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alae Pergamon Ties of Interest and LEEMAING Chemistry and Technology of Explosives ‘ig Hats @ Bok Mana Tigh Epes and Prope 2a eon VOLUME 4 TADEUSZ URBANSKI sie of Og Chess and Teco ea hace (Polska, Worst, Poland a om Jama ved PERGAMON PRESS, Sees tt oppah 18 Remon Fs a. ‘A Rr No Pa of i eon mye PREFACE ‘Sace 1964 07 when the penou thee volumes of Chemistry and Tohgy of Bxpoie appesred, cmslerbe prog has Yeon made the eld of the science of eplaver he sclence shone ene which theo oly {he theoretlKooslede of epost ul ao he malice rode ‘ety inthe mruttoring process and hang ‘Ain the prewout the vlues the ator ite Mtn coma and ‘echo of exposes, Te probe of he they of detention ant ‘stones ae not diconed heed aon touched ar mach wat ened to “derstand the popes of exer Tein the “atodtor cape 2 ‘scp is eno the reulontip betwee he chr suc a the parameter ofthe explo pogerti, hele othe eta pres oan sistances pseu sch prope. Hower, te author wishes to pl out a he 0 ig the ul renew of the exiting progres for some patel exons «pn pho for face nthe Wotl and some penal eason at former POW. Hee completely ‘gant the we of expses or mir purpose and has ddd hs bok (o cfd Te athor wisest quote fom the book by 8. Fordham gh xpos nd Proper (Peg Pres) "Th exposes tecnologia nly Sten and perhaps even expnnce the efecto expec th at to Want ator fr hs produto te ue fr wake pps eo sce that Noba ao funded the moder ephendiaty ts fundel he ne Pie ‘Otc mote the stor woul ie o repeat what ean he rete ot ont in 1968 ‘tplona fave ten sedi pec than Nodes eruation and modem progres would te impos toa exe ven" Neves, folowing ths le of thought no mention I ue a this Souk onal, project, fee sor eke art of ntay weapon How ‘rer sil il odie een itary and pect ppcton of (suring fom» neat diol it in Kain in Nosh Poland ia 198i was sicey eninge wih oar sel the Snget on aanche of stow ean be prevented by fre pei gn wih hel ld ‘wth Wh exlosves; fing rocket wih explanes lade wither ‘ode in we fr promoting ain (VoL tp. 34) Sve idie e eed in ger Iyer of aioyphee by antic rounde ie Ue USSR. econ 0°7WA tndeador" (p39, May 1361. A coments attempt hus bes made to cove the sable Beer on the subj, however not every paper and spot has bee meme wes onder to Deo ets abe 0 couples resol comprebeme coverage th ial sessment ofthe aval oration and ott ec ee Pept, The excelent Preylpeds of Explores and elated ins prodes by (ie ite) BT Fedor 0. Shlalé and 8 M Kaye sou cone for ‘te whole hteatureor expla ‘Alo excelent reviews have appeared in Volumes of Anal Rosen of Angled emir, snd Soc of Chena Ina, Lantos, between 1980 and 1975, witen by Tyo, E Whitworth, W- Buiy 1 Duce snd stub of thon fn 16 Ld pci autor moe he son oan important wrk oeaoked i i he plement dtyof the author to tank lt he ellen who se ned to ns rues. of norton Iam mat patfl them They mete (©) Feder Republic of Gomany: De A. Homburg (Kan), By R. Meyer (Een, OL tog. H,Pnke (Bed Hombarp). Dr H._ Scher and Or Fred Vae Pint (@) France Iagénier A Debut (Sera), lghis Gal P,Tversier (a. (2) Malan: Profesor Te. de Boa (Anstesdam, (@) Ind: De AK Chatter yer) sod BrP Pad (Rona). (6) Japan: Mr K, Yamamoto (As), Profeor .Yoiéa(Toly), (6) aly Dr Came (Ui), (0) Sweden: Dr Jan Hanson (Suadbybern), Dr GA. Wetec (ie town (@) Seiten: Me Gato Biss, Dr, Rass nd Br A Fai Very). (@)UK-MrA. Bri, M.A. CERDE, Wah Abey), (40) US.a: Poor JF. Bunnett Santa Cu, Ca.) Mr, L Cone (Lie ‘ore, Cal), Profemor J.-A. Condig (Chesetonn, Mi), Mfen 4. Feuer (Lafayee, Ind), Dr Metin J Kee (Svs Sig Mi) Pofeor Nan Komblum (Lafiyete, Ind) De AT. Neen (Chet ake, Ca), Profesor G. A Olah (Lon Angles, Cal), Poesor Glen Rusa (Anes, la), Dr kW: Van Deh (Psu, Po. (1) USS. (Moscow: putea fo the ae Profs KK Andie an ‘$5. Nowy, Pofemon VI. Rptkin and ¥. Sesto and Dr GT. Aeasyes, De. N.Baralon Profesor VK Bae, Po foo LV, Dainv and A .Gisor, Dr. N Kondo, rior Viv Pekan Lag (12) Pana the ine Pfomr W, CyB, De. Keo, De Kubek, Dr Ky Leen Dr. Marat, Dr. at Ds WS Pofonor M Winona and Mr MZ al Go War stu and ite Duet of the foe of Omens, Ware Fro. 8 Fald, De W Mery an Mr 3: Zftsowa fo he ty ht di o De R Kab for is ap the pot niga "peers thn Ini Gms which spp bm ith mont able ltcmaton on thet proceies an apart. Tey ater Ing Mao Bat SA.GiHco Vey” Seated; Blom Nob Char, 89020 Bao, Scien Dae inte inh mani Dt RE; Kenia OY, Vike and Manni Nepran Gon Hy DSE0 Gera, Wathen FRG: Nite Nk! AB, $703 Gyr, Sdn, ‘Ada ke Site, S30 Bad Homburg, Wag Chie Syten Gan ‘ase Hem, Westen, and Wane A Plies, 7000 Stat FRC} Nie Kays oi apa S APRB Nob eps, B190, Sere ‘eck gum, US. Bao of Mac Wabingon DC), TDL Chem i, dina, ni "on erie put he mnie pm ‘uc gan an ext er ook on em pane 1 Amen Chem Sis, 2 Dyprime of Defence, Doe, NJ, USA, 3. aka We nd Sony nN York, Fon Be New Yor, 5. Veg Chom, Wea, FRG Finiy my thanks are doe to Mr 1 Rabert Manvel MC, Chimes of| Pergamon Pru Lid, Oxford, Me Aa Sel Paishng Dectr Dr cla Drayion,Seior Mesgng Elion and Mr Peer A Henn, Sey Pubshing Manager of Pergamon Prey ad Eten Mol for ying up my ori saith CONTENTS Introduction oso cutee ops Chapter 2, Nation o aromatic ystems Chapter 3. Structure and phylo-chemical propetics of ‘tro compounds Neue ames cnet Niarenfersee inne Creer en aplaen n are Rane weer Cope) or ect rsp ‘emp (sDA Compl) xioyarae Bhat mytetmompns (Chaper 4 Reaetivty of aromati nto compounds ‘Skcwepaie ata eee eee SS eT Sa aeceeeseuers step ‘na ine ‘Chaper 5. Photochemistry of alr compoands ‘Chapter 6, Niro derivatives of benzene, lene nd other aromatics Batata teamac sty meemateneen Soe Netyauno(a¢evminne cn oem chee sny rotate then Seater SS Pena co fees (Chaper7. Heat resistant expnives ‘ited Sey Chaper 8. Aliphatic leo compounds SESE rn a ears ssc (ANE cc ‘Chapters, Dinvoroamin compounds ee nnd me sa chapter aters Bim Moser miicenare Ferengi hc eee gerne) Berea elmore SESE oes cata nee ees Cae Sra, Pe erate ‘ronal ps (Chapter 1, reduction ontratecsters wirin 60) Sentai pena 2 oe m cel S =a" 2 Sceetery a Feuretnet bs rm bemoan ” (00089 = Skocrecercrsae m eee = Reem EB acy Maia A. ee 2 Teer eemene AH) = eee ess ean & prey nic a ee ea accom, Chapter 12. Cabby tates o» ‘Satie clades ppc nnd deernenonetosarnl = roetncange * Rihana s Scams * ne x SSE cere a Msc x XGA CTT Ae s Minar of oestlue * Rocce a sxiiniceay se 3 . Hecate s (Chapter Expoivepaymers oaths EE te Caper 13. Nitro compounds Nakraminsand aramid) ne wang ‘aie e Siciecigeee™™ “ee se remap sa cen caonaegteee eben ste pi ey ome SEXO) Froperev FN Extiepeerie: ‘party mate Necro specail Reta cn iene Temi Fascias etm hen tencie Fes icemerinseen Hoiserme se Mines nee ee Sper ‘Serato ott ops Spoon ete (Chapter 17. Primary explesives: fino niiatingexplsveE) ut Reverend secede (meanaphenDDNF,DINOL) Pea see 1. Commercial (Mining plies Sie eemacalcinos Nove mining capt wedin an Se fees wa ceri se aos Chapter 20, The manfactre of commer ining) expe Caper 2. Liguid apts (Chaper 2. Smokeless ponder the manatictre nd handing explosives CCnaper 25, Tasco explasives Subject index Contents of previous values INTRODUCTION (Wel t,p.1) [NOVEL INFORMATION ON EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES {eat teen shown tat ome on-xloveoranie diorganic saner an txploge when sje to the ation of ery hah rene. Ti src {or the fi tine by Began [1] Tele 2] ted to ind an explanation a terme ofthe ata energy which should be lneved wih ncemed reser Nove recently Malmud and Clewon [3] examined the beer of nun ber of compounds aa resi of 3,00 kam They found that some aie sucha ake ait hyrte malo tartare an cic 2. eter commen ‘Mowe sacha spin sce olsyene an acum cle, exploded ‘er igh premare wat reed, A maber of sbaunce (eg ci tare, ‘tiie, mle amar, pia cs) idm sham this Behar. Aseoring otha they id ot explode feat Hey rege ihe resi, ‘The explanation gen by Malnvod and Catron mdr to ta pe by ldgran They Rov ha one itl presae hich doped on the co de of fctn, pati Now stew and ds che, the spe becomes Pelstyrene ns smallemoul rbot which was probly cated by an lncreaied tampered To hein breton, ‘Th autor of the present ook inched oan tat nds ety ig prsre constable eration othe estat ean scar ad the tore {proaching distances whic prove he epuon "he problem areas wheter esples can be owt to expo by igh static premie Soft the oly publ pape 3) sake tat no. iene, pedeternirometane anda few dinates cana expla Tr Shown ta ctyene bond poses endtheme characteris (Vl 1m, 227) and ts nteresing top ot tat a number a ate em: pounds mete found i saure a eny 0 1889 [5] and 1892 [6] Canty [nportat ae the werks of EH Jons [7 a Boinnn [8] who lated td sable the sacar of namerows natwraly occuring pacts tnd confined tie etre by sythes Mort ofthe paces pst ‘pve pero. srR0DUCTION 3 With the aivent ofthe development ofthe hyerodynami theory of dein some o hr sore Chapman (17] and Jog [18]. is posi {orcas the vlc of dtoaton. The poner work at done by A. ‘Schmit [19] and hi tehod was improved bys number of suthor. Cae screws oft ehods hve been dens in sumer of monograph: Cook [BO], Zedoich ad Kompanets 21], ane and Bela [22], dohaesion ‘nd enon [23], Fike and Das (24), "The probens connected with te hyodymami theory of detonation ae utd th spe of ts ook ad ony pes dealing wih the cncatan Beterca the sete of explorer and ther poner wil be pen hare Orgy the pape we ected to covet th open lice (OB) wth th explo he power." warned by Lothrop and end (VL p.2)en met with {ye Founded cca (A. Sct, VELL. 2)-Teescom wa bated on the [an iha onyin ln nto soup ha a ffeetthemoctemea furctioe than tht of ease ad hyo ops. The diusion aroused much ner inthe stcmpt to itodee» ferentiation of oxygen ors ‘Theft of the Kind wor papers by Martin an Vallop (25, BI. They pro- neds orced OF ete lows 2) 10a +100 o rey 2 the especie numbers alos of xbon ycogen and xy fein th merle, sr themmnnerof atm sn he molec {hsm of © stone aor to he Bae, ths eG or enyaen soso NO; rope im Caro, Oso and Nir em ound, w= Mor oygen C-0-Nin Oo cenpouns P= Lior open C=O in abonye wos (2522 for ongaen i penal ad cole e eke: te stern | ‘Nand “ite ftom = The se of deloanton D wis clsted fom semiempral equation (3) ps Daas ~ 2509+ 1325014 37939 + 1281 900 ® her the deity of he expose (em?) In another equation they intrce the wale Hala he het of fom ssn [255], “The werk of Martin and Yaop was met wih ccm. Thus Pe (25) vaca tat OB canst dternin the beat exlson ot detonation and the ate of detonation aot h net fein of OB. Roth [27] pled ot that the conlton betwen Matin snd Yas coveted OB" succes Col fra reatled soup of ar expo The coron Weks down for coer with «postive OB. He conclaed tht "OB a sonep hen po ot ulate Infermation should net be wed for quanta er xcept fo chem sir eg: numberof autor Glwik [24], Masta Zara [29] and Pago ‘extend the method of Marin sd lop. npr Pps ‘hes ation He atlepled To conet eatin (2) of Marin apd siping the elective oxygen ance 8 2-2 +P) 100 “ ia sacar ofthe campo wie ling nto scour flere! ony hese which a aeay handed with etbon (©-=0, CDN) ad NO, ) whch se ea develop he extermi eaton oon, ond veloty was gven by Kae ant coworker (3. ant and ac [31a hae shown thet the dtr = 108 611 130049 o eg “ how: © thechomal veg te detonation etn (tay AP. 1 ow eames ofthe casa elo Table 8 [ie] The Kare etd vey atl fr the pd ee oveopa by Tepekin, Leeder anil asotaes [32,33]. They work ra gh exposes 1 tonntm when wo fra at ow the heel a mation Af To ae 2890-4.470(6—1)0)+ If nm a ” ABLE, Ceo fate dept dtmtn ‘On the main pose hat f detonation kal, Nise moteur weit of the compound The hea of detonation a the density» sem? & Gp and eat (10) esi psiloc 05~ Onn {I (0528 D165px14— a} co hte: Wonypen coef coed am eatin (1) wee > 14.05 aw: content a ydgen ad low vale afr exam <0. he cele gre fo ste common apie ae sien in Table 4 The sea deviation 82.3 ap HD In anoter paper Pepin, Kunetiow and Lebede [83] worked ut me peated eqns which mae ol ocala the rato eration exposes wth uk foul yy Ny Hy a en ea yom! “elongate eqeton gen by thee thors Kw ae oo fond eo Gay the coef the empoton athe compound, {Wer a tc the rates oto hw he eat dt pF -Kow+ ny OP ot Rs Pps D ai — in, tho in kel caeated fo orm (10) 43) ay os) co rex) the epeimenal dee of compression the font ofthe det The cacated and experinentl data for and P ae collected in Table. Mean devatenser 4 a eT Recently Bernard [34] woke ut ferent forma forthe te of de toner bese on his lei theory of detonation [8], Hs eqn fox te ‘Shri of te vate of dtonatin andthe dens, he shock wave fot £Te a sis the expel ate of etalon at an ine ameter and me rum dea Pn the Booman san fh the Pact const {To the itl operat of the expose, 2 the mean mete dame ‘mad appli sequin 4 aber of tate xr at 0m emer ‘Some o is sess ae shown in Tab. rio nn nes A plot oop Dax ast logy es sagt ine ar a coon [st] extended hk eacalston 10 the rat of Eton tan Coit, Oe ad Nar oempounds by usin wo equ 5 att (om ie -2'F GH) oo 2 pac0H) am 1 thera om, 1 ee ea mano pat Moto nate , Contateton flee onthe surface of the explo, 1° mer of he io soups theme, {Fexponent varying om 1.5 102, ‘rchurceriic feature ofthe clculton by eran stat he oe a se te nuiy of detonation but cones tat the deny yi he shosk fot, Bee compro by the heck wae ec forte ate of detonation STM oups ‘eplnofore, sch a NO. Ns av party stongy cor Jee Tus los fr Unhobenzene | 0 and for pias 188. Fr Tneitaprog 17 “foo more pape shov be enone: that by Alara (52 and one secely pen by Rhein and Pte [3], The ier ator ik Ber faust] pun oot ta anpl epa inerelaomhipexit etwee the anton velo a eee mamas dens and a factor Fvbih sey ‘pends oon hema composton and snc ci =D, +m 90) 30, as) wee Dead sat of detain, Dy experimental ate of detention, pw theoreti maxima ens. Factor Fe be ced: 40 +H) 200 4 = F=100x | ——™ a9) nw where = 04 for Hu and 6 = 0 for sd exposes. A = 1 the compound ‘TMi otra 4 =Oand MW =a weit 0 Cerny AND TECHNOLOGY OF FXPLOSVES ‘Theor expresions: sO) = mores foxy soi, 'mN) = Sumber of moe no, I) = momber of ycnge sts, (AB) = mbes of oxygen storm exces of hse aad aval to form (0, and 1,0. MO) ~ sn of onygen alos dou bonded to caren ain C=O, (MD) ~ mumber of oxygen nome cngy bonded dey 0 carbon in C70 wage whee =H, NI oF ME) ~ nba at rope eer ae races or tate as, The reton between D and can be expend he near auton ya Fa026 a eo) The deviations betwien the cated and experimental vals in 99% of plier ote ode Some the eave gen i Tae 7 Sina ane Ringer 1 ape hat the cation of portant params of detention ss ‘popes and farther inprovements ith wo ba eth (2) aking to acount te enay of detonation, (2) aka na conideration the Wet ther of detonation, The problems ae tated in a few mocogzph: the exer ove: [34-60] and mot eet by Fket and Dai [24] a Mader [61] ‘Amore deta cussion ofthe problens ofthe theory of ih xpos yet the cope fhe reset be, SENSETIVITY OF EXPLOSIVES TO INFACT "The experinenta eing of Weer and Wezatbrg(Vol Lp. Seven general Sieve of stoner expos to