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(12) Zhang
United States Patent
et al.
( 10) Patent No.: US 9,990, 175 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent: Jun . 5 , 2018
(54 ) LIGHTING DEVICE AND VOICE (58 ) Field of Classification Search
BROADCASTING SYSTEM AND METHOD CPC ..... GO6F 13 / 24 ; GO6F 9 /3861; GIOL 15 /265 ;
THEREOF H04M 1 /271; H04M 19 /04 ; H04N 5 /63
See application file for complete search history .
(71 ) Applicant: ZHEJIANG SHENGHUI LIGHTING (56 ) References Cited
CO ., LTD ., Jiaxing ( CN )
(72 ) Inventors : Zonggen Zhang, Jiaxing (CN ); Shuyu U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS
Cao , Jiaxing (CN ) ; Zhen Xie , Jiaxing
(CN ); Weisheng Zhou , Jiaxing (CN ); 5 ,946 ,050 A * 8/ 1999 Wolff GIOL 15 /04
348 /462
Jinxiang Shen , Jiaxing (CN ) 6 ,338,150 B1* 1/2002 Johnson ........... G06F 1/ 26
714 / 39
(73 ) Assignee : ZHEJIANG SHENGHUI LIGHTING (Continued )
CO ., LTD , Jiaxing (CN )

( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CN 102128382 A * 7 /2011
U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 90 days. CN 201902982 U * 7 / 2011
(21 ) Appl. No.: 14 /902,020 (Continued )
( 22 ) PCT Filed : Apr. 28 , 2015 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(86 ) PCT No.: PCT/CN2015/077688 The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO ) International
§ 371 (c )( 1 ), Search Report for PCT/CN2015 /077688 dated Jul. 31, 2015 .
(2 ) Date : Dec . 30 , 2015 Primary Examiner — Anne L Thomas-Homescu
(87) PCT Pub . No.: WO2016 /026324 ( 74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Anova Law Group ,
PCT Pub . Date: Feb . 25 , 2016
(65) Prior Publication Data The present disclosure provides a lighting device and related
US 2016 /0224315 A1 Aug. 4, 2016 voice broadcasting systems and methods. The lighting
(30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data device includes a light- emitting module configured to pro
vide lighting, a process and control module, a memory
Aug . 21, 2014 (CN ) ........................ 2014 1 0415761 module configured to store audio contents stored in a local
memory and downloaded from the Internet, and a voice
(51) GO6F
Int. CI.3 / 16 input module configured to receive voice information from
( 2006 .01 ) users . The process and control module is configured to
GIOL 15 / 26 ( 2006 .01) receive voice information from the voice input module , to
H05B 37/02 (2006 .01) recognize and determine whether the voice information is a
F21V 33/ 00 ( 2006 .01) voice command , and to send control instructions to a cor
GIOL 15 /22 ( 2006 . 01) responding module according to the matched voice com
(52 ) U . S . CI. mand . A voice output module is configured to select and play
CPC . ........ G06F 3 / 167 (2013 . 01) ; F21V 33 /0056 a audio content according to the control instructions sent
(2013 .01 ); GIOL 15/ 22 (2013.01 ); from the process and control module.
( Continued ) 21 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

Lighting Device
Bon co Wireless Router
u 3 Internet

Smart Mobile Terminal

US 9 ,990 ,175 B2
Page 2

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U . S . Patent Jun . 5 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 4 US 9 ,990,175 B2

Power Supply

Wireless Module Voice InputModule

Process and Control
Memory Module Voice OutputModule

Light Light
Adjusting Emitting
Module Module

FIG . 1

Lighting Device Internet

Wireless Router

Smart Mobile Terminal

FIG . 2
U . S . Patent Jun . 5 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9,990,175 B2

Turn on the lighting device, perform parameter initialization

} 2
Establish network connection , wirelessly connect to the Internet

Enable network command interrupt

Enable voice command recognition interrupt, inquire whether the voice

inputmodule receives voice information , the process and controlmodule
performs voice command recognition on the received voice information and
sends corresponding control instructions to othermodules
According to the control instructions, select to read audio contents
from the localmemory or from the Internet

The voice outputmodule broadcasts the selected audio contents

FIG . 3
U . S . Patent Jun . 5 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9,990,175 B2


LED light parameter initialization : StarBroadcast= 0 ;

LocalBroadcast= 1 ; LoopBroadcast = 1
The LED light connects to the router , and thereby connects to an
external network
Enable network command interrupt; a cell phone can access a
control interface of the LED light and change the values of
StartBroadcast, LocalBroadcast, LoopBroadcast and
* HandBroadcast

Enable voice command recognition interrupt

Return point of the voice command recognition interrupt and the
network command interrupt

StartBroadcast - 1 ?

