CSEM03 - Research, Ethical, Professional and Legal Issues Time Constrained Test 2 Hours

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University of Sunderland

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Department of Computing, Engineering and Technology

CSEM03 – Research, Ethical, Professional and Legal

Time Constrained Test 2 Hours

The following learning outcomes will be assessed:

Identify and analyse risks in specific systems change projects using Upon
successful completion of this module, students will have knowledge of:
a) appropriate research techniques including ethical approaches
b) ethical, professional and legal issues relevant to your programme of study
c) qualitative and quantitative research techniques
d) effectively assess the results of research activities

Important Information
Online version
You will be allowed 2 hours to complete this test from the time you log in and
access the TCT test under the Assessments icon in Sunspace. This is an
open book test and you are allowed to use a calculator. You can do the test
within the time frame given by your tutor and from any machine that can
access the WWW. Your answers must be your own work and answered
without collusion with other students.

Paper-based version (off-campus)

You will be allowed 2 hours to complete this test. This is an open book test
and you are allowed to use a calculator. Your answers must be your own work
and answered without collusion with other students.

Submission Date and 9th February 2010 on-campus and part-time

Time students
Submission Location On-campus students- Any location
Off campus: local study centre
CSEM03 Time Constrained Test

There are 50 questions. Each question is worth 2 marks.

Please select only one answer for each question, select the best answer in each

Questions 1-10 are based on an article on MPs’ expenses

(http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2420685.ece) – you do
not have to read the article.


1 MPs from Prime Minister Brown to the lowliest backbencher have been claiming a
vast array of goods and services on their second home allowance.

This statement is wholly objective (factual)

True False

2 Those with second homes can claim back cash for mortgages, utilities, council tax,
home insurance, gardening, maintenance, satellite TV, dry cleaning and groceries.

This statement is an opinion (value)

True False

3 Ms Blears, 52, claimed for three different properties in a single year - spending
almost £5,000 on furniture in just three months.

This statement is a fact

True False

4 She billed taxpayers for £1,132 to cover the cost of rooms at Westminster's £163-a-
night City Inn, the £151 Sherlock Holmes Hotel in Baker Street and Zetter's in
Clerkenwell, where a stay costs £180.

This statement is an opinion (value)

True False

5 It was while at the City Inn that she bought the choc bars. A pal last night said she
had been "feeling lonely" and had "wanted something to cheer herself up".

This statement is not an objective fact

True False
6 Politicians from all parties recently lost a legal battle to stop publication of the
dossier. It will be made public in July.

This statement is an opinion (value)

True False

7 Mr Brown last week pledged to rush through sweeping reforms.

This statement is a fact

True False

8 But the Commons' culture of greed cost the taxpayer £93million last year alone.

This statement contains a statement of opinion

True False

9 Former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon had taxpayers pay £90.09 to service his sit-
and-ride lawnmower.

This statement contains a statement of opinion

True False

10 Elsewhere a Tory backbencher claimed £1.59 for Farley's Rusks and a Labour MP
wanted 5p back he spent on an Ikea carrier bag.

This statement is a fact

True False

Last year a small consulting company paid each of its five administrators £22,000,
two analysts £50,000 each and the senior manager £110,000. The number of
employees earning less than the mean salary is

(a) 0
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) 7

12. The median salary is

(a) £100,000
(b) £110,000
(c) 50,000
(d) £22,000
(e) none of the above

13. The best process to see how well a model fits the real world is to

(a) Collect data, analyse it and discuss the results

(b) Generate a hypothesis, collect data, analyse it, fit a model to it and test against
your original predictions.
(c) Predict what you hope to find, find data to match your predictions,
ignore data
that does not fit
(d) Collect data, generate a hypothesis, and give your conclusions
(e) Generate a hypothesis, find data to match your hypothesis, give your

14 References should be in Harvard format for this module. Which answer

correctly identifies all the errors in the following reference?

Andreas Schneider (2000) Project management in international teams:

Instruments for improving cooperation International Journal of Project

(a) This is in the correct format in all aspects

(b) Incorrect format of author’s details, missing publisher
(c) Incorrect format of author’s details, missing journal details
(d) Missing title of article, missing journal title
(e) Date is in the wrong position, missing publisher
15 Which of the following is the correct way to reference a book in Harvard

(a) Jones (2000) Emotional intelligence, MIT Press

(b) Edwards, H. (2009) The wayward student. London.
(c) Humphries (2006) Where did I go wrong? London: Wiley Press.
(d) Bell, J,.(2008) How to do your project, Buckingham: Open University Press.
(e) C.J. Morgan (2005) The Project manager’s handbook, New York: MIT Press.

16 Which answer best describes the philosophy of Utilitarianism?

(a) It is a form of consequentialism

(b) "the greatest good for the greatest number of people"
(c) "the greatest happiness principle“
(d) the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its utility in providing
happiness or pleasure as summed among all people
(e) all of these


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Describe the distribution of these data

(a) normally distributed
(b) positively skewed
(c) negatively skewed
(d) null distribution
(e) uneven distribution

18 The following scores were obtained in a darts competition

5, 15, 25, 30, 25

The mean, median and modal scores are?

