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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,000,045 B2

Shinkai et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 7, 2015

(54) CETPACTIVITY INHIBITORS C07D 23/80 (2006.01)

C07D 23/8. (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Hisashi Shinkai, Takatsuki (JP); Kimiya C07D 307/68 (2006.01)
Maeda, Takatsuki (JP); Hiroshi C07D 333/38 (2006.01)
Okamoto, Takatsuki (JP) (52) U.S. Cl.
(73) Assignee: Japan Tobacco Inc., Tokyo (JP) CPC .............. C07D 307/10 (2013.01); A61K3I/33
(2013.01); C07C3II/14 (2013.01); C07C
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 31 1/15 (2013.01); C07C31 1/21 (2013.01);
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 A61K 31/164 (2013.01); A61K 31/18
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (2013.01); A61 K3I/341 (2013.01); A61 K
3 1/381 (2013.01); A61 K31/40 (2013.01);
(21) Appl. No.: 13/426,246 A61K 31/435 (2013.01); A61K3I/44
(2013.01); C07C323/40 (2013.01); C07C
(22) Filed: Mar 21, 2012 323/41 (2013.01); C07C323/42 (2013.01);
C07C327/30 (2013.01); C07C329/10
(65) Prior Publication Data (2013.01); C07C329/20 (2013.01); C07C
US 2013/OO53417 A1 Feb. 28, 2013 333/04 (2013.01); C07C333/08 (2013.01);
C07C333/10 (2013.01); C07C 2101/02
(2013.01); C07C 2101/04 (2013.01); C07C
Related U.S. Application Data 2101/08 (2013.01); C07C 2101/14 (2013.01);
(60) Continuation of application No. 12/502.012, filed on C07C 2101/18 (2013.01); C07C 2102/08
Jul. 13, 2009, now abandoned, which is a continuation (2013.01); C07C 2102/22 (2013.01); C07C
of application No. 1 1/833,859, filed on Aug. 3, 2007, 2102/28 (2013.01); C07C 2103/74 (2013.01);
now Pat. No. 7,579,379, which is a continuation of C07D 21 1/34 (2013.01); C07D 213/80
application No. 10/825,531, filed on Apr. 15, 2004, (2013.01); C07D 213/81 (2013.01); C07D
now Pat. No. 7,271,196, which is a division of 307/68 (2013.01); C07D 333/38 (2013.01)
application No. 10/151,813, filed on May 22, 2002, (58) Field of Classification Search
now Pat. No. 6,753,346, which is a division of USPC ............................................................ 564/82
application No. 09/367,299, filed as application No. See application file for complete search history.
PCT/JP98/00542 on Feb. 10, 1998, now Pat. No.
6,426,365. (56) References Cited
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Feb. 12, 1997 (JP) ....................................... 9-044836 2,596,755 A 5/1952 Young et al.
Jun. 5, 1997 (JP) ....................................... 9-165085 2,787,621 A 4, 1957 Hook et al.
Jan. 23, 1998 (JP) ..................................... 10-026688 (Continued)
A6 IK3I/8 (2006.01)
A6 IK3I/33 (2006.01) CA 2000631 4f1990
A6IP3/06 (2006.01) EP O992.496 A1 4/2000
A6IP 9/00 (2006.01) (Continued)
C07C3II/4 (2006.01)
C07C3II/2 (2006.01)
C07D 307/10 (2006.01) Abayeh et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 103(11): 687-689 (1994).
A6 IK3I/64 (2006.01) (Continued)
A6 IK3I/34 (2006.01)
A6 IK3I/38 (2006.01)
A6 IK3I/40 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Leigh Maier
A6 IK3I/435 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.
A6 IK3I/44 (2006.01)
C07C323/240 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
C07C323/24 (2006.01)
C07C323/242 (2006.01) The invention provides a compound that is a CETP activity
C07C327/30 (2006.01) inhibitor. The compound can increase HDL and at the same
C07C329/10 (2006.01) time decrease LDL through selective inhibition of CETP
C07C329/20 (2006.01) activity. the invention also provides for the use of the com
C07C33.3/04 (2006.01) pound to prevent or treat atherosclerosis or hyperlipidemia.
C07C33.3/08 (2006.01)
C07C33.3/10 (2006.01)
CO7D 2II/34 (2006.01) 18 Claims, No Drawings
US 9,000,045 B2
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US 9,000,045 B2
1. 2
CETPACTIVITY INHIBITORS also confirmed in culture media of neuroblastoma and neu
roglioma cells, and in chorioid plexus of sheep.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED It has become apparent that CETP participates in metabo
APPLICATIONS lism of all the lipoproteins in vivo and plays important roles in
reverse transfer system of cholesterol. It attracted attention as
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica a system that prevents the accumulation of cholesterol into
tion Ser. No. 12/502,012, filed Jul. 13, 2009, now abandoned, peripheral cells and functions as protective mechanism
which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. against atherosclerosis. In relation to HDL, which plays
1 1/833,859, filed Aug. 3, 2007, and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 10
important roles in the reverse transfer system of cholesterol, a
7.579.379, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application great number of epidemiological studies have shown that a
Ser. No. 10/825,531, filed Apr. 15, 2004, and issued as U.S. decrease in CE (cholesterol esters) of HDL in blood repre
Pat. No. 7,271,196, which is a divisional of U.S. patent appli sents one of the risk factors for coronary artery diseases.
cation Ser. No. 10/151,813, filed May 22, 2002, and issued as Activity of CETP differ depending on the species of animals
U.S. Pat. No. 6,753,346, which is a continuation of U.S. 15 and it has become apparent that cholesterol load does not
patent application Ser. No. 09/367,299, filed Dec. 23, 1999, bring about atherosclerosis in animals with low CETP activ
and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,426,365, which is the U.S. ity, while it is easily produced in animals with high CETP
national phase of International Patent Application No. PCT/ activity. Absence of CETP results in high HDL-emia--low
JP98/00542, filed Feb. 10, 1998. LDL (low density lipoprotein)-emia and brings about a state
resistant to atherosclerosis. Thus, the importance of CETP as
TECHNICAL FIELD mediators of transfer of CE in HDL to blood LDL has become
recognized in addition to the importance of HDL in blood.
This invention relates to a novel CETP activity inhibitor Free cholesterol (FC) synthesized in the liver and secreted
which comprises as an active ingredient a compound having therefrom is taken up into very low density lipoprotein
a bis-(2-aminophenyl)disulfide structure or a 2-amino-phe 25 (VLDL). Next, VLDL is metabolized in the blood to LDL via
nylthio structure and more particularly to a pharmaceutical intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) by the action of lipo
composition for treating or preventing atherosclerosis or protein lipase (LPL) and liver triglyceride lipase (HTGL).
hyperlipidemia. This invention also relates to a compound LDL is taken up to peripheral cells mediated by LDL receptor
having a bis-(2-aminophenyl)disulfide structure or a 2-ami and, thus, FC is supplied to the cells.
nophenylthio structure, a prodrug compound, a pharmaceu 30
Contrary to this flow from the liver to peripheral cells, there
tically acceptable salt, hydrates or Solvates of these com exists another flow of cholesterol from peripheral cells to the
pounds. liver called cholesterol reverse transfer system. FC accumu
BACKGROUND ART lated in peripheral cells is extracted by HDL, esterified on
35 HDL through the action of LCAT (Lecithins cholesterol acyl
From the results of many epidemiological studies, it has transferase) to form CE, transferred to the hydrophobic core
been considered that there exists certain relation between portion of HDL, and HDL becomes matured to globular HDL
atherosclerotic diseases and serum lipoprotein. For example, particles. CB in HDL is transferred to apoB-containing lipo
Badimon et al. (J. Clin. Invest. 85, 1234-1241 (1990)) proteins such as VLDL, IDL, and LDL by CETP present in
reported that not only the prevention of development but also 40 the blood. In exchange, TG is transferred to HDL in mole ratio
regression of atherosclerotic lesions were observed after of 1:1. CE that is transferred to apoB-containing lipoprotein is
intravenous injection of fractions containing HDL (high den taken up by the liver via LDL receptor on it and, thus, cho
sity lipoprotein) and VHDL (very high density lipoprotein) to lesterol is transferred indirectly to the liver. There is mecha
cholesterol-loaded rabbits. Thus, regarding the relation nisms, too, by which HDL becomes CE-rich, apoprotein
between atherosclerotic diseases and serum lipoproteins, it is 45 E-containing HDL by taking up apoprotein E Secreted by
expected that HDL and VHDL may have antiatherosclerotic macrophages and the like, which is then taken up directly to
activity. the liver via LDL receptor or remnant receptor. In another, the
Recently, it has been elucidated that there are proteins that liver cells do not take up HDL particles, but take up selec
transfer lipids among serum lipoproteins, i.e., CETP (choles tively only CE in HDL. In still another, HDL particles are
terol ester transfer protein). The presence of CETP was first 50 taken up by the liver cells via so-called HDL receptor.
indicated by Nichols and Smith in 1965 (J. Lipid Res. 6, 206 In a state, in which CETP activity is augmented, CE in
(1965)). cDNA of the protein was later cloned by Drayna et al. HDL is decreased and CE in VLDL, IDL and LDL is
in 1987. Molecular weight of the protein as glycoprotein is increased due to augmentation of CE transfer from HDL.
74,000 Da. It is about 58,000 Da after complete removal of Increases in uptake of IDL and LDL to the liver result in
sugar chain. cDNA of this protein is composed of 1656 nucle 55 down-regulation of LDL receptor and increases in LDL in the
otide residues and codes for 476 amino acids following signal blood. In contrast, in a state of CETP deficiency, HDL
peptide of 17 amino acid residues. Since around 44% of these removes cholesterol from peripheral cells with the aid of
amino acids are hydrophobic, the protein is highly hydropho LCAT, increases its size gradually and acquires apoE. HDL
bic and liable to be inactivated by oxidation. CETP is synthe that becomes apoE-rich is taken up by the liver via LDL
sized in organs like liver, spleen, adrenal, fat tissue, Small 60 receptor of the liver and catabolized. However, as the opera
intestine, kidney, skeletal muscle, and myocardium. It has tion of this mechanism is not adequate in the human, retention
been confirmed that CETP is synthesized in cells like mac of large HDL in the blood occurs and, as a result, cholesterol
rophages derived from human monocytes, B lymphocytes, fat pool in the liver becomes smaller. LDL receptor becomes
cells, small intestinal epithelial cells, CaCo cells, and liver up-regulated and LDL is decreased.
cells (for example, HepG2 cells derived from human 65 Hence, by selectively inhibiting CETP, it is possible to
hepatoma cells), in addition to these tissues, it is present in decrease IDL, VLDL, and LDL that accelerate atherosclero
cerebrospinal fluid and seminal fluid, too. The presence is sis and increase HDL that exhibits inhibitory action. Thus, it
US 9,000,045 B2
3 4
is anticipated that hitherto non-existent drugs useful for pre ever, the invention described in this publication relates to the
vention or therapy of atherosclerosis or hyperlipidemia may silver halide emulsion and not suggestive of the present
be provided. invention.
Very recently there have been reports on chemical com In JP-A-Hei 4-233908, disulfide derivatives such as bis-(2-
pounds that aim at inhibition of such CETP activity. acetoamidephenyl)disulfide and the like are disclosed. How
For example, in Biochemical and Biophysical Research ever, the compounds of this publication is disclosed as chain
Communications 223, 42-47 (1996), dithiodipyridine deriva transfer agents and, thus, the publication does not suggest the
tives and substituted dithiobenzene derivatives are disclosed present invention. As specific examples of R in X, Y, a cyclo
as compounds capable of inactivating CETP through modi 10
hexyl group is disclosed, but the example Substantiating the
fication of cysteine residues. However, the literature neither use and the general method of production are not described.
discloses nor Suggests the compounds such as those of the JP-A-Sho. 63-157150 discloses amidophenyl disulfide
present invention which have a bis-(2-aminophenyl)disulfide derivatives such as o-pivalamidophenyl disulfide and the like
structure or a 2-aminophenylthio structure. as stabilizers. However, the invention of this publication
WO95/06626 discloses Wiedendiol-A and Wiedendiol-B 15 relates to photo-element and is not suggestive of the present
as CETP activity inhibitors, but there is no description sug invention. In the claim recited in this publication, a cycloalkyl
gesting the compounds of the present invention. group is defined as Rin the substituents VorY of the stabilizer
Furthermore, in JP-B-Sho. 45-11132, JP-B-Sho. 45-2892, compounds, but the example Substantiating the use and the
JP-B-Sho 45-2891, JP-B-Sho. 45-2731, and JP-B-Sho general method of production are not described.
45-2730, mercaptoanilides substituted with higher fatty acids Bis-(amidophenyl)disulfide derivatives are also disclosed
Such as o-isostearoylamino thiophenol are disclosed. How in JP-A-Hei 8-59900, JP-A-Hei 7-258472, JP-A-Hei
ever, in these publications, the atherosclerosis-preventing 7-224,028, JP-A-Hei 7-49554, JP-A-Hei 6-19037, JP-A-Hei
action is only referred to and there is no description of test 6-19024, JP-A-Hei3-226750, JP-A-Hei 2-284146, JP-A-Hei
examples that Substantiate the action. There is also no 2-23338, JP-A-Hei 1-321432, JP-A-Hei 1-278543, and JP-B-
description of CETP inhibitory activity. Nor is there descrip 25 Sho 47-357786. However, none of them discloses usefulness
tion Suggestive of compounds of the present invention. as inhibitors of CETP activity and there is no description
There are several reports on the compounds having a bis Suggestive of the usefulness.
(2-aminophenyl)disulfide structure or a 2-aminophenylthio DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
structure similar to those of the present application of inven
tion. 30
For example, WO96/094.06 discloses disulfide compounds As described above, the present inventors studied ardently
such as 2-acetylaminophenyl disulfide and the like. However, in order to provide the compounds that selectively inhibit
the compounds of the publication are the ones that are useful CETP activity and, as a result, found compounds useful as
for retrovirus, i.e., HIV-1, and usefulness as regards inhibitors novel preventive or therapeutic agents of atherosclerosis or
of CETP activity has not been disclosed. There also is no 35 hyperlipidemia with new action mechanism which could
description Suggestive of the usefulness. increase HDL and at the same time decrease LDL, thereby
In JP-A-Hei 8-253454, diphenyl disulfide compounds such completing the present invention.
as 2,2'-diopyrimidylamino)diphenyldisulfide and the like are The present invention relates to the compounds and medi
disclosed. However, the compounds in this publication are the caments as shown in the following (1) to (19) which have
ones that have inhibitory action on production of IL-1B and 40 CETP activity inhibitory effect.
on release of TNFC. and there are no disclosure as regards the (1) A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active
usefulness as inhibitors of CETP activity. There is even no ingredient a compound represented by the formula (I):
description Suggestive of the usefulness.
In JP-A-Hei 2-155937, bis-(acylaminophenyl)disulfide
compounds Such as 2,2'-diacetylaminodiphenyl disulfide and 45 (I)
the like are disclosed. However, the compounds in this pub
lication relates to the method of making Vulcanized rubber
filled with carbon black and there are no disclosure as regards
the usefulness as inhibitors of CETP activity. There is also no
description suggestive of the usefulness. In the claims recited 50
in the publication, Cs-C cycloalkyl and cycloalkenyl are
defined as R and R', and as specific examples cyclohexyl
and cyclohexenyl are described. However, in the publication
no example that Substantiates the use of the compound is
shown and there is no description of the general method of 55 wherein
production of the compounds. R represents
JP-A-Hei 2-501772 discloses acylamino phenyl disulfide a straight chain or branched Co alkyl group;
derivatives such as o-pivaloylaminophenyl disulfide and the a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group;
like as intermediates for production of pyrazolone photocou a halo-C lower alkyl group;
pler. However, the invention described in this publication 60 a Substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group;
relates to the photo-element and not suggestive of the present a substituted or unsubstituted Css cycloalkenyl group:
invention. This publication also describes 2-cyclohexane car a Substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl
bonylamino phenylthio group as an example of coupling-off group;
group of the coupler, but there is no description of examples a Substituted or unsubstituted aryl group;
that Substantiate the use of the compound. 65 a Substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group; or
JP-A-Hei 8-171167 discloses thiophenol derivatives or a substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic
disulfide derivatives such as 2-acetylamino thiophenol. How group
US 9,000,045 B2
having 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen or Sulfur atoms, an acyl group,
X, X, X, and X may be the same or different and an acyloxy group,
represents an aminocarbonyloxymethyl group,
a hydrogen atom; a thiocarbonyl group, and
a halogen atom; a thio group,
a C lower alkyl group; a prodrug compound thereof, a pharmaceutically acceptable
a halo-C lower alkyl group: salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
a C lower alkoxy group; (3) A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active
a cyano group:
a nitro group; 10
ingredient the compound as described in the above (2), which
an acyl group; or is represented by the formula (I-1):
an aryl group,
Y represents (I-1)
—CO—; or Y
—SO, and 15 R1 YNH
Z represents
a hydrogen atom; or X S-Z
a mercapto-protecting group,
a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
hydrate, or solvate thereof. X X4
(2) A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active X
ingredient the compound described in the above (1), wherein
R represents
a straight chain or branched Co alkyl group; wherein R, X, X2, X, X, and Y are the same as in the above
a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group; 25 (2) and
a halo-C lower alkyl group Substituted with 1-3 halogen Z represents
atoms selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine; a hydrogen atom;
a Co cycloalkyl group, a Css cycloalkenyl group, or a Co a group represented by the formula
cycloalkyl Co alkyl group, each of which may have 1-4
Substituents selected from the group consisting of 30
a straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, Y
a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group,
a Co cycloalkyl group, -S X
a Css cycloalkenyl group,
a Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group, 35
an aryl group selected from phenyl, biphenyl, and naph X X
an oxo group, and
an aralkyl group having an aryl group selected from phe
nyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl; or 40
an aryl, aralkyl, or 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group with wherein R, X, X, X, X, and Y are the same as described
1-3 nitrogen, oxygen or Sulfur atoms, each of which may have above;
1-4 Substituents selected from the group consisting of —YR,
a straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, wherein Y represents —CO ; or
a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group, 45 —CS—, and
a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro R represents
mine, a Substituted or unsubstituted Straight chain or branched Co
a nitro group, and alkyl group;
a halo-C lower alkyl group having a halogen atom a C lower alkoxy group:
selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine; 50 a C lower alkylthio group;
Z represents a Substituted or unsubstituted amino group;
a hydrogen atom; a Substituted or unsubstituted ureido group;
a mercapto-protecting group selected from the group consist a Substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group;
ing of a substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl
a C lower alkoxymethyl group, 55 group;
a C lower alkylthiomethyl group. a Substituted or unsubstituted aryl group;
an aralkyloxymethyl group having an aryl group selected a Substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group;
from phenyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl, a Substituted or unsubstituted arylalkenyl group;
an aralkylthiomethyl group having an aryl group selected a Substituted or unsubstituted arylthio group;
from phenyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl, 60 a substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic
a Co cycloalkyloxymethyl group, group having 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur atoms; or
a Css cycloalkenyloxymethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heteroaryla
a Co cycloalkyl Coalkoxymethyl group, lkyl group; or
an aryloxymethyl group having an aryl group selected from
phenyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl, 65 wherein R represents
an arylthiomethyl group having an aryl group selected a Substituted or unsubstituted C. lower alkyl group; or
from phenyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl, a Substituted or unsubstituted aryl group,
US 9,000,045 B2
7 8
a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, R represents
hydrate, or solvate thereof. a C lower alkyl group that may have 1-3 substituents
(4) A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active selected from the group consisting of
ingredient the compound as described in the above (3), a C-4 lower alkoxy groups,
wherein an amino group that may be substituted with a C lower
R represents alkyl or acyl group,
a straight chain or branched Coalkyl group which may have a C lower alkylthio group,
1-3 Substituents selected from the group consisting of a carbamoyl group,
a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro a hydroxyl group,
10 a carboxyl group,
a C lower alkoxy group, an acyl group, and
an amino group that may be substituted with a C lower a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group having 1-3 nitro
alkyl, acyl, or hydroxyl group, gen, oxygen, or Sulfur atoms; or
a C lower alkylthio group, an aryl group that may have 1-4 Substituents selected from the
15 group consisting of
a carbamoyl group, a C lower alkyl group,
a hydroxyl group, a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro
an acyl group, mine,
an acyloxy group having an acyl group, a nitro group,
a carboxyl group, and a hydroxyl group,
an aryloxy group that may be substituted with a halogen a C lower alkoxy group,
atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine; a C lower alkylthio group,
a C lower alkoxy group: an acyl group,
a C lower alkylthio group; an amino group that may be substituted with a C lower
an amino or ureido group that may have 1-2 Substituents 25 alkyl or acyl group, and
selected from the group consisting of a halo-C lower alkyl group having a halogen atom
a C lower alkyl group, selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine,
a hydroxyl group, a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
an acyl group, and hydrate, or solvate thereof.
an aryl group that may be substituted with a lower C. 30 (5) A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active
alkoxy group; ingredient the compound as described in the above (1), which
a Co cycloalkyl or Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group that is selected from the group consisting of
may have Substituents selected from the group consisting of bis-2-(pivaloylamino)phenyldisulfide:
a straight or branched Co alkyl group, bis-2-(2-propylpentanoylamino)phenyldisulfide;
a Co cycloalkyl group, 35 bis-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyldisul
a Css cycloalkenyl group, fide:
an aryl group, bis-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenyldis
an amino group, ulfide;
a C lower alkylamino group having a C lower alkyl bis-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyldis
group, and 40 ulfide;
an acylamino group having an acyl group: N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropionamide;
an aryl group, an aralkyl group, an arylalkenyl group, or an N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexanecarboxam
arylthio group, each of which may have 1-4 Substituents ide;
selected from the group consisting of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-methylcyclohexanecarboxamide:
a Coalkyl group, 45 N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclopentanecarboxa
a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro mide;
mine, N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopropylcyclohexanecarboxam
a nitro group, ide;
a hydroxyl group, N-(4.5-dichloro-2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexan
a C-4 lower alkoxy group, 50 ecarboxamide;
a C lower alkylthio group, N-(4.5-dichloro-2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclopen
an acyl group, tanecarboxamide;
a halo-C lower alkyl group having a halogen atom N-(2-mercapto-5-methylphenyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexan
selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine, and ecarboxamide;
an amino group that may be substituted with a C lower 55 N-(2-mercapto-4-methylphenyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexan
alkyl or acyl group; ecarboxamide;
a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group having 1-3 nitrogen, S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthioac
oxygen or sulfur atoms or a 5- or 6-membered heteroarylalkyl etate;
group that may have 1-4 Substituents selected from the group S-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl2.2-dim
consisting of 60 ethylthiopropionate;
a straight chain or branched Coalkyl group, S-2-(pivaloylamino)phenylphenylthioacetate;
a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl2.2-
mine, dimethylthiopropionate;
an acyl group, S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2
an oxo group, and 65 acetylamino-3-phenylthiopropionate;
an halo-C lower alkyl group having a halogen atom S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 3-py
selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine; and ridinethiocarboxylate:
US 9,000,045 B2
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl bis-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbony
chloro-thioacetate; lamino)-phenyldisulfide:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylmeth 2-tetrahydrofurylmethyl 2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonyl
Oxythioacetate; amino)phenyl disulfide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthio N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-ethylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
propionate; N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-propylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylphe N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-butylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
noxythioacetate; N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isobutylcyclohexanecarboxamide:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2-me 10
thylthiopropionate; hexanethiocarboxylate:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 4 S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthio
chlorophenoxythioacetate; benzoate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylcyclo S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl5-car
propanethiocarboxylate: 15
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2 S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-methylphe
acetylamino-4-carbamoylthiobutyrate; nylthioacetate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2-hy bis-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl
droxy-2-methylthiopropionate; disulfide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenyl2.2- N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecar
dimethylthiopropionate; boxamide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenylthio S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl]2-
acetate; methylthiopropionate;
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl]2-meth
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 25 ylthiopropionate;
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbony S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl 1
lamino)-phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; acetylpiperidine-4-thiocarboxylate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-trifluorom S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl
ethylphenyl]2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; thioacetate;
O-methyl S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe 30
nyl monothiocarbonate; 2-dimethylthiopropionate:
S-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylS-phenyl S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl
dithiocarbonate; methoxythioacetate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl N S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl]2-
phenylthiocarbamate; 35
S-2-(pivaloylamino)-4-trifluoromethylphenyl2,2-dimeth hydroxy-2-methylthiopropionate;
ylthiopropionate; S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl4
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclopropylcyclohexanecarbo chlorophenoxythioacetate;
nylamino)phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 4-chlo
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(2-cyclohexylpropionylamino)phenyl2. 40 rophenoxythioacetate; and
2-dimethylthiopropionate; S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 1
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-pentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- acetylpiperidine-4-thiocarboxylate,
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclopropylmethylcyclohexane carbo hydrate, or solvate thereof.
nylamino)phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; 45 (6) A prophylactic ortherapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclohexylmethylcyclohexan comprising as an active ingredient the compound as described
ecarbonyl-amino)phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; in the above in (1)–(5), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceuti
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopropylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- cally acceptable salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; (7) A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcycloheptanecarbony 50 comprising as an active ingredient the compound as described
lamino)-phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; in the above in (1)–(5), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceuti
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclobutanecarbonylamino)- cally acceptable salt, or hydrate or solvate thereof.
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; (8) A Compound represented by the formula (I-2):
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 55
S-4-cyano-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe (I-2)
S-5-chloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe 60
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 65
US 9,000,045 B2
11 12
wherein R' represents wherein Y and R are the same as in the above (3); or
a substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group or —S—R,
a Substituted or unsubstituted Css cycloalkenyl group;
X, X2, X, and X are as in the above (1); and wherein R is the same as in the above (3),
Z' represents a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
a hydrogen atom; hydrate, or solvate thereof.
a group represented by the formula: (10) A compound as described in the above (8), which is
represented by the formula (II):