< LocalBroadcast- 1 ?
| Y
Load a local story pointed by Download
* HandBroadcast online stories

Load an online story pointed by

* HandBroadcast

Send to the speaker for broadcasting

End of current story
* HandBroadcast= * HandBroadcast + LoopBroadcast ;

Stop story telling

FIG . 4
U . S . Patent Jun . 5 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9,990,175 B2

Voice command
recognition interrupt

Voice input from

Voice command

Kavoice command

md I Stap telling end 2stong

Start tellimin md 3 Previous story md 4 " Next story Cmd $ Tell online Telloca > Tmd 7 Tel single Cmd : dl all
stoncs stones sons 'story stoncs

SturtBroadcast 01 StartBroadcast )
3 3 "HandBroadcast
* HandBroadcas - 1
* TfAndBroadcasts
* lland Broadcast+ 1 LocalBroadcaster LocalBroadcast- 1 LoopBroadcast

Back to return

FIG . 5
US 9, 990 , 175 B2
LIGHTING DEVICE AND VOICE The disclosed method and system are directed to solve
BROADCASTING SYSTEM AND METHOD one or more problems set forth above and other problems in
THEREOF the art.
The present disclosure overcomes the technical problems
This application is a national phase entry under 35 USC set forth above and provides a lighting device and related
§ 371 (c ) of PCT Application No. PCT/CN2015 /077688, 10 voice broadcasting system and method . The disclosed
filed on Apr. 28 , 2015 , which claims the priority of Chinese device , system , and method may be easy to operate, allow
content selection , have rich resources , save home space , and
Patent Application No. 201410415761. 3 , filed on Aug. 21 , bring smart life experiences to users .
2014 , the entire content of all of which are incorporated One aspect of the present disclosure provides a lighting
herein by reference . device . The lighting device includes a light- emitting module
15 configured to provide lighting ; a power supply module
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE configured to drive the light- emitting module and to provide
The present disclosure relates to the field of lighting power to the entire lighting device; a wireless module
configured to establish wireless connection to the Internet; a
technologies and , more particularly , relates to lighting voice input module configured to receive voice information
devices , and voice broadcasting systems and methods 20 from users ; and a memory module configured to store audio
including a lighting device . contents preset in a local memory and downloaded from the
Internet. The process and control module is configured to
BACKGROUND receive the voice information from the voice inputmodule ,
to recognize and determine whether the voice information is
Lighting devices often use various light sources to pro - 25 a voice command , and after matching with the voice com
vide comfortable and pleasant environment with good vis - mand , to send control instructions to a corresponding mod
ibility for work , living , and/or specific purposes . Nowadays, ule according to the voice command . The process and
lighting devices have become more and more intelligent. In control module is respectively connected to each of the
a smart home, lighting devices are connected to a home light-emitting module , the power supply module , the wire
network by network technology, enabling lighting control 30 less module , the voice input module , the memory module
through the network . Therefore , lighting devices may also and the voice output module . A voice output module is
be smart devices used in a smart home environment to bring configured to select and play an audio content according to
unique smart home experience to users and to create a the control instructions sent from the process and control
comfortable living environment. module .
nologies , itit isis 3533 Another aspect of the present disclosure provides a voice
Along with the development of smart technologies
desirable to integrate possible resources, to enhance func mobile broadcasting system , including a lighting device and a smart
tional applications of lighting devices, and to simplify and terminal configured to control the lighting device and
integrate smart devices for smart homes . change parameters of the lighting device. The lighting
A story -telling machine is a digital product used to device may wirelessly connect to the Internet and the smart
facilitate early childhood education and to improve early 40 mobile terminal, through a wireless module of the lighting
device . The lighting device includes a light -emitting module
childhood emotion quotient (EQ ) education . The story configured to provide lighting , a power supply module
telling machine , as a popular educational toy for children , is configured to drive the light- emitting module and to provide
a combination of an early - generation - repeater and an mp3 power to the entire lighting device, a voice input module
player. The story -telling machine often uses cartoon images 45 configured to receive voice information from a user , a
as exterior appearance . A circuit board of the story -telling memory module configured to store audio contents preset in
machine may provide operation buttons and voice circuit a local memory and downloaded from the Internet, a process
controlled by a microprocessor. The story -telling machine and control module configured to receive the voice infor
can be used to broadcast stories and help children to learn . mation from the voice input module , to recognize and