Spat aa function creel ond numberof vbttuntsf the benene ing, On the other sean [B6 expened te ew 1933 that these of al tan eto impet bs compat fection of facto, among whch be ‘ot mportat a (a sestiny toa temperate, (Gy sestiy to ton. ‘Ths ws tse om wo observed Fos (a) saaty ofthe cures of the seat of mice of expen to Impat an sey to temperate (a) inttape othe eres of entity of od mints to ines tn IE te sy af sae peter tha hat the cone see ae eae titon of parties of two arent voll sian, ‘ume ftom can cou geet hi epee (Bowdon tnd Tabor (371 “Ta wine cores ae enn Vo I, 9p 250,251, 262and reproduced now in Pas 1 Both canes (Taco) to lated tempera, Maem 10 TEP cently compose of two prt ad (Curve T was abe by seas the tempertoe of nn of the sme of 5g test bes Ste ton atioy a 150 by incresg the treats of thealloy a he he ot orc, The sentviy to bnpct expe oniates a he mean cu produces 8 of exe). The ety to Spat man Tatey aliape here faction tof te cure Mf indietes the crease of he asthe enpound by ane sensiecompound 8. Tis ration SE em tte ison between vo frig sl patie “he wranay of ire toner through icon w parry woe st ample of atures oF TNT 94 hd eres of snnoniam mae (7, a p26) ‘apt hare ts puted on he creme fst opt y aig pity compound, Uber ol [38] sd ecenl Slio an MeCormask bor “Bowden a Yotte {40} have dewloped the wel known conept of “ot spot and thatthe natn of expos ste fom ht spots rete by ser Tat fects and yl ares and shape, Sal bubbles of wr iacaded yee ceanat Campeanu wa caret Ota gd exes (olny io sy wo ct Moog feats tonpenonftesndsmpa em ange St ‘aso Lovecy {41}. = Toe 42,43] a pes ith hr cc of Be ny 0 toh indo an erin hoof eng ty fe fies npr Trim nti ons ine ee Pert empath nd der of omen nr OW Tete SEEDER —itonocapeae com theeqatoe — where oy mys me epnt the sumer of ats of the respective ements Ine mle and nqqg he suber of erboyli pony. ity pr ewut impact ight om «lati ale pe» tai ine Ite penn 8) or pi aon mi 2 sad ntvamines (3 srnonvcron » TABLE Sey explmsingst Tone Ove ORIEN) Charles ais [s)he exained a name of eps in ms oat eras roprtantand pode wo ret at 7K, The No wat rely sabes nthe spectogans. The authors Teroty sconce ef the radiochemcl yd Gyo, ofthe Formation of NOs seri ence ens between the alt f Gyo, OF rami and i racmate, They conelated te values of Gyo, wth theo he senatiy eee impr ction and hid teen (epee f it Sen athe rate eating Simin): TBS te wr = eee Ste ae ‘very nortan contin tothe know ofthe entity of exon sot ec ae een en by Depueh and Cherelle (48). Tey cae the Shae tat the Boe cteron of seit of expla ies inthe tr ‘Shao certs inter goon sae andthe compan with th the Ec nte, Wi the advent of quantum msc methods and part: in thar Se LNB. [46] they weve abl to cealte the isto fee Tee Shouse, th introducing x new and orga ites of esi cetiplonver For qumtiatveeinwton they inrodbced x panmeter OC ne 1c athe dyramety of he tibutio felctronsin he rd sae, 1 Ghelngth ft bend CNO,,N=NOy oF =NO, ‘The folowing ae «fw Hires hued (Table 10). ger esi of enploves inane bya the BC The dts for exited sat OC Stee uated wrth Iemetiod CNDOSICA. (7) expome nt e - 3 ad onantabaetc aan ol bcs 3 “Tene changed from "0 AC ca be expel by equation 22) o1ae"— acy a Hou ee a Deus and Chere [456] sagt wang wes of ACS and 5a din Jinan the Tendency of exposes to dectnpse uno nt. Tis wud ‘te partly nimble ith ne expe ch hough heir scr "While examining the shape ofthe care of theses to impact of TNT a ‘erent terprtire (Vo 320, P78). T Ub 48) advanced an ype that he incre of sent Is deo the incense of exopy () tu heer desea of fe ney = HLTS. cai change tthe el Inu put of TNT es. RO which wel known maf by aap it ‘eae of entony (re 2) Cracaud [79] grew aestion tthe det pheno tren wich seompany the shsk and ction produced By th put. Chae ioe with state dectchy fan impotnt factor infueeing the explosion ‘Aenton dnwa to two mozogapts deg with th inition of explo ne by npc ai expoae by Afeasyer and Babe (8) and gd by Debord Botley [30]. Te authors sed the views onthe consdee wok cried ot by Khao, Andie, Bena, Khleo, Sabb, Arey, Bouhcmon ar an thes oem expeiets. The wih agree wih te aang tr of he emi of explstes to impact. Howevet mos f te a ea ny the mtr ofthe snoogrape ve one the scope ofthe preset book, in i “South f hgh exploues (HE) Jo Intron by a isang exon ‘conn, utah ity) res defied than he est 0 ipet ad cee capéued tm alate uns. The seni of HE t nition ‘aily deen (1) byte amount of the ining explode in he detonator hi methd Thowed to determine the nating steng f pay exes), (cy by omsanig the detonation fom ne chug toate hough at Shee seu (aor or het of metal ra payer) of cient (6) by detennining the crite! diameter, that is the mis fahich ae tani th detonation tis wl known he ca be aang in the seas of deseming es iy to detonation: Oto, No and Cato compound 6 ‘orruistay AND TECHNOLOGY oF ExrLovES acha and Whithea [63] cesribed tet of eee exloves st eine the mini ep hicks tat iia dt onatn, Recently Anes (reviewed the prose of determination ofthe se iene of exposes to intiaoa ‘Sento ftom a le defined than the ety Yo ing a can be exposed only by gre compute to a sensed. By decease ‘ett he expos ca be aanpd afl [65 Inti explo (ith exon fies), Geto empoon [ele compounds nd met des, Cairo componds, ‘The seri of explosives to eaing naked fae, ipa an tion Scie i the neato! rls fr rainy talli "RID" (Ragernent Inter, atonal Concerant fe Trssport dex Marcandes Dangeenes) [oS]. Ant Ibpotaes"ADIC te concerned nth iteration mao afl (66). Important eviews have appeared on the emit and Inatin of ox loses (57. 68] Action of Ura Wares ond Laser Pate sachsen mstne a togen fake cole explo [13 2] bt ster mate col no be oop fo eons ‘Some expen by Wale [3] hae shown that inten wares ‘were equi to rng mercy Flmite fo tonnon.Nepte reul wee ‘aed Reta [5] hoped ot hat th pate sea of Moos {74} were due wo the mechan son af posing ray te ena “This query weeny soled by Ler (6) wh aed tat the etna cf agen by tan ee an ot proved tthe xl co {eins bobbles and he satice of the eft aly hema gg ete erature 300-500 trough th sdabat peso ofthe oreo ‘Mish and Nabiyaa (77) exe fe Sto fea found at compre enlaes cn be bow to Scopontion bys la ple. Uw englstes cnet detonate. Ty same iting expr PETS RX Pwrand Tey Action of tration ‘Numerous pulctns pela a een ers have been ated to he sent of epler ous fone of ration ‘owdea asd Yofe [70] reviewed the Iterated thi cw work on the ecomposton of lating exposes by kaa with det nein, ion rt, pare, Xen an ys Tray oc andl reaped ae Bnei of Expl aie oy Kay and Herman (7,721 fan avi [71] evened eatin eft on exposes prope nd pouch Hete ae ome of the rn concn ake fm he work of {Ream and numerous authors: inane explosives are decompored ander ‘AiSuton wisn eparices, nettons, dation, econ iradaton and ‘ited tein Among the sevwed papers Avani reported is own earth tunce of Ca gana radiation onthe detonation wlciy SPeapnsnes thy Show a al lot fer iain. clone (EDX) Socue to be partly senate, less senate ae PET apd HBX. Ao ‘Ahi compomeda suchas TNT and Teter to esl les seni. "A goo say i shor beat wabant explode TACOT, DATB (iano) ang TATS (Camnotinvobenae) (Cape VI ei [72] dered the eur of ration pug in everett, 1 ematabl poet ha bon published ty Chee and coworker [60] ‘hey examised the eho oft fw secon explores ote nation Tom Ca and inoeced the lee Gyo, the quantity of NO; by inition. ‘They found the sac of Gyo, Dmg ood the aiy of explaes fo ‘tate. Te following ae egos oe Gu, PemN aa0 HenogensCyonite HDX) 0.90 ‘ctogne (HN) oso Tey bite Pr ach oot 1Kr oot strruniin ° npn of high Temperare ‘The bshavius (ning the decompostion) of expoue at Nah empe ‘ore sone oh iporan retrsic. WRh the aden of BC (ere al seaming lorie) hgh press canbe vache ofthe examin of ‘ido and exothumle change i= sbvesone withthe incete of tempeau. “wat ewes by Calne and Haws [61]. Te losing work. DSC by Tuc 1952-33 [82] seul be reeled (eae VoL Ip. 525. “eo Sve monopapie append [3,84] oth Secale to thermal commpoaton a burning fees, and iw by Mayceck (85. INCREASING THE STRENGTH OF EXPLOSIVES BY ADDING METALS | popular meth of increta the wrengt of expos by ang su mint and tee fequenty stn ise, feroaicon, ikon (VOL. Ml 72650), “ener AND TECINOLOCY OF EXMOSTES tm raibwing hur nine te tion aris one los we op HON tyne) en by Bee (61 mox+A ORAL ch, 200 alt se 1380 10 1420 1s 190 » 1690 3 1590 een te kon of Bron ors compound witha. eer ye) mm eee y mtn MN 34 A a cient of ETS and Crone wh Sn 22), Tare wae of Cyone-Baoe ved # mation OE see aATge PETA whe. 22k renin sao, 205 bl [REFERENCES ements paperranschnat TH SR PTI amon Bite coal mn esa PEL incase tt SC ae sc “ eTornice ear Compe, (ba HH. Hyman nes of VE a eee tte ate PS is aa RET a SA SUE alter tain se ean SHEFHAN ak ML WARNER J ee ETA me ar eat te toes Rasa Ob. > go my ns pm elem es Sree ei epee tha men sn Stent, si Chim. 10, 475 (1962) Chemie Hon Sa asm a eae Rai tat ae AMET a A wd Tac. ong Se ear ahd Nuk SSR is sum Os aE aA Se peat wrt 2.31 0998, fo Xn WA TUS eT Pane 3.2 an Si Fr Pn tt Tau yy) ear amet ASS Poa ‘gute AR Rests a Pa AN pop ond sl i IEE Nowbis an conn pe owner ot Leet Rane rence SAL LRaMLet og rach eli a a oe iste eee mae toa ee capeyits Sb EE a ni rt of at ate se want a Appoint of ple 10 Oe! refi aa unnnncaae eeenre Re ere nd PETERSEN Pops amet OB, SLISTATO Bin ch MON ten in Ran $5.0 OUST tind AS KOMPANELTS. sei sn » ‘omeasay AND TecHNOLOGY OF EXHLOSIVES STE en ers tne eo PEER A fesoeen tram RERSRRSAS rae 6.0 NASER etal Mode of Dent, "Unmet of Cats Pew, op FERRED reenamrtc recent 2 Evrae eevee Ph SH Keema) RADEON, Bohne. 8? 72 EMULE Begs Grate Val. TE has Ke Rape mt HL He lt Pa Stage 6394) NIA fi a oan 33198) freien eget SEC ANDRISY, howe von ond Baring of Expletes (in Ranta, Se eee BAIS gc Noo nba fdr re CHAPTER 1 NITRATION AND NITRATING AGENTS (vol. 1p. 4) ‘A comsidenbe number of papers were dedkate to the problem onan in ‘be yea llwag the pudcaton of Vl “Knog iting gz he it nportnt stl remain iti ad-suphesic cides butte other vey efit nating ants rated tac {eid ime bee ound ang ae swe mainly ons ibn ele NrTRIC ACID (I. 9-6) Conable ateton ts erenly being pal 0 nite eld (and rogen onde) teense of rie us ot only for aan, bu aso ax xing pnt octet propel systems, Are has een Been pblied by se ore nit aid fe of mtogen oad, so called white ming sti ad (WENA) is ne ava onde and for nian of rome compound (9 enamine tain fexsne) Vo Ip.87) Tower WENA i iaely amsable andwih tine develops 2 eet amount of dniroges tone, More table or osha propulsion ed famig tne 2(RFNA) which ota cw N10 formed fom WENA or rom sis ai with ded 80. RENA i he equa product fomed ‘tom th extremes ofthe eneetaion ran: wee ae Se tore 0 RNA ete eat than WENA, NO being sl generat ofthe idan vation, Sabequetly RENA frmeve fcommended in rocket el ‘tun WENA, but shoud be avlded a most lteter recto, Dion ‘ude ually ie nate ats a8 NOs) present in pent cs cota Ing nit and supe informed i the couse of tan a et tthe oxidation of the ted staan. Ths content of NOy ioe seid can bea hp a Commerc ues ite el (yds aie it) sal conmis es thas 16 NOy abd ed forthe ate of hex "Par nirc acid (WENA) ca be bla by tation of nits i rom | natu of conan mite wld (4 1.503 25°C and concent ic toi, under dace 7" Pure a oom lenpenture A white cesta is ‘eu with he ewig properties [1] mp 416 tps nee a” 2 sarc weonty 1092

th > CoH EL> Gt Be ‘Thar was wate that the met pou states he arora ing, whereas horde ed brane estate "Te method of compettve iain wis extenely wd by Ig and > worker 18) and by suber of ther authors er spectacle the sls Ute elite rater of tation of Rezene and tluee obtained by Con an Sweden [1 Ton aaton war ciel oat ith ne aed tte ne. They gre late esti of ach poe o Yl 0-3-9 Oh.» ‘Ths th late eof the baton of een 24.0 (Hemene being| posted a 10) “The fllong a nal oh lesion of prt eat eto “Theat conan the bation of talene yy = 2k hy hye ier and te he ae conta fon of he and m posto espe Te Fish ad et comnt of the postion the ate conta of oe of Aa oy of ene ey heft! ate constant oF been ky eq 0 (dy Fmt canbe writen B= (+ 2h + hy = o BE = (ah + tq + hla = “ ‘he fest of ac omer, for example the te athe ortho poston ne tothe tal ne ofthe sbstutedbenene cat Ye eat tection of opine = yh +h thy) BEE OSKS. 6) rom equtions (8) a (5) he ate of ation can by eee of ingle poston talento Ua of i ensne ky + ke + hy = 1k mt tin p= By. « tay = Bes © el w ‘The sue hk eld pail ate fstor i ortho sbstuton and ex eee om spol fo ro. the palate tr for tether Pons inne en be eld fox met potions t= fs = 25, 0 for par potion fy OF = Kply = 58 o ars an Inga [20] hae her te allowing comparative figs forthe atin of tle and chltoberene with ite aid In nitromethane 3 or pra te tr of eferenthyocrbon and unde fleet nit mcondtione set (4). The ges of he econ forthe ection of man pba neater hve sen nen fr Hammett quan (2, * ‘oupastRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF EXFLOBIVES NITRATION OF AROMATIC SYSTEMS 31 Tange Shen ston ‘aoe eee ea a ="? cari oekitn = oe ° ~ sew: the meaue of the sent of the substance 1 ring wbsttion = tin bate ac, Fornittion 9 = 60 A Pat of bg ky agit o war en by Stock [22] and repmdteed bv A parca lance of nation poaaion 2 = {PSO.NITRATION 2 ‘The somal tophil sbiton wy represnted by repling = Indrgen atom wth an sletopi set. Hower as eset sonata ‘pa. Thi tthe cn in usin where the sack ocr bed ‘Sonate ing cibon. Tos Ivo wearon wes paced i foes by Peta snd Si ‘ter [23] in 197 and two exelent review papers sppeared on the suet: DY Nghe [2] and by Hae aed ascites [25 ‘Apter end of ie tnton ast dence by scene (10) em 0, 00) oer G6. Leg ia coi Sink 32 The reseton carted by ts eves. The po on bet futher ‘eat and cn be ined a abl tenet BY wing the ate data existing {nthe Hear [26] Moe [24] elated the put ae ctw of the rato of oles at shown frmol | Facer an Writ [27]: they found ‘he station of tae a Jow temperate with ae acd-act a 2 ‘usrny aN0 TEcHNOLOGY OF ExFLOSIVES| tye acid ston i om postion more than wie ‘Thus, suprisingly enough peaon 1 nore ectine ha meta "wie recip algeotluents (th ie altace any ie a A0"e Fiche nd cowoner [2H obtained two owes: oth Ian aa I Staocyleenanenyasae. Inte istaoe of X= Fe ove ld was TOOK an the at ofp = 355. (on warming to ~20° both mes were contd to amet. ityee senna noe (IV) ates ad aster [29] reported tat they prepare evra tallytacychexa2Senons Ip gO yi up t 89% by ow Tempentre ad" to °C nation of the sppropateGakylpenyacwates ‘S90 sic acd or asp ite inact ane ‘Nisin of «nubs ot butted fens wid «fomaton of i omponnes the taformaton and mat equation fer penton was Seder 0} “the taformaton of xpos leading 0 ferent compounds summaiznd by Galley and Habe [31]. The nites fon loheadayt ‘ten (deed fom pw stack enero the actos (2) deamyiaion 321, (2) as soup nti flowed by deprotonation (3, 34] (5) maceophiie tapping wich maybe Towed by HNO, elminaon| syd. CE OL NOC MOE =O “Te fematon of eto compounds VI wich wat xl tought to be + rent of ccrophic mutates (26) ha been thw fo oar wa 4 ‘ion-elmination veacon though the fsoatck [ST] The formation of ‘Seohexadeyl deities of type VI prone sna explanation af ome Sooonwatonal wort bstratons [38] ‘Resery My andco-wokes [39,40] deed the sation of number of tallyipnclaetaies fo yield 4alhy4ysabealenors, Redetion of ther denoner ith andiim boroyerle pee allybatoeydeheatierals ‘hh ‘cn be converted fo alupen, Here an interesting nares ‘itn of horny grup ma ecorded [39 ‘The nate ofthe tempertat of aration of 4g pel aetaes was ained by te sue auton [40] and simstaneouy and independent by Schad and ance [21] The later exuded the ther miata he oni G28-8 ae 0, ‘An intrting recto of the nition of 1.2-tinathy-tnitrobezene ie» ture of mie sd with tefuoonetis any wat reputed by Fiche Ander [2]. 