-S X
15 R i 1s, 1. R

X- X2

X2 X4 X4 X2

wherein R', X, X2, X, and X are as described above; X3 X3

wherein Y and R are the same as in the above (3) or
—S-R, 25 wherein R', X, X2, X, and X are the same as in the above
wherein R is the same as in the above (3), (8), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
hydrate, or solvate thereof. (11) A compound as described in the above (9), which is
(9) A compound as described above in (8), which is repre represented by formula (II-1):
sented by the formula (I-3): 30

(I-3) O O

-- 35

- S-S
X X4 X 2


wherein R" represents 45 wherein R", X, X2, X, and X are the same as in the above
a 1-substituted-Co cycloalkyl group or (9), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
a 1-substituted-Css cycloalkenyl group; hydrate, or solvate thereof.
X, X, X and X are the same as in the above (1); and (12) A compound as described in the above (8), which
Z" represents 50
represented by the formula (III):
a hydrogen atoms;
a group represented by the formula:

R 1s,
-S X
X X4
X- X2

65 wherein R', X, X, X, and X are the same as in the above

wherein R", X, X2, X, and X are as described above; (8), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
—YR, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
US 9,000,045 B2
13 14
(13) A compound as described in the above (9), which is
represented by formula (III-1): O

(III-1) 5 R

1s S-S
R" ul NH V
X X4
wherein R', X, X, X, X and R are the same as in the
15 above (8), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically accept
able salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
(17) A compound as described in the above (9), which is
wherein R", X, X, X, and X are the same as in the above represented by formula (V-1):
(9), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
hydrate, or solvate thereof. (V-1)
(14) A compound as described in the above (8), which is
represented by formula (IV):
R" l NH
(IV) V

-- 30
X X4

wherein R", X, X2, X, X, and R2 are the same as in the

X X4 above (9), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically accept
able salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
(18) A compound as described in the above (8), which is
selected from the group consisting of
wherein R', X, X2, X, X, Y, and R are the same as in the 40 fide:
above (8), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically accept bis-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenyldis
able salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof. ulfide;
(15) A compound as described in the above (9), which is ulfide;
represented by formula (IV-1): 45 N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexanecarboxam
(IV-1) N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcyclopentanecarboxa

-- mide;
X X4 tanecarboxamide;
60 S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthioac
wherein R", X, X2, X, X, Y, and R are the same as in the etate;
above (9), S-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl2.2-dim
a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ethylthiopropionate;
hydrate, or solvate thereof. 65 dimethylthiopropionate;
(16) A compound as described in the above (8), which is S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2
represented by formula (V): acetylamino-3-phenylthiopropionate;
US 9,000,045 B2
15 16
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 3-py 2-tetrahydrofurylmethyl 2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbo
ridinethiocarboxylate: nyl-amino)phenyl disulfide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-ethylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
chloro-thioacetate; N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-propylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylmeth N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-butylcyclohexanecarboxamide;
Oxythioacetate; N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isobutylcyclohexanecarboxamide:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthio S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylcyclo
propionate; hexanethiocarboxylate:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylphe 10
noxythioacetate; benzoate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2-me S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl5-car
thylthiopropionate; boxythiopentanoate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 4 S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-methylphe
chlorophenoxythioacetate; 15
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylcyclo bis-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophe
propanethiocarboxylate: nyl-disulfide:
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2 N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecar
acetylamino-4-carbamoylthiobutyrate; boxamide;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 2-hy S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl]2-
droxy-2-methylthiopropionate; methylthiopropionate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenyl2.2- S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl]2-meth
dimethylpropionate; ylthiopropionate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbonylamino)phenylthio S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl 1
acetate; 25 acetylpiperidine-4-thiocarboxylate;
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; thioacetate;
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclopentanecarbony S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl]2.
lamino)-phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 2-dimethylthiopropionate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-trifluorom 30 S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl
ethylphenyl]2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; methoxythioacetate;
O-methyl S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl 2
nylmonothiocarbonate; hydroxy-2-methylpropionate;
S-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylS-phenyl S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbonylaminophenyl4
dithiocarbonate; 35 chlorophenoxythioacetate;
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl N S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 4-chlo
phenylthiocarbamate; rophenoxythioacetate; and
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclopropylcyclohexanecarbo S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenyl 1
nylamino)-phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; acetylpiperidine-4-thiocarboxylate,
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-pentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- 40 a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt,
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; hydrate, or solvate thereof.
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclopropylmethylcyclohexan (19) A pharmaceutical composition comprising as an
ecarbonyl-amino)phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropionate; active ingredient the compound as described in the above
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-cyclohexylmethylcyclohexan (8)-(18), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable
ecarbonyl-amino)phenyl2,2-dimethylthiopropioate; 45 salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopropylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- (20) Use of the compound represented by the above for
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; mula (I), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcycloheptanecarbony salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof, for production of a CETP
lamino)-phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; activity inhibitor.
S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclobutanecarbonylamino 50 (21) Use of the compound represented by the above for
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; mula (I), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable
S-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-nitrophe salt, hydrate, or Solvate thereof, for production of a prophy
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; lactic or therapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia.
S-4-cyano-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe (22) Use of the compound represented by the above for
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 55 mula (I), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically acceptable
S-4-chloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe salt, hydrate, or Solvate thereof, for production of a prophy
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; lactic or therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis.
S-5-chloro-2(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe (23) A method for inhibition of CETP activity comprising
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; administering to patients the compound represented by the
S-4-fluoro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe 60 above formula (I), a prodrug compound, a pharmaceutically
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; acceptable salt, hydrate, or solvate thereof.
S-4,5-difluoro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)- (24) A method for prevention or therapy of hyperlipidemia
phenyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; comprising administering to patients the compound repre
S-5-fluoro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-phe sented by the above formula (I), a prodrug compound, a
nyl2.2-dimethylthiopropionate; 65 pharmaceutically acceptable salt, hydrate, or Solvate thereof.
bis-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbony (25) A method for prevention or therapy of atherosclerosis
lamino)-phenyldisulfide: comprising administering to patients the compound repre
US 9,000,045 B2
17 18
sented by the above formula (I), a prodrug compound, a cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl, cyclooctyl,
pharmaceutically acceptable salt, or hydrate, or Solvate octahydroindenyl, decahydronaphthyl, bicyclo2.2.1]heptyl,
thereof. adamantyl, and the like groups. Preferred are those having 5-7
The term "straight chain or branched Co alkyl group' carbon atoms, including cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, and cyclo
used herein means an alkyl group having 1-10 carbon atoms 5 heptyl.
which may be straight or branched. Specific examples thereof The term "Css cycloalkenyl group” means a cycloalkenyl
include methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, sec group having 5-8 carbon atoms with one or more double
butyl, tert-butyl, pentyl, isopentyl, neopentyl, tert-pentyl, bonds on the ring. Examples thereof include cyclopentenyl,
1-ethylbutyl, 2-ethylbutyl, 1-propylbutyl, 1,1-dimethylbutyl, cyclohexenyl, cycloheptenyl, cyclooctenyl, cyclopentadi
1-isobutyl-3-methylbutyl, 1-ethylpentyl, 1-propylpentyl, 10 enyl, cyclohexadienyl, cycloheptadienyl, cyclooctadienyl,
1-isobutylpentyl, 2-ethylpentyl, 2-isopropylpentyl, 2-tert-bu and the like groups. Preferred are those with 5-7 carbon
tylpentyl, 3-ethylpentyl, 3-isopropylpentyl, 4-methylpentyl, atoms, including cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, and cyclohep
1,4-dimethylpenty1, 2,4-dimethylpentyl, 1-ethyl-4-methyl tenyl.
pentyl, hexyl, 1-ethylhexyl, 1-propylhexyl, 2-ethylhexyl, The term "Clo cycloalkyl Co alkyl group” means the
2-isopropylhexyl, 2-tert-butylhexyl, 3-ethylhexyl, 3-isopro 15 above-described straight chain or branched Co alkyl group
pylhexyl, 3-tert-butylhexyl, 4-ethylhexyl, 5-methylhexyl, Substituted with the above-described Co cycloalkyl-group.
heptyl, 1-ethylheptyl, 1-isopropylheptyl, 2-ethylheptyl, Specific examples thereof include cyclopropylmethyl, cyclo
2-isopropylheptyl, 3-propylheptyl, 4-propylheptyl, 5-ethyl pentylmethyl, cyclohexylmethyl, cyclohexyl cyclopentylm
heptyl, 6-methylheptyl, octyl, 1-ethyloctyl, 2-ethyloctyl, ethyl, dicyclohexylmethyl, 1-cyclopentylethyl, 1-cyclohexy
nonyl, 1-methylnonyl, 2-methylnonyl, decyl, and the like lethyl, 2-cyclopropylethyl, 2-cyclopentylethyl,
groups. A straight chain or branched alkyl group having 1-8 2-cyclohexylethyl, 2-cycloheptylethyl, 1-cyclohexyl-1-me
carbon atoms is preferred. thylethyl, 1-cyclohexylpropyl, 2-cyclopentylpropyl, 3-cy
The term "Ca lower alkyl group' used herein means an clobutylpropyl. 3-cyclopentylpropyl, 3-cyclohexylpropyl.
alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, and specifically 3-cycloheptylpropyl, 1-cyclopropyl-1-methylpropyl, 1-cy
includes methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, sec 25 clohexyl-2-methylpropyl, 1-cyclopentylbutyl, 1-cyclohexyl
butyl, tert-butyl, and the like groups. butyl, 3-cyclohexylbutyl, 4-cyclopropylbutyl, 4-cyclobutyl
The term “straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group' butyl, 4-cyclopentylbutyl, 1-cyclohexyl-1-methylbutyl,
means an alkenyl group having 2-10 carbon atoms with at 1-cyclopentyl-2-ethylbutyl, 1-cyclohexyl-3-methylbutyl,
least one or more double bonds, which may be straight or 1-cyclopentylpentyl, 1-cyclohexylpentyl, 1-cyclohexylmeth
branched. Specific examples thereof includeallyl, vinyl, iso 30 ylpentyl, 2-cyclohexylpentyl, 2-cyclohexylmethylpentyl,
propenyl, 1-propenyl, 1-methyl-2-propenyl, 2-methyl-2-pro 3-cyclopentylpentyl, 1-cyclohexyl-4-methylpentyl, 5-cyclo
penyl, 1-methyl-1-butenyl, crotyl, 1-methyl-3-butenyl, 3-me pentylpentyl, 1-cyclopentylhexyl, 1-cyclohexylhexyl, 1-cy
thyl-2-butenyl, 1,3-dimethyl-2-butenyl, 1-pentenyl, clopentylmethylhexyl, 2-cyclopentylhexyl, 2-cyclopropyl
1-methyl-2-pentenyl, 1-ethyl-3-pentenyl, 4-pentenyl, 1.3- ethylhexyl, 3-cyclopentylhexyl, 1-cyclohexylheptyl,
pentadienyl, 2.4-pentadienyl, 1-hexenyl, 1-methyl-2-hex 35 1-cyclopentyl-1-methylheptyl, 1-cyclohexyl-1,6-dimethyl
enyl, 3-hexenyl, 4-hexenyl, 1-butyl-5-hexenyl, 1.3-hexadi heptyl, 1-cycloheptyloctyl, 2-cyclopentyloctyl, 3-cyclohexy
enyl, 2.4-hexadienyl, 1-heptenyl, 2-heptenyl, 3-heptenyl, loctyl, 2-cyclopentylmethyloctyl, 1-cyclopentylnonyl, 1-cy
4-heptenyl, 5-heptenyl, 6-heptenyl, 1.3-heptadienyl, 2.4-hep clohexylnonyl, 3-cyclopropylnonyl, 1-cyclopentyldecyl.
tadienyl, 1-octenyl, 2-octenyl, 3-octenyl, 4-octenyl, 5-Octe 1-cyclohexylundecyl, 1-cyclopentyltridecyl, 2-cyclohexyl
nyl, 6-octenyl, 7-octenyl, 1-nonenyl 2-nonenyl, 3-nonenyl, 40 tridecyl, and the like groups.
4-nonenyl, 5-nonenyl, 6-nonenyl, 7-nonenyl, 8-nonenyl, The “aryl group” includes phenyl, naphthyl, anthryl,
9-decenyl, and the like groups. An alkenyl group having 2-8 phenanthryl, biphenyl, and the like groups. Phenyl, naphthyl,
carbon atoms, which may be straight or branched, is pre and biphenyl groups are preferred.
ferred. The “aralkyl group” means the above-described Clower
The term “halogen atom' means fluorine, chlorine, and 45 alkyl group Substituted with one or more aryl groups as
bromine atoms. described above. Examples thereof include benzyl, benzhy
The term “halo-C alkyl group” means the above-de dryl, trityl, phenethyl 3-phenylpropyl. 2-phenylpropyl.
scribed Clower alkyl group Substituted with 1-3 halogens, 4-phenylbutyl, naphthylmethyl 2-naphthylethyl, 4-biphe
which may be the same or different. Specific examples nylmethyl, 3-(4-biphenyl)propyl, and the like groups.
thereof include fluoromethyl, chloromethyl, bromomethyl, 50 The 'arylalkenyl group” means an alkenyl group having
difluoromethyl, dichloromethyl, trifluoromethyl, trichlorom 2-4 carbon atoms substituted with the above-described aryl
ethyl, chloroethyl, difluoroethyl, trifluoroethyl, pentachloro group. Examples thereof include 2-phenylvinyl, 3-phenyl-2-
ethyl, bromopropyl, dichloropropyl, trifluorobutyl, and the propenyl, 3-phenyl-2-methyl-2-propenyl, 4-phenyl-3-bute
like groups. Trifluoromethyl and chloroethyl are preferred. nyl, 2-(1-naphthyl) vinyl, 2-(2-naphthyl) vinyl, 2-(4-biphe
The term "Ca lower alkoxy group” means the alkoxy 55 nyl) vinyl, and the like groups.
group containing the C lower alkyl group as described The “arylthio group” means an arylthio group containing
above. Examples thereof include methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, the above-described aryl group and specifically include phe
isopropoxy, butoxy, isobutoxy, sec-butoxy, tert-butoxy, and nylthio, naphthylthio, and the like groups.
the like groups. The "heterocyclic ring group” means 5- and 6-membered
The term "Clower alkylthio group” means the alkylthio 60 aromatic or non-aromatic heterocyclic ring groups containing
group containing the C lower alkyl group as described at least one or more, specifically 1-4, preferably 1-3, hetero
above. Examples thereof include methylthio, ethylthio, pro atoms selected from nitrogen, oxygen, and Sulfur atoms. Spe
pylthio, isopropylthio, butylthio, isobutylthio, sec-butylthio. cific examples thereof include aromatic heterocyclic rings
tert-butylthio, and the like groups. Such as thiatriazolyl, tetrazolyl, dithiazolyl, oxadiazolyl, thia
The term "Co cycloalkyl group” means a cycloalkyl 65 diazolyl, triazolyl, oxazolyl, pyrazolyl, pyrrolyl, furyl, thie
group having 3-10 carbon atoms, which may be monocyclic nyl, tetrazinyl, triazinyl, pyrazinyl, pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl,
or polycyclic. Examples thereof include cyclopropyl. pyridyl, or the like groups and non-aromatic heterocyclic
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19 20
rings such as dioxoranyl, pyrrolidinyl, tetrahydrofuryl, tet Examples of these groups include the above-described
rahydrothienyl, dithiadiazinyl, thiadiazinyl, morpholino, straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, preferably a
morpholinyl, oxazinyl, thiazinyl, piperazinyl, piperidyl, pip straight chain or branched C. aralkyl group; the above
eridino, pyranyl, thiopyranyl, or the like groups. Preferable described straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group,
groups are aromatic heterocyclic (heteroaryl) groups includ preferably, a straight chain or branched C- alkenyl group;
ing furyl, thienyl, pyrrolyl pyridyl, and the like and non the above-described halogen atom; a nitro group; the above
aromatic heterocyclic groups containing at least one nitrogen described amino group that may be substituted with the
atom, including pyrrolidinyl, tetrahydrofuryl, piperazinyl, above-described C. lower alkyl group or the above-de
piperidyl, piperidino, and the like groups. scribed acyl group; a hydroxyl group; the above-described
The "heteroarylalkyl group” means the above-described 10 C. lower alkoxy group; the above-described C. lower
C. lower alkyl group substituted with the above-described alkylthio group; the above-described halo-C lower alkyl
5- or 6-membered aromatic heterocyclic (heteroaryl) group group; the above-described acyl group; an oxo group, and the
and specifically include 2-thienylmethyl, 2-furylmethyl, like.
2-pyridylmethyl, 3-pyridylmethyl, 2-thienyl-2-ethyl, 3-fu The above substituents are recommended as substituents
ryl-1-ethyl 2-pyridyl-3-propyl, and the like groups. 15 mainly for R. Among these, preferred for R the above-de
The “acyl group' specifically includes formyl, acetyl, pro scribed straight chain or branched C. alkyl group, the
pionyl, butyryl, isobutyryl, Valeryl, isovaleryl, pivaloyl, hex above-described halogen atom, and a nitro group.
anoyl, acryloyl, propioloyl, metacryloyl, crotonoyl, benzoyl, The “substituted or unsubstituted” of the “substituted or
naphthoyl, toluoyl, hydroatropoyl, atropoyl, cinnamoyl, unsubstituted Straight chain or branched Co alkyl group'
furoyl, thenoyl, nicotinoyl, isonicotinoyl, glucoloyl, lactoyl, described for R and the like means that the group may be
glyceroyl, tropoyl, benzyloyl, Salicyloyl, anisoyl, Vaniloyl, substituted with 1-3 substituents which may be the same or
Veratoroyl, piperoniroyl, protocatechoyl, galloyl cyclopen different and any position may be arbitrarily substituted with
tanecarbonyl, cyclohexanecarbonyl, cycloheptanecarbonyl, out particular restriction. Examples of these groups are the
1-methyl cyclohexanecarbonyl, 1-isopentylcyclopentanecar above-described C. lower alkoxy group; the above-de
bonyl, 1-isopentyl cyclohexanecarbonyl, tert-butoxycarbo 25 scribed C. lower alkyl group; the above-described amino
nyl, methoxycarbonyl, ethoxycarbonyl, 2-(1-isopentylcyclo group that may be substituted with an acyl or hydroxyl group;
hexanecarbonylamino)phenylthiocarbonyl, and the like the above-described lower C. alkylthio group; a carbamoyl
groups. Preferred are acetyl, tert-butoxycarbonyl, benzoyl, group; a hydroxyl group; the above-described halogen atom;
1-methylcyclohexanecarbonyl, 1-isopentylcyclopentanecar the above-described acyloxy group containing an acyl group;
bonyl, 1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonyl, and 2-(1-isopentyl 30 a carboxyl group; the above-described acyl group; the above
cyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthiocarbonyl. described aryloxy group containing an aryl group that may be
The term "substituted or unsubstituted” of the “substituted substituted; and the like.
or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group', the “substituted or The “substituted or unsubstituted” of the "Clower alkyl
unsubstituted Css cycloalkenyl group', and the “substituted group' described with respect to R and the like means that
or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group' 35 the group may be substituted with 1-3 substituents which may
described for R. R. and the like means that the group may be be the same or different and any position may be arbitrarily
substituted with 1-4 substituents which may be the same or substituted without particular restriction. Examples of the
different and any position may be arbitrarily substituted with group include the above-described Clower alkoxy group;
out any limitation. Specific examples of these groups are the the above-described amino group that may be substituted
above-described straight chain or branched Coalkyl group: 40 with the above-described Clower alkyl group or the above
the above-described straight chain or branched Coalkenyl described acyl group; the above-described C. lower alky
group; the above-described Co cycloalkyl group; the lthio group; a carbamoyl group; a hydroxyl group; a carboxyl
above-described Css cycloalkenyl group; the above-de group; the above-described acyl group; the above-described
scribed Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group; the above-de heterocyclic group (particularly aromatic heterocyclic groups
scribed aryl group; an amino group; a Clower alkylamino 45 Such as thienyl or non-aromatic heterocyclic group Such as
group Such as methylamino, ethylamino, or the like groups; tetrahydrofuryl); and the like.
