Formula Maths SPM

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SULIT 1449/2

The following formulae may be helpful in answering the questions. The symbols given are the ones commonly

1. am × an = am+n 1. Area of trapezium =

×sum of parallel sides×height
2. am ÷ an = am–n 2. Circumference of circle = πd = 2πr
3. (am)n = amn 3. Area of circle = πr2
1 d −b 4. Curved surface area of cylinder = 2πrh
4. -1
A = ad−bc −c a ( )
n( A ) 5. Surface area of sphere = 4 πr2
5. P(A) = n( S)
6. P(A') = 1 – P(A) 6. Volume of right prism = cross sectional area × length
2 2 7. Volume of cylinder = πr2h
7. Distance = √
( x 2−x 1 ) + ( y 2− y 1 )
x +x y +y 1
8. Midpoint
( x , y )= 1 2 , 1 2
2 2 ) 8. Volume of cone = 3 πr2h
dis tan ce travelled 4
9. Average speed = timetaken 9. Volume of sphere = 3 πr3
sumof data 1
×base area×height
10. Mean = number of data 10. Volume of right pyramid = 3
sum of (class mark×frequency) 11. Sum of interior angles of a polygon = (n – 2) × 180o
11. Mean = sumof frequencie s
12. Pythagoras’ Theorem c2 = a2 + b2 arc length
12. circumfer ence of circle =

angle subtended at centre

y 2− y 1 areaof sec tor angle subtended at centre
13. area of circle = 360
13. m = x2 −x 1
y−int ercept PA '

14. m = x−int ercept 14. Scale factor, k = PA
15. Area of image = k2 × area of object

1449/1 SULIT

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