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Assessment 2 Guide: Supply

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Chain Management
Assessment 2 Guide: Supply Chain Man

5BU012 | Dr Michael Ogunseyin

Detailed Assessment Structure

(Individual Report)
Title Page

Table of Content (Doesn’t count towards the word count)

Executive Summary (Doesn’t count towards the word count; This should be written
last; In 150 words or less, state the objective of the report, issues, and
recommendations discussed)

The objective of the report, what was done in the report, and the conclusion.

Introduction (500 words)

Choosing and Justification of the chosen case organisation. What is so interesting

about its supply chain?; How would you describe the overall supply chain strategy e.g.
Lean, agile, etc; Towards what performance objective is the supply chain driven
Within what industry does your case organisation operated and what enhances
its competitive advantage? (Order winners and Order Qualifiers)

Chapter 2 (1500 words)

Fig 1: ******SUPPLY CHAIN DIAGRAM*****

(Must clearly show the upstream and downstream sections; must show the
organisations involved in the company's supply chain; must also show aspects of the
SC that is vertically integrated is this exists)

Upstream Supply Chain Management(500 words)

1. Always refer to the diagram i.e. As shown in

Fig 1, . . .
2. What input resources or raw materials are
needed to produce by the case organisation?
3. Supplier name - Who is supplying the product?
4. Supplier country of origin
5. Sourcing strategy – Centralised vs decentralised
6. What Supplier relationships are facilitated with
the suppliers?– Long term, contractual,
7. Are their instances of Outsourcing or Vertical
8. Are their instances of Offshoring?
9. What company is responsible for the inbound
Logistics? – company name, case organisation's
relationship with the company
10. Upstream supply chain performance
objective (Speed, Quality, Cost, Dependability,
or Flexibility?)

(This list is not exhaustive of the things you can discuss in the operations and supply
chain for your case organisation - additional reading must be evidenced)
Operations Management (500 words)

1. Inventory management from the upstream and

towards the downstream (Holding, Ordering
costs, Economic Order Quantity)
2. Planning and control of operations (How does
the case organisation reconcile supply to
demand?; How does the case organisation
respond to demand?)
I. Loading
II. Sequencing
III. Scheduling
3. Capacity management (Level capacity, Chase
demand, demand management)
4. Decoupling point (Pull and push philosophies)
5. How does your case organisation respond to
customer orders (Make to Order; Make to Stock;
or Resource to Order)
6. Process type used by the case
organisation (Project, Jobbing, Batch, Mass, or
7. Operations performance objective

(This list is not exhaustive of the things you can discuss in the operations and supply
chain for your case organisation - additional reading must be evidenced)
Downstream Supply Chain Management (500 words)

1. Retailers and relationship with case organisation

2. Wholesalers and relationship with case
3. What company is responsible for outbound
logistics? – company name, case organisation's
relationship with the company
4. Are there any instances of Franchising?
5. Are there any instances of Vertical
6. The inseparability of the downstream and
operations (e.g. services)

(This list is not exhaustive of the things you can discuss in the operations and supply
chain for your case organisation - additional reading must be evidenced)

With the way the supply chain is structured, what is the (or should be) case
organisation’s overall supply chain performance objective? Are they achieving
this well? Criticise for better or for worse.

Chapter 3: Lean Supply Chain (1000 words)

1. Evidence of an understanding of the concept

- define lean management in the context of
supply chains using journal articles.
2. Apply this concept to the case organisation.
Are there any lean operations or supply chain
activities that the case organisation facilitates?
Why? What supply chain performance are they
trying to achieve? (Link your discussion to
relevant research - Journal articles would be
useful here)
3. Is it effective or not?
4. What issues have you identified in the case
organisation's supply chain that lean
management could rectify?
Recommendations and Conclusion (500)

1. Give recommendations on how the issues in the

supply chain can be improved using lean
management with the aid of academic journal
2. If there are no issues, are there ways to
improve the case organisation’s lean
3. If there is no need to improve, justify the case
organisations lean strategy with the aid of
relevant academic journal articles.

Make it short and sweet! Summarise your discussion and conclude the report.

References (Doesn’t count towards the word count; Minimum of 15 references,

however, you should always aim to reference every bold claim made in your

End of Session!!!

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