an acylamino group Such as acetylamino, propionylamino, The term "substituted or unsubstituted” of the “substituted
benzylamino, or the like groups; an oxo group; the above or unsubstituted amino group' and the “substituted or unsub
described aralkyl group; the above-described arylalkenyl stitutedureido group' described with respect to R, means that
group, and the like. 50 the groups may be substituted with one or more, preferably
The above substituents are recommended as substituents 1-2, substituents which may be the same or different and any
for R. Among these, preferred for R are the above-described position may be arbitrarily substituted without particular
straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, the above-de restriction. Examples of these groups are the above-described
scribed Co cycloalkyl group, the above-described Css C. lower alkyl group; a hydroxyl group; the above-de
cycloalkenyl group, the above-described aryl group, and the 55 scribed acyl group; the above-described aryl group which
above-described amino group. may be substituted with the above-described C. lower
The term "substituted or unsubstituted” of the “substituted alkoxy group; and the like.
or unsubstituted aryl group', the “5- or 6-membered hetero The “mercapto-protecting group' described with respect to
cyclic group containing 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur Z means commonly used mercapto protecting groups. Any
atoms', the “substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group', the 60 organic residues that can be dissociated in vivo may be used
“substituted or unsubstituted arylalkenyl group', the “substi without particular restriction, it may form a disulfide struc
tuted or unsubstituted arylthio group', and the “substituted or ture, that is dimer. Examples thereof include C lower
unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heteroarylalkyl group' alkoxymethyl; Ca lower alkylthiomethyl: aralkyloxym
described with respect to R. R. and the like means that the ethyl, aralkylthiomethyl, Co cycloalkyloxymethyl: Css
groups may be substituted with 1-4, preferably 1-3, substitu 65 cycloalkenyloxymethyl, Co cycloalkyl Co alkoxym
ents which may be the same or different and any position may ethyl, aryloxymethyl: arylthiomethyl, acyl; acyloxy; ami
be arbitrarily substituted without particular restriction. nocarbonyloxymethyl; thiocarbonyl; and thio groups, spe
US 9,000,045 B2
21 22
cific examples thereof include a C lower alkoxymethyl unsubstituted amino group, the above-described substituted
group with the above-described C. lower alkoxy group; a or unsubstituted ureido group, the above-described substi
C. lower alkylthiomethyl group with the above-described tuted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group, the above-de
C. lower alkylthio group; an aralkyloxymethyl group with scribed substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co
the above-described aralkyl group; an aralkylthiomethyl alkyl group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted
group with the above-described aralkyl group; a Co aryl group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted
cycloalkyloxymethyl group with the above-described Co aralkyl group, the above-described substituted or unsubsti
cycloalkyl group; a Css cycloalkenyloxymethyl group with tuted arylalkenyl group, the above-described substituted or
the above-described Css cycloalkenyl group; a Co unsubstituted arylthio group, the above-described substituted
cycloalkyl Co alkoxymethyl group with the above-de 10 or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group with
scribed Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group; an aryloxymethyl 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur atoms, or the above-described
group with the above-described aryl group; an arylthiomethyl substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heteroaryla
group with the above-described arylthio group; an acyl group lkyl group; and a thio group containing the above-described
containing the above-described substituted or unsubstituted Substituted or unsubstituted C. lower alkyl or aryl group.
straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, the above-de 15 More specifically, preferred as the “straight chain or
scribed halo-Callower alkyl group, the above-described Ca branched Co alkyl group” for R are methyl, ethyl, isopro
lower alkoxy group, the above-described Clower alkylthio pyl, butyl, isobutyl, tert-butyl, heptyl, 1-propylbutyl, and
group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted 1-isobutyl-3-methylbutyl.
amino group, the above-described Substituted or unsubsti The 'straight chain or branched Co alkenyl group'
tuted ureido group, the above-described substituted or unsub referred to as Rare preferably allyl, vinyl, isopropenyl, 1-me
stituted Co cycloalkyl group, the above-described substi thyl-2-propenyl, 2-methyl-2-propenyl, 1-methyl-1-butenyl,
tuted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group, the crotyl, 1,3-dimethyl-2-butenyl, 1-pentenyl, and 1-methyl-2-
above-described substituted or unsubstituted aryl group, the pentenyl.
above-described substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group, The “halo-Callower alkyl group' for R means a Clower
the above-described substituted or unsubstituted arylalkenyl 25 alkyl group, particularly preferably a methyl group, Substi
group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted tuted with the above-described halogen atom, particularly
arylthio group, the above-described substituted or unsubsti preferably fluorine and chlorine, with being a trifluoromethyl
tuted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group with 1-3 nitrogen, group preferred.
oxygen, or Sulfur atoms, or the above-described substituted or The “substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group'
unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heteroarylalkyl group; an 30 for R means a Co cycloalkyl group (particularly preferably
acyloxy group containing the above-described Substituted or cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cyclohep
unsubstituted straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, tyl, octahydroindenyl, decahydronaphthyl, adamantyl, and
the above-described halo-C lower alkyl group, the above bicyclo[2.2.1-heptyl) that may be substituted with 1-4 sub
described Clower alkoxy group, the above-described Ca stituents selected from the above-described straight chain or
lower alkylthio group, the above-described substituted or 35 branched Co alkyl group, (particularly preferably a Cs
unsubstituted amino group, the above-described substituted alkyl group Such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl,
or unsubstituted ureido group, the above-described substi isobutyl, tert-butyl, pentyl, isopentyl, 2.2-dimethylpropyl.
tuted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group, the above-de 4-methylpentyl, 2-ethylbutyl, or the like), the above-de
scribed substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co scribed straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group (par
alkyl group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted 40 ticularly preferably a Css alkenyl group such as 1-methylvi
aryl group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted nyl, 2-methylvinyl, 3-methyl-3-propenyl, or the like), the
aralkyl group, the above-described substituted or unsubsti above-described Co cycloalkyl group (particularly prefer
tuted arylalkenyl group, the above-described substituted or ably a C-7 cycloalkyl group Such as cyclopropyl, cyclopen
unsubstituted arylthio group, the above-described substituted tyl, cyclohexyl, or the like), the above-described Css
or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group with 45 cycloalkenyl group (particularly preferably a Cse cycloalk
1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur atoms, or the above-described enyl group Such as cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, or the like),
substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heteroaryla the above-described Co cycloalkyl Coalkyl group (par
lkyl group; an aminocarbonyloxymethyl group that may be ticularly preferably a C-7 cycloalkyl Calkyl group Such as
substituted with the above-described substituted or unsubsti cyclopropylmethyl, 2-cyclopropylethyl, 2-cyclopentylethyl,
tuted Straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, the above 50 cyclohexylmethyl, 2-cyclohexylethyl, or the like), the above
described halo-C alkyl group, the above-described Ca described aryl group (particularly preferably a phenyl group),
lower alkoxy group, the above-described Clower alkylthio an oxo group, the above described aralkyl group (particularly
group, the above-described Substituted or unsubstituted Co preferably a phenyl C. lower alkyl group Such as benzyl,
cycloalkyl group, the above-described substituted or unsub phenethyl, or the like), and the above-described arylalkenyl
stituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl group, the above-de 55 group (particularly preferably a 2-phenylvinyl group). Pref
scribed substituted or unsubstituted aryl group, the above erable examples thereof include 2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclo
described substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group, the propyl, 1-isopentylcyclobutyl, 1-isopropylcyclopentyl,
above-described substituted or unsubstituted arylalkenyl 1-isobutylcyclopentyl, 1-isopentylcyclopentyl, 1-cyclohexy
group, the above-described substituted or unsubstituted 5- or lmethylcyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, 1-methylcyclohexyl, 1-eth
6-membered heterocyclic group with 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, 60 ylcyclohexyl, 1-propylcyclohexyl, 1-isopropylcyclohexyl,
or sulfur atoms, or the above-described substituted or unsub 1-butylcyclohexyl, 1-isobutylcyclohexyl, 1-pentylcyclo
stituted 5- or 6-membered heteroarylalkyl group; a thiocar hexyl, 1-isopentylcyclohexyl, 1-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-cyclo
bonyl group containing the above-described Substituted or hexyl, 1-(4-methylpentyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclo
unsubstituted Straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, hexyl, 4-tert-butyl-1-isopentylcyclohexyl,
the above-described halo-C lower alkyl group, the above 65 1-cyclopropylcyclohexyl, 1-bicyclohexyl, 1-phenylcyclo
described Clower alkoxy group, the above-described Ca hexyl, 1-cyclopropylmethylcyclohexyl, 1-cyclohexylmeth
lower alkylthio group, the above-described substituted or ylcyclohexyl, 1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-cyclo
US 9,000,045 B2
23 24
pentylethyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)cyclohexyl, branched Co alkyl group or the Co cycloalkyl C alkyl
4-methylcyclohexyl, 4-propylcyclohexyl, 4-isopropylcyclo group is particularly preferred.
hexyl, 4-tert-butylcyclohexyl, 4-pentylcyclohexyl, 4-bicy The “substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co
clohexyl, 1-isopentylcycloheptyl, 3a-octahydroindenyl, alkyl group' for R means a Co cycloalkyl Coalkyl group
4a-decahydronaphthyl, 1-adamantyl, and 7.7-dimethyl-1-(2- (particularly preferably cyclohexylmethyl, 1-cyclohexyl
oxo)-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptyl. The site of substitution is not spe ethyl, 1-cyclohexyl-1-methylethyl, 1-cyclohexyl-2-methyl
cifically limited, but particularly preferably at position 1. Any propyl, 1-cyclohexyl-3-methylbutyl, 1-cyclohexylhexyl,
substitution group as described above may be used, but the 1-cyclohexyl-4-methylpentyl, and 1-cyclohexylheptyl) Co.
straight chain or branched Co alkyl group is particularly alkyl group of which is straight chain or branched and which,
preferred. 10 may have 1-4 substituents selected from the above-described
Co cycloalkyl group (particularly preferably a C-7
The substituent for the “substituted or unsubstituted Css cycloalkyl group Such as cyclopentyl or cyclohexyl), the
cycloalkenyl group' for R is the same as that for the above above-described Css cycloalkenyl group (particularly pref
“Substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group'. Spe erably a C-7 cycloalkenyl group such as cyclopentenyl or
cifically, it means a cycloalkenyl group (especially cyclopen 15 cyclohexenyl), and the above-described aryl group (particu
tenyl and cyclohexenyl) that may have 1-4 Substituents larly preferably a phenyl group). There is no special restric
selected from the above-described straight chain or branched tion on the substitution position. The above-described sub
Coalkyl group (particularly preferably a Cls alkyl group stituents may be placed at the straight chain or branched Co
Such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, pen alkyl moiety. Preferable examples of the Co cycloalkyl
tyl, isopentyl, 2.2-dimethylpropyl, 4-methylpentyl, or the Co alkyl group include cyclohexylmethyl, 1-cyclohexyl
like), the above-described straight chain or branched C ethyl, cyclohexylcyclo-pentylmethyl, dicyclohexylmethyl,
alkenyl group (particularly preferably a Cls alkenyl group 1-cyclohexyl-1-methylethyl, 1-cyclohexyl-2-methylpropyl,
such as 1-methylvinyl, 2-methylvinyl, 3-methyl-3-propenyl, 1-cyclohexyl-3-methylbutyl, 1-cyclohexyl-4-methylpentyl,
and the like), the above-described Co cycloalkyl group 1-cyclohexylhexyl, and 1-cyclohexylheptyl.
(particularly preferably C-7 cycloalkyl group Such as cyclo 25 The “substituted or unsubstituted aryl group' for R means
propyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, or the like), the above-de an aryl group (particularly preferably a phenyl group) that
scribed Css cycloalkenyl group (particularly preferably a may have 1-4 substituents selected from the above-described
Cs cycloalkenyl group like cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, or straight chain or branched C-alkyl group (particularly pref
the like), the above-described Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl erably a tert-butyl group), the above-described halogen atom
group (particularly preferably a C-7 cycloalkyl C. lower 30 (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine), and a nitro
alkyl group Such as cyclopropyl methyl, 2-cyclopropylethyl, group. Preferable examples of the aryl group are phenyl,
2-cyclopentylethyl, cyclohexylmethyl, 2-cyclohexylethyl, or 2-chlorophenyl, 4-nitrophenyl, and 3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl.
the like), the above-described aryl group (particularly prefer The “substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl for R means an
ably a phenyl group), an oxo group, the above-described aralkyl group (particularly preferably benzyl, benzhydryl,
aralkyl group (particularly preferably a phenyl C. lower 35 and trityl) which may have substituents selected from the
alkyl group Such as benzyl, phenethyl, or the like), and ary above-described halogen atom (particularly preferably fluo
lalkenyl group (particularly preferably 2-phenylvinyl). Pref rine and chlorine), a nitro group, and a hydroxy group, and in
erable examples of the cycloalkenyl group includes 1-isopro which the Clower alkyl group is straight chain or branched.
pyl-2-cyclopentenyl, 1-isopropyl-3-cyclopentenyl, There is no special restriction on the position of substitution.
1-isobutyl-2-cyclopentenyl, 1-isobutyl-3-cyclopentenyl, 40 The straight chain or branched Clower alkyl moiety may
1-isopentyl-2-cyclopentenyl, 1-isopentyl-3-cyclopentenyl, be substituted. Preferable examples of the aralkyl group are
1-cyclohexylmethyl-2-cyclopentenyl, 1-cyclohexylmethyl benzyl and trity1.
3-cyclopentenyl, 1-cyclohexenyl, 2-cyclohexenyl, 3-cyclo The “substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered het
hexenyl, 1-methyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-methyl-3-cyclohex erocyclic group having 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen or Sulfur atoms”
enyl, 1-ethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-ethyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 45 for R means the above-described heterocyclic group that may
1-propyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-propyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-iso have 1-4 substituents selected from the above-described
propyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-isopropyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-bu straight chain or branched C-alkyl group (particularly pref
tyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-butyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-isobutyl-2- erably a tert-butyl group), the above-described halogen atom
cyclohexenyl, 1-isobutyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-pentyl-2- (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine), and a nitro
cyclohexenyl, 1-pentyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-isopentyl-2- 50 group. The heterocyclic group is preferably an aromatic het
cyclohexenyl, 1-isopentyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2,2- erocyclic group, particularly preferably furyl, thienyl, and
dimethylpropyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-3- pyridyl.
cyclohexenyl, 1-(4-methylpentyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(4- The “substituted or unsubstituted straight chain or
methylpentyl)-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclopropyl-2- branched Coalkyl group” for R means a straight chain or
cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclopropyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexyl 55 branched Co alkyl group that may have a substituent
2-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-phenyl-2- selected from the above-described halogenatom (particularly
cyclohexenyl, 1-phenyl-3-cyclohexenyl, preferably fluorine and chlorine), the above-described Ca
1-cyclopropylmethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclo propylm lower alkoxy group (particularly preferably a methoxy
ethyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexylmethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, group), an amino group that may be substituted with the
1-cyclohexylmethyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopropyl 60 above-described C. lower alkyl group (particularly prefer
ethyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)-3-cyclohex ably a methyl group), the above-described acyl group (par
enyl, 1-(2-cyclopentylethyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopen ticularly preferably an acetyl group), or a hydroxyl group, the
tylethyl)-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)-2- above-described C. lower alkylthio group (particularly
cyclohexenyl, and 1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)-3-cyclohexenyl. preferably a methylthio group), a carbamoyl group, a
There is no special restriction on the substitution position, but 65 hydroxyl group, an acyloxy group having the above-de
the particularly preferred position is position 1. Any one of scribed acyl group (particularly preferably an acetyloxy
the above substituents may be used, but the straight chain or group), a carboxyl group, an acyl group (particularly prefer
US 9,000,045 B2
25 26
ably a methoxycarbonyl group), and an aryloxy group having a nitro group, a hydroxyl group, the above-described Ca
the above-described substituted or unsubstituted aryl group lower alkoxy group (particularly preferably a methoxy
(particularly preferably a phenoxy group and a 4-chlorophe group), and the above-described acyl group (particularly
noxy group). Preferable examples of the alkyl group include preferably a 2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phe
methyl, chloromethyl, ethyl, isopropyl, 1-methyl-2-pentyl, nylthiocarbonyl group). Preferable examples of the aryl