45 Dinwtyh2-taiteoeytaheas2Seyl netate 9 o- ‘aly formed tested with eos, sch as NO to yi venta Taine Sroencee (Oe ofthe ponte practi apcton of mito cydaherndeny| ssa coupe wfth some armas to oti ihe erative: [43] NrTexTION OF AROMATIC SYSTES ss in tusesngpealeatin f glans dete was pred 6 that capt tom ul Se SC wemened won CC Son eet signa of he io 3 oxyde oma en, sh etter tel ho be mene hy ee to pon tbe S32 Site ston macht of NO i seo econ. Ta, Soret 5] douted the etn wha Se a NR oe — om» Me expan ates of the formation of itermede paradon pro act whch i stormed nt I togh the mation of foe tom (17) “Ie oe ofthe pon foe Il yee eventual. [AROMATIC RADICAL CATION DDymaic nicer polariation of omar i the couse of ston vas sngged [92] and een Ril and Sonal [93] gave evdence of onthe fitaton of NNedinethlaraine in ape akan sted 3 song polrt- {ion ot 15N nc raomled in tems of the formation of thera! p [itt 'NOS] forthe reformed ae AA a REVERSIBILITY OF AROMATIC NITRATION 1 penenly scoped thatthe Caltraton ofthe aroma syste ian ‘ceterile proces The probe ha aleay Ben dened Vol Ip 4 and "te concn was thatthe Caseon oup can mapa If dhs mets wth Sere Maderaee, for example, the ao goap in crho poston o agent [Pouce rope I wat abtntated by T. Ura snd Ostrom (Ve, Pst) tthe conten asta th moby ofthe ito gros cannot be [ides athe proof of te every of tbe Cniration wee, the probe ws een fesved. It was ccildthat Frch, ‘Sherman tnd Bogart [46] pointed ot th aby foto goup in amino Saloyetle Tht compound in Sd candon can e tafoed ints # aminoS-alvovertole when ete wih ctc-phomphoi a me, bat the fat htt ben rhe ean. Later Gor [07] ound that -toanduacne when bested with uphoi and tithlornct ld 095°, fer 1S min serene» comigrbeamoun! of tial x, 80 and etraginone 20% This author sus chee no, == Itno,|? =e Ast NOt as but when uoteneee mat aed he ae to fed davobezens, ‘heath come fo the colon tat somal arom tation should conte to be vorded sestily ives at an be revesed a cetain hss when ei up ain ter deed postion ‘Cerfotain and Tle [48] aequred an ideation ofthe posible ees ‘ly of somatic sitaton of anacene’ and Daly Ol ad sss [49] obaned endo of he eeabity of the tration of Seitounthacene {nd pentamethyinatenene when they ound that thse sabsancesctaaed ty superacls can ald itobeaene,nittohene and nromenytlee when Feat with enn, tle and telene pect. Tey sugested the ‘esha a fle. 608-0005 shoud however be ne nin tht postions 9 and 10 in athens ot typally sorte, Thy ar mated sighs ecttythn postions and 9a elie’ by MO classton [50]. nadlion Satentraene ‘hows a noeplaa sist wth the nitro op ou of pase [51] = pointed Sa by Cevontain and Tler (48. Ts ery sf the potion of the toto troup ia osntobennene ad all eres Of beszee with wo tho Into soup well ws that he avo group in o-nohezene at pita ad tte en cnjgrton of double bons i this compound. The it [ako reece in slvletabrpion spectrum of ointobenzne whch ‘eae om thereof mad pntrbeoas (ol Tp 163, Table 2) “he deporte exrangenat wenwded ySaratyak and soci [50]. They showed thatthe tentangeent aes ce hough ses ner moka L2agaton of he ato gop. "The conlson shoul be dawn thatthe sven of nition can oc when's nite rowp i oro poston dpliced though strc hindase (Goma with two sito goupr noth postion, o «to wou in atho folton tov blkymbsten, eg. Foul oun) andthe sro ou m0 Tonmer laa othe soma ing Talo the ee for Seirus DNITRATION OF AnonATIC SYSTEMS so ‘Another example of the mirtion of + nto group th an pote oom wi desrbed by My [33], Hahn and coworker (34. ITRATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GAMMA RADIATION (Wot 9.126) Smal papers appeared alter the plete work of Mine and coworkers va p120) Papers by Chernov aed cookers [53] an Spimto and o- See cMsth hee shows tat evn de wae a 04—1.7N) can nite Tonite compounds when asset gn adton fom Cu Benzene weay uchenrne and pntopbenl she rel of fee aden ations Nise ai decompo y ail meckanisn acon 0 equation [53] 0, SAHIN = 0H +0, en ‘ea eit ofthe formation of fie sda OM snd NO» the lowing a6 ‘Sens whch canbe atone ste agra (2) [54], thn, ow 0m 2 eyo 8 non wo a) canon an ae) The ye of tee reactions wa foun 1 be G ~ 047-096 ae be umber of mslesles prose ty the ation eneay of 100 eV. The i Trig, Minc and TU (56) examised te ation of gid Ny Ou a ‘oom tmperatee on mierane when sete to adation wth Cos ob tine ld of ntebexane slong wth cnsdenbe amount cborbc el and sme nate ete, Le, Cheng aod Aight [57] examined dhe ataton of propane with ite ssi pou af 125-40°C when propane 1 nif a ation wer 61 and 10'1 Camm iadaton ith 195000 rotons pet owt from CoP sue popu pd nt gc Inte the Yel ofthe ation, exept ‘nugget added fo thw reactant. Abo the ration fg propane Proto te reaction Intend the eld by 10-15% relate percentage. The Polatedtcaien(atrmtthan, toni, Lmropropne andar Popae as uated by maiaton. "Rout af papers wor etd othe tation of womatc by gamma * ‘euewsray Ano TECHNOLOGY OF EXMLOSIVES ‘atuton of womatis pret in ino solon of sii tate (58— 1] Browser [59] fund tat msi tae Inthe peece of expen Yield catropena from benzene (ed G = 41). Cnmors and Orehor [58] sbtanelnitobemene Geld © = 02) when ration wa eared outs imacapber oF zap Nowa [62] examined te face of dation om he sytem ddeene — 40m TRE tbl phonpate stead aed ae exces of ured up elu fel nd foun hat aio compounds wre formed even at low cone {nts of nic ai Nirxoandearbeyl compounds mere ao forme, INDIRECT METHODS OF INTRODUCING NITRO GROUP Sudan of upon Gros VOL p126) In addon to the wrk of Mrqueyol Ca and Lose (Val. Lp. 00), nd Peal (ol I,» 50) two mre pape tol be en ine: by King (63). ‘hen ond Gols (6). King ported ot the portance of the pees of Phenol 2¢dlphnl aid and ppensilphont seid nthe sulphonate Penal. whet Olen sa Golda moped hat the tation of lpia Peal notes, he it tgs, the oduton of te group inthe Ie sig the igh of more cnt nveiations by T. Ustad Ut fink lesa wae found hat two proce rn mula (a) inrosstion oto op nto phnal-pone (2) sthnatin fhe spose group “This wa aid by the cromatoplrogzphie method of Rema (656) so was oaie’ (8) that by resting nite aid on o- nd phenol sulphonic asd coloured qin inermedite addons products we tras = BE -o- Sutton of Dis Gr The we known ection of Sandee (6a} was sug by Water (66) \n tear of feral itemnedates pnt by electron tne, Rall {les mom’ the rection ith stable nrosromai anon whee opp Apel eves he ton donor and cron the lton acepor 23) ast +00 eco" 6 ahi) en a se tno ane 2) Subtaom of Hlogen (ol 1p. 127) ‘The ration of Kembla (VL. p. 127) became mush moe convenient neha of making ong cai oan in halogen devas of benzene balogen cant epsed bythe nto soe nie the ston of ite sid. The Hit paper onthe ajc by Zink [67 ‘Soul be mentions Substation of Buy! Group Te nition of 24.64 eutylnto benzene lenis to ever unexpected products shown by Myre an eng (8) (24 {In nation tothe recent of bby the nto rH of eet int the meth grup ws elie. This aioe in ters of INTRODUCING THE NITRO GROUP BY OXIDATION (V1 ». 131), Osidation of Pay Ari Group ‘Oxidation of primary ani poup i aromatic compounds by peoxyt Aon ae aid fas en eported by Cake an Sek (69). The id wa 7A much spectacle achievement woe ren obsned by Neen and co worten (20) By online the pimay amino poup ached to» benze “ng tearing aber of mito group, polylotenenes were oad. Ths, ernirondae i pstnivoaline ty oan peat enrene recive” They wed proxy dlp acid {Or hydrogen peri aspire aed orale at 25°C) aan exane sect Further we of his oxian o rode 4 name of plato atoms was spate by Nena conver [71] the osha paper, Tae authors ‘Ho revewed work on the oer oxants wed to se rom FN, to NO, Caro Si perce perma, mehlroperbensie and peverzte aks. They ned oat ht te power ft sant popoona the aed tng of roy pei Pencets nd rcloropetenae acs ae mb forthe x {ion of lpi pmsry sie, wheres eset petonytiuosaceti and peronyne acs re ben forthe exkaton of tag svbstated ais, Foo him peri in apne sel was ao wed suse (711 idaton of Oximes Iitand and so orkers [72] desied an oral thot of Forming ito erate a aya compousts y he oan of eines: The fst step was the relation ofthe ox wth beomocuesinimie to yield bromonten sorpound on wich the exist of byrogen peroxide 2h nites wa tanonmed ito fremont compa. Theater by ac Inn wth sum Sochyie famed sconary miro comnd wih» ld of 33-80%. The method wa arc mabe fo the Formation of| tive deste of miro eyes. The method i enutabe fr somatic Tetoxics an ldoines However, aries aad Patron [73] extended the tthe to adoxnes by wing zone ta ew agent 8 ge-hr= ireaTION oF AwoMaric SySTINS “ itso compounds. The femoral of clas was accompa by plan, ‘Broa and Wasa [4] sed the Asn eh! fr the teoral of chloe mons and Pagano [5] sucteedonding ons of ays etonss wh vor penetic 88 fo yd ocyelopentan and nitecylberane (ith the eK oF 60-62%. Ones of steeds wee oxzed with ial Tren prose to eK emai dratine which under hyogeation ‘pus vented wh thw nro rou i posto 3.46.7 and 17 1 DIFFUSION CONTROL IN NITRATION ‘The importance of dion nce Knets was pine out by Eig 1986 D7), and subjected to wie deripon by Glastone, Laide ant Fyne [73] The appesbiy the pecs of the in contol Or or ection a wolton the ass of don con i wily bed on tne cncepl of» molar enoure, When tw sate alee come topetier inv snlaton they ae eectvey ell win ae of sen moles ‘uses number of cllsione nth each ber win hcp: Sach slo ested callin termed a ecvune The Metine exc encoun 7 "Wie coring te influence ofthe encounter o chemical acti s micencoic nd macroseoptitusoe conta shld be eatond. mic ‘cop aflson contol he eats en opter in homopeos ston {nthe rnton oer every encounter. "he tev mrss iin som dees proces in which the ae othe action determine by te tof mango the ata elation. tecoding to Rid [9] the sees sndence for mirsconi dfn ental in taton somes rom te Kn ties of Coombes, Moodie and ‘Sthoteld 180] with lw consti of ae at 68.9 phe i Solent In ths medi the encentaton of oi sis optional | Ine concentntan of moc sa according to equation 27. tno == Not 61h en Since the concentration of von Sm very sal the at ofthe nit Unni determined by eatin (2) Rate ast HNO) sy octet fom (2) te ated in Table 12. The ost intrest ing fete of he eas acordng to Ri [79] the ining econ rate of TABLE Rene eof nn a 25°C en iNew z the sampounde being abut forty neste esc af Deze Ti ins "te inconatert wah the pedicuons ofthe aati pepe. From the laity pose andthe parle facto forthe niteton of lune the ‘ects of mylene ad mestyere would be expected to ected that of een by fcr OF 400 and 15,00 respecte 60. "The the ington cite dos not nef the rae of formation of the eesophe NO! and fom » pene breakdowns the avy principle The authors [50] Ses tht thei aces fom the rtedeermun for ‘Mon of a encounter pa As NOS tween de avon anand the a0 smc abate cong Loschae (2): A ube of Swi ators descbed heexperientson as ison and the nase of ming om tation: OM and Ry (2), Piste, Rye and Zell ine BS ‘Scioeld an coworker [6] determines the hl eof he onan 0 ‘x itaton of benzene inthe pronne of porpbor aeof the conentaton ‘903 1097.98, The aus wore found tobe 2103 Uncresig withthe cone ti of PO). On the bss of thse nt tey cece hat ration wih NO} edits comida HPO, oer 958. sernaTION OF AROMATIC STING a INFLUENCE OF A POSITIVELY CHARGED SUBSTITUENT id [6] examined the infese of poiely cared maint on he spel of pare and mets prod of mtraton. He found at “Ny deactted the poten mets much more scl) tape. Mou a dd (5) to lsd ihe nen ofa poltvely cared sbstitvent on the ration oft tion of compounds tting iio Conidae tedster between tm Ps the chars in he When nemesiate . ge 1eBiomn ‘Thun whan n= O the pat te tr fg wat 09% 107. When = 2a 3 themes for fo were O13 and O47 athe i of me dete was 19 snd ropes SIDE REACTIONS (Val. 199 75,437) iting medium, tat nti ai or mixture of it eld with pha ci rer agents promoting he oation of oxo tin obviously {stony oudiany medium hence «umber of ie ractons” many 3 atom resco take pac cri tain. Th was decribed in Yo. | pp, 5, 37) aod. roc cnlyrevewed 4 umber of exces pepe (7 Tes pnealyacepted ha ie oxi and nous ald ar taht of | oidtion reaction. Thus Rom and Kinhen [64] came tothe cosclion dat "HENO, embed nthe gaits 280) e804 +1404 280 0) Is the ate onde This war bed on ths say ofthe ston of nite ‘eiflphre ni on dntrotluene. The nye evolved in 30 the oi sting fat wis epost by Longs and Sige [87]. They fond that forme a amt be eulaed by put nite ai lone o in mixtres with ‘ote mine aida 25°C, bt onan tok pie the prea of tous {eid 0 NO® hn Hilahn and coworker [65] sued th cxdation of eve notin i he coe of hel naton a found that he elite aes ‘olan we ln ect vee lato other te of wan Hanson sed commen [RS] pte oo tht nr ompounds ith hen he fanetion ae the main by produce of ttn of aromatic hyarocbons. A amber of paps by Dodak ae coworker [89] were delbad to the fom ton of pena inthe enue of nation of hysrocaront. Hwee, he ea pheno ting formed through the seon of NO™ sou does nt mat be feaie onthe experimental pounds ht th ation of we to he nian imu oes pot prevent the fomaton of phenols ad the adton osm ‘rte dos no fete he Formation of alvophen [8] Hanson adnate ‘he meshanise of foomation of ntvophevls by an fueattack of NOS on Fuiwcrbon 1) trun on ten can ytd ein of reson, fr xp pol ' Gaseous products which accompany the nitration are CO and COs. Toluene ees ‘Samu pn cha nds the eer of aos) {Shanta oe coved unmet yoo orp inp ddd on anon tenton ee pat toad Senaton of monn become of tire fred at sien geese! ty dle npn te epg Wolchuor! ral inve pp. 1-17 Tmo he oman ie tom Cat compounds Se erp he ratte to compe EI anmonnn Kel! saben we he nie mb oe Tecoma emperor “yea typi ofthe itn of htt vee omen ce ota ‘noo san tone oars atone 2 yh ed a vatthan Te fanned he ew be en a ‘Sip on mtn fon REFERENC iTeaTiow oF Romane SYSTEMS “6 20,6 Nom TAYLOR, hie Sinn rt Cn “lesa aig ante ey Pe 7 Saint ta Ga Maia BAL iene Surg Te ca Ccueuirny asp eemo.0cy oF PxRLOsIVES Cae ears ewrmin sca tm insaom, SERRE ERR eh rcs om cme se ats i cn om 01 LAE a ammo ae ce ae aan a 19 RU eitanGt v OREKHOVAand MA FROSKURNIN ray 1 Viyarn a ealenora, pbb ORG nl ‘Chi ep 3. 