The story - telling machine is popularly used in many homes. 50 determine whether the voice information is a voice com
However , the story -telling machines generally have a mand , and after matching with the voice command , to send
limited number of stories stored therein , with limited content the control instructions to a corresponding module according
and few options . There may be other limitations. The to the voice command ; and a voice output module config
story - tellingmachine often cannot update stories according ured to select and play a audio content according to control
to child ' s interest or parents ' guidance . Meanwhile , the 55 instructions sent from the process and control module .
story -telling machine is also used as a toy for children , and Another aspect of the present disclosure provides a voice
often falls accidentally or is dropped on the ground . There - broadcast method . In the method, a lighting device is
fore , it is difficult for the story -telling machine to be con provided and turned on to automatically perform parameter
tinuously used and it is easy to lose the story -telling initialization of the lighting device . Network connections are
machine . Further, with an increasing number of toys manu - 60 established by connecting a wireless module of the lighting
factured for the children , a large number oftoys, if not being device to the Internet. A network command interrupt is
used effectively, may be piled up at home and wasted . enabled . The method further includes: enabling a voice
Therefore , there is a need to further integrate smart home command recognition interrupt, inquiring whether a voice
resources , to fully exploit smart applications of lighting input module of the lighting device receives voice informa
devices, and to provide intelligent, convenient and content- 65 tion from a user, and performing voice recognition , by the
rich voice broadcasting solutions , and to bring new smart process and control module, on the received voice informa
home experiences to users . tion , and sending the control instructions to a corresponding
US 9 ,990 , 175 B2
module of the lighting device . According to the control downloaded from the Internet. The audio contents may
instructions , audio content in the local memory or from the include songs, stories, poems, articles , language (e . g ., Eng
Internet is selected and broadcast by the voice output lish , Chinese, French , etc .) education materials, weather
module . forecast, news, and/or any information that can be stored in
Other aspects of the present disclosure can be understood 5 audio format. Alternatively, the audio contents may be
by those skilled in the art in light of the description , the previously -prepared recordings. The voice output module
claims, and the drawings of the present disclosure . may be configured to play selected audio content according
to the control instructions from the process and control
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS module . In certain embodiments , the voice output module
may be a speaker with an amplifier.
The following drawings are merely examples for illustra For example , the lighting device may further include a
tive purposes according to various disclosed embodiments light adjusting module . The light adjusting module may be
and are not intended to limit the scope of the present configured between the process and control module and the
disclosure .
FIG . 1 is a structure diagram illustrating an exemplary 1515 light -emitting module, to adjust brightness , color, and /or
color temperature of light emitted from the light-emitting
lighting device consistent with the present disclosure ;
FIG . 2 is a structure diagram illustrating an exemplary module
meIn one. embodiment, while broadcasting the audio con
voice broadcasting system using a lighting device consistent
with the present disclosure ; tents , the lighting device may be controlled to gradually dim
FIG . 3 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary voice 20 or gradually change color and/ or color temperature of the
broadcasting method using a lighting device consistent with emitted light at certain time points or after a certain period
the present disclosure ; of time according to listener' s or user ' s needs ( e . g ., dimming
FIG . 4 is a flow chart illustrating another exemplary voice the light for the bedtime) or according to background
broadcasting method using an LED lighting device consis - information associated with the stories being told .
tent with the present disclosure ; and 25 In one example , when a sunny environment is mentioned
FIG . 5 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary voice in a story , the emitted light from the lighting device can
recognition command interruption consistent with the pres change color to be brighter. In another example , a lighting
ent disclosure . device may provide about 800 lumens of light output at full
brightness , and when used for telling a bedtime story , the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 30 light adjusting module of the lighting device may be con
figured to decrease the light output for about 200 lumens at
Reference will now be made in detail to exemplary every 10 minutes to gradually dim the light. In addition , a
