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My village

By student of JCb 20-1 group, Kiseleva Sofya

Hello everyone, my name is Sonya, and I moved to Irkutsk a
year ago from my native village, which is located in Buryatia -
Zaigraevo. While studying in this city, I realized that the
education and the teachers here are better than in my village.
Why? I'll explain.
By the way, I would like to immediately introduce you to the
content of my Long-read, so that it is more convenient for you.
1. Introduction;
2. Getting to know the village;
3. School in Zaigraevo. Advantages and disadvantages;
4. Expert opinion-interview;
5. Conclusion;
6. List of references.

Getting to know the village...........................................4
School in Zaigraevo. Advantages and disatvantages....9
School is a place where children as many as eleven years get
knowledge, learn to read, read correctly and solve equations. I
will not list anything more, since it was the "school" stage that
everyone passed - this is like puberty for each person. There we
also get basic knowledge for admission to more prestigious
institutions, called Higher Education Institutions. Often students
complain about teachers that they ask too much homework, load
them too much in the classroom, but only those who do not
study well and try to justify their laziness, blaming the teachers.
Today I would like to tell you about school education in my
native village and about" not very competent " teachers, and
maybe more.
Getting to know the village
Before I tell you about the school, I would like to touch the
history of the village itself and how it came to be.

Zaigraevskaya land has a rich history, including the traditions

and culture of the peoples who have long inhabited this
region.For centuries, the Buryats-Mongol tribes engaged in
cattle breeding-roamed here.

Zaigraevskaya land has a rich history, including the traditions

and culture of the peoples who have long inhabited this region.
For centuries, the Buryats-Mongol tribes engaged in cattle
breeding-roamed here. The development of the land by the
Russians began in the XVII century with the resettlement of
Cossacks and Old Believers to these regions. Thus, the villages
of Staraya and Novaya Bryan, Tashelan, and Unegetei were
formed. They grew and developed successfully: families had
many children, people were developing new land plots,
equipping their estates.

Churches and chapels were built. In 1825, the Atsagat-Shulutsky

datsan was erected, which became the center of Buddhism. A
significant event in the history of the Zaigraevskaya land was
the arrival there on June 20, 1891 of Tsarevich Nikolay, the
future Tsar Nikolay II. To this day, monuments of various
cultures and civilizations have been preserved on the territory of
the district: the site of the ancient stone man, the remains of
settlements and burials of the Huns and representatives of the
Early Mongol culture. As an independent administrative unit,
Zagraevsky district was separated from Tarbagatay and
Khorinsky districts in February 1935.

On February 11, 1935, by the decree of the Central Executive

Committee of the USSR, the Zaigraevsky district was separated
from the Tarbagatai and Khorinsky aimags.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the

RSFSR of February 1, 1963, it was transformed into the
Zaigraevsky Industrial District. By the decree of the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of January 11, 1965, the
Zaigraevsky industrial district was again transformed into the
Zaigraevsky aimag.

On April 1, 1935, the first Plenum of the district committee of

the CPSU(b) was held, at which D. S. Zemlyanov was approved
as the secretary of the aikom, A. S. Aseev as the chairman of the
aim executive committee, and P. I. Khadalov as the secretary of
the aikom 3 of the ZHSM.

The district consisted of 14 somon and village councils:

Zaigraevsky, Ilkinsky, Dodo-Ilkinsky, Verkhne-Ilkinsky, Novo-
Bryansky, Staro-Bryansky, Atsagatsky, Ust - Kurbinsky,
Unegeteysky, Nizhne-Kurbinsky, Verkhne-Taletsky,
Gorkhonsky, Dabatuysky, Onokhoysky.

On the territory of the district there were 14 collective farms,

one small timber farm, low-power lime and starch factories.
There were three outpatient clinics, three paramedic stations,
patients were served by one doctor and four paramedics.

The children studied in two secondary schools, Zaigraevskaya

and Unegetey, six seven-year-olds, twenty-two elementary
schools, one music school, and also went to kindergarten, the
only one in the district.

Already in the pre-war years, an extensive network of cultural

and educational institutions appeared: clubs, libraries, reading
huts, which played a major role in the growth of the cultural,
educational, and spiritual level of the population.

In the thirties, unprecedented socialist competition took place in

the country, and already in 1936 there were 249 Stakhanovites
in the district. And all this great work was led by the district
party organization. One can evaluate the era of socialism in
different ways, but one cannot fail to recognize the role of the
CPSU as an educational, organizing force. Socio-economic
changes, the victory in the war, the rapid restoration of the
destroyed economy - all this is a great contribution of the
Communist Party, which, in fact, led the country.

Peaceful labor was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War.

In the first days of the war, hundreds of Zaigraevites went to the

front. In total, 7612 of our countrymen took part in the battles
for the Motherland, 2125 of them remained on the battlefields,
went missing or died of wounds. All the forces were given to the
front and those who remained in the rear. Knowing that the
decisive condition for victory over the enemy is the
uninterrupted supply of food and raw materials to the Red
Army. Industrial and agricultural enterprises fulfilled and
exceeded the planned tasks.

The forest industry of the Zaigraevsky district harvested 55

percent of the forest of the republican plan. The initiators of the
socialist competition were Khandagatai mekhlesopunkt and
Chelutaevsky lespromkhoz.

