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Well, let's start with the fact that the media is there and the media is there to
inform people about something. Whether it's news channels, newspapers,
radio, or just entertainment. All this gives information to a certain audience,
an audience that is interested in the exact field: scientific, entertainment,
sports, etc. The media really depends on people, because if you stop
informing people in their field - there will be no interest from the caretakers,
respectively, there will be no benefit for media workers. The media is built
on the interests of the people.

2. If I were a creative person, a writer, a journalist, I would be happy that

someone reads my work. Someone is interested in them. Naturally, I would
write something that will interest most teenagers and just young people, as
this is a huge audience that can not only praise, but also give constructive
criticism. It is the same with journalists and their dependence on the needs of
their readers. For example, a journalist wrote a news article with quite
complex words, scientific terms in the children's magazine "Murzilka".
Would the children's audience appreciate such a move? Would they be
interested? Of course not, they won't even understand what it says. Or in a
men's magazine, they will decide to advertise women's perfumes or just
cosmetics. Do men need these things? No. Therefore, journalists try to meet
the interests of the audience, otherwise the agency's ratings will fall, and
there will be no benefit.

3. Of course they should, and that's the job of a journalist, I think. For this kind
of figure, it is not just profitable to do something that is interesting to a
larger audience, it is their responsibility. The obligation to do something that
should make people interested in their work, news reports, articles, etc.

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