embodiments of the invention , which are illustrated in the user may set the lighting device to turn off completely after
accompanying drawings . Hereinafter, embodiments consis - 40 minutes of listening.
tent with the disclosure will be described with reference to 35 In certain embodiments , the lighting device may be an
drawings . Wherever possible , the same reference numbers LED (i.e ., light emitting diode) lighting device , such as an
will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the sameor LED lamp. The LED lamp may be placed at any locations
like parts . It is apparent that the described embodiments are in a home environment, for example , in a bedroom , a
some but not all of the embodiments of the present inven - playing room , and /or a living room . LED is a solid - state
tion . Based on the disclosed embodiment, persons of ordi- 40 semiconductor device that can directly convert electrical
nary skill in the art may derive other embodiments consis - energy to visible light. LED technologies provide many
tent with the present disclosure , all of which are within the advantages including energy conservation , environmental
scope of the present invention . protection , controllable lighting, strong practicability, high
FIG . 1 is a structure diagram illustrating an exemplary stability , short response time, long operational lifetime, etc .
lighting device consistent with the present disclosure . As 45 To promote low carbon life style and protect environment,
shown in FIG . 1 , the lighting device may include a light LED technologies have been widely adopted in various
emitting module , a power supply module , a process and lighting applications .
control module , a memory module , a voice input module, a FIG . 2 is a structure diagram illustrating an exemplary
voice output module , and /or a wireless module. voice broadcasting system using a lighting device consistent
The power supply module is configured to drive the 50 with the present disclosure . As shown in FIG . 2 , the voice
light- emitting module and to provide power to the entire broadcasting system may include the disclosed lighting
lighting device . The wireless module is configured to wire - device and a smart mobile terminal.
lessly connect the lighting device with the Internet . The The lighting device may wirelessly connect to the Internet
wireless module may adopt 2 .4G or 5G WI- FI technology, and the smart mobile terminal, respectively. The lighting
or adopt 2 .5G , 3G or 4G mobile wireless communication 55 device may also wirelessly connect to the Internet through a
technology . wireless router . Specifically , the wireless module of the
The voice input module is configured to collect voice lighting device may wirelessly connect to the wireless
information from users . In certain embodiments , the voice router. The smart mobile terminal may be configured to
inputmodule may be a microphone . The process and control change parameters and configurations of the lighting device .
module may be configured to receive the voice information 60 For example , the smart mobile terminalmay be any terminal
from the voice input module , to recognize and determine having a smart operating system , such as a smart phone, a
whether the voice information is a voice command , and after tablet computer , or a laptop computer.
the voice command is matched , to send corresponding In various embodiments, the voice commands may
control instructions to other modules according to the voice include " start playing” , “ play the previous story ” , “ play the
command. 65 next story ” , “ play via network ” , “ play locally ” , “ play along
The memory module may be configured to store preset a single loop of contents ” , “ play by circulating all contents ” ,
voice contents, e.g., in a local memory, and audio contents " stop playing,” etc .
US 9 ,990 , 175 B2
The disclosed system may be configured with initializa command interrupt, after receiving a signal or instruction for
tion parameters, such as whether to start the broadcasting , a modifying parameters from the smart mobile terminal. The
default broadcasting path using a local memory , and a parameters of the lighting device can be modified according
default broadcasting mode by circularly broadcasting all to the signal or the instruction .
audio contents. The smart mobile terminal may modify 5 The voice command recognition interrupt may have a
system parameters including, e . g ., values of initialization triggering requirement such as triggering the voice com
parameters, through a control interface of the lighting devicemand recognition interrupt when a voice input is detected .
on the smart mobile terminal, e.g., by an application The alarm interrupt may have a triggering requirement such
installed in the smart mobile terminal.
FIG . 3 is a flow chart illustrating an exemplary voice 10 asconsistent
triggering the alarm interrupt when the current time is
with or the same as the preset alarm time.
broadcasting method using a lighting device consistent with In one example , the above interrupts may be triggered at
the present disclosure . As shown in FIG . 3 , the voice any time during the voice broadcasting process . When such
broadcasting method may include the following exemplary
steps. an interrupt is handled correspondingly, the process would
Step si includes turning on the lighting device. and 15 return to the corresponding interruption point after the