octyl, methoxymethyl, dimethylaminomethyl, acetylami group include phenyl, 1-naphthyl 2-naphthyl, 2-chlorophe
nomethyl, 1-acetyl aminoethyl, 1-acetylamino-2-methylpro nyl, 2,6-dichlorophenyl, 2,6-dimethylphenyl, 2-methox
pyl, 1-acetylamino-3-methylbutyl, 1-acetylamino-3-meth yphenyl, 2-nitrophenyl, 4-nitrophenyl, 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-
ylthiopropyl, 1-acetylamino-3-carbamoylpropyl, 1-hydroxy hydroxyphenyl, and 4-2-(1-isopentylcyclo
1-methylethyl, 1-acetyloxy-1-methylethyl, 4-carboxybutyl, 10 hexanecarbonylamino)phenylthiocarbonylphenyl.
2-methoxycarbonylethyl, phenoxymethyl, and 4-chlorophe The “substituted or unsubstituted aralkyl group' for R
noxymethyl. means an aralkyl group (particularly preferably benzyl, phen
The “Clower alkoxy group' for R is preferably a meth ethyl, 3-phenylpropyl, naphthylmethyl, and biphenylmethyl)
oxy group and a tert-butoxy group. that may have a substituent selected from the above-described
The “C. lower alkylthio group' for R is preferably a 15 halogen atom (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine),
methylthio group. a nitro group, an amino group (particularly preferably amino,
The “substituted or unsubstituted amino group' for R acetylamino, pivaloylamino. 1-methylcyclohexanecarbonyl
means an amino group that may have a Substituent selected amino, tert-butoxycarbonylamino, and benzoylamino) that
from the above-described Clower alkyl group (particularly may be substituted with the above-described Clower alkyl
preferably ethyl, isopropyl, and tert-butyl), the above-de group or the above-described acyl group, and a hydroxyl
scribed acyl group (particularly preferably acetyl and ben group, and in which the C lower alkyl group are straight
Zoyl), and the above-described aryl group (particularly pref chain or branched. There is no special restriction on the posi
erably phenyl and 4-methoxyphenyl) that may be substituted tion of substitution. The straight chain or branched Clower
with the above-described Clower alkoxy group. Preferable alkyl moiety may be substituted. Preferable examples of the
examples of the amino group are ethylamino, isopropy 25 aralkyl group include benzyl, phenethyl, 3-phenylpropyl.
lamino, tert-butylamino, phenylamino, and 4-methoxyphe 2-naphthylmethyl, 4-biphenylmethyl, benzhydryl, 2-chlo
nylamino. rophenylmethyl, 3-chloro phenylmethyl, 4-chlorophenylm
The “substituted or unsubstituted ureido group” for R ethyl 2-nitrophenylmethyl, 4-nitrophenylmethyl 2-pivaloy
means a ureido group that may have a Substituent selected laminophenylmethyl, 2-(1-
from the above-described Clower alkyl group (particularly 30 methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylmethyl 2-tert
preferably methyl and ethyl), the above-described acyl group butoxy-carbonylaminophenylmethyl,
(particularly preferably acetyl and benzoyl), and the above 3-acetylaminophenylmethyl, 3-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbo
described aryl group (particularly preferably phenyl and nylamino)phenylmethyl, C-aminobenzyl, C.-acetylami
4-methoxyphenyl) that may be substituted with the above nobenzyl, C.-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)benzyl,
described C. lower alkoxy group, with an N,N'-dipheny 35 C.-benzoylaminobenzyl, C.-aminophenethyl, C.-acetylami
lureido group being preferred. nophenethyl, and 1-acetylamino-2-(4-hydrorxyphenyl)ethyl.
The “substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl group' The “substituted or unsubstituted arylalkenyl group' for
for R means a Co cycloalkyl group (particularly preferably R means an arylalkenyl group (particularly phenyl vinyl)
cyclopropyl and cyclohexyl) that may have a Substituent that may have a substituent selected from the above-described
selected from the above-described straight chain or branched 40 straight chain or branched C. lower alkyl group (particu
Co alkyl group (particularly preferably methyl, tert-butyl, larly preferably methyl and tert-butyl), the above-described
and isopentyl), an amino group, an amino group (particularly halogen atom (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine),
preferably methylamino, ethylamino, acetylamino, and ben a nitro group, and a hydroxyl group, with a 2-phenylvinyl
Zylamino) that may be substituted with the above-described group being preferred.
C. lower alkyl or acyl groups. Preferable examples the 45 The “substituted or unsubstituted arylthio group” for R
cycloalkyl group are cyclopropyl, cyclohexyl, 1-methylcy means an arylthio group (particularly preferably a phenylthio
clohexyl, 1-isopentylcyclohexyl, 1-aminocyclohexyl, group) that may have a Substituent selected from the above
1-acetylaminocyclohexyl, and 4-tert-butylcyclohexyl. described halogen atom (particularly preferably fluorine and
The “substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co chlorine), a nitro group, and an amino group that may be
alkyl group' for R means a Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl 50 substituted with the above-described C. lower alkyl group
group which may have a Substituent selected from the above or the above-described acyl group (particularly preferably
described Co cycloalkyl group (particularly preferably amino, acetylamino, pivaloylamino. 1-methylcyclohexan
cyclopenty1 and cyclohexyl), the above-described Css ecarbonylamino, and benzoylamino), a hydroxyl group, and
cycloalkenyl group (particularly preferably cyclopentenyl the above-described halo-C lower alkyl group (particularly
and cyclohexenyl), and the above-described aryl group (par 55 preferably a trifluoromethyl group). Preferably examples of
ticularly preferably a phenyl group) and in which the Co the arylthio group include phenylthio. 2-pivaloylaminophe
alkyl moiety is straight chain or branched. There is no special nylthio. 2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)phenylthio.
restriction on the position of Substitution. The Straight chain and 2-(1-methyl cyclohexanecarbonylamino-4-trifluorom
or branched Co alkyl moiety may be substituted. A cyclo ethyl)phenylthio.
hexylmethyl group is preferred as the Co cycloalkyl Co 60 The “substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered het
alkyl group. erocyclic ring groups with 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur
The “substituted or unsubstituted aryl group' for R means atoms' for R means heterocyclic ring groups (particularly
an aryl group (particularly preferably phenyl and naphthyl) preferably an aromatic heterocyclic group Such as pyridyl or
that may have a substituent selected from the above-described a non-aromatic heterocyclic group Such as piperidyl or pyr
straight chain or branched C-alkyl group (particularly pref 65 rolidinyl) that may have substituents selected from the above
erably methyl and tert-butyl group), the above-described described Straight chain or branched C. alkyl group (par
halogen atom (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine), ticularly preferably a methyl group), a halogen atom
US 9,000,045 B2
27 28
(particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine), the above 1-methylvinyl, 2-methylvinyl, or 3-methyl-3-propenyl), the
described acyl group (particularly preferably acetyl and ben above-described Co cycloalkyl (particularly preferably a
Zoyl), and an oxo group. Preferable examples thereof are C., cycloalkyl group such as cyclopropyl, cyclopentyl, or
3-pyridyl, 1-methyl-4-piperidyl, 1-acetyl-4-piperidyl, 5-oxo cyclohexyl), the above-described Css cycloalkenyl group
2-pyrrolidinyl, 1-acetyl-2-pyrrolidinyl, and 1-benzoyl-2-pyr (particularly preferably a Css cycloalkenyl group Such as
rolidinyl. A 4-piperidyl group Such as 1-methyl-4-piperidyl cyclopentenyl or cyclohexenyl), the above-described Co
or 1-acetyl-4-piperidyl group is particularly preferred. cycloalkyl Co alkyl group (particularly preferably a C-7
The “substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered het cycloalkyl Clower alkyl group such as cyclopropylmethyl,
eroarylalkyl group” for R means the above-described het 10 2-cyclopropylethyl, 2-cyclopentylethyl, cyclohexylmethyl,
eroarylalkyl group (particularly preferably a 2-tenyl group) or 2-cyclohexylethyl), the above-described aryl group (par
that may be substituted with the above-described straight ticularly preferably a phenyl group), the above-described
chain or branched C. alkyl group (particularly preferably a aralkyl group (particularly preferably a phenyl C. lower
methyl group) and the above-described halogen atom (par alkyl group Such benzyl and phenethyl), and an arylalkenyl
ticularly preferably fluorine and chlorine). A 2-tenyl group is 15 group (particularly preferably 2-phenylvinyl). Preferable
preferred. examples of the 1-substituted-Clio cycloalkyl group include
The “substituted or unsubstituted C. lower alkyl group' 1-isopentylcyclobutyl, 1-isopropylcyclopentyl, 1-isobutyl
for R2 means a Clower alkyl group (particularly preferably cyclopentyl, 1-isopentyl cyclopentyl, 1-cyclohexylmethylcy
a methyl group) that may have 1-3 Substituents selected from clopentyl, 1-methylcyclohexyl, 1-ethylcyclohexyl, 1-propy
the above-described C. lower alkoxy group (particularly lcyclohexyl, 1-isopropylcyclohexyl, 1-butylcyclohexyl,
preferably a methoxy group), an amino group that may be 1-isobutylcyclohexyl, 1-pentylcyclohexyl, 1-isopentylcyclo
substituted with the above-described Clower alkyl or acyl hexyl, 1-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(4-methylpen
group (particularly preferably a dimethylamino group), the tyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl, 1-cyclopropyl
above-described C. lower alkylthio group, (particularly 25 cyclohexyl, 1-bicyclohexyl, 1-phenylcyclohexyl,
preferably a methylthio group), a carbamoyl group, a 1-cyclopropylmethylcyclohexyl, 1-cyclohexylmethylcyclo
hydroxyl group, a carboxyl group, the above-described acyl hexyl, 1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-cyclopentyl
group (particularly preferably a methoxycarbonyl group), ethyl)cyclohexyl, 1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)cyclohexyl, and
and the above-described heterocyclic group (particularly 30 1-isopentylcycloheptyl. The straight chain or branched Co
preferably an aromatic heterocyclic group Such as thienyl or alkyl group is particularly preferable as a substituent at posi
a non-aromatic heterocyclic group such as tetrahydrofuryl). A tion 1.
tetrahydrofurylmethyl group is preferred. The “1-substituted-Css cycloalkenyl group' for R" means
The “substituted or unsubstituted aryl group” for R is the a cycloalkenyl groups (particularly preferably a Cs.
same as that for R. Preferable examples thereofare a phenyl 35 cycloalkenyl group Such as cyclopentenyl or cyclohexenyl)
group, a halogenated phenyl group, an acylamino-Substituted that is substituted at position 1 with substituents selected from
phenyl group, and the like. the above-described Straight chain or branched Co alkyl
The "halogenatom' for X, X2, X, and Xa means a halo group (particularly preferably a Cls alkyl group Such as
gen atom including fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and the like, 40
methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, pentyl, iso
with fluorine and chlorine being preferred. pentyl, 2,2-dimethyl propyl, and 4-methylpentyl), the above
The “C. lower alkyl group' for X, X2, X, and X is described straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group (par
preferably a methyl group. ticularly preferably a C-s alkenyl group Such as
The "halo-C lower alkyl group” for X, X, X, and X 1-methylvinyl, 2-methylvinyl, or 3-methyl-3-propenyl), the
means a C lower alkyl group (particularly preferably a 45 above-described Co cycloalkyl group (particularly prefer
methyl group) substituted with the above-described halogen ably a C-7 cycloalkyl group Such as cyclopropyl, cyclopen
atom (particularly preferably fluorine and chlorine). A trif tyl, or cyclohexyl), the above-described Css cycloalkenyl
luoromethyl group is preferred. group (particularly preferably a Cs cycloalkenyl group such
The "Ca lower alkoxy group' for X, X2, X, and X is 50
as cyclopentenyl or cyclohexenyl), the above-described Co
preferably a methoxy group. cycloalkyl Co alkyl group (particularly preferably a C-7
The acyl group” for X, X, X, and X is preferably a cycloalkyl Clower alkyl group such as cyclopropylmethyl,
benzoyl group. 2-cyclopropylethyl, 2-cyclopentylethyl, cyclohexylmethyl,
The “aryl group' for X, X2, X, and X is preferably a or 2-cyclohexylethyl), the above-described aryl group (par
phenyl group. 55 ticularly preferably a phenyl group), the above-described
The “1-substituted-Clocycloalkyl group” for R" means a aralkyl group (particularly preferably a phenyl C. lower
cycloalkyl group (for example, cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, alkyl group Such as benzyl or phenethyl), and the above
cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, and cycloheptyl, preferably a C-7 described arylalkenyl group (particularly preferably a 2-phe
cycloalkyl group, particularly preferably a cyclohexyl group) nylvinyl group). Preferable examples of the 1-substituted
that is substituted at position 1 with substituents selected from Css cycloalkenyl group include 1-isopropyl-2-
the above-described Straight chain or branched Co alkyl cyclopentenyl, 1-isopropyl-3-cyclopentenyl, 1-isobutyl-2-
group (particularly preferably a Cls alkyl group Such as cyclopentenyl, 1-isobutyl-3-cyclopentenyl, 1-isopentyl-2-
methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, pentyl, iso cyclopentenyl, 1-isopentyl-3-cyclopentenyl,
pentyl, 2.2-dimethylpropyl, 4-methylpentyl, or 2-ethylbutyl), 65 1-cyclohexylmethyl-2-cyclopentenyl, 1-cyclohexylmethyl
the above-described straight chain or branched Coalkenyl 3-cyclopentenyl, 1-methyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-methyl-3-cy
group (particularly preferably a Cls alkenyl group Such as clohexenyl, 1-ethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-ethyl-3-cyclohexenyl,
US 9,000,045 B2
29 30
1-propyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-propyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-iso amine salts; and salts of amino acids such as lysine salts or
propyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-isopropyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-bu arginine salts. Depending on the circumstances, hydrates or
tyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-butyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-isobutyl-2- solvates with alcohols may be used.
cyclohexenyl, 1-isobutyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-pentyl-2- More specifically, a 1-isobutylcyclohexyl group, a 1-(2-
cyclohexenyl, 1-pentyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-isopentyl-2- ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl group, and a 1-isopentylcyclohexyl
cyclohexenyl, 1-isopentyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2,2- group are particularly preferable as R in the formula (I),
dimethylpropyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-3- —CO— is particularly preferable as Y, a hydrogen atom is
cyclohexenyl, 1-(4-methylpentyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(4- particularly preferable as X, X2, X, and X, and an isobu
tyryl group and a 1-acetyl-4-piperidine carbonyl group are
methylpentyl)-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclopropyl-2- 10 particularly preferable as Z.
cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclopropyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexyl The compound of the present invention inhibits CETP
2-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-phenyl-2- activity and is expected as a conventionally unknown, new
cyclohexenyl, 1-phenyl-3-cyclohexenyl, type of a preventive ortherapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia or
1-cyclopropylmethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclopropylmethyl atherosclerotic diseases.
3-cyclohexenyl, 1-cyclohexylmethyl-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-cy 15 When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, the compound
clohexylmethyl-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)-2- of the present invention represented by the formula (I) or a
cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopropylethyl)-3-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2- pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof can be usually used
cyclopentylethyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclopentylethyl)-3- together with known pharmacologically acceptable carriers,
cyclohexenyl, 1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)-2-cyclohexenyl, and excipients, diluents, extenders, disintegrators, stabilizers,
1-(2-cyclohexylethyl)-3-cyclohexenyl. The straight chain or preservatives, buffers, emulsifiers, aromatics, colorants,
Sweeteners, Viscosity increasing agents, flavor improving
branched Co alkyl group is particularly preferable as a agents, solubilizers, and other additives. More specifically,
Substituent at position 1. the compound can be formulated into dosage forms, such as
The “prodrug compound' means the derivatives of com tablets, pills, powders, granules, Suppositories, injections,
pounds of the present invention having a chemically or meta 25 eye drops, liquid drugs, capsules, troches, aerosols, elixirs,
bolically degradable group, which exhibit pharmaceutical Suspensions, emulsions, or syrup, together with water, plant
activity by degradation through hydrolysis or Solvolysis, or oil, 2 alcohols such as ethanol or benzyl alcohol, polyethylene
under physiological conditions. glycol, glyceroltriacetate gelatin, lactose, carbohydrates Such
The “pharmaceutically acceptable salt' means any com as starch, magnesium Stearates, talc, lanolin, and Vaseline,
pound that is an atoxic salt formed with the compound rep 30 which can be administered orally or parenterally.
resented by the above formula (I). Examples of such a salt The above pharmaceutical preparations contain the com
include inorganic acid salts such as hydrochlorides, hydro pound of the present invention represented by the formula (I)
bromides, hydroiodides, Sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, car or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in an amount
bonates, bicarbonates, or perchlorates; organic acid salts such effective to inhibit CETP activity and prevent or treat hyper
as formates, acetates, trifluoroacetates, propionates, tartrates, 35 lipidemia, atherosclerotic diseases, or the like diseases attrib
glycolates, succinates, lactates, maleates, hydroxymaleates, utable to CETP activity. One skilled in the art can easily
methylmaleates, fumarates, adipiates, tartrates, malates, cit determine Such an effective amount.
rates, benzoates, cinnamates, ascorbates, Salicylates, 2-ac Doses may vary depending on the type and degree of dis
etoxybenzoates, nicotinates, or isonicotinates; Sulfonates eases, the compounds to be administered, the route of admin
Such as methane Sulfonates, ethane Sulfonates, isethionates, 40 istration, the age, sex, and body weight of the patients. In the
benzene Sulfonates, p-toluene Sulfonates, or naphthalene Sul case of oral administration, it is usually desirable to admin
fonates; salts of acidic amino acids such as aspargates or ister the compound (I) to an adult 1-1000 mg, particularly
glutamates; alkali metal salts such as Sodium salts or potas 50-800 mg per day.
sium salts, alkaline earth metal salts such as magnesium salts The compound of the present invention can be produced
or calcium salts; ammonium salts; organic base salts such as 45 using the following method, but it is needless to say that the
trimethylamines, triethylamines, pyridine salts, picoline method of producing the compound of the present invention
salts, dicyclohexylamine salts or N,N'-dibenzyl ethylenedi is not limited to this method.