13609631 SSL ratecne won y URGE eres, ep 11890 “SEMI Pitan SUM Pea 8 Se 133984, EEE AARISSEL eas tes Rada nd Amon Se rine No SRE Couns a ane Jan ee S08 1568 946, PIRES meade car saat RESRRAGE RESIN OA ran mo tr Pea EMS eri Sec aoerat aroma ert TRATION oP AROMATIC SYSTEMS o eR tan © aon) ACS Symp Se 2, Wanton DC, ONGReSrartead Since. chem Se OHM {USSODAK ang 1 SEL, her, ramp 276 (0959) 12,352 0962); ¥ DOAK, Sere ‘ai Tarvoiih ¥ bOON SKA re CHAPTER 3 STRUCTURES AND PHYSICO- CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NITRO COMPOUNDS (ol. I . 165). 1 fw excl seis append recently onthe stra of the nite op 2nd the spetonpy fn compound [1s] iuing mae specocoy of iro detains of anes nd eo} reviewed by Kime nd Teventer [145] and parc onthe CNO, bond [3] Ths aly some Problems elted 1 he ito ep wl been ee. haga poset ofthe molec of mrberene [3] For pe lets of oxygen and ntoges ae preset the ato reap. dbo othe thee atic obs 40 one fom nitogn and ane om exch ype aoe Tw 40 combi Ice nro mokelr orbs MO one of whch boning, Fy, a, oe antoeing ‘if B)and one son ondlng Fi ‘he dag abo ince the lone poh: two and hb nals tthe wo exyae aa sighly spt the NOx group bec ofthe ner > SS oS ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF THE NITRO GROUP “The niro group i a cromonhore, ln he vile and week sorption spec bang # (ondng) =" ont bonding) and (noe bonding) a ‘Scot mot Frequently im conjugates coding oma 7D The ee level gra enn Fl. 9. Th cal cal of the pect of «mito compound that of nto thane nat of to Broa Yaa ih ens band at Mpg = 210 fim hy e'= #2) anda wok tand Daye = 270 Cope 13) whch prob {hy aie fom ny me ey and ny ead nan openly. Theory » third band n= fm the on ny ony fea present 32s ow trmedength i the “chin? tablet and of Iw inet. lei ‘pect of mtealtancs nlaing payito compounds wre dscibed in deta Dy Slot [6] and eee by Nonkey ein he monoqaph ‘Aten should be enw to the fact that polyno agit compoveds| such se 1 -dntveahanes sd itomethane exkBi loud in gens 0 tase atte ote pence o he sion (8) ‘Nike (toca) are med bythe conjoption of double bonds tthe ni up, Tey show shih tensity sntionban a9 nation win he ange 220-280 The te kan ito ‘tapped thee ty the terse rod shied n=" absorption bund. The ‘pect of tealhon eed by Pekan and Sepom [2] and Novikov te atc “The alin edt in tal [4] whkh haat te ec of ether ‘he conjogated system in alight etersed compounds Table (13). Kacy 2nd Potowsa [10] examined the wrvoletapec of 4 aude of nto thenes. Tel 4 #* wee ceed between 50 snd 4200, The lit ‘hopin peta of altethyen,itroprpene sd ito rear bare Been Taken ad interpeted wh the Tarbes Pu fopeslfcomisiest eld MO ‘sola, Tae sverption bans == "een good agement with le ted vals 1] 7 ‘GumustRY aN TECHNOLOGY OF EXFLOSVES| PuySlcO.CHBIICAL ROPERTISSOF NERO COMPOUNDS 71 2 ‘Theale soup ia aroma pts cues ong bathochone tf al ‘ae tomate thpion bands when the nie pup taced medal to the sromatsng Tas the comeuence ofthe fact tat he io group ston sleten stating. Fg 10 shows he pects of toes, ey: ‘ethane ad tater ee ‘Whe the nto poup no dct stacked 1 an atom pone seometane ten the wa" bande ae nly weakly aed by the no 5 ‘op ad they do not fer ppecihly fom that of tle [2] SSS The band sound 20 am far ten sioed by Nap and coworker Be By =e (12) m being produced inca. 6 bythe aera chars-taaer toe toner B “i — Extensive study of nero pereaaated Patol and Pato: = 3390 — ropeyteraees wee ard oot by Sus nd coworkes (13). Both soupy sunset ‘ems suo ' ‘Svakereeston ata han th ito rou. Be ee — he nto group atache to a srt ing ahs prt sli the con a: 2 ipaon of double bonds of the tomate rig. Honea, 2 consdable de n ‘CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF EAPLOSIVES ton of tag of aot n—=et band of ocnvoheze compte ih ES Stnen rl 20, Val p16) othe tat ito op a ‘Taltnboentcne se beimg wed ff the soo ane, This as abn Sieg oy eny un Seecquny thr eo coun of double toads STeaate poop wah te Jub bn a te mate ne una] aaried lela and ined spc of sre 8, 4, ob utter ofterzene a tere anéitertetd then em par and en fet. Tearing ‘amples ae odoivebnzene, 23-dinoten at 34 tauren ch how tena pak a 210, a8 219 1m sect cr i ter ato Eompund amined sw pak between 242 and SEPA seats or ttre show pens tiger weve ea roby Seto ue nyproeaion ofthe met gop “ta ae drt o anne ad hee se bands within 227-258 a tac to Condy san ate etn option Here rete mean Turse forthe mn dando om ena eGeors. 200 and 9% cn" vepetney Ve han 27,2 and ‘Baran neti The tsng fm he line nome ih tated ‘xine ny Kamit conor (151 “Tein ae penn Table 5 ain as Yen “They called the angle of twist for the nro woupe in 2.3.4 sanetinescorsng fo ade ego [16] and ompured wih te Xen matography of chin, Sew and alden [17 Tae 15h ‘An example of the ste infnce on the utavietpectrum of the sto poop in mosaic ema waxes by T Ua, Pottowaka and Kel Fink [18], Absorption bait of he ito group (¢—x") in Si ‘uae rete fund foe 279 and 283 nm espectely. Thi wax confirmed by ae! [9] “few more paper soul be menae as eas ston pect ofa imate nto compounds irobezene,dttbenzane and tintrobenzoe (20) ‘Muthe weet of th [31] whe tte mono, and raiobenenet and ‘Ghent dtd weseopotomete slavole vise studies nd developed {tumitave anya oC TNT in the presence of elon copes and wanes Moora! cakaatnn of #4 elecnlenutare of altabezens and sistoluenes ver ented oul by LEAD method and pte» 200d apeemeat Ut secton peta an ie moment [22]. Late te CNDO and ob atio ‘Sealaon form, road triobemens pve avery good agreement ‘thet etre an ipl ements [23 SOLVENT EFFECT | very prominent effet sof en pon thes = aortic band in ‘matc'nve compounds When pe specs of orp compounds, ought ‘house ever fo te solvent aed. Th parti portant in he lt lt rar Schubert and Robin (24) pve some Rete Tor avobezee in tome common bens Tab 18. ji Tene Besa tere ns Sshatahromic sts nthe seach absorpton set of pio: enol ad tounnehve been en seme of lve lent ane 2) TH shold be ome in ming that he acy an bast ofthe examined om poss and the tse of some vlvents cam ence the oie doco (he Tutors sede) n'a mare appre wey and prodce the chant of gas ad the tnt neetrni seta ™ eupusray ano TEcHNoLOGY OF ExRLONVES INFRARED AND RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Numa abled pg fe dal wih nic até Raman yt scp mitogen A ea esti gen emer Say ae sale et es y Raf sae ero Seen Rede mien The foi ne inane egies fo cone, he ee ‘nitro compound: Table 17. wo tnivomease sero Popor ane ssapte 8) Neng Noe beeing : cn Pea 2 Popov an Slyapocatkoy (28) wee able clue fre constants the tec of slromethane and Novto [] extended the clean fo + Serofnite compounds ‘Set and conmoker acoding to 7] exe he fequencs a el cipal NO, bande for oy conary nd trary ro ope Table 18) eet, Bead alin 2] nr on ef mn at Hig aivated ans, for example dan wautonetate sow asplitig| fh a nee vn, Tore and ap meg 6 7 synmati: 1580 en" Smmeties 1386 ad 1350 en" “Tow feguncy of ermatoniins (ONO) cn enon nena by theme ao groupe [7] CH4N0, bx.650em" hh NO,» 02m" cutyo, 360m" NO: + Moen bcowik and, Ueda [25] found he bands in 2.2ntopopane in toh towed sd Raman seca: asyetric NOy1588 ea, symmeic 1Noys67, 132 nd 1258 en ato ato shaves show 2 conse deviation fom th nono raflanes Now and cowaes [7] ve the feqpencis of menor tio flow HCN) 1610-14400"? ra080s) 1ss-1140e0"" Weiso2)—— < 1000 gue 11 epic the change of eqns when ie no compounds ae tamfomed in te nt acing to Novo nd coworkers (7) ‘Cond (14 eabled th ifunce of softs upon he syne stretons All nit deter of bercane and tee whish emai one Into group strongly hindered sd sonia withthe Bssee sing show & {putungof te pre ian bend Table 1. trey nr ma compo Eee howe [Desa 1348 ‘Unymmenily seated trntvotaluens show apis f both bund foc eumple, 234i sow wymetic 1572, 1588 sa symmetric ‘Seton 1960, (347 on Se Bands ae en by 235, 23,6 an 38.5 ‘rotten. "Te ayes bandwidth sve a eat, The bandwidth of ano. Ite no group a 1 cn pu ia te presence fre hindering 49s tah Cy Cal ronan to 19 ca "Varn aly od Fence (90) conned the fig of Cond (14 % Caste aNd TECHNOLOGY OF EXRLOSIVES added one more and of C=N stretching batons in irbenzene, i= token and ntrnncebeing 859-851 cm" ‘Str Influence was alo vteed NO, deormation and CN sting vivtons somata compounds by Nakamura and coworker [31] ‘They examined soma nto compounds cotaiing hlgen sens ia ars poten They found (er atipated) ta rho sobsituionLovered [Noy being ad deformation modes owing t0 snc Ridane. This can te ‘se om Tbe, ARLE Nos ening an cation vention “Toe CN etching Feuer no mth need by sbatvets and natn can the btn nce te eueney. Thus the CN frequency ‘Z'mabrermonsiobecene 895 en x much higher than in nitobezene 852 areas in agreement with Tots conta [32] Ua the C= bonds ‘Shecobene dere have ne esonance interaction Tr Uta and Dybrota 23s) examined ined wei of mone, un wninoptenl and party (S30) the acon of oventson hye a Seaing beeen no an te phenol rp. They found that polar ‘Spent cn treat t hydrgen bond This dacned in the paraphyon ‘Sep tond andthe desertion of ive and nt pheno ‘I abeady mentioned wor of Kydes tows and. Usufl (18) on pest of tert 2owsion raed ao the nce up the infased Frequency of the ato group of tu seeosenis. “I ihe akin ard eqntorl NO, ous showed the Feqencies 1556 1edB em and 1536-1533 en sespectey ‘ey inresing atten mae made by Bokard eal. [34] to we the aid aan spectre of 10s fo sy he state of elses imei (Pasting the devomposton produc’ by 4 hack Thy obtalned spect of ‘elon afer the stock ad the beping of ecompoation, A dpicenent ‘Sesser y 11 eof the frequency’ of te bom NNO. Ti ro {Bi dae Yo lenge of the bond NN expected 1 obtain meet [NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF NITRO COMPOUNDS Walp.) ‘The apliatin of noses magnets rspunce spectoxopy ave proton snd nts ces: "WENMR aed N-NMR respecte ‘Proton Magne Resonance | nonber of italic nitro compounds were examined by T. Ut ‘Witoowat tod cooker [3S], The nso poxp, ing tiondy eleoe tanting, decrees feel ceston dey stun aly protons anita, ‘has shifting thet resonance salto oer mage as The effet depends nthe mabe fir ros, asa be sen thee Cle CHNO; CHINO, CHEN, Spm 023 428 610 as ‘The neptve inde aff ofthe NO, goupopeate spiny a fir ‘=the thd cron stor in he chain. Tes be seen rom 6 pm at for 1 ropropne wo Tautopentane 4 — 4, 0% —a, — 0H, — 90, ‘Ao ieee wa bveet Between primary sd secondary oan: ‘oton spect heal been wed fr tt examination of itr ene sch asthe omen of auopropens [3] 5-01, BO ce -m nh A mums of some nro compouns eae of beet, es, salne mentee snd dare hve been insite By proton ronan ‘pecan (Toa The no poop we few tlw oma proton re ‘ego lw erm tao botnet oro ™ a> met 7 Uhl, Niarowa and scat 42} found coe af the ‘nsoen bord between he pea gop and the ote gow ou temas of aus nips, 2amtepen! wt Dis sd Than waopeel gen 8 = TOT pm ses and pie Dev 437 an 814 pom reece ‘Note information on H-NMR of ito cempouni gen by Ro ine seen pope) rope Migetic Romance Reco Jem atention Has ben dicated othe sty of proton NMR of it srpounds detention has ee ited fo nitogen — “N-NMR. “heft syste say of "N-NMR of tones has ben done by Wanows, Urban Stefi (43.1 to snpe spect ies Maton between nitvometban, rir secondary and eta eitonkanes Ntvomsiane war taken se + pinay sanaré Yor lnc nivope ena sus "Avummary of th ening tai ven Table 21 [44-46] FAYSCOCHENICAL PROPERTIES OF NFROCOMPOLRDS 79, acer, aiken ‘Betton atratng subtest sens vey 0 he ito group tend tocar he seeing conta forte Ir, Nivopn cher ss ie ‘Sone Sry pitoncaey, atoms, Naso and alr soup. They ‘teak bl in dating between the ve ito structure ad that of an ‘Sites compound: Ady rls were found fr the ntuopn hemi shit in nirotaner 1 The experiments on “N-NMR weve extended to contin of the *N ema hits nit he nara regu ofthe nto group [89 $0] and sie Tt cont 48 425. NM pectin of ittophenl ffird ret elp examination of int rela hydrogen bond in astoalcohols (68) and e-lrpherls 42. The Pte adacerd ine paragraph on hyogen bond (81). “Anumber of popes de wth he! N-NMR spectra aes dered fom | ‘nono and plyioshanes. Te tage of structure fom ta fare sion “tashatotane to that of ue ncaanon was gpg in the sei of tole of mono, dad trtoakaner onthe aso he "*N spect (50) Se data om tie "#8, "9M, "°C and 170 seonace sits were reported for Ivan slo [51~53] and 90 for aitoabane [1 The eh oe cia f omit to ony [8] how ne “pe alpen remeance spe hate bre reported for the ston fon exo [1 For mow information and dtl the monographs [44-46] shold be con Becron Sin Resonance ‘Asi seer known, elton pin reece reel the pesnce of aed eeto, This kf eune charceritc of fe ras aa the mes ‘et known sal fe ail ro opts leper drzyX DPF (21) Tne EOR pect gear sgl clone ore pin aie g = 20036 dis or cali te rape Bt (2) ‘Unpaed lector abo preset fe rad adcoons and in chase eater complaes Among th et ary pominet group i fxmed by ely hive smpeunds a suptor and aromatic Ayreon misty wih or ened gs The nate of thse complexes is ccued freon 83.Now {Pitot be ertined hat a CT complexe es promivent ESR tral More ‘weeny T Ut and cowerket [57] found tat mio compounss, bot pate and roma, she ESR sul I they contain a dar voc a the fimo orp. Types examples ar stranns,meatanine, Amon. al ‘hae cpounde 1, -dtopropeny-ylannes sow tng SK ign ery ely ue tothe stucte yo, F {oman ne “Thee compounds cn be ede a “intra CT comple, or ‘autcom pees A nmber of oc complexes wih zo goupy weeded by Fre Pnier a 14 Marowave Spectroscopy Micomave aptctonony tas been very ite utd or the examination of ito compounds Only few date ext om the tational cents of NOs [Dou abot the aymety an or eeomethane [2,7] and some derhative of meters (1 Magic ond Ect ieringonce Magnetic trnaec (Ctton-Mounton fet) sn elec ieingance| (kar atest) of nitobeoes, patrobozee and 12 Scrintoberene was rol exaiedby Bata ed Rite [58] 125°Cand 620m, “he fwing were ie fr Bolen age anny verze oe rcberae 6 rdnivonenne —— 151 3.tdaamtennene — 147 ca Retetor Dsperion ‘Opt rtatory dperon and cel doi of corpounds with ato soup ass romophore na decibel by Drs andco-werken [59 HYDROGEN BOND WITH THE NITRO GROUP (Val 9170) Matin and T. Usha (60) advanced sugestion that x hydonen dont est betveta he ir and the hyoxy soup in to sex. This te ated om the experimental at popu 389 (0) formed Ujate sete 3ousne detains (0) and ketal with wet eel, whe the conta he Zhydroyrety 2 popane hl (forms ‘Me cospadng plc acetal V) and ketal th est st. “Tes ots wee sania in eras of the hytopn bonds tewees the non the yoy poaps Ina Ie Woke ROO Hath ox Semon on Sano 8D rong comet _ As 2 MoE AO b> “The ‘nolbond funetbe beds te elctone energy of the compere ‘wie, plus tem representing the eto diol merctins,diperson fee bydeogen bonding and ster erelcnla fre. The date bon fame ‘hone terest ts where an acon has bees lesen fom the dower ‘molecu tothe sept, adn elects nections and forming» ek evn nk betwen the ling rae! on: led state with dave arate athe min contr hve the same form with the coetcens vated Tove predominance to