performing parameter initialization automatically . Step S2 interrupt/pause .
includes establishing network connections, and wirelessly In certain embodiments, when the voice broadcasting
connecting the lighting device to the Internet. Step S3 system starts broadcasting, the smart mobile terminal may
includes enabling a network command interrupt. use an APP ( Application ) installed therein to control the
Step S4 includes enabling a voice command recognition 20 lighting device and to select audio contents , such as songs
interrupt, inquiring whether the voice inputmodule receives and news, to broadcast or to play . Voice commands may be
voice information . The process and controlmodule performs used to control the broadcasting process using, for example ,
voice recognition on the received voice information and “ start playing” , “ play the previous story ” , “ play the next
sends control instruction to other , corresponding modules. story ” , “ play via network ”, “ play locally ” , “ play along a
Step S5 includes selecting to read local audio contents from 25 single loop of contents” , “ play by circulating all contents” ,
the localmemory or to read audio contents from the Internet and “ end the playing " . The voice commands may be modi
according to the control instructions. Step S6 includes the fied to be a voice command including specific broadcasting
voice output module broadcasting the selected audio con contents . For example, the voice command “ start playing"
tents. may be modified to “ start playing news” , “ start playing
In addition, Step S4 may further include the following 30 songs ” , etc .
steps. Step 41 may include detecting whether there is In certain embodiments , the audio contents may be sto
inputted voice . If there is inputted voice , the voice command ries. An LED lamp may be used for playing/telling these
recognition interrupt may be triggered . Step 42 may include stories .
performing voice recognition on the inputted voice to pro Specifically, the voice commands for story -telling may be
vide recognized voice . Step 43 may include determining 35 configured as: “ start telling stories” , “ tell the previous
whether the recognized voice is a voice command. When the story ” , “ tell the next story ” , “ tell stories via network ” , “ tell
recognized voice is determined to be a voice command, after stories locally ” , “ tell story along a single loop ”, “ tell story by
matching with a voice command , parameters of the lighting circulating all stories ” , and/ or " end telling stories ” . Under
device can be modified correspondingly . The process and standably, voice commands with other functions may be
control module of the lighting device may control other 40 provided . These voice commands may be modified by the
modules of the lighting device according to the modified smart mobile terminal, or may include default factory -set
parameters . commands. Other suitable voice forms can also be config
In Step S5 , when the audio contents from the Internet are ured for the voice commands.
read , the system may visit the preset website links and As shown in FIG . 4 , when starting the voice broadcasting
download the audio contents to the local memory. 45 system , parameters may be initialized as StartBroadcast= 0 ,
For example , before performing Step S5 , the method may LocalBroadcast = 1 , and LoopBroadcast = 1 . Parameter “ Start
further include a step of enabling an alarm interrupt. This Broadcast " indicates whether to start telling stories. When
step may include determining whether a current time is StartBroadcast is 1 , the voice output module broadcasts
consistent with ( e .g ., the same as ) a preset alarm time. If the selected story content; and when StartBroadcast is 0 , the
current time is consistent with the preset alarm time, an 50 voice output module does not broadcast.
alarm sound is played . When the current time is not con Parameter “ LocalBroadcast" indicates a source path of
sistent with the preset alarm time, the alarm interrupt is not stories . When LocalBroadcast is 1, stories stored locally ,
triggered . e .g ., in a local memory , are read (or loaded ); and when
When the alarm interrupt is triggered , the system may LocalBroadcast is 0 , stories from the Internet are read ( or
automatically play the audio contents stored locally . Under- 55 loaded ).
standably, multiple alarm times may be set. The alarm Parameter “ LoopBroadcast” refers to a broadcasting
reminder may be realized by playing alarm sound and /or by mode. When LoopBroadcast is 1, stories are circularly told ;
changing lighting brightness and / or color. When playing the and when LoopBroadcast is 0 , stories are told along a set
alarm sound, a voice command, such as “ turn off the alarm ,” sequence . For example , the initialization parameters are
may stop the alarm sound . When broadcasting audio con - 60 configured not to start broadcasting, to tell stories from local
tents at a preset alarm time, a user may use voice commands memory first, and to have a broadcasting mode to circularly
to control the voice broadcasting . tell all stories.
In various embodiments , the network command interrupt, After initialization , the LED lamp may be connected to a
the voice command recognition interrupt, and / or the alarm wireless router , and thereby connected to an external net