X X4

X ls N1"
R11 (Step 8)
US 9,000,045 B2
31 32

1. Yx (Step 1)


R X(Step 9)

R1 NNH R11

(Step 10) Sr.,

X X4
(III-2) (IX)


Step 1 40 Step 3
The compound (II-2) (in the formula R, X, XXX, and The compound (II-2) (in the formula R. X. X, X, X, and
Y are as described above) can be synthesized by reacting the Y are as described above) can be synthesized by allowing the
compound (VI) (in the formula X, X2, X, and X are as compound (III-2) (in the formula R, X, X2, X, X, and Y are
described above) with the compound (XII) (in the formula X as described above) to react in the presence of an oxidizing
represents a halogen atom and R and Y are as described 45
agent such as iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium perman
above) in the presence of a base Such as pyridine, triethy ganate, or dimethylsulfoxide, in an organic solvent such as
lamine, N-methylmorpholine, or N-methylpiperazine in an methanol, ethanol, ether, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, diisopro
organic solvent such as methylene chloride, chloroform, tolu pyl ether, dimethoxyethane, acetone, toluene, hexane, dim
ene, ether, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, diisopropyl ether,
dimethoxyethane, or hexane, water, or a mixture of these 50 ethylformamide, or acetic acid, water, or a mixture of these
Solvents, or in the absence of a solvent, under cooling through Solvents, or in the absence of a solvent, under cooling through
heating temperature. heating temperature.
The compound (III-2) can be synthesized from the com Step 4
pound (II-2) by the following step 2. The compound (IV-2) (in the formula R. R. X. X. X,
Step 2 55 X, Y, and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by
The compound (III-2) (in the formula R, X, X, X. X, reacting the compound (III-2) (in the formula R, X; X, X.
and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by allowing X, and Y are as described above) with acid halide R—YX
the compound (II-2) (in the formula R, X, X2, X, X, and Y (in the formula R, X, and Y are as described above), isocy
are as described above) to react in the presence of a reducing anate R—NY (in the formula R and Y are as described
agent such as sodium borohydride, lithium borohydride, alu 60 above), carbonic halide R—O YX (in the formula R. X.
minum lithium hydride, triphenylphosphine, Zinc, ortin, in an and Y are as described above), or thiocarbonic halides
organic solvent Such as methanol, ethanol, ether, dioxane, R—S YX (in the formula R, X and Y are as described
tetrahydrofuran, diisopropyl ether, dimethoxyethane, tolu above) in the presence of a base such as pyridine, triethy
ene, hexane, acetone, or acetic acid, water, or a mixture of lamine, N-methylmorpholine, or N-methylbipiperazine, in an
these solvents, under cooling through heating temperature. 65 organic solvent such as methylene chloride, chloroform, tolu
The compound (II-2) or (IV-2) can also be synthesized ene, ether, dioxane, tetrahydro furan, diisopropyl ether,
from the compound (III-2) using the following step 3 or 4. dimethoxy ethane, or hexane, water, or a mixture of these
US 9,000,045 B2
33 34
Solvents, or in the absence of a solvent, under cooling through The compound (III-2) can also be synthesized using the
heating temperature. Alternatively, the compound (IV-2) can following scheme.
be synthesized by reacting the compound (III-2) with car Step 6
boxylic acid R—COOH (in the formula R is as described The compound (XI) (in the formula R, X, X2, X, X, and
above) or thiocarboxylic acid R. YSH (in the formula R. Y are as described above) can be synthesized by reacting the
and Y are as described above) using a coupling agent such as compound (X) (in the formula X, X, X and X are as
1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochlo described above) with the compound (XII) (in the formula R.
ride, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diphenylphosphorylazide, X, and Y are as described above) iii the presence of a base
or carbonyldiimidazole, in the presence of an activating 10 Such as pyridine, triethylamine, N-methylmorpholine, or
agent, if required. Such as 1-hydroxybenzotriazole, hydrox N-methylpiperazine, in an organic solvent such as methylene
y succinimide, or N-hydroxy-5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboxylic chloride, chloroform, toluene, ether, dioxane, tetrahydrofu
acid imide, in an organic solvent such as dimethylformamide, ran, diisopropyl ether, dimethoxyethane, or hexane, water, or
dichloromethane, chloroform, acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran,
dimethylsulfoxide, carbon tetrachloride, or toluene, or a mix a mixture of these solvents, or in the absence of a solvent,
ture of these solvents, under cooling through heating tem under cooling through heating temperature.
perature. (The reaction may be carried out in the presence of Step 7
a base such as pyridine or triethylamine.) Furthermore, the The compound (III-2) (in the formula R, Xs, X, Xs, X,
compound (IV-2) can be synthesized by reacting the com and Y areas described above) can be synthesized by allowing
pound (III-2) with carboxylic acid R—COOH (in the for the compound (XI) (in the formula R. X. X, X, X, and Y
mula R is as described above) in the presence of a base Such are as described above) to react in the presence of a base Such
as triethylamine or pyridine and in the presence of ethyl as sodium acetate, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide,
chlorocarbonate or the like, in a organic solvent Such as ethyl potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate, or Sodium bicarbon
acetate or tetrahydrofuran, or a mixture of these solvents, ate, in an organic solvent such as methanol, ethanol, tetrahy
under cooling through heating temperature. When R has a
carboxyl group, this above step may be conducted using the 25 drofuran, dioxane, dimethoxyethane, ether, or diisopropyl
corresponding ester to obtain the compound by hydrolysis ether, water, or a mixture of these solvents, under ice-cooling
with acid using the known method. through heating temperature.
The compound (IV-2) can also be synthesized by subse The compound (III-2) can also be synthesized by the fol
quently conducting the step 4 following the above step 2 or 30 lowing scheme.
the step 7 below, or the step 10 below, without isolating the Step 8
compound (III-2). The compound (VIII) (in the formula R and R may be
The compound (V-2) can be synthesized by conducting the the same or different and area alkyl group Such as methyl or
following step 5 or 5'. The step 5 is suitable especially when ethyl, and X, X2, X, and X are as described above) can be
R is the lower alkyl group that may have substituents and the 35 synthesized by reacting the compound (VII) (in the formula
step 5" is suitable especially when R is the aryl group that X, X, X, and X are as described above) with the com
may have Substituents. pound (XIII) (in the formula R, R2, and X are as described
Step 5 above) in the presence of a base such as sodium hydride,
The compound (V-2) (in the formula R. R. X. X, X. X, 40
triethylamine, or N-methylmorpholine, in an organic Solvent
and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by allowing Such as dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, or
R X (in the formula R and X is as described above) and a dimethoxyethane or a mixture of these solvents, under cool
Sulfur compound like sodium thiosulfate to reactin an organic ing through heating temperature, and allowing the resulting
Solvent such as ethanol, methanol, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, product to react in an organic solvent Such as phenylether or
dimethoxyethane, acetone, or acetonitrile, water, or a mixture 45 sulfolane or a mixture of these solvents, or in the absence of
of these solvents, at room temperature through heating tem a solvent, under heating.
perature, and adding the compound (III-2) (in the formula R. Step 9
X, X, X, X, and Y are as described above) and a basic The compound (IX) (in the formula R. R. R. X. X,
aqueous Solution Such as sodium hydroxide, potassium 50
X, X, and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by
hydroxide, Sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, or allowing the compound (VIII) (in the formula R. R. X.
Sodium bicarbonate to the resulting Solution under ice-cool X, X, and X areas described above) to react in the presence
ing through heating temperature. of a reducing agent such as Stannous chloride, Zinc, iron,
Step 5" Sodium dithionite, Sodium sulfide, or sodium disulfide, in an
The compound (V-2) (in the formula R. R. X1,X2, X, X, 55 organic solvent Such as ethyl acetate, acetic acid, methanol,
and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by reacting ethanol, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, diisopropyl ether,
R SH (in the formula R is as described above) with trim dimethoxyethane, or toluene, water, or a mixture of these
ethylsilane-imidazole in carbon tetrachloride under ice-cool Solvents, under cooling through heating temperature, and
ing through room temperature, adding to the resulting solu reacting the resulting product with the compound (XII) (in the
tion a reaction mixture resulted from reacting the compound formula R, X, and Y areas described above) in the presence of
(II-2) (in the formula R, X, X, Xs, X, and Y areas described a base such as pyridine, triethylamine, N-methylmorpholine,
above) with sulfuryl chloride in carbon tetrachloride in the or N-methylpiperazine, in an organic solvent such as chloro
presence of a base such as triethylamine, pyridine, N-meth form, methylene chloride, tetrahydrofuran, ether, dioxane,
ylmorpholine, or N-methylpiperazine under ice-cooling 65 diisopropyl ether, dimethoxyethane, toluene, or hexane,
through room temperature, and allowing the resulting mix water or a mixture of these solvents, or in the absence of a
ture to react. Solvent, under cooling through heating temperature.
US 9,000,045 B2
35 36
Step 10 0°C., to which pivaloyl chloride (83 ml) was added dropwise.
The compound (III-2) (in the formula R, X, X, X. X, After completion of addition, the organic layer was washed
and Y are as described above) can be synthesized by allowing with water and Saturated brine. After drying the organic layer
the compound (IX) (in the formula R. R. R. X, X2, X, over anhydrous sodium Sulfate and evaporation, Solid mate
X, and Y are as described above) to react in the presence of rial was obtained. The solid thus obtained was washed with
a base Such as potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ether-hexane and collected by filtration to give the desired
potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate, or Sodium bicarbon compound (11.15g, yield: 83%).
ate, in an organic solvent Such as methanol, ethanol, tetrahy
drofuran, dioxane, dimethoxyethane, ether, or diisopropyl 10 Example 2
ether, water, or a mixture of these solvents, under cooling
through heating temperature.
The compound (VI) can also be synthesized from the com Synthesis of bis-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecar
pound (VIII) by the following step 11. bonylamino-phenyl disulfide (formula (I); R=1-(2-
Step 11 15 ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl, X, X2, X, X a hydrogen
The compound (VI) (in the formula X, X2, X, and X are atom, Y-carbonyl, Z=2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)-cyclohex
as described above) can be synthesized by allowing the com anecarbonylaminophenylthio)
pound (VIII) (in the formula R. R. X. X, X, and X are
as described above) to react in the presence of a reducing
agent such as Stannous chloride, Zinc, iron, Sodium dithionite, i) A suspension of 60% sodium hydride (980 mg) in tet
Sodium sulfide, and sodium disulfide, in an organic solvent rahydrofuran (80 ml) was stirred at room temperature and a
Such as ethyl acetate, acetic acid, methanol, ethanol, ether, tetrahydrofuran Solution (10 ml) containing cyclohexanecar
tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, diisopropyl ether, dimethoxy boxylic acid (3.00 g) was added dropwise thereto. After
ethane, and toluene, water or a mixture of these solvents, completion of addition, a mixture was stirred for 1 hour and
under cooling through heating temperature, allowing the 25
resulting product to react in the presence of a base Such as cooled to 0°C., followed by adding a cyclohexane solution
potassium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide, potassium carbon (18.7 ml) containing 1.5M lithium isopropylamide dropwise
ate, sodium carbonate, or Sodium bicarbonate, in an organic thereto. Then, after stirring at room temperature for 1.5 hours
Solvents such as methanol, tetrahydrofuran, ethanol, dioxane, and cooling to 0°C., a tetrahydrofuran solution (10 ml) con
ether, diisopropyl ether, or dimethoxyethane, water, or a mix taining 1-bromo-2-ethylbutane (4.64 g) was added dropwise
ture of these solvents, under cooling through heating tem thereto. The solution was gradually warmed to room tempera
perature, and allowing the product to react in the presence of ture and stirred overnight. Water and a 10% hydrochloride
an oxidizing agent such as iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potas solution were added to this reaction solution and the solution
sium permanganate, or dimethylsulfoxide, in an organic Sol 35 was extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic layer was
vent such as methanol, ethanol, ether, dioxane, tetrahydrofu washed with saturated brine and dried over anhydrous sodium
ran, diisopropyl ether, dimethoxyethane, acetone, toluene, Sulfate. After drying, the resulting Solution was concentrated
hexane, dimethylformamide, or acetic acid, water, or a mix to obtain 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (3.17
ture of these solvents, or in the absence of a solvent, under
cooling through heating temperature. 40
g, yields 64%).
The compound (I) thus obtained can be isolated and puri ii) A mixture of 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexane carboxylic
fied using the known method for separation and purification, acid (1.50 g) obtained in the above i), oxalyl chloride (0.85
Such as concentration, concentration under reduced pressure, ml), methylene chloride (20 ml), and a small amount of dim
extraction, crystallization, recrystallization, or chromatogra ethylformamide was stirred at room temperature for 1 hour,
phy. 45 concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain 1-(2-ethylbu
The compound of the present invention contains one or tyl)cyclohexanecarbonyl chloride as a crude product.
more of stereoisomers due to the presence of the asymmetric Step 1) A pyridine solution (20 ml) containing bis-(2-
carbon. Such isomers and mixtures thereofare all included in
aminophenyl)disulfide (825 mg) was stirred at room tempera
the scope of the present invention. 50 ture and a crude product of 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecar
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE bonylchloride obtained in the above ii) was added dropwise
INVENTION thereto. After completion of addition, the solution was stirred
overnight at 100° C. After concentration under reduced pres
In the following the present invention will be described in 55
Sure, water was added to the reaction solution and the Solution
detail with reference to Examples and Test Example, but the was extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic layer was
present invention is not limited thereto. washed with saturated brine and dried over anhydrous sodium
sulfate, followed by concentration. The resulting residue was
Example 1 purified by silica gel column chromatography (a developing
60 solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate=15:1) to obtain the desired
Synthesis of bis-2-(pivaloylamino)phenyldisulfide compound (667 mg, yield: 32%).
(formula (I); R t-butyl, X, X, X, X a hydrogen
atom, Y-carbonyl, Z=2-(pivaloylamino)phenylthio) Examples 3-8
Step 1) A mixture of bis-(2-aminophenyl)disulfide (8.00 The compounds shown in Tables 1 and 2 were obtained in
g), pyridine (6.5 ml), and chloroform (150 ml) was stirred at the same manner as in Examples 1 and 2.
US 9,000,045 B2
41 42
TABLE 3-continued TABLE 4-continued

Compound No. Compound

1-16 l O

1-10 C O O C 15
1-17 O O



Olu JuC 25 1-18 O O O O



1-12 O O
1-19 O O O O
35 YNH HN1


No. Compound
1-13 O O
Example 9

O NH S-S HN O Synthesis of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-2,2-dimethylpro

t-Bu C r t-Bu 50
pioneamide (formula (I); R t-butyl, X, X, X.
X, a hydrogen atom, Y-carbonyl, Zahydrogen
1-14 O O

Ph Step 2) A mixture of bis(2-(pivaloylamino)phenyldisul
Ph Ph
fide (300 mg) obtained in Example 1 above in methanol (0.4
Ph S-S Ph ml) tetrahydrofuran (4 ml) was stirred at room temperature.
Sodium borohydride (70 mg) was added thereto and the
resulting solution was refluxed under heating for 4 hours.
After cooling and addition of 10% hydrochloric acid, the
1-15 O O 60 resulting solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The
t-Bu organic layer was washed with water, and saturated brine, and
was dried over anhydrous Sodium Sulfate. After drying, the
Solution was concentrated and the resulting residue was sepa
t-Bu t-Bu 65 rated and purified by silica gel column chromatography (a
developing solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate=10:1) to obtain the
desired compound (84 mg, yield: 28%).
US 9,000,045 B2
43 44
Example 10 A pyridine solution (500 ml) containing 2-aminothiophe
nol (15.8 g) was stirred at room temperature and 2 equal
Synthesis of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-(2-ethylbutyl) Volumes of 1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonyl chloride was
cyclohexanecarboxamide (formula (I); R=1-(2-ethyl added dropwise thereto. After completion of addition, the
butyl)cyclohexyl, X, X, X, X a hydrogen atom, solution was stirred for 2 hours at 60° C. and allowed to cool.
Y-carbonyl, Zahydrogenatom) After removal of pyridine under reduced pressure, water was
added and the solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The
Step 2) A mixture of bis-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexan organic layer was washed with an aqueous Solution of Satu
ecarbonylaminophenyldisulfide (667 mg) obtained in 10 rated sodium bicarbonate, hydrochloric acid, and saturated
Example 2 above, triphenylphosphine (577 mg), dioxane (8 brine, in this order, and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate.
ml), and water (4 ml) was stirred for 1 hour at 50° C. After The resulting Solution was concentrated under reduced pres
allowing the mixture to cool, a 1 Naqueous Sodium hydroxide Sure to give the desired compound in the form of a crude oily
was added thereto. The aqueous layer was washed with hex 15 substance (60 g).
ane and neutralized with a 10% hydrochloride solution. After Step 7) The crude product obtained in the above step 6) (60
extraction with ethyl acetate, the solution was washed with g) was dissolved in a mixed solvent of methanol (60 ml)-
saturated brine and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. tetrahydrofuran (60 ml) in the atmosphere of argon. Potas
After drying, the Solution was concentrated and the thus sium hydroxide (24.2 g) was added thereto and the Solution
obtained residue was purified by silica gel column chroma was stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. After stirring,
tography (a developing solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate-15:1). water (50 ml) was added, the solution was washed with hex
which resulted in the desired compound (378 mg, yield: ane (50 mlx3), and the aqueous layer was acidified with
56%). potassium hydrogen sulfate, followed by extraction with

Example Compound m.p. (C.) H NMR (CDC1300 MHz)

9 O 69-71 8.42(1H, brs)
8.31 (1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.50(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
NH 7.30(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.00(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
SH 3.08(1H, s)
1.36(9H, s)

10 685-74.O 8.45(1H, brs)

8.33(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.51 (1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.31 (1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.00(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
3.07(1H, s)
2.05-2.25(2H, m)
1.20-1.80(15H, m)
0.79(6H, t, J = 6.9 Hz)

Example 11 ss chloroform. The organic layer was washed with water and
saturated brine, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, and the
Synthesis of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentylcy Solvent was removed by evaporation under reduced pressure.
clohexanecarboxamide (formula (I); R=1-isopentyl The resulting deposited crystalline product was washed with
cyclohexyl, X, X, X, X a hydrogen atom, pentane and collected by filtration to obtain the desired com
Y-carbonyl, Z=a hydrogen atom) 60 pound (23.1 g, yield: 60%).

Step 6) N-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexane)carbonylthiophe Examples 12-18

nyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexanecarboxamide (formula (XI); as
R=1-isopentylcyclohexyl, X, X2, X, X a hydrogen atom, The compounds shown in Tables 6 and 7 were obtained in
Y-carbonyl) the same manner as in Example 11.
US 9,000,045 B2
47 48
Example Compound m.p. (C.) H NMR (CDC1300 MHz)
17 97-98 8.37(1H, brs)
8.31 (1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.50(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.30(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.00(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
3.07(1H, s)
2.05-2.20(2H, m)
1.20-1.70(14H, m)
0.87(3H, 4 J = 7.2 Hz)

18 92-93 8.42(1H, brs)

8.32(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.51 (1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.31 (1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.00(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
3.07(1H, s)
2.06-2.20(2H, m)
1.20-1.95 (11H, m)
0.89(6H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)

Further, the compounds 11-1 and 11-2 shown in Table 8 mixture was stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature, dim
were obtained in the same manner as in Example 11. ethylthiocarbamoyl chloride (3.65 g) was further added
thereto and the solution was stirred for 1 hour at 80°C. After
TABLE 8 30 allowing the solution to cool, water was added thereto and the
No. Compound Solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic layer
was washed with 5% hydrochloric acid, water, and saturated
11-1 O brine, and was dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. The
Solution was concentrated and ether-hexane was added to the
NH 35 residue thus obtained. A deposited solid was collected by
filtration to obtain a yellow solid (5.11 g, yield: 84%). Then,
phenyl ether (10 ml) was added to the resulting product (3.50
g). After stirring for 1 hour at 210° C., the solution was
allowed to cool. The resulting solution was purified by silica
40 gel column chromatography (a developing solvent; hexane:
11-2 ethyl acetate-7:1-3:2) to obtain the desired compound (3.35
g, yield: 96%).
Step 9) S-2-(1-methylcyclohexanecarbonylamino)-4-
methoxyphenyl) N,N-dimethylthiocarbamate (formula (IX):
45 R=1-methylcyclohexyl, R, R2 methyl, X, X, X a
hydrogen atom, X-methoxy, Y-carbonyl)
SH An ethyl acetate solution (75 ml) containing the compound
(2.00 g) obtained in the above step 8) and SnCl2.H2O (3.65
g) was stirred at room temperature overnight. Ethyl acetate
50 (100 ml) was added to the solution and, then, an aqueous
sodium hydroxide was further added thereto. Magnesium
sulfate was added to the mixture and solid deposited was
filtered off. The filtrate was concentrated to obtain S-(2-
Example 19 amino-4-methoxyphenyl) N.N-dimethylthiocarbamate (1.64
55 g, yield: 93%). After addition of pyridine (2.9 ml) and chlo
Synthesis of N-(2-mercapto-5-methoxyphenyl)-1- roform (20 ml) thereto, 1-methylcyclohexanecarbonyl chlo
methylcyclohexanecarboxamide (formula (I); r-1- ride (1.39 g) was added dropwise thereto at room temperature
methylcyclohexyl, X, X, X a hydrogen atom, under stirring, followed by stirring for 1 hour. After distilling
X methoxy, Y-carbonyl, Z=a hydrogen atom off the solvent, water was added and the solution was
60 extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic layer was washed
Step 8) S-(4-methoxy-2-nitrophenyl) N,N-dimethylthio with water and saturated brine, and was dried over anhydrous
carbamate (formula (VIII); R, R2 methyl, X, X, X a sodium sulfate. The residue obtained by concentration was
hydrogen atom, X methoxy) purified by silica gel column chromatography (a developing
A dimethylformamide solution (20 ml) containing 4-meth solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate=3:1) to obtain the desired com
oxy-2-nitrophenol (4.00 g) was added dropwise to a Suspen 65 pound (2.41 g, yields 95%).
sion of sodium hydride (1.04 g) in dimethylformamide (40 Step 10) The compound obtained in the above step 9) (250
ml) at 0°C. under stirring. After completion of addition, the mg) was added to a solution containing potassium hydroxide
US 9,000,045 B2
49 50
(140mg) and methanol (1.5 ml)-tetrahydrofuran (0.5 ml), and TABLE 9-continued
the mixture was refluxed for 30 minutes under heating. After H NMR
allowing to cool, water was added and the aqueous layer was Exam (CDC1
washed with hexane. The solution was acidified by adding an ple Compound (° C.) 300 MHz)
aqueous potassium hydrogensulfate, followed by extraction 5
with ethyl acetate. The organic layer was washed with water 22 83.5-85.5 8.44(1H, brs)
8.22(1H, d,

and a Saturated brine, and was dried over anhydrous sodium J = 1.5 Hz)
sulfate. The residue obtained after concentration was purified 7.33(1H, d,
by column chromatography (a developing solvent; hexane: J = 7.8 Hz)
6.83(1H, dd,
ethyl acetate=40: 1) to obtain the desired compound (104 mg. J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
yield: 52%). SH
2.96(1H, s)
2.34(3H, s)
Examples 20-24 2.20(15H, m)
15 Me
0.85(6H, d,
J = 6.6 Hz)
The compounds shown in Table 9 were obtained in the 23 85-87 8.50(1H, brs)
same manner as in Example 19. 8.17(1H, dd,
J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
TABLE 9 7.21 (1H, t,
J = 8.4 Hz)
7.00(1H, dd,
H NMR J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
2.73(1H, brs)
Exam- m.p. (CDC1 SH
2.47 (3H, s)
ple Compound (° C.) 300 MHz) 2.05-2.20(2H, m)
25 1.10
19 O Oil Me
1.75 (13H, m)
8.75 (1H, brs) 0.86(6H, d,
8.19(1H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)
J = 2.7 Hz)
NH 7.42(1H, d, 24 71-72 8.20(1H )
J = 8.4 Hz) 30 8.12(1H,
SH 6.57(1H, dd, J = 8.4 Hz)
J = 2.7, 8.4 Hz) 7.31 (1H, s)
3.82(3H, s) 7.10(1H, d,
2.91 (1H, s) NH
J = 8.4 Hz)
MeO 2.05-2.15 (2H, m) 3.05 (1H, s)
1.25-1.70(8H, m) SH
2.28(3H, s)
1.30(3H, s) 35
2.08-2.16(2H, m)
1.60(13H, m)
0.85(6H, d,
J = 6.6 Hz)
2O 103-107 8.59(1H, s)
8.34(1H, brs) 40 Me
7.61 (1H, s)
3.10(1H, s)
2.00-2.20(2H, m) The compounds 19-1 through 19-9 shown in Table 10 were
1.75 (13H, m) also obtained in the same manner as in Example 19.
0.86(6H, d, 45
J = 6.6 Hz) TABLE 10
No. Compound
C 19-1 O
C 50

