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A report on self-study habits among my classmates in class

Prepared by:
A student from:
Prepared for: INS2015
Student number:

April 25th, 2019

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I. Data Collection...........................................................................................................................6

II. Data Analysis............................................................................................................................6

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................10



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This report was to find out the routine of self- study among students in class IB2018A.
The investigation was done by questionnaire method.
The main findings were that more than a half of students in class IB2018A have not understood
the necessary of self study. It was concluded that students should self-study more effectively in
order to make their learning better.
The recommendations are that things make you be distracted from study should be put away
should be put away and raise awareness of doing homework because it is the most easiest way to
learning better.

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1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to illustrate the self- study habit of students in class
2. Scope
The report examines 13 students in the class IB2018A of the International School. It does
not examine all the students because of the limited time.
3. Methodology

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:
 Questionnaires
 Internet

*Note: In the assignment, IB is acronym of International Business


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I. Data collection
1. Questionnaires
In order to find out the students’ evaluation on self-study habits, questionnaire was
used as an instrument to gather information for the report
Questionnaires were delivered to 26 participants on April 5th 2019. It took the
participants 5 minutes to finish their surveys. Right after that, 26 questionnaires were
collected by the researcher.

II. Data Analysis

1. Questionnaires
a. Question 1:

how many hours do you self-study in a week ?

Less than 3 hours 3 hours - 6 hours 6 hours - 9 hours More than 9 hours



When participants were asked about how many hours per week that they spend on self -study,
majority (46%) admitted having only less than 3 hours for self-learning in a week. Others
students in class IB2018A (30.8%) spent from 3 hours to 6 hours per week to self - study. The
rest of the class which are made up to 23.1% are keeping the habit of studying more 9 hours.
Nobody of participants spent 6 hours to 9 hours on self-study.

b. Question 2:
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When do you often do self-study?

Before class Right after school After dinner

Midnight When exams are coming

As regards to the second question of which time of the day participants often self - study, there
are two main tendencies. The first group which is made up to 46.2% of respondents believed that
study on their own when exams are coming is the best way to pass the exam. The following
group (23.1% of class) claimed that they often self- study at midnight. A small percentage which
is made of 12% of the whole class admitted studying right after school. Still, a small percentage
of IB2018A students (15%) of the whole dividing into 2 groups: half of them study after dinner
while the other do a review for the lessons before classes.

c. Question 3:

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Where do you usually do self-study?

At home In the library In the cafeteria Others

Participants were continued to ask about the place where they often self- study and 69.2% of
participants inquired reported that they often self- learning at home as they found that is the most
suitable and comfortable for them to study. Studying in a cozy place with a cup of coffee or tea in
the cafeteria or in a quiet place like a library is the reason why 15% of the students prefer to go
self-study. The rest of the class (14%) thought that the best palace to study depends on the feeling
of them feel at that moment

d. Question 4:
This question concerns about which situations are students do their self-study. While studying
there are a lot of things could be pull you out of your concentration. There are only 30.8% of
student studying completely concentrative. The rest which are made of 69.2% of the class
admitted they self-study while do many things else. Most of IB2018A (30.8%) said that studying
while listening to music make them comfort. Another 30.8% students admitted that some snacks
should be eaten while study. There are still so many the elements that distract participants from
concentrate on self-study such as social media (23.1%), lying on the bed (23.1%), etc.

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e. Question 5:

What benefit of self-studying have you been gaining up to now?

Learn more effectively Deepen knowledge of lesson Save money

Learn at your own pace Others

As regard to the fourth question about benefits of self - learning, participants have several
opinions. Particularly, a huge part of student in class IB2018A (38.4%) claimed that they learn
more effectively when self- study. While, the other 23.1% said self- learning help them deepen
their knowledge about lesson. The third opinion about benefits of self- study is students can learn
at their own pace and this opinion occupied 23.1% of whole class. The rest of the class has two
main benefits from self- study which are money-saving and reach their goals, etc.
f. Question 5:
Suggest some methods to have better self-study results:

Setting realistic target, reading books, paying attention are the methods that has been
recommended the most. Some other believed that phones should be put away to avoid the
distractions. Having some note-taking tools such as highlighters, colored pens and sticky notes
are useful tools for a student studying. The balance between study and relax is so important so
they highly recommended the strategy of 30 minutes of learning would be mixed with 5 minutes

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If any conclusions may be drawn from this report, they are, perhaps, as follows:
- Participants spent 3 hours to 6 hours to study in a week
- They often self-study when exams are coming
- Home is the place most of students in IB2018A self-study
- Studying while listening to music or eating snack are the choice of most students
- Benefits that students gain from self-study mostly is learn more effectively

From these conclusions, it is therefore recommended that:

- Study harder in a more effective way
- Put away the things that will make you be distracted
- Work through practice questions


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I am a VNU-IS student and I am carrying out a survey of some self-study habits. Thank you for
taking the time to fill in this questionnaire, your answers are completely anonymous and for my
science purpose only. If you have any questions about this questionnaire, please contact me.
Question 1:
How many hours do you self-study in a week?
- Less than 3 hours
- 3 hours - 6 hours
- 6 hours - 9 hours
- More than 9 hours

Question 2:
When do you often do self-study?
- Before classes
- Right after school
- After the dinner
- Midnight
- When exams are coming
- Others

Question 3:
Where do you usually do often self-study?
- At home
- In the library
- In the cafeteria
- Others

Question 4:
In which situation(s)
- Studying while listening to music
- Studying while eating snacks

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- Studying combine using social media ( Facebook, Instagram,... )
- Lying on the bed
- 100% concentrated on studying
- Others

Question 5:
What benefit(s) of self-studying have you been gaining up to now?
- Learn more effectively
- Deepen knowledge of lesson
- Learn at your own pace
- Save money ( don't need to pay for tutors )
- Others

Question 6:
Suggest some methods to have better self-study results:


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Subject Code: INS1015


Marking criteria Very Good Average Poor Very
good poor
Clear description of the situation (/2.5) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

Objective presentation and analysis of 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

relevant information (/2.5)
Appropriate style – formal and objective 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Correct spelling and punctuation (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Appropriate and varied vocabulary (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Accurate grammar and varied sentence 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
structures (/1)
Proper format and citing of references (/1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


Note: if the assignment does not reach the minimum word limit or exceeds the allowed number of
words by 10%, one point will be deducted from the final score.

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