interrupt may only be triggered after the lighting device is 65 work , which generally refers to the Internet. A network
switched on . The triggering requirement of the network command interrupt is enabled . The smart mobile terminal
command interrupt may include triggering the network such as a cell phone may be used to visit a control interface
US 9 ,990 , 175 B2
of the LED lamp on the cell phone to modify parameter INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY AND
values such as StartBroadcast, LocalBroadcast, and Loop ADVANTAGEOUS EFFECTS
Further, a voice command recognition interrupt may be Without limiting the scope of any claim and/or the speci
enabled . As shown in FIG . 5 , after receiving an inputted 5 fication , examples of industrial applicability and certain
voice from the microphone , the voice command recognition advantageous effects of the disclosed embodiments are listed
interruptmay be triggered . The process and control module for illustrative purposes. Various alternations, modifications,
may perform voice recognition on the inputted voice infor or equivalents to the technical solutions of the disclosed
mation . If the voice information is a voice command , embodiments can be obvious to those skilled in the art and
corresponding parameters can be modified according to a 10 can be included in this disclosure .
matched voice command as follows: The present disclosure provides a lighting device , and a
If the recognized voice command is voice command 1 voice broadcasting system and method using the lighting
" stop telling stories” , then StartBroadcast= 0 ; device . In the lighting device , a wireless module, a process
If the recognized voice command is voice command 2 and control module, a voice output module, a voice input
" start telling stories ” , then StartBroadcast = 1 ; 15 module , and /or a memory module may be integrated within
If the recognized voice command is voice command 3 a single LED lamp . By connecting to the Internet via the
" tell the previous story ” , then * HandStory = * HandStory - 1 ; wireless module, rich audio content resources may be
If the recognized voice command is voice command 4 obtained online and downloaded for local broadcasting. The
" tell the next story ” , then * HandStory = * HandStory + 1 ; voice input module may collect and obtain voice informa
If the recognized voice command is voice command 5 20 tion . The process and control module may perform voice
“ tell stories via network ” , then LocalBroadcast = 0); recognition and matching processes to enable voice -con
If the recognized voice command is voice command 6 trolled broadcasting .
“ tell stories locally" , then LocalBroadcast= 1 ; The disclosed voice broadcast system and method does
If the recognized voice command is voice command 7 not affect the appearance and size of the lighting device ,
" tell stories along a single loop ” , then LoopBroadcast = 0 ; 25 such as an integrated LED lighting device , and ensures
and desired lighting output . Meanwhile , the lighting device can
If the recognized voice command is voice command 8 control the broadcasting audio contents after receiving voice
“ tell stories by circulating all stories ” , then LoopBroad commands, saving time and saving home spaces. The pres
cast= 1 . ent disclosure is easy to operate , has rich contents , increases
Specifically , * HandStory is a pointer pointing to a story in 30 the intelligence of the lighting devices, and brings users
the local memory or an online link . By default , the pointer different smart home experiences .
points to a current story . When * HandStory - 1, the pointer In one embodiment, when the disclosed voice broadcast
points to a previous story ; and when * HandStory + 1 , the ing systems and methods are used for telling stories , voice
pointer points to a next story . controlled LED lamps can be used to provide suitable
Returning to FIG . 4 , the process and controlmodule of the 35 lighting and also to tell stories (e . g ., for bedtime, for
lighting device may control various modules of the lighting learning, for relaxing , etc .) by sending voice commands to
device according to the modified parameters. First, the value the LED lamps to broadcast stories to children or anyone
of StartBroadcast is determined . If StartBroadcast is 1 , the who wants to listen to a story as desired . For example , while
speaker stops broadcasting stories . If StartBroadcast is not 1, stories are told as bedtime stories, young children may fall
then the value of LocalBroadcast is determined . 40 asleep pleasantly while the lighting dims gradually in the
If LocalBroadcast is 1 , then the local story referenced by bedroom .
*HandStory is retrieved and sent to the speaker for broad What is claimed is :
casting. If LocalBroadcast is not 1 , stories are downloaded 1 . A lighting device , comprising:
from the Internet. When reading stories from the Internet, a a light-emitting diode configured to emit light;
preset website link is visited . The stories are downloaded to 45 a power supply configured to drive the light-emitting
the local device and then being read . diode and to provide power to the lighting device ;
The online story referenced by * HandStory is retrieved a wireless communication circuit configured to establish
and sent to the speaker for broadcasting . When the current wireless connections to the Internet;