21 56-57 8.75 (1H, s)
8.55(1H, brs)

7.60(1H, s)
3.09(1H, s)
2.20(13H, m) 19-2 O
0.87(6H, d,

J = 6.6 Hz) 60

C 65 Me
US 9,000,045 B2
51 52
TABLE 10-continued TABLE 10-continued
No. Compound
No. Compound
19-9 O
19-3 O


Me F

19-4 15

Example 25

SH Synthesis of S2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbony
lamino)phenylthioacetate (formula (I); R=1-isopen
tylcyclohexyl, X, X, X, X a hydrogen atom,
C Y-carbonyl, Z-acetyl)

19-5 Step 4) Acetyl chloride (0.17ml) was added dropwise to a

25 chloroform solution (10 ml) containing N-(2-mercaptophe
nyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexanecarboxamide (600mg) obtained
in the same manner as in step 2) of Example 9, Step 7) of
SH Example 11, or the step 10) of Example 19 and pyridine (0.48
ml) at room temperature under stirring. The solution was
30 stirred for 1 hour. The residue obtained after concentration
F was purified by silica gel column chromatography (a devel
oping solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate=12:1) to obtain the
F desired compound (666 mg, yield: 98%).
19-6 O Example 26
NH Synthesis of S-2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecar
bonylamino-phenyl 2-methylthiopropionate (for

40 mula (I); R=1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl, X, X, X.
Xa a hydrogen atom, Y-carbonyl, Z-isobutyryl)
Step 4) Isobutyryl chloride (15.0 ml) was added dropwise
to a chloroform solution (300 ml) containing N-(2-mercap
45 tophenyl)-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide (43.72
19-7 g) obtained in Example 10 and pyridine (27.7 ml) at room
temperature under stirring. The solution was stirred for 1
hour. After concentration, hexane was added and the depos
NH ited solid was filtered off. The filtrate was concentrated and
50 the resulting residue was purified by silica gel column chro

matography (a developing solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate-15:
1) to obtain the desired compound (50.72 g, yield: 95%).

Example 27
Synthesis of S-2-(1-isobutylcyclohexanecarbony
lamino)phenyl 2-methylthiopropionate (formula (I);
R=1-isobutylcyclohexyl, X, X2, X, X a hydrogen
atom, Y-carbonyl, Z-isobutyryl)

SH 60

Step 4) Isobutyryl chloride (0.92 ml) was added dropwise

to a chloroform solution (25 ml) containing N-(2-mercap
tophenyl)-1-isobutylcyclohexanecarboxamide (2.50 g)
OMe 65 obtained in Example 18 and pyridine (1.8 ml) at room tem
perature under stirring. The solution was stirred for 1 hour.
The residue obtained after concentration was purified by
US 9,000,045 B2
53 54
silica gel column chromatography (a developing solvent; Y-carbonyl, Z=1-acetyl-4-piperidinecarbonyl) was synthe
hexane:ethyl acetate=15:1) to obtain the desired compound sized using another synthesis method.
(2.94g, yields 95%). Step 4) Triethylamine (541 ml) was added to an ethylac
Example 28 etate Suspension (2 liters) containing 1-acetylisonipecotic
Synthesis of S2-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarbo acid (331 g) under a stream of argon. The Solution was stirred
nylamino)-phenyl 1-acetylpiperidine-4-thiocarboxy under ice cooling. An ethyl acetate Solution (400 ml) contain
late (formula (I); R=1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl, X, ing ethyl chlorocarbonate (185 ml) was added dropwise
thereto and the mixture was further stirred for 100 min under
X, X, X a hydrogen atom, Y-carbonyl, Z=1- spontaneous elevation of the temperature. After ice-cooling,
an ethyl acetate solution (2 liters) of N-(2-mercaptophenyl)-
Step 4) A chloroform solution (10 ml) containing N-(2- 1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide (618 g) obtained in
mercaptophenyl)-1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide Example 10 was added dropwise to the reaction solution,
(93.3 mg) obtained in Example 10 and pyridine (0.5 ml) was which was stirred further for 15 minutes under ice-cooling.
added dropwise to a chloroform solution (10 ml) containing 15 After stirring, 1 Nhydrochloric acid (1.3 liter) was added, the
1-acetylisonipecotic acid (500 mg), 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethy organic layer was washed successively with water, an aque
laminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (616 mg), and ous saturated sodium bicarbonate, water, and a saturated
1-hydroxybenzotriazole (435 mg) at room temperature. The brine, and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. The residue
solution was stirred for 1 hour. After stirring, water was added obtained after concentration was dissolved in diisopropyl
and the solution was extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic
layer was washed with a saturated brine and dried over anhy- 20 ether (2.5 liter) and the solution was stirred for crystallization
drous sodium sulfate. The residue obtained after concentra- to obtain a crude crystal The crystal was further dissolved 1.
tion was purified by silica gel column chromatography (a diisopropyl ether (5.5 liter) under heating and the solution
developing solvent; hexane:ethyl acetate-4:1-chloroform: was stirred for crystallization to obtain the desired compound
methanol=10:1) to obtain the desired compound (1.08 g. 25 (505 g, yield: 55%).
yields 79%).
Example 28 Examples 29-65
The compound of Example 28 (formula (I); R=1-(2-ethyl- The compounds shown in Tables 11-17 were obtained in
butyl)-cyclohexyl, X, X2, X, X a hydrogen atom, the same manner as in Examples 25, 26, 27, 28, or 28.
m.p. H NMR
Example Compound (° C.) (CDC1300 MHz)
25 54-55 8.34(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
8.05(1H, brs)
7.46(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
O 7.39(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.12(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
2.45(3H, s)
NH 2.03(2H, m)
1.10-1.61 (13H, m)
1 0.85 (6H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)

26 63.0-63.5 8.40(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)

8.12(1H, brs)
7.45(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
O 7.38(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.11(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
2.94(2H, sept, J = 6.9 Hz)
NH 1.95-2.20(2H, m)
1.15-1.75 (15H, m)
S 1.30(6H, d, J = 6.9 Hz)
0.78(6H, t, J = 6.9 Hz)

27 63.5-65.5 8.39(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)

8.10(1H, brs)
7.45(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.38(1H, dd, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.11(1H, dt, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
2.94(2H, sept, J = 6.9 Hz)
1.95-2.10(2H, m)
1.10-1.85 (11H, m)
1.29(6H, d, J = 6.9 Hz)
0.87(6H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)
US 9,000,045 B2
71 72
TABLE 18-continued TABLE 18-continued
No. Compound
No. Compound
25-3 O 5
25-10 O
10 S

25-4 O

15 25-11 O


O 2O r
25-5 O

NH 25 25-12 O


25-6 O


S 35 TABLE 19

O No. Compound

25-13 O O
25-7 O 40 ls
NH HN t-Bu

2S-8 O 25-14 O


ro 55

3, Corp
25-9 O 25-15
US 9,000,045 B2
73 74
TABLE 19-continued TABLE 19-continued
No. Compound
No. Compound
25-16 O 5
25-23 O
10 S
25-17 O

15 25-24 O


S (CH2)4-CH
O 2O r
25-18 O O

NH ins l 25

No. Compound

Ciro circ
25-19 O

25-26 O

2S-20 40

NH S HN 45
rO O

25-21 O 25-27 O

NH NH 21

55 S O
25-22 O 25-28

Osro Cro
US 9,000,045 B2
75 76
TABLE 20-continued TABLE 20-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

25-29 O
25-36 HO

25-30 O
No Compound
2S-31 O


2S-32 O

NH 1 O
S ls 35 N

1s H O

25-33 O 40


S ls ls
1s N 45

25-34 O O O


sulls N
55 O

Cs. 65
US 9,000,045 B2
77 78
TABLE 21-continued TABLE 21-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

25-42 25-47

S 10 NH Ph
O Ph



O 25

No. Compound

NH ye O
ls NH
40 S


O as 25-50
NH N-1 O
s Cl
S : NH
N 50


25-46 25-51

O O t-Bu

NH 60 NH

US 9,000,045 B2
TABLE 22-continued TABLE 22-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

25-52 25-57


NH O 10 NH - O
S ls S N ls
O rH

O 2O

S - S
25 O Me


25-54 30


NH 35 S

S )- O
40 25-60

25-55 O

O NH 21
NH y S.

r Ph
25-56 55 No. Compound


65 ro
US 9,000,045 B2
81 82
TABLE 23-continued TABLE 23-continued
No. Compound No. Compound

2S-62 s 25-68 O


t-Bu S

O 2S-69 O
25-63 NH


25-70 O

25-64 O
30 F

NH 25-71 O


2S-6S O
O 40
25-72 O
NH N 1.
2S-66 O F

50 F

O 55 No. Compound

d's or
25-67 O

US 9,000,045 B2
83 84
TABLE 24-continued TABLE 24-continued
No. Compound
No. Compound

Cer O







25 C

30 2S-81
NH 1 O



1s O






25-78 C

55 2S-83

US 9,000,045 B2
85 86
TABLE 24-continued TABLE 25-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

5 2S-88

25-84 O

10 NH

S ck
15 Me O
C 2S-89 O O
S n

No. Compound
2S-90 O
30 S O

S r O 35 2S-91

25-86 40
NH 45

1. 2S-92 O

50 NH
O 55 FC

NH 21 25-93 O

S N-N 60 NH

65 FC
US 9,000,045 B2
87 88
TABLE 25-continued TABLE 26-continued
No. Compound No. Compound
25-94 O

10 NH

25-95 O

O Ol OMe


25-96 NH


30 O
No. Compound



NH 50 C



60 s,

65 C
US 9,000,045 B2
89 90
TABLE 26-continued TABLE 27
No. Compound
No. Compound
25-109 O



Ph O

25-106 15

Example 66

Synthesis of S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopropylcyclohex
onate (formula (I); R=1-isopropylcyclohexyl, X,
25 X, a hydrogen atom, X, X a chlorine atom,
25-107 Y-carbonyl, Z-pivaloyl)

Step 4) A tetrahydrofuran (0.5 ml)-methanol (1 ml) solu

tion containing S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopropylcyclohexan
30 ecarbonyl-amino)phenyl N,N-dimethylthiocarbamate (86
mg) obtained in the same manner as in the step 9) of Example
19 and potassium hydroxide (50 mg) was refluxed for 30
minutes underheating. After the Solution was allowed to cool,
water was added and the aqueous layer was washed with
hexane. Then, the aqueous layer was acidified with potassium
2S-108 hydrogensulfate, and was extracted with chloroform (10 ml).
Pyridine (90 ul) was added to the resulting extract, and piv
aloyl chloride (41 ul) was further added to the extract at room
40 temperature under stirring. The solution was stirred for 1
hour. After concentration, the residue was purified by silica
NH gel column chromatography (a developing solvent; hexane:
ethyl acetate=20:1) to obtain the desired compound (24 mg.
yields 27%).
C Examples 67-81
The compounds shown in Tables 28-30 were obtained in
the same manner as in Example 66.

Example Compound m.p. (C.) "H NMR (CDC1300 MHz)

66 O 92-92 8.75(1H, s)
8.01(1H, brs)
7.44(1H, s)
NH 1.95-2.10(2H, m)
1.10-1.75(9H, m)
S 1.34(9H, s)
0.91 (6H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)

US 9,000,045 B2
97 98
TABLE 30-continued
Example Compound m.p. (C.) H NMR (CDC1300 MHz)
81 94-95 8.29-8.35 (1H, m)
7.90(1H, brs)
7.09-7.19(2H, m)
O 1.92-2.06(2H, m)
1.09-1.55(13H, m)
1.35(9H, s)
NH 0.85 (6H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)

The compounds 66-1 through 66-53 shown in Tables 31 TABLE 31-continued

through 35 were also obtained in the same manner as in 2O
Example 66. No. Compound
66-5 O
No. Compound 25
66-1 O

sk O
66-6 O NH

66-2 O 35 NC

40 66-7 O

C 45
66-3 O 66-8 O


C ro 55

66-4 O 66-9 O

NH 60 NH


US 9,000,045 B2
99 100
TABLE 31-continued TABLE 32-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

5 O
66-10 O 66-15
ls 10 S
C 15

66-11 O

ul. " NH

25 O

66-12 O C

1. 30 66-17 O
r NH2 NH


TABLE 32 40
No. Compound



S 50

C 55
66-14 O 66-19 O

i-Pir NH 21N NH

S 60 S S

C 65 C
US 9,000,045 B2
101 102
TABLE 32-continued TABLE 33
No. Compound
No. Compound
66-2O O
N21 NH

S o C


k 10

66-21 O 15

21 NH 66-26











C 65
US 9,000,045 B2
103 104
TABLE 33-continued TABLE 33-continued

No. Compound No. Compound

66-30 O 5

Mey 10 OaYa Ya Ya Y

66-31 O C

NH 2O 66-36


C 25 NH


30 C
66-32 O


s' S 35
O No. Compound
C 40

66-33 O


45 CD O NH

50 C

C 66-38


66-34 O

C 65 C
US 9,000,045 B2
105 106
TABLE 34-continued TABLE 34-continued

Compound Compound










55 66-46


US 9,000,045 B2
107 108
TABLE 34-continued TABLE 35-continued
No. Compound
No. Compound




O 66-52 O

66-48 r
66-53 O

30 NH
C S N-1
35 C

No. Compound
p 40 O O

66-49 NH HN


NH 45

C 50
C Example 82

55 Synthesis of bis-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclo
66-SO hexane-carbonylamino)phenyldisulfide (formula (I);

R=1-isopentylcyclohexyl, X, X a hydrogen atom,
NH X, X a chlorine atom, Y-carbonyl, Z-4,5-
60 dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbonyl-amino)

Step 10) N-(4,5-dichloro-2-mercaptophenyl)-1-isopentyl

is cyclohexanecarboxamide (formula (III-2); R=1-isopentylcy
clohexyl, X, X a hydrogen atom, X, X a chlorine atom,
US 9,000,045 B2
109 110
A tetrahydrofuran (2 ml)-methanol (1 ml) solution contain reduced pressure and an aqueous solution of Bunte Salt was
ing S-4,5-dichloro-2-(1-isopentylcyclohexanecarbony obtained. An aqueous solution (1 ml) of N-(2-mercaptophe
lamino)phenyl N,N-dimethylthiocarbamate (400 mg) nyl)-1-isopentylcyclohexanecarboxamide (380 mg) obtained
obtained in the same manner as in step 9 of Example 19 and as in Example 11 and sodium hydroxide (50mg) was added
potassium hydroxide (180mg) was refluxed for 2 hours under dropwise to the solution at 0°C. and the solution was stirred
heating and the resulting mixture was allowed to cool. After for 1.5 hour. After addition of ether, the organic layer was
adding water thereto, the aqueous layer was washed with Successively washed with an aqueous sodium hydroxide,
hexane, was acidified with a saturated aqueous potassium water, and a saturated brine, and dried over anhydrous sodium
hydrogensulfate, and was extracted with chloroform. The sulfate. The residue obtained by concentration under reduced
organic layer was washed with water and a saturated brine, pressure was purified by silica gel column chromatography (a
and dried over anhydrous Sodium sulfate. developing solvent: hexane:ethyl acetate-8:1) to obtain the
After removing anhydrous sodium sulfate by filtration, the desired compound (128 mg, yield: 24%).
organic solvent was distilled off under reduced pressure to Example 84
obtain the crude compound.
Step 3) A dimethyl sulfoxide solution (5 ml) of the crude Synthesis of phenyl 2-pivaloylaminophenyl disulfide
product obtained in the above step 10) was stirred for 2 hours (formula (I); R t-butyl, X, X, X, X a hydrogen
at 130° C. and the mixture was allowed to cool. Water was atom, Y-carbonyl, Z phenylthio)
added to the solution, which was extracted with chloroform.
The organic layer was washed with water and Saturated brine, Step 5'). Trimethylsilane-imidazole (202 mg) was added to
and dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate. The residue a carbon tetrachloride solution (5 ml) containing thiophenol
obtained after concentration was purified by silica gel column 25 (159 mg). The solution was stirred for 2 hours at room tem
chromatography (a developing solvent; hexane:ethyl perature. The deposited imidazole was filtered off to obtain a
acetate=30:1) to obtain the compound (200 mg, yield; 60%). Solution.