(a) 20, 25,20

(b) 25, 18, 20
(c) 20, 20, 25
(d) 20, 25, 25
(e) 30, 25, 20
19 The following data were collected from an entry test in Mathematics before students
started secondary school at age 12 and this is compared to the students' scores on their scores
for musical ability.

Table 1
Student Number Entry test Musical ability
1 45 72
2 23 50
3 50 64
4 46 66
5 33 49
6 21 40
7 13 33
8 40 63
9 34 60
10 50 73
11 44 65
12 34 50
13 25 45
14 52 70
15 10 35

The correlation coefficient was obtained for the entry test and musical ability mark (Table 1)
and found to be 0.91. Explain what this means about the relationship between the entry test
and the scores for musical ability.

(a) There is no significant relationship

(b) Children need a high mathematics score to be good at music.
(c) Being involved with music predicts higher mathematics performance
(d) There is a high negative correlation between mathematical and musical ability
(e) There is a high positive correlation between mathematical and musical ability

20. A T-Test to compare the mean frequency of use of the Internet by young and older
participants found that younger subjects were more frequent users of the Internet than older
subjects (p<0.001).

(a) highly significant result, p value shows that there is only a 1 in 1000 chance that this
result is due to chance.
(b) highly significant result, p value shows that there is only a 1 in 100 chance that
this result is due to chance.
(c) highly significant result, p value shows that there is only a 1 in 10 chance that
this result is due to chance.
(d) this is not a significant result
(e) significant result, p value shows that there is only a 1 in 500 chance that this
result is due to chance.
21 One of the simplest statistical models is the
(a) Sum of squares
(b) variance
(c) standard deviation
(d) mean
(e) all of these

22 The deviance between observed data and modelled data is denoted by

(a) a vertical line connecting the observed value to the mean

(b) a vertical line connecting the expected value to the error
(c) a horizontal line representing the error
(d) a vertical line representing the mean
(e) a horizontal line representing the error

23 The total variance in a model is

(a) sum of squared errors

(b) standard deviation divided by the sum of squares
(c) sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviation
(d) sum of squared errors divided by the number of observations N
(e) sum of squared errors divided by the number of observations N – 1

24 Two sets of data of students’ results, Set A and Set B have the same mean of 55%
but Set A has a Standard Deviation (SD) of 25 and Set B has a n SD of 15.
Which statement best represents the above data

(a) Set A data have scored clustered around the mean

(b) Set B data have a flatter distribution
(c) the distributions of data for Set and Set B are identical
(d) Set B data have scores clustered around the mean
(e) You cannot describe distributions by standard deviation

25 Research has been designed to test the hypothesis that more chocolate is eaten
when reading a statistics books than reading fiction. The null hypothesis is

(a) the same as the alternate hypothesis

(b) there will be no difference in the amount of chocolate eaten whether people read a
statistic book or fiction
(c) eating chocolate is easier when reading fiction
(d) eating chocolate is easier when reading a statistics book
(e) reading a statistics book increases the amount of chocolate eaten
26 Access to websites by people with disabilities is covered by the

(a) Disability Access Act

(b) Disability Equality Act
(c) Disability Discrimination Act
(d) Disabled Persons Rights Act
(e) Disability Data Protection Act

27 Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of a professional?

(a) Having conflicting values.

(b) Treating ethics as to do with what you intend
(c) A ruthless attitude
(d) Integrity
(e) Seeing people as a means to an end.

28 The formula for standard deviation is

(a) s = √ SS
N -1

(b) s = √ S
N- 1

(c) s = √Variance

(d) ss = variance2

(e) s = √ SS

29 The null hypothesis is

(a) is denoted by H1
(b) is denoted by H2
(c) is denoted by H z
(d) is denoted by Ho
(e) none of these

30 The hypothesis you are trying to test is known as the

(a) testing hypothesis

(b) the alternate hypothesis
(c) the null hypothesis
(d) the statistical hypothesis
(e) the defined hypothesis
31 The correlation between 2 variables A and B is 0.3 with a significance p < 0.01.
What can we conclude?

(a) there is a small but not significant relationship between A and B

(b) there is a small but significant relationship between A and B
(c) variable A causes variable B
(d) there is no relationship between A and B
(e) none of these

32 The WWC guidelines relate to activities

(a) chaired by Tim Berners-Lee

(b) managed by the World Wide web Consortium
(c) to monitor conformance to accessibility checkpoints
(d) to provide information on the layout of a site
(e) all of these

33 In order to use Pearson’s correlation coefficient which assumptions have to be


(a) one variable causes change in the other variable

(b) the data are normally distributed
(c) the data are nominal
(d) the sample size must be small
(e) you have to use SPSS software

34 The non-parametric test for correlation is

(a) Friedman’s test statistic

(b) regression r
(c) Pearson’s r
(d) Pilling’s tau
(e) Spearman’s r

35 A test for exam anxiety and the number of hours spent on revision has a correlation
coefficient r = - 0.9, p < 0.05.

This statistic means that

(a) there is no relationship between no. of hours spent revising and exam anxiety
(b) there is a significant negative correlation between no. of hours spent revising
and exam anxiety
(c)There is a significant positive correlation between the no. of hours spent revising
and exam anxiety
(d)The number of hours spent revising increases exam anxiety
(e)There is a 90% chance that the relationship between exam anxiety and the no. of
hours spent revising is a chance event
36 An independent T-test is used to test for