story is finished , set * HandStory to * HandStory + Loop - a microphone configured to receive voice information
Broadcast. That is, if LoopBroadcast is 1 , then * HandStory 50 from a user;
points to the next story , enabling circular broadcasting; and a memory configured to store audio contents ;
if LoopBroadcast is 0 , the value of * HandStory does not a processor configured to receive the voice information
change, so the broadcasting mode includes a circular broad from the microphone , to recognize and determine
casting of the current single story. When the value of whether the voice information is a voice command; and
StartBroadcast is detected not to be 1 , the story broadcasting 55 a speaker configured to select and play an audio content
ends. according to the voice command ;
As such , the present disclosure uses voice recognition to wherein the processor is further configured to adjust at
control the lighting device to broadcast various contents . least one of a brightness or a color temperature of the
The disclosed devices , methods, and systems are easy to light emitted by the light- emitting diode based on
operate with rich contents and increased intelligence and 60 information associated with the audio content being
bring users remarkable smart home experiences. played by the speaker ,
Other embodiments of the disclosure will be apparent to the processor is respectively connected to the light- emit
those skilled in the art from consideration of the specifica ting diode , the power supply, the wireless communica
tion and practice of the invention disclosed herein . It is tion circuit the microphone, the memory , and the
intended that the specification and examples be considered 65 speaker; and
as exemplary only , with a true scope and spirit of the the processor is further configured to , after determining
invention being indicated by the claims. the voice command , send control instructions to at least
US 9 ,990 , 175 B2
one of the wireless communication circuit, the memory , initialization parameters of the lighting device through a
the speaker, or the light- emitting diode according to the control interface of the lighting device on the smart mobile
voice command, terminal.
wherein the audio content played by the speaker is a story ; 8 . The voice broadcasting system according to claim 4 ,
and 5 wherein the smart mobile terminal is a smart phone , a tablet
the processor is further configured to adjust at least one of computer, a smart TV , or a laptop computer,
the brightness or the color temperature of the light 9 . A voice broadcasting method using a lighting device ,
emitted by the light-emitting diode based on the infor- comprising :
mation associated with the story . providing a lighting device , comprising :
2 . The lighting device according to claim 1, wherein the 10 a light-emitting diode configured to emit light;
audio contents include songs , stories, poems, articles, lan a wireless communication circuit configured to estab
guage education materials , weather forecasts , news, and lish wireless connections to the Internet;
previously - prepared recordings . a microphone configured to collect voice information
3 . The lighting device according to claim 1, wherein the 15 from a user ;
wireless communication circuit adopts 2 .4G or 5G WI-FI a memory configured to store audio contents ;
technology , or adopts 2.5G , 3G or 4G mobile wireless a processor configured to receive the voice information
communication technology. from the microphone, to recognize and determine
4 . A voice broadcasting system , comprising : whether the voice information is a voice command ;
a lighting device, comprising: 20 and
a light- emitting diode configured to emit light; a speaker configured to select and play an audio content
a power supply configured to drive the light-emitting according to the voice command;
diode and to provide power to the lighting device ; turning on the lighting device to perform parameter
a wireless communication circuit configured to estab initialization of the lighting device ;
lish wireless connections to the Internet; 25 establishing network connections by connecting the wire
a microphone configured to collect voice information less communication circuit of the lighting device to the
from a user; Internet;
a memory configured to store audio contents; enabling a network command interrupt;
a processor configured to receive the voice information enabling a voice command recognition interrupt, inquir
from the microphone, to recognize and determine 30 ing whether the microphone of the lighting device
whether the voice information is a voice command ; receives the voice information , and performing, by the
and processor, voice recognition on the received voice
a speaker configured to select and play an audio content information and sending control instructions to at least
according to the voice command ; one of the wireless communication circuit , the memory,
35 the speaker , or the light- emitting diode according to the
wherein the processor is further configured to : voice command ;
adjust at least one of a brightness or a color tem selecting the audio content in the memory according to
perature of the light emitted by the light- emitting the control instructions ;
diode based on information associated with the broadcasting, by the speaker, the selected audio content;
audio content being played by the speaker; and 40 and