Example Compound m.p. (C.) H NMR (CDC1300 MHz)

82 Amorphous 8.78(2H, s),
8.38(2H, brs)
7.24(2H, s)
1.80-2.00(4H, m)
1.00-1.75 (26, m)
0.86(12H, d, J = 6.6 Hz)


50 Then, sulfuryl chloride (97 mg) and triethylamine (1 drop)

The compound 82-1 shown in Table 35 was obtained in the
same manner as in Example 82. were successively added to a carbon tetrachloride solution (5
ml) containing bis-2-(pivaloylamino)phenyldisulfide (300
Example 83 mg) obtained as in the step 1 of Example 1 at 0°C. The
55 solution was stirred for 1.5 hour at the same temperature and
Synthesis of 2-tetrahydrofurylmethyl 2-(1-isopentyl was added dropwise to the above solution cooled in an ice-salt
cyclohexane-carbonylamino)phenyl disulfide (for bath and the mixture was continuously stirred for 2.5 hour.
mula (I); R=1-isopentylcyclohexyl, X, X, X, X a After completion of the reaction, water was added and the
hydrogen atom, Y-carbonyl, Z=2-tetrahydrofurfuryl 60 solution was extracted with chloroform. The organic layer
methylthio) was washed with saturated brine and dried over anhydrous
sodium sulfate. The solvent was removed under reduced pres
Step 5) An ethanol (6 ml)-water (6 ml) solution containing Sure and the resulting residue was purified by silica gel col
tetrahydrofurfuryl chloride (3.0 g) and sodium thiosulfate 65 umn chromatography (a developing solvent; hexane:ethyl
(4.13 g) was refluxed for 17 hours under heating and the acetate=12:1) to obtain the desired compound (337 mg, yield:
mixture was allowed to cool. Ethanol was removed under 74%).
US 9,000,045 B2
111 112
Example Compound m.p. (C.) CDC1300 MHz)
83 Oil 8.5 3(1H, brs)
8.44(1H, d, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.58(1H, d, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
7.40(1H, ddd, J = 1.5, 7.8, 8.4 Hz)
7.04(1H, t, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
4.14(2H, quint, J = 6.6 Hz)
3.86(1H, t, J = 8.4, 6.6 Hz)

C Sry S
3.77(1H, t, J = 8.4, 6.6 Hz)
2.96(1H, dd, J = 6.6, 13.2 Hz)
2.84(1H, dd, J = 6.6, 13.2 Hz)
180 2.20(5H, m)
1.10 .75(14H, m)
0.86(6H , d, J = 6.6 Hz)
84 O Oil 8.5 1 (1H, brs)
8.40(1H, d, J = 1.5, 8.4 Hz)
7.20 7.50(7H, m)

6.97 (1H, t, J = 1.5, 7.8 Hz)
1.30(9H, s)

In the following, the results of the test for the CETP activity Solution to obtain fractions containing IDL and LDL (specific
inhibitory effect of the compounds of the present invention gravity: 1.006<dk1.063), which served as acceptor lipopro
are shown. tein.

TEST EXAMPLES 30 Test Example 1

(1) Preparation of Donor Lipoprotein In Vitro CETP Activity Inhibitory Effect in Whole
Potassium bromide (KBr) was added to the plasma of
healthy subjects (40 ml) to adjust specific gravity to d=1.125 35 Plasma containing HICE-HDL (600,000 dpm/ml) was
g/ml. Density gradient centrifugation (227,000xg, 4° C. 17 prepared by adding donor lipoprotein obtained in the above
hours) was conducted to obtain a fraction with specific grav (1) to plasma from healthy Subjects. A sample solution was
ity dd 1.125 g/ml (HDL fraction). The fraction thus obtained prepared using a 1:1 solution of N-methylpyrrolidone and
was dialyzed against a PBS solution 10 mM NaHPO/10 polyethyleneglycol 400 as a solvent. The sample solution or
mM NaHPO/0.15 M NaC1/1 mM EDTA (pH 7.4). Then, 40 the solvent alone (2 Jul) and the plasma containing HICE
tritium-labeled cholesterol (10 nM) (50.3 Ci/mM) was dis HDL (100 ul) were added to microtubes and incubated for 4
solved in 95% ethanol and added gradually to the above hours at 37°C. or 4°C. After ice cooling, a TBS solution 20
HDL fraction under stirring. The solution was incubated for mM Tris/0.15M NaCl (pH 7.4) containing 0.15 M magne
18 hours at 37°C. Tritium-labeled cholesterol was esterified sium chloride and 0.3% dextran sulfate (100 were added to
by this procedure by the action of lecithin:cholesterol acyl 45 each microtube and mixed well. After allowing the micro
transferase (LCAT) present on the surface of HDL and taken tubes to stand at 4°C. for 30 minutes, centrifugation (8,000
up into the interior of HDL as tritium-labeled cholestery rpm, 4°C., 10 minutes) was conducted and the radioactivity
lester (HICE). After incubation, KBr was added and spe of the resulting supernatant (HDL fraction) was determined
cific gravity was adjusted to d-1.21 g/ml. Density gradient with a scintillation counter. The difference between the values
centrifugation (227,000xg, 4° C., 17 hours) was conducted 50 obtained after incubation at 4°C. and 37°C. with the solvent
and the fraction with d-1.21 g/ml was harvested. The fraction alone was regarded as CETP activity and a decrease (%) of the
thus obtained was dialyzed against the above PBS solution to measured values produced by the samples was regarded as
obtain HDL that took up HICE (HICE-HDLs, specific inhibition rate (%) of CETP activity. Based on the inhibition
gravity: 1.125<d-1.21, specific activity: 101,000 dpm/nM), rate (%) of CETP activity, ICs value of each sample was
which served as donor lipoprotein. 55 calculated.
The results are shown in Tables 38-48.
(2) Preparation of Acceptor Lipoprotein
Test Example 2
Physiological saline (specific gravity d=1.006 g/ml) was
layered upon the plasma of healthy subjects (100 ml). Density 60 Ex Vivo CETP Activity Inhibitory Effect of Plasma
gradient centrifugation (227.000xg, 4°C., 4 hours) was con from Transgenic Mice
ducted and the fraction with specific gravity did 1.006 g/ml
was harvested. KBr was added to the fraction thus obtained to Samples were suspended in a 0.5% methylcellulose solu
adjust specific gravity to d-1.063 g/ml and density gradient tion and administered orally using a plastic probe to trans
centrifugation (227,000xg, 4°C., 20 hours) was conducted to 65 genic mice having introduced human CETP gene (hereafter
harvest the fraction with specific gravity dd 1.063 g/ml. The referred to as mice; prepared using the method described in
thus-obtained fraction was dialyzed against the above PBS Japanese Patent Application No. Hei 8-130660), which had
US 9,000,045 B2
113 114
been fasted overnight. Blood was collected before adminis- TABLE 39-continued
tration, and 6 hours after administration CETP activity in the
plasma was determined using the following method. CETP activity inhibitory rate in
Donor lipoprotein (HICE-HDLs, containing 0.21 ug CETP activity - plasma from transgenic mouse (%)
cholesterol) obtained in the above (1), acceptor lipoprotein 5 inhibition in 10 300
obtained in the above (2) (containing 21 Jug of cholesterol), whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg,
and 0.9 ul of mice plasma were added to microtubes. A total Example ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
volume was adjusted to 600 ul/tube with a TBS solution 10 35 4
mM Tris/0.15 MNaCl (pH 7.4). The microtubes were incu- 36 16 19
bated for 15 hours at 37° C. or 4°C. Then, an ice-cooled TBS 10 37 7 18 42 47
solution (400 ul/tube) and a 0.3% dextran sulfate solution 38 6 15 40
(100 ul/tube) containing 0.15 M magnesium chloride were 2. al 3. 64
added to the microtubes and mixed well. After allowing the 41 7 27 42
microtubes to stand for 30 minutes at 4°C., centrifugation 42 9 31 38
(8,000 rpm, 4°C., 10 minutes) was carried out and radioac- 15 43 49
tivity of the resulting supernatant (HDL fraction) was deter
mined with a scintillation counter. The difference between
measured values obtained by incubating plasma of individual TABLE 40
mice at 4°C. and 37° C. before administration of the samples -
CETP activity inhibitory rate in
were regarded as CETP activity and a decrease (%) of mea- 20 CETP activity lasma from transgenic mouse (%)
Sured values after administration of samples was regarded as
inhibition rate (%) of CETP activity. inhibition in 10 300
The results are shown in Tables 38-48. whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg,
Example ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
TABLE 38 25 44 23
45 7 18 36
CETP activity inhibitory rate in 46 5 22 48
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (% 47 6 31
48 49 31 50
inhibition in 100 300 49 6 29
whole plasma 10 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, mg/kg, mg/kg, 30 50 2
Example ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. 51 16
52 8 8
1 2O 53 8
3 101 S4 12
4 175 55 65
5 3 56 13 34
6 5 35 57 41
7 2 59 4 44
8 3 25 60 41 44
9 99 61 4 38
11 5 27 45 57 62 4 38
12 17 63 4 43
13 5 40 64 4 34
14 8 9
15 12
16 8
17 8 TABLE 41
18 6
19 179 45 CETP activity inhibitory rate
3. g CETP activity in plasma from transgenic mouse (%
22 56 22 44 inhibition in 10 300
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg,
Example ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
TABLE 39 66 7
67 9
CETP activity inhibitory rate in 68 10
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (% 69 6
70 4
inhibition in 10 300 55 71 4
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg, 72 74
Example ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. 73 37
74 14 5
23 18 75 25 1
24 29 29 76 18 4
25 11 19 45 52 77 17 1
26 7 44 60 78 11
27 7 31 79 60 14 26
28 6 36 8O 6 12
30 72 81 21 10
31 32 82 7
32 32 83 5
33 61 23 39 52 55 65 84 158
34 9 4
US 9,000,045 B2
115 116
TABLE 42 TABLE 44-continued
CETP activity inhibitory rate CETP activity inhibitory rate
CETP activity in plasma from transgenic mouse (% CETP activity in plasma from transgenic mouse (%
inhibition in 10 5 inhibition in 10
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg,
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
1-1 41 25-52 68 19 40
1-2 25 25-53 7 26
1-6 22 10 25-54 6
1-7 24 25-55 10
1-8 21 25-56 7 24
1-12 12 25-57 7 18 46
1-13 18 25-59 8 2O 37
19-1 19 25-60 5
19-2 33 15 25-61 5 28
19-5 17 25-63 21 25
19-6 18 25-64 2O
25-4 32 2S-6S 9
25-7 46
2S-8 25

i: , 2O
2S-14 30 TABLE 45
25-16 41 -
CETP activity inhibitory rate in
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (%
25 inhibition in 10
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg,
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
2S-66 35
CETP activity inhibitory rate in 25-67 40
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (% 30 25-72 27
25-76 36
inhibition in 10 25-77 7
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, 25-78 11
No. ICso (M) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. 25-79 6
2S-80 5
25-19 22 35 2S-81 14
2S-20 48 2S-82 17
25-21 28 2S-83 18
25-22 27 25-84 10 17
25-23 25 2S-85 7
25-25 24 25-86 10
25-26 22 25-87 6
25-27 21 40 25-91 22
25-28 21 2S-92 19
25-30 21 25-93 22
2S-31 21 25-94 18
2S-32 2O 25-95 18
25-33 18
25-34 21 45
25-35 27
25-36 30 TABLE 46
25-37 24
25-38 2O CETP activity inhibitory rate in
25-39 22 CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (%
25-40 23 50
inhibition in 300
whole plasma 10 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg,
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
25-96 8
CETP activity inhibitory rate ss 25-97 9 19
CETP activity in plasma from transgenic mouse (% 25-98 8
25-99 6
inhibition in 10 25-100 16 25
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, 25-101 7 8
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. 25-102 8 9
-25-41 - 26 - 25-103
25-42 22 25-105 6 14
25-44 9 25-106 10 29
25-45 13 21 25-107 11 22
25-46 9 35 25-108 7 8
25-47 29 66-3 24
25-48 23 65 66-4 28
25-49 21 16 66-9 9
US 9,000,045 B2
117 118
TABLE 46-continued The invention claimed is:
1. A CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active ingre
CETP activity inhibitory rate in dient a compound represented by formula (I):
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (%
inhibition in 300
whole plasma 10 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, mg/kg, (I)
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
R1 n NH
66-10 23
66-11 22 X S-Z
66-12 17 10
66-14 11

X X4
CETP activity inhibitory rate
CETP activity in plasma from transgenic mouse (% wherein
R represents
inhibition in 10
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group:
No. ICso (M) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O. a halo-C lower alkyl group;
66-16 8
a Substituted or unsubstituted Css cycloalkenyl group;
66-17 18 a substituted or unsubstituted Co cycloalkyl Co alkyl
66-18 11 group; or
a substituted or unsubstituted 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic
66-23 13 25 group having 1-3 nitrogen, oxygen, or Sulfur atoms,
66-24 12 X, X2, X, and X may be the same or different and
66-2S 19 represents
66-26 8
66-27 9
a hydrogen atom;
66-28 18 a halogen atom;
66-29 7 30 a C lower alkyl group;
66-30 19
66-31 27
a halo-C lower alkyl group:
66-32 22 a C lower alkoxy group:
66-33 19 a cyano group;
26 35
a nitro group;
66-40 42 an acyl group; or
66-41 25 an aryl group,
Y represents —SO , and
Z represents a group of the formula
TABLE 48 40
CETP activity inhibitory rate in HN1 NR
CETP activity plasma from transgenic mouse (%
inhibition in 10 -S X
whole plasma mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, 45
No. ICso (IM) p.O. p.O. p.O. p.O.
66-42 10 X X
66-43 23
66-46 35 X
66-48 11
66-49 40 50
66-51 45 wherein R, X, X2, X, X, and Y are the same as described
82-1 5
or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
2. The CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active
55 ingredient the compound as claimed in claim 1, wherein
R represents
INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group;
a halo-C lower alkyl group Substituted with 1-3 halogen
atoms selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine;
The above test results reveal that the compounds (I) of the 60 a Css cycloalkenyl group or a Cso cycloalkyl Co alkyl
present invention have an excellent CETP activity inhibitory group, each of which may have 1-4 Substituents selected from
effect. Thus, the compounds can reduce IDL, VLDL, and the group consisting of
LDL, which aggravate atherosclerosis, and increase HDL that a straight chain or branched Coalkyl group,
acts inhibitory thereto, and, therefore, are useful as a conven a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group,
tionally unknown, new type of a preventive or therapeutic 65 a Cso cycloalkyl group,
agent for hyperlipidemia. The compound is also useful as a a Css cycloalkenyl group.
preventive or therapeutic agent for atherosclerotic diseases. a C-o cycloalkyl Coalkyl group,
US 9,000,045 B2
119 120
an aryl group selected from phenyl, biphenyl, and naph 8. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis
thyl, comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed
an oxo group, and in claim 2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
an aralkyl group having an aryl group selected from phe 9. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis
nyl, biphenyl, and naphthyl; or comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed
a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group with 1-3 nitrogen, in claim 3, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
oxygen or Sulfur atoms, which may have 1-4 Substituents 10. A method for inhibition of CETP activity comprising
selected from the group consisting of administering to a patient the compound as claimed in claim
a straight chain or branched Co alkyl group, 1, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
a straight chain or branched Coalkenyl group, 10 11. A method for prevention or therapy of hyperlipidemia
a halogen atom selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bro comprising administering to a patient the compound as
mine, claimed in claim 1, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
a nitro group, and thereof.
a halo-C lower alkyl group having a halogen atom 12. A method for prevention or therapy of atherosclerosis
selected from fluorine, chlorine, and bromine; comprising administering to a patient the compound as
or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 15
claimed in claim 1, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
3. The CETP activity inhibitor comprising as an active thereof.
ingredient the compound as claimed in claim 1, which is 13. A method for inhibition of CETP activity comprising
administering to a patient the compound as claimed in claim
2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
14. A method for inhibition of CETP activity comprising
administering to a patient the compound as claimed in claim
3, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.
15. A method for prevention or therapy of hyperlipidemia
25 comprising administering to a patient the compound as
claimed in claim 2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 16. A method for prevention or therapy of hyperlipidemia
4. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia comprising administering to a patient the compound as
comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed 30 claimed in claim 3, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
in claim 1, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. thereof.
5. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia 17. A method for prevention or therapy of atherosclerosis
comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed comprising administering to a patient the compound as
in claim 2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. claimed in claim 2, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
6. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for hyperlipidemia 35 thereof.
comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed 18. A method for prevention or therapy of atherosclerosis
in claim 3, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. comprising administering to a patient the compound as
7. A prophylactic or therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis claimed in claim 3, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt
comprising as an active ingredient the compound as claimed
in claim 1, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.

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