the dae bond com “he Mullen eatent proved the theoreti! bass foe nerpetation of spectonopi ud fomtoncrtant dts ed ntinted rear on soon tty and mazeti properties of molesaar complexes, ‘csordng to MeGiyen 85] and Bree (87) the comple non com pounds shoul be ealed “EDAvorpiene for Hrcon Donot-Acepor ESnplece andthe frm ChageTrnfr should te reseed for he asp on band characteriing the complex. Te symbol cy Be othe ee oF the chet ban charatering the ope. Thus te er Charg Tater crn to Bribe reneredin he arlene ‘According to Denar and Lepley [92] the fodowing ate CTbands of com exer of symisnrobemene and Rydrocebons (Ta 23) Ao they el fated the emery Ey ofthe het copied MO, ‘The fue brow to coos Eagan — frm stag ne [Nery imprint etre of EDA complne the fe ht nthe reget uid Oy Show the xen of sh aspased elon, siain he det tpi eerance tant, gb and Chl [86] depicted the Formation of aeons of tino teen in te flowing way) ‘een fy of inthe wih caters by fe coop to fom ctr oie Dan ead SCE Tpal abs evs whores sot econ crt mah a tage ‘SaSlefouchonalihon wee io and 150 sapere) “he aan wet pre le cen of rei ca perso eo oa aed nett [3]. Te re et aug compounds wh ptt bean fo eee For mai cease nrc he rae oentatins of the wt oes pe min oa he ie ent ltd 3 apr maT teow Mer Orta ad re son moe ny ume of molec conplese shows hat te oa fhe cect omed fom sas of aerate ont a acer lees iSaorenct wi oe anya Sen “Riven ante by s mami ef thon (VoL or eam, Powel and the Rapon Sd sa Sear an Wabwork (3) abet ew com tens snnneee ony sas Wao ened ha he ta Treen be mmmrerd ued people pacing he cpa The ‘tne poston he compar ce tm so e memo ope ‘Towa etrera ewer rb Pe 13 ges dg Stents af he cat of ottobre th wpe, a Fert enhance G12 CF —compls of stan wit ins cring 6 ‘cuewstay AND TEGINOLOGY OF EXPLOSIVES on, No 6.12 cols of smectic wt upton ng ic ea to ale areal cas of EDA corpetes we those of mitroptanols eae foc cumple, dnrophtnl with anne descibed by Zeeseluyess [64 ‘Sosa and atophenl wi eameyenettraie of Vgaonesc nd Toorca [pee The comple sow the prance of yoga bonds i ald te ote enone of compen High altel aunt compound bare ‘een we forthe entiation of main aromatic hyena aus in Thus Wistar an M.Fache [97] wed typical an aceps 1 ‘het perpiyin, and tet 4 fe paper were added on sir detection of roy and other pope mee with 13-invobenzee and SMeercrenne [96 100) Sime aks and drags canbe detected Ev nbjecte to quite saya by mesg the inns of he charge ttnfer band potaced i th astra of cnpetes wth ,rnitrobentne roe (101, 102) MR mitatd Sompounds ca be dtc and etd by mean ono, sch ts yaceboy, Th Wenecton ws sagged by the meta Siierchomatopephy [100], Amato of ped detection, fexplnes Stckas TNT, TNE Pg rie, m-DNB, Tey inthe form of cages {Ercomplexes wih stomate aines sch aie dinetyaie tudes, ‘Snes, mpylamine, bene et. ws coved by Dwiey «a {toa} The authors sed for enatin thinly shromaogapy eal lp aes or model sompens A, rin aproch tothe merecetucture of compen o® the as of ined pecan by Severn [103]. He examined the comple of Smunirbwnrse wih ploogunal o¢nivoploropciol and of pic DENTIN pHlrogucel and ce tothe cneion thatthe approach of he ecrplor cede ex be Hace tuned the donor moeele 08 See cnt complex fms dle a he nonplanar nen be Utarceberween the component. For example, ranssbee forms pica, bar the cbome doer no The penr mlecie of 2persinaphtilee ako Forms spite, whe a non-plnar nome, -surlnapalse, ns. 0. Tame of papers have appeed which dere atvorpion spect of cart tmmferconplecs in stuons without however boting th acta comple. “Thur Foster and Thomson (105) examin comple 1 of pptenyene vstcoMCAL ROFERTISSOF NrIROCOMOUNDS 87 amin ands Novy dcaties, ad ta{dimetylanine) derivates, of darn and subere wth 2aiaotohice, 24pinttbeet, 12 ad dine oeene md 125iiobencene Simla Wace. nd wi LUbrr dcrbe complete formed in sions by 1.:5tttrobnzee wih vere, pling, amopyidies nd ermopytiae. They deo wed ros on, racine inden and enaty meaner’ 0 exis the sec ate compere, Aiphtie miso compounds et abo be eecton arma Thur Levu and Licata {108} exaibed the exstence of ae Tec aitcbutne wih diethyl In mle proportion 11 bY camps cue peau of sentions wh diferent proportions of the mein gptor, ceding to the metodo count utons of Job 110) Oa ond and Burkard 142] desebed the electon accepting properties of ant They came fhe sonclsion tht eenivomethane itr rere cay wih wma bydrcaors and des nt fos abe com pies ‘anki (110) in + umber of papers has dese » new donor — fer cena tives EDA complnee with nmarntroberaene, pee a, pl a ‘Beta ig Jose meted [109] toes the rat einen the aseptor Sina aE Scenty Uh etna ane oftnbiewi (111 esha tut skate eters form EDA complexe wih song donor Net tive eneine. arcu nesting are mate eters wth Ove RA Sar groups echo paral penal, anal and Dol SEERENL A perc stseocheststy of uch compens wa geste ith Miers eed In yoeteings Complens of eythane wath TEREIS pom priming and purine hse were examined by T. Ur te Wadawck and Potloks 112}. The ratio donoracapor was tbe ‘ied by emminng NMR spect. Uruk Keio ond Pofdeevie (113) sae wig NN esnimtighppbenylenedunine fo dec ale eres magents Sout Ibert etecon ey ike most EDA compas, hte of smritotern, for exe, with \A-dimethlnine sow x semcaedatng propery [14], ey Scare ‘A comidentte number of Xray xniation flo compounds have ben one ve he at to decade They we enn th pon of pare: lurcmpoands Hower, the foEowigar reviews which sould be mentions Xy ana of apa ito compound, iat ets an aries wee “ned by Nowkow and coworkers [T.ntamins ty. F. Weight [118], Fobyiomtomate ane sompouads by Hal ond Porat (116), The Xray sa ae of EDA oly Prank 3, Wo (8) a ‘TERWoCHEMISTRY ‘Termoctemiel ita of exposes wl be gen i the deciton of pa ‘ear compounds, Geteal probes of themochemisty of alto compouncs| ‘ts sen the monogah by Lets, Mionchnko sad Kobe [1] fesent yar 4 cnr numberof contrntios have ben pen by Pope tnd comoces [118] on such poten a the eatapy of formation of mito {hd sito componnds and ete essed entepy of norton, Al Peper and cowodken [119] contibuted coseraby 0 the tlston of Poke the energy af aceltion ofthe Bond Cy. ‘Ave impartant view ate on hema onli of explo ses wa gen by Clty and Haws [140 The esas of thermal ala al be Serb Se MASS specTROGRAPHY A numberof papers uv appear on the agent of ar compu by man petopaphy They were revewed by Beynon (130) and secerly by he and Tevet [131] Thrtore only man ote wl be gee here, Thre main molec fons hae Ben found. M-O*, MNO and hop fa the mechani of reaangnet of the cs np iy asain Aco‘ 10 some thr [122 the molec itoton i Fe vearanged it xi, NeLafety an Busy [123] fod 8 aed Aitiction betwen compounds avag mete and pare postns a the io Beynon, Saueden and Wiliams 122], Fle, Meyenon and cookers 024] compared msesecta of homer dintrobenzens Table 24) and case tothe condson that meta and pur omer ese agents, wheres The Fngmentation of ep charged moll os of mona-and iit: ‘enn det tt ii fen tao he positon [125,135 Neyer rl [127] examina the fxgmettion of sy-tinrbenzee. A much more compte tore appeared om the set with of part feature: the mnt prominent the siminaton of NO, a the itso oF he agneattion Tsperimets wh somtsientotolienes show that the fepmenttion of mea pare oes inst that freeze (121 Bin hoes ae cheated by the igh psn, x. 7%, ofthe mae ‘ala ion, whe nivobemzene shows 49% and o-nitosiene only 25% The spectran of oivtauen hows hgh pk with a as of 120 which ot sent in eet gamers. Acorn o Bayon a. [122] Were ands to etn OM withthe rctre scoring to scheme (3) a oe = Gro é x Cx eer er a ce een er ee een SO Ge ea “ %0 CHRsASrRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF EXRLOSIVES cb ivomehane,mteethane an ntotopnes were eased od 8 ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES abate Cle Nivo compounds and metals at reduing ans cat orn ganic ea (i34],pateaidy lating te reaa wh ednioennene [135]. The Syne mlshenene an amneimge x rather igh yi of 160 WN rahe ection. enh 4a +e es 180 o Prorconbuctity. Cas ben fn that te conductivity of niobenene incaes whe traded wth lave gt (13. Tae wl be dacomed the pungagh onthe potocheniry oF te compounds. Lasers Clits of earopiam wit some aromatic sto compoands with pena ade ncton can bee to prose se beans [1] IOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF NITRO COFOUNDS iro compounds pone srg bsg sty. Monet (138) hn nen int apap ich propetieywet and ite ox png ast, tink odour A ren by Venlet and Van Eien [139) dated eo. “honisy and ptuanscsgy af ir compounds ad ipl deseptos of Scns cotiing the ito eoup sucha natal oceig to com puny onc sbauaces with the pact! em isecsos, malls, Fengles nod herbs A sept caplr deisel tothe fO0eY of nme portant ni cempou eat tomatic slo compounth weve ccna und ae anumout sent, Sih cloolnivobnaene [13] and some 2¢dhnitophersl Gt ‘ves ich Sanna 2-tdintrbensre (148) yS1co-CHEMICAL ROFERTIESOPNITROCONOLNDS 9 ‘Te tore of ito compounds was dcoe nV. in he deipton of parte sonpounds Tha math wl be followed athe preset vol | ‘Bel ieformaton on he ont of ompounds wer sane, be BER the deipon ofthe compounds REFERENCES APE, ORCHN: Pherae ie Sms “fe BUCHOWSKI ne SKULL Mod eee m hom fi (197), Bae sNeac one pce Brot Choy Cm tn "ERPS td ae AS DEGAS MATOS Sat rt an i 1.31 1p Siang ert ttt seme 1 Ei oman pe Ore OG 1c ama orm fe er ie ee vt bean nororta a Um Ci nt i Katie ee a eh yt Rt of Ce a ete ES cn a tt re hl Ea coca ore am FERRE et et eet cre eel eae a a rn et cam se Sore EARL sons cnn stn Wa larasonatton’s& SiEvEteYc! Moe Swans 18.45 De Ati tit ok Sth rk 130 Bo ei vkAshna. Sc SHEVETI Ve A ACTAINEILIERG, Me. Yas MYAGK a Pe nna sa i KOR Chem 6a Ldn 650 (1921 7 Tingatinnh wasScisn, Kosmerwd W848 Ran Ch 7275 Be Sie HATEACLLA dG. LD RITCHIE J CS. Prin. 901 ¢ Pe Sine set Sa Pot a oo 28969. SISEGRIUs He ianowsKa i FOHOWSKA sed T URBARGKL Gm a one P irerssiexOCHAN aod URBANSKL Qe Chem 882508197 ef Tincege och, URDANSK! and J. LANCER, RL J Con TRC SIUM oem WACEAGIS mnt Wl Soe hin. 18,27797D. Yo. MORN. ACDIS The Ambra fart on 7 ig Fae Seeder sour, Tot’ RevioY: Dm PARMAR. SHARMA KVR vonage 1 Rua aoe | Peach Mateo tT ton SLE Ganat MEER PEE an a MRR MENARD nd out 355 156,604 096) al An Bo pbs CEC ita MS tt SHeTNARSK ved‘. POPUDAIRirWiCZ. Con Chom 50,9940 1999) 1 SESGUS Woe a kde TEMAS" ARASIRD an Wo MORSE Sgr ga a sou cen nn, Te a es wen RE RSEERSTSCT SUR a an TBE MWinGON T PUStAS a EE PLO oe Get ae BO se SMUDN OS ROMS Uy Pea tt BEG Hib So P'GASEARD, 7 Cis F151 CO Chom Py Lat 7. CHAPTER 4 REACTIVITY OF AROMATIC NITRO COMPOUNDS (ol. 1p. 192) amber of reactions of nie compounds were deed inthe well srnapoph eited by H, Feuer when form apart ofthe monoppis ys Pt [1 Reference wl efoe be mae to hee and some othe anol the mow important and me een papers il De en bee ITUTION (HETEROLYTIC AND HONOLYTIOY is wo knows tat heterotic abstain oscar dough copii? Nouleophii’ ath podosd ty con E™ Celctrophile} and anion Ne clsophe) repetney. Homatye susitionstavhe the ston of In ceeoptie nd ecole wbettaton of aromatic no compounds fren dering fle a ated by eeton sation, The ple ae sobre teectondtroutin pen dag i 4 [2], and the ane of aromatic cts of mirbenzne CyHyNOS ten Fi. 4b q Tot cinpans show tht topic wbsituton shold seer many in cts postion, whee the mache oe sald ie ly ortho nae fttated potas. An poh in of cnn fin nin Inga however de stance of homely veachons a 80°C the rele fronton tsa biter appeacing the experimental rel (Fi. 46) [ELECTROPHILIC SUSTITUTION 1A few monoyeps hare been deleted to the descption of dlectrophie stun of iv compen neal (2, 5-7] aa review bs beet abel othe suber [8]_The mechanism of ation was diced in popes I. Meson sn NO" containing gets belongs to the mechanism Sta akeay mented Chapter Dragan Pag Ihc shows tat sbsation an ese ot ly in mets tot ako orth and par pstoes, Asorig tothe dagamt Ishould be UNpased tha he proportion of arb tomer shoul be sper to tat of he [rmiuotenen, dtd his sin agreement withthe experiment the propos: Tha of odintrtensne large and fgh tepertre of nation mich Inger than ht of intobemene (VL. 29, Tate 38a 39) Sib nthe homologue of teste te tence fal! groups shold not te nce ter esting influence bing ortho an pa NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION AND SUBSTITUTION (Vol L.p. 197) ‘On ofthe carter ets of soma tro compounds, partly sah wo ar moreno pou the abs to Fact wth ues a a (Biy Iose he tncn We accompanied by an items cou, The ele lupe tenon of semi he terete enor anda 1 coir aroun of rvuch on he str ofthe oe tas Tas ‘esd Merstae appeared on reactions knows a anor o Jackson Mtueccimer or Mecoremer estons whch we iced net. They ae Ieephl tecons andar no ny of thot but ako of practi i ortnce. Thos th Joy ration Yeane an important ayia method Thi reels of dt and welobersne and thet horolps with ves, a of et eporancetn pollo the ty of manulcareand fhe aby teenie compounds The ration lo compounds wth bass ae mulopilie actos and vecrny ave coed much net, Namerous monog ap ce capes ‘or nickophe ution of iv compounds and ei arcs me bees ‘une Sch ae the excllt reviews by de Boe ad ix. [0], Hall and Foran [10], Refsnes [] brogh pt 196, and ems sPpOP {He ocompléie thet eve arly sentoning he er eve pape: (hall 11], Bune and cowoser [12], ue (131, Pet 14], Book [5] Campton {i}, Stoue [17], Bensecl [18], Seige and Yuk (191, (20), Kemi (14), Bolton (174), Bomentl an coworkers cleat monograph pened recent east problms of ex ‘Genapous [19] gave dco lated to their group. Vines rin [109 aled a wd age of aaa of wtous explo. the ane probes te etd the cope a the present bok, JOPILIC DISPLACEMENT OF NITRO GROUP ISENHEIMER REACTION (OR MEISENHEIMER REACTION) je CONFLEXES acy 2 1995 Lobe de ruin (2) decried 2 eso which te leted tbe resto of Stentrobenzene wih osu hyarosiele meth je 23} sugsed ths to bea complex compound Hanach and Kise sional tht the complex mht es potas of afm fone group Inca and Gazal [25] geen 1900 tw sacra forme ft vod sl obtained by acting wt solu methoxide on 2.8,6nt- Pg 15a Meseneimer [26] (probably unaware of showy Fup) of Now REACTIVITY OF AROMATIC ETRO COMFOLNDS cy ‘gee dese fomula or potas st. acaon an al [27] splint ‘tty poaf ome tcc Thokson-Neseeimer compounis xe now teogzed as ocompene, rely tir ode of wring penn Fig 158, andthe fomation preted ‘nagar (ty ‘Aten sboui te dawn tote fat tat the reaction reverie and eer the con of ns, he arg somo formed. ‘Naphitales ansogus of Inchon: Memeahciner compleee wee deed [28,42] and santhosoe dria has aendy ben dcased by Meher nes 1 few neteroeyee Jacson-Meentenercomplees ware eorex 1 [9]: BOL, Vickery [St] rwonaaed the rcure ofthe complex ) bind in 1883 by Loby de Brin [16] whe acting with potas ean Sindarcompleses (V) can be obtained by acting wth C1s0™ one: mie ts devratines(32-34,37] Gold and Rostene [32] snd Polit an Sender [95] examined electron spect, Dal [6] lfeed saci of complnes NMR spect ner stud 1 the plonetng work of Crampton and Gol [37 the wos wee wevewed by Halland Pork [10] and Campton [38]. Mor reext works were dove By Now [39] snd Epos [40] Kinetic at of complnes nee mae byt numer of autho 1,42} and termodyamie col by Fender and co torte: [3]. Beraeon [18] reviewed te work on Kate Belair of Tn the cent work Campton an Giton [38] sed x modem technique of oo ‘pastry AND TECHNOLOGY OF FAPLONIVES ped Dow an Tum spectrom inthe sady othe reaction of Vay ‘A of te wks coated in pepe de stucue of Jackson eben ine comple 1 as als supported by Ky ana by Simonet a > vers [8 and Uda nd eoworters [48] wah one corection: he nth af nds between carbon stom 2-3 (and 5-6) i rete hat (135 8, mt the length of he cline bond. Sabrguety the rial fonda ie [Sa with quoi sractye should be peered. Campton and Gold Db rived ats sr encom Hediroaer,Zlegr nd cows [46] cat th omhon J he oiting form of Seon Newonbsiner comple eienty ss the lpi of the presen theo of mle bl ealton. By HMO method siting of electrons by thet pop soul be con An teteting and novel ppoach tthe Adon Resragement- lini. in snechansm uf tautomer mation was tcealy seared by Miskin thoi and hdano [2191 The eviews contained NN tae of into and 34-rateopbenypoup ins ei enzarieJvaies 1, 219) anda dcr of perl uaksown dpa Mesebeime so rien Th athe pin xt the lmpatance of ths wk oe Sgn of "ame ytems wih ort ig termediate pee, “sks Meteneimer ‘ype competes can bch intermediates whch ae ter tncormed ito rode of molaphe stack. Bowl [7] a8 fo ced dagrar allows ao 4 p Nhe Feue REACTIVITY OF AROMATIC THO COMPOUNDS ry An iewrestingrescton of comet ntoterzn ino psioophena [48 wo now rationale in fem of he fomtion 9 Suckron-Mebesesner inter Inet acer ose (4) OD mr et ad