(a) differences between means of groups containing different people when the data
are normally distributed
(b) differences between means of groups containing different people when the data
are not normally distributed
(c) differences between means of groups containing the same people when the data
are normally distributed
(d) differences between means of groups containing different people when the data
are not normally distributed or have unequal variances
(e) differences between means of groups containing the same people when the data
are normally distributed

37 Which film is scarier? The heartbeats of two groups of students are tested, the first
group watching Scream and the second group the follow-up film Scream2. This
type of test is

(a) a correlation test

(b) an independent samples F-test
(c) a dependent samples F-test
(d) dependent samples T-test
(e) an independent samples t-test

38 The non-parametric equivalent of a T-test is the

(a) Shapiro-Wilk test

(b) the K-S test
(c) the the swimming test
(d) the Mann-Whitney test
(e) the Q-Q test

39 We use a non-parametric test when

(a) we can assume the data are normally distributed

(b) we want a more powerful statistical tool
(c) we can correct the data by taking log values
(d) we cannot assume that the data are normally distributed
(e) none of the above

40 Which of the following about Pearson’s correlation coefficient is not true?

(a) it varies between -1 and +1

(b) it can be used on ranked data
(c) it is not a parametric test
(d) it cannot determine causal relationships
(e) it needs normally distributed data
41 You have been hired as a consultant by a credit bureau ("RWT"), you have been
asked to analyse problems that have occurred with their 20 million record credit file.
RWT management became concerned when the following situation came to their
attention. A couple moving to a retirement community has an eye on their "dream
home." Because they have a good credit history, they assume that they will have no
trouble obtaining a mortgage to purchase this home through a local bank in their new
community. A routine credit check through RWT reveals that in fact they are a bad
credit risk. When a representative from the local bank pursues the case, she discovers
that the couple has been mis-identified in the RWT database, which has confused
them with another party having a very bad credit history. In making amends, the local
bank approves the loan, but by now the home has already been sold to someone else.
The couple is heartbroken and worse yet, they continue to experience credit problems
for some time

Which of the following are losing stakeholders are harmed here?

(a) the couple

(b) the bank (reputation for efficiency in solving the issue)
(c) the bank staff (disgruntled customers)
(d) RWT (their reputation)
(e) all of these

42 How could the couple check their records in the credit file?
(a) Under the Disability Discrimination Act
(b) Under the Sale of Goods Act
(c) by suing for negligence
(d) googling RWT
(e) Under the Data Protection Act

43 A journalist suspects that many customers may have been disadvantaged by errors
in the RWT credit agency's database. How could they obtain this information.

(a) they could not because this is a public company and which is not covered by the
Freedom of Information Act
(b) under the Data Protection Act
(c) under the Freedom of Information Act
(d) under the Data Disclosure Act
(e) by paying a fee to the Information Commissioner's Office

44 The credit agency RWT have a duty to produce quality software. Which ethical
principle does this conform to:

(a) Utilitarianism
(b) the company's interests
(c) commercial considerations
(d) Kantianism
(e) all of these
45 You are employed as an IT officer maintaining the National Database and you are
asked by a female friend to check for her new boyfriend's record (what data are held
and for what offence). Which statement best describes the legal situation

(a) there is no problem under the Data Protection Act

(b) this is illegal under the Data protection Act
(c) you have a moral duty to help your friend
(d) you may do harm as the data may be incorrect
(e) the public will lose confidence in the system if you do this

46 Characteristics of transformational business leaders have been shown by some

researchers to have the following characteristics

(a) emotional intelligence and faith

(b) emotional intelligence and moral cognitive reasoning
(c) emotional intelligence and ruthlessness
(d) emotional intelligence and commercialism
(e) emotional intelligence and stubbornness

47 Which of the following combinations of behaviours do people take part in with

transformational leaders?

(a) idealised influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation,

individualised consideration
(b) persuasive influence, forceful motivation, intellectual stimulation,
individualised consideration
(c) personal influence, inspirational motivation, conformity to company mission,
individualised consideration
(d) forceful influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation,
corporate consideration
(e) none of the above

48 Emotional intelligence has been linked to

(a) Machiavellianism
(b) A closed mind
(c) Empathy
(d) Hiding information from colleagues
(e) Lack of trust
49 For a case of negligence, the following has to apply:

(a) A person planned to hurt another person

(b) A duty of care must exist –an individual can reasonably foresee that his or her
acts may injure someone
(c) You must be the person’s employer
(d) It’s the intention that matters not the actual injury
(e) All of these

50 Choose the best answer from the following statements about emotional

(a) it may influence our academic achievement,

(b) influence success in work performance
(c) influence our ability to communicate effectively.
(d) Help us to build and sustain interpersonal relationships and possibly our ability to
make moral decisions.
(e) All of these

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