after determining the voice command , send control adjusting at least one of a brightness or a color tempera
instructions to at least one of the wireless com ture of the light emitted by the light- emitting diode
munication circuit, the memory , the speaker , or the based on information associated with the audio content
light-emitting diode according to the voice com being broadcasted by the speaker,
mand , and 45 wherein the audio content played by the speaker is a story ;
a smart mobile terminal configured to control the lighting and
device and to change parameters of the lighting device , the method further comprises : adjusting at least one of the
wherein the lighting device wirelessly connects to the brightness or the color temperature of the light emitted
Internet and the smart mobile terminal through the by the light - emitting diode based on the information
wireless communication circuit , 50 associated with the story .
wherein the audio contentplayed by the speaker is a story ; 10 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 ,
and wherein the voice command includes commands to start
the processor is further configured to adjust at least one of playing, play along a single loop of contents , or play by
the brightness or the color temperature of the light circulating all contents .
emitted by the light- emitting diode based on the infor - 55 11 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 ,
mation associated with the story. wherein the parameter initialization is performed by :
5 . The voice broadcasting system according to claim 4 , turning on a broadcasting,
wherein the voice command includes commands to start setting a default broadcasting path using the memory ; and
playing, play along a single loop of contents , or play by setting a default broadcasting mode by circularly broad
circulating all contents. 60 casting all of the audio contents .
6 . The voice broadcasting system according to claim 4 , 12 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 ,
wherein the lighting device is configured to be initialized by : wherein , after the network command interrupt is enabled ,
turning on a broadcasting, using the memory as a default the lighting device receives control instructions from a smart
broadcasting path , and having a default broadcasting mode mobile terminal to modify parameters of the lighting device .
by circularly broadcasting all of the audio contents . 65 13 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 ,
7. The voice broadcasting system according to claim 4 , wherein the step of enabling the voice command recognition
wherein the smart mobile terminal is configured to modify i nterrupt further comprises:
US 9,990 ,175 B2
11 12
detecting whether there is an inputted voice , if the input 17 . The lighting device according to claim 1, wherein :
ted voice is detected , triggering the voice command the processor is further configured to gradually dim the
recognition interrupt; emitted light from the light- emitting diode at preset
performing the voice recognition on the inputted voice to time intervals when the speaker is playing the audio
provide a recognized voice ; and 5 content.
determining whether the recognized voice is the voice
command , and modifying parameters according to a 18 . The lighting device according to claim 17, wherein :
matched voice command , wherein the processor of the the processor is further configured to dim the emitted light
lighting device controls other components according to for a preset brightness level at each of the preset time
the modified parameters . intervals .
14 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 , 0 19 . The lighting device according to claim 1, wherein :
wherein the step of selecting the audio content in the the processor is further configured to turn off the emitted
memory comprises , when the audio contents from the Inter
net are read , a preset website link is visited , and the audio light after the speaker plays the audio content for a
contents are downloaded to the memory while being read . preset time duration .
15 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 , 15 20 . The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein : the
before the step of selecting the audio content in the memory, information associated with the story includes at least one of
further comprising: enabling an alarm interrupt including: an environmentmentioned in the story or a type of the story .
determining whether a current time is the same as a preset 21 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 9 ,
alarm time; wherein :
when the current time matches the preset alarm time, 20 adjusting at least one of the brightness and the color
triggering the alarm interrupt and playing an alarm temperature of the light further comprises: adjusting at
sound , and
when the current time does not match the preset alarm least one of the brightness or the color temperature of
time, stop triggering the alarm interrupt. the light emitted by the light - emitting diode based on at
16 . The voice broadcasting method according to claim 15 , 25 least one of an environment mentioned in the story or
wherein : when the alarm interrupt is triggered , the audio a type of the story .
contents stored in the memory are played automatically . * * * * *

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