mand pitiophenls with ysl of 25-308, i and 0-55 spect ‘ypkal fee mal acto that of mersuration of atobenane ate in a om parse [1171 9) ZO wooo SN oo ‘nih a pr bones are forme in proportion in 57%, and mea R.A eitrey lage popoton of mets moma probaly Go othe ck a hte ‘emarationine Between the ectrophe ad the dal sso, "pun rad ubtion may be sxpoal for he maton fo enna to diobesenes by iti ai the pence of merce ise Ieprted by Ops and Tene [118]. They found 268 of ond cnt 20% invobenzees They and comoken [119-124] sed the aytion of sitotenene teouh th acon of various sores oF ay aes RCH; eset fo fick atures a dzoates (PRIN, ON), nitroayaryanins rR yt COCH,) ane prt Cay Te seg ston so the mee pton fr R= Brand iy wa oly 121 and 6% epectly and ‘telndpenent ofthe ure of an ade. “the penyuton of lratenene pve the igure shown abe 2 eo ey a Hower, when the fe aka pkropheny, the proportion of meta sumer inne. Thi is expined by the fet tat teal pNOLGA Toy and Gites [125] found in 1936 that teat group sats the ao rate ng towards only sbi. Fr expe, te cmpelite pes ea of tluene and ntobesene by pel rae showed tht the Yield of ‘diene ee sout four ines restr than the el of met ipbes "hy and coworker [119 1,124 pre qunteave analy Ue ae ct homabyte atch on nlvobenzee at compared with hat on coche The pertton of itroenzene gee proportions Of rh, met ic 38, 10 and 32% pect, wera the penyain of yelled 63,24 and 10% mec, Howere wen the entering oup 8 mOre ‘ecophle thn bemene (eg. 2- and patropeny ada) the proportion ‘mets bent ices Fide and Meyenon{127] have desebed in sumeous papers the oration of fe aa rom rom to compound temperatures of 400-0" “her wok hasbeen summarize in a eve pape [123] They found tha the C= Nond in itouramats els bone 40°C generating phy ad sat | trot da. The decomposition a 00°C seme oly pare to {0 rcmponten ander con input na an ecto, Nolet fr eG" ge iin 302 4.908 yd of pel, per enone Seu, aioe snd sora tanto ape inthe promo tee, ales, open cons pe orto py end terpgh so hoger and mle wee Toe co) cana, BL eNO, ones os oo Napitlene canbe formed, seorig tthe autor, through he ie mediate omatn of teazyne. A few ore ie aia reaction of nto compounds shoul be mentioned Wo thee exis ve poteindaed and ae deserted athe hate of ochemiy of ita compos i i890 Ketlé [19] dered the rection of ntvobezen wth bromine oe which under pete pled te and Neabromoberzeee [130 sth placement te no pvp by bromine cece. Ltr twas Fund 11 tat clrohenen was he main podut when ncting with rie on eens at 375°C m Ses sett te with oly 3 smal roprion oF ontronensnes. The sbaion of nite posps se medalobenzee by ine in gus plas at 200-300°C poe to be a commer metodo actuing oohensne [132] Penomareko (13) suid this tion and found the yi to be 92% Hao stated that roma ito com nds tetas into shlavo deine by ang 0 nro compoands fivcubon eal st 220-210°C wer pesare A ana, bat probaly suceople substation was sled ty Loby oe and ven Use (124). By ning wih Sycochonie at 280°C they re ir props dtebenenes end etntrobenzene to bt chro an tchorbenare spect. Mersin and Bickel [11] sbeve Bat plyasouomatic can acta ot nthe ondcon of kindred phenols. shania ofthe cata ston f aoa vo compounds was not ent Revel sn co-workers [136] ratondaed interme of fe aia rexctions. Thee prc study was deiated oth oxaton of free by ‘Scour cuyeor in terutorge te presence of polaiun t-utox Jae seacton & euaped by aroma aro compounds, sh nibenzee I ‘petty me and enrobensne and promos phlei tenaee. TA thee unas feral ate should te mention hee ay fe esl ced by heat ov copes powder can Apice a seit amie troup (172.173), ACTIN OF AROMATIC TRO COMPOUNDS ON POLYMERIZATION eran) ua compound nit aa pbymesizaton, Hon hey do soto uo pyrene ety Ramin “htc mca tho eon anna i aaa pct nme ste aa bet cies Me nt tales [he rem a ol Seen ar toner fod plenty een SSE ner nates the conta armed ané Braet [139 ond weet tere wa wee rn! ha ote ome of hme Pant nd un [40,14] andoont the ak of seat snl ft tion mo. a thes of nen See Teese trees ota pst ee {otal 1. The pulmonate wth bel prone Tat am te compounds it moro btn ates {hearin of penton " Srila ch thw peel by wo mel Bo orto sedate ivy ato emposnde "atc wereaa 5] deste mon of abmetaten of serene by Om tobe es Suesey ae»crtin phan in th eco of [REDUCTION OF AROMATICNITRO COMPOUNDS. FORMATION OF NITROSO COMPOUNDS The eduction ofthe sto group # ani and ydrnranion gous ‘en and ei intent ented to termes ad yet _ —— TS nis ‘unastmy ax TECHNOLOGY OF ExRLOSVES e haown isthe seuction of aro to sion pup wa revewed by chapter "Redoction and Desnypenation of No Compeunee [14 Nhe folowing ae methods ging ood yes ofan detvatnes lel etn (148), Gays redveton inthe prsnc of en powder in COs at 20°C (149, Seoxyeation of lo poup by eae [150 Reduction ofa nitro group can lend 0 ang ont om furoxae dese isi) Avot interesting reaction ws reported by Wild [152] onthe ation Poconiim ode in acetic ald on 113 Sttfonophenyh penis om perlsobenes} (33). on «ay luca photochemical action of Camkian an Siber [13] af alchyde trent into oronteneae aed dese eon potocmity oetr componds Setopeny aide ca ely benofonane [141 1s hy probable tat» nitroso interme formed inthe Richer np 108) to of Aromatic Ring femathable econ ws dscovred by Soe and co-workers [155 186) 1.252). Hewmceeded i vedas the state ng ofa ompounde AEACTIVITY OF AROMATIC NITRO;COMPOLNES 7 ‘wthou reducing the atu group. The edn pent was sodium borhy ee iairobenene war ved in tttydrturane snd NaBly in aqueous Inuhanl sar addod at O°C 1.35-Temtcyloheare rested in Yd of {ie (155). LDiavonaphiaese ws rece by the sane method 1 ‘BiydoAdintronptaene (18% ld) Im-Dinitodezese mapa reduced [156] 10 3.lintoeylberene (xtand pla df 13 enropentane (Xl) ough eg peng. Somos The ecto hat bon sue bya mumber of suthor [157,158], who came to the coneoon tat the Fide race intly on he decedent taiton stom at postion 3a forms «Kind of Jchaon-Meaenmer ac, ‘helateris event bjt 1 euctn. ‘Okamoto and attarel [159] brooght an impronement othe ration of See by aig» catoncmfactan a phe tafe ctl) othe ‘ton tem. They examined the reduction of wsyamet ely sobstitee Das. and 23/uinotoluees by sain borohyae in meee Gh ‘eat 23-20°Cin the atncophee of lop tthe presence of tyne ‘imetilammontin ome ‘an incense of oxdoseduetion os nitro compened ws en by Foster and Gregory [180]. 24.0mntroberzaleyde when weed mht oncentiated ston af dam hydroe ied 2aioairen sea of ‘eexpeced cd ands coding othe Canlzaoracton, ‘he rection gia to hat of Camian and ber 4 cal phote- eral esc (Chapter V)- pal edt ofthe steateig of titobenene was sen de cred ty Ohno, Varuna and Oka (10). By acting wth dydonco tn so erator 3 Scrntrobersene wa relueed to dysrtnntio zene trom tempertre indy srtonylin he atop of on and ny rm ig ‘Sodium amie can wdc teatro pou of oma nto compounds to tives ual yf dao compoeds (161, 162] ‘Kena and comes [63] devloped the polowapieedton of bt igo prop at an aati method. “Ton f the edn of no compounds lest thru 6 oxiding gente The ut of itoberene a the Soup ration well nwa, Divo ‘Eine wan epored to bes good agent for oxiing obi ald to ete ties) +r prow am leo eV. 195) throug easton valoun reducing oes sh cea salts [165,166], ethyl pope [ier 10] orton pentrbony! [17] (5 OND Vy, ten ae ‘Te reson of nto aromate compound wth cabon mononde wa cen rrewed by Mann'Ywent a Nefedov [21] Pall ee Br he formation of oyanates appar produced i he sae way in Sn (221 DIAZOTIZATION OF AMINO NITRO COMPOUNDS “Te NO, pour reduces the basiy of ain roup and makes the dati om more dea Disoaton of invasive and pct tint hin eques more dite conditions such the ue of move consented TaN nc nd hgher temperature Tica be found in entbooks.on a1 {atom ad on yest chemi ‘te ote: hand the mo roa ender te cao group rae eco and more rescvei te proce of eouping 10 form 20 ompouns, Tis $Gurieobentelconam on coupes wth resin which ss ace thamantole and Goes at eat nth ther Gzoiun ins (17. Testa of he repnemest by bydropen ofthe tery no s04p a cand alee compeunde were roel desrbed by Kornblum an c= elke [14], They ener a rum temperate when the ne compounds ae Tete wih he oda ait of thy meray TyikeKewnala, Prvowska and Y Uff (246) deested the eps rem by hyaroen of teary miro sop in Sno--tonane by ting with thee eyo! KOU a 120-140°C with ys of op to SO. Seeing cn of te snbtitatan of mito pou By adunany atest seas ropoted ty ean sothor [188] Fee adamant deal was prodsced From carbo sé cording [871 1 3 CYCLOADDITION OF NITRO COMPOUNDS. ito compounds cn be sete 0th sale |-ycluditon wich ssratieed by adding sytem nh oat bons 1 -pae. ra seie aah erste in we ring fre a exe and ance Cyeoaaon cant eset by stems (26: (0) an) | A | : 06) Ke te “an excelent evew of 1 .ycoadton was gen by Huhae (138) aaa se manbe of cxpnment ith 1 150°C) “The high themal say me compounds mace ty the high detain nergy ofthe thermal decomposition." flowing se ius Nirbensne B= 53.4 kell log ~ 1265 at 395-445%C imtobenene 526 kcal imal lop B= 127 a 385-410" 13.stnrobecee 31.9 Laing eg B= 13648 270-355°C iven by Makino (192, ‘ne 193 pv ates oe Posicasd, f= 38.6 talimo tg 11.64 Spine eid, = 346 keine log B= 11.2 Rogni and Magi [194] fund £ = 27.0 kloan log ye ecepeston af TNT Slr fares were ota by Roberta, 195} umenee. 191] for ‘empertres the ier of 135-198°C, and or hips terpenes a4 CYT. Ua [16] found 140 Leama. Prsman ea. [91] cate out expernens thermal decomposton of ing the abate stage text method. Tiny found that te tl Heat ed dring [20 hor of epg at 17°C wat 1 Ke 'N few accents which hae recently oscared demons tat prolonged tng, mach Below ther pltiontompeatae, (he etigton pcan po ‘explosion een if this i wef toler mated compound, Sich twas ore (probbly forthe fat tone) in 1972 when an exon lace a 218°C i he USA. in 4100. Lng pie filed with dno (197). Previous experiments determine gon lriperatae ox eg lho some sources ve an even ge: temperate of 307 198) problem reves 197 nthe United Keg when 1300 of 8 de oleneiamine kept a closed de at 118-13PC exploded ace 27 sik 270" REACTIVITY OF AROMATIC NITRO COMFOUNES ma boars of tng (19). In ore t cet» method which cold be wd to ‘Sabah the sab of aromatic and peal ete nto compounds Camera bd Bist (199) deeoyed an baie method of “other Prete Sine which i pectin ofthe aod ted by Soa and cowerkore The tethodcoms in heepng «sample 63 xn sec pee vel in heme {it Gscwney # 02°C), Te lndacton perdi conser to be teminated ‘he the pees inthe Yes seed by 0.2 XGjem Te experiment wat ‘ave ot the di cag the veel war pte. For DNT (a mitre of 2nd sitroohee) he indction pesiod we sooo howe at 1007e Toso ours 150°C howe 200°C “Te ck ene of station wat 32.2 Kalina “he ada of. tnteluene to DNT died the ndcton ine a pure DNT 170 news Tt Uohow cin of $000 ppm TAT 13 our 25,000 ppm TNT £0.00 pp TNT 109.000 pp TNT Sida nen wat shown by ation of pve ‘Artenton [sao dawn othe paper by Daca, Alp asd Kane (200) ‘ho decried spartaneoussligton of TNT after bie kept foe 1-16 Fon 10°C A rei of Kinet ats from wtp then of ply so pounds ws rcenty gen by Zeman [20] Ainhioo- and 26806 Pre Ratials In the coun of thermal decomposition of somate nto compounds fe ‘ates are formed. The ESR sa were deta by Jemen[202, Jase ‘orks (203] and Sovet ones [208]. The her authors obated song pul rom plese aes ler an induction ped of 39-5 mina 190 210°C respective “zen reported the fomaton of fe ages in 24-neotuene, 24.6 tintotlune and pie aed at 260" 20" and 130°C respecte 24D: tito and24rmtouline ie he sigal x room temperature. Ths can be lomazed by the author of he present back i emt ofthe taco harge-tansfer desc by T. Ua ef [25], hat whe the mo ‘eal conti both electron enor and secon pr pps, FUROXANES (Val, 9.603) Aromatic nto campounds which i ortho potion have aio group can ‘eal be tsonned ino beaofuronanes (3 3) An excl vce on ‘oroxanes war wales by Kanan and Pear (206, Reem woos onthe statute of enztsfuoxane were als pubied: em Xray amy (207, 208), baton and Kaan spect [29,210], trogen NMR [21] aon ISNMR [212] Eapeie proper er tle dacaned 219. orm an Apia [214 exams the kei ofthe ansfrmation | 13.tando2A@tinitobemene ino bentrturonne t 70-115 The eich io he ft rer with cthaton ew 26 Kena FERENCES, Pi we TAN alt he PoRANSAL Ta uct A Re NOwRISans RUSSELL. Q. er Chom Soe 3812) (1068), TK, hecho Seta cana ne Mam J: STRASS Cer T0018 (1970. ICUcttan 1 YUM Go! agar vot $34 633197) Nhuasscont tes cam art e770) nnn SE O27 vv || IIACTIVITYOF AROMATIC TRO COMFOUES bs Psa ara ie HF APY" Chee adr of Pte, Hes [STUNNER sud G.HAINE Men Act, 40 11985) Lnmatsn. ee fe ao ST age wis esse ACTIVITY OF AROMATIC NITRO COMPOKDS ns gr ‘ft es ow 1000754 an [ACTIVITY OF AROMATIC MTHO.COMFOLDS im A'Saaauim, tne ofr meant he emf pagum mt po TRA Pa ‘ee a rm tage nr LUNE "rod, Seg, oe Meroe Crone oom Pat vs Soe Ee onisisc HMR a $5. NONIKOV. fe Ad oud 2s ae sass ae LO ana om es LE his eheeaten soso ahaa CE Tn GA RRBSC TT Se eye 2 atta CHAPTERS PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF NITRO COMPOUNDS (Vol. 1, p. 225) Potocheisry ha received mich appreciation inthe st two decades man feed ty crea fide monographs aed tevew ais Mos of ther have fener chars [1- 3] Ecellnt vertu dedicated o photochemistry ofthe ‘St aad ion groupe weve gen by Moveson [Cares (35) and Kaye a7 Ttisamumed that photochems ectes rate om the lowes