The railway workers of the district worked clearly and smoothly

during the war. The 14th distance of the road in 1944 became
one of the leading ones on the road network of the Soviet Union
and received the Red Banner.

Restoring the economy destroyed by the war, the Zaigraevites

worked hard, sparing no effort, so great success was achieved in
all sectors of the national economy.
The district developed especially rapidly in the last thirty years
of the pre-perestroika period, when the district party committee
was headed by K. P. Shcherbakov, M. M. Chernykh, F.
F.Petrov, E. N. Skubarenko, D.-N. S. Sanzhimitypov, Yu. R.
Dmitriev, and the district Councils were headed by D. K.
Mezenin, I. A. Ignatiev, F. I. Angarov, I. P. Burdukovsky, V. B.
Babintsev, A.V. Smolin, I. A. Cherepanov, and others. There
have been grandiose changes in their scope. There were 14
industrial enterprises in the district, including two machine-
building plants, three mining enterprises, a large poultry farm,
eight collective and state farms, EPF (rus. – ОПХ) "Kurbinskoe",
a well-developed trade network.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to consolidate and maintain

the pace of economic and social development in the 60s and 70s.
The progressive movement of the country was replaced by
stagnation, which engulfed all sides of Soviet society. In the 80s,
a peaceful transition began from one system of the state-socialist
to another-market, based on private property.

“Perestroika” did not bypass the Zaigraevsky district. The crisis

phenomena of the transition period affected every locality, every
resident of the district. The results of this stage still do not cause
satisfaction for all of us, but, nevertheless, this is a certain
historical period in the life of the district, its history.
School in Zaigraevo.
Advantages and disadvantages
So we returned to the subject of our Longrid, namely, the
school. I studied at the Zaigraevskaya school from the sixth to
the ninth grade inclusive, and I can say with accuracy what the"
problems " of this school are and what advantages it has.

History of school
Zaigraevskaya school started working in 1936. The building was
not prepared for the beginning of the school year, so classes
were held first in the railway school, then in the music school,
and even later in the narsud building.

In 1938, the school was moved to a new two-story building.

The first headmaster of the secondary school was Georgy
Mikhailovich Karetsky, who taught mathematics. The head
teacher at this time was Andreev Guriy Grigoryevich. Together
with them, Andreeva Maria Petrovna, Mamontova Galina
Ivanovna, Bolsunaeva Tatyana Andreevna, Yaklokov Guriy
Semyonovich, Kirchner Sofia Alexandrovna,
Volkova(Afanasyeva) Alexandra Konstantinovna, Zakharenko
Nadezhda Zakharovna, Shadrina ( Acting unknown) worked at
the school. Vasily Zakharov worked as a pioneer leader.
In 1942, there was the first graduation in the school.
Before the beginning of the new academic year 1948-49, the
school was completely renovated. There are fundamental
classrooms of physics, chemistry, and biology.

On September 1, 1968, a solemn line-up was held. At the end of

the line, students and parents were invited to lay the foundation
of the new school.

On August 27, 1971, the State Commission adopted the new

school building.

This line of Zaigraevsky schoolchildren was not easy, it resulted

in a rally on the occasion of the opening of the school.

A brass band was playing. Senior pioneer leader A. Filippova

gave a report to the school director E. A. Aktinov. The
command was given to take out the school banner.

In front of the line of students were those who built the school.
The rally was opened by the First Secretary of the Republic of
Kazakhstan of the CPSU E. N. Skubarenko. Director of the
school Aktinov in his speech thanked the leaders who provided
assistance in the construction of the school. On behalf of the
parent community, N. Sh.Ochirov, Chairman of the People's
Control Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Lyuba
Kalinkina, a student of the 6th grade, spoke on behalf of the
students. Chairman D. S. Sanzhimitypov cut the red ribbon.
The building was designed for 800 students. The school
switched to an office system. The new building was equipped
with a language lab with 34 seats. The school had its own radio
station. Cinema equipment was installed in some of the offices.
There are new machines in the workshop. Artists from Ulan-
Ude worked on the design of the school. The school library has
more than 6 thousand volumes of literature.

During the existence of Zaigraevskaya secondary school, there

were 62 graduates.

My story: school disadvantages

So, speaking about the disadvantages of the school, I want to tell
you about my classmates and the class teacher. My class
consisted of people with an inflated sense of self-importance,
because of which I could not normally be among them, my
hobbies were different from theirs and they humiliated me for it.
I complained, of course, to my parents, and they talked to the
principal and the homeroom teacher. They, in turn, promised
that they would hold a conversation with the students who
humiliated me, but no - there were no such conversations,
unfortunately. I always thought that the teacher is your parent at
school, that you can trust him and talk about your problems, but
everything turned out differently.
My class teacher at that time was young, she was 25 years old.
She positioned herself as a kind and endearing teacher who
helps "her" children, gives advice, etc. But I always thought she
was a hypocrite. All right. And not only our homeroom teacher,
other teachers also look down on the students. Not for everyone,
but for those who study a little worse than good students, but try
their best. I will give an example from my life: I do not
understand the exact sciences. For me, algebra, geometry, and
physics are something out of the category of "science fiction".

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