows that even though they both perspective that cycling in London is dangerous using a deadly serious,
think cycling is very dangerous she almost moralistic tone. Whereas in source B, the same perspective –
treats it less seriously than the that cycling in London is dangerous – is portrayed using a light-hearted
other writer who thinks it is very and humorous tone.
In Source A, walker conveys his serious perspective on how dangerous
cycling can be by using a mixture of personal anecdotes and facts and
statistics. First he tells the story of his own experience on the road,
trying to gain the sympathy of the readers, by suggesting that the
driver ‘gambled’ with his ‘chance of making it home safely’ in other
words suggesting he nearly died. He then reinforces this story by
emphasising that his argument is based on ‘simple physics’ which he then
goes on to support with scientific jargon and numbers to make himself
sound convincing, “If I hit someone at 12mph even on my solid, heavy
everyday bike it would impart something like 1,200 joules of kinetic
energy.” Walker also uses hyperbolic, almost bombastic language to
exaggerate the dangers he has faced, the driver’s behaviour is not just
worrying it is ‘terrifying’ ‘alarming’ and ‘appalling’. Similarly drivers are
not just taking risks, instead Walker describes them as metaphorically,
waging war’ on cyclists – which implies their actions are an aggressive
and intentional battle with cyclists.

In source B however, the Countess of Malmsbury uses a sarcastic and

jokey tone to convey her own perspective of the dangers of cycling on
the roads in London. She describes the aggressive actions of driver a
‘sport’ rather than a ‘war’ and self-mockingly describing herself as a
‘prey’ being hunted’ as though it is all an elaborate pastime for the
drivers. Similarly she makes light of the danger of impending death by
jokingly using the metaphor of avoiding being made into a ‘sandwich’ (as
in squashed by the vehicles) and sarcastically questioning in a final
rhetorical question if her life is worthless if she has ruined her ‘new
white gloves’ The countess of Malmsbury, like Walker, also uses
exaggeration but for comic rather than dramatic effect. For example
she exaggerates the effect of driving through London on her physically,
she says she arrives ‘streaming and exhausted’ and ‘bordering on
collapse’. Similarly she uses a number of over the top images such as
calling the driver’s actions ‘inflicting torture’. As though they are
deliberately looking to cause excruciating pain.
‘Cars are noisy, dirty, smelly and downright dangerous. They should be banned from all town and city
centres, allowing people to walk and cycle in peace.’
Write a letter to the Minister for Transport arguing your point of view on this statement.
(24 marks for content and organisation
16 marks for technical accuracy)
[40 marks]
You are advised to plan your answer to Question 5 before you start to write.
FORM: letter
AUDIENCE: Minister of Transport
PURPOSE: persuade
TONE: angry and strident
PERSONA: stressed mother of five school age children.
1. Paint x2 pictures – cycling along to work with no cars etc – now picture with 5 children.
2. The tube and bus are hell
3. Cycling is dangerous
4. Cars are not the problem, people are and if you ban cars people will have to talk more.

Mark: Mark:
10 + 8 20 + 16

Dear Minister for Transport Dear Minister for Transport,

I hear you have been arguing that cars I can only assume that you will be reading this letter, propped up
are noisy, dirty, smelly and downright at your expensive mahogany desk while still sporting your lycra
dangerous. They should be banned from cycling leggings. Perhaps you are sipping on your morning Lucozade
all town and city centres, allowing after setting a new personal best on your cycle along the river
people to walk and cycle in peace. I am from your mansion house in Chelsea to the Palace of Westminster.
writing this letter to persuade you that I’m sure the unpleasant exhaust gas from the cars and the
cars are an important form of transport occasional beep of a horn were very disruptive to your otherwise
and people would struggle to manage healthy and peaceful commute. However, before your department
their busy and demanding lives without makes any further plans to widen the congestion zone AGAIN and
them. ban cars, those supposedly fuel-guzzling monsters, from our city
centres, could you please take a moment to consider how your law
First, managing my family schedule changes will affect harried working mothers of five such as myself.
without a car would be impossible. I Your plans to reduce the use of cars in London will be catastrophic
have a number of children who I need for hard working people like my family and I .
to get to school every day. Arranging
their breakfasts and making sure they Have you ever attempted the military operation that is
have all their books together is transporting five children to school on time every morning
difficult enough. I have no idea how I Minister? Picture the scene: it is 7 O’clock on a Tuesday morning;
would also get them all to school five alarms have been unresponded to and five heads have been
without a car. It may be easier for you dragged kicking and screaming out of five beds; Five pieces of
to cycle to work but you don’t seem to toast have been stuffed down five ungrateful little mouths; school
be thinking about the hard-working shirts have been located, ironed and shoved over five
families. inconsistently brushed heads of hair and all this amidst a confetti
shower of homework and books being flung around the living room,
The other transport options are not kitchen and bathroom. These five children are eventually collared,
much better. The London underground collected and catapulted into the back seat of the Nissan Serena in
is smelly, hot and overcrowded. It is which they tussle and argue and squeal and complain for a solid 25
unpleasant to travel by and very minute journey before they can be deposited for a few blissful and
expensive. Trying to commute using the peaceful hours at the nearest child holding facility otherwise
busy London tube with children would known as the local secondary school. How exactly do you suppose I
be dangerous and they would very likely will perform this Sisyphean task without access to a car? Cars may
get lost. This is not a reasonable be noisy and damaging to the environment, but how on Earth would
alternative. hard working families function without them?

Some people might argue that cycling is Perhaps you might respond that my family and I should make our
healthier and less noisy than travelling journeys on your public transportation system? I have tried that
by car. However it is also exceedingly experience and let me tell you I still bear the scars of that day.
dangerous. Many people are killed each The London Underground shares its subterranean location, climate
year by travelling on bicycles. London and overall customer satisfaction level with Hades’ Underworld -
roads are busy and crowded and cars which I can only assume is where its name is derived from. Yes, I
travel at speed. People on bicycles are am of course insinuating that the tube is a living experience of
vulnerable and I would not want my Hell. Cattle transport has to meet a higher standard of welfare
children to be exposed to this as I than those tunnels of torture provide for commuters. And perhaps
value their lives. individual adults, responsible only for themselves and their own
mental health can hide themselves in a newspaper for twenty
Please take into consideration the minutes and pray for salvation but how exactly do you expect me to
voices of people like me and my family. travel with five armpit-height, pole-swinging, crisp-munching, shin-
We are hard working people who voted kicking children without bringing the entire system to its knees?
for you. If you were to ban cars you Until London Transport implements a child care carriage I will not
would lose my vote. consider this a feasible alternative.

Kind regards Perhaps your solution is that we should cycle? No minister, while I
admit I may have already referred to my beloved offspring using
Doris McBoringletter various synonyms for Satan’s spawn, I do however cherish their
existence. Bicycles are silent killers. A bicycle on a London street
is like a baby dolphin confronting an ocean liner! Yes of course cars
can be dangerous – they have powerful engines, which is why we
demand drivers should have licenses. Bicycles though – any lycra-
clad fool can take to the streets on one of those death
contraptions without knowing his brake from his bollock. My friend
Trish was hospitalised for a week when an idiot on a Boris Bike
ploughed into her while she was crossing on the green man. Those
bikes may not move very fast but given they seem to be
constructed out of solid lead and it certainly did her back some
damage. Do you think minister that I should risk the fragile young
lives of my progeny by propelling them to school atop two wheels
when I could safely cocoon them – seat belted to the nines –in the
aforementioned Serena? Alternatively, perhaps I could balance
them, one on top of another’s shoulder’s while I cycle along the
Great West Road like some sort of death defying circus act? I
apologise for being somewhat facetious - but cycling is a wheely
bad idea.

So of course, I am sure your morning cycle along the Thames from

your mansion in Chelsea to the Palace of Westminster might lead
you to believe that there is no more need for cars on our already
overcrowded roads, but perhaps you could take a moment to think
of the situation of some of your voters. I voted for your
government in the last election because I thought you cared about
hard working family women such as myself. I work back-breakingly
hard to support my family and I have no intention of breaking my
back any further by falling off a 6 person tandem bicycle because
you have decided that cars are too noisy!

Yours sincerely

Doris McSparklingwit

AO5: AO6:
PLAN:  Punctuation
 FORM  Sentences
 TONE  Vocabulary
Paper 2 practice.

Source A: 21st Century Non-Fiction

David Mitchell explains what he considers to be the new meaning of Christmas in the 21st
Century in this Newspaper article from 2008.

Bah Humbug to all you who just hate Christmas

My official policy on Christmas is that I like it. That says a lot more about me than that
I'm partial to a day spent watching TV and stuffing my face. More fundamentally, it
shows that I can't stand the thought of our most public and celebratory festival being a
5 lie. It is a happy and magical time, I'm insisting, for deeper and more sinister reasons
than a liking for brazil nuts and Shrek 3.
Other people - my enemies - love to hate Christmas. They rejoice in looking at the
sparkle, the bustle, the drinking and the queues and muttering: "Christmas is a
nightmare"; "It's going to be a living hell"; "The sooner we can forget all the expense and
10 false jollity, this great capitalist hypocrisy1 dance, the better, I say", as if commerce were
as exclusive to this time of year as mince pies.
As they grumble and sneer their way through the season - seek each other out for
affirmation that it's all just a sick joke and that participating is as joyous as diarrhoea and
as prudent as a pyramid scheme2 - I stand shocked and afraid. To the boy I once was,
15 heart buoyed3 by the air of magic, and expectation of an acquisitive nature about to be
satisfied, this is a colossal slap in the face: it has finally all ended in tears.
So I must sustain my policy. It's vulnerable, I know. I'm not at a good time of life for liking
Christmas. The childhood enchantment has long gone, as has the excitement about
presents, and I have no children to help me rediscover it vicariously4. Meanwhile,
20 shopping is stressful, tree lights never work, turkey's not the best meat in the world and
Christmas pudding is weird. If I'm not careful, I'll realise I'm only in it for the booze.
But I'm still too tribal to accept this conclusion. We of the Christmas-liking tribe will keep
the Christmas-cynic tribe in perpetual subjugation 5 - they will be made to join in whether
they like it or not and particularly if not. They will never, if we can help it, be permitted to
25 "get away somewhere hot" but, if they do, we can be confident that our allies overseas
will besiege them with spray-on snow and piped-in Slade even as they sweat round the
This is a time when we all come together to disagree about how Christmas is supposed
to be done. It's not so much "love thy neighbour" as "mock the neon Santa on thy
30 neighbour's roof". In another life, I could have been a great witchfinder general, paranoid
anti-communist or warrior ant. I will root out people who slightly differ from me in their
Christmas traditions and blow them away with the twin barrels of my British disdain gun,
which are, of course, snobbery and inverse snobbery.
To test your suitability for this fight, consider your reaction to the phrase: "We actually
35 had goose this year." It's not the nature of your reaction that's important, but its strength.
I'm hoping for a strong one. Either: "Yes of course, goose is a much tastier meat and an
older tradition. I can't believe those turkey-eating scum are suffered to live. They should be
locked up in the same hell sheds where the bland objects of their culinary affection are
chemically spawned." Or, and this is the one I favour: "Piss off back to Borough Market6
40 with your talk of goose deliciousness. We're supposed to eat turkey - that's now the
tradition. Stop pretending you're Victorian, drop this obsession with flavour and get
defrosting a Bernard Matthews7."

The issue of how to decorate the tree is fraught. It shouldn't look tasteful, it should look
like a space-dog's dinner: masses of coloured lights and random bits of shiny litter, many
45 made by children with few artistic gifts (either family members or Chinese child
labourers). Here, I must share a terrible secret: my Christmas tree does look quite
tasteful. I bought all the decorations in one go and they match. It looks like something
out of a department store window (in contrast to the domestic wreckage which surrounds
it) and I am ashamed. I am guilty of a tasteless lapse of tastelessness and consumed by
50 self-loathing about it; very few things make me feel more British.

And this is all about Britishness, not capitalism or Jesus. We British love to judge our
close class competitors - people incredibly similar to us and therefore most threatening.

We're quite tolerant of genuinely different ways of life but, for those very like our own but
with just a hint of either the stuck-up or common, we reserve our highest octane vitriol.
55 And Christmas exposes so much of this because it's when families revert to type, do what
they've always done: by your traditions you shall be judged.
So, while we're picking sides, I'll stay pro-Christmas - specifically the one I grew up with
(that's turkey not goose, fairy on the tree, cream not brandy butter and always watch the
Queen despite the tedium). It's all such a lovely break from having to judge and be judged
60 by behaviour, rather than the collection of baubles we happen to have in the attic.

Hypocrisy: Pretending to have higher standards than you really do.
Pyramid Scheme: A fraud scheme where people make money by defrauding other people.
Buoyed: Kept afloat, continued to be excited.
Vicariously: Experience or imagine something through another person.
Subjugation: To gain control over somebody or a group.
Borough Market: A food market in London, often associated with quality and high status.
Bernard Matthews: Famous producer of Christmas turkeys
Source B: 19th Century Literary Non-Fiction
This extract is taken from a series of non-fiction sketches written by Charles Dickens; here, he
describes the scene at a traditional Christmas dinner in Victorian England.

There are people who will tell you that Christmas is not to them what it used to be; that
each succeeding Christmas has found some cherished hope, or happy prospect, of the
year before, dimmed or passed away; that the present only serves to remind them of
reduced circumstances and straitened incomes—of the feasts they once bestowed1 on
5 hollow friends, and of the cold looks that meet them now, in adversity and
misfortune. Never heed such dismal reminiscences. There are few men who have
lived long enough in the world, who cannot call up such thoughts any day in the year.
But all these diversions are nothing to the subsequent excitement when grandmamma in
a high cap, and slate-coloured silk gown; and grandpapa with a beautifully plaited shirt-
10 frill, and white neckerchief; seat themselves on one side of the drawing-room fire, with
uncle George’s children and little cousins innumerable, seated in the front, waiting the
arrival of the expected visitors. Suddenly a hackney-coach2 is heard to stop, and uncle
George, who has been looking out of the window, exclaims ‘Here’s Jane!’ on which the
children rush to the door, and helter-skelter down-stairs; and uncle Robert and aunt
15 Jane, and the dear little baby, and the nurse, and the whole party, are ushered up-stairs
amidst tumultuous3 shouts of ‘Oh, my!’ from the children, and frequently repeated
warnings not to hurt baby from the nurse. And grandpapa takes the child, and
grandmamma kisses her daughter, and the confusion of this first entry has scarcely
subsided, when some other aunts and uncles with more cousins arrive, and the grown-
20 up cousins flirt with each other, and so do the little cousins too, for that matter,
and nothing is to be heard but a confused din4 of talking, laughing, and merriment.
As to the dinner, it’s perfectly delightful—nothing goes wrong, and everybody is in the
very best of spirits, and disposed to please and be pleased. Grandpapa relates a
circumstantial account of the purchase of the turkey, with a slight digression relative to
25 the purchase of previous turkeys, on former Christmas-days, which grandmamma
corroborates5 in the minutest particular. Uncle George tells stories, and carves poultry,
and takes wine, and jokes with the children at the side-table, and winks at the cousins
that are making love, or being made love to, and exhilarates everybody with his good
humour and hospitality; and when, at last, a stout servant staggers in with a gigantic
30 pudding, with a sprig of holly in the top, there is such a laughing, and shouting, and
clapping of little chubby hands, and kicking up of fat dumpy legs, as can only be
equalled by the applause with which the astonishing feat of pouring lighted brandy into
mince-pies, is received by the younger visitors. Then the dessert!—and the wine!—and
the fun! Such beautiful speeches, and such songs, from Aunt Margaret’s husband, who
35 turns out to be such a nice man, and so attentive to grandmamma! Even grandpapa not
only sings his annual song with unprecedented vigour, but on being honoured with an
unanimous encore, according to annual custom, actually comes out with a new one
which nobody but grandmamma ever heard before; and a young scapegrace of a
cousin, who has been in some disgrace with the old people, for certain heinous sins of
40 omission and commission—neglecting to call, and persisting in drinking Burton Ale—
astonishes everybody into convulsions of laughter by volunteering the most
extraordinary comic songs that ever were heard. And thus the evening passes, in a
strain of rational good-will and cheerfulness, doing more to awaken the sympathies
of every member of the party in behalf of his neighbour, and to perpetuate their good
45 feeling during the ensuing year.

Bestowed: Given or gifted to.
Hackney Coach: An early form of a taxi, consisting of horse and cart.
Tumultuous: Loud or confused
Din: A loud, unpleasant and prolonged noise.

Q2: highlight key words in question.

You need to refer to source A and source B for this question:

The two writers describe very different features of a traditional Christmas

Use details from both sources to write a summary of the differences. [8 marks]
 2-3 differences/ similarities between the texts
 Support ideas with short quotes
 An inference about why the texts are similar/ different
70 Corroborates: To confirm or support.
You now need to refer only to source A lines 43- 50 ,

How does use language to describe his opinion on Christmas decorations?

[8 marks]

 Start with a summative sentence about what the writer wants to convey (the what). Be specific.
 Then analyse the methods used (how). 2 – 3 specific examples explained in detail: How does the
word/phrase/feature/technique make me FEEL, IMAGINE or THINK?
 Say a lot about a little. 4 sentences of explanation per quotation.
 Imagery (similes and metaphors) is the richest language to write about.
 cross reference – look for patterns of words/ imagery
Q4: For this question, you need to refer to the whole of source A together with the whole of source B.

Compare how the writers have conveyed their views about Christmas and its meaning. In your

answer, you could:

 compare their different views and experiences

 compare the methods used to convey those views and experiences
 support your ideas with quotations from both texts.

[16 marks]
 First: what are the writers’ opinions or attitudes on the topic? Do they change?
 Next: How do they show their opinons/ attitudes (what methods do they use?)


‘Due to the current pandemic, it is essential that schools are closed. Students will learn how to be self-driven and
can access learning online.’ Write a newspaper article in which you argue for or against this statement.

(24 marks for content and organisation 16 marks for technical accuracy) [40 marks]

AO5: AO6:
 PARAGRAPHS  Punctuation
 RHETORIC  Vocabulary

Additional Practice 1
“Snow seems like it is picturesque, exciting and fun but in
reality it causes accidents, inconvenience and economic
Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you
explain your point of view on this issue.
Additional Practice 2
“Festivals and fairs should be banned. They encourage bad
behaviour and are disruptive to local communities.”
Write a letter to your local newspaper in which you argue
for or against this statement.

Additional Practice 3
“Children of school age should not be working at all. They
should be focused on their school work and helpful to their
parents. Working for money comes later.”
Write the text for a speech to be given at a school debate in
which you argue for or against this statement.

Additional Practice 4
“Ghosts don’t exist. Anyone who believes in them is being
Write an article for your school magazine or website in
which you argue for or against the statement.

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