egy singlet and tet sod ste, They ar Geto ssoption Dds which hae een tered in Chaplr I on te spettoapy of eto compounds: the Pe min or 210 rn) ffs and ee Cc 270 nm) of {rea ow len: some i compounds show de seondtranton Dea 0 nm) Ht seco tat the owt ying get and let ‘ates toss compounds arm ‘The potchemity of rio cpounds Dera with te plonerng werk of Curioni Siber [7,8 ho deere to pooch ection (2: In reaction (1) etl oxide (9, 10} to aetalshyde,nitvobenzene redced ply to ponyhydonyania (ih erage to Paminopherl) tnd party tani. Rraton (2) i eo madam was examined by Bambee nd Ege ho ‘musrnY aN TECHNOLOGY OF EXPLOSIVES [01], who found that peed toh te formation of et. (iceety Gene and Seino [13] examined th acon of Cain and sine and came toe comin tha photos of otroberaiehye pro ieee by atl sate with time of 8 ae asec Mash posayis showed the formation orient terete according): 5|b4_& - Sma photochemical estos were scode for 2.4ditoenzlishy de [8 and toterphdeye [1 ‘2Niuobenl este ied pairsoBemaehyd [8s] bythe sme me Tate of Sich and Mp [15] shoal be metoned: “al amas which hve «hype tho ti proup are Hh sense” They expe y scheme) nN rotalys of nitanine dentine of tris has ao been vce de sited 16} So potindced reaton of sto compounds nang eration of fr nese neal lone ner viewed by Tryeha [17] eased sh Sctonn ar scaring thon the "pn" ack, tha he elting EP + {inthe at mane) tached fo he ecb the rou f0 Be remark ihe canal case of placing the mvo woup of aobenene by ering ter he ton of a 9+8-0- ° {5 atsone eee if met parent, for expe: Tavis, Ue fongh and Dot [20] epeted the poteindad HySrots f “" vo rocuEMisTRY OF NERO COMPOUNDS mt rent potas ete 10 malroptncl Niro! was do ydriped si rea (2d ty the ation of ptainn oye elem 2 tee 2a Cl a Rochester 23] repel fran ot Sanco mende a am intobesene sed hyo on. Van Yi, ints mami of no ees of a, sci wih Sal eet ac aomat ito compounds under ration wth eet ahve (6) OD and@) Fojoinduced condensation of miarobezene and cm sinirobenzens 0 oes co aroybenene ws sopoied by Stenberg and Hott (36). ae ean actor the sent. The reston dots nt proceed ft ree ear ethan yi etrayrofrne tn ethanol aoa yd aa ee ca ws pry ondied to acetic, an found tet Tetons 9,10) Te ay Reb and cookers (37) and de Boe and eo veke [ot cll eg dednated tothe otocemsty of lati ito compounds ‘phocerbty of 17ers was a exe (8) Soar tae of renee exdation with potoexetednitobentene erates as Brena [29] tne etree wus gen by Foor, Kuznetor ad Eloy [$2] othe phcteaducton of aroma no compounds through interleca tn. eR RE iytccons ad wopply the Rydronen eee for rebuction, ESE armed ato shen, a in ection (1) and yrs ed sect seog eosin tent, or example [5] Gals and Rochester [54] and ohmon and Ree [55] dexited a wane fomaton of 13S tlobenene nto 3 cinvapheol under pots ca fet of ON” feompac th racton 1i)n Vol. p25). Wie and Vat [6]ceorted the photochemical oxatin of msitobensy| sestl i ageou slant mnobenalehyde snd azoxy sompauni, ‘A interest poten action af Ieycoadion (ce Chapter IV) waspoted by Bichland aye ($8) 9) rromncncny = Qf « < A sir ectios to the atdtion of mtotannene to cloheane wa ponte ty Charon ad dey [39 "A htcralyi setuton of methouy.$-inrbersene though she ston of lvl Ight war desebes by Hlrngs snd cower rophenol ete te demethylation cee A primary photochemical rexson of nto hares len nc. a8) cys, a + «0 {aout sesombination oye ety ite Fora fll cuion of the ectoe se [6] Va. $9 and Chapter VIL Motecherity of ntsnchane ade satieed deities (XC NO, X= CH ly Frand FCHINO, FyCNO,) wat examined by Sloeti an ce ‘ess (89. Tey cae tov sono that te aston fom te ound att the gles ens tan nef te deni the pote cha 1 the central carson st ans ders atthe irogen. They lo eget Fonte conformation of monomtatte drains 8 nitomethane Sve ‘er 9. 80) sao examined the potlyso etrantcomethae x0, Mewar snot «a ‘heseacton inane ty stents and bons by ate state ‘An important reaction & the photochemical 1.2 and poor the etd “Te aitaton often onto pods wl epreeated in a sete panes A fewunexctl extionsofnitoabensheve been eoedin cnt ye Such i he vencon demtd hy Hoke 320 Naben [25] 0! te ox tan of enioniuee wh te (58) me iat I 2 i) i, edn to pose aed ane an doabensie and 3 io ‘Ghote sis weve formed. A large quny of tog was erosed and ths {Ed the ethrst ational he eat png hongh the oration of “A otolune under act f son he preenc fea (S-Mo- tau) at outed temper (4) wn cone oyna ald Tent atiead the expae oan oot INDUSTRIAL METHODS OF MONONITRATION OF BENZENE ND TOLUENE (Yl op 232and Vt 1.273) ‘HS natn soe or lene presicon. Stun and Min (29 the monogah alte tcl dso he ration of been and thee (Table 20). ee gars mae ats am see ac te toe i Fay aad he washing hte sodum Myron fone tata 1 S%NSOIT nd anexns of 158) The cen welfceat a eee te parieaton ofthe mv compound but produces «comin ane ot Wee coetuning sagan phenatrand ea obmovios een de wi by acdentom and exacton of pha wh opi eee Imscble with water (ch at bettas or note cou sate The [Bal deveoped « mes of extract phenols come psp. for example 642g ot Ng VO whet aaa Perc Nitra ied bythe erence othe event the take Aa cmeyc ne even nthe pews boos ct om eT nl 9 hes eh cl with» eh wae wag Wenham Assen tS athe (he Thug nes ag ib as ied so ter apes aap the sae el abe. Contin tho of the mia achive the 0 ‘cusast¥y AND TEeHNOLOGY OF EXRLOSVS NITRO DERIVATIOISOF MIAZESE TOLLINE AND AROMATICS 1ST ration. nthe second spat eole the seton ms ecole so 0 shad be undestood tht the spl course proved ih siren hoe there the emulsion ets the enna saan Dus fo We Het Bln of the cen of ninobezen or nsotcien) snd the Spat the seps ery 1000 kyo loenzte gives 900-1000 wpe a 40-108 H,$0., 15220 mivobenseee and 025 0 OFORSNOBEL-CHEMATUR METHOD OF NITRATING BENZENE ANDTOLUENE TO MONONITRO PRODUCTS (Pic 20 ‘known dinitrate re not exposes y themes bt they ae intermediates im the manicure of TST and are in asus ged Te fn Donn he mae bare gen by De Noe Te rotsesponses For sning exposes a low meng inte of omer med 1 ely rise with itopyeine and dso oatentoceone. For nae pecs a elie) pure 2.4L sed For urbe atti, it Tovene + mini (np, 35°) Hed a se tao the ter pied Papel incaing thermochemical nd explesir) Provertis The following se furs for mae womees a enittsiens asoing to wee I wimpy DIT ts0re ss ore 305 sore ™ The MAK value (manos pemtied concern ina at» woos Tomeneinible ——homonethan 010% fatty Gr 14504) somoettan 00” ‘oramokses powder sae: 680 = 25°C reonmeteaerplodvess gui sok mise ta for ome ntotleem ae ven in Vol pp 241-282, -Fomaton of Diirotoeees from monontrotoine (00 lp 288) and pnitrotstuene and 2 fom 0.940 15383, eer cee = 18883-1436 fie fwd or deter fen 0. fo 7S. Mee 1 gies 00 “The pecs or commer pods asd 0 1 Arpaia gl yelbw eid Meso ath jrsmecommeclesianes hae sba°e Berea tones so moe than pny of TNT. However, ha lu Ben ope frome ine htt ees ot anos ll the petlems of the paca ie ofthe exponen the Inport problems ithe exiatonof«mulcompoont ele it of omen wliuotlsrges and dirtsuenes ven amine quent these ‘stances cn rode a nemersence hough he ean Ths can ocr the couse a he storage procter with TNT parc ay in suerte The probe was ecey review by Res (7) Hee ate the min daadantge produced bythe eso 1 connastm AxD TECHNOLOGY OF EAMLOSWES {1 ny afc efi fe components of he nmin ‘ep imano ih may ome ihe Tsar an Sma dean oy 2 Mi eenivemce theeted fte o sevegs ne nn Fir Rea of Geary he etn te cn in laa + ton ese epg a 1 or Sone Septertnw cer See azn fainting te eo ae ee eeu Th not intun pees same ny he cpaeofe ct ened elim 9 T3T Bo Sov beaten : viata so te dawn te rrowspe inti of at TSE mete a tftngsn ploy rosie 90 od ae arccman ty ead Wt Te pity sce Pa Doane [st dwn een arate {3 Sanne pushing by taunt ene MEO owes. 1G) tng on batory pasting Cae an bomoterm shows up the ga onentaton ofthe TNT tex ey imprint sey to hg temperate Hip ent ‘eien THT to bps wie dened Vl pp 819-32. “Another rb teal econ Tal an cies (4) dn 750°C tinetluane took sphere sap sn decompose seat mith he ‘oiton of tcaieabe amount of sot. The energy ef atin nthe ‘peo enpentares 190: 730°C wa ofthe ser of 8 eal wal and the sape Othe cue elton psd apie treat was ase (tha sho fee nogycetine Vo 9. 0.13 ‘Kandet an coworker [45 unrook the tk of elite chemist chang of Sa.sunivndoene wie oscars deg is wothermal dco Ison a 100°C. 75-20% of TNT semaines uncharged after 16 hous The Ia pracy were dioanhand()(2 43). 2 @sroenaehyde NIKO DERIWATIVESOFRENZENS TOLUENE AND AROMATICS 163, (0-28) 2Atiitobenyl lt (0.24) anda inate amount. 0.19) ban anocy compound of probable structure Came aed Bat [121] develope an reetng method of thermal reste msng forthe determina chem sab of aromatienie cnpouns a dessied in Chater IV It showed ths tenpestares wt SoO'C ou te dang 4DNT pte a with TNT hep fr fe than 34 svat gr ie the pap om ety rate aed handing arate The rman of an azo compound sot sipesing conden the ee of vansennaton of ht compount ne berarny deatves ae hem 1 Keown a importa prac ofthe coatinsun eto of making TNT tnd edton weve wilted, of mich ha high meine pirts twp 0 13 {Tputmeny sobsance war forsale bense, wick dnote ‘lon 300 and breed hen ned by lame The sisiance wt med ‘role che" Nospmetantrobensene fot by Kare ea ent fohe sates by Rages Ho}. Ramet vege tht 3 min qu i oul be produced tang the oxsaton of TNE to ober 2d flowed bya hse of COs Ue sua seston adi 10 TNB) 96 er at ‘a important nda of Kast and coworkers wae tat st 210°C su taneous aegition of TNT ccuredaier 14-16 hour ores heath “Fo then! decompontion of TST secampmea bythe ration of ee satis ane [108] fond ee aaa 200°C at, Kort and Osta [109] Jed deta stay af te heal de ommpostan of TNE They examined the desompontin by ferent thea tus svsoparinety ined pete ant mas petOMey. ‘ne of thew mest important fadgs war that TAT podued ee rads hedy inte weanty of he ching poe, hat 60°C. Tue sites which proms the decomposion of TNT re ce adcals whch ae Sable a 00m Tempettuie They ae isle in Bente o ert a a pay ox fed poleneesibsances, a ‘ououstey ano ECHNOLOGY OF EXRLOSHES (ienia Propertie of 24.5 Dinotobene vai properties. The acid popes of 2A tluotuen were dices in| vd Te Shay ths pstem war seve withthe actions the fomation ve ete hep IV) Acid popes weve am exanated bY moet oe Tn Seal [2] eee flowing fives fr 9 of ote ‘Sop with atetlenes: *yesimiocatsene 2 nc sndcowoner [45] #0 cme to the coacusin ht sinc uit popes. They tse on theo a ea xc ha ptosof te copoun i ne edo teri ove ~~ = er} wd wos mee t i & w | Fe Muiewth and Sor [84] examen intemedites forme the cine ey on TNT an ip eitioe RAI stony: Win ming cquoelarpropcios of TN and these DSO 36d 1,0 The TesonMeseivimer compl Fred decyed over ¥se and te spect ch scone 8) Somly PPE Siteot TAT were dered in VOL Ap SOL A peer [79] came he we feet TNT today compositions Acton of igh, Ths wo deed Chapter onthe phtocemiy compound Rea to mith Sadun Spite eatin of 24tuiniotliene wih soln apie exten stad end gevened by Clompton and ceworkers [9] Ss [0]. Barc dconrder [Si] Berasonl and cowraes [2] ‘Caples wih spore pou the prodict of the acon of 2A iatleee (X= Hho tener = CH ih one and 0 Iles of sadn apie 25°C: Ia and respectively ‘Aconing wo Crmpon [49d et aphowiesabiees the aac {:t The compound te ule in mater wih 9 ep colour [40 50 rm and SSO) ne ico ecg mt ts wth spot up p32) sian of 24.0: Ter cn Kank: an eoakes 158] made an trent at pra oteaton soe on atic shanna Tete tepid y Meetup. ween eos mth pt Sonn yy ne a S524 ‘ea of oan mmc nop tu on wh cs Oa he iui of 2Ancomanenrns aid Ath ihre 20% J. [S34] wi ako nto shine sod ne peace Sei hed up tot of paid oe wih ew Is tes ntokenanc cl Te athe tnd HOU 2 Getaicns aa eine than 2rtotloene The oxsatostedoton praca tans nthe omion of he white sampoan + hype contnanespoacton of THT {St Th fh IMhmar tisearmands Jocuse in the agai on yeas a eon ‘Av exter sy of se redo of 24.¢6Hmitataaene was dy Niche, Van and cower [5] Ty ale renewed the eosin ear Ss frie ase of difeen edsing get produced may 4-20 2. {oly Nien, Coe ean she ae hyo li in thee tenor sf caayc amount of amon a fou the etiam tobe sen ‘epenent: i cwane both amin 2 snd 2arine ednronlenes beng ss “enewisray ano Tren OF PAMIN'S A a Cy —-, Cr Teraniromatane TAM) 01.337) who estes the protien Peo the formation Clan etn 1 acer tw ond th rs TSM ogres om the roaring carbons wid ovr SO. bite somtbated by the cng aon emo of TR sen aga WV nan [5 ele state heme. WW Thy casted t by =p The sates pac mas Meno hat duced y sntinvs oy ang nace, NMR pesto ecerty Zito, Kralgho and Dybrds [os] evbloned tat elite com ures nto cgi oven by he m9. 208 239-240°C Theo poder is abo iccompanie bya monocyte sony onpoané (V1) 1530] wich can farther be debonair Dee whe ling a tyne dal [os Bio and coworkers [55] ead she sly of white sompound a gan events altating mise and pets: Tals 30 seo ‘mate compu! sbi in agheous (2) sn erate nin 1 soto of Ni,S0, a1 60°C: Suara dosnt peciusthe brane St arene | | | | | | “he white compound a examined by te sase ators wth rept its seni to impact and high errs, “he rouse allows Sensi to pact fa the de of taf PETS anh shove TS She rom let of 1m ae 1% expose, and ky om sheight of 28m pe 10% epleon ithe gates for PETS ae: His and 29 om eget) [AL 200°C the explosion asc ater 10s, 20°C the eploon scandals (eke gs or TNT te 95 snd epety. An attempt was made to eta i wish sag of isin white com pound termed Acsnding ode Crane ar omoet ft] he ua of Ste componnd incense wth the tine ote eaton, Zs, Resi and Baha fe] eased that mite compound eompines ayo ia Fost adastre of Vis ome nthe sou lang ad ed 1 prcptated enous pate atu ppc aes ee Te psa Tei ale to ence of white cmpouna he posuce to we the TLC titigu on fn the ehematogam is developed wth tpn emaee acon meth fot dionane (505.3015 vat) The eh Wveated with eyene ‘famine sain in aston (20150) Whe te deected a mae coioued spt af Ky = Ok. (Ro dents Ee eds own foloued pot at Ry” OD) DHPURITIES OF INT As previuty mestoned, Yasue (9) examined TNT by TLC. Among Gehring [67] undesiook the tsk of examining non-volatile inperites of INT hy NAIK teehee foun sompounds in ude TNT ay ena Table None of thee sibtnces were Sted pie TNT in gant ove ony. SINT which appears wo have ‘egies, Gebrng [671 a 8 these (VI) on dom Kubiak sd coms 5 ota] deste’ by TLC santas Luintobenyticoel. bexantnbensyt and azouytenone dernates eed othe whe compound teratouousbensene and dinetetnnontss Senses Spat of Orde TAT Sate Proves) 8.0 Known ow sa Serrated rot opens to esa tam spe (uric ty ata temperate. for ekanpl shee 40-45°C) can pode a Samanng tet on TNE i the tte yal eta aun taco Septet sad lp step the neo warps. Aecrding {© Git mn Fedoa [71] 01-09% NAHSOy wos abled the USA a8 alert ee the ptao eovn By pours Famed in ne Cour of Parfeation of TINT ‘oh Sd Spite Te excelent pops by Chand, Kaiba and Ble (685) as dian vention tothe Pble formation ofthe" by posics inthe cous of fupitation of cee TNT Ceti pues) The seis note» hgh tect of sulphonic foun meta postion heh dees on the sult Thon ot wry meta tanotluenes They expla he foraton of Sei ewes petuntephensinebane (HPPA (Vl) fom 24Scnteotele fe by te renstors 1D Utes of inisuponie Acids Formed Seite Pcs Wat os In the wisely we lite proves sas amounts of aqueous slit efMuens (red waters) ae present. Some forts wee mae f eco th compos ed waar aan (11 84) [8] sed the podutssaed slowly de compos oo stacing.Saioation was aclved Wy cing wih 25% sl pun ai llowing to stand for one watk an hen tery [9]. The ite tras enractd sucunialy mth Genes ad thet ad the seest wat ep Ned The pects om Hatin and so fom eran amounted 1 DDsre ofthe weit ofthe ed water and pred tbe may 246K tatene The sable (aed) ro ates contains ce 20% dhisned we Sintrteuenesuipbonieacie 458 Red 856 ‘Acoing 1 hall and Larence [9] Re Ta composed many (0%) of ats. Gilbert [98] toad tht x. OE i composed of dvs apone ErsaOPof 2.dhno-alphoni sed In another sees of exzenment [9S] dsulponton was ced ost en aizonipionk sods. 18 known that tomatic spn tat fon be Se sulphone by heing wth ogous slp ad pos el bate Sata for detonphoni ait ae very contioverl s apps a ee sughorc cd uta ey deaihonaed [9 Sascqetyweuctne desphonton ws id by methods which do pot Inve the retin oft po Asm ye er 82 ae sue 0) sf 2diniotluee cn desipnontion of 2d sapbonic al w Reiucive desphonaon was sepoted for 2osnitbemensalpbonic 1001) aed 24.6uhseberzneighons to mednivobenons 10] a ae stubeasee (103) repetivey a ot text negate {mile (he ota decoeyne as we Amoes the most impact matodsof anvomaton of the sp ‘Boup the lowing nresevewes by Cite (5) ‘Ariat th amt nse pesrs(108 (13) rotation and reducon age. Sutton of te sulphone Row Pde [10 105} gare poor yield ae wa et esomamiely jeden "Whe experi hyiatie Subitin of $01 wth elon by eating with POC a hen rem: lnk clone with copes The method st Jessel fe 2.46 tooenene Ube) ane 98) Nore promis ithe ection ofthe nit rope flowed by ils of ‘he napon pou 68] (3) Heacion (3) may poses a come cytometer : foes by hyd the lon group (91 C8) ‘The tection 4 td with sabe ed wate, Tey! wa 4% of he "Syeceniy 3 wo ht been veoned on he Gentes of ed wales sith ‘ucts cota amiw nd qateiay amnion po which an or iaube produce wih TMT fond prota wih shoe is sabe ore inthe coune ofthese proses) UF] So fa a slept seomomi HoMiOn Or We Pole of uton of suiponi as per inred wate bis st been fund Ge mana of TNT Bolo Chem method 2 9.17. PEXTAMITROTOLUENE (PNT) ‘The eompount mas prepared by Neen. Coon and comorkers [16] by wx mn af 358 (dueylameo)24.bulicocluee In 30% lest with 90% hydrogen pond st 20-98°C (15) 3,8iamino2 trininctluone was made ascii 10 the ingots method tne 1 The nde ane of ming pois of HN and PNT has eseiy ben ine hy Coun [10] asthe Fes of th omer of sme ie ANT MANUFACTURE (Vo. 1.p 245) mamfacive TNT. A gener tonne tonse ht Matha o @ (0) cea low temperate eve, tte process ail ae Masia Mt ee {shoud be memions her tht pigeon than of DNT to THT hy aspen a pe yi way 189 FO ‘ene cmpeation the nating acd MN BOHR 9 $5-58859, Wit excess of 1037 HINO, (20% HNO a spat sortie 172) he obtain yield of 98% we the erp mt a et Bajo Ohemarr Continans Meth The WoforsChenatr method naw wy in ein many prs ofthe ofindeto Voll pip inctponte ty otoein 1968 [3] he pone wa eV ho = ay Stioly pos led asa tportaneitemedie or dyes and rece prods (Va 1 27%) Nisam i aed ov sontinuoly insists Hough Irom the spent ae by toluene” After extn the pent adres teers the coking uit Toler wich now conta sons notlaese and eit puted om te spent se a ene he ar The pet il 2 Preollie wating. TNT i contnaously washed in sve washing vse, by poe water fo fenine the as. The wars te eqsipped wi dyn Stpaaton The wate water, row aVeloe Water che ent he wah Ingato othe arresting heads dogs nts 2 Sale pufestion. The TNT conunuousy ete wth ellen i ees of wae. The pH ee controlled by pH meter The wate ie ciped with namie wept. The wat wath caed "ee Water tte fared to pei etn uit where waeesetoported saa the ene era materi ut, 4 fos sete washing. Te pues TNT eae costinaosty ia wating stem with pre mate: The washers equipped wih ac pron oe 5. Dring. TNT died by heating with sens 0 8-90°C ae pang hor stquirte ise he meen sda, 6 Stating. he eed THT fos by psy othe Mae which angers (Vel p30, Fi 38) Honest oa ono edu sostng corte speed and cooled ine Sy old rmeig wate 8) segue Seth of mmersion of he drain the men TAT the ticks ese Dai of stor esapped with Cental Sept. ‘The cent separator which are unaly gen an aon the ne tum or wasters Fig 23,20 an be salen he ect wer Tac epitel in Fig. 26. can wed forthe capac a temo blow L380 the 40% Temperanre Doce for TNT Meme a, Yee and coworker [40] deraoped rthod of low te Protason of TNT. Themain etre the mein cont of ot) esta, i Towed y wishing 2500 of te statag mista (90 compotion was gen) Toune (200 fh) wat sb nuoducee Uvough spray at 50°C Gandy the temente fev fo 110°C The (ll ie ws 3 hos ging 5300 of THT 89 yeu Twoatee Poves of Niraon Ths eo wasin we atthe Bake, Won pln of he Pont Co. the oly TNT atry i the country between the to wad was Itc monoiation an comtneé satan foe Shows at ee 7. The charge wae "cooked for hour and te seed to epee mono ol fem the ai. ‘Cen stinieaton monooil wae added very slowly to amined i ae Nino drvanie of phen eter (19 9). Adansks and Oko 8 prepsed a rurber bf mast devas of peta ans Renin tet. or ‘hp, 3 Simeigk 2? AA 66 east dpheny| the. i trae ofan Ve 988), Wh exci ose phen eS oo the exe Some Som oe reat a wae lag Ht mp ain == NO, mandy the hod ee, Cor 1D 1) Sete bar examen elaine Hey (9-582) Meyer [t]. Some relatively new ineest wa poses properties theo lke am show iting properties ‘De to rey lw sb of porn St, hen used as 2 agent foc pram, Aso 4 nggenion wa mae or ng eg 6 ett potas frome mater [i]. The preciind polos al ested wah ate a {lle polos atte wich on riporatoneysaloes Ot i” ‘coed rer ype appeared Jha cowoke (11 si be mentioned of Parker and Read [112] eh fae shown mach Hh are ral ince by soe ner rae tha py esi (15) no anonminson rections AE Sy, At (15) tt the manogaph by by ate of hex Ths hey am ely and soe oy was en [93] (or lag ite sei fom ‘Sone oer aomatc ni smpoande has ATR, TATBandDIPAM Bot hewn SE RU ARa ane Vo RUDRRA, Se pe Per I Cn Hee ; CERT TH fw denn dan Peri der rb ata A - ‘OWMISERY AND RRCHROLDG oF ExROsIVES t NITRO DeRIVarivEs OF Webring HU Ree CHAPTER 7 HEAT RESISTANT EXPLOSIVES ‘het two decades hae brow anew ln of tsuch n xpoes The eh my seca ih 200" 0" In tee sede memes [amas amped with eos sped stages m ep lo ee ove SOU. Une the elses arb press, ene Me TOMB hcl prope i neceny to ee seed hee ee ination. Eve ote charge rst be aad win Sa fives tn le itm a etter say Thee ee ing demand in omection with space poprnmet tor fans comets 2G sable at eletedtenpeauter and low pene Tne mt ove cated exter on highspeed acral ow diodes aa ‘ood heating whch ny re the $2 tha the Trpenes RDA/TATAD an ‘Pertts are listed in Table 1. * SA (Pa sn we hangs amet "Ae rina Semon [Ta ee a xh etn a mimics (TAT hve ho be ne eo rat ‘atrium otc Thee hs en pete owt esi tte pte 3.Dunino2Atantabeniee (DATHY (and 12.Svintes dA Ge snnobezzie TAT) hae fied ae! ancxloses sana the “ec ae Sew opiate cede fe te ys of danni bene (ont) toe Weep eeu fae, ees acme Ta ty erty mestoy mobs sere empene3 Diitoattteten hs ae! ance neal ya DAtD Tate yc eben ened ab _ “yr Sa Me was wpe cris he pepo of dri phate from syphe adn 94% ya L3DNMO‘e2Atabencee an land in 985% yd allowing phosphorous ire ad iyo S99! anime ron (reno sow) n 97 poll Te sean ee DATS 9 lemonstlow colored cata ses ATH in highly expe compos te a ben deed nse pens nett tect tel sb nt age masa the tps tener lt ahh sag bead ne ny argc ey a a ane Lat Hohe cosy ao rate Subcqienty Koby aa Wane fash caine) aniston tegnal expansion been 214 and 377 K by ny eee of ¥¥¥ QL KX aS ste) conden of two moles by rating wth «ry of Dowder aa divert to ohaln33mehony 22 4 ge ne 44 (0) anton t 33 danino2 46 acumen ‘Seng armen no a soluion oe rate Senettucl,etahydrofuan or tylere-metsna’ trainee In dion tote sity of ts expose to wie ph aes seine to deca dha eae ee he ‘SITRO DERIVATIVES OF BIRENZYL ANDSTILRENE [No ert of bien an sbere ae of cnsdeb tye sons: sae often ae proced hy ene hee a ts ert Pd (some tem show ey High ming panes a ‘iidedasclacalenampes of eplnescsiaplugs epee Neale dnc tne eae ey tit em ot mat wy kh as Sid fone uN laut and Rytina [19] reetaine! che Finding of eater works. They ‘tated ken! and 4 deerobibuyl ug 100% nti acd od chutes B2AS terantioibemyl (mp. ITA) with OE yee of te ee rod. Th pact out nt be irae Farther ans ma safe Co Fmd 90% HNO, spare et (457 HS0,) and lum {157 S05) ina steambath for 7 eligi th format of 278 ponent {ey (mp 187 188°C) anda elatsy sl aunt e108) ot hae strobes IV), (3 wwe Yielisd 10° of hexaniodpen td Untanged pentntromberl. Com pound V wh estas from seta hud mip 213 215°C Sp and A Rapa (20) state ten ng pun at 208 leu te lemperatirerangea 120° for sO hrangobtamed th profet nde yd Netter Ht nd Ryn or Riera anid Aatnson we bee oan ths wap actives by Shipp and Kagln [20] wh found that TOT could be braze to hesasiteibeny oe Hexantontoen se oun hypoehlche 25 the oi apent Ts, he oberon 9 Wil (17 pond to setae Ths wn substance by Cert [Si] ho eed realy rslen at °C and amore concemate hypo sation, the yi mt 82 Aoter proses [20] come ie teat ma ers of be bao fenies wi minirooletew sot Hydrol ntti 2.6. Istranitcbeny! (mp. 179 1S) aed 2,2 ABO pentantaetesy 9 Recery an Hing pet appeared 36) whieh conse i ontative souplng of wo moles of IMT inte reece ob, oxen ands ase itl aaj, forex, coat naptenate at 50°C in the perc DMSO as se or cpr spate Toe mata was names oy Galaga Hayes [4]. They td one TNT ina in the presence of varios ata, for expe any SO, Dorie Inthe presence fase KOH and igme A hgh yd (8) ‘es ootied. Atte gh ld (538) wa gen by Raia (3 om) nates KOM and ine ™ CMSTAY AND TECHNOLOGY OF ENFLiNEs (Som + on on min Cm Nay aheaie sd ssninn fos ly 20 ‘cveastiy Ano TECHNOLOGY OF ExROSIVES ese fo the fet ine by Kress [25] nboabtanes 24a beni rp. 266-2670) by warming 24datrbenyt elon wth pot ‘sum hydrouide in ethane. The reaction bd ot se to be sce when 2Aestininobeney bromide wes asd atthe sang mae some 40 Be Finding of Rech snd coors (Veb I 9410), Shop (24) obied 27 44 athens (NS) in 3 yl y (G) Tee posit maid at 16 mi ort Soran Q uo, Hat 108°C shone the ling pit ofthe pods shed by Heth The frets of he compound follows Thm he shes fate pen by Supp 21 2 Prpaton by oxidation of miro derives of tere. suber of sets imoling int appoch he bets vloed. They cn Bead ter, {hes of bo bibeay and spe. Ths, Gen aed ca worse [26] hme ‘iniotenyt (a9. T40-I8PC) by vung pote. a setion mixture was warmed 4-dinitrosibene relied. Green and Radley [27] veaced 24nicrauese wih dine i te peeve of pine Ih Potty byron salto in than at 40" SOC and eae 2 84 eeantosbene (mp. 280-20), ‘Shipp and Kept [20] obtained°6.6 texaiosbene (115) by nding TNT wh stom hyatecote, The meted comb n Song 10 cso 3% sham pole slain to bled elton fpr af INP [0 paruoF methane The wlson awe to stand at anblet eerste 0 NS secptats aa inept peace. The pot i cywalled ‘rm eoenzene to wd ple elu clured nds Th meni oie "estan shown action (9), eis poate to sit 2.8 tsntvobenyl cle the nolan po uct echiond2 Aa iphevanteobbensl by sopRog the rein shor {hs nde an svete preparative etn foe bie rea the {Cus ser of ractoe wichha Bes te oy known oh eo pound P81 TINS at or age arse amples witha miro ries epost 18) a snd [8]. Fe const in ceacting itrcbereylbaides it potassium toute 4 intrestnee reste 17] sae pon oF HN ons he ted Kit Supp NITRO DERIVATIVES OF AROMATIC AZA PENTALENES Te cna 3.4 erase HTACUOT HIND oot ie chensere ing pes expse unas ogy hp temperature subiy eo] TACO. wich i cpa to ‘sell teense 4-TS an ep pow as shermal stay Pe RCOT was dese for he i tine i 19808 patent [30 nate spec Cand ceweres [36] Huts espe of his rappers ete ete 1s be sie! fhe teuaneapenene by detain. Te pce [29] cmt 30 puta foming nic mao po eo anseraarapetlne iene aise na, i IS mn, ts mate ete to °C a ‘taeda ht tener To nto 13 min pd, The omne ‘ured aatres powed ie nearer fo yd TACOT ish cn Be lire tm Jey fame, The pode! ota’ compel merous bors af tetantodenso Sabaeraapnske, depending the post a te nt guy ot, met pore ech se Nowe Howto: Appennix oxide (method of . Ube and Sf, Vol, 9.94) whch as not ben The authr of his book CHAPTER 8 ‘es ALIPHATIC NITRO COMPOUNDS te expres by sn Vol . (ol Lp. 579) rl. Th In he couse of he tat wo decades the chemisty of alpha nino com ‘Raney of cctound ve ben stein sn there ‘eenen 1950 and 1860 incensed ier ie oer teeta conse. The ‘herity ofthis relatively ignoned fel. “ MONONITRO ALKANES (cute i, Vt op Boba be sofas fr this emadaie proces and soneguenty ks thera! soa he Emons and Pian (32) aed ‘PP. Lew atemne wat paid fo she maton of ent nth oes ‘to neo compounds with 3 ytd of up 098 m ‘CuEMISTRY XO TEeANOLOGY OF EXHLOSWES 2) byte atyaono sve nizote sis G) bythe recone nie ene ‘Method (0) has comidersle ination, a the witvons exer dconnes ‘ea to yl ui ae skys and Keene, oem 3). Sts of ntoni acid an eecompas ety in dane lady dangerut asl of smear (al Ip se sodium ul of nttomiethane can expat noenouched with xp ‘The shen of toni acd and erties ie avery ade Fld ad he ‘ea shoul ont an excellent mons evew ty Rae 3] loc as wth diz methane ‘he TSladdion tescton (Chapter WY, Vol p18) Dy Acting nace ofthe Sire Group The mio group teats pati ye ‘Shon rato wc a ae ndton of dacs cee aoc ‘create Nich adton, leh -Altr acon arctan Tea The tener soa be adv Yocom ren by Haran Ua J. Alo addon andthe Maric retin (Vl | 5-186). Te oie tin ractn of noses wt cash ats (pct aera 6] oe nec ages m estan Tel Pea pin othe Praady noceorthy se pean, by ana Rey e+ $51 Fuh, Yoshimura and coven [46 SI] sed oer pn nr (2) Restn ores (£33 and [6]. A oat method of prepa Bons by Mila an a (S) ih spd othe Mannich rection the monoguph, or example, ato 7 sho oe eomndes tion says nd Wit [8] sted potas Moe as ice! addin of nitvorsethae to's Gouble bond. Aa Sly ungted by Yan eof (9) m ety ete ons) The work of an of alton mar coated Hor, for exanple,methlaerylte and sedan see anes prsintrahaes were appd donors, Nic sh Feed coisas wth KHF,, DHF and Cif The ind ean fehl wh compounds contig tute Fone wees 60 nd DOR ne (SF Atwrnainey,sitoakanes canbe ase to an acted doable son, (8) teil pare 4. Reaction of ritromeshane wth priate. Daw [62] 8 number panes nce 1986 [63] hn dod an ntereig sie te mato somatic nlsocompounds by wactrgmonethane wt piss fe Feschloat) sbautted in postins 246 mba red (ath il In om 28 By plodict of he ection ae cydahenslindn erates. 4 Nraons a ating ant FrindelOatsreatons, Antti aston was een eported by Cua and cowore [Tey fund tha FedelCnfts ection of ten o etary nto coroungs wih tence sare nomal allylation products (8) and (9) respects. »Nitepopare ene ‘nee (1) subject rte tsonmans te